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安藤雄太 y-andoo

yamaha motor yokohama

Daniel Sotelo danisotelo
Robotics Engineer @ TII | Working on humanoid robots 🚀

Technology Innovation Institute Abu Dhabi

skywoodsz skywoodsz

Harbin Institute of Technology China

Yulun Zhuang silvery107
Robotics PhD Student @ UMich

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, US

arthurjeulin arthur-coast

@coast-autonomous United State

Daniele Caradonna Elektron97
Hi Github people! I’m Daniele Caradonna, a PhD Student of Biorobotics in Pisa. My interests are Soft Robotics and Control Theory.

@BRAIR-Lab Pisa, IT

Deepak Singh deepak-1530
Robotics enthusiast.