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Chunyan She Shecyy

Southwest University Chongqing, China

Shen Zhang ColsonZhang

ShanghaiTech University ShangHai

Qin Xinyue place-bo
EVS, AI for Science, Analog/mixed-signal VLSI design. @ SITP, CAS

Shanghai Inst. of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SITP,CAS). Shanghai

Yukai Shen ksnof
PhD student in EECS
Shi Guo GuoShi28
Young researcher at the Shanghai AI Lab.


Yue Cao happycaoyue
Interested in low-level vision problem. Second-year PhD candidate at HIT-IIL. Supervised by Prof. Wangmeng Zuo.

Harbin Institute of Technology

Ali Abdelkader aliabdelkader
Software Engineer

Cairo, Egypt

Stelios Tzelepis steltze


jerry jerry520-coder
Planning and Control Engineer


Zuowen Wang ZuowenWang0000
I do research in SW/HW co-design for efficient DL and event cameras. Open to related jobs/internships.

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich Zurich

vad babushkin vad-babushkin
programmatore / ingegnere / tecnico


Seeye Estellasy
Master student in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Pablo Linares-Serrano pablinser
ECE PhD Student @ JHU

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

Tony Fu tonyfu97
Research assistant at UW Bair Lab. I study convolutional neural networks and animal/computer vision.
Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Raunak Singh Rajpal RaunakSRajpal
Third year student at IIT KGP.
Pablo Salguero Quirós PabloSQ93

Universidad de Sevilla Sevilla, Spain

Alexander Graening alexandergraening

University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California

Dhananjay Joshi DjSPIT

Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai, India

João Ascenso jascenso
Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Portugal

Anand Babu ABnano
Enthusiastic Learner: Assisting in Marrying Nano Science with Machine Learning

Ko Dae Won DavidKo3
Chungbuk Natianal Univ. Math Major Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) Information and Telecommunication Major (Computer Vision)
