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daoge smartcmd
Programmer & Student From China


warasugitewara warasugitewara
hello!!! I make discord bots and Minecraft mods. We also develop plugins and browser extensions. java& Python apprentice

W_IRO々 JAPAN(Hokkaido)

David NonSwag
I ❤️ open source

@TheNextLvl-net third planet from the sun

RODRIGO studentrodrigocbsa
Perfil de estudos

Somewhere in what we call a point in the Universe

Aidan Christie Shini9000
Just a dude who sits at the PC all day... Current projects - HWP Day Z, MallowsUniverse, Darkspace: Frontier

@MallowsUniverse UK, Scotland

Pierre Maurice Schwang PierreSchwang
Doing software in the public sector (E-Government)


Alexander Leschanz Creative-Difficulty
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.

unemployed Austria

Paul Tavitian themuzzleflare

Central Coast, New South Wales

Yuray Yuray-Dev
Germany 18 Discord: yuray_


JvstinXz jvstinxz
non-relevant person


Udoy UdoyBH


sync. syncwrld
Brazilian Java and Kotlin Developer. Skilled with JDA, SQL/NoSQL databases, SpringBoot, etc. Passionate about exploring new projects and technologies.

@SometricLabs são luís, ma - brasil with s

Koala KoalaServers
KoalaServers - The One-Stop Australian Server!

KoalaServers Sydney

Daniel Andrade danielgppa
Junior Java Developer | Java EE | Spring Boot | Technology Enthusiast
Joel Strasser joestr
Software-Developer, Administrator, likes the colour RAL 3015

LEEB Balkone GmbH Radenthein


United States

Ramtin Kosari RamtinKosari
Even the Tiniest of Actions Can Change the Future - Casey Newton


ItsDan1el ItsDan1el
an idiot trying to code

Shanghai, China

useful_developer10 KITKGT0921

MIT computer science 22

Phillipp Glanz TheMeinerLP
Owner of @OneLiteFeatherNET & Admin of projects.

@Jambit Germany

Andy AndyReckt
Andy - A stupid coder from France Too lazy to actually code something

@ School In my bed

@ByteExceptionM ByteExceptionM
Software developer since 2016

@iwmedia Hamburg, Germany