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Rameson Jacó JacobbV

QyuDev. Patos, Brazil

Wallace Espindola wallaceespindola
Sr. Software Engineer & Architect, Backend Java & Python Dev, Tech-Writer & Speaker

W-Tech IT Solutions Brussels

GoisNeto goisneto

São Luis, MA, Brasil

Keidson Roby keidsondesigner

Brasil - Amazonas/Manaus

Samuel de Alcantara Pereira SamuelAlcantara
Angular, Node and Java.

São Paulo

Marcello Joaquim da Silva marcellojoaquim
Bachelor's in computer science, focused on backend development, software architecture, software quality and automated tests.
Genemes Souza Genemes
Software Developer at Basis

Basis Home office

Hyarlei Silva Freitas hyarlei
I'm a Full-Stack developer passionate about technology and knowledge. I am open to new experiences and knowledge.

Universidade Federal do Ceará Itapiúna/Quixadá, CE - Brasil

Rafael Neri rafael-neri
#PHP #Javascript #Node #Python #Linux


Roberto Assumpção RobertoAssumpcao
I hold a degree in Computer Science. In 2020, I had the honor of being a finalist at Hacking Rio 2020 and I'm the creator of the project Cristal Map.
Lucas Martendal Martenda

UDESC; BMsoft Commercial Systems Santa Catarina, Brazil

Bruno Feijó brunofeijo

Teletronic Brasília