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Christian Roth Christian-Roth

@goYippi-labs @studio-adhoc Berlin, Germany

Ralf Wiechers Drivingralle
WordPress & WooComemrce consultant. Love working agile and from CoWorkingSpaces.

Cross Media Cloud Kiesby | Germany

­Jason Prime Brainhub24
Admin, Developer, SCRUM Master, Troubleshooter, Watchdog


Carsten Bach carstingaxion
Media designer, DIY stagedesigner and WordPress lover for a long time. Together with my wife I do puppetry during the day and at night.

freelance germany

Julian j3po
This is mainly a personal account for OSS work that I use outside of my regular job as a senior engineer at Fraunhofer IIS.


Medical Data Scientist.

Erlangen, Germany

Wolfgang Wiese xwolfde
Seit 1994 aktiv im Netz, Netizen, Speaker, Autor, Entwickler, Projektleiter, Abteilungsleiter im Regionalen Rechenzentrum Erlangen (RRZE)

Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen (RRZE) Erlangen

Benjamin Klemencic thenickless
I've been online since 1994, building websites since September 1, 1996, and believe in preserving the Internet's original concept.

Point Nemo

Roman Kindl zu83buka

Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany