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Slowpokita gricelsepulveda
Dev & UX Designer / 34 🍰 Loves tea ☕️, videogames 👾 , Bowie ⚡️ and cats 🐈 Code lover 💻 parapara 🎀 ¡Los infortunios crean superhéroes!

@meli Santiago, Chile

traipe Traipe
Mari mari ! 🙌🏽 iñche ta Jimena pingen. Estudiante y novata en programación. "Si caes, aprendes" 🚴🏽‍♀🛹🐈‍⬛✨♾️
Juan luis Estrada Novaversocl
.: Computer Engineer - Web Developer :. "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence."


Camila Serantoni R. CamiSerantoni
Fullstack-JavaScript | Front- end | ReactJS

Blue Express

Isaac Covarrubias IsaakCov
Passionate developer about backend and continuous learning. 💭 I come up with ideas and I like to share them.💡Reader and nerd since I was a child. 📖

Universidad Andrés Bello Santiago, Chile

Fernanda Aguilar Pfannschmidt FeniaPfa
Frontend Developer

Trazo Labs Chile

Ricardo Cuauro odracirdev
🚶🏻 Walk 30min a day. 💧 Drink water. 😁 Smile at least once a day. 🪙 HODL! 🧑🏻‍💻 And keep coding.

Cencosud S.A. Santiago, CL

Viviana Fajardo vivianafb
Computer engineer and FrontEnd Developer +2 year of experience.

AAXIS Digital Chile

Emilys Dominguez Emilysdominguez
Web Designer & Front-end Developer | WomenCISO

Freelancer Venezuela

Tere Gonzalez teregonzalez
Frontend Developer

Santiago, Chile

Shirley Ramos Martínez shinnmar
I'm Front-End Developer & UI Designer 🦄 GDG Organizer at @GDGCallao & Co-Founder of @AngularPeru 🚀✨

Lima, Perú

Yoshie Garcés Rodríguez YoshieDev
Teach Lead QA | In a way to Front-End Developer | Content Creator @YoshieDev 📷

@Chattigo from Cuba in Chile to world

Andressa Rodrigues AndressaSRodrigues
Fullstack Developer

Santiago, Chile

Alfonsina Lizardo Alais29
Physician/Fullstack MERN developer. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, SASS, JS, jQuery, React, Redux, Typescript, Gatsby, Bootstrap, Wordpress, Node, Express and MongoDb

AudienceView Chile

Alejandra C. Araya Díaz Alejandra-AD
🌟 Engineer from Chile | 💻 Developer in progress | 🎯 Focusing on Java, SQL, Spring Boot and REST APIs


Dayan Arango dayanMichelle
I am passionate about learning about technological innovation and that my work has a positive impact on people's quality of life.

santiago de chile

Pillippa Perez Pons Pillin
Curious!. Learning...

California, EEUU

Leslie Herrera - Dereemii Dereemii
Front-End Developer ✨

Santiago de Chile