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Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group PreciousSingletary
Welcome to Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group, INC. where luxury living is redefined and a team of experienced and dedicated professionals.

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group Beverly Hills, CA

Daniel Ypsilanti dypsilanti

University of Florida United States

Czuje się jak ksiądz, kiedy proch zamieniam w sos, bo tu trafiony los jest rzadziej niż 1 na 100 = )


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

iamlos iamlos
<trappin/> Internet. Media. Blogs.

Caaza Worldwide

Ibrahim Mohammed abodlaim
Linux Engineer | Web Developer | Full Stack

LinuxPlus Victoria, BC, Canada

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Thomas Navarro thomasnavarro

@smartfire-company @woody-wordpress Lyon, FRANCE

Derek OneMohrTime
<title> designer + developer. </title>

OneMohrTime Design Co. Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Kristjan Koppel kristjankoppel
I play with web. Favourite toy's are WordPress and Bootstrap

ProPXLS Tallinn, Estonia

Jarkko Saltiola jasalt
Bookmarking, testing and improving tools and services, mostly around web and databases and sometimes music and video production.

Freelancer Finland, Helsinki

Erik van der Bas Levdbas
Lead WordPress developer @Studio-Lemon, owner at @basedonline. Contributing to @timber and several other WordPress related projects.

Based Online Gouda, The Netherlands

Philip Rabbett philiprabbett

Rabbett Designs United Kingdom

Dimitri BOUTEILLE dimitriBouteille
Full Stack web developer on WordPress and Magento 2.

Reflet Communication Lyon - France

Mark whippet-code
Eat leaves, runs wild and codes mostly two-handed. Web Dev with a penchant for good coffee and blues.

United Kingdon

Kyle Russell NotKyle
Web Developer @jaskcreative


Enes Bayraktar enesthedev
Developer. TS, PHP <3

meetGO Turkey

James Lau jameslau
Front End Developer

Boston, MA

fishdev castillosdev
Just A Web Developer
Amirmomp carmartdev

Pariz, Sirjan, Kerman, Iran

Jacob Price JacobPrice
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook: @Thatpriceguy

Smith Mountain Lake, VA

Sean Brosnan seanannnigans
Award-winning Brand Strategist 📈 + Designer 🎨 + Developer👨🏻‍💻+ Cinematographer 🎥 -- 🇬🇧-born, 🇺🇸-raised


John Jezon Ajias johnjezonajias
👋 Hey, I'm John! 💻 Fullstack dev passionate about web development. Tech: PHP, Node, React, Next, GSAP for animations. Let's 🔨 build something awesome🚀


Ben Bishop beenbiishop

ArtsVision Boston, MA

Jared Novack jarednova
Partner at @Upstatement and maker of @timber

Upstatement Boston, MA

Stefen Phelps stefenphelps
Husband, father of 5, lead engineer and co-founder of Kelp Creative Agency

@kelpagency Brooksville, FL

Taryn Cowart taryncowart
Scorpio ☀︎ Virgo ☽ Capricorn ↑

Portland, OR