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Ayoub Ait Lachgar theaubmov
I'm Ayoub, I'm a full stack software engineer and process automation developer.
Karim Benbourenane karimbenbourenane

@BerkeleyLab @esnet Berkeley, California, United States

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Lætitia A Delvaux laeti-tia

PSNC / GÉANT project Milky Way

Francesco Zanolin francescozanolin

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Rome, Italy

Karel van Klink kvklink

@GEANT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Tim Chown timchown
Network Development Manager at Jisc.


Marcel Venema marcelvenema
Independent architect, DevOps consultant, and trainer.

Lelystad, The Netherlands.

Nicholas Meredith udha
Mostly harmless.


Mike Palmer noziwatele

University of Melbourne Melbourne

Stefan de Kooter sdktr
Infra Engineer

@prxs-dev NL

Shayan Karimi shywn-mrk
Senior Software Engineer

Wallex Iran

M. Torkashvand torkashvand
A Python developer based in Amsterdam

GEANT Amsterdam

Schwaboy schwaboy
Uncle Nuts

Schwa Systems Oregon, USA

wavemoroc001 wavemoroc001
Life is always TA-DAAA!

Bangkok, Thailand

Yan smirnovskoe
Software Development and Design
Olivier Tétard otetard

@SekoiaLab Rennes, France

Chris Phillips teamktown
Identity & federation architect. Serial collaborator. Automation fanatic. Coder and contributor at large,

Ottawa, Ontario

Jose Manuel Agudo Cuesta jmagudo
Network and Security Consultant with broad experience in security and networking. Actual focus in network automation and security, devops and network telemetry.


Goran Pejovic goranpejovic

@esnet Berkeley, California

Kapil Agrawal netops2devops
Network Security Engineer dabbling with code


Alex Moura asmoura

KAUST KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Geoff Davis geoffdavis

UC San Diego @UCSD-ANF San Diego, CA