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Ademar Tellecher AdemarTellecher
Software Engineer

DBS - Direct Business Solutions Brasil

Peter Ponert peterponert

Greater Toronto Area, Canada

Stewart X Addison sxa
Ex-IBMer. Adoptium (ex-AdoptOpenJDK) Steering Committee. Node.js core collaborator. Sysadmin of most UNIXes looking for ways to automate my way out of stuff

@redhatofficial UK

Shelan Ravin de Livera shelan-de-livera
Cloud | DevOps | BSc Computer Science (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) - First Class Honours

Colombo, Sri Lanka

matyseeeek matejzvikl23

Neschopenka Czech

David Braz David-Braz
"Programming is the art of turning imagination into reality, byte by byte."

UNIP - Universidade Paulista São Paulo - Brasil

Isaac Vicente isaacvicente
Yet another Computer Science student and Arch Linux user.

@Guardians-DSC Campina Grande, PB, Brazil

Muntasir Mahmud MuntasirSZN
Linux Enthusiast, Arch User, Web Dev, React Coder, Next.js, Learning To Become Full Stack


Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
DJ Ward djcrystals
Weather nerd. Music junkie. Linux lover. Crack Android flasher. Husband, father of two....

3M Buffalo

Este este0207
Dev Web - 20 ans


Max Cantor maxcan7
Machine Learning Engineer

New York City

Pankaj-Leo Pankaj-Leo
Learner for life, a technologist for a living.
Sebastien Serre serresebastien
Cloud Architect, DevOps and developer. Technology as a Service!

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Warsaw

Chishty Shai Nomani chishty479
Business Professional with interactive IT Skills

AdMun Netherlands

Karl Hans Laurits rejoice4156
Currently studying systems administration at TalTech University and working part time as a systems administrator and it admin at Vanalinna Hariduskolleegium.


Zhengcheng FAN zhengchengfan

Beijing Normanl University

KingsWoman KingsWoman13
A total nerdy girl who loves coding, gaming, building PCs and fantasy films and series. Also a big fan of Magic the Gathering and D&D
