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Constanza Vega cvegao

University of Valencia Valencia, Spain

Hailey Robertson haileyrobertson
PhD Student, Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases

Yale School of Public Health New Haven, CT

Rafa Lopes rafalopespx
Interested in the dynamics and its signatures on the time series variability on epidemics Working on DENV, CHIKV, ZIKV, and climate change

Yale University, Yale School Of Public Health USA

Adam H. Sparks adamhsparks
Professor of Biometry and Agricultural Data Analytics. Editor at @ropensci

CCDM-CBADA Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Pierre Casadebaig picasa
Agronomy, crop science, modeling and simulation. Explorations in algorithmic art.

@INRAE France

Fernanda Costa fecostabio
Ecology, Assistant Professor at UnB

Universidade de Brasília Brasília, DF

Pamela C Santana SantanaPC
Postdoc in SPACE (Speciation, Adaptation and Co-evolution) group

Lund University Lund - Sweden

Erika Barthelmess erethizon
Biology professor at St. Lawrence University where I also direct the @NatureUpNorth project and co-lead the @NorthCountryRUsersGroup. I study porcupines.

St. Lawrence University Canton, NY

Ilán Shalom shalomilan

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Bryan M Maitland bmait101
Research fish biologist @ RMRS

US Forest Service (work) + personal projects Boise, ID

Gabriel Dansereau gabrieldansereau
Ph.D. Candidate in Computational Ecology at @PoisotLab, Université de Montréal

Université de Montréal Montréal, Québec, Canada

Ilana Milkes Espinosa imilkes
founder, systems designer, future quant and data scientist.

Planet Earth

Carly Lovas carlylovas
Localizing and contextualizing broad scale climate, ecosystem, and fisheries change at @gulfofmaine


Camilo García camilogarciabotero
Biologist interested in applying bioinformatics and DS tools to understand evolution in different organisms. Currently working on bacteriophages and epigenomics

Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia

Simon Babayan SimonAB
Researcher at the School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow

James Kitson James-Kitson
Molecular ecologist studying ecological networks and molecular diagnostics Also member of @NewcastleUni-NetworkEcologyGroup @NCL-PPD @HullUni-bioinformatics

@NewcastleUni-NetworkEcologyGroup Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Leonardo Uieda leouieda
Professor of Geophysics • I study the Earth using tiny disturbances in its gravity and magnetic fields, from global 🌎 to microscopic 🔬 scale

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil

Wei XIE xiewei18
🐋 Still ongoing!

Fudan University Shanghai, China

MSc Computational Science: Physics graduate at UiO. Background in Physics and Biology. Software Engineer at DNB 🌱 🎧 🐚 🎣 🦔

University of Oslo Oslo, Norway

Callum Arnold arnold-c
PhD candidate studying infectious disease epidemiology

Penn State University State College, PA

Felix Nößler FelixNoessler
Doctoral student in ecological modelling

FU Berlin Potsdam

Olivier Gimenez oliviergimenez
Scientist. Statistical ecology. Modelling and conservation sciences.

CNRS Montpellier

Frederico Mestre FMestre1
I'm a biologist dedicated to spatial ecology, biogeography and food web ecology.

CCMAR, University of Algarve Faro, Portugal

Nelly J. Pacheco-Cruz NellyJazminPC
A biologist and currently a PhD student

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico

Matheus Moroti mmoroti
📈 Post doc at UNICAMP 👨‍🎓 PhD. Ecology and Conservation 🗺️ Data science, community ecology and macroecology
Ollin Langle ollin18
Postdoc in Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA