Emanuele Galardo
🎓 Dottore in Informatica | Appassionato di Ricerca e Innovazione
@UniversitaDellaCalabria Crotone,Italy
Niccolò Maltoni
Software engineer at Diennea / MagNews.
Mainly JVM programmer (Java, Kotlin, Scala), also trying to be good in JS and .NET worlds.
@diennea Forlì, Italy
Lisa Ferro
Hello! I'm a PostDoc at DESY/Zeuthen. The stuff here is mostly personal codes, but if you find anything useful for you feel free to take it.
Giovanni Pedrelli
Physics student @unibo
Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi" Bologna, Italy
Lover of technology and innovation
with a keen interest in numbers, economic science, Data Scientist, Big Data and High-Dimensional Econometric Models.
United Kingdom
Lorenzo Bazzanini
I am a PhD student in Astrophysics at the University of Ferrara. I study gravitational lensing using Deep Learning techniques. I am also a GNU/Linux enthusiast.
University of Ferrara Ferrara, Italy