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Kedar A Phadke phadkekd

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Urbana

Alberto Acuto A-acuto
Data scientist at @UoL-SignalProcessingGroup , @ariHPC and Liv.DAT alumnus

University of Livepool Liverpool

Tianao Li Lukeli0425
CS PhD student @ Northwestern Previously EE undergrad @ Tsinghua

Northwestern University Evanston, IL

Chang Liu slowdivePTG
NU Astronomy - Explore the Universe, benefit the society

Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois

Ved Shah dev-ved30
PhD @ Northwestern | Prev @ UIUCSN, Country Financial, NCSA, IIT Bombay.

CIERA, Northwestern University Chicago, IL

Jack O'Brien Rodot-
Astronomy Post-Doc at UIUC. SN + RT + ML

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL

Florian Kéruzoré fkeruzore
Galaxy cluster cosmologist @ArgonneCPAC

Argonne National Laboratory Chicago, IL, USA

Chase Kimball chase-kimball
Former astrophysicist at CIERA, using statistics and machine learning to infer population properties of massive black holes

Chicago, IL

Zhou, Conghao 周丛浩 zhouconghao
Grad @ UC Santa Cruz.

UC Santa Cruz Santa Cruz

Gautham Narayan gnarayan
Assistant Prof. at UIUC. Dark energy, supernovae, white dwarfs, machine learning, astro edu & outreach, photography, hiking. Nerd!

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL