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Alinarov Alinarov
IA - Dlang <3, C, C++, Python, Java, Json, PHP, SQL 🥉.
Chetan Ganji ryucoder
Python and Django Developer
渡世白玉 dushibaiyu

ShangHai China

Gabriel B. Sant'Anna baioc
"A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked." - J. Gall


Drew Adams druonysus
Personal projects kept on GitLab.

openSUSE Long Beach, CA

Menjanahary menjaraz
Accountant by education, Chess fan & Beekeeper by passion. Everything Strong Formal Logic enthusiast and Opensource Contributor.

Antananarivo, Madagascar

Per Nordlöw nordlow
Safe, fast, and maintainable.

Salutech AB Sweden

Kerim Güven akgvn
Quant @ hedge fund. I also enjoy doing low-level / embedded / systems stuff.


Zeke Xiao zekexiao

Linger Me Changsha, China



Michael Wallner m6w6

SmugMug, Inc. Austria

Mr. Chen chenhongbao
Trader in China.


Matt Erbst merbst
I'm a fan of abstraction, alterity, knowledge representation, linguistics, logic, metri physics, semantics, socialism, software, & virtue epistemology!

@DandelionLabs Foundation Internet Literacy Mentoring Inspiring Collaboration Across Oceans with Open Content Laguna Niguel, CA, USA

Timothy mitoksim
Engineering Profesional
