We have developed JupyterLab extensions to help with development and education.
.. panels:: :body: bg-light text-center :footer: bg-light border-0 :opticon:`plus-circle,mr-1` **Extension to Run and Hide Codes** A JupyterLab extension to run and hide all codecells. .. image:: images/hide-input.gif +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. link-button:: jupyterlab_hide_code :type: ref :text: To the instruction :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link ---------------------------------------------- :opticon:`plus-circle,mr-1` **Extension to Visualize Molecular Orbitals** A JupyterLab launcher extension to visualize Gaussian cube files. .. image:: images/mol-visualizer.gif +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. link-button:: mol_visualizer :type: ref :text: To the instruction :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link