Contexts not found by ResourceFinder #540
Hello, I am trying to use the Cartesian Interface using Log detailsicub@icubunicorn:~$ yarprobotinterface --context simCartesianControl --from yarprobotinterface.ini
[DEBUG] Reading file /exports/code/robotology-superbuild/build-icubunicorn/install/share/ICUBcontrib/robots/iCubLondon01/./icub_ikart.xml
[DEBUG] yarprobotinterface: using xml parser for DTD v3.x
[DEBUG] Reading file /exports/code/robotology-superbuild/build-icubunicorn/install/share/ICUBcontrib/robots/iCubLondon01/./icub_ikart.xml
[DEBUG] Preprocessor complete in: 0.00219965 s
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/yarprobotinterface active at tcp://
[INFO] startup phase starting...
[INFO] ***** Configuring cartesian controller *****
[INFO] Acquiring options for group GENERAL...
[INFO] Acquiring options for group DRIVER_0...
[INFO] Acquiring options for group DRIVER_1...
[INFO] PLANT_MODEL group detected
[INFO] DH Table: (H0 (0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (HN (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (link_0 (A 0.0320000000000000006661) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 0.0) (min -22.0) (max 84.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_1 (A 0.0) (D -0.00549999999999999968081) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -39.0) (max 39.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_2 (A 0.0233646999999999986641) (D -0.143300000000000010703) (alpha -90.0) (offset 105.000000000000014211) (min -59.0000000000000071054) (max 59.0000000000000071054) (blocked 0.0)) (link_3 (A 0.0) (D 0.107740000000000002434) (alpha -90.0) (offset 90.0) (min -95.5) (max 5.0)) (link_4 (A 0.0) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min 0.0) (max 160.800000000000011369)) (link_5 (A 0.0149999999999999994449) (D 0.152279999999999998694) (alpha -90.0) (offset 75.0) (min -37.0) (max 100.0)) (link_6 (A -0.0149999999999999994449) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 0.0) (min 5.5) (max 106.0)) (link_7 (A 0.0) (D 0.137300000000000005373) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -50.0) (max 50.0)) (link_8 (A 0.0) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 90.0) (min -65.0) (max 10.0)) (link_9 (A 0.0625) (D -0.0160000000000000003331) (alpha 0.0) (offset 0.0) (min -25.0) (max 25.0)) (numLinks 10) (type left)
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/cartesianSolver/left_arm/in active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/cartesianSolver/left_arm/out active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/cartesianSolver/left_arm/rpc active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/command:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/state:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/events:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created device <cartesiancontrollerserver>. See C++ class ServerCartesianController for documentation.
[INFO] ***** Configuring cartesian controller *****
[INFO] Acquiring options for group GENERAL...
[INFO] Acquiring options for group DRIVER_0...
[INFO] Acquiring options for group DRIVER_1...
[INFO] PLANT_MODEL group detected
[INFO] DH Table: (H0 (0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (HN (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (link_0 (A 0.0320000000000000006661) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 0.0) (min -22.0) (max 84.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_1 (A 0.0) (D -0.00549999999999999968081) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -39.0) (max 39.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_2 (A -0.0233646999999999986641) (D -0.143300000000000010703) (alpha 90.0) (offset -105.000000000000014211) (min -59.0000000000000071054) (max 59.0000000000000071054) (blocked 0.0)) (link_3 (A 0.0) (D -0.107740000000000002434) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -95.5) (max 5.0)) (link_4 (A 0.0) (D 0.0) (alpha -90.0) (offset -90.0) (min 0.0) (max 160.800000000000011369)) (link_5 (A -0.0149999999999999994449) (D -0.152279999999999998694) (alpha -90.0) (offset -105.000000000000014211) (min -37.0) (max 100.0)) (link_6 (A 0.0149999999999999994449) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 0.0) (min 5.5) (max 106.0)) (link_7 (A 0.0) (D -0.137300000000000005373) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -50.0) (max 50.0)) (link_8 (A 0.0) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 90.0) (min -65.0) (max 10.0)) (link_9 (A 0.0625) (D 0.0160000000000000003331) (alpha 0.0) (offset 180.0) (min -25.0) (max 25.0)) (numLinks 10) (type right)
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/cartesianSolver/right_arm/in active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/cartesianSolver/right_arm/out active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/cartesianSolver/right_arm/rpc active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/command:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/state:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/events:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created device <cartesiancontrollerserver>. See C++ class ServerCartesianController for documentation.
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ControlBoardWrapper| /icub/left_arm : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ControlBoardWrapper| /icub/left_arm initting YARP initialization
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/left_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/left_arm/command:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/left_arm/state:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/left_arm/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class ControlBoardWrapper for documentation.
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ControlBoardWrapper| /icub/right_arm : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ControlBoardWrapper| /icub/right_arm initting YARP initialization
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/right_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/right_arm/command:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/right_arm/state:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/right_arm/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class ControlBoardWrapper for documentation.
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ControlBoardWrapper| /icub/head : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ControlBoardWrapper| /icub/head initting YARP initialization
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/head/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/head/command:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/head/state:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/head/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class ControlBoardWrapper for documentation.
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ControlBoardWrapper| /icub/torso : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ControlBoardWrapper| /icub/torso initting YARP initialization
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/torso/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/torso/command:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/torso/state:o active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/torso/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class ControlBoardWrapper for documentation.
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canmotioncontrol" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canmotioncontrol>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_mc
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_mc
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canmotioncontrol" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canmotioncontrol>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_hand_mc
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_hand_mc
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canmotioncontrol" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canmotioncontrol>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_mc
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_mc
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canmotioncontrol" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canmotioncontrol>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_hand_mc
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_hand_mc
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canmotioncontrol" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canmotioncontrol>
[WARNING] Cannot open device head_mc
[WARNING] Cannot open device head_mc
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canmotioncontrol" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canmotioncontrol.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canmotioncontrol>
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_mc
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_mc
[DEBUG] |yarp.device.virtualAnalogServer| (device virtualAnalogServer) (name "/icub/joint_vsens/left_arm:i") (net_VFT_LA (0 5 0 5)) (networks (net_VFT_LA)) (period 10) (robotName icub)
[DEBUG] |yarp.device.virtualAnalogServer| Using VirtualAnalogServer
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/joint_vsens/left_arm:i active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <virtualAnalogServer>. See C++ class VirtualAnalogWrapper for documentation.
[DEBUG] |yarp.device.virtualAnalogServer| (device virtualAnalogServer) (name "/icub/joint_vsens/right_arm:i") (net_VFT_RA (0 5 0 5)) (networks (net_VFT_RA)) (period 10) (robotName icub)
[DEBUG] |yarp.device.virtualAnalogServer| Using VirtualAnalogServer
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/joint_vsens/right_arm:i active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <virtualAnalogServer>. See C++ class VirtualAnalogWrapper for documentation.
[DEBUG] |yarp.device.virtualAnalogServer| (device virtualAnalogServer) (name "/icub/joint_vsens/torso:i") (net_VFT_TO (0 5 0 5)) (networks (net_VFT_TO)) (period 10) (robotName icub)
[DEBUG] |yarp.device.virtualAnalogServer| Using VirtualAnalogServer
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/joint_vsens/torso:i active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created wrapper <virtualAnalogServer>. See C++ class VirtualAnalogWrapper for documentation.
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusVirtualAnalogSensor" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusVirtualAnalogSensor.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusVirtualAnalogSensor.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusVirtualAnalogSensor>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_virtual_strain
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_virtual_strain
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusVirtualAnalogSensor" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusVirtualAnalogSensor.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusVirtualAnalogSensor.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusVirtualAnalogSensor>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_virtual_strain
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_virtual_strain
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusVirtualAnalogSensor" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusVirtualAnalogSensor.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusVirtualAnalogSensor.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusVirtualAnalogSensor>
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_virtual_strain
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_virtual_strain
[INFO] |yarp.devices.AnalogWrapper| No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization.
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/left_arm/analog:o/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.devices.AnalogWrapper| AnalogServer : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] || Created wrapper <analogServer>. See C++ class AnalogWrapper for documentation.
[INFO] |yarp.devices.AnalogWrapper| No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization.
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/right_arm/analog:o/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.devices.AnalogWrapper| AnalogServer : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] || Created wrapper <analogServer>. See C++ class AnalogWrapper for documentation.
[INFO] |yarp.devices.AnalogWrapper| No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization.
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/left_hand/analog:o/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.devices.AnalogWrapper| AnalogServer : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] || Created wrapper <analogServer>. See C++ class AnalogWrapper for documentation.
[INFO] |yarp.devices.AnalogWrapper| No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization.
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/right_hand/analog:o/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.devices.AnalogWrapper| AnalogServer : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] || Created wrapper <analogServer>. See C++ class AnalogWrapper for documentation.
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusAnalogSensor" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusAnalogSensor.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusAnalogSensor.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusAnalogSensor>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_strain
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_strain
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusAnalogSensor" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusAnalogSensor.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusAnalogSensor.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusAnalogSensor>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_strain
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_strain
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusAnalogSensor" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusAnalogSensor.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusAnalogSensor.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusAnalogSensor>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_hand_mais
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_hand_mais
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusAnalogSensor" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusAnalogSensor.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusAnalogSensor.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusAnalogSensor>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_hand_mais
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_hand_mais
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "skinWrapper" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/skinWrapper.ini or share/yarp/plugins/skinWrapper.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <skinWrapper>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_skin_wrapper
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_skin_wrapper
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "skinWrapper" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/skinWrapper.ini or share/yarp/plugins/skinWrapper.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <skinWrapper>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_skin_wrapper
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_skin_wrapper
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "skinWrapper" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/skinWrapper.ini or share/yarp/plugins/skinWrapper.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <skinWrapper>
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_skin_wrapper
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_skin_wrapper
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusSkin" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusSkin.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusSkin.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusSkin>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_skin
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_skin
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusSkin" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusSkin.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusSkin.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusSkin>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_skin
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_skin
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "canBusSkin" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/canBusSkin.ini or share/yarp/plugins/canBusSkin.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <canBusSkin>
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_skin
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_skin
[INFO] || Created wrapper <multipleanalogsensorsserver>. See C++ class MultipleAnalogSensorsServer for documentation.
[INFO] Finish PassThroughInertial::open
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /imuFilter/bias:o active at tcp://
[INFO] || Created device <imuFilter>. See C++ class yarp::dev::ImuFilter for documentation.
[INFO] || Created wrapper <multipleanalogsensorsserver>. See C++ class MultipleAnalogSensorsServer for documentation.
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ServerInertial| No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization.
[INFO] |yarp.os.Port| Port /icub/inertial active at tcp://
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ServerInertial| Server Inertial : no ROS initialization required
[INFO] || Created wrapper <inertial>. See C++ class ServerInertial for documentation.
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "xsensmtx" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/xsensmtx.ini or share/yarp/plugins/xsensmtx.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <xsensmtx>
[WARNING] Cannot open device head-inertial
[WARNING] Cannot open device head-inertial
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "parametricCalibrator" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini or share/yarp/plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <parametricCalibrator>
[WARNING] Cannot open device head_calibrator
[WARNING] Cannot open device head_calibrator
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "parametricCalibrator" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini or share/yarp/plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <parametricCalibrator>
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_calibrator
[WARNING] Cannot open device torso_calibrator
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "parametricCalibrator" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini or share/yarp/plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <parametricCalibrator>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_calibrator
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_arm_calibrator
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "parametricCalibrator" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini or share/yarp/plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <parametricCalibrator>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_calibrator
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_arm_calibrator
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "parametricCalibrator" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini or share/yarp/plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <parametricCalibrator>
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_hand_calibrator
[WARNING] Cannot open device left_hand_calibrator
[ERROR] |yarp.os.YarpPluginSettings| Cannot find "parametricCalibrator" plugin (not built in, and no .ini file found for it)Check that YARP_DATA_DIRS leads to at least one directory with plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini or share/yarp/plugins/parametricCalibrator.ini in it
[ERROR] || Could not find device <parametricCalibrator>
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_hand_calibrator
[WARNING] Cannot open device right_hand_calibrator
[WARNING] There was some problem opening one or more devices. Please check the log and your configuration
[ERROR] One or more devices failed opening... see previous log messages for more info
[INFO] |yarp.devices.ServerInertial| Closing Server Inertial...
yarprobotinterface ignores the context and tries to connect to the robot and create the /icub ports, instead of /icuSim .
Here is the strange part: when I check if the contexts is found, icub@icubunicorn:~$ yarp-config context --list
* Directory : /home/icub/.local/share/yarp/contexts
* Directory : /exports/code/robotology-superbuild/build-icubunicorn/install/share/yarp/contexts
* Directory : /exports/code/robotology-superbuild/build-icubunicorn/install/share/iCub/contexts
* Directory : /exports/code/robotology-superbuild/build-icubunicorn/install/share/ICUBcontrib/contexts
icub@icubunicorn:~$ yarp resource --context simCartesianControl --find yarprobotinterface.ini
"/exports/code/robotology-superbuild/build-icubunicorn/install/share/ICUBcontrib/robots/iCubLondon01/yarprobotinterface.ini" Here are the relevant environment variables: icub@icubunicorn:~$ env | grep YARP
Do you see anything wrong in my configuration? Thank you for your help, |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Replies: 1 comment 5 replies
In #42 you'll find some more bits of information about app a well as robot contexts. Just use the option That said, I believe that it's correct that robot context wins here by shadowing whatever other context is present. It's the desired behavior that allows the user to customize configuration files per robot; so it shall work even if you specify the context name explicitly. You verify that by doing either of the following:
That said, my advice is to launch the command straight from the folder containing the correct |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Hi @cedricgoubard
In #42 you'll find some more bits of information about app a well as robot contexts.
Just use the option
--from <f>
instead of--find <f>
as the latter is deprecated and may behave differently from the standard.That said, I believe that it's correct that robot context wins here by shadowing whatever other context is present. It's the desired behavior that allows the user to customize configuration files per robot; so it shall work even if you specify the context name explicitly.
You verify that by doing either of the following:
yarp resource
: contexts are listed in the descending priorities.yarprobotinterface.ini
in the…