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S Mahalakshmi Mahalakshmi253
Im a student at VIT Chennai
Divyanshu Patel divyanshupatel17
Currently studying at VIT Chennai .

school Chennai

Kulkarni Rutuparna Ratnakar K-Rutuparna1087
BTech Mechatronics and Automation VIT-Chennai 2027`
Spidy sppidy
20 | Student VITC || Logo Designer || Python |

@TeamUltroid @techresearchersclubvitc Tamilnadu, India

Guhan Sensam Guhan-SenSam
CoFounder of @Oxlac

@Oxlac USA

Jheyanth CS JYunth
vice prez @daovitcc | autodidact developer dabbling webdev, web3 and electronics

Chennai, India

Pravin Kumar R prav002
Passion in Data Science and Analytics
Mogesh S G mogesh06

@lugvitc Chennai

Anirudh Vasudev ani751
Coder and problem-solver, data analyst. Equipped in Python, statistics,and data Visualisation. Constantly learning and exploring new technologies

Archer Integrated Risk Management Bengaluru , Karnataka

Deepthi B deepthibalasubramanian
Final year Student at VIT Chennai | Gold Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Inquisitive & Inspired!


Tech Researchers Club VIT Chennai Tech-Researchers-Club-VITC
A student club exclusively dedicated to exploring and analyzing the newest in technology. (The first club for researchers in Vellore Institue of Technology, Che

@techresearchersclubvitc Chennai, India