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Naufal Rizky Falzz1010
"Don't give up just because of a code error. Every bug is a step closer to mastery!" 🚀

Idcamp React Developer Intermediate Indonesia

Erico Rahmad D ericorahmad1
Hi, I'm Erico. I'm a professional software quality assurance engineer with experience in cybersecurity and software development. Nice to meet you!

Remote / WFA Denpasar, Bali

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Fase R. Baradika baradika
Cybersecurity Enthusiast
andihmdfzn Nimitzzzz
Just lurking trying new things in tech industries
Marchello Putra Ramadhan sch24r
Linux Enthusiast.

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya

yuanda yuandahanif
I do nothing


Azka Ainul Ma'arij lawbyte
Just a simple guy


Alexander Agung Raya AlexanderDev2004

State Polytechnic of Malang Banyuwangi,java east

Rifki Angga Rfkiangg
Graphic Designer based in Indonesia, focusing in clean and thoughtful visuals!
muqsith barru pamungkas indonumberone
you believe in yourself you will be unstoppable

Muqsith Indonesia

DevOps / DevSecOps

DevOps Crew and Hacker Team New York, NY

Student | New in Cyber Security | Part of bin2hex
Pras addbel0
I do bug hunting and ctf sometimes


Zero ZeroxxID
Hotaru My Wife <3

@AXV-International Indonesian

Maulvi Alfansuri maulvialf
Interested in Infosec and Reverse engineering. Play CTF on RE and Binary Exploit.


Rexy rexyfahrezi
Computer & Information Security Enthusiast
Tran Minh Tuan 7und3dpy
Dev - Hack


Prayoga Sungkowo yogasungkowo
Sarjana PHP

@PTPN4-Regional-II-Produksi-App Medan

Muhammad Zahran zran147
Computer Science student interested in Competitive Programming and Cyber Security

IPB University Bogor, Indonesia

Shreethaar Arunagirinathan shreethaar
Anita Max Wynn

Penang, Malaysia

Aria Fatah ariafatah0711
Just learn Coding

@dev-indo Depok, Jawa Barat

Cipto Yafig Adiwongso Yafigg
My name is Yafig. I currently want to learn Cyber Security and become a CTF Player.

SMKS Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang Malang, Indonesia

danieldd Danieldd28
I'm still learning about code.
Hilmy Pratama mxzyy
Average IT Student


Muhammad Khoirul Huda HudaStillLearning
Panggil aku Huda😁

State Vocational High School 1 of Gedangan Indonesia

Jep. Valcar-ies

Telkom University Indonesia

Yehezkiel Wiradhika yehezkiel1086
Ex-Penetration Tester at DPTSI ITS | Fullstack Software Developer and Security Engineer at Volvinco

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, East Java

Nicolas Saputra Gunawan jon-brandy
Junior Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR) Consultant || CTF Player at @PETIRsec , @Bread-Yolk , and Lil L3ak || @ImaginaryCTF Board Member

PT ITSEC Asia Tbk Jakarta, Indonesia

Agus Prasetyo 404GH0ST
Infosec Enthusiast.