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99bomber5 99bomber5
I am a Python beginner.Slow is fast.
Joyal James joyaljms98
A passionate MCA student with a Data Science Certification. Loves making stuffs, comparing, finding insights and the ability to predict using ML (obviously).

Changanacherry, Kottayam

شمويل القرشي almarshenwan
🇸🇦 Jeddah [email protected] +966506515687 ⚛️ Atheist

MSOMs Jeddah

Xiaowei Song dawnsong
Robust, Machine learning, Big data, Healthcare, MRI, cryoEM

GDIT + NIDA, NIH Maryland

love yyt loveyytforever
I am just a math enthusiast, interested in deep learning, high-precision calculations, and partial differential equations.
Jorge Júnior jorgeddsjnr
J O R G E J Ú N I O R 👑 ▫️ Desenvolvedor Web | 🐺 @jorgeddsjnr@anoovyecreative.

anoovye creative. Brasil


orporated west vegina

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Biel Souza bielsouza1981
Consultor e Operador Técnico de Vídeo, especializado em eventos sociais, corporativos e culturais.

BS Soluções Digitais Brasil