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SynthTee SynthTwo
I like SS13. Can't code for shit. Let's see how that goes. Iris codebase here:
opdai opd-ai
OPD-AI specializes in open-source tools for creative workers, with a focus on tabletop RPG content generation and Bitcoin-based paywall solutions.
NoFate Technology nofatetech
Tech Ninjas & Philosophers.

NoFate Technology

imcb irismessage
amateur developer
Klementine Des Pêches klementineQt
ancom bastard girlie

lithia springs, ga, usa

RomainzZ MrRomainzZ
Discord: romainzz
Chris Knight claud9999
Computer engineer for NASA Ames Research Center, Cal Poly SLO graduate and overall nerdo.
MAPAQ MarcAndreJean
Full-stack web developper. C++, C#, Python, Javascript enthousiast. Unreal Engine amateur.

Freelancer Québec, CANADA

Baris Can Bilgin bariscanbilgin
Creative Technologist : Experience Design, Game Design, UX/UI, Extended Reality (VR/AR), Music Composition & Sound Design, Front-End

Istanbul, Turkey

Vasily Makarov agentdalecoper
cope | Software and Unity developer
Martin N. martiz
IT specialist by trade. Wanna-be developer/operator with interest on data science, script automation and game development.

Berlin, Germany

xDeltaFox xDeltaFox
Fundador do @MistakeTeam ❤️✌🏾 Estudante de Ciência da Computação na UFF 📚

@MistakeTeam Niterói, Rio de Janeiro

SympathyTea SympathyTea
He/him Rat that is sleeping. No, I don't know what I'm doing here




amdotblacksheep amdotblacksheep
I develop games... or maybe it's better to say that I try to develop games. My biggest project is DeathGuy franchise (that includes three games).


SDO seconddayout

Pisces–Cetus filament

Moony moonheart08
A low-level programming loving developer who somehow got as a project manager for a video game in a high level GC language.