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Truong Nguyen khoangkhac118

truong nguyen california, united states

Patrick Williams mightyp15

CBCMC Trading and Analytics with Database Technology Richmond TX

Charleno Pires charlenopires
Polyglot Developer (Working: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go; Know: Rust, Ocaml, ReScript, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Dart, Kotlin; Understand: Java, C#, PHP, Lua

Amarante | PI | Brazil

Pham Van Khang vkhangstack
Software Engineer & DevOps

IntelIn Technology Joint Stock Company (ST Group) Vietnam

korotetskyi korotole

Prague, Czech Republic

Артём Шаламов backsty
My name is Artyom. I am 19 years old. Study at NSTU (NETI). Full-stack developer on Python and JavaScript.
Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

صاحبة معرض السيارات وشركه تجاره عامه
Noah Abe noahabe
Mathematician | Software Developer | Physics Lover | Currently Interested in Solar Energy & Electrochemistry

Data53's Energy Company Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

DaniallShayesteh compooser
آهنگساز تنظیم کننده و ترانه سرا --------------------------- فوق تخصص سخت افزار

Hipmusic Studio Iran Iran

Vasilii Lazarev Lapo4kaKek
(Rust/C#) Blockchain && DeFi developer Telegram: @iamclown_ogo

RSquad Easter Island

gShahr gShahr
Burning Brighter Than the Speed of Light