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Rodolfo Marraffa rodolv-commons
Previously in philosophy and cognitive science. Software dev at @gbv.

Berlin, DE

Clemens Ludwig clemludw

Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hannover

aka thoth
Daniel Silva Ferreira danielsf93
Geografia - FFLCH - USP

@usp Cotia - SP

Jochen Toebe JochenToebe
Bitte hier malvaufräumen!!


Lukas C. Bossert LukasCBossert
Data driven classicist.


Zack Batist zackbatist
Postdoc at McGill University. Interested in data-sharing infrastructures and the collaborative experiences that scaffold open science (especially archaeology)

McGill University Montreal

Joe Roe joeroe
Computational archaeologist and research software engineer. Currently working on @xronos-ch and @archaeo-social.

University of Copenhagen Denmark

N. Frerebeau nfrerebeau
Archaeologist, research engineer at @crp2a

Université Bordeaux Montaigne France

Clemens Schmid nevrome
Computational archaeologist

MPI EVA Leipzig (Germany)

Hammad Salaudeen SupremeDimeji
what to say?

West Africa

Nolwenn Le Goff NolwennLeGoff

École Nationale d'Architecture de Lyon

Nikolai Paukkonen nikolaipaukkonen
Archaeologist, PhD researcher, CS student
Dan eighttrigrams
🚀 Functional Programming. Backend Development. Clojure, Elixir, Haskell.


Daniel danielmarreirosdeoliveira
Apart from programming, interested in: semantics, models, knowledge- and concept-formation, philosophy.


Onur Özbalaban Ksatura
Unofficial archaeology engineer.

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Istanbul, Turkey