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David Shane DShaneNYC

Optiquity, Inc. New York, NY

Ting reat-coder
Being on the way to studying fundamental particles question and plasma
Danila Osipov DanilaAniva
Привет! Меня зовут Данила 🧊 ТГ @LichPlease 🏙️ Живу в Москве Занимаюсь машинным обучением (ML\DS) и аналитикой данных. Развиваю свои навыки


EricPeng xiaogangpeng

Northeastern University Boston

Mikel Zhobro jotix16
PhD student in robot learning

Autonomous Learning @ University of Tuebingen

Liu Zehao TonyBlur
Learning to program my life. I am Liu Zehao, one who's learning Educational Technology, power education with programming.
Kelly Chen jiajiachen

NanJing China

SeungWon Jeong svvj

University of Melbourne Melbourne, Australia

Li Ji Royce17
Li Ji. Nankai to Tsinghua to Nowhere. Nothing but happiness.

Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

lm humanainer

Priv AI lover Poland

joseph ibrahim joe002
visual effect artist working in film and art.

joseph omar Brooklyn, NY

Shawn R10836

Zhejiang University

Mateusz Bieniek bieniekmateusz
Computational chemist.


王秉成 wbc10315558


Machine Learning +
chenwei RobinsChens
java devops engineer

panyunshuke Shenzhen, China

Rui Wang (王瑞) muxuezzz
September 2017~June 2021 Hubei University. September 2021~present Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Computer Science and Technology.

Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications China