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Went through a long, painful path full of letdown and loss. 22 y.o. Worked with a dozen software stacks in roles: Back, Front, DE, DevOps, and others. I ❤️ OSS

@melmedia @DataRubrik

Ian Menz CallMePlayer

Menzo Collaborations Sacramento, California

Socheat Sok socheatsok78
🇰🇭👨🏻‍💻 Software Engineer ❤️ web technologies & systems languages.



@ausecitnetworks Ausec IT Services Perth

Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Seyed07
Electrical Engineer with a focus on Control Systems, actively pursuing expertise in Neural Networks and Reinforceme learing and image proccessing

Amirkabir University(AUT) Tehran

Maxim Marshak bormaxi8080
Investigative Journalism | OSINT activities & Investigations | White Hacker | People, Companies & Incidents Data | Python | Ruby | JS | Perl | Bash

Self Employed Nowhere

Bidyut Mukherjee gokussjx
Software Engineer

Plano, TX

Amadej Glasenčnik aglasencnik
👨‍💻 20 | Junior .NET Dev & Mainly Backend 🚀 | Full-stack on occasion 🌐 | Tech Enthusiast 💡 | Always Learning 📚

@FluentCP Slovenia

Raweeroj Thongdee redzenova
เด็กเก็บกวาดห้อง Server @ CE KMITL | อดีต PhD Student @ VISTEC | Sys&Net Admin @ PCSHS Phitsanulok

King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Bangkok, Thailand

Curandero VigilantCipher
SecOps / Purple Teamer / DevSecOps Blockchain enthusiast
Mattèo Gauthier MatteoGauthier
Software Engineer (Web/Mobile) Bordeaux, France

Max Ci7rix


Harshal Chaudhari ETISDev
● Information Technology 👨‍💻📱💻🖥️📊 ● Industrial Automation 🦾🤖🏭 ● Instrumentation Engineering ⚙️🧰 ● Industrial Engineering 👷‍♂️🛠️⚒️

@followETIS Maharashtra, India (Bhārat)

Prashant Kumar itsundef
Professional Gambler.
Xabi xezpeleta

Basque Country

Alexander Palm AleksCee
Node.js, Go, Java, Node-RED, Docker Enthusiast.

Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG Hannover, Germany

Jorge Alberto Díaz Orozco (Akiel) jadolg
Professional yak shaver. Containers whisperer. VPNs and freedom online.

Hamburg, Germany

Paul Scherer pscherer

@avenga Berlin, Germany

Travis Kuennen tkuennen

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