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Nicholas Nabours HalfKraut
Multidisciplinary Engineer at ASU's Biodesign Institute. I collaborate with leading researchers across multiple fields to automate lab processes.

Tempe, Arizona

Claudia Vásquez claudiavas
Passionate about web development and technology, my goal is to combine my experience in business administration with my skills as a Full Stack Developer.

@Grey-Box Spain

Anjali Manoj gbXanj
Hello! My name is Anjali. I'm a final year Computer Science student at RMIT.

Grey-box Australia

Ambroise Lumanikio Ambro19
Full Stack Developer I Software Engineer.
Pooria PooriaT
🎵🎶⛺️🏕🏔🗻🧗🏻‍♂️🧗🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♂️🚵🏻‍♂️👨‍💻📚 #RockClimbing #Playing🎼 #Programming #Cycling #Reading #Music #Puzzle #Lego


Aaron Aaron-the-coder
Get up man, u have a bug unsolved!!
François Pelletier franc00018
Freelance data wizard from Quebec, Canada. Also working part time as a data engineer in medical imaging at Université Laval

Je valide ça, service-conseil Lévis, Québec