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MagicLike MagicLike
I'm a Games 🎮, Tech 🤖 and Coding nerd 🤓. I like Open Source, web development, debloating, secure communication 🔐, etc....

@LinkStackOrg @openandroidinstaller-dev

Bohemia Softwares Bohemia-Softwares
The official account for all Bohemia Softwares' open source projects. All the Knoex Ecosystem's Source codes up to date.

Bohemia Softwares LLC

Tae-Geun Kim Axect
Ph.D student of particle physics & Rustacean

Yonsei Univ. Seoul, South Korea

Ethan Barry ethanbarry
Math & CS junior at UT Tyler. Controls software co-op at Trane Technologies.

Univ. of Texas at Tyler | Trane Technologies Holly Lake Ranch, Texas

hiifong hiifong
Hi 👋, I'm hiifong.

@hiifong nil

José Carlos Cirqueira Júnior cirqueira-labs
( Senior Software Engineer ) && ( Tech Lead )

@balbo-github-private Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

Bulhwi Cha chabulhwi
I aim to create video games and other media for learning STEM disciplines.

Semmalgil Seoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Giedrius Trumpickas trumpyla
ליטװאַקעס - Per Aspera Ad Astra


Phillip Davies Ph1lll
I code mostly for Vex Robotics. Now trying to learn Rust
Larson T. Lrs121
Migrating back to selfhosted git.


Marniek strawmelonjuice
Hiya! I'm just a creative chaos head throwing my code into computers.

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Computer Science Engineer, Archlinux/KDE user
Julio ggjulio

@42school paris

Don Yihtseu tsurumi-yizhou
Nothing better than nothing.

Jilin University Jiangsu Nantong

Young programmer from Poland, interested in writing compilers, and procedural generation.

Szcecin, Poland, EU

Luc Lenôtre llenotre
I push buttons for a living

CleverCloud France

Ahmad ahmadbky
Keen student 🦀

Antony, France