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Taal web-alchemist
Aspiring farmer/cattle herder. Currently a CPU/GPU prompt engineer.

Lake Washington Institute of Technology

Nguyen Pham nguyenfamj

Helsinki, Finland

Front:HTML CSS Javascrip webgl mcu:ESP8266/32 Raspberrypi 3b/Pico Arduino uno/nano ZYNQ 7010 EBAZ4205/4203 S9

Spark Home China

Bhushan Wagh bhushan6
Learning to develop the stuff for web.


Ahmed Thabit AhmedThabit
I am passionate about Computer Vision, ML, DL and artificial intelligence .I always learn stuff and keep on learning.

DLECS (Cairo University Lab) Egypt, Cairo

Srijan Bhattacharyya. srijan-76448
BTW I use Arch with i3wm



Fun studios (unoffical) Not telling

Koolkatze Koolkatze
Noobie for life, unique for ever...
Donivan Fox Donivan
Staff iOS Software Engineer

Palm Springs, California

sanjit singh scarletknight11
I am a recent graduate with a B.S in Computer Science. My interests are in Game Dev, VR/AR/MR, Simulations, Robotics, AI for Games, HCI, wearables, and Biotech.

Imaging Reality & Insights Solution

Vineet Sharma vineetsharma14
Interdisciplinary Researcher with diverse skill set in the domains of Generative AI, Computer Vision, Natural Lauguage Processing.


Smooth E Smooth-E
An aspiring application and game developer.
þēodrīċ theodric
░S░H░I░T░P░O░S░T░S░ ░I░N░ ░P░R░O░F░I░L░E░
Shardul Bankar shardulsb08
Kernel Hacker, Happy to be alive.
