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Tom Matthews tomtastic

Amazon AWS (@aws) London

Petri Jehkonen pjehkonen
Contributor of Data Science and Cryptography.


Amrish Hallberg pineappleiceberg
Interested in cyber warfare, high-performance computing, cryptography, and mathematics. Proficient in Verilog, C, python, and various forms of assembly
Jamie Jamie-Cui
It's possible to build a cabin with no foundations, but not a lasting building.

@ecnu Hangzhou, China

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Muhammad Reza Z'aba mrzgh
My source code playground
Maciej Sawka msaw328


Thom Wiggers thomwiggers
Cryptography Researcher at @PQShield

@PQShield The Netherlands

Daniel Page danpage

University of Bristol Bristol, UK