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Johnny Stenson JohnnyStenson
Full Stack LAMP App Developer & Salesforce Developer & Certified Admin

New Jersey

Kartikay Sharma kksharma3951
I am a PhD student researching on urban building energy modelling frameworks

@The-Transition-Accelerator Ottawa, Ontario

< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer (Rust / Solidity / Typescript) • 3D • Designer • Polkadot Blockchain Academy PBA-X Cohort #1 Alum • Upcoming: PBA Campus Lucerne
plyght plyght
your basic coder. master procrastinator, and clinically insane

Washington-Liberty High School Washington, DC

Adriel Martins Martins6
Building sci-fi societies with AI.

@caylent Curitiba, Brazil

Qz Liu Lowerce
PhD student

Beijing, China

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


xcopier xcopier
try to be a problem solver.


Andrews Cordolino Sobral andrewssobral
Head of AI at ActiveEon, Paris - France. Ph.D. on Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Computer Vision Specialist. Experienced C++ and Python Developer.

Activeeon Paris, France

frontender all3n49
I was never cut off for the boy scouts when I was younger, so I joined the man scouts when I was 7. @amaan-bhati का बैकप एवं गुप्त अकाउंट हू


z8 yamz8
I got 99 repos but the bug ain’t one.
Musa Adamu Wakili musawakiliML
Essentialist Programmer, Minimalist, Machine Learning Engineer, Backend Developer.

Mind Colony LTD Bauchi

M Haidar Hanif mhaidarhanif
✨ Helping people in software, web, design, career, life. 🐻@bearmentor 🐱@catamyst 🐶@dogokit 🏯@bandungdevcom

@bearmentor @bearmentor-community Jakarta-Bandung-Bali, Indonesia

Ken Nickerson kcnickerson
Maker, Coder, Hacker, MaveriX, XanaduAI, HorizonIO, CDL, i6, xdTaz, xOmers, xFlixel, xRthm, xKobo, xOpenCola, xMicrosoft, xRogers, xBanks, xXs

iBinary LLC Toronto, ON

Sohail Hosseini shosseini811
PhD in Electrical Engineering

Cleveland, OH

Jameer shaik Jameers-code
Better than yesterday
Hunter Yeagley huntsyea

@Lampo Nashville, TN

Patrick Howard phoward38
Co-Founder @noclocks | Full Stack Developer

@noclocks Atlanta, GA

Sayya Teja Swaroop tejasayya
Software Engineer | Self-Paced learner | Curious about ML/AI, Building Projects

University of North Carolina at Charlotte Charlotte

Qi Yijiazhen KiwiGaze
Excellence through focus.

The University of Hong Kong localhost

bigOK bigOK666
Software Developer:)
ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps
