- Beginner guide vidhya
- Real python on CF
- Intro to, using item-item or user-item, validating using imdb data, git
- Tfidf cosine similarity, countvec cosine
- Various implementations of CF, a serious review of algorithms
- Collaborative filtering, SVD
- Part1, Spotlight, item2vec, Neural nets for Recommender systems
- A general tutorial, has a nice intro
- Medium on Movies
- Medium series on collaborative filtering and embeddings Part 1, part 2, git
- Movie recommender systems on kaggle
- Matrix factorization
- Collaborative filtering with binary countvec data, item-item, didnt work well on another domain
- Netflix competition, matrix factorization over classical algorithms, a survey paper
- Movie similarity based on genre
- Similar entities, matrix multiplication high sparsity
- Euclidean distance with high sparse data
- Excel & fastai, git
- CF for movie recommendation
- Comparison item vs user cf
- build a recommendation engine with collaborative filtering
- An exhaustive list of methods to evaluate
- Choosing the best for your business
- Evaluating
- survey of accuracy eval metrics for RS by Microsoft
- Building a validation framework
- Evaluation Metrics for RS
- offline vs online validation
- Evaluating RS
- Surprise, docs,
- Grover prince , related article
- Recsys git