Calibration type 5 - motor contolled using ems4 and 2foc #500
We are testing the calibration type 5, using one DC motor connected to an The configuration files are in this folder. The calibration file is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE devices PUBLIC "-//YARP//DTD yarprobotinterface 3.0//EN" "">
<device xmlns:xi="" name="knee-one-calibrator" type="parametricCalibratorEth">
<xi:include href="../general.xml" />
<group name="GENERAL">
<param name="joints"> 1 </param> <!-- the number of joints of the robot part -->
<param name="deviceName"> Knee_one_Calibrator </param>
<group name="HOME">
<param name="positionHome"> 0 </param>
<param name="velocityHome"> 10.00 </param>
<group name="CALIBRATION">
<param name="calibrationType"> 5 </param>
<param name="calibration1"> 2000 </param>
<param name="calibration2"> 0 </param>
<param name="calibration3"> 0 </param>
<param name="calibration4"> 0.0 </param>
<param name="calibration5"> 0.0 </param>
<param name="calibrationZero"> 0.0 </param>
<param name="calibrationDelta"> 0.1 </param>
<param name="startupPosition"> 0.00 </param>
<param name="startupVelocity"> 10.0 </param>
<param name="startupMaxPwm"> 1200 </param>
<param name="startupPosThreshold"> 90 </param>
<param name="CALIB_ORDER">(0) </param>
<action phase="startup" level="10" type="calibrate">
<param name="target">knee-one-mc_wrapper</param>
<action phase="interrupt1" level="1" type="park">
<param name="target">knee-one-mc_wrapper</param>
<action phase="interrupt3" level="1" type="abort" />
</device> And the output from 🔘 Click to expand[DEBUG] Reading file C:\robotology\eth-boards-setups\single-ETH-ems4-1-motor-test-vislab\.\test_knee_joint_V25.xml
[DEBUG] yarprobotinterface: using xml parser for DTD v3.x
[DEBUG] Reading file C:\robotology\eth-boards-setups\single-ETH-ems4-1-motor-test-vislab\.\test_knee_joint_V25.xml
[DEBUG] Preprocessor complete in: 0.0132848 s
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/yarprobotinterface active at tcp://
[INFO] startup phase starting...
[DEBUG] eth::parser::print(pc104Data) for PC104:
[DEBUG] PC104/PC104IpAddress:PC104IpPort =
[DEBUG] PC104/PC104TXrate = 1
[DEBUG] PC104/PC104RXrate = 5
[DEBUG] EthSender is a PeriodicThread with txrate = 1 ms
[DEBUG] EthReceiver is a PeriodicThread with rxrate = 5 ms
[WARNING] in EthReceiver::config() the config socket has queue size = 1048576 ; you request ETHRECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE=
[DEBUG] eth::parser::print(boardData) for BOARD knee-eb10-j1
[DEBUG] ETH_BOARD/ETH_BOARD_SETTINGS/RUNNINGMODE/(period, maxTimeOfRXactivity, maxTimeOfDOactivity, maxTimeOfTXactivity, TXrateOfRegularROPs) = 1000 400 300 300 5
[DEBUG] ETH_BOARD/ETH_BOARD_ACTIONS/MONITOR_ITS_PRESENCE/(enabled, timeout, periodOfMissingReport) = true 0.02 60
[DEBUG] eth::EthMonitorPresence::config(): monitoring of presence is ON for BOARD (knee-eb10-j1) with timeout = 0.02 sec and period of missing report = 60 sec
[DEBUG] TheEthManager::requestResource2(): has just succesfully created a new EthResource for board of type ems4 with IP =
[WARNING] embObjMC BOARD knee-eb10-j1 Missing OTHER_CONTROL_PARAMETERS.DeadZone parameter. I'll use default value. (see documentation for more datails)
[DEBUG] embObjMC BOARD knee-eb10-j1 :fromConfig() detected that IMPEDANCE parameters section is found
[INFO] embObjMC BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IMPEDANCE section: parameters successfully loaded
[WARNING] AutoCalibration parameter not found for board knee-eb10-j1 in bottle "2FOC" (Autocalibration 1) (Verbose 1) (HasHallSensor 0) (HasTempSensor 0) (HasRotorEncoder 1) (HasRotorEncoderIndex 0) (HasSpeedEncoder 0) (RotorIndexOffset 0) (MotorPoles 2)
[WARNING] In knee-eb10-j1 there isn't 2FOC.AutoCalibration filed. For default it is disabled
[DEBUG] EthResource::verifyBoardPresence() found BOARD knee-eb10-j1 with IP after 0.0022805 seconds
[DEBUG] EthResource::verifyBoardTransceiver() has validated the transceiver of BOARD knee-eb10-j1 with IP
[DEBUG] EthResource::cleanBoardBehaviour() has cleaned the application in BOARD knee-eb10-j1 with IP : config mode + cleared all its regulars
[DEBUG] EthResource::setTimingOfRunningCycle() for BOARD knee-eb10-j1 with IP has succesfully set: cycletime = 1000 usec, RX DO TX = ( 400 300 300 ) usec and TX rate = 5 every cycle
[INFO] EthResource::askBoardVersion() found BOARD knee-eb10-j1 @ IP of type ems4 with FW = ver 3.36 built on 2021 Jan 29 14:0
[DEBUG] from BOARD (@IóÍ,☻), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 3808s 937m 184u: (code 0x05000015, par16 0x1000 par64 0x00000000000f000f) -> CFG: EOtheEncoderReader can be correctly configured. p16&0xf000: number of joint; primary encs: failure mask in p16&0x000f and errorcodes in p64&0x0000ffff; secondary encs: failure mask in p16&0x00f0 and errorcodes in p64&0xffff0000 + .
[INFO] from BOARD (@IóÍ,☻) @ 3808s 937m 352u: CAN discovery has started for 1 eobrd_foc boards on (can1map, can2map) = (0x0002, 0x0000) with target can protocol ver 1.6 and application ver 5.2.220.
[INFO] from BOARD (@IóÍ,☻) @ 3808s 937m 742u: CAN discovery has detected a eobrd_foc board in CAN1 addr 1 with can protocol ver 1.6 and application ver 5.2.220 Search time was 0 ms
[DEBUG] embObjMotionControl:serviceVerifyActivate OK!
[INFO] from BOARD (@IóÍ,☻) @ 3808s 937m 903u: CAN discovery is OK for 1 eobrd_foc boards with target can protocol ver 1.6 and application ver 5.2.220. Search time was 0 ms
[DEBUG] from BOARD (@IóÍ,☻), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 3808s 938m 87u: (code 0x0500000d, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> CFG: EOtheMotionController can correctly configure 2foc-based motion. more info will follow + .
[DEBUG] from BOARD (@IóÍ,☻), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 3808s 975m 252u: (code 0x04000001, par16 0x000f par64 0x0000010000000040) -> DEBUG: tag01 + CURRENT PID
[DEBUG] from BOARD (@IóÍ,☻), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 3808s 975m 365u: (code 0x04000001, par16 0x000f par64 0x0000018000000200) -> DEBUG: tag01 + VELOCITY PID
[INFO] || Created device <embObjMotionControl>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl for documentation.
[ERROR] |yarp.devices.controlboardwrapper2| Parameter networks use deprecated syntax
[INFO] |yarp.devices.controlboardwrapper2| /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] |yarp.devices.controlboardwrapper2| /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one initting YARP initialization
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one/command:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one/state:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class ControlBoardWrapper for documentation.
[INFO] || Created device <parametricCalibratorEth>. See C++ class yarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth for documentation.
[INFO] Entering action level 5 of phase startup
[INFO] knee-one-mc_wrapper is not an IWrapper. Trying IMultipleWrapper
[INFO] All actions for action level 5 of startup phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions.
[INFO] All actions for action level 5 of startup phase finished.
[INFO] Entering action level 10 of phase startup
[DEBUG] knee-one-calibrator starting calibration of device knee-one-mc_wrapper
[INFO] All actions for action level 10 of startup phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions.
[INFO] Knee_one_Calibrator : starting calibration
[DEBUG] Knee_one_Calibrator : Joints calibration order:
[DEBUG] Knee_one_Calibrator : Calling calibrateJoint on joint 0 : type 5 with params: 2000 0 0 0 0
[DEBUG] Knee_one_Calibrator : set 1 j 0 : Calibrating... enc values AFTER calib: 0.1
[ERROR] Knee_one_Calibrator : Timeout while calibrating 0
[ERROR] Knee_one_Calibrator : set 1 : Calibration went wrong! Disabling axes and keeping safe pid limit
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 2 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 3 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 4 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 5 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 6 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 7 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 8 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 9 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 10 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 11 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 12 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 13 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 14 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 15 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 16 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 17 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[ERROR] A 0.250000 sec timeout occured in embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus(), BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0, current mode: cal, requested: idl
[ERROR] failure of embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus(j=0, targetmode=idl) for BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP after 17 attempts and 0.263794 seconds
[ERROR] In embObjMotionControl::setControlModeRaw(j= 0 , mode= idl ) for BOARD knee-eb10-j1 (IP has failed checkRemoteControlModeStatus()
[DEBUG] knee-one-calibrator finished calibration of device knee-one-mc_wrapper
[INFO] All actions for action level 10 of startup phase finished.
[INFO] startup phase finished.
[INFO] run phase starting...
[DEBUG] yarprobotinterface running happily The behavior during the calibration is as follows: The motor starts to move in one direction, we do the hardstop with our hands, and the motor stops moving. After the motor stops moving, the messages of the controller trying to to to zero appear, but the motor does not move and reaches the timeout. In this case, the This is the same behavior as reported previously here , and we want to know what parameters we can try to reach a successful calibration. |
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Replies: 3 comments 5 replies
Hi @wevmacedo Sorry for the delay, we'll be giving you support on this in the next week. |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
We did the work, see this PR and let us know. |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
We applied the changes to the 🔘 Click to expandC:\robotology\eth-boards-setups\single-ETH-ems4-1-motor-test-vislab>yarprobotinterface
[DEBUG] Reading file C:\robotology\eth-boards-setups\single-ETH-ems4-1-motor-test-vislab\.\test_knee_joint_V25.xml
[DEBUG] yarprobotinterface: using xml parser for DTD v3.x
[DEBUG] Reading file C:\robotology\eth-boards-setups\single-ETH-ems4-1-motor-test-vislab\.\test_knee_joint_V25.xml
[DEBUG] Preprocessor complete in: 0.0074282 s
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/yarprobotinterface active at tcp://
[INFO] startup phase starting...
[DEBUG] eth::parser::print(pc104Data) for PC104:
[DEBUG] PC104/PC104IpAddress:PC104IpPort =
[DEBUG] PC104/PC104TXrate = 1
[DEBUG] PC104/PC104RXrate = 5
[DEBUG] EthSender is a PeriodicThread with txrate = 1 ms
[DEBUG] EthReceiver is a PeriodicThread with rxrate = 5 ms
[WARNING] in EthReceiver::config() the config socket has queue size = 1048576 ; you request ETHRECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE=
[DEBUG] eth::parser::print(boardData) for BOARD knee-eb10-j1
[DEBUG] ETH_BOARD/ETH_BOARD_SETTINGS/RUNNINGMODE/(period, maxTimeOfRXactivity, maxTimeOfDOactivity, maxTimeOfTXactivity, TXrateOfRegularROPs) = 1000 400 300 300 5
[DEBUG] ETH_BOARD/ETH_BOARD_ACTIONS/MONITOR_ITS_PRESENCE/(enabled, timeout, periodOfMissingReport) = true 0.02 60
[DEBUG] eth::EthMonitorPresence::config(): monitoring of presence is ON for BOARD (knee-eb10-j1) with timeout = 0.02 sec and period of missing report = 60 sec
[DEBUG] TheEthManager::requestResource2(): has just succesfully created a new EthResource for board of type ems4 with IP =
[WARNING] embObjMC BOARD knee-eb10-j1 Missing OTHER_CONTROL_PARAMETERS.DeadZone parameter. I'll use default value. (see documentation for more datails)
[DEBUG] embObjMC BOARD knee-eb10-j1 :fromConfig() detected that IMPEDANCE parameters section is found
[INFO] embObjMC BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IMPEDANCE section: parameters successfully loaded
[WARNING] AutoCalibration parameter not found for board knee-eb10-j1 in bottle "2FOC" (Autocalibration 0) (Verbose 1) (HasHallSensor 0) (HasTempSensor 0) (HasRotorEncoder 1) (HasRotorEncoderIndex 0) (HasSpeedEncoder 0) (RotorIndexOffset 0) (MotorPoles 2)
[WARNING] In knee-eb10-j1 there isn't 2FOC.AutoCalibration filed. For default it is disabled
[INFO] from BOARD (á5÷:├☺), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1819s 879m 286u: (code 0x00000034, par16 0x0001 par64 0x000000000000003b) -> SYS: the board has detected a restart of the remote transceiver because the rx ropframe sequence number is 1. In par64 there is the expected number. + .
[DEBUG] EthResource::verifyBoardPresence() found BOARD knee-eb10-j1 with IP after 0.0026354 seconds
[DEBUG] EthResource::verifyBoardTransceiver() has validated the transceiver of BOARD knee-eb10-j1 with IP
[DEBUG] EthResource::cleanBoardBehaviour() has cleaned the application in BOARD knee-eb10-j1 with IP : config mode + cleared all its regulars
[DEBUG] EthResource::setTimingOfRunningCycle() for BOARD knee-eb10-j1 with IP has succesfully set: cycletime = 1000 usec, RX DO TX = ( 400 300 300 ) usec and TX rate = 5 every cycle
[INFO] EthResource::askBoardVersion() found BOARD knee-eb10-j1 @ IP of type ems4 with FW = ver 3.36 built on 2021 Jan 29 14:0
[DEBUG] from BOARD (á5÷:├☺), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1819s 928m 184u: (code 0x05000015, par16 0x1000 par64 0x00000000000f000f) -> CFG: EOtheEncoderReader can be correctly configured. p16&0xf000: number of joint; primary encs: failure mask in p16&0x000f and errorcodes in p64&0x0000ffff; secondary encs: failure mask in p16&0x00f0 and errorcodes in p64&0xffff0000 + .
[INFO] from BOARD (á5÷:├☺) @ 1819s 928m 350u: CAN discovery has started for 1 eobrd_foc boards on (can1map, can2map) = (0x0002, 0x0000) with target can protocol ver 1.6 and application ver 5.2.220.
[INFO] from BOARD (á5÷:├☺) @ 1819s 928m 738u: CAN discovery has detected a eobrd_foc board in CAN1 addr 1 with can protocol ver 1.6 and application ver 5.2.220 Search time was 0 ms
[INFO] from BOARD (á5÷:├☺) @ 1819s 928m 899u: CAN discovery is OK for 1 eobrd_foc boards with target can protocol ver 1.6 and application ver 5.2.220. Search time was 0 ms
[DEBUG] embObjMotionControl:serviceVerifyActivate OK!
[DEBUG] from BOARD (á5÷:├☺), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1819s 929m 82u: (code 0x0500000d, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> CFG: EOtheMotionController can correctly configure 2foc-based motion. more info will follow + .
[DEBUG] from BOARD (á5÷:├☺), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1819s 968m 476u: (code 0x04000001, par16 0x000f par64 0x0000010000000040) -> DEBUG: tag01 + CURRENT PID
[DEBUG] from BOARD (á5÷:├☺), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1819s 968m 589u: (code 0x04000001, par16 0x000f par64 0x0000018000000200) -> DEBUG: tag01 + VELOCITY PID
[INFO] || Created device <embObjMotionControl>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl for documentation.
[ERROR] |yarp.devices.controlboardwrapper2| Parameter networks use deprecated syntax
[INFO] |yarp.devices.controlboardwrapper2| /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] |yarp.devices.controlboardwrapper2| /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one initting YARP initialization
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one/command:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one/state:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /single-ETH-2FOC-motor/knee_one/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class ControlBoardWrapper for documentation.
[INFO] || Created device <parametricCalibratorEth>. See C++ class yarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth for documentation.
[INFO] Entering action level 5 of phase startup
[INFO] knee-one-mc_wrapper is not an IWrapper. Trying IMultipleWrapper
[INFO] All actions for action level 5 of startup phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions.
[INFO] All actions for action level 5 of startup phase finished.
[INFO] Entering action level 10 of phase startup
[DEBUG] knee-one-calibrator starting calibration of device knee-one-mc_wrapper
[INFO] All actions for action level 10 of startup phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions.
[INFO] Knee_one_Calibrator : starting calibration
[DEBUG] Knee_one_Calibrator : Joints calibration order:
[DEBUG] Knee_one_Calibrator : Calling calibrateJoint on joint 0 : type 5 with params: 2000 0 0 0 0
[DEBUG] Knee_one_Calibrator : set 1 j 0 : Calibrating... enc values AFTER calib: -1106.91
[ERROR] Knee_one_Calibrator : Timeout while calibrating 0
[ERROR] Knee_one_Calibrator : set 1 : Calibration went wrong! Disabling axes and keeping safe pid limit
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 2 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 3 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 4 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 5 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 6 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 7 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 8 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 9 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 10 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 11 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 12 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 13 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 14 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 15 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 16 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[WARNING] embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus() has done 17 attempts and will retry again after a 0.010000 sec delay. (BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0) -> current mode = cal, requested = idl
[ERROR] A 0.250000 sec timeout occured in embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus(), BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP, joint 0, current mode: cal, requested: idl
[ERROR] failure of embObjMotionControl::checkRemoteControlModeStatus(j=0, targetmode=idl) for BOARD knee-eb10-j1 IP after 17 attempts and 0.262391 seconds
[ERROR] In embObjMotionControl::setControlModeRaw(j= 0 , mode= idl ) for BOARD knee-eb10-j1 (IP has failed checkRemoteControlModeStatus()
[DEBUG] knee-one-calibrator finished calibration of device knee-one-mc_wrapper |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
We did the work, see this PR and let us know.
cc @pattacini @ale-git