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Mitja O dee-me-tree-or-love
👋 Hello there! | Full-stack engineer | Research enthusiast
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Olivier Duquesne DaffyDuke
Culture: Site Reliability Engineering Consultant / Job : Systems Administrator

Techsys France

Hisuko KamiFujioka
WebDev & DevOps engineering
Christopher Zénon-Fall czenon1

@Castellum - ZipCeption France

Alessio Nardin AlessioNar
IT & policy professional. I focus on the use of AI & Semantic technologies for the legal and policy domains


Corentin poupryc

ESIEE Paris France

Sebastien Nobour daproclaima
Your SaaS developed in 1 month Freelance full-stack developer (Typescript, React, Next, Node, AWS, Docker...) Agile, Lean and Continuous Delivery

Devedanos Maastricht, Netherlands

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Guillaume NEGRO GN13008
Web Engineer ~ Freelance Atelier GND


Matthieu Mazera matthieu-mazera

Paris-Est Marne&Bois et CCAS Mairie Joinville-Le-Pont Ile de France

Néphélim Cohen nephcode
Code is art. I do my best. I use magic. I feel the flow of information. I love Blockchain and A.I. I Improve myself everyday.

Illuminateam Paris

Pierre Ozoux pierreozoux
Developing a libre kubernetes distribution Redecentralizing the web with

@indiehosters France

Aurélien Duboc zteeed
Freelance Cloud Engineer - DevOps/SRE

Paris, France


Horizon! Switzerland

Gugustinette Gugustinette
22 years old | Music Composer | Web Developer

Enedis Nantes, France

Nicolas Pieper nclsppr
Alumni Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest & Université de Sherbrooke

@victorbuckservices Metz, France

Arthur Pastel art049
Founder @CodSpeedHQ 🐰 Building tools to make your software faster ⚡️ Chasing more tech than time allows

@CodSpeedHQ New York