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Njuguna Mwangi njugunamwangi
PHP pro-efficient with a liking to Laravel framework | TALL Stack | Full Stack Laranerd | Filanerd
Peter Chege emchegep
Software engineer, having advanced skills on PHP,HTML,CSS, Javascript, C# and python. Proficient in working with Laravel , Livewire, Tailwindcss, Vuejs

Sharks Web Services Nairobi, Kenya

BLEAK craigvc
Unreal Engine Beginner and PHP Dev!
@apachesep apachesep
Web developer and designer with JS,PHP,C#,Joomla! owner of

TuxCS Taiwan

Alfred Okedi okedialf
Senior Software Engineer and Developer Advocate.

@AFRICASE Uganda, Kampala

Haneef Ansari ahaneef29
Web Developer - Working in Laravel PHP, Java, Dart, Android, Swift, Vue.js, Angular, Typescript, Flutter, Native Script.


Sam Maosa coolsam726
Wake up ➲ Love ➲ Nurture ➲ Code ➲ Play ➲ Eat ➲ Sleep ➲ Repeat. I speak PHP, Javascript, Java, Python, Node.js, Typescript and C.

@savannabits, @strathmore-university KE