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Daniel Haven danielh-official

Solar Reviews New Jersey, US

Ernest Phillips ernest-phillips
Software Engineer @github . I like to talk about Anime , Kung Fu flix and navigating through this tech life.

GitHub California

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Glynn Glynnryan
Transforming ideas into reality 🚀 | Jack of all trades 🤓 | Tech enthusiast 🖥️ | Passionate about collaborative success 🤝

Johannesburg, South Africa

Synt4x404 js-surya

Tamil Nadu, India

Phil Robinson robinsonphil
50-something web developer geek formerly working in cubicle-land in Corporate America.

Memphis, TN

Drafty officialdrafty
Learning how to code life. Frontend Developer. #ADHDPower Coder in the Food & Health World just making the world healthy, and clean again.

@PerceptionWorks Hyattsville, MD

Pedro Cavalheiro pecavalheiro

Hive Hamburg, Germany

Cameron Llewellyn camrun91
I am passionate about building things that make an impact. I also tinker with a lot of different things a lot.

@Differential Oklahoma City

Knowledge Base Analyst, Data
Anderson Reinkordt son1112

founding engineer @ beercode Lincoln, NE

Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

Kramer Campbell kramerc
Tech nerd, software engineer, music lover.

Tacoma, WA

Marketa mmarcali

Stroer Labs Czechia

Nick nicolashartman96
Network and Systems Administrator
Taylor Brown Taytay
Cofounder of YNAB. (I was "Taytay" before it was cool.)

@ynab Tulsa, OK

Martin Abeleda martinabeleda
Software Engineer @Yelp | Machine Learning & MLOps

@Yelp Vancouver, BC

Brady Holt bradymholt
Developer at @ynab, voider of warranties‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

@ynab Texas

Sam Carlton ThatGuySam
Head of Engineering and ACT House. Building with TypeScript, Supabase, Vite, React Native, and Vue

Sam Carlton Consulting Tulsa, Oklahoma

Sean-Wyn Ng seanwynwins
software engineer

AWS Seattle, WA

Jeremy White JeremyWhiteDev
Software Developer, Maker

Nashville, TN

Pandau MrFootwork
Footwork is the foundation to everything.


Tanner Barcelos TannerBarcelos
Hyperscale AI Platform @ Visa

@Visa San Jose, CA

Ali Servet Donmez exalted
Jack of all trades & proud.

@balsamiq Italy

Gareth Evans ggfevans
Professional email sender.

@vertigis British Columbia, Canada

Akshat Patel aksh1t

PSPDFKit Bangalore

Avo Sepp avo-sepp
Director - DevOps @ The NBA

@NBA Massachusetts, USA

Jelani Jackson MorpheusNephew
Life student with a passion for travel, adventure, and technology.

Zapier Fort Lauderdale

Paul Tanchareon paulvtan
A wanderer exploring the glitches in the universe. ✨

New Zealand