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Cheng Yang ychuest
LLMs & Bioinformatics

Hunan University Changsha China

daming-lu daming-lu

Tik Tok Sunnyvale

Imama shehzad imcoza
Aspiring data scientist wrangling words with NLP.Exploring the magic of ML algorithms 🪄. Open to collaboration, code, and feedback!
Lei Zhang leeeizhang
CS Student. Focused on LLM System and AI Agent.
Rui Chen RuiChen96
Computer Vision

CS Dept., Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Ming ming-make

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing

Chi Tran baochi0212
sleep multimodal

@VinAIResearch Hanoi, Vietnam

Yunqian Fan PannenetsF
20+4 y.o

Beihang University Beijing, China

Weili Xu Weili-0234
Sophomore in Computer Engineering

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois

Iron-Bound Iron-Bound
🤖 ML engineer.


Peking University Beijing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Duc-Viet Hoang ducviet00
GPU Engineer/ AI Engineer/ MLOps Engineer

Moreh, Inc. Ha Noi

jianliu-ml jianliu-ml
Tianyu He deeptimhe

Microsoft Research Asia Beijing, China

Enrique Ulises Báez Gómez Tagle enriquegomeztagle
- AWS Data & AI Engineer - MLOps / LLMOps - iOS Lab's Software Architect - App Development with Swift Associate (by Apple Inc.)

Mexico City

Xiang Hu imhuim982
Focus on NLP, especially structured language model.

Ant Group Shanghai

Swayam SwayamInSync
देखा एक ख्वाब तो ये सिलसिले हुए ✨


KqKqKqKq KennyKangMPC


Yiran Wang speedcell4
Natural Language Processing, Programming Language, Compiler
Zhiyuan Li uniartisan
INTP | Mater在读

University of Melbourne

killer9 ljwwwiop
go go go rush B!!! Autonomous driving, 3D Vision and GAN
佐毅 summerHearts

货拉拉 上海

stakOverflow kevingoh
Firmware Developer at ITS, Austria Master's in AI student at JKU, Linz

ITS-Industrial Turbine Services GmbH Malaysia <-> Austria

pzq ZQPei

ByteDance Shanghai

Renze Chen Light-of-Hers
PKU CECA Renze Chen

Peking University

Haowen Hou howard-hou
AI Researcher @ Tencent
Light zhongbin1
I am interested in deep learning and natural language processing.

USTC NanJing

Han Wang hanw
ML compiler engineer at AMD

AMD San Jose