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Minho Ryang minhoryang South Korea, Seoul

Create E-commerce For Whatsapp madibaworld
Take App is good at handling secure payments, communication, WhatsApp, and product management.Take App is very easy to use.
Niranjan Anandkumar niranjanaryan
The Engineer, Founder <⚡> Deceptive AI | AI Obsession , Research ⚙️ Product 🔱 AGI | AI for Masses | Breaking Barriers and Boundaries

Deceptive AI Greater Bengaluru, India

Chua Wei Jie chuaweijie
I'm the deputy school director of Newton Tech and a student of CMKL's M.S. in AiCE

Newton Tech Nonthaburi

Qin Xu OliveDunphy123
Brave to face

Wageningen University Netherlands

Gloria Romera gloglo13

CSFM - ETHZ Zurich

Robin Franken rmfranken
Knowledge & Data Engineer at Swiss Data Science Center Passionate about RDF, SHACL and Slack-emojis.

Swiss Data Science Center Lausanne, Switzerland

Jascha Grübel jugdemon
Assistant Professor of Digital Twinning at Wageningen University & Senior Researcher for Digital Twin Infrastructure at the CSFM at ETH Zürich

Wageningen University Wageningen, The Netherlands