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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Christian Pätsch TeeTeufel
Cloud Architect @pixx-io

@pixx-io Germany

VASP Holdings vaspholdings
Boutique management consultancy specialising in crypto asset risk including AML-CTF-CPF.


Giovanni Antoniazzi giovanto
Geospatial Data Scientist - Sustainable Urban Mobility

Studio Bereikbaar Amsterdam

Daniel Alvarado daap213
Mechatronic engineer, with skills for 3D design, programming for multiple purposes, systems control and mechanical analysis.
Yizhou Chen geoyee
GIS Engineer

JOUAV Automation Tech Chengdu, China

Simona Bisiani simonabisiani
PhD candidate at the Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence. I measure spatial variations in news coverage using computational techniques.

Guildford, UK

Kavyajeet Bora kavyajeetbora
Geospatial Data Scientist 🌎

Buro Happold Gurgaon, India

Scott Meliovation Meliovation
Travel blogger and app developer at VacationCounts

Meliovation LLC

Diego Alcântara dgoalcantara

Brazil - Uberlândia, Minas Gerais

Akif AKTAŞ akifaktas
Geomatics Engineer. Founder of Routingo


Cryber CryberCorp

Cryber Corp. France

Israel Ribeiro Alencar IsraelRAlencar
Software Engineer at @gecontrolsistemas | Skills: C#, ASP.NET, PostgreSQL, .NET core/framework, Microservices, Python, and more... Computer Engineering - UFMS

GECONTROL Consultoria e Sistemas Campo Grande - MS

甘瀬ここあ AmaseCocoa
How about donut?

Japan, Tokyo

Jeff Ma jmawloo
👋 UWaterloo CE Graduate. Currently @ StackAdapt. Data Eng, Full Stack and iOS Dev in previous 6 jobs. Interested in ML and IoT. Let's chat on LinkedIn! :)


Joao Pedro Albergaria de Castro w4lto
Back-end developer currently working with C# and Golang. Electric Engineering enthusiastic

Campinas - SP

Alexandre Alabora alabora
Físico e Engenheiro de Dados.

Universidade Estadual de Londrina Maringá, Brasil

Shadrach Sheriff sehmilo
Hi there! I've always known computers will rock the world, so I studied rocks first and now I'm here, "Hello World!"
Lucas Nobre kinha08

Varginha - MG - Brazil

Dennis Irorere denironyx
Data Scientist | Data Engineer

Tripadvisor ex @spacee, @integrationee Remote

Landy landygg

@Diang-Tech @Way-Cloud Portugal

Joey Lee joeyklee
Your friendly, neighborhood creative technologist.


Vitoria vihsantos
Estudante de ADS, no IFBA.
lgcsavert BENZINALT
Here to build!