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Jarkko Saltiola jasalt
Making, bookmarking, testing and improving tools and services, mostly around web, databases and garbage collected mainstream runtimes.

Freelancer Finland, Helsinki

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

João Fernando Apel Miguel joaoapel
Engenheiro Agrícola tentando programar

Cascavel - PR

Erich Ocean erichocean

Xy Group Ltd North Carolina

Nuno Roberto theworld365
Obsessed about Data, ML, AI, Analytics, Data Strategy, Governance, and Stewardship. I also dabble on RPAs. APAs, and everything else in between. Data Lakes rock


Bruce Durling otfrom
Clojurian, emacshead, data munger, CEO at Mastodon C

Mastodon C Dundee, Scotland