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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Marius Mariusfaitducode
Computer science student


Mauricio Gutierrez Lopez maolopez1
SysOps, DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps, GCP/AWS architect, Manager Technology.

Publicis Sapient Toronto

Thierry Chantier titimoby
Geek, musician, coder and maker that loves sharing knowledge. Developer Advocate @ovhcloud as day job. Founder of Mixteen for the kids
Sohail Hosseini shosseini811
PhD in Electrical Engineering

Cleveland, OH

Rüveyda ŞAHİN ruveyda123
Data Scientist


JasonZhu Belyenochi
Life's Not Out To Get You

@Kesci ShangHai

Thinking Chen cdmikechen
Software Engineer in Shangyuan | Apache Submarine PMC

@shangyuantech ShenYang.China

Artem leipreachan

@dataiku London

Sanj Chakravorty sanjc
CTO @ EDMTunes 🎧 Senior Data Engineer @ UPSTACK 👾 University of Florida 🏫 The Flatiron School 👨🏾‍🎓


Tushar Chandra me-tusharchandra
IIITD'25 ECE | YouTuber | AI/ML Engineer

@IIIT-Delhi New Delhi, India

R Max Espinoza rmax
#artificialintelligence #machinelearning #python

Milence Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Daniel Flores devniel
I love to create things by code.

Rounded ⎯ ex @CRITEO @IBM Paris, France.

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Creative-Cri creative-cri
Data Science, AI, ML: Python, SQL, Numpy, Pandas, Matplolib, Seaborn, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, NLP, LLM, Power BI, Tableau, Azure, AWS
