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Raymond Thurman raythurman2386
🇺🇸 Army Veteran 💼 Small Business Owner 💻 GIS Software Engineer All of my recent contributions and current projects are private repos.

Xcellent Technology Solutions Soper, Oklahoma


University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma

Deependra Choudhary DeependraHydro
Hydrology Researcher | Enthusiastic Data Analyst: Driven by Data Insights, Water Resource Management, and Sustainable Solutions.

Clear Water Dynamics Bangalore

Soelem Aafnan Bhuiyan soelemaafnan
Hello, this is Soelem! I am a PhD researcher at George Mason University, working on applications of satellite remote sensing on earth science.

George Mason University Fairfax, VA

Meklit Berihun Melesse meklit-y

Washington State University WA, USA

Yixian Chen YixianChen-234
A postdoctoral researcher currently working on river slope at The University of Alabama.

The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Yi Hong HydroYi

University of Michigan

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

David DALEE9000
Clouds, oceans, & political economy are cool | Now: Causal ML, geospatial data, atmospheric physics | Past: New York State Legislature

New York City

Chiheb Ben Hammouda hammouc
Engineer/applied mathematician/computational scientist focused on quantitative finance/uncertainty quantification/computational biology/numerical analysis

Utrecht University Utrecht, Netherlands

Ivan Alexis Chavez Flores alexischavez502
Civil Engineer with mentions in Hydraulics and Hydrology. Master in Water Resources Engineering.
Jiangtao CAI Giotto0624
Hi, I am Gunter. I am doing my PhD at the ITC faculty, university of twente now. My research interest is water and carbon cycle within land surface.
Xiaoyi Dong xiaoyihydro
hydrology hydraulic ML/DL for hydrology


Pu Liu upuil
No pain no gain

NUIST Nan jing

Dr. Andrew SONG andrewsoong

Inner Mongolia Meteorological Service/China Meteorological Administration Hohhot,China

Arun Bawa bawahydro
Assistant Professor- Global Ecosystem Modeling | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Texas A&M University
Amin Shakya mn5hk

ITC, Department of Water Resources, University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
PhD Candidate | Environmental Engineer | Water Resources Engineer | Environmental Data Scientist | GIS Analyst

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Yi Zheng Zheng-Yi-git
Tsinghua University Undergraduate

Tsinghua University Haidian District, Beijing

Daniel Mercado-Bettín danielmerbet
Scientist (postdoc) on water science

Spanish National Research Council Blanes, Spain

Bouhia Zakaria bouhia30
Water & Environment Engineer | GIS Remote Sensing | AI & ML Enthusiast
Xiaogang He XiaogangHe

National University of Singapore Singapore

Patrick Grover plgrover

BGC Engineering Toronto, ON.

Bin Yu jamesYu365


Camila Vera CFVV
Computer science 👩🏻‍💻 Interested in GeoAI and Urban Informatics

Santiago, Chile.

Yao Liu yao5461

NULL Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Samin Abolmaali saminab
PhD Student at MSU Hydrogeology Lab


Gabriela Gesualdo gabichiquito
Postdoctoral Research at PennState | Interested in hydrological modeling, Extreme and Compound Events, Water Security and Climate Change

Pennsylvania State University State College

Ph.D. student @ Technion

Tel Aviv