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Tom Dhanabhon Dhanabhon
CTO & Co-founder @aptx-dev

@aptx-dev Bangkok, Thailand

Rodolfo Guerrero scar813710

Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia

Frederico Maia fredmaiaarantes
CEO at Meteor Software, the company behind @meteor and Galaxy.

@meteor Florianópolis, Brazil

Naveen Kumar H D Naveenhd51
The only way to improve your coding skills is to share your knowledge and help others ☝️

Tech Mahindra India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Alan Szmyt szmyty

Boston, Massachusetts

TATIANA BARROS tatyquebralayout
Technology Evangelist at Expresso-TS | Colunista Tech @midianinja | TEA/ADHD
Tony Thai trungthaihieu93-dev
Developer, Dreamer and Doer!

Innovation Labs Vietnam

Simar Randhawa simarnrandhawa
Passionate about crafting user-friendly, responsive websites and applications. Experienced in front-end and back-end development, with expertise in modern frame

Surrey, BC

Jakub Wąsik Eghizio
Full-Stack Developer 🎓 AGH   #selftaught

Schibsted Kraków, Poland

Mateus Santos Paula Mateus-S
Desenvolvedor de soluções para os seus problemas :)

Belo Horizonte MG Brasil.

Vinicius Gomes vini-dev-study
Desenvolvedor de Software Back-end | Javascript | Node.js | SQL | SQLite | PostegreSql | Git | Express | API

Linx / Stone.Co Suzano Sao Paulo

Diego Alex Faria Lustosa diegolustosa
Dois Vizinhos, Paraná, Brasil. Estudante de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.
James Thanawat naijamesz
Self taught Web developer.

Phuket, Thailand

Nicholas Silva Robotz213

Fonseca Melo Viana Advocacia Brazil

Guilherme Frotas
Web Developer and enthusiast security information.

São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Caio César caiocesar7
Researcher and Software Developer

Gaivota São Paulo, Brasil

Gabriel Carlos GabrielCSTR
- Full Stack Web Developer -

Fortics Brasil, Fortaleza - CE

Danyel Varejão danyelvarejao

Brazil - Pernambuco - Recife

Kawe Morais kawemorais
Desenvolvedor Java | Spring Boot | AWS


Bruna Garcia brunagarcia
Dog mom, technology enthusiast, sci-fi nerd.

PaxtonAI Vancouver, BC

Fred Recco fredrecco
Software Developer

Suzano, São Paulo

Thiago Massari Guedes thiagomg Vancouver

Guilherme Viana GuilhermeMViana
Front end at @FIAP

São Paulo, Brazil

Bruno Uemura buemura
Software Engineer | Brazil - Campinas, SP


Marcos Jhollyfer Felix Rodrigues emaiyu
Engenheiro de Software, com experiência no desenvolvimento de sistemas multiplataformas, arquitetura de software e automação de processos

Amazonas, Brazil

ValdeCans valdecans
DevCans é um estudante de agronomia e da linguagem Dart e o framework Flutter. Buscando o conhecimento computacional afim de criar soluções.
Luis Valenzuela MrLuisKiller

Sonora, Mexico

Baraka Larbi -BLK- larbibaraka
i'm a night 🦉, Software developer, i work with React ❄️ Redux ⚡️ , Node , graphQL and Docker 🐳 , a big fan of Devops

@fb-devc-algiers @ElitDevs @Octodet Algeria

Keri Lynn kerikh
Lifelong Learner, Researcher and Go Getter of Data, Driven to Exceed Expectations

Hammond, LA

Henrique Ferreira henriqueferreira-ofc
Graduado em ADS - Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, Pós graduado em Gestão em Tecnologia, MBA em Gerenciamento de Projetos de T.I e Gestão Pública e G. P.
Alex Sandro alexdlli
Front-end Software Engineer

@Hand-Talk Brasília - DF

Kleber Silva devklebinho
Instrutor de programação, amante de motos custom e pianista nas horas vagas.

Jaboatão dos Guararapes, PE

Yuri Melo elyosemite
Completely in love Jesus Christ, reading, studying, chemistry, computing, programming, coffee and languages.


Bekkazy bekkazy-k

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

Ren Chunhui RenChunhui
web developer & UI Design

Chongqing, China