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+Please note that this is to be used for issues regarding the osu! wiki only. If you are seeking general osu! help, visit the [Help forum](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/5) or the #help channel in-game instead.
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Mapping is off to a strong start in 2018, and here we come again with our selection of maps the previous month! Swing by and check out the Beatmap Spotlights for January!
The beatmap charts for the January Spotlights can be found [here](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/chart?ch=MONTH1802) Their respective packs are available at the [Beatmap Pack Listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/packlist?t=r) for easier access. **The January 2018 Spotlights rankings will end on 15th March 2018.**
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The February Spotlights are now available, sporting a bunch of incredible maps for every game mode, and a shiny new medal for the collectors among us!
The beatmap charts for the February Spotlights can be found [here](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/chart?ch=MONTH1803) Their respective packs are available at the [Beatmap Pack Listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/packlist?t=r) for easier access. **The February 2018 Spotlights rankings will end on 15th April 2018.**
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Two Spotlights for the price of one, and a brief announcement about the future of the project, plus a bunch of awesome beatmaps to play and two shiny new medals!
The beatmap charts for the April Spotlights can be found [here](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/chart?ch=MONTH1805). Their respective packs are available at the [Beatmap Pack Listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/packlist?t=r) for easier access. **The April 2018 Spotlights rankings will end on 25th of June, 2018.**
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+layout: post
+title: "Seasonal Spotlights: Summer 2018"
+date: 2018-11-01 06:00:00 +0000
+The heat might've come and gone, but the brand new Seasonal Spotlights are bringing the best of Summer 2018 back in beatmap form! Check it out!
+The beatmap charts for the Summer Spotlights can be found [here](https://osu.ppy.sh/rankings/osu/charts?spotlight=251). Their respective packs are available at the [Beatmap Pack Listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/packs?type=chart) for easier access. **The Summer 2018 Spotlights rankings will end on the 15th of December, 2018.**
+## Changes to the Spotlights Project
+You may have noticed that the regular Monthly Beatmap Spotlights slowed down a bit and then outright stopped a few months ago. After some internal discussion, we've decided to revamp the project to follow a seasonal release schedule going forward - and thus the Seasonal Spotlights are born!
++ **Spring Spotlights**: Showcases maps ranked from March 1st to May 31st, and released on June 30th
++ **Summer Spotlights**: Showcases maps ranked from June 1st to August 31st, and released on September 30th
++ **Fall Spotlights**: Showcases maps ranked from September 1st to November 30th, and released on December 31st
++ **Winter Spotlights**: Showcases maps ranked from December 1st to February 28th or 29th, and released on March 31st.
+The astute among us will note that it is indeed November, and not September at the moment - the delay in releasing the Summer Spotlights is a one-time affair and the others will all be proceeding following the schedule listed above.
+**The Spotlights team is also looking for new members!** If you've ever been interested in helping pick out the best of the best beatmaps from a given seasonal cycle and think you've got what it takes to contribute, we want to hear from you! Check out the application [here](https://goo.gl/XdNvXo)!
+If you just want to observe the process and get a feel for things, we've decided to make our Discord server public and you are [free to join](http://discord.gg/Z28ZtUf) if you like. With that said, discussion about the future and other important stuff will still happen on the dedicated *#osu-spotlights* channel over at the [osu! development Discord](Http://discord.gg/ppy).
+We're also looking to freshen up the Spotlights gameplay experience to make it a little more competitive. The top three players who manage to conquer the Seasonal Spotlights leaderboards can look forward to receiving 3, 2, and 1 months of supporter for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place respectively.
+We are also pushing to increase the visibility of the Spotlights on the website and in-game, though more on that front will happen later on in 2019.
+For now, let's get stuck right into this year's blazing summer beatmap hits!
+# Navigation
+- osu!
+- osu!taiko
+- osu!catch
+- osu!mania
+# Summer 2018 Spotlights
+## osu!
+This time, [ScubDomino](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8972308) brings us sakuraburst's remix of "last minute" by sanj. The mapper managed to combine both free form and grid based mapping by switching to the latter once the song hits the climax. Don't get fooled though as this is not your ordinary grid - as the song goes progressively more intense, the map follows with some unexpected twists, making it a unique experience you should not miss out on!
+Here's a map of Chinese Man's "I Got That Tune (Tha Trickaz Remix)", brought to you by [toybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2848604). Switching between different music styles and speeds, toybot works perfectly with their clean, organized mapping style, sporting a variety of beautiful tricks incorporating both slider shapes and slider velocities to make this map something quite outstanding.
+[Mismagius](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/19048) did a great job with their map of Steven Wilson's "The Raven That Refused to Sing". With a track that's full of emotions, its details are perfectly represented through different spacings and slider shapes. The smooth hitsounding compliments the song superbly, providing contrast between the calm and intense sections. You should definitely try this map out!
+Despite being a relatively new mapper, [den0saur](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5385151) provides us an absolutely masterful and engaging gameplay experience with their rendition of Hanatan's "You and beautiful world". It introduces emphasis through wide angles and really few occurrences of filler rhythm, making every possible sound the map has to offer very powerful. I enjoyed it a lot and I think you will too!
+Coming straight from the Mapper's Guild with a Featured Artist song, [Mao](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2204515), [Gero](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1467715), [Mirash](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2841009) and [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323) proved us that beatmapping is truly a piece of art. With a mixture of streams and slider velocity changes, accompanied by one of the most stunning storyboards seen this season, this set is definitely worth checking out.
+Lightly edited from the original version made five years ago, [Hollow Wings](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/416662) brings us a pleasant set that has aged very well with Ishida Yoko's "Negai". Built on a low-bpm swing beat, this map mixes slow and simple sections with faster, energetic choruses that will have your cursor dancing across the screen to their lovely melody.
+Together with [Pata-Mon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6149313) and [Suzuki_1112](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3170678) they bave created a very enjoyable set to play, and something sure to stoke your summer spirit.
+[eiri-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3388410)'s strikingly original set of Liz Triangle's "Messiah" has 3 unique difficulties that all express the song quite beautifully. [Jounzan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1848318)'s top diff has great intensity and spacing contrast, along with a unique use of flow. [Mirash](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2841009) and [Delis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1603923)' collab gives us a nicely improvised approach to emphasis, providing a fun gameplay experience.
+Last but not least, Vass' Desire by [Vass_Bass](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/188248) displays a very natural movement around the playfield, which is more easily playable, yet displays a high attention to detail. With a nice range of mapping styles, it's easy to say something in this set for everybody!
+When considering versatility in mapping skills, [Lasse](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/896613) is pretty much a shining example of it. Their rendition of Meramipop's "Unknown x known" remixed by DYES IWASAKI definitely showcases it too, with its great cursor control and aesthetics. Using heavy slider velocity manipulation to control cursor momentum, it matches the ups and downs of the song perfectly. This map is sure to not disappoint you, and is definitely a welcome one to this season's Spotlights!
+[UndeadCapulet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2523533) has always been known in the mapping community for having a rather divergent mapping style from the current aesthetic norm by exclusively focusing on movement concepts. Their rendition of FELT's "Day and Night" seems to match that perspective just as well, being one of the more well expressed maps this season.
+Despite the map starting out slow and rather unsatisfying to play, it all takes a sharp turn later when reaching the choruses. All in all, it's definitely worth giving this map a try to the end!
+[happy30](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/27767)'s rendition of "min" by Chata perfectly captures the flow of the song. Contrasting jumps and antijumps on varied rhythms make this map a blast to play. Adding on to that, [Net0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5099768) and [bossandy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/360437) did a great job supporting the Lunatic with their spread, as each difficulty strikes the perfect balance between referencing the highest difficulty and introducing new ideas. Don't miss out on this gem!
+[Zetera](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/587737)'s map of Dream Theater's "Moment of Betrayal" strikes the perfect balance between rhythmic complexity and intuitive gameplay. The progressive metal song provides plenty of rhythmic variety while keeping a high intensity level during most of its six minutes, making this map very engaging to play throughout. The impactful hitsounding only helps with that. Make sure to check this map out!
+With an upbeat tempo and groovy beat, [tutuhaha](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/546991) brings us an energetic piece with their map of Kurahashi Yoeko's "Tomodachi no Uta". Featuring lots of unique and varied slidershapes and satisfying snappy jumps, the final product is a map tailor-made for jamming out to this song of friendship.
+Last but not least, [bor](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4116573) provides us with a stunning mapset of Draw The Emotional's "Sad Spring". The highest difficulty puts a huge focus on motion, with every object having just the right impact. The extravagant streamshapes feel very satisfying to play. All that accompanied by an ambitious and consistent spread with the help of [Lasse](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/896613) and [Aeril](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4334976), this is a mapset everyone should try!
+## osu!taiko
+We hope you like chiptune tracks, because one of these is taking the gold medal on this summer's Spotlights!.
+With a total of seven difficulties, this fast-paced mapset by [Midnaait](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1506011) forms an exemplary spread from the easiest to the hardest difficulty, featuring well constructed structure, rhythm choice and rest moment density. It also features two guest difficulties from [yassu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7095592) and [hikiko-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6512678) for those who want extra variety in their playthrough!
+Not to mention the highest difficulty, Bit Crusher, holds impressively well built streams, which may seem simple at first glance, but the high BPM and the stamina required for you to hit them will certainly make you think twice before underestimating them. This difficulty also manages to achieve a fairly high strain level without needing to use other snaps, such as 1/6!
+All in all, this spread has a deserved first place in the Summer's Spotlights!
+Ohayou! Want to play some oriental music on a drum that originated from the same region? [incandescence](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6256027)s map titled a morning greeting in Japanese will probably fulfill your need. Featuring a load of five difficulties ranging from Kantan to Inner Oni, the set is carefully arranged to represent the catchy rhythm with relatively balanced spread progression, which could cater to different players' capability.
+Apart from the good consistency of patterns every difficulty keeps, the Inner Oni utilizes a variety of 1/4 combinations that accompany the music accurately alongside a set of simple yet intuitive Slider Velocity transitions, making the map impressive to play.
+Behold, the current top Star Rating map in our Ranked Section! t+pazolite's "Ultrasonic Anthem" remixed by Kobaryo will surely tire out your hand and drive you crazy!
+This time around, [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767) along with his collaborators [eiri-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767), [komasy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1980256), [maziari1105](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4469725), [Midnaait](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1506011) and [thzz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1614839) brought us this mapset consisting of meticulously crafted difficulties to ensure nobody gets lost along the way, so everybody can have something to play!
+If the amount of low difficulties doesn't catch your eye, the top diffs will for sure, as they are extremely well done speed maps with proper flow to show us how it's done. You can bet these are a whole lot of fun and a worthy challenge as well!
+Definitely not a stranger to the community and being known for great Slider Velocity usage in maps, [Nofool](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/672430) proves their proficiency yet again. This rendition of Cranky's "Into the Unknown" features a lot of SV changes across the whole set done in an excellent manner to highlight each part of the song perfectly.
+Looking visually pleasing as well, it's one of the few sets out there to introduce beginners to the scroll speed changes in maps, and not only that, it also utilizes hard patterns all throughout, making it a challenge on each difficulty while being a great match to the song.
+With all of this, the set finds a very well deserved place in the Spotlights!
+Get ready to be presented with a key... a key... of timepieces!
+No newcomer to the spotlights, this map by [Nifty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4956097) features his signature Slider Velocity usage that will challenge even the best of players and well-executed rhythmic complexity, all backed by an amazing song!
+The experience of playing this map is never a dull one, as with each repetition of a previously heard rhythm also comes with it Slider Velocity that'll keep each encounter fresh and enjoyable. On top of being visually impressive, this map attains remarkable flow throughout the vast majority of the map, keeping our hands happy along with our eyes.
+The calmer parts of this map also have a notable contrast to the rest of the map in both density and visuality, setting these sections of the map apart from the rest. This idea keeps each section of the map accurately paced to the intensity of the song, while also keeping the player focused and interested.
+I don't know about you, but I'm ready to use this key to unlock some timepieces... whatever those may be. ;)
+Having mapped a whole bunch of songs by Rainbowdragoneyes, [Mew104](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2345156) finally pushed one of their renditions to rank. Each difficulty of the set features accurate and appropiate patterns throughout, being quite demanding, but still fair, and the Guest Difficulty by [Ak1o](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1600041) brings more even more variety to an already well-made varying set.
+What's most impressive about the set though is the Ura Oni. This difficulty takes everything the song has to offer and tastefully uses patterns in a way that makes the whole map fairly complex, but fitting to the song's nature with a nice mix of rather common, but also uncommon 1/4 + 1/6 snaps, as well as 1/6 leading into 1/3 snaps.
+Incredibly fun set and if you are looking for a challenge of the different kind, this map is definitely worth a shot!
+These Summer Spotlights are just bursting with Hidden TWC maps! [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767)'s guest difficulties to Showdown, which got featured in the 7th Taiko World Cup, are one of them.
+The Inner Oni features sparse 1/8-snap doublets, which were rare at the time of its making. Mix this with a variety of longer and shorter 1/4- or 1/6-snap patterns, and you got an awesome map to an awesome song! Additionally, the lower difficulties are very hard for their tier, which is not a bad thing - hard, but not unfair, Muzukashiis are always nice to have for people struggling to make the gap to Onis.
+In 2018 Summer, Fisherman [EdamaMe411](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4270973) together with [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767) did a great job introducing a deep sea creature in the Taiko Ocean. With the whopping 285bpm, the stamina required to escape from this fierce Icicle Stinger may be rather demanding!
+The three lower difficulties follow a simpler design so that beginners would not be scared away by the beast and could still play properly without big problem. Starting from Oni, there are already 1/4 triplets which are knotty to go through due to the rapid pace. In Inner Oni and tasuke's signature TAIKO-HOLIC, intense yet fitting 1/4 bursts are arranged in succession to provide a great challenge to players and even veterans.
+Being famous for his several Yunomi maps, this time [komasy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1980256) is here to bring us "Hachimitsu Adventure"!
+The top difficulty has shown how different aspects of mapping are well-integrated with the music itself. The hitsounding not only compliments well with the background drums, but also synergizes with varied, yet consistent note arrangements that effectively represent different song sections. All of these are further enhanced by the appropriate use of Slider Velocity changes which makes this mapset stand out from other 2-minute mapsets in the ranked section.
+Having around 40 map submissions beforehand, it is clear that [HiroK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4050738) has earned sufficient experience and aimed high for his very first ranked mapset, Sulfide.
+This marathon mapset succeeds at expressing the varying intensity of musical sections. Significant differences in terms of note density, Slider Velocities and pattern uses can be seen between calm, buildup sections and intense, drum-heavy kiais. Such contrast not only accurately portrays the music, but also highlights the importance of kiai sections which the mapper also handles well.
+Inventing! Improving! Creating!
+[Nardoxyribonucleic](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/876419) and [sing216](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6096445) bursts into the Summer Spotlights with their map of "Universal Death Squad" by EPICA. With an impressive catalogue of 48 ranked maps, Nardo is most known for making extremely solid anime maps, but every once in a while he puts his signature vocal mapping style on an operatic metal banger.
+Most metal marathons these days are too difficult for your casual taiko player, but with Universal Death Squad capping at 5.42 stars, it has something for everyone to enjoy. Whether it's the expertly crafted streams during the solos, the impeccable vocal mapping during the verses, or the back and forward between the song's high-pitched opera singers and the angry growling voice, this map will be sure to never disappoint!
+After well over a year, [Nwolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1910766) makes his way back to the spotlights with another onoken map, this time a mapset of Viden, which was also featured in this year's TWC as a Hidden pick in Round of 16. Each difficulty of the set leans towards the challenging side, being quite dense in the lower difficulties with a few unusual pattern choices while following the song nicely, making for a very intuitive and natural experience.
+The Inner Oni however puts the icing on the cake: interesting use of SV changes and uncommon patterns introduced early on in the map, leading to Kiais going ham.
+Packed with a lot of odd patterns and a few variable snaps, this difficulty tests your off-hand streaming skill; and be warned, each difficulty gets even harder at the end of the song!
+Coming through with their first ranked map right into the Spotlights, [Ak1o](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1600041) brings us a fun mapset with BassTest! This short low BPM map features rather technical patterns on the TEST difficulty, including 1/6 and even 1/8 mixed into 1/4 streams, flowing quite well and being really satisfying to play.
+If you aren't ready for the patterns in TEST yet, the lower difficulties will certainly keep you entertained too, with an Oni difficulty that features 1/6 snaps, and a generally well-formed spread challenging players with complicated snaps for each respective difficulty.
+Super solid mapset overall and a worthy addition to the Spotlights!
+Definitely my personal favourite map of the summer, honestly what a banger. odaxelagnia's "#sawg" remixed by Wan Bushi features relatively fast paced breakcore, which [Ulqui](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1263669) did a great job representing through this map. With beautifully made tricky 1/6 patterns and carefully placed Slider Velocity progressions, they combine to make this map an amazing piece of artwork that is really fun to play!
+## osu!catch
+No strangers to the Spotlights, [Spectator](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/702598) and [Kyuare](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2705312) have brought us their rendition of a_hisa's "Tokei no Heya to Seishin Sekai". This long mapset at 4:13 goes by in a flash. While there are no over-the-top flashy patterns in the set, it may be one of its strongest points. The strong fundamentals of these experienced mappers is prevalent throughout the map, creating what is essentially a page turner until you've reached either the break or the final spinner.
+In addition to the overdose, the Collab Rain featuring [Fii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922569) may be less difficult, but is just as engaging to play. Featuring more controlled flow and aesthetic patterns, this set is not something to miss out on.
+Coming from the Fruit Factory, [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883) continues to impress us with yet another well made map, Function Phantom's "Euclid". Along with guest difficulties from [Spectator](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/702598), [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057), [ZiRoX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/200768) and [alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114), you'll be met with a tricky technical map including an impressive mix of harsh antiflow, strong hyperdashes, standstill buzz sliders. Make sure to try this map yourself, you won't be disappointed!
+Following Spectator's steps from the January 2018 Spotlights, [Hareimu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4138746)'s own rendition of "Marigold" manages to get a spot in the Summer 2018 Spotlights. The map, from its Cup difficulty to an already signature gimmicky Overdose by [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565), marvelously portray the song's different parts.
+From calmer sections boasting Guriri's sweet voice to a hectic combination of piano, violin and drums, this beatmap is sure to be a fun ride.
+Straight from 2017's osu!catch World Cup comes "Above the Clouds" by [P i k u](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2761685), a mapper that is not frequent in the Ranked section but still provides quality content. With one of Helblinde's calmer songs, P i k u, accompanied by [MBomb](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3071175), has once again delivered a really clean and polished mapset befitting the magnificence of the song.
+Finally, DragonForce has been brought to fruit-lovers! [Crowley](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6341006) made a successful first appearance in ranked section with his map DragonForce's "Seasons". Managing the organization of neat patterns through the entire map, Crowley explained how excellent one can be even if new in this field.
+Moreover, it's especially notable that varied stream patterns are designed, perfectly matching this heavy-metal song with intensive drum beats flowing everywhere. Pretty sure this is a fantastic map you won't want to miss this summer!
+Bringing us another fantastic map in the style we all know and love, Camellia's "Ultimate Ascension" mapped by [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) rounds out the summer spotlights in an epic fashion. Featuring high snapped streams along with input-precise movements in the top difficulty, "Phantom", those who are a fan of Deif's technical mapping will have a blast playing this map. A bit too hard? Tenshichan's Overdose will still provide a fresh experience in comparison at a similar difficulty!
+And of course, for everyone else, the Cup through Rain difficulties definitely provide a challenge well above the curve of a normal mapset, giving something for everyone to play and enjoy!
+## osu!mania
+[Dreamwalker](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8946550), well known as master of Slider Velocity oriented mapping, greatly debuts with his extremely dynamic 4k mapset: Kontinuum's "Lost (feat. Savoi) \[Sunroof Remix]". The extra difficulty demonstrates very creative yet balanced Slider Velocity usage, fitting well with pretty uneasy patterning; Combining long notes with 1/8 rolls, the chart takes the player out of their comfort zone, but still keeps it very fun to play. Eventually extreme 1/8 rolls intersect with heavy stutter effects, giving the gameplay a splash of drive.
+This paired with the Insane with great usage of heavy chording, including pushing scroll speed effects by [Fontes](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8875919) and the excellently balanced Advanced difficulty with well-arranged and smart choices of patterns by [Lastopia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6786004), the mapset came out very well structured and gives joy for players of any level. The map was highly appreciated by community and definitely deserves to be on the top of the Beatmap Spotlights!
+[Insp1r3](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7131254)'s first ranked mapset, "Mazare Party" by MAZARE presents a unique spread of 4K and 6K, with each keymode being a noticeably different as well as being fun to play. With [Chilly](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7792942), [Cokiiplay](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6760124) and lastly [Asherz007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9014047) contributing, the 4K spread explores an intense handstream challenge where players are forced to maintain their stamina and technique throughout.
+Moreover, [jakads](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/259972), [booty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4605217) and once again Asherz007 on the 6K spread shows a complete mashup of a complex long note pattern and fast stream, challenging the reading ability of players.
+Our masters of 7K, [Kawawa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4647754) & [Critical_Star](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3793196) once again return with a beautiful and challenging mapset, Yu_Asahina's "Ongaku -resolve-".
+As the difficulty progresses, Kawawa and Critical_Star express and interpret the mixture of piano rolls and flow of the rhythm using complex long notes with fast delay patterns. 7K players will once again fall in love with this challenging track and will make them seek for much more from them!
+[Fresh Chicken](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3984370), as known as the SDVX holic comes out with another sound voltex mapset, Getty vs. DJ DiA's "DropZ-Line-"! His talent in the mapping scene shines when he's set with pumpcore.
+Although the pattern is difficult on its own, with the addition of strong Slider Velocity changes it creates a harmony with the music -- something to be considered as a fun challenge to the players. The Slider Velocity values in some of the parts are not calculated to the average scroll speed intentionally, which shows how his interpretation of the music and expressed it through his mapping style.
+Enjoy the heavy bass, let's bring it on the pumpcore!
+[Hydria](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/808176) brings the ranked section with this easy but delicate mapset, M2U's "A Bella! (feat. Lucy)". As a technical mapper, this time he features delicate Long Note structures in vocal mapping and makes a great use of this song.
+The ideal spread on one hand makes the set reachable for beginners, while the complexity of Long Note design in the top diff gives some accuracy challenges to even the top players. If you are good at dealing with the Long Notes, take the challenge and enjoy this mapset!
+[MysticEyes](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6253266)' first ranked map, aran's "Xperanza" demonstrates usage of Long Notes in a particularly balanced style between comfort and musical representation.
+The track allows for a great variation of styles, and MysticEyes does not disappoint! This fun-filled LN hybrid is an accuracy challenge to many top players, and with a great song choice, many will also be jamming to the beat while playing the map.
+[Garalulu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/757783) continues to bring unique maps to the ranked section with his map, "GO! GO! MANIAC!" by HO-KAGO TEA TIME. This song has a chaotic nature, bringing different time signatures on instruments (mainly between 1/3 and 1/2) at 250 BPM, which Garalulu took full advantage of.
+The highest difficulty showcases a lot of well-thought patterns to further complicate the already complicated rhythm, such as short Long Note chords and cobweb patterns. And the mapper emphasized each instruments and every strong vocal syllables in a way that makes the patterns coherent, rather than making each of them distinctive. Knowing the BPM, accomplishing all those while still keeping the map fun and challenging is impressive.
+The lower difficulties are also a lot more complex than other maps in the Star Rating range, making the difficulty progression in a more linear state. Don't forget to play them too!
+Don't be fooled by the star rating! After Cycle Hit, [Wadu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8787387) contributes the ranked section this mapset, gmnt.'s "trappola bewitching", of which the top difficulty's real level is much higher than the star ratings indicates.
+Characterized by the fierce Slider Velocity changes and varied patterns with barely no rest at a high BPM of 190, this map challenges the players' readability of Slider Velocities as well as their stamina. [Mage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5527957)'s guest difficulties are also the highlights of this mapset. At the same time when keeping a good spread, he still tried to utilize some great concepts to pose some challenges on advancing players.
+All in all, this mapset would be among good choices of practicing stamina and challenging yourself!
+[FAMoss](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7707789) presents a very unique approach to ZUN's "Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial" with this mapset. The first track from one of the Touhou games to have been ranked in mania 4K, the musical style has allowed for fun minijacks throughout the map, and mappers can learn from the spectacular usage of the positioning of the notes that represents the music very well.
+Another one of [error_exe777](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7975796)'s Slider Velocity masterpieces, "Tetsuo's Redemption" by KOAN Sound & Asa is an enjoyable, chill-inducing marathon map with unpredictable, erratic speed changes that require the player to have a complete understanding of the music.
+Its use of varying concepts, particularly the repetition of specific patterns, is something that many mappers should keep in mind when making maps with Slider Velocity changes.
+[_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750) strikes again with his new extreme 7k chart and keeps the ranked section alive for top-tier players again. This marathon contains many different skillset, all at extremely high levels, including stamina, heavy chordstreaming and jack speed. As seen by the scoreboard, even top-tier players have to put high effort to play this map well.
+The map includes not only challenge element, but also consistency and good pattern choices that represent the music at the proper level. This map can fairly be named as one of the hardest ranked marathons.
+We have decided to make the spreadsheet available for everyone who is interested to take a look at how we selected these mapsets. Check it out [here](https://goo.gl/fEpzFn)!
+We hope you enjoy our selection for this season and look forward to what we will bring to you in the future.
+Until then, happy circle clicking, drum bashing, fruit catching, and key smashing! Do not forget to have a rest occasionally!
+—the Spotlights Team
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+title: "Project Loved: Week of November 4th"
+date: 2018-11-04 17:30:00 +0000
+[Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120) returns with another set of beatmaps nominated for the Loved category! Check out each one, and vote for your favourites!
+Welcome back to [Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120)! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the [Loved category](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8). From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each maps' header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
+Continuing the slow, steady decline of the quantity of maps we put up for vote, this week the osu!mania captains have decided to only put up seven maps, instead of the usual eight.
+In the osu!standard scene, we're seeing a pretty dramatic change in our lineup of captains. After selecting maps for over a year, [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689) has stepped down from this position, and opted to invite **four** new captains to the team: [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691), [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050), [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262) and [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453). Give Toy a huge thanks for all of his work as a captain so far, and a warm welcome to these new guys! Just to be clear, Toy isn't retiring from Project Loved entirely; in fact, he is still leading the project and doing most of the work behind-the-scenes.
+In case you don't read the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+### Navigation
+- [osu!](#osu)
+- [osu!taiko](#osutaiko)
+- [osu!catch](#osucatch)
+- [osu!mania](#osumania)
+## osu!
+osu! Loved candidates were chosen by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691), [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050), [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207), [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262) and [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)!
+[Aika - Sakura Trip](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/830964#osu) by [CrazyrabbitKGE](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4481526)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+CrazyrabbitKGE is a name unfamiliar to most, but I promise you it's a name you'll want to remember. His map of "Aika - Sakura Trip" provides a challenging twist for experienced players and sets the canvas for a unique spectator experience with its Sakura flower pattern structure and various keysounded sections. The map garnered over 100 favorites just through word of mouth, so if you want to know what the buzz is about, check out the map and vote for its place in the Loved category!
+[Tech N9ne - Speedom (WWC2) (feat. Krizz Kaliko and Eminem)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/397474#osu) by [LukerMaster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2093623)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+Some people may recognize this mapper from another Loved map, "Imaginary Places", which is iconic for its boss level difficulty. This map is no different. Clocking in over 8 stars, this alt-styled fast aim map by LukerMaster will push you to your limits. Good luck!
+[BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE?](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/463454#osu) by [Akali](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2127359)
+*written by [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)*
+If you've been in the tournament scene long enough, you'll have seen this played as a tiebreaker more than a few times, and for good reason. It balances flow and snap aim nicely, includes some cut streams to keep you on your toes, and weighing in at over five minutes, it is the perfect length to test your focus. It's all topped off with a banger of a song, so be sure to give it a look-see!
+[S.S.H. - F-zero ~ Big Blue](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/154798#osu) by [Saten](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/444506)
+*written by [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)*
+An iconic song meeting an iconic mapping style, Saten's map of S.S.H.'s Big Blue combines older style patterning with an artist we don't see much of on osu! these days. As such it has a nostalgic feel, but don't let that distract you from the 228 BPM streams and frequent switches between 1/4 and 1/3 rhythms. A lower difficulty has been recently added too, so if you're after a more modern feel with the same Saten style, this is a mapset you don't want to miss—a sentiment shared by at least 60 others.
+[Virtual Riot - Stay For A While](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/690556#osu) by [ProfessionalBox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3250792) and [cRyo[iceeicee]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/835998)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Yet another ProfessionalBox map has made its way to the Loved voting stage! This time, it's a control-crazy map of Virtual Riot's "Stay For A While" designed to throw you off with its confusing slider shapes and insanely high slider tick rate of 4. Tied along with quite a catchy and energetic future bass song, this map does an amazing job creating a unique playing experience—I'm sure the 120+ favorites can agree with me on that! So, what say you? Think you've got the cursor control it takes to pass a map like this? If you said yes, I'm going to need you to stop reading this and give the map your best go. Trust me, it'll be worth it! Afterwards, come back to this page and drop a vote on the map's poll!
+[Chihara Minori - SELF PRODUCER](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/419728#osu) by [Startrick](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2782104)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Known to some as the opening for the anime "OniAi", the song "SELF PRODUCER" has a beautifully crafted osu! map made by Startrick! At a length of five minutes, this energetic and upbeat song is accompanied by an artistically pleasing alternating flow map. If you're a player who prides their flow aim and consistency, why not use this map to prove your skills? Check it out and drop a vote on the map's Loved poll!
+[KNOWER - The Government Knows](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/721707#osu) by [Woey](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3792472), [MomoHD](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2927048), [Ambrew](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7803396) and [Hectique](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5298911)
+*written by [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262)*
+This is a great map for people that really want to test their skill with technical maps. "The Government Knows" is a map full of challenging patterns along with both fast and slow sliders which will test how well you can control your aim. This song is unique in its own way with the constant dance beat in the background and humorous lyrics. You may have recognised Woey previously from his map "Soulless 4" that was a candidate for Project Loved before, along with guest difficulties from Ambrew, MomoHD and Hectique. With the map hitting over 120 favorites, this is a map to definitely give a go if you're up for a challenge!
+[lapix feat. Renko - Concept Of Reality](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/559140#osu) by [ProfessionalBox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3250792) et al.
+*written by [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262)*
+One look into this map and you'll know straight away that this is by the unique mapper ProfessionalBox. Not to mention that the song is an absolute banger! But for real though, I'm sure you didn't expect anything less from lapix! Along with ProfessionalBox, there are guest difficulties mapped by other well known mappers like [NeilPerry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/841391), [Sing](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3795679), [Low Combo FC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3338724) and [Ameth Rianno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5219516). With the eccentric slider shapes and changes in slider velocity during the chorus to go with interesting fillers leading to the build up, this is a map that keeps you toes and is something to have a go at if you're into the more technical and nifty maps!
+[Getty vs. DJ DiA - DropZ-Line-](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/711286#osu) by [dima21](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8185954)
+*written by [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)*
+Do you want to get pumped up? Well dima21 has you covered with a map from Getty's and DJ DiA's song "DropZ-Line-". Aspects from the Aspire contest and 2B maps will test your skill outside of your comfort zone while providing an awesome song to listen to. With BPM ranging from 0 to... -infinity, this map will truly DeSTRoY you if you aren't careful!
+[Team Grimoire - C18H27NO3](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/417080#osu) by [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+I never thought cross-playfield jumps could look so inviting yet so intimidating at the same time. Regardless, waywern2012 proved it to be possible with his absolutely bonkers map of an extended version of Team Grimoire's song "C18H27NO3". When I say bonkers, don't think 7 stars. Don't think 8 stars, either. In fact, don't even think 9 stars. What? That's right. This map clocks in at nearly 9.5 stars, and it's chock-full of all the cross-screen jumps you could ever ask for. If you think you can do this... I'll hold your beer.
+## osu!taiko
+osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by [-[ ix Ishida xi ]-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/242910), [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861), [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110), [iceOC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5482401) and [nyanmi-1828](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6866480)! This week, all osu!taiko beatmap descriptions were written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861).
+[Masafumi Takada - Danganronpa V3 (Full Version)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/789055#taiko) by [Jerry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/605973)
+We are starting this cycle with Danganronpa V3, mapped by Jerry in a very particular way: as we've seen before in maps like [Gezo's MariannE](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/521862), this features multiple gimmicks explained through its storyboard. Ranging from speed gimmicks, memorization of patterns and the very infamous donkama gimmick, this map will surprise you for sure. Don't forget to enable it and reduce the background dim!
+[doth - Toy Boxxxx](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/380854#taiko) by [Sayaka-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/398275)
+Next we have Toy Boxxxx, a legendary mapset by Sayaka-. Why? To current standards, this isn't as much impressive, as the spread looks more like a Muzukashii onwards. The top diffs are around the same levels of difficulty of a lot of maps we see getting ranked now, but this map was made in 2015—Sayaka- truly was a visionary and gave us this map way ahead of time, as this was by far the hardest map around. It was really close to getting ranked, too. With truly complex and stamina draining patterns, this is probably one of the hardest maps getting Loved in quite a while. Maybe we will finally get a glance of what would these leaderboards would've looked like back then!
+[Camellia vs Akira Complex - Reality Distortion (Mitomoro Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/721482#taiko) by [un-plugged](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8959673)
+Continuing with the theme of maps that inspired a new generation of mappers comes Reality Distortion by un-plugged, a very well-executed map resembling what katacheh maps have introduced to us in the past. Waving patterns, "Yellow notes", glitchy sliders: this map has it all, and un-plugged sure made it look amazingly along with the music. If you really love going for the impressive scores worthy of a YouTube highlight, this is definitely your map.
+[tofubeats - CANDYYYLAND feat. LIZ (Pa's Lam System Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/724269#taiko) by [Myckoll](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/554976) and [Ulqui](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1263669)
+Finally, we have CANDYYYLAND by Myckoll and Ulqui, a map featured recently in the Taiko Suiji Cup as the challenge pick of Group Stage. This one is a delicious mixture of simple patterns that emphasizes the song further and SV changes that makes the experience a whole lot more rich, as future bass is one of these genres that rely heavily on the creativity of the mappers to stand out, and this map really achieved it. This really serves as a nice introduction to high level sightreading, as the readability of this map is quite into the comfortable side, so no doubts you should give this a shot!
+## osu!catch
+osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883), [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941), [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600) and [Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)!
+[t+pazolite with Kabocha - Elder Dragon Legend](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/592406#fruits) by [-Izayoi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5710721) and [Pyrozen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3031177)
+*written by [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600)*
+This is a clean map without any gimmicky patterns in it, but nevertheless still very fun to play. The map features a high BPM and fast-paced streams and sliders. Don't be fooled by the star rating—the map is way easier than the star rating makes it look like, so even aspiring players can have a good shot at it. Veterans can challenge themselves with HR if they feel like it, but other than that, it should be fairly easy. All in all, it is a pretty cool map that deserves some attention.
+[Various Artists - JuJutsushi Gachi ver.](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/409227#fruits) by [Furely](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/853694) and [wairo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6369405)
+*written by [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883)*
+Hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi! Although fairly new, only being uploaded in 2016, renowned meme mapper Furely brings us yet another fantastic map. Similar to to his other famous map, AVALON, this map brings hyperwalks, fast snapping, and several spots where ridiculously precise catcher movements are required. Boasting favorites from several top players and only having a few known plays that have come close to an FC (apart from [ExGon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/214187)'s FC), Oracle awaits those who are pressed to challenge it, but only a select few who have truly mastered the art of the catcher will come out triumphant.
+## osu!mania
+osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750), [aitor98](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3154852), [Kamikaze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2124783), [Pope Gadget](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2288341), [stupud man](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2141612) and [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)!
+[Soko ni Naru - Tenohira de Odoru](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/815996#mania) by [Vortex-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4999669)
+*written by [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)*
+A newcomer to the Loved category shows his face in the name of Vortex-, with his map for Tenohira de Odoru being the opener for this week's osu!mania Loved nominations. The chart takes a rather uncommon music genre in the realm of osu!mania, progressive rock, and applies an extremely clean and effective design to it, with rather nice LN usage to complement the exceptional detail of the patterns throughout the chart. This has given many charters a reason to love it, but has also given substantial attention to Vortex- from players due to his charts being so satisfying to play. Tenohira of course is no exception, coupled with the quality that many have now come to associate with Vortex give plenty of reason for its spot in the Loved nominations.
+[Toromaru - Enigma](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/641435#mania) by [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)
+*written by [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750)*
+TheToaphster is an experienced long note mapper, and he knows exactly how to utilise the song's nuances to create a fun, satisfying map that also proves to be a real challenge. So is the case with Enigma, being probably his most popular LN chart. It is relatively fast and dense, with high amounts of inverse-esque patterning that requires great reading skill. The straightforward LN jumpstream sections are enriched with 1/3 and 1/6 streams and bursts that can throw the player off of his tempo. Enigma is a textbook example of a balanced high-level LN chart done right, and we are happy to give it a shot in the Loved voting!
+[Lon - Yuru Fuwa Jukai Girl](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/478782#mania) by [Wh1teh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2640467)
+*written by [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)*
+Your local StepMania man Wh1teh comes back to the Loved nominations to show his chart for Yuru Fuwa Jukai Girl, a very fun approach to a pretty well-known song among the osu! community, as seen through the ranked charts' popularities. The chart takes full advantage of the fast, upbeat nature of the song, creating an equally exciting and engaging experience through the jack patterns in the verses and the jumpstream patterns in the choruses. This structure allows not only for pleasant gameplay but for an element of intensity that peaks in the choruses and especially toward the ending, which, when paired with the tight-knit layering and patterning, sets it up nicely as a Loved pick.
+[Camellia - ANOMALY](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/628571#mania) by [Lynessa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6703951)
+*written by [stupud man](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2141612)*
+It goes without question that Lynessa (formerly Trixta) has been able to push out some of the most popular jumpstream charts as of recent, including ANOMALY. Anybody who has played one of Lynessa's charts should be more than familiar with their heavy one-handed trill usage. In ANOMALY's case, it's what makes it so competitively viable. The BPM range of the rates in the mapset (210-252 BPM) seems to be a sweet spot for any 4K player adjusted to high difficulty jumpstream or handstream, and if anything makes ANOMALY a valuable indicator of skill in both categories.
+[HHHxMMxST - Oboro](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/222048#mania) by [17VA](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1895984)
+*written by [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750)*
+We are beginning this week's 7K selection with a renowned classic. HHHxMMxST - Oboro by legendary charter 17VA is a map that every O2Jam enthusiast has probably played at least once during his osu!mania journey. It starts off relatively innocent, but the density increases noticeably after the first chorus. The difficulty progression is cumulated in the solo and the last section, both of which contain tricky LN patterns that are a real test of finger independency. With that being said, we hope Oboro will find its spot in the Loved section!
+[D.J.Amuro - ZZ](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/252179#mania) by [Nanatsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2786984) and [LordRaika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3265023)
+*written by [Kamikaze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2124783)*
+Up next we have a chart very familiar to the older players, Nanatsu's ZZ by D.J.Amuro. This chart first emerged when Nanatsu was known as \_S u w a k o\_, a top ranked Korean player and it's a pretty big, six-difficulty 7K spread based around chordstreams and general vanilla density all around. It's very clean in structure, being a good test of player's reading and streaming abilities as well as having multiple difficulties featuring two difficulties made by LordRaika for players looking to get into 7K to try! The overall accessibility of the chart combined with it's clear structure and a respectable amount of favourites are in our opinion well enough of a reason to get this chart Loved!
+[xi - Zephyros](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/140189#mania) by [Remillion Cross](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1983784) et al.
+*written by [aitor98](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3154852)*
+Zephyros from Remillion Cross has been wandering around the community since 2014, and thanks to the guest difficulties from [Skalim](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2225008) and [Runamii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2498380), this map has reached its peak and cannot get any better. With two different key modes, this map gives us a great lookup of how a good old school chart looks. Going from 3 stars to 6.3, this map features almost every single pattern you could imagine. Minijacks, bursts, chordstreams, long notes, staircases, shields, and more. Obviously, this is a general overview of the whole set and every pattern might not be applied to the easier difficulties but if you really want to play the harder ones, especially the hardest 7K difficulty, everything mentioned above will be applied in such a technical way, that you will realize how underrated the chart is. This is definitely good enough for Loved.
+From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoy this week's selection, and look forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the [Loved beatmap listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8) sometime next week and will be announced via [@osugame on Twitter](https://twitter.com/osugame).
+In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank [clayton](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3666350), [Ephemeral](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/102335), [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323) and [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689) for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
+If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+—the Project Loved team
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+layout: post
+title: "osu!idol 2018 Finals - Community Voting Results!"
+date: 2018-11-05 17:45:00 +0000
+We have reached the end in this year's osu!idol contest. Thanks everyone for taking part in the [community voting](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/contests/71)! Results time.
+### Results
+**Congratulations to this year's osu!idol - [Will Stetson](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4909088)!** Their performance of **Omoi - Snow Drive** has earned them the first place!
+**Next we have [Zeva[FL]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2805170)**'s performance of **Chris Kirkpatrick - My Shiny Teeth And Me** in second!
+**Third place goes to [MjIsMaster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9922896)** with their performance of **The Romantics - Talking In Your Sleep**! Applause, everyone!
+Here are links to the performances.
+* [Will Stetson - Snow Drive](https://assets.ppy.sh/contests/71/entries/Snow%20Drive.mp3)
+* [Zeva[FL] - My Shiny Teeth And Me](https://assets.ppy.sh/contests/71/entries/My%20Shiny%20Teeth%20And%20Me.mp3)
+* [MjIsMaster - Talking In Your Sleep](https://assets.ppy.sh/contests/71/entries/Talking%20In%20Your%20Sleep.mp3)
+### Conclusion
+As we mark this year's installment to a close, we'd like to thank the community for making all of this possible!
+Don't forget to drop by our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/7hZgNeH) for banter, karaoke and future announcements. See you next time. Boomshakalaka.
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+layout: post
+title: "Project Loved: Week of November 18th"
+date: 2018-11-18 20:00:00 +0000
+[Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120) opens its bi-weekly polls once again, letting *you* decide which maps are put into the Loved category! Vote for your favourite maps here!
+Welcome back to [Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120)! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the [Loved category](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8). From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each maps' header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
+In case you don't read the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+### Navigation
+- [osu!](#osu)
+- [osu!taiko](#osutaiko)
+- [osu!catch](#osucatch)
+- [osu!mania](#osumania)
+## osu!
+osu! Loved candidates were chosen by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691), [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050), [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207), [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262) and [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)!
+[Jerma - Rat's Birthday Mixtape (FULL VERSION)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/788334#osu) by [mithew](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2571893)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+It's finally here! mithew's take on Jerma's "Rat's Birthday Mixtape" has seen massive popularity through top players and memes, with good reason as well! It's a fun and challenging map to play, watch, and listen to! Sitting at 176 favorites, you will find yourself spamming 🐀 in no time.
+[Seiryu - AO-Infinity](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/821798#osu) by [\_RyuK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6304246) and [stq](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8438674)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+It's honestly amazing to see top players dipping their toes into the mapping scene. \_Ryuk's take on Seiryu's "AO-Infinity" is a test of all things stream-wise, including spaced, slider and jump streams all packed into a single map. It's a great set to practice with and a great song to listen to—a perfect harmony!
+[xi - Ascension to Heaven](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/48925#osu) by [Zapy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/251395) and [Jenny](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/579428)
+*written by [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)*
+An undeniable classic, the likes of which we might never see again, Zapy's Ascension to Heaven has stood the test of time and is still as incredible to play today as it was when it came out. The 200 BPM streams flow brilliantly, and the use of AR9 presents a reading challenge too, so don't take the star rating for granted. You game? Then come and have a go if you think you're hard enough.
+[Masuda Junichi - Lavender Town - Solkrieg's Dream Eater Dubstep Remix](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/213838#osu) by [Dustice](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/754565)
+*written by [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)*
+Want stamina practice? Look no further. Taking the "dump" mapping concept and applying it to standard, this map throws constant 256 BPM bursts and streams at you to go along with the remixed Lavender Town melody. The drops hit hard and the map barely calms down over its entire two minute run time, so make sure to give it a run if you're feeling spritely enough to be on the right side of passing.
+[nameless - All I Need are Things I Like](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/650027#osu) by [Yusomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4174940)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+An eye-catching map, Yusomi's mapset of nameless's "All I Need are Things I Like" is certainly a precision player's friend. The main difficulty of the mapset may be CS7, but that's not the only thing bringing it above 9 stars in difficulty. The map is filled with high-speed jumps to truly test the player's agility and aim control at every angle imaginable. A CS5 version of the map is provided as well, if that suits your tastes more. So, give the map your best shot!
+[LeaF - Alice in Misanthrope -Ensei Alice-](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/526627#osu) by [Anxient](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4561368) et al.
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+A mapper recognizable from some of their other ranked mapsets, Anxient has yet another mapset up for show! This is a 6-difficulty set of a song by LeaF, a familiar artist within the osu! community. With guest difficulties from [Victorica](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4707331), [Rohit6](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3206945) and [SnowNiNo\_](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2506267), the top difficulty was made by the set owner and sits in high 5-star range. The map itself is filled with unique stream shapes and doubles to satisfy those niche technical interests of yours. As you go to check out the map, don't forget to give the guest difficulties a try as well!
+[Stefan Karl Stefansson & Mani Svavarsson - We are Number One](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/526574#osu) by [Doomsday is Bad](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3481378) et al.
+*written by [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262)*
+Another fun and interesting mapset by Doomsday is Bad has appeared as a candidate for Loved! "We are Number One" is full of unique patterns in each difficulty, ranging from jumps to 2B sliders to even a cover of the song being made for one of the difficulties—this is definitely something to check out. The mapset also includes mappers like [Doomsday](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/18983), [Syncro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6565563), [NyarkoO](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6622567) and [Lefafel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2295850) and has over 140+ favorites. Can you get number one on this?
+[liqueurprime - Wagashi to Issho ni Tachiagare!](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/617142#osu) by [Settia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2445897)
+*written by [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262)*
+With classic Settia mapping to go along with such a lively song, this is definitely a map to check out. With the star rating hitting 7, this map is not to be taken lightly, as it is full of fast jump patterns and long streams. It's the perfect map to either test or practice your stamina and aim! In addition to that, the map hits nearly 5 minutes and will keep you interested every second, with contrasting sections and varying patterns. I hope you're ready for a wild ride!
+[Camellia feat. Nanahira - senpai, notice me!](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/843685#osu) by [\_RyuK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6304246)
+*written by [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)*
+It has been proven many times that top players can make amazing maps, and this is no exception. \_RyuK is offering us a map of Camellia's "senpai, notice me!", and it includes cute slider shapes, some technical patterns, frequent slider velocity changes and a banger of a song! It is safe to say that the loved captains definitely noticed this map, as the fastest improving player has made one of the fastest favourite-gaining maps, with over 180 favourites during these three months!
+[Endorfin. - Spica](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/575464#osu) by [Settia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2445897)
+*written by [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)*
+"Endorfin. - Spica" is a map with an interesting concept by Settia. There are two ways to play this beatmap, with and without vocals. How? Just enable or disable hitsounds to turn vocals on or off. Packing in 100 favourites, this beatmap shows its potential and is fun to play with or without vocals! Try it yourself!
+## osu!taiko
+osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by [-[ ix Ishida xi ]-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/242910), [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861), [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110), [iceOC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5482401) and [nyanmi-1828](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6866480)!
+[UNDEAD CORPORATION - Magus night fever inst.](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/224810#taiko) by [Ekoro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/284905)
+*written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+Coming as part of his well-known Sorcery Light series, Ekoro's "Magus night fever inst." is probably one of the hardest high-BPM stamina maps out there. With large streams, both complex and monocolor, this map focuses on emphasizing the melody on its blue notes while following its brutal kicks on the dons, so be prepared to break keyboards trying to pass this map. We wish you the best of luck trying to read the last kiai, which has a scrolling speed that is equal to around 392 BPM.
+[Furby@NineMusez - Mousou Express](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/329416#taiko) by [JUDYDANNY](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1165475), [kanopu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/203721) and [Nardoxyribonucleic](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/876419)
+*written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+Even though it was initially going for ranked, "Mousou Express" by JUDYDANNY comes to satisfy the people who like relaxing with easier maps. Although it brings high quality diffs that make a proper difficulty spread, it comes with a very gratifying surprise: kanopu's Inner Oni is a love letter to the older members of the community, as his mapping style really brings you back to those years where consistency and structure were the keys to making a high-quality map. As modifying these maps to fit current standards would be a crime, it's now on voting for Loved!
+[98SKJ - Kill Me Break](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/633035#taiko) by [Shallty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6205471) and [KitajimaYN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2250574)
+*written by [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110)*
+A fun breakcore map by Shallty and KitajimaYN, Kill Me Break accumulated a lot of its original favorite count through an older version of this set, which only contained one difficulty from Shallty. In these days, it has been replaced by two seperate versions, "KILLME" and "DEATH", which seem to hold the spirit of the original, while making it more accessible for more players. The energetic and fast pace will be really appealing to our top-level players who enjoy the kind of music you'd find from artists like katagiri and LeaF!
+[OzzyOzrock - PUPA](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/304134#taiko) by [WoahE](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3320280)
+*written by [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110)*
+One could say this is simply a meme, and they'd be mostly correct. For those that don't know [OzzyOzrock](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/465153), he is a popular figure in the osu!taiko community who likes to sing acapella for a lot of the songs he maps. Masterpieces from him include [Tenshi Teki](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/436816) and [Shinsekai](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/328078). This is the most popular example we have, PUPA, which is filled with fun patterns that you would come to expect from a typical difficulty of this particular song. Ozzy's covers are a part of osu!taiko's history, so we really feel it's already Loved, and this will just make it official!
+## osu!catch
+osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883), [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941), [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600) and [Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)! This week, all osu!catch beatmap descriptions were written by [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941).
+[Memme - Avalanche](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/357244#fruits) by [Spectator](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/702598)
+Today we are presented by yet another clean map from our man Spectator. Despite this map being over three years old, it still very much lives up to the standards of maps nowadays. The main reason for this map not being ranked is probably the fact that it only has one difficulty on it. As for the way the map plays, it is pretty much what you would expect from a Spectator map: very nice accentuation to the music with a handful of streams and a few cross screen jumps.
+Thanks to this style, the map is very accessible to players of almost any rank. Replayability is also very solid, thanks to the very likeable song and possibility to try out different mods to your liking, as the map won't become impossibly difficult. So give it a shot!
+[kanoryo - Failnaught](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/605836#fruits) by [SharpN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4382076)
+Welp, if you feel like warming up your fingers for a bit, then this is the perfect map for you! We're introducing SharpN's first map in the loved vote, Failnaught. As most people that have ever tried a SharpN map know, most of his maps are rather gimmicky and rather hard. This map definitely meets these two criteria, with it being an absolute left-right hell with interventions of streams that can instantly make you fail if you miss just one. It is definitely not a map for the faint-hearted, you will require quite a lot of speed and precision to be able to even pass this one.
+One thing is for sure though, playing this map properly is amazingly satisfying. It is possible to throw Hidden into the mix too, to make for an even more challenging and precision requiring map. And if you can't quite pass it, there is no shame in slapping NaughtFail on this bad boy and giving it your best.
+## osu!mania
+osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750), [aitor98](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3154852), [Kamikaze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2124783), [Pope Gadget](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2288341), [stupud man](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2141612) and [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)!
+[Jan Amit - In Torture (feat. Eclise)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/573842#mania) by [Elekton](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4990211)
+*written by [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)*
+Opening up the osu!mania Loved nominations, just like last week, is a newcomer to the category, Elekton, with his chart for "In Torture". The chart is three minutes of a constant barrage of technical concepts, including a combination of minijacks and bursts that all tie nicely to the genre at hand, neurofunk. The chart also has a past in some community tournaments due to the technical skills required to succeed at it, as well as the well-structured and detailed nature of the patterns used throughout. All of this makes it a clear choice for the Loved nominations.
+[Chroma - Sayonara Planet Wars](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/381379#mania) by [Leo137](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1177817)
+*written by [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)*
+Continuing to deliver on his previously-established clean charts returns Leo137 to the Loved nominations, this time for his chart of "Sayonara Planet Wars". The upbeat and fast-paced nature of the chiptune in the song is matched with equally fun and exciting jumpstream patterns to keep the players on their toes. Straightforward and cleanly-designed jumpstreams often lead to enjoyable experiences for many players, and Sayonara Planet Wars is certainly no exception to this, gaining significant player attention, compounded with the chart's common use in skill indication, at least as far as jumpstreams go. These qualities of the chart give it plenty of support in its nomination for the Loved category.
+[DJ Noriken - #MAGiCVLGiRL\_TRVP\_B3VTZ](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/742179#mania) by [Zyph](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1600432) and [Guilhermeziat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3661387)
+*written by [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750)*
+Our favourite magical girls, Zyph and Guilhermeziat, bring to you a spicy trap map! "#MAGiCVLGiRL\_TRVP\_B3VTZ" by DJ Noriken has two difficulties, which are two different sides of the same coin. ZVPH'Z\_ACC is a seemingly straightforward chart, with emphasis on chords mixed with jumpstreams. The trick however lies in numerous bursts and grace notes, which add a lot of flavour to this diff and are a challenge for acc-specialising players. On the other hand, GVIL'Z\_LNZ is filled with unconventional anchor-LN patterning and transitions which cater to long note enthusiasts. Both interpretations of the song provide immense fun for the player, and this is why we have nominated it for the Loved voting!
+[stereoberry - evangelize (blurry images)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/577748#mania) by [Tidek](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/743282)
+*written by [Kamikaze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2124783)*
+And for our next pick, we have a chart the SV enthusiasts and tournament players should all be familiar with—Tidek's "evangelize". This chart is mainly known through being one of the Group Stage picks for the osu!mania 4K World Cup 2017, and it's best described as an SV chart; the chart's structure relies mostly on very intuitive patterning neatly representing the song, paired with neatly organized and executed visual gimmicks which accent the song's repetitive but broken rhythm strong enough to have an impact on gameplay, but subtle enough to be easy to understand right away. This combination is what makes this chart a very accessible SV chart and also a very good pick for the Loved category!
+[Gram vs. Camellia - Ragnarok](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/742624#mania) by [Jinjin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3360737)
+*written by [stupud man](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2141612)*
+Jinjin didn't hold back whatsoever when he created this beast of a map. Ragnarok is 5:20 of every skill set you can possibly imagine, and it's no wonder why it was picked for the Finals tiebreaker of the osu!mania 7K World Cup 2018. Each section of this map, whether it be the dense chordstreams, the significantly more challenging LN sections, or even the tricky SV section ([which was graciously commentated by yours truly](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive/clip/ArtisticThankfulTofuSSSsss)), contributes its own unique playing experience here. At this point, it's very uncommon to see any new 7K maps that combine a multitude of skill sets like Ragnarok does, and it's even more uncommon to see maps that still manage to maintain enjoyability while doing so (let alone while being this hard). Thus, its unique position in the vast list of osu!mania maps makes this a more than suitable candidate for Project Loved.
+[xi vs sakuzyo - STORIA](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/330438#mania) by [Kyousuke-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2616570) et al.
+*written by [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750)*
+"STORIA" by Kyousuke- and his army of guest mappers is one of the most popular low-to-mid difficulty sets. It's a good example of a hybrid map—many difficulties mix different styles, including LNs, jumpstreams, bursts and jacks. Even the song is a compilation of various of xi and sakuzyo's works. Having a hefty amount of both 4K and 7K difficulties, this mapset will be a treat to almost anyone. Be cautious though: the ending of the hardest diffs might surprise you a little (especially the 7K one)! With that being said, we look forward to seeing STORIA in Loved section!
+[TWICE - What is Love?](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/765296#mania) by [Reba](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3087654)
+*written by [aitor98](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3154852)*
+Here we have Reba again with one of his most notorious long note mapsets, "What is Love?" By TWICE. Coming in at 170 BPM, this chart starts with some calm chords followed by LNs, which will slowly pick up until it reaches the chorus. Once it has reached that point, wild long note chordstreams and reverse shields will start to appear, looking like complete madness to both read and play. The chorus lasts for roughly 30 seconds and goes back to a slow-paced patterning, building up density-wise until it reaches the chorus again one minute later, with the same kind of patterning as mentioned before. Even though it might look too crazy for you, there is one remarkable section where we can appreciate an awkward but intense 6-note wristjack that will likely make you rush the entire section unless you are not prepared for it. Nonetheless, if you are a noodle and K-pop lover, this kind of map is made for you.
+From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoy this week's selection, and look forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the [Loved beatmap listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8) sometime next week and will be announced via [@osugame on Twitter](https://twitter.com/osugame).
+In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank [clayton](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3666350), [Ephemeral](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/102335), [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323) and [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689) for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
+If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+—the Project Loved team
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+layout: post
+title: "Winter 2018 Fanart Contest"
+date: 2018-11-19 05:00:00 +0000
+The year might be drawing to a close, but that doesn't mean it's time to close your drawings! Draw any of the osu! official or community mascots enjoying winter for fun and glory, and maybe even see your piece in the game client over the holidays!
+It's been a wonderful year, so what better way to send it off than with some artwork of our adorable mascots settling in to enjoy the winter chill?
+If you're of an artistic persuasion, now's your time to shine! The intrepid artists of the osu! community have **14 days** to pen any **winter-themed rendition of the osu! official or community mascots**.
+As always, all entries will go up for 7 days of voting once submissions close, and a selection of the top-scoring winners will make it into the osu! game client as the Winter 2018 seasonal backgrounds. Their creators will also receive **2 months of osu! supporter** to commemorate their victory.
+Interested? Great! Read the rules below to get started (even if you're a veteran, some have changed) - then either click on the banner above, or the link after the big, intimidating wall of text to be whisked off to the contest listing.
+## Rules
+* **All entries MUST be OBVIOUSLY WINTER THEMED in some way.** If you're not digging the Santa look, anything suitably cold or otherwise quintessentially winter is absolutely fine - it just has to *be* winter at a glance. We leave that up to you to figure out!
+* **All entries must be suitable for all-ages viewing.** The osu! mascots might be a real treat to look at, but that should end at 'aww' and not at 'ooh' or 'uh.', if you catch my drift. If you don't catch my drift - don't draw smut. Easy.
+* **Artists should use the custom templates provided ([PSD template](https://assets.ppy.sh/events/fanart/templates/osu%21%20main%20menu%202732x1536.psd?2017) / [PNG template](https://assets.ppy.sh/events/fanart/templates/osu%21%20main%20menu%202732x1536.png?2017)) when composing their piece as a guideline to understand where the osu! cookie will be placed on the main menu and during the voting process.** New to these contests or not, these templates still seem to confuse people time after time. Use them to figure out where we'll overlay the osu! cookie during the voting process (and where it'll be if it gets to the main menu) - anything you draw behind the central circle WILL NOT be seen by voters, so keep that in mind!
+* **ACCOUNT FOR THE DOTTED osu! COOKIE TEMPLATE IN YOUR WORK!** What we mean by this is that again, everything behind the dotted circle in the template WILL NOT BE SEEN during voting phase. This does NOT mean that you can just leave the space it encompasses blank - only that it WILL NOT BE SEEN during voting phase. If your entry is flat out missing a giant circular chunk in the center, it WILL NOT progress to voting phase to begin with.
+* **Entries MUST meet the resolution requirements for a main-menu piece - namely 2732x1536.** We were really firm about this last contest and we'll continue to be firm about it - CHECK YOUR OUTPUT RESOLUTION BEFORE SUBMITTING!
+* **SUBMIT ONLY YOUR OWN WORK! NO TRACING! NO REDRAWING! NO COMPOSITE WORKS!** Repurposing other people's pre-drawn works to make them look like osu! mascots is just plagiarism, straight up. Don't do it. Using brushes and things like that is fine. Have some respect for yourself and the work of others!
+* **Don't use copyrighted characters from other intellectual properties.** You can freely use any of the osu! mascots (pippi, Yuzu, Mocha, Maria) and any of the community mascots (Tama, Aiko, Taikonator, so on), but stay away from using direct representations of characters from other worlds or franchises in your work. Remember that the community mascots are also someone else's creation, so make sure to treat their work with the same respect that you'd treat yours.
+[Head on over to the Winter 2018 Fanart Contest listing and enter now!](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/contests/73)
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+layout: post
+title: "New Featured Artist: Culprate"
+date: 2018-11-21 10:00:00 +0000
+We proudly welcome an extremely talented producer hailing from the United Kingdom to the osu! Featured Artist lineup — Culprate!
+Something of a standout among the UK's underground dubstep scene, **Culprate** is a tremendously capable music producer with some incredible musical clout. Renowned for his incredible production quality and captivatingly complex tracks, we pretty much fell in love with his sound when we first heard it.
+One of **Culprate**'s most recent projects is a massive multi-work collaboration drawn from his Twitch community, with one of our Featured Artists (namely [Dictate](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/21)) making an appearance in the roster. Aptly titled as the *Unity Project*, we are proud to announce that a selection from this body of work and from **Culprate**'s cult classic album *Deliverance* are now available.
+The Mappers' Guild has been hard at work over the past few months drawing up some incredible maps to help inspire both players and mappers alike with **Culprate**'s sound, check them out!
+Completing all six will nab you the 4th special Mapper's Guild medal! Collecting all of the medals will make you the envy of your friends. Probably.
+*Clicking on the image below will start a download for the pack of all six maps mentioned!*
+Here's a sample of what we've got in store for you to map to:
+### Acid Rain
+*This track was featured as the pick for Aspire 2018.*
+### Relucent (featuring ZES)
+*A special bonus track at the end of the digital edition of Deliverance, Relucent is a celebration of all the acoustic-electronic fusion displayed throughout the album.*
+### Impulse (featuring Au5)
+*From the second part of the Unity Project album collection, Impulse is perhaps one of the most iconic osu! tracks in recent years, thanks to [handsome's award winning map](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/705788#osu/1492654).*
+### Pencilina (featuring Dictate)
+*A collaborative piece between Culprate and Dictate, this track merges their two distinct sounds to produce something very, very special.*
+### Aurora (featuring Bloom)
+*Rocking in on the third part of the Unity Project albums is a profoundly funky twist on Culprate's classic sound. You may be familiar with this one from the recent OWC 2018 streams.*
+### Mechanic Heartbeat (featuring Keota & Sophie Meiers)
+*Otherworldly vocals set amid resonating synths and a memorable two-tap beat pose a unique challenge for mappers to tackle in perhaps one of the most difficult song picks we've selected for the Featured Artist project.*
+Check out all these and more, over at [**Culprate**'s Featured Artist listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/29). If you like what you hear, there's a plethora of links on his listing to all of his social media outlets.
+As always, all Featured Artists tracks come pre-timed and are 100% licensed for use in osu! — so worry less, and map more!
+We're excited to see how people take and build upon his incredible sound, and we're also stoked to see what the entrants of Aspire 2018 have produced with *Acid Rain* sometime during this coming December.
+Keep your eyes and ears peeled, December's going to be a hell of a month for the Featured Artist project!
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+layout: post
+title: "New Featured Artist: SOOOO"
+date: 2018-11-30 20:00:00 +0000
+The Featured Artist project storms into the sounds of a turbulent youth with the latest addition to the roster, **SOOOO!**
+First popularized on osu! following the tremendous success of their track *Happppy song*, **SOOOO** is an enigmatic Japanese Vocaloid producer that thrives on an unusual subversion of the classical poppy, sweet-tinged sound in favor of a more intense, experimental, and ultimately sinister twist.
+Dense, intimidating and full of musical influences from heavier genres, **SOOOO**'s sound is not for the faint of heart in many regards - mapping included.
+Are you brave enough?
+Check out a sample of what we have available:
+### Happppy song
+*Made popular by [Kuron-kun's mapset](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/744593#osu/1569904), this is where SOOOO all began in osu!.*
+### a decayed garden sinks into the isolated sea
+### minus in the sun
+### iiillluuuvvvUUU
+### Raven Haven
+### World End (OTOOTO-PxSOOOO)
+All the tracks listed above are available now from [**SOOOO**'s Featured Artist listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/30), fully timed and ready for mapping.
+As always with Featured Artist works, these works are 100% free for use in osu! for modding and mapping, so worry less and map more!
+We look forward to seeing what you guys make of (and with) **SOOOO**'s sound. If Vocaloid isn't your thing, keep an eye out for more upcoming artist releases over December!
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+layout: post
+title: "Project Loved: Week of December 2nd"
+date: 2018-12-04 01:20:00 +0000
+Who's ready to get some more maps Loved? [Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120) is bringing yet another batch of beatmaps to the table, and it's up to you to decide which ones will make it into the Loved category!
+Welcome back to [Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120)! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the [Loved category](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8). From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each maps' header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
+Some of you may remember how the osu!standard captains previously raised the voting threshold to 90%, only to later decrease it back to 85. We want to give those maps that were denied their admission into Loved a fair chance, so this round we are adding a section for what [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689) calls "redemption voting": any map previously denied at a vote percentage higher than 85% will have a new poll opened alongside the other maps this week. As usual, there will still be 10 standard maps nominated independent of this section.
+We also have some new captains to introduce! Welcome [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917) to the osu!standard team, and [Lenfried-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5314573) to osu!mania! Both are going to be selecting maps and writing descriptions alongside the existing captains.
+In case you don't read the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+### Navigation
+- [osu!](#osu)
+ - [osu! Redemption](#osu-redemption)
+- [osu!taiko](#osutaiko)
+- [osu!catch](#osucatch)
+- [osu!mania](#osumania)
+## osu!
+osu! Loved candidates were chosen by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691), [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050), [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207), [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917), [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262) and [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)!
+[Void - Just Hold on (To All Fighters)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/409837#osu) by [Echoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3729163)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+This song is a message to all players on their uphill journey to stamina improvement. Similar to last week's AO-Infinity, this map is a test for everything stream-wise, only this time things are cranked to the extreme. This map by Echoy is filled with 170 BPM deathstreams, some at over 200 notes, but it doesn't stop there. These deathstreams employ variations that will make aiming them extremely difficult, including snapstreams, sliderstreams, spaced streams, jumpstreams, accelerating streams, and double streams. This is truly the jack-of-all-trades map for streams.
+[Camellia - ATTACK FROM MANDRAKE](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/672421#osu) by [Akali](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2127359)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+Those who follow Project Loved will be happy to see Akali return for yet another week, this time featuring his take on Camellia's "ATTACK FROM MANDRAKE". Unlike his past maps, this one tends to be a bit more friendly towards players, as its difficulty rating levels around 5.5 stars. The map has actually been featured in a few tournament tiebreakers, giving testament to its overall consistent difficulty for a tech-based map. Give it a swing and be sure to come back and vote for its place in Project Loved!
+[MYUKKE. - SHERA](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/635015#osu) by [melloe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2367616)
+*written by [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917)*
+After the huge success of melloe's Seashore on the Moon set, it's finally time to bring some more of his work to the spotlight. In this banger of a song, melloe once again proves that not all was carved in stone within the osu! map editor. Even though the map is only two minutes long, it will take you on a journey through a variety of low-BPM stream patterns that you likely haven't experienced before, but before that, you will be greeted by one of the coolest wub-slider sections ever with a little bit of 2B mapping thrown in there. If you consider yourself a "technical player", I dare you to try this one.
+[Hatsuki Yura - The Clockwork Rose -Tokei Shikake no Bara Shoujo-](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/473735#osu) by [Xenok](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3256600)
+*written by [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917)*
+In this Japanese gothic-idol, dubstep-flavoured tune, Xenok shows off his skills in creating technical maps with very demanding rhythms. If you are familiar with this mapper, then you likely know what to expect from this masterpiece. Xenok operates incredibly well with slider velocity and shape, emphasizing all the "wub" sounds to create a memorable experience for the player. To add to difficulty, he uses plenty of 1/6 circle patterns to spice things up. Since the map doesn't use many jumps and mostly utilizes flow-aim style patterns, it will be a treat for all the alternate-style lovers out there.
+[P\*Light - TRIGGER\*HAPPY (Hommarju Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/171815#osu) by [Lokovodo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2154081)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Are you trigger happy? This Lokovodo map of an appropriately named song might be just what you're looking for. At 200 BPM, this map of "TRIGGER\*HAPPY" certainly lives up to its star difficulty of nearly 8.5. The mapset has AR9 and AR10 versions of the same map, so it's suitable for both kinds of players. Despite only being HP3, its intense patterns have made the map quite the challenge to pass. If you think you're up for this high-star test, try and see if you can join the group of very few players who have managed to clear this map!
+[(K)NoW\_NAME - Knew day (TV Size)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/426716#osu) by [Avishay](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2597311)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Once upon a time, this map was qualified. It was sent back to pending due to some issues, and never saw the light of day again. As such, the mapset has a full difficulty spread ranging from mid 1-star to mid 5-stars. Although the song itself is TV sized, don't jump to any stereotypes—Avishay, the mapper, is able to keep you on your toes for the entirety of the map. If you're one for alternating patterns that require some unconventional cursor movements, the last thing you'd want to do is skip over this map. Check it out!
+[weyheyhey !! - UP THE BUM NO BAIIIIIBEEZ](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/458037#osu) by [Silverboxer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2166762)
+*written by [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262)*
+With a hardcore song comes a hardcore beatmap by Silverboxer. With just over four minutes of high-AR aim patterns and high-BPM streams, this map is not to be taken lightly, not to mention the varying slider shapes that might catch you off guard if aren't careful! With the map reaching over 7 stars and having over 50 favorites, are you ready to jump around?
+[Various Artists - KIRBY Mix Compilation 2](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/549969#osu) by [Nitroz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5256529) and [Starrodkirby86](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/410)
+*written by [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262)*
+If you were around in the old osu! times, you would recognize a mapper called Starrodkirby86, or have seen his "Kirby Mix" difficulties on certain maps. He is a mapper that likes to map in old style symmetry in a way that is very unique and different to play; it may test how good you are at aim control and reading. This map is a compilation of a bunch of well-known maps that he has made, and would make for a good reading practice map for low AR. With maps like Genesis of Aquarion and Fairy Tail Main Theme in there, this map is definitely worth a shot. Along with a great map is a nice arena-like storyboard made by Kirby himself, which makes the map feel like a set of "stages", in a way. Will you make it to the end and pass all of these gems?
+[Hino Isuka - Dreamin' attraction!! (Extended)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/450340#osu) by [elchxyrlia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1722835)
+*written by [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)*
+With a fast-paced song comes an intense map from elchxyrlia. Coming in at 8.22 stars, with a low OD and almost 90 favourites, Dreamin' attraction is a map you wouldn't want to miss any notes on! A very energetic song mixed with mappers high spacing style makes this map perfect for high-skilled players. It maintains its flow throughout the song, keeping the player focused on the playfield, with a short interval in the middle section for the player to relax. This map is great for those who enjoy pushing themselves to the limit! Are you one of them?
+[BABYMETAL - YAVA!](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/476612#osu) by [[ Kohioma ]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4211859)
+*written by [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)*
+This is an amazing mapset done by [ Kohioma ] with an awesome BABYMETAL song, YAVA! This map has seen a large growth in favourites, with nearly 180 now, making this the creator's most popular mapset. With the song's slow parts and a combination of jumps in intense parts, this map plays very nicely in every difficulty, keeping players of any skill level thrilled!
+### osu! Redemption
+[Aero Chord - Break Them (feat. Anna Yvette)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/516608#osu) by [olteR](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7152332)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Hey, you! Yeah, you there, scrolling through the Loved map showcase post and checking out the descriptions. Have you been craving a map with not much except all that snappy jump goodness we know and love? Maybe even a catchy trap song to go along with it? If it feels like I'm calling your name, you surely won't want to miss out on this map. At almost 200 favorites, this map of "Break Them" by olteR has already caught the eyes of many. This mid-6-star map flooded with nothing but solid 200 BPM jumps may be exactly what you've been looking for. Check it out!
+[Muzzy - Calling Out (feat. KG & Skyelle) (Speed Up Ver.)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/392041) by [elchxyrlia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1722835)
+*written by [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689)*
+If you've played one lahphnya map, you've played them all. Right? I'm not here to answer that, but if that's the case, then whatever elchxyrlia is doing, he's been doing it right for years. Yet another nearly 200 favorite Speed Up Ver. of an already exciting fast paced song, mixed with spaced streams and full screen jumps, all set to roast together in the oven and you've got a decked out 8\* mammoth of a map.
+[Nanahira - Francium](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/148615#osu) by [T1Y](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2293227)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+One can never seem to have enough Nanahira maps, huh? Here's a two-difficulty mapset of Nanahira's "Francium", mapped by T1Y, with both difficulties hovering around low-5 stars. Don't get thrown off by the star rating, though (this is quite the common phrase nowadays, isn't it?)—both difficulties have quite high approach rates, with the top difficulty sitting at an approach rate of 10. Speaking of the top difficulty, who would have guessed a Nanahira song could support so many fun cut streams? If you're a fan of flowy stream aim, you won't want to skip out on giving this amazing map a try. For those of you who are less inclined to enjoy high AR cut streams, the lower difficulty is still an option, as it's based on more symmetry-based patterns at a slightly lower AR. Let's not forget about the song to top it all off, though: after all, it's "simply the cutest".
+[kors k - Insane Techniques (Extended)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/181957) by [RLC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1047883) and [fanzhen0019](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/418699)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Some of you may know the other ranked mapsets of this song, but I'd say you're missing out if you haven't given this version a try as well. In 2014, RLC and fanzhen0019 came together to collab the extended version of this up-beat banger of a track by kors k. The comparison of their mapping styles in this collab is quite interesting, and overall makes for a very engaging map. Over 110 players have favorited this map so far, and if you're one for five minutes of disconnected streams and variable slider velocities, you just might be the next one!
+[Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers - Steamed Hams](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/729089#osu) by [ProfessionalBox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3250792)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Many of you may recognize this iconic scene from The Simpsons; it's an everlasting meme filled with unmatched potential. This map by ProfessionalBox certainly puts that potential to good use: it's a low-4-star beatmap of the entire scene, mapped in a professional style (unintended pun, ok...). The scene begins with the character Principal Skinner inviting Superintendent Chalmers to an "unforgettable luncheon". But... what's this? Skinner burned the dinner in the oven! What will his plan be to make sure his meal with the superintendent is still an unforgettable luncheon!? If you don't already know, check out the map to find out! If you do know, you should still check out the map—I'm sure you'll love it!
+## osu!taiko
+osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by [-[ ix Ishida xi ]-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/242910), [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861), [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110), [iceOC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5482401) and [nyanmi-1828](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6866480)! This week, all osu!taiko beatmap descriptions were written by [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110).
+[Sinister Souls - Beat The Drum Hard (Kobaryo's FTN-Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/747031#taiko) by [Nyanners-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/459886) and [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110)
+So, a short story about this map: I was a big fan of it from the start (originally, it was made by just Nyanners-). It was one of Nyanners-'s first maps, and it had these unbelievably hard burst sections that were very difficult to hit. There was always something compelling about the song and the way those burst sections felt, which I would argue are the map's main drawing point. It does not pull punches with its difficulty. However, the map was deleted, but I spoke with Nyanners- about re-uploading it, with some changes to make it a truly great map. That is how we are left with the map as it is currently presented! The two difficulties are the original by Nyanners- and an SV + modified version that I created. Players may be familiar with it also from tournaments like [Taiko Battlegrounds](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/644119) and [LMS: Shift Cup](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/744163)!
+[yukina (TUMENECO) - Manatsu no Mitsu to Kuchibiru](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/840748#taiko) by [Liz7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/12164489)
+Liz7 is a very famous taiko mapper; however, his small catalogue on osu! doesn't lend to that claim very much. A quick foray over to his YouTube channel shows he is a master mapper in the taiko emulator "TaikoJiro". Japanese players there are already very familiar with Liz, and his osu!taiko maps are also pretty well known. Stylistically, they are very interesting compared to most other mappers. He utilizes cool bar-line tricks, clean SVs and good Jiro-style patterns. This is also a very new-player friendly map, so everyone can find out what's so fun about it!
+[Camellia - K.Y.A.F.A. (Kill You All Fucking Asshole)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/460282#taiko) by [SKSalt](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3280542)
+The very famous mapper SKSalt appears for his fourth time in Loved. This one in particular is a Camellia track, K.Y.A.F.A., which is a perfect fit for SK's mapping style, as his very dense patterns lend very well to the chaotic nature of Camellia's music. Though SKSalt has not been seen for over a year, and this map is over 2 years old, his mapping seems at the very least ahead of his time, as the 1/6 usage is as clean and fun as any modern map. A great choice to represent one of the osu!taiko legends!
+[TMABird - Sweet Melty Memes](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/437721#taiko) by [Mew104](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2345156)
+Very well-known to those who are familiar with the osu!taiko World Cups, Sweet Melty Memes was a warmup map picked by Germany many times, and it features a ton of very unsightreadable sections. It's a classic Mew map, that is part of a series that goes along with [Mute City](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/592315), as they are both mash-ups that require you to memorize if you want to pass, let alone FC the maps.
+## osu!catch
+osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883), [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941), [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600) and [Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)!
+[Memme - Force of RA](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/453149#fruits) by [Badis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/559308)
+*written by [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600)*
+Force of Ra by Badis is a jack of all trades: it has fast wiggles, bursts as well as a few hyperwalks and much more. If you are looking for a single difficulty with a lot of diversity in it, then you might enjoy this one. However, it is not an easy map. There are a lot of patterns which are easy to miss. If you go for an FC, you are required to have good reading, considerable speed and consistency. For aspiring players it might already be a challenge to pass, but all in all it is a nicely done beatmap which is a challenge for most of the playerbase.
+[U1 overground - Dopamine](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/490239#fruits) by [ExGon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/214187)
+*written by [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883)*
+Boasting a strong 2nd place in the 2016 osu!catch Transcend Contest, ExGon's rendition of Dopamine is an incredibly creative challenge that is sure to put many players to the test. Requiring precise catcher control for high-speed droplets, trademark hyperwalks, alongside some unique concepts, any fans of the rare aspire-style appearances in mapping will be sure to enjoy this fantastic difficulty!
+## osu!mania
+osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750), [aitor98](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3154852), [Kamikaze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2124783), [Lenfried-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5314573), [Pope Gadget](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2288341), [stupud man](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2141612) and [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)!
+[(Various Artists) - A Journey through 4K](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/489902#mania) by [Cadmium-113](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4749111)
+*written by [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750)*
+We are beginning this week's selection with A Journey Through 4K, a map pack made by Cadmium-113. This set lives up to its name and takes the player on a fascinating, yet bumpy ride across the various styles and patterns that 4K has to offer. The charts from this pack differ in terms of style and difficulty, but they are all rather challenging because of their dumpy nature. Vote on this set in the Loved voting and immerse yourself in the Journey through 4K!
+[Camellia - GHOST](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/741292#mania) by [Gekido-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4693052)
+*written by [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)*
+Peeking its head out yet again after its use as finals tiebreaker in two of the biggest 4K tournaments of 2018, SOFT3 and MWC 4K 2018, is GHOST, an absolute monster of a chart created by none other than Gekido-, a well known figure in the community for his capabilities with many different chart elements, like long notes, tech, and in some cases even SV. Such is the case with GHOST, being an amalgamation of these different elements, pushing the physical capabilities of the players' speed, long notes, tech, and SV reading capabilities to their limits. For these reasons, it should be clear why this was chosen for both of the tournaments, why the community sees it in such a positive light, and why it has been nominated for the Loved section!
+[terminal11 - tilde's revenge](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/585671#mania) by [Xay](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/961417)
+*written by [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)*
+Pure technical play with a plethora of burst, minijack, and long-jack patterns, coupled with the physical and mental stamina that come with the four minute runtime define the next chart being nominated, Xay's "tilde's revenge". We've seen plenty of extremely high quality charts from Xay before, such as Eviscerate and Bow Down, You Ignorant Fools, both of which were previously loved, and this choice meets the expectations set by those two charts, being a well-constructed chart to an interesting and seemingly rarely seen idm group, terminal11. These points give plenty of reason for the community interest in the chart, and give it a good spot among the Loved nominations.
+[Hommarju - Hellfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/469343#mania) by [snoverpk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3595196) and [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750)
+*written by [TheToaphster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)*
+It's all about how well one can handle extremely fast jacks in the next nomination for osu!mania. Clocking in at 176 BPM with a large surplus of fast jack-tech is snoverpk's Hellfire. This chart starts with about 20 seconds of calm before unleashing a fury of minijacks and gluts with the occasional burst to spice things up a bit. With a small break and some buildup, it comes to a massive wall, which is only to be followed by the densest section of the chart to finish it off. This is an intense challenge to be sure, only shown off by its inclusion in the osu!mania 4K World Cup 2016 Finals map pool. This and the great use it has as a skill tester make it a fantastic nomination for the Loved Section.
+[goreshit - satori de pon!](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/400292#mania) by [qodtjr](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3021168)
+*written by [stupud man](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2141612)*
+It's been awhile since qodtjr has made an appearance in Project Loved, and he's back with arguably his most popular map yet. satori de pon!'s "easier" difficulty is more than enough to give higher-level players a challenge. Its unique anchor-heavy chordstreaming at such a high BPM makes it one of the only speed chordstream maps at its difficulty level. Although chordstreams are more than common for qodtjr to map, it's pleasantly surprising to see him take it on in this manner. Its recently updated harder difficulty takes that same chart and layers it even further, creating that challenge scaled to the playing level of the people too inhuman to play this game. While it might seem too hard to approach at first with its underrated star rating, it's definitely something that has made its way into multiple players' practice routines, and is more than worthy of a leaderboard.
+[dj-Jo - Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna feat. k\*chan [ dj-Jo Remix ]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/477820#mania) by [ArcherLove](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2468021)
+*written by [aitor98](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3154852)*
+Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna is a map made by Archerlove in mid-2016, and it is quite special. It does have 4 difficulties, going from 2 stars to 6 and a half, which makes it accessible for every kind of player. This set features mostly long notes and crazy jacky sections, which are really hard to handle with ease. It also features a few sightreadable SVs and slowjams every here and there, but the jacks mixed with the complex LN patterning makes this chart one of a kind. The hardest difficulty might look a little bit overrated, but the way the patterns are put together, makes a chart good enough for Loved.
+[Nhato - Miss You](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/204326#mania) by [BilliumMoto](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3862471)
+*written by [Kamikaze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2124783)*
+And for our last pick we have a chart that should be familiar if you're following osu!mania World Cups frequently: BilliumMoto's rendition of Miss You. This song seems like a perfect fit for BillumMoto as a charter as he's very well known for the complexity in his charts and he pulls no stops here as well. It's a very complex LN oriented chart with technical patterning, tough releases, jacks, uncomfortable patterns and on top of that some pretty neat SV gimmicks. Being featured in the Quarter Finals of MWC 7K 2016, the chart is proven to be competitive enough, and with its unique style and execution, I think this is a really good pick for the Loved category!
+From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoy this week's selection, and look forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the [Loved beatmap listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8) sometime next week and will be announced via [@osugame on Twitter](https://twitter.com/osugame).
+In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank [clayton](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3666350), [Ephemeral](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/102335), [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323) and [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689) for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
+If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+—the Project Loved team
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+layout: post
+title: "Winter 2018 Fanart Voting Now Open"
+date: 2018-12-04 05:00:00 +0000
+With a very generous heart, the artists of the osu! community have gifted us **168** entries to pore through for the holiday season, but only **15** can make it to the main menu! Help us decide, and vote now!
+Head on over to [the contest listing page](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/contests/73), and go vote! There's only **6 days** before the gifts will be unwrapped on the main menu for everybody to see.
+A choice selection of the top winning entries will be featured in the osu! game client as the Winter 2018 seasonal backgrounds, and their artists will receive **2 months of osu!supporter** to celebrate their victory.
+We've prepared a short preview of the entries in the running this time around, all set to the smooth masterpiece that is [nekodex's](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/1) *aureole*, the Christmas spin on the osu! theme released last year:
+Don't let the cold catch you out - there's only 6 days left to vote, so [**go vote now!**](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/contests/73)
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+layout: post
+title: "Winter 2018 Is Here!"
+date: 2018-12-12 05:00:00 +0000
+The votes are done and dusted, and now it's time for the snow to fall. Winter's well and truly here, and the main menu is ready to show it with the 15 winners from the Winter 2018 Fanart Contest! Check it all out!
+2018 has been an interesting year, to put it lightly. You'd think things would be wrapping up for the year but no - there's still plenty left on the horizon before the year's officially set to close between Aspire 2018, the Fall Spotlights and even rumors of a few new Featured Artist announcements hanging in the wings.
+But for now, we're all about that chill, and there's very little that's more chill than last year's wintery spin on the *circles!* theme by none other than the original osu!musician, [nekodex](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/1). *aureole* is really something special, and we're excited to bring it back again this year for any who may have missed it last year, or who are joining us for their first osu! winter.
+*aureole* will be keeping the main menu nice and chill with the Winter seasonal backgrounds until the holidays are over. Downloads of the track are available on [nekodex's SoundCloud](https://soundcloud.com/nekodex/aureole) (or [over at his Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/6vQtRObT6BGMhXrt0dmq92?si=Mqby-DWMSa6SQxUdVtHolA)), and if you're after a lossless download, you can name your own price over at [his Bandcamp](https://nekodex.bandcamp.com/track/aureole-osu-xmas-2017).
+Without further ado, let's see which wonderful pieces of art will be joining this chill tune on the main menu this year:
+*Oh, and if you want to see a full-sized image, make sure to click the banner!*
+Featuring pippi and Mocha all decked up in reindeer costumes and festive winter dresses, **[Chiruuu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8911572)**'s entry warmed the hearts of **4695** voters, landing a solid first place result.
+An absolutely beautiful piece, and well deserving of first place. Well done!
+Sporting a jacket-clad pippi enjoying a rest in a wintery park with teeny tiny takes on Aiko, Yuzu and Maria, **[PisRyder](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3457622)**'s entry nabbed **4085** votes, scoring second place overall.
+Those eyes are absolutely enchanting. Seriously.
+**[Shuuzo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3661521)**'s take on Mocha, the Taikonator (in his winter form) Yuzu and pippi enjoying some time in the snow resulted in **3771** icy spheres pelted squarely at Yuzu's face.
+He may be able to catch fruit, but he sure can't catch a break. Or snowballs, for that matter.
+**3701** snowflakes fell into Aiko's grasp in **[Misakko](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3173752)**'s compelling piece depicting a rather majestic jaunt through a snow-tinged and aurora-lit sunset.
+**3653** votes lit up **[zeyez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/13237846)**'s beautifully decorated shot of Mocha enjoying some Christmas lights. Oooh, shiny.
+**3417** voters got stars in their eyes from **[Wa_coo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6538071)**'s almost criminally cute take on Mocha enjoying a walk over a snowy bridge. She's excited that you voted for her, duh.
+Enjoying a mountaintop walk with a distinctly Japanese-themed take on pippi, **[Sylux6](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2607507)** scored **3297** votes. Gorgeous stuff, and beautifully executed.
+A new contender for medley-style pieces enters the fray, with **[D A R K N E S S](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4676233)**' work scoring **3202** votes. There's an *absurd* amount of effort in this piece with over half a dozen unique takes and costumes for a great ensemble of official and community mascots.
+Check it out!
+Snagging **3108** votes, [snowyani2000](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2691590) is back at it again with a reference-loaded winter wonderland. How many can you pick out?
+**3066** voters thoroughly approved of [\[ Pink Dreams \]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3204205)'s utterly adorable take on pippi enjoying some time in the snow. Did I mention that she's adorable?
+**[llNaokill](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7755095)**'s gloriously colourful take on a rugged-up pippi complete with translucent scarf won over the hearts of **2991** voters, and rightfully so!
+A really refreshing take on the classic firelit tones of winter done in a super creative way.
+**[elizabethgg](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7503187)**'s snapshot of pippi and Mocha looking out over a dimly lit bridge on a cold winter's night is like two hundred times more comfortable than it aught to be, and **2865** voters agreed.
+It's Maria time! **[ShovelKun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9948284)** showcased everybody's favorite osu!mania mascot in all of her adorable glory beside a simplistic but beautifully executed iconographic background, impressing **2858** voters.
+Oh deer! **[ovelhenta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7284442)**'s piece of pippi snapping a candid shot with some of the local wildlife in a snowy forest is a beautifully colourful display of some classic winter tones with a stylistic touch. **2786** voters hit that like button!
+All rugged up and rose-tinged from the cold, **[SJPumpkin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4840900)**'s beanie-clad pippi saw **2474** voters show their support in full.
+Make sure to [check out the full results over at the contest listing page](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/contests/73), there's a lot of really great entries!
+It was a real surprise to see so many new faces in the running this year, and we were super happy to get the opportunity to see some new artists in the community flex their creative muscles.
+As always, we were astounded by the sheer volume of entries, though we're a little worried that perhaps there's *too many* choices available for people to vote for! You can always trust the osu! community to continually outdo itself.
+All the winning entries listed here will see their artists snag **2 months of osu!supporter** for their efforts, and all of them are also now available in-game as part of the Winter seasonal background pack.
+From all of us here at the osu!team, we wish you all a happy holidays, and a wonderful New Year to come. Be good to one another!
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+layout: post
+title: "Project Loved: Week of December 16th"
+date: 2018-12-18 02:00:00 +0000
+Ready for another round of [Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120)? Come check out the new candidates, and vote for the ones that you'd like to see in the Loved category!
+Welcome back to [Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120)! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the [Loved category](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8). From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each maps' header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
+Once again, we're seeing a change in the number of picks for certain modes this week! osu!taiko is bumping up its map count to **five**, one more than the four of previous rounds. In the opposite direction, osu!mania will actually be skipping out on picking maps this time due to community concerns—please see the note from the captains in the [osu!mania section](#osumania) of this post!
+Also, just to clarify something about the format of these posts: the writers of the beatmap descriptions are *not necessarily* the people that chose the map, though that's often the case. If you have concerns about a particular map being nominated, please contact the whole set of captains associated with the map's game mode, preferably through the `#osu-loved` channel in the [osu!dev Discord server](https://discord.gg/ppy).
+In case you don't read the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+### Navigation
+- [osu!](#osu)
+- [osu!taiko](#osutaiko)
+- [osu!catch](#osucatch)
+- [osu!mania](#osumania)
+## osu!
+osu! Loved candidates were chosen by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691), [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050), [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207), [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917), [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262) and [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)!
+[B-Complex - Beautiful Lies](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/137804#osu) by [galvenize](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/381444)
+*written by [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)*
+This is the result of a pillar of mapping meeting a drum'n'bass anthem. galvenize's mapping just never gets old, with his signature awkward aim and rhythmic DnB patterning fusing with the banger of a song to create a marathon you could run forever and never get tired of. With 112 favourites at the time of writing, I'm sure you'll agree that this map is a classic and deserves all the love it receives.
+[yuikonnu - Ghost Rule](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/439405#osu) by [AtHeoN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1770367)
+*written by [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)*
+A familiar song in a familiar style, this mapset of yuikonnu's cover of Ghost Rule is a two-map bundle from AtHeoN. Both maps are similar in style and star rating, featuring large jumps and streams in the clean AtHeoN style we've come to know and enjoy. The easier of the two, Lies, is the original map, and the harder, Deceit, is a remap from around six months later. Which one do you prefer? Give them a play and find out!
+[WJSN (Cosmic Girls) - BeBe](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/539135#osu) by [Sidetail](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2036217), [Nuolong](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4732455) and [[ M I N A K O ]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7106283)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+This will be a pleasant surprise to all K-pop fans out there, as we have a song from COSMIC GIRLS up for a spot in Project Loved! This map features four different difficulties ranging from 4 to 6 stars, so there is a little something for everyone. Its highest difficulty, although being in the low 6-star range, is a great way for players to challenge their raw aim skill, as the map has plenty of fullscreen jumps for players to test themselves. This is the type of map that always seems to draw you back because of how catchy it is. Don't believe me? Give it a go and vote for its place here in Project Loved!
+[Anne-Marie - Ciao Adios (Decoy! Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/576702#osu) by [ohad1881](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3656068)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+It's been a hot while since we had a map from ohad1881, but that changes today! The creator of "Dead to Me", one of the most popular Loved beatmaps, ohad returns to Project Loved with his take on a remix of Anne-Marie's Ciao Adios. ohad is known for making extremely aim-heavy maps, similar to many Arles difficulty maps that I'm sure you're all too familiar with. This map is no different. What makes this better is the absolute banger of a song this is mapped to. If you're looking for good tunes, then look to further!
+[dj TAKA - Colors -sasakure.UK Futurelogic Remix-](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/214046#osu) by [captin1](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/689997)
+*written by [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917)*
+Colors, remixed by sasakure.UK, is probably one of the most addictive songs I have ever heard, and accompanied by a map from a mapper of such caliber as captin1, there's no way to resist playing it like a maniac for at least a few days straight. If you enjoy low-BPM streams, then you've come to the right place, because this map offers just that, being exactly 150 BPM and using a ton of incredibly flowy jumpstreams. I have nothing else to say; this is pure joy to the ears and to the fingers!
+[SYUNN - Megalara Garuda](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/536607#osu) by [Callionet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/227717), [rustbell](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/227717) and [fanzhen0019](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/418699)
+*written by [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917)*
+Megalara Garuda is a mapset not for the faint-hearted. Callionet's set consists of three highly-demanding maps, the most difficult of them (made by rustbell) reaching almost 8 stars in difficulty, and the other two, made by fanzhen0019 and Callionet, not falling short behind. The difficulties offer a wide range of technical patterns: unusually-spaced streams, uncomfortable angles and hyper-velocity sliders used in rustbell's map, short but deadly kicksliders that fanzhen's symmetry-driven difficulty revolves around, and finally a bit of both in Callionet's creation. Passing at least one of these maps will surely be a success for most. Will it be for you?
+[Luschka - Kami no Kotoba](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/718825#osu) by [Shifu Touka](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7379108) and [Kaizuun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4919909)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Some of you may know the ranked mapset of this song made by [byfar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4674054), but if you've ever wished for a map of the song with more modern difficulty settings, Shifu Touka has just what you're looking for. The mapset contains one 7-star difficulty at an approach rate of 9.6, compared to the ranked set's top difficulty being only 9. Regarding the map itself, there's a perfect balance between slow build-up sections and lengthy jump sections, all structured masterfully and backed up perfectly by the song itself. If you're a fan of the ranked set and want a fresh, modern experience for the song, or if you're just a fan of maps that can push your jump aim control to its limits, check out the map and vote for its place in the Loved category!
+[Camellia - Break The Silence](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/452285#osu) by [Zaiten](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6482589)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+You probably know Camellia for his high-tech, intense electronic compositions, but do you know him for his ambient breakcore tracks such as Break The Silence? The atmosphere of the song was captured beautifully in Zaiten's 7-star beatmap, featuring stamina-draining kiai sections made to test your limits at 220 BPM. At a length just shy of five minutes, you may find your hands worn out by the end of it... or not! If you're a fan of high BPM stream control and stamina, there's no doubt you'll love this map.
+[Camellia - Ultimate Ascension](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/514342#osu) by [Sing](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3795679)
+*written by [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262)*
+If you have ever played Sing's maps, you know them to be very slider heavy and technical. If that's the types of maps you enjoy, then why not try this one for size? This Ultimate Ascension mapset is full of high-velocity sliders and spaced triples, as well as long streams at a high BPM that will test your stamina and finger control. Even with the map being just under two minutes, it's not a map to be taken lightly, and it will trip you up if you aren't careful. Another nice addition is the two different difficulties, one with 2B sliders and one without, so pick the one that suits you the most!
+[AKIAKANE - Hanabira (Irus Brutalcore Breaks Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/563717#osu) by [Yusomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4174940)
+*written by [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262)*
+Another spicy Yusomi mapset has appeared for Loved voting! Yusomi has mapped this quite fitting to the remix of the song, where it is brutal, but fun to play. With very fast sliders throughout the song, large jumps, spaced streams and bursts, this map will definitely be hard to pass for most people. Even with the difficulty of the map being 7.2 stars, there are two different difficulties that cater to people that prefer to read either AR 9.5 or AR 10. Will your fingers be able to survive the whole six minutes of this map while enjoying this great song?
+## osu!taiko
+osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by [-[ ix Ishida xi ]-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/242910), [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861), [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110), [iceOC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5482401) and [nyanmi-1828](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6866480)!
+[ARM vs uno - Shoujo Satori no Satorittaa](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/507946#taiko) by [katacheh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6651672)
+*written by [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110)*
+One of katacheh's best maps, this comes from an era in his maps that focused on more simplistic mapping tricks, in lieu of [Cirno's Perfect Math Class](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/481441) in both music choice as well. This should feel immediately familiar for fans of Cirno's, as the tricks here are similar, like the bar-lines corresponding with kats. It's very fun for intermediate players and those who aren't immediately familiar with obscure gimmicks, and it's quite different from maps belonging to kata's later "kata"logue!
+[Eity - M1R4CL3 M1M1K4](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/742391#taiko) by [7\_7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7491106), [yyyyyyyyyyypetu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/468029) and [KitajimaYN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2250574)
+*written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+This time around we have M1R4CL3 M1M1K4, by 7\_7, KitajimaYN and yyyyyyyyyyypetu. This is a really catchy song that will most likely keep sounding in your head for days with really masterful mapping, especially on the guest diffs. It also features a really good Oni diff that feels really well-designed, as well as a hellish top diff that will for sure attract a lot of players to try and get a nice score.
+[Reji - Shoujo wa Yoru to Azayaka ni](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/342499#taiko) by [S a n d](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/676578)
+*written by [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110)*
+A S a n d classic, featuring all of his normal quirks like rapid SV changes and quite dense patterning for the time, "A Young Girl" set a high standard for how high-BPM maps should be mapped at the time! The patterns used are very fun, fluid and lend easily to players who find themselves wanting to learn how to play with a full-alternating style. This is a great addition for Loved, and the song is very catchy and energetic to boot, so we think you'll have a lot of fun with this one!
+[Chroma - Lost Found Melody](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/832348#taiko) by [zkane2](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6359835)
+*written by [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110)*
+If I were given a choice to pick what map I found the most impressive, artistic and interesting from 2018, I would have to choose this map from zkane2. The use of bar lines in this map is impeccable, and with the attention to detail in how even the playfield and characters react to shifts in BPM, it is truly something you must see to understand. The music is represented so beautifully by the cute tricks and mapping that has been employed here. The first time I played it, I truly fell in love with this map. I thought "there is no way I could have come up with the creativity that was needed to make this in 1000 years," and I hope that others will feel the same about this underrated masterpiece.
+[Igorrr - Pavor Nocturnus](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/150705#taiko) by [XK2238](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1139209)
+*written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+Pavor Nocturnus really has quite a background, as not only was it featured in TWC 2018 as one of the Finals No Mod picks, it also had a lot of competition (as you can see on its map description), where a lot of really good players tried their best to get nice scores in a map with a style really ahead of its time. With extremely hard-to-read patterns and the constant use of finishers that might catch you off-guard, Pavor Nocturnus really is one of the most satisfactory maps to get a good score in. Good luck!
+## osu!catch
+osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883), [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941), [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600) and [Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)! This week, all osu!catch beatmap descriptions were written by [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941).
+[Ata - Euphoria](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/614510#fruits) by [Razor Sharp](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3414261)
+By many seen as one of the, if not the very best creations of Razor Sharp, Euphoria has made its way into loved vote to bring a euphoric mood to all. With this very clean-styled map, Razor Sharp manages to tick almost all of the boxes: lots of streams, some jumps and a very intense (despite being nerfed) 1/3 section. Despite this map having had some failed attempts at getting ranked, the quality and difficulty is still very high, and much comparable to other Razor Sharp maps such as burn this moment into the retina of my eye (if not better), which is ranked.
+Euphoria also provides quite a lot of mod combinations to be done, despite its difficulty being quite high. Hard Rock is something that the top-end players could be able to pull off, and Hidden is pretty accessible to higher-end players, despite the 1/3 section becoming even harder. All in all, plenty of time can be put into this map without you getting bored, so go check it out!
+[Morimori Atsushi - Tits or get the fuck out!!](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/590547#fruits) by [rew0825](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2488026)
+The CWC created the "togtfo" meme, the OWC polished it, and this map will finish the job. Entering the Loved section vote is rew0825's rendition of "Tits or get the fuck out!!"! The map is made in a fairly standard style, with very good attention to musical detail thanks to some very fun-to-play snaps throughout the map, complemented by streams and some jumps that are not too crazily hard. The map is fairly accessible to most of the active osu!catch playerbase, and offers a great experience with Hard Rock and Hidden as well, if you wanna spice things up, that is.
+The catchy song will definitely help with replayability, as well as the fact that the map isn't too long. In my opinion, it is a lot of fun to play; I enjoyed playing this in CWC and did play it a few times after in solo and multiplayer as well. Go download this wonderful piece!
+## osu!mania
+There are no candidates for osu!mania this week. Here is a note from [stupud man](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2141612), one of the osu!mania captains, about the situation:
+> In light of recent events, we have decided to forego any picks for this wave. There are several signs that make it very clear that we should be focusing our attention on improving our nominations along with community involvement. A full detailed explanation regarding this decision is on [our dedicated osu!mania Loved Community Discord server](https://discord.gg/ZMDfqBt), which we highly recommend reading and responding to. We will be taking the next two weeks actively reading and responding to any comments related to the osu!mania side of Project Loved, so please join and bring up any concerns you guys might have. Any concerns regarding Project Loved expressed in the [osu!dev Discord server](https://discord.gg/ppy) will also be considered. Thank you!
+From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoy this week's selection, and look forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the [Loved beatmap listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8) sometime next week and will be announced via [@osugame on Twitter](https://twitter.com/osugame).
+In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank [clayton](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3666350), [Ephemeral](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/102335), [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323) and [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689) for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
+If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+—the Project Loved team
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+layout: post
+title: "osu! World Cup 2018: Grand Finals Recap"
+date: 2018-12-20 11:00:00 +0000
+For over a month and a half, some of osu!'s best players embarked on the journey of the year in search of glory in the osu! World Cup 2018. Thirty-two teams from across the globe competed to showcase their skills for the championship, and over time, only three were left standing in the Grand Finals weekend – Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. From there, it was a grand showdown between three of osu!'s most titanic teams for the crown, and boy was it a battle!
+In a distinct departure from other years, the osu! World Cup (or OWC) featured its own Grand Finals specific mappool this year, where the playing field was bumped up a notch in difficulty again, forcing players to revise their strategies and picks from the Finals matches.
+### [United Kingdom vs Germany](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/48120274)
+The first two teams up to play were Germany and the United Kingdom.
+Led by veteran and star players [Dustice](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/754565) and [Okinamo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3765989), the German players were already set on making history - returning once again to the Top 3 for the first time since 2014. Their core skillsets were as solid as ever, and their fabled consistency showed no signs of slowing down or giving way. However, standing in their way was Team United Kingdom, gathered under perhaps the strongest roster of players they had ever fielded in a World Cup, who were absolutely hell-bent on becoming the second European team to be crowned since Poland's dominating performance in the OWC last year.
+All-star players Bubbleman and Spare held strong as the backbone their team as the English players charged at the Germany's picks. Despite being constantly under pressure, the Germans held their ground, desperately not wanting to repeat their historical defeat from last year against the same opponent.
+Despite their valiant efforts, Team Germany could just not muster enough strength to impede Team UK's unstoppable advance, though there were many instances where it seemed as if Germany was about to flip the match on its head and send the English running for their money.
+In the end, Team Germany conceded defeat at 4-7. Nonetheless, this still served as a historical milestone for the German players, and will surely ignite their ambition to overcome more obstacles and climb higher in future World Cups.
+### [United States vs United Kingdom](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/48146823)
+The stage then was set for the true Grand Finals to take place on December 16th, 2018, where two-time champion Team USA squared up against Team UK in a contest for their third ever osu!Champion title. Over recent years, the United States' osu! tournament scene has seen an astronomical expansion since its advent in 2015, with new and skilled players sprouting up like mushrooms after rains in a forest.
+When asked about the difficulty of assembling a roster from such a wealth of talented players, veteran player Toy commented that the effort was "one of the hardest things the team has ever done".
+The result of such agony was perhaps, the strongest US roster to date.
+Meanwhile, the English players most certainly did not cower at the sight of their menacing opponents. Their eyes have been on the prize since the very beginning, and #ITSCOMINGHOME was their call. Throughout this tournament, [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050), [OPJames](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4117142), [Spare](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2204373), [Doomsday](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/18983), [MoeYandere](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2565902), [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262), [Jameslike](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2415743), and [Karthy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4196808) all demonstrated their incredible skills and made it very clear to the world just how seriously they were gunning for the top.
+"It was great to be part of the team for the first time after playing for so long," commented MoeYandere, Team UK's new blood this year: "I felt extremely nervous with the expectations weighing down, but team definitely made me feel at ease."
+Surely enough, all 16 players doubtlessly felt some degree of stress coming into this showdown, with only themselves and their teammates to rely upon.
+Team USA started the match off strong, taking 3 points back to back. Playing with both grace and grit, [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689), [idke](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4650315), and [fireyrage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3533958) took turns bringing points to their team again and again. On the other side, Bubbleman held down the fort with Spare, producing high combos and affording their team the opportunity to find holes in the American defense. With a decisive counter-pick on [Bad Elixir](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/878944#osu/1838165), team UK finally broke the American momentum, followed by their own unwavering and impressive showing on Unravel and Towards the Horizon.
+The two teams then continued their grueling head-to-head in a series of back-and-forth matches, before arriving at 5-5 all. Team USA secured [Tabi to Ferry](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/704541#osu/1490377) with a strongarm performance from Toy. Their next pick – [me & u](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/699749#osu/1481624) – an American favourite to win, was suddenly interrupted in its tracks when players began breaking left and right, and the only one to hold through with a full combo was Bubbleman! Holding strong through the skin of his teeth, Bubbleman just BARELY brought his team to victory with a minuscule **70** point lead, setting a new record for the smallest point difference to ever win a match in the osu! World Cup.
+(A tiny 70 points difference causes Team USA no shortage of grief.)
+This singular moment decided the fate of the match - and sent both teams to meet the [The Azure Arbitrator](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/427166#osu/922172), a gruesome 8-minute slog of high speed consistency fielded as the Tiebreaker for the Grand Finals. Widely regarded as being a deserving but particularly difficult choice, it was the ever-present threat looming above the heads of all the Grand Finalists, and was now being realized in front of over 10,000 viewers.
+Going into the map, it came as no surprise when the American team began to buckle and waver, losing combos left, right and centre. However, Bubbleman from Team UK continued his incredible performance and put out a devastatingly powerful play, maintaining an incredible score lead for his team all the way up to more than 2467 combo before finally breaking! This amazing play alone accounted for more than 1/3 of Team USA's total score at the end of the map, paving the way for Team UK to snatch the much-needed bracket reset, and giving them the room they needed to finally breathe.
+Now, the match was *truly* on.
+### [United States vs United Kingdom: The Bracket Reset](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/48149847)
+After a quick break, the teams returned for the final showdown of the year.
+At this point, the osulive channel had broken over 13,000 viewers, the highest ever since the last time it was featured on the Twitch front page. Raw, unadulterated hype was in the air. Tournament organizer HappyStick went over and congratulated Bubbleman via DMs (though mostly out of his own hype boiling over at this point), who only responded with the now timeless quote:
+"Not yet. It’s not done yet. I'm not done yet."
+However, the Team US was undaunted by this display of confidence, and knuckled down to rethink their approach and their path to victory. After witnessing what Team UK could do on [Unravel](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/731933#osu/1544460), Team USA adjusted strategy and opted to ban it instead, depriving Team UK of one of their strongest picks.
+The two teams traded blows until arriving at 2-2, when Team USA saw an opening and went in for the offense, taking 2 more points, bringing the score to 4-2. Team UK quickly reorganized a counterattack, tying the score at 4-4.
+However, fatigue had begun to rear its ugly head in earnest on both teams, with the total match length exceeding over three hours at this point in the battle. Team UK soon discovered to their dismay, that their fabled consistency had begun to falter on [Bassdrop Freaks](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/806859#osu/1693575), with Team USA showing no signs of slowing down. Team USA then followed up with their signature pick Tabi to Ferry, driving home the first nail in the coffin, and then, surging to a decisive victory on Bad Elixir to end the tournament, the United States brought the match home with a 7-4 lead in their favour.
+### Results
+And just like that, the biggest tournament of the year the osu! community is finally over.
+For the third time, the United States team will bear the title of osu!Champions proudly, with the United Kingdom coming in second and Germany coming in third.
+We were truly blessed to witness so much history in the making - producing perhaps one of the most compelling matches (if not THE most compelling) ever seen in the osu! World Cup.
+This year has been one wild ride, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!
+—World Cup Staff
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+layout: post
+title: "New Featured Artist: Camellia"
+date: 2018-12-24 10:00:00 +0000
+Camellia when? Now.
+You asked...
+...we delivered.
+There is nothing we could possibly say here to make this any greater than it already is.
+**156** tracks are now available over at [his Featured Artist](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/31) listing, pre-timed and ready to map.
+In addition, some founding members of the Mappers' Guild have been hard at work creating their take on some of the new tracks, which you can check out below (though do note, these maps aren't ranked yet):
+[The King of Lions](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/885923) by [Regou](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/419954).
+[Welcome to the Cyphisonia](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/887008) by [Mao](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2204515).
+[Touhiron](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/884977) by [pishifat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3178418), [Milan\-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1052994), and [jonathanlfj](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/270377).
+[First Town Of This Journey](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/888513#osu/1857147) by [ScubDomino](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8972308), [Milan\-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1052994), [Sing](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3795679) and [Delis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1603923).
+[Quantum Entanglement](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/584991#osu/1238045) by [Sing](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3795679).
+[Hakuraku](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/894415#osu/1869048) by [Nyquill](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/682935), [deetz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3513559), [pishifat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3178418) and [jonathanlfj](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/270377).
+**You can check out all of the tracks over at [Camellia's Featured Artist listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/31)**. There's just far, far too many to even begin to list them here.
+As with all Featured Artists, any of the tracks in his listing are 100% cleared for use in the osu! community. This also encompasses a vast swathe of "classic" beatmaps dating as far back as early 2015.
+We hope you all understand how agonizing it has been for us to keep this under wraps, but we felt there was truly no better way to send 2018 off than with our **biggest ever** Featured Artist release.
+However, in the now immortal words of one Bubbleman - it's not done yet. We're not done yet.
+Keep your eyes and ears peeled into 2019, there's more on the horizon!
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+layout: post
+title: "The QAT Gazette: December 2018"
+date: 2018-12-29 14:00:00 +0000
+Behold, the Christmas gift of mapping and modding news for all! With major changes to the Quality Assurance Team on the horizon, what will the final days of 2018 bring as a new dawn prepares to rise?
+## Opening
+by [JBHyperion](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4879508)
+Greetings everyone – it's been a while!
+Many eagle-eyed readers may have noticed a distinct absence of October and November's articles, for which I must apologise – I was stricken by a mysterious and fickle beast during my travels, one spoken of in hushed whispers and frightening children's tales, known only as the *Real Life*… Truly terrifying indeed...
+However, I couldn't let such a fantastic year as 2018 end without bringing you the gifts of Christmas cheer, merriment, and most importantly, **news**! Since you’ve all been simply incredible this year in making the mapping and modding community a more successful, welcoming and enjoyable place for all, this one's for you!
+## Within the Beatmap Nominators
+With our newest wave of Beatmap Nominators having recently received their first evaluation results, as well as a new round of applications slated for the New Year, it's full steam ahead as usual! However, we must also acknowledge the contributions of our long-standing members, some of whom have sadly decided to take a well-earned break. Whichever news you seek, it's all right here for you!
+### Changes to Nominator Evaluations
+The Beatmap Nominator Probation system has facilitated a rapid expansion of the team since its inception, offering active modding community members a chance to prove themselves in a more controlled environment. However, we understand that in some cases, feedback on each Nominator's performance may either cause members to focus on "safer" nominations in order to ensure a more favourable evaluation, or come too late to allow for reasonable improvement.
+In future evaluations, we would like to trial a less punishing system, whereby each Nominator can receive feedback at some intermediate stage of their probationary period without the immediate pressure of a warning, extension or demotion. We hope that this will encourage Nominators to experiment as they continue to develop their experience and ability, as well as promote a less stressful work environment.
+### New Beatmap Nominator Service Badges
+Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without gift-giving! In the spirit of the holidays, and in recognition of some of our hardest-working and longest-serving Beatmap Nominators, please join me in showing your utmost appreciation for [Kawawa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4647754), [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995), [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767), (3 years of service each), [Critical_Star](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3793196), [Rivals_7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4610379), [Sandalphon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2633753) and [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) (2 years of service each).
+All mentioned members will receive a shiny new profile badge (or incremental flair upgrade if they earned one previously), which we encourage them to wear with pride in appreciation of their meritorious voluntary service.
+### New Beatmap Nominator Promotions
+With the potential for significant change coming to the QAT over the coming weeks (as will be discussed later in this article), there will naturally be an uncertainty for future Beatmap Nominator applications. Regular scheduling would have the next cycle start in mid- to late-January, but at present, the team is debating whether these can (or should) be operated alongside the QAT restructure. We will bring you a more clear update on this matter once it has been decided upon.
+### Beatmap Nominator Retirements
+With the prospect of new Nominator applications to hopefully be announced soon, we must also take a moment to acknowledge the lasting contributions of those who have since moved on. Please show your appreciation for [hikiko-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6512678), [Wishkey](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101704) and [Yauxo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/898306) – may their future endeavours be as prosperous as their time in osu!.
+## Within the Quality Assurance Team
+As mentioned previously, unprecedented levels of change could be just over the horizon for the Quality Assurance Team, so the final days of 2018 bring both apprehension and excitement in equal measure. There's undeniably a lot to take in over the following few paragraphs, but if you want to witness (or even better, participate in!) the next stage of osu! mapping evolution, it'll be well worth the read!
+Before we get stuck in however, please give a show of appreciation for current Quality Assurance Team Leader [Mao](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2204515), who joined an elite club recently in racking up an incredible *four years of service* in the team. We sincerely hope Mao continues to retain his boundless enthusiasm as he prepares to lead the QAT through the coming change.
+### Proposed changes to the QAT
+As mentioned several times in this article already, significant changes could be just on the horizon for the Quality Assurance Team, which may drastically change how we operate in the future. You can find more details on this announcement and the reasons for it in the Development forum, where [discussions towards multiple osu!team and community proposals](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/842601) are currently taking place.
+The first of these changes has been one of leadership, with [-Mo-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2202163) replacing myself as QAT Leader, alongside the continuing [Mao](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2204515). Whilst I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the head of the QAT, my free time available for osu! has been reduced considerably over the past few months, and I no longer feel I can properly fulfil the expectations of my role, or the community who elected me to it. On a positive note, new faces provide the potential for new direction, so please support -Mo- warmly as he settles into the challenge of management!
+One key aspect of these changes is that the base proposal was intentionally "vague", in an effort to encourage community discussion and the generation of fresh ideas. When it comes to shaping the future of the osu! mapping and modding scene, there's perhaps never been a better time than right now to make your voice heard! If you feel you have a great idea, or the drive to help others realise theirs, head on over to the above-mentioned proposals and get discussing!
+### Rules Regarding Mapping Commissions
+Just prior to the proposed Quality Assurance Team changes, significant discussion amongst the osu!team and QAT took place to clarify our position on paid-for mapping and modding contributions, as well as how we should handle such cases going forward. Whilst such mapping and modding commissions are certainly not a new appearance in osu!, they have gained significant traction and mainstream attention recently. Coupled with osu!'s awesome and ever-expanding library of licensed *Featured Artists*, it was decided to tidy up some potentially grey areas.
+You can read an [announcement from the osu!team](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/840838) on the topic for a detailed outlook, but in brief summary, commissions will be permitted to a certain extent, provided they are undertaken tastefully and the users profiting from them do not occupy a position within the Beatmap Nominators, Quality Assurance or other group within the osu!team. With this move, we wish to both emphasize osu!'s core "free-to-win" value, and promote a positive image and reputation with our current and potential future Featured Artists.
+### New Quality Assurance Team additions
+Whilst this announcement may come more than just a bit late, please offer your congratulations to our newest members: [Gottagof4st](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6122935), [Kuron-kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2697284), [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323), [Regraz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3076909), [Yuii-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2935923), and the returning [Hobbes2](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8157492)!
+Whilst their and the QAT's future is uncertain, we greatly appreciate their timely involvement in Qualified map checking, veto mediation, Beatmap Nominator evaluations and moderation for the osu! game mode.
+### Quality Assurance Team retirements
+Though many new members have joined recently, one person who has sadly decided to take their leave from the team is osu!taiko's [Aloda](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1190127), who elected to step down and focus on other pursuits outside of osu! after six months of service. We wish Aloda the best in his future endeavours, and recognise his newfound status as an osu! Alumni for his contributions to quality control and Beatmap Nominator evaluation.
+## Summary
+This brings us to the end of this month's news, (almost) the end of the year, but sadly, also the end of my tenure as editor for the QAT Gazette. You may have noticed that we recently opened a [Twitter account](https://twitter.com/osuqat), bringing you all the glorious news you know and love from the Gazette, but in a more regular, bite-sized fashion – and also cute cat pictures if that's more your speed. Please follow us if you'd like to continue receiving all the latest and greatest updates from the osu! mapping and modding community!
+Contributing to the Gazette as both a writer and editor over the past two years has been a great pleasure, and I will sorely miss being able to communicate with you all as we share occasions both exciting and intriguing, happy and sad. I have loved watching on as osu! and its community has continued to grow, evolve, and achieve truly great things together over my time here, and I sincerely hope that 2019 brings more of the same!
+I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and wishing the best for a Happy New Year!
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+layout: post
+title: "Project Loved: Week of December 30th"
+date: 2018-12-31 23:10:00 +0000
+The year's coming to an end, but there's always time for [Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120)! Check out the newest selection of maps, and vote for the ones that you'd like to see in the Loved category!
+Welcome back to [Project Loved](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/120)! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the [Loved category](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8). From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each maps' header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
+osu!mania's part of Project Loved returns this week! The immediate changes to see are the lower map count (7 now, instead of 8) and the ongoing process of electing new captains to work in the role of some that are stepping down. This week, [Kamikaze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2124783), [\_underjoy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2235750) and [aitor98](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3154852) are leaving, and as always, be sure to thank them for all the work they've done for Project Loved! All three of these guys have been with us for quite a while, and osu!mania's Project Loved section wouldn't be the same without them. To follow more closely with changes to osu!mania's Project Loved, you can join their [Discord server](https://discord.gg/ZMDfqBt) and read the posts made by captains!
+After this round, [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110) will also be stepping down from their role as an osu!taiko captain. Leading the osu!taiko section for over a year now, and co-managing the entire project with [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689) for a time, he's done a mountain of work for Project Loved and definitely deserves some appreciation as we see him off. It's no easy feat to do what Backfire has done for Loved over the past year!
+In case you don't read the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+### Navigation
+- [osu!](#osu)
+- [osu!taiko](#osutaiko)
+- [osu!catch](#osucatch)
+- [osu!mania](#osumania)
+## osu!
+osu! Loved candidates were chosen by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691), [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050), [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207), [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917), [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262) and [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)!
+[Haywyre - Insight](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/848400#osu) by [Twiggykun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9126943)
+*written by [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)*
+Starting with a long awaited map to be Loved, Twiggykun's map of the song Insight by Haywyre will test your alternating skill as well as aim control on 140 BPM non-stop jumps. The song is calm most of the time, but the middle part truly becomes alive with the combination of beats and jumps. The HP drain is 3, but don't let that fool you, as the OD is punishing for missing only a few notes! The melody of the song is adventurous, and by adding some techy-themed sounds it fits in well with the map.
+[Kings Of The City - Wrong (Muzzy Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/414582#osu) by [Hikaru Rose](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4811275)
+*written by [waywern2012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5870453)*
+You can only go right with this one. The map from Hikaru Rose is a truly great and satisfying experience. The comfortable jumps and tricky short streams alongside Muzzy's remix of "Kings Of The City - Wrong" makes you homed in on the map. The storyboard by Cheesecake fits perfectly for this beatmap as it is subtle and keeps cool while you play. Just sit back and enjoy the close blend of the map and the song.
+[Harada Hitomi - Kyoumei no True Force](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/315159#osu) by [Asphyxia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1715720)
+*written by [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)*
+A true classic, Asphyxia's Kyoumei No True Force has weathered the storm and continues to this day to be a clean yet testing map that nearly everyone has seen or played before. Being mostly aim focused, its star rating is deceiving, and with the difficulty creeping up as the map plays out you might find yourself pushing the limits of your abilities as you near the marathon's end. With 70 favourites, I'm sure you'll enjoy it too, regardless of whether you're playing it for the first or even the tenth time.
+[Utsu-P - MiKUSABBATH](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/264483#osu) by [Kuron-kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2697284) and [Tarrasky](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4098393)
+*written by [Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)*
+A tribute to older styles of maps, MiKUSABBATH's style is clean, yet it's easy to find patterns inspired by older creations. Squares are scattered throughout, and with few streams this is another aim test yet with a different feel and flow. A lower difficulty by Tarrasky is included with an even older style yet still producing the same nostalgic feeling, and when combined with this banger of a song, the set produces a feeling best appreciated by experiencing it yourself. What are you waiting for? Give it a go!
+[PinocchioP - All I Need are Things I Like](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/537768#osu) by [Nattu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1886722)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+Those who follow Project Loved will recognize this title from a previous map covered by "nameless" that was Loved back in November. This time we have the original by PinocchioP. Dating back to 2016, this map by Nattu was the first to gain the song popularity throughout the community with help from being featured in HappyStick's Summer Tour map pool. With over 120 favorites, it made a name for itself as a challenging alternating styled map for players to practice on while listening to some good tunes.
+[chum - Sousei no Aquarion](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/637097#osu) by [Musty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/251683)
+*written by [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691)*
+Although this map remains unfinished months after its submission, it's gained massive popularity after many top players such as Toy, Mathi, and NerO were seen making FCs on the map over the past year. Today, it is seen as a quick way to practice and test player's technical streaming abilities as the map contains many patterns that require players to snap while maintaining full control of their cursor. With over 110 favorites, check out the map and vote for its place in Project Loved!
+[Shibayan feat. 3L - Getsurei 11.3 no Candle Magic](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/122390#osu) by [11t](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2112092), [10nya](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/678794) and [OnosakiHito](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/290128)
+*written by [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917)*
+If it was up to me, this set would've been ranked a long time ago. Sadly, there's no way of that happening ever as 11t is no longer with us, and thus I feel like it's in my duty as a community member and a Loved captain to use my power so maps like this don't go unnoticed and fall into the pit of forgetfulness forever.
+Now, let's get to the map! Lunar 11.3 Candle Magic is another profound project of the mapper and storyboarder 11t, author of some famous storyboard projects such as EOS or Okaerinasai. This time 11t also participated as a mapper, creating three out of four of the standard difficulties for this set. The most difficult of them, [Lunatic], takes on a rather classical approach on alternating maps, drawing inspiration from mappers such as val0108 and executing it masterfully.
+The storyboard for the map is one of the first of this genre. It may not be as intricate as aforementioned EOS or Okaerinasai, but it still does a great job at what it's supposed to do and is overall a great pleasure to watch and play.
+[Scott Bradley - Tom and Jerry In The Hollywood Bowl](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/490101#osu) by [IwanWenChoong](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5814341)
+*written by [fartownik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/56917)*
+Ever wanted to enjoy some great orchestral music while simultaneously watching a classic Tom & Jerry segment while simultaneously clicking circles to the beat? Look no further fam, we've got you. This map by IwanWenChoong is an experience unlike any other. The amount of work put by this man solely to time this piece can be counted in hours (contains 500+ unique timing sections with varying BPMs), not to mention mapping the entire 7-minute thing!
+The map itself may not be the most technically correct, but you can clearly see the mapper put his heart and soul into it to express the symphony best they could. Surely one of the most unique beatmaps you will ever see in this game. Give it a try, you won't regret it!
+[Andrea Baez - Marolio, le da sabor a tu vida](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/654246#osu) by [MaestroSplinter](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6707918) et al.
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Hey, Argentinian osu! community! Here's a gift for you. Hosted by MaestroSplinter, this mapset has various guest difficulties for the iconic song in the Marolio commercial. The map itself hovers right around the 40 second mark—short and sweet. The star difficulty range for all difficulties is notably low, so the mapset can be played and enjoyed by players of all skill ranges. Give flavor to the Loved category by dropping a vote on this classic jingle!
+[DJ Noriken - Stargazer feat. YUC'e (PSYQUI Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/718960#osu) by [Hishiro Chizuru](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8402897), [Ambrew](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7803396) and [Rhonen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8422432)
+*written by [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207)*
+Did anyone miss seeing 2B maps in the Loved voting? Here, I'll fix that. The mapper "Hishiro Chizuru", inspired by various other mappers, has made an energetic beatmap to go along with an equally energetic remix of the song "Stargazer". This 3-minute beatmap is mixed with modern technical sections, innovative 2B patterns, and various slider velocity changes. Topped off with a storyboard by Rhonen and hitsounding by Ambrew, the map has seen a heavy amount of support from you guys, the community. With the map having over 150 favorites, it's time for you to cast your vote and help bring this map into the Loved category!
+## osu!taiko
+osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by [-[ ix Ishida xi ]-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/242910), [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861), [Backfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/263110), [iceOC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5482401) and [nyanmi-1828](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6866480)!
+[sasakure.UK - Good Bye, Mr. Jack](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/659426#taiko) by [tkdLolly](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9035344)
+*written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+Good Bye, Mr. Jack is our first pick for the week, featured in the osu!taiko World Cup 2018 as the tiebreaker for Group Stages, and for good reason! This jazzy song really gives you that "boss fight" feeling, and tkdLolly really emphasizes this perfectly, by using slider velocities to make clear different instruments, counterpoints and intensities, making this truly enjoyable to play. Beware though, as it also does a great job at packing quite a punch and being really tough, with long 1/6 bursts and varying slider velocities that will challenge your reading skills. Don't trip on the 1/16 grace notes!
+[Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Shinbatsu o Tadori Kyoukotsu ni Itaru](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/497912#taiko) by [shinchikuhome](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3174184)
+*written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+Secondly, we brought Shinbatsu o Tadori KyouKotsu ni Itaru, as we were really hyped by the possible addition of Imperial Circus Dead Decadence to the Featured Artists. shinchikuhome's map is a solid proof that a great player can make a great map, and what a way to do it: this streamy 250 BPM map can look very innocent, sure, we have a lot of streamy maps with even higher BPM, how much damage could a 250 BPM song do?... well, a lot. Between its solid patterns and the song length, this really is a stamina drainer like no other, so be adviced and make sure to warm up before tackling this one down.
+[Kano - Walk This Way!](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/423600#taiko) by [Y O U T A](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4909860)
+*written by [nyanmi-1828](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6866480) and loosely translated by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+It's very likely that a lot of people from Japan that used to play multiplayer lobbies will recognize this map. Even though it's high-BPM, Y O U T A's Walk This Way! was designed with comfy patterns that are truly easy to get the hang of, resulting in a really fun map for those who love high-BPM, so if you are one of those people, I'm sure you will like this map. I personally think this is really is a popular map within the Japanese community and a really high quality one too. Enjoy!
+[kamome sano - Prepared Improvisation](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/556358#taiko) by [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767)
+*written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+We all know tasuke912 as one of the best mappers last year, and here he makes his appearance with Prepared Improvisation, a techy map that has that particularity that most tasuke maps have: the more you play them, the more you fall in love with them!. With a chaotic-sounding jazz song he made a truly beautiful map, which may seem frustrating at first due to its constant 1/8 triplets, the rather repetitive song (mostly because of the base drumroll) and such, but believe me, it can get really satisfying to play once you get the hang of it.
+[katagiri - Heisei Memehunters](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/792971#taiko) by [hoku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9503098) and [KitajimaYN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2250574)
+*written by [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861)*
+Between the vast mapping experience of KitajimaYN and the great understanding of the game mode hoku shows in their Heisei Memehunters, you can already start to expect a well designed and fun map. This map shows an excellent control over density and where exactly to go ham on it, as well as a impeccable flow-based mapping style, being KitajimaYN's trademark. The streams of this map truly meet all expectations and are so carefully placed that the map as a whole makes a lot of sense: I think it'd truly be a great addition to the Loved section!
+## osu!catch
+osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883), [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941), [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600) and [Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)!
+[cosMo@BousouP - ANTI THE Infinite HOLIC](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/700321#fruits) by [Memoriola](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6856387)
+*written by [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600)*
+This aspire-like map by Memoriola (also known by their previous name OneLoveOneLife) is particularly interesting because of the sheer amount of creativity. You will encounter a lot of patterns which are very uncommon for osu!catch, but on the other hand make this map as interesting as it is. The craziness of the mapping fits well to the craziness of the song. It's certainly a unique experience—but it is definitely not easy to play. It challenges your speed and platter control and paired with the higher AR it also becomes a reading test. Good luck; you'll need it!
+[Hyuji - Magus Night (Hyuji Remix)](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/659926#fruits) by [[\_-Kukkai-\_]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7811952)
+*written by [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941)*
+Entering the Loved section for the first time is [\_-Kukkai-\_]! With an arsenal of underappreciated maps in his graveyard, Magus Night remix is one of his most favourited maps and showcases the tough but fun to play mapping style of [\_-Kukkai-\_] the best. With a variety of streams and jumps this map feels very adequate in terms of difficulty, without any kind of overly difficult patterns that don't make sense music-wise.
+All-in-all the map offers lots of replayability. This is because of the solid base map that can very well be made even more interesting by throwing either HardRock and/or Hidden into the mix. It is definitely doable for higher end players and adds some spice. So see for yourself what you think of it?
+## osu!mania
+osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by [Lenfried-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5314573), [Pope Gadget](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2288341), [stupud man](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2141612) and [Toaph Daddy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7616811)!
+[Caravan Palace - Lone Digger](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/537933#mania) by [XeoStyle](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3377280)
+Starting us off in the mania Loved nominations will be XeoStyle returning with his chart for Lone Digger, a rather popular song with a simplistic and enjoyable approach. As the difficulty name suggests, this chart will throw plenty of chordjacks at the player for the full three and a half minutes of its run-time. The simplistic and fun nature of the chart has netted it an extensive amount of popularity among players and is easy enough to be approachable by many, making it a clear choice for the Loved section.
+[FELE - Peter on crack](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/631020#mania) by [Jole](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2883132)
+Originally on pace to be ranked, Peter on Crack is a marathon map designed by none other than the legend himself—Jole! This is an even longer version of the chart used for the osu!mania 4K World Cup 2017 Semi-Finals pool, which not only increases the arduous dial but has patterning that's even trickier by comparison. With 33 favourites at time of writing, we thought we'd give it a crack at putting it up for this week's Loved vote.
+[Stellabee - Ubiquity](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/758231#mania) by [Shoegazer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2520707) and [Vortex-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4999669)
+Loved veteran Shoegazer and protégé Vortex- combine efforts for the next set being nominated, Ubiquity. The set features two difficulties, one made by each of the two charters mentioned, with each showcasing their varying styles through the subtle differences in layering and patterning choices. Both difficulties also showcase the extremely refined charting prowess that both of these charters have, as many have seen through their previously loved charts, like Tenohira de Odoru from Vortex- or Toki from Shoegazer. If these past works were of any interest to you, Ubiquity will be sure to deliver on the fronts of both charters.
+[KAKU P-MODEL - Big Brother](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/500824#mania) by [Wh1teh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2640467)
+If you are looking for a challenge, you need look no further than Big Brother, a very difficult chart created by Wh1teh. The difficulty of the chart comes largely from dense, awkwardly patterned bursts in the choruses that can trip up even the best players. Used in previous tournaments and briefly in a skill course, this challenge has been made clear to many high-level players and its use as an effective skill-tester is a good point of support for its nomination to the Loved section.
+[IU - YOU&I](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/376826#mania) by [moni](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1750531)
+The last time we saw moni get a chart in Loved was almost two years ago, back before Project Loved even existed! Now they're finally back with You & I, consisting of both 4K and 7K difficulties. Both difficulties are layered fairly similarly, targeting a multitude of different LN skill sets, whether it be releases, streams, or even inverse at times. Plus, the patterns get progressively denser throughout the song, making this a much more engaging mapset. The featured pattern usage, competitive viability, and general popularity of this set makes it a good indicator of LN skill and a good fit for a Project Loved nomination.
+[TERRASPEX - AMAZING BREAK](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/454626#mania) by [pporse](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4991434)
+pporse makes it back for Loved voting once again with his chart AMAZING BREAK. This chart mainly features varying chordstreams at 153 BPM. What make this a chart worthy of going up for loved is its interesting usage of LNs, jacks, 1/6th streams, and SVs. All of these components lead up to a climactic ending section which will test the players abilities in all these skill sets. If you want an amazing experience, this chart is worth checking out!
+[Kurenainagi Tabibito - Otenba Koimusume](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/381363#mania) by [tangjinxi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2270126)
+People have been asking for a **while** about when tangjinxi was going to get a map nominated, so we figured this would be a great start for that. Otenba Renjyo is a very dense LN pick that primarily focuses on LN chordstreams... and when I say dense, I mean it. This chart comes in at 8.34 stars, and doesn't let down. Outside of a break period in the middle and a few bursts towards the end, it strictly keeps up dense LN chordstreams. Whether you're an adept LN player able to play this chart to practice accuracy, or an up-and-coming player trying to climb through difficult LN charts to improve your skill, Otenba Renjyo serves as a great benchmark to help quantify your LN skill thanks to its consistency.
+From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoy this week's selection, and look forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the [Loved beatmap listing](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets?s=8) sometime next week and will be announced via [@osugame on Twitter](https://twitter.com/osugame).
+In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank [clayton](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3666350), [Ephemeral](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/102335), [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323) and [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689) for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
+If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbgHOVqMF8wQQKSdddW1JhC10ff6C7fb4JbEW7PBQTn9gAqg/viewform)! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding [Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HgHwtO3kIzT8R4ocEJMZTosADrGJRJOFL-TZI97tZS4/edit#gid=0).
+—the Project Loved team
diff --git a/news/2019-01-05-osu!mania-7K-World-Cup-2019-registrations-open.md b/news/2019-01-05-osu!mania-7K-World-Cup-2019-registrations-open.md
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+layout: post
+title: "osu!mania 7K Cup 2019: Registrations now open!"
+date: 2019-01-07 5:30:00 +0000
+Another year and what a better way to start it than with some 7K action! The MWC7K 2019 registrations phase begins now!
+For more details, refer to the **[osu!mania 7K World Cup 2019 wiki article](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2019_7K/)**. You can discuss the event and follow its most important changes in the **[official discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/851928)**.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | Jan 7th - Jan 19th |
+| Live Drawings | Feb 2nd (14:00 UTC) |
+| Group Stage | Feb 9th & 10th |
+| Round of 16 | Feb 16th & 17th |
+| Quarterfinals | Feb 23rd & 24th |
+| Semifinals | Mar 2nd & 3rd |
+| Finals | Mar 9th & 10th |
+| Grand Finals | Mar 16th & 17th |
+## Prizes
+- **1st:** US$150 per team member, profile badge, "osu!mania Champion" user title for one year
+- **2nd:** US$80 per team member, Profile badge
+- **3rd:** US$40 per team member, Profile badge
+## How do I register?
+- **[Click here to sign-up!](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/tournaments/18)**
+- Do not create teams in advance! Teams will be formed by the country's team captain after the registration phase is concluded.
+- Hand in your registration before the **19th of January!**
+Please note that you can only participate if you are **globally ranked #5000 or higher and have not violated the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) in the past 12 months**.
+If your registration successfully passes our evaluation, you will be put on the candidate list for your country. Whenever a captain for your country is assigned, the list will be sent to them. This may take a while, so please be patient.
+_Remember that any registrations past the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances - so get your registrations done early to avoid any last-minute issues._
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+++ b/wiki/Article_Styling_Criteria/en.md
@@ -743,12 +743,16 @@ The name of the game, osu!, is never capitalised nor italicised. The osu! offici
Other brandings that are not covered by the osu! official branding must use spaces. Examples include:
- `osu! tournaments`
-- `osu! alumni`
- `osu! community`
- `osu! chat`
- `osu! client`
- `osu! wiki`
+User titles that include `osu!` as part of the title name must be capitalised. Examples include:
+- `osu! Alumni`
+- `osu! Champion`
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+# AiMod
-**AiMod** is a tool built in the osu! Beatmap Editor, you can open it by pressing `Control` + `Shift` + `A` or by clicking **File** » **Open AiMod**. AiMod will help new mappers "mod" their maps. The issues with AiMod is that it was designed to be simple, so AiMod will most likely not detect issues with mapping patterns or bad BPM/timing. So in the end, you will still need a [modder](/wiki/Glossary) to mod your beatmap.
+**AiMod** is a modding tool built into the [Beatmap Editor](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor). To open AiMod, press `Control` + `Shift` + `A` or navigate via menu options **File** » **Open AiMod** once a beatmap is open in the Beatmap Editor.
+AiMod aims to help beginner mappers "mod" their beatmaps. The limitation of AiMod lies with its basic design which causes it to sometimes overlook issues such as bad mapping patterns, BPM, or timing. Finding a [modder](/wiki/Glossary) to mod your beatmap is strongly recommended.

-After AiMod checks over your beatmap (should take less than a minute), the warnings and errors are displayed. If "No problems were found in this map!"… Then congratulations! Your beatmap passed the AiMod "modding", but you'll still need to find [modder](/wiki/Glossary) to mod your beatmap because they will find more issues than what AiMod can detect.
+AiMod typically completes its beatmap analysis in under a minute and subsequently displays warnings and errors. If no problems were found in your beatmap, then congratulations! The beatmap passed the AiMod analysis, but it still requires modding from the community. The modders can find other issues that AiMod failed to detect.
+## Tabs
@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ Tabs
- These problems affect the mapset as a whole.
+## Messages
>Note: Numbers inside curly brackets (i.e. "{0}") is a placeholder for a number or a word.
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@@ -352,5 +352,3 @@ At **bottom-right**, you can adjust the **Playback Rate** by **per quarter value
The coding is `MM:SS:XXX` `{Sound_file}@{Volume}` where MM:SS:XXX is Minutes:Seconds:Milliseconds respectively.
**Example:** 1:57:745 kick.wav@100% means at 1 min 57 second 745th millisecond, trigger the "kick.wav" file at 100% volume regardless of condition.
-[If this doesn't tickle your fancy, you can always go for the hardcore SBS way.](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Miscellaneous)
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--- a/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Compose/es.md
+++ b/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Compose/es.md
@@ -351,5 +351,3 @@ La **Sección Derecha** es **la configuración para el archivo de sonido selecci
La codificación es `MM:SS:XXX` `{Sound_file}@{Volume}` donde MM:SS:XXX es Minutos:Segundos:Milisegundos respectivamente.
**Ejemplo:** 1:57:745 kick.wav@100% significa 1 min 57 segundos 745avo millisegundo, reproduce el archivo "kick.wav" al 100% del volumen, independientemente de la condición.
-[Si esto no le hace cosquillas a tu fantasía, siempre puede optar por el estilo SBS.](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Miscellaneous)
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@@ -338,5 +338,3 @@ Compose
代码写法是 `MM:SS:XXX` `{音频文件}@{音量}` 其中 MM:SS:XXX 的格式为 分:秒:毫秒。
**例如:** 1:57:745 kick.wav@100% 代表在 1 分 57.745 秒钟,会以 100% 音量播放文件 "kick.wav"。
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+++ b/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Menu/en.md
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ Places of interest.
+*Main page: [Compose](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Compose)*
-***Main page: [Compose](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Compose)***
### Rulers commands
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ Compose
+*Main page: [Design](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Design)*
-***Main page: [Design](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Design)***
| Name | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ Design
+*Main page: [Timing](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Timing)*
-***Main page: [Timing](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Timing)***
### Metronome commands
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--- a/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Timelines/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Timelines/en.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This article will explain how each of them function.
## Shortcuts
-_For a list of keyboard shortcuts for the timeline, see [shortcut key reference](/wiki/shortcut_key_reference/#general)._
+*For a list of keyboard shortcuts for the timeline, see: [Shortcut Key Reference](/wiki/Shortcut_Key_Reference/#general)*
## Song Player
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--- a/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Timing/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Timing/en.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Timing
-_See also: [How to time songs](/wiki/How_to_time_songs)_
+*See also: [How to time songs](/wiki/How_to_time_songs)*

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+++ b/wiki/Beatmapping/en.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Click on the song, this will open the [beatmap editor](/wiki/beatmap_editor) and
### Song Setup
-_See also: [Song Setup](/wiki/Song_Setup)_
+*Main page: [Song Setup](/wiki/Song_Setup)*
When making a new [mapset](/wiki/mapset), you will always see this dialog before any other parts of the beatmap editor.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The next step is to add timing to your beatmap.
### Timing
-_See also: [Timing](/wiki/Timing)_
+*Main page: [Timing](/wiki/Timing)*
**Timing is vital!**
Incorrectly timed maps will not be considered for ranking.
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ This will save you (and the modding community) a lot of hassle later on.
### Compose
-_See also: [Compose](/wiki/Compose)_
+*Main page: [Compose](/wiki/Compose)*
The compose tab of the beatmap editor is where you will probably spend a majority of your time beatmapping.
It is where you can visually place hit objects and toggle their [hit sounds](/wiki/hit_sounds)
### Design
-_See also: [Design](/wiki/Design) and [Storyboarding](/wiki/Storyboarding)_
+*Main page: [Design](/wiki/Design) and [Storyboarding](/wiki/Storyboarding)*
The design tab of the beatmap editor is where you can set the beatmap's background image, add a video, and/or make a basic storyboard.
Depending on what you do, you may use the design tab a lot or none at all, if you happen to be doing [SBS](/wiki/SBS) (storyboard scripting).
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+++ b/wiki/Beatmaps/Packs/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Packs
-_Main page: [Beatmaps](/wiki/Beatmaps)_
A beatmaps pack is a `.zip` file containing beatmaps. The name of the pack is based on what they contain (e.g. `Approved Beatmap Pack #7` would only contain [approved](/wiki/approved) beatmaps).
It is worth noting that the most packs are:
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--- a/wiki/Beatmaps/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Beatmaps/en.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ To get a beatmap in the loved status, see the forum post: [Get your beatmap Love
### Pending
-_See also: [Beatmap Ranking Procedure](/wiki/Beatmap_Ranking_Procedure)_
+*Main page: [Beatmap Ranking Procedure](/wiki/Beatmap_Ranking_Procedure)*
Pending beatmaps use the question mark icon () in the song select screen.
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# 2009
-_Main page: [Best Of](/wiki/Best_Of "Best Of")_

- [Results](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/22162)
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# 2010
-_Main page: [Best Of](/wiki/Best_Of "Best Of")_
- [Results (table text file)](https://puu.sh/Fju)
- [Forum](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/43834)
- [Ranking Chart](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/chart?ch=best2010)
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# 2011
-_Main page: [Best Of](/wiki/Best_Of "Best Of")_
- [Official Google Doc of the results](https://docs.google.com/a/ppy.sh/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlsSAL_F7-xDdFpEcjlfWklxem8xVVJ2ZW1sY2JfcWc&hl=en_US#gid=0)
- [Ranking Chart](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/chart?ch=best2011)
- Download (Mediafire):
diff --git a/wiki/Best_Of/2012/en.md b/wiki/Best_Of/2012/en.md
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+++ b/wiki/Best_Of/2012/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# 2012
-_Main page: [Best Of](/wiki/Best_Of "Best Of")_
- [Full list of 2012 beatmaps (vote screen)](http://osu.ppy.sh/p/bestof2012) [Legacy link. Content has been removed]
- [Official Google Doc of the results](https://docs.google.com/a/ppy.sh/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlsSAL_F7-xDdDRDSjNMN3o3Y1Z6UzA0QUpFNzdlNUE#gid=0)
- [Ranking Chart](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/chart?ch=BEST2012) (First 31 songs. 21 ranked, 10 approved)
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+++ b/wiki/Best_Of/2013/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# 2013
-_Main page: [Best Of](/wiki/Best_Of "Best Of")_
## General
- First time in the series expand to cover osu!taiko, osu!catch, and osu!mania (Top 10 only).
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# 2014
-_Main page: [Best Of](/wiki/Best_Of "Best Of")_
## General
- [Official Google Doc of the results](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l_8ur1YkaboLx_7bQb70Tgkjg8c7ObyAjmJyWDBM1C0/pubhtml#)
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+++ b/wiki/Best_Of/2015/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# 2015
-_Main page: [Best Of](/wiki/Best_Of "Best Of")_
## General
- First time in the series to enforce that at least one beatmap in the beatmapset must be played and passed to be votable.
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# 2016
-_Main page: [Best Of](/wiki/Best_Of "Best Of")_
## General
- [News Results](https://osu.ppy.sh/news/157306073998)
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+- 'osu! Mapping World Cup #1'
+- 'o!MWC #1'
+- 'oMWC #1'
+# osu! Mapping World Cup #1
+The **osu! Mapping World Cup #1** (***oMWC #1***) is a country-based osu! mapping contest hosted by ![][flag_CA] [Gabe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/654108), ![][flag_FR] [Imakuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6100837) and ![][flag_FR] [Pachiru](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2850983).
+## Contest Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Team Ambassadors Applications | 2018-12-11/2018-12-27|
+| Team Pick-ups | 2018-12-27/2019-01-11 |
+| Mapping Phase | 2019-01-12/2019-02-02 |
+| Judging Phase | 2019-02-04/2019-02-25 |
+| Final Results | 2019-03-02 (21:00 UTC+0) |
+## Prizes
+In every osu! Mapping World Cup, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for the osu! Mapping World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the osu! Mapping World Cup.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 6 months of osu!supporter for each team member, profile badge |
+|  | 4 months of osu!supporter for each team member |
+|  | 2 months of osu! supporter for each team member |
+## Organisation
+The osu! Mapping World Cup is run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_CA] [Gabe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/654108), ![][flag_FR] [Imakuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6100837), ![][flag_FR] [Pachiru](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2850983) |
+| Helpers | ![][flag_FR] [-Arche](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5352689), ![][flag_GB] [C00L](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4930630), ![][flag_BE] [GoldenWolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1612624), ![][flag_US] [hanfan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9886009), ![][flag_FR] [Jean-Michel Jr](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4430948), ![][flag_KR] [Mitsunu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2970016), ![][flag_FR] [Nozhomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2716981), ![][flag_PH] [Shizuku-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1125647) |
+| Casters | ![][flag_CA] [Azer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2155578), ![][flag_US] [BeasttrollMC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3171691), ![][flag_US] [Xexxar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2773526) |
+| Judges | ![][flag_GB] [-Mo-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2202163), ![][flag_PK] [DeRandom Otaku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5156153), ![][flag_TH] [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485263), ![][flag_CH] [Irreversible](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1287964), ![][flag_CN] [Regraz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3076909) |
+| Reserve Judges | ![][flag_DE] [Smokeman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2140676), ![][flag_DE] [Yauxo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/898306), ![][flag_US] [Xexxar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2773526) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/843987)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osumwc)
+- [Discord server](https://discord.gg/DybsJTr)
+## Participants
+| | Country | Members |
+| :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| ![][flag_AU] ![][flag_NZ] | **Australia - New Zealand** | **[xLolicore-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4525153)** |
+| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[Net0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5099768)** |
+| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[Kibbleru](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3193504)** |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[Cloudchaser](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1576498)** |
+| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[Karen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3143784)** |
+| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[Fuccho](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3053382)** |
+| ![][flag_EG] | **Egypt** | **[Mohab500](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10520912)** |
+| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[DTM9 Nowa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5428909)** |
+| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[Realazy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/918297)** |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[Mao](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2204515)** |
+| ![][flag_GR] | **Greece** | **[lcfc](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7322726)** |
+| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong-Kong** | **[StarrStyx](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4600383)** |
+| ![][flag_HU] | **Hungary** | **[emu1337](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2185987)** |
+| ![][flag_ID] ![][flag_SG] | **Indonesia - Singapore** | **[ScubDomino](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8972308)** |
+| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[felys](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1759427)** |
+| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[Kloyd](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1574070)** |
+| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia** | **[Matsubara Kanon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1475828)** |
+| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[Atsuro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2279351)** |
+| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[Kyshiro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/640611)** |
+| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Keada](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2785549)** |
+| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[Venix](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5999631)** |
+| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[NeilPerry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/841391)** |
+| ![][flag_RS] ![][flag_HR] ![][flag_AT] | **Serbia - Croatia - Austria** | **[MaridiuS](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4496961)** |
+| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Beomsan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3626063)** |
+| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[Liiraye](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1280641)** |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | **[bossandy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/360437)** |
+| ![][flag_TN] | **Tunisia** | **[Lilyanna](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8144098)** |
+| ![][flag_GB] | **United Kingdom** | **[hypercyte](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9155377)** |
+| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Hobbes2](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8157492)** |
+| ![][flag_UA] | **Ukraine** | **[Sulfur](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5297447)** |
+| ![][flag_VN] | **Vietnam** | **[LMT](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7262798)** |
+## Ruleset
+### Contest Rules
+1. **The [osu! Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!) and [General Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria) are in effect for this contest** - The winning prize of the contest includes ranking the winning teams entries, which will be the 3 songs submitted by the team of mappers, we cannot do that if you don't obey the Ranking Criteria. Any required difficulties to fulfill the requirements of the Ranking Criteria will be supplied by the Organiser Team.
+2. **4-7 members per team required** - The main concept of the contest is to show off each countries mapping possibilities. This means that collaboration will be a necessary concept between the team members.
+3. **At least 2 mappers will have to collaborate PER SONG & each mapper will have to map at least 10% of the TOTAL DRAIN TIME for all 3 songs combined** - The main objective of this contest is to test each country in their ability to map and collaborate by using a variety of different song genres. How you organize the drain time beyond the required threshold is completely up to you.
+4. **Copying other people’s work is strictly prohibited** - The whole point of the contest is to test each countries ability as a whole, therefore by copying others peoples work you’re not truthfully showing off what your country is capable of. If we, or the judges, find out work has been copied, your entire team will be disqualified.
+5. **Sharing or asking for external help for your mapset before the set deadline ends, is strictly prohibited** - Doing so will automatically disqualify your team.
+6. **Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline** - Everybody will have the same time to map the set so it will ultimately become really unfair if somebody had more time than the others, therefore any maps submitted after the deadline will be disqualified.
+7. **Custom hitsounds are allowed, but none will be provided** - You are allowed, and even encouraged, to use custom hitsounds. Make sure they don’t overlap with your other difficulties, though. How you will organize them will be up to you.
+8. **Changing the provided .mp3 file or timing of the .osu file is prohibited** - We want to avoid any complications during the judging process since you will be submitting only the .osu files rather than the full .osz.
+9. **Storyboards are allowed, however they will not be taken into account during the judging process** - This is not a storyboarding contest.
+### Questions and Answers
+1. **How does this contest work?**
+ You will be tasked to work on 3 different songs, each will be from 3 different musical genres. You and your team have to work on the three songs as a collaboration difficulty. Each of you will have to map at least 10% of the total drain time of all 3 songs combined. When your team is done mapping, your Team Ambassador will send the entry as a PM to Imakuri or Pachiru (osu!forum or Discord). Your entries will then be judged, and results will be announced on a Twitch livestream after the judging phase is done.
+2. **What will be the songs?**
+ The songs will be revealed on January 12th on the Discord Server.
+3. **“At least 2 mappers will have to collaborate PER SONG & each mapper will have to map at least 10% of the TOTAL DRAIN TIME for all 3 songs combined” - Does this mean that I have to map all 3 songs?**
+ No, you as a contestant are given the freedom of choice on which song you’d like to participate/map in the most. You are required to map at least the 10% of the TOTAL drain time over the 3 songs, which basically means that you have to map 10% of the total drain time of all 3 songs combined. For example if all 3 songs combined come to 10 minutes of drain time (not length time) you will have to map at least 60 seconds of drain time spread across 1 song or all 3 songs if you choose to. Also 2 mappers are required PER SONG at the bare minimum, this is to ensure that the collaboration part of the contest is still retained.
+4. **What is a “Team Ambassador”?**
+ The Team Ambassadors are “country captains” who will be handpicked by the staff team from the Team Ambassador Submissions. They will be picked based on their mapping experience and their involvement in the mapping community. They will represent their country alongside their team. To confirm their picks, the Team Ambassador must send a PM to Imakuri or Pachiru (osu!forum or Discord). If one of the team members can’t partake in the contest, the Ambassadors have until January 11th to change their picks should they need to.
+5. **What if my country doesn’t have a Team Ambassador?**
+ Ambassador applications will end on December 27th. If nobody applied to be Ambassador for your country by then, you won’t be able to participate in the contest. Make sure to let mappers in your country know of this beforehand!
+ The country you will be allowed to participate with will be based on your profile's flag.
+ However, for some countries like Belgium - Luxembourg - Netherlands, also known as Benelux, and Australia - New Zealand, a merge is possible to fix the lack of mappers. The merging countries have to talk the same language (besides English if it isn't their countries' official language), or have to be neighbors.
+6. **Can I have my own team for my country even if it already has one?**
+ No. Each country will only have one Team Ambassador to represent it.
+7. **Do I have to join the Discord server to participate?**
+ Only the Team Ambassador is required to join the Discord server. The team members however are free to join or not. Although not joining will result in you missing out on important announcements and a private country text channel which will be ONLY available on the discord server.
+8. **Can I join the Discord server even if I don’t want to participate in the contest?**
+ Yes. There is a public link at the top of the forum post. Upon joining, you’ll be in the #arrival channel, where you will have to post your osu! profile link, and then a member of the staff/moderator will accept you.
+9. **I’m restricted, can I still participate?**
+ No. For the legitimacy of this contest; we can not accept restricted users.
+10. **I am from Singapore but I have the Russian flag, can I belong to Singapore team?**
+ No. You can only join the team of the country that is displayed on your osu! profile.
+[flag_AT]: /wiki/shared/flag/AT.gif
+[flag_AU]: /wiki/shared/flag/AU.gif
+[flag_BE]: /wiki/shared/flag/BE.gif
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Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki/Contests/oMWC/1/img/logo.png differ
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# Difficulties
-*Not to be confused with: [Beatmaps](/wiki/Beatmaps).*
+*Not to be confused with: [Beatmaps](/wiki/Beatmaps)*
-*See also: [Ranking Criteria § Mapset](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/#mapset).*
+*See also: [Ranking Criteria § Mapset](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/#mapset)*
The difficulty of a beatmap *describes* the level of skill needed to complete it.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The star rating ranges determines which web icon is going to be used on any give
## Difficulty levels
-*See also: [Difficulty Naming](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Difficulty_Naming).*
+*Main page: [Difficulty Naming](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Difficulty_Naming)*
### osu!
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# Game Modes
-*For a general explanation of the game modes, see: [FAQ](/wiki/FAQ/)*
+##  osu!standard
--  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard): Based on [*Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan "Wikipedia"). Tap, slide, and spin to the beat.
--  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko): Based on [*Taiko no Tatsujin*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiko_no_Tatsujin "Wikipedia"). Drum, and roll the taiko drumroll to the beat.
--  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch): Collect falling fruits by moving the catcher with a plate. Keep dancing and do not miss the step of the beat.
--  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania): Based on conveyor-type rhythm games, chiefly introduced and implemented by [woc2006](/users/1105845). Make the notes play a melody of the beat.
+*Main page: [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)*
+Based on [*Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan "Wikipedia"). Tap, slide, and spin to the beat.
+##  osu!taiko
+*Main page: [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)*
+Based on [*Taiko no Tatsujin*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiko_no_Tatsujin "Wikipedia"). Drum, and roll the taiko drumroll to the beat.
+##  osu!catch
+*Main page: [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)*
+Collect falling fruits by moving the catcher with a plate. Keep dancing and do not miss the step of the beat.
+##  osu!mania
+*Main page: [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)*
+Based on conveyor-type rhythm games, chiefly introduced and implemented by [woc2006](/users/1105845). Make the notes play a melody of the beat.
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-outdated: true
-[FAQ wikilink]: /wiki/FAQ/ "FAQ"
-[osu! wikilink]: ./osu!/ "osu!"
-[osu!taiko wikilink]: ./osu!taiko/ "osu!taiko"
-[osu!catch wikilink]: ./osu!catch/ "osu!catch"
-[osu!mania wikilink]: ./osu!mania/ "osu!mania"
-[External Ports wikilink]: ./External_Ports "External Ports"
-[ouendan wikipedia]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan "Wikipedia entry for Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan"
-[Taiko no Tatsujin wikipedia]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiko_no_Tatsujin "Wikipedia entry for Taiko no Tatsujin"
-[osu! icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/osu.png "osu! icon"
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-[osu!catch icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/catch.png "osu!catch icon"
-[osu!mania icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/mania.png "osu!mania icon"
# Modos de juego
-## Modos de juego oficiales
+##  osu!standard
+*Pagina principal: [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)*
+Basado en [*Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan "Wikipedia"). Toca, desliza y gira al ritmo.
+##  osu!taiko
+*Pagina principal: [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)*
+Basado en [*Taiko no Tatsujin*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiko_no_Tatsujin "Wikipedia"). Toca, y rueda el tambor taiko al ritmo.
+##  osu!catch
-Aquí están los modos de juego disponibles en osu!:
+*Pagina principal: [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)*
-- ![Icono de osu!][osu! icon link] _[osu!standard/osu!][osu! wikilink]_:
- Basado en _[Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan][ouendan wikipedia]_.
- Toca, desliza y gira al ritmo.
-- ![Icono de osu!taiko][osu!taiko icon link] _[osu!taiko][osu!taiko wikilink]_:
- Basado en _[Taiko no Tatsujin][Taiko no Tatsujin wikipedia]_.
- Toca, y rueda el tambor taiko al ritmo.
-- ![Icono osu!catch][osu!catch icon link] _[osu!catch][osu!catch wikilink]_:
- Recoge las frutas que caen moviendo el receptor con un plato. Sigue bailando y no te pierdas el paso del ritmo.
-- ![Icono osu!mania][osu!mania icon link] _[osu!mania][osu!mania wikilink]_:
- Basado en juegos de ritmo tipo transportador, introducido e implementado principalmente por **woc2006**.
- Haz que las notas toquen una melodia al ritmo.
-Para obtener una explicación general de los modos de juego anteriores, consulta: [FAQ][FAQ wikilink].
+Recoge las frutas que caen moviendo el receptor con un plato. Sigue bailando y no te pierdas el paso del ritmo.
-## Adaptaciones externas
+##  osu!mania
-Adaptaciones jugables de los modos de juego de osu!
+*Pagina principal: [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)*
-[Haz clic aquí para visitar la página Puertos externos][External Ports wikilink]
+Basado en juegos de ritmo tipo transportador, introducido e implementado principalmente por [woc2006](/users/1105845). Haz que las notas toquen una melodia al ritmo.
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+++ b/wiki/Game_Modes/fr.md
@@ -1,47 +1,28 @@
outdated: true
-[FAQ wikilink]: /wiki/FAQ/ "FAQ"
-[osu! wikilink]: ./osu!/ "osu!"
-[osu!taiko wikilink]: ./osu!taiko/ "osu!taiko"
-[osu!catch wikilink]: ./osu!catch/ "osu!catch"
-[osu!mania wikilink]: ./osu!mania/ "osu!mania"
-[External Ports wikilink]: ./External_Ports "Portages Externes"
-[ouendan wikipedia]: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_%C5%8Cendan "Page Wikipedia pour Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan"
-[Taiko no Tatsujin wikipedia]: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiko_no_Tatsujin "Page Wikipedia pour Taiko no Tatsujin"
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-[osu!taiko icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/taiko.png "icône d'osu!taiko"
-[osu!catch icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/catch.png "icône d'osu!catch"
-[osu!mania icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/mania.png "icône d'osu!mania"
# Modes de Jeu
-## Modes de Jeu Officiels
+##  osu!standard
+*Main page: [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)*
+Basé sur [*Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan "Wikipedia"). Tap, slide, and spin to the beat.
+##  osu!taiko
+*Main page: [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)*
+Basé sur [*Taiko no Tatsujin*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiko_no_Tatsujin "Wikipedia"). Drum, and roll the taiko drumroll to the beat.
-Voici les modes de jeu disponibles dans osu!:-
+##  osu!catch
-- ![icône d'osu!][osu! icon link] _[osu!standard/osu!][osu! wikilink]_:
- Basé sur _[Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan][ouendan wikipedia]_.
- Tap, slide, and spin to the beat.
-- ![icône d'osu!taiko][osu!taiko icon link] _[osu!taiko][osu!taiko wikilink]_:
- Basé sur _[Taiko no Tatsujin][Taiko no Tatsujin wikipedia]_.
- Drum, and roll the taiko drumroll to the beat.
-- ![icône d'osu!catch][osu!catch icon link] _[osu!catch][osu!catch wikilink]_:
- Collectez les fruits tombant en bougeant l'attrapeur avec un plateau.
- Keep dancing and do not miss the step of the beat.
-- ![icône d'osu!mania][osu!mania icon link] _[osu!mania][osu!mania wikilink]_:
- Basé sur les jeux de rythme de type "tapis-roulant", principalement introduit et implémenté par **woc2006**.
- Make the notes play a melody of the beat.
+*Main page: [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)*
-Pour une explication générale des modes de jeu, voir la [FAQ][FAQ wikilink].
+Collectez les fruits tombant en bougeant l'attrapeur avec un plateau. Keep dancing and do not miss the step of the beat.
-## Portages Externes
+##  osu!mania
-Les portages jouables des modes de jeu d'osu!.
+*Main page: [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)*
-[Cliquez ici pour visiter la page des Portages Externs][External Ports wikilink]
+Basé sur les jeux de rythme de type "tapis-roulant", principalement introduit et implémenté par [woc2006](/users/1105845). Make the notes play a melody of the beat.
diff --git a/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!/en.md b/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!/en.md
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# osu!
-**[Click to return to Game Modes page][Game_Modes wikilink]**
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@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
**This page is based on the old version of osu! game mode using ScoreV1 system.**
-**[Click to return to current osu! game mode][osu! main wikilink]**
+*For the current osu!standard game mode, see: [osu!standard](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!)*
![Gameplay of osu!][osu! Interface image]
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# osu!catch
-**[Click to return to Game Modes page][Game_Modes wikilink]**
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+++ b/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!catch/v1/en.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
**This page is based on the old version of osu!catch game mode using ScoreV1 system.**
-**[Click to return to current osu!catch game mode][osu!catch main wikilink]**
+*For the current osu!catch game mode, see: [osu!catch](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!catch)*
![Gameplay of osu!catch][osu!catch Interface image]
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# osu!mania
-**[Click to return to Game Modes page][Game_Modes wikilink]**
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@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
**This page is based on the old version of osu!mania game mode using ScoreV1 system.**
-**[Click to return to current osu!mania game mode][osu!mania main wikilink]**
+*For the current osu!mania game mode, see: [osu!mania](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!mania)*
![Gameplay of osu!mania][osu!mania Interface image]
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# osu!taiko
-**[Click to return to Game Modes page][Game_Modes wikilink]**
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**This page is based on the old version of osu!taiko game mode using ScoreV1 system.**
-**[Click to return to current osu!taiko game mode][osu!taiko main wikilink]**
+*For the current osu!taiko game mode, see: [osu!taiko](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!taiko)*
![Gameplay of osu!taiko][osu!taiko Interface image]
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-outdated: true
-[FAQ wikilink]: /wiki/FAQ/ "FAQ"
-[osu! wikilink]: ./osu!/ "osu!"
-[osu!taiko wikilink]: ./osu!taiko/ "osu!taiko"
-[osu!catch wikilink]: ./osu!catch/ "osu!catch"
-[osu!mania wikilink]: ./osu!mania/ "osu!mania"
-[External Ports wikilink]: ./External_Ports "Portabilizações externas"
-[ouendan wikipedia]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan "Wikipedia entry for Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan"
-[Taiko no Tatsujin wikipedia]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiko_no_Tatsujin "Wikipedia entry for Taiko no Tatsujin"
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-[osu!taiko icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/taiko.png "osu!taiko icon"
-[osu!catch icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/catch.png "osu!catch icon"
-[osu!mania icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/mania.png "osu!mania icon"
# Modalidades de Jogo
-## Modalidades oficiais
+##  osu!standard
+*Página principal: [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)*
+Baseado no [*Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osu!_Tatakae!_Ouendan "Wikipedia"). Clique, arraste e rotacione os objetos ao ritmo da música.
+##  osu!taiko
+*Página principal: [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)*
+Baseado no [*Taiko no Tatsujin*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiko_no_Tatsujin "Wikipedia"). Batuque e role os tambores do taiko ao ritmo da música.
-Aí estão os modos de jogo oficiais no osu!:
+##  osu!catch
-- ![osu! icon][osu! icon link] _[osu!standard/osu!][osu! wikilink]_:
- Baseado no _[Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan][ouendan wikipedia]_.
- Clique, arraste e rotacione os objetos ao ritmo da música.
-- ![osu!taiko icon][osu!taiko icon link] _[osu!taiko][osu!taiko wikilink]_:
- Baseado no _[Taiko no Tatsujin][Taiko no Tatsujin wikipedia]_.
- Batuque e role os tambores do taiko ao ritmo da música.
-- ![osu!catch icon][osu!catch icon link] _[osu!catch][osu!catch wikilink]_:
- Capture frutas que caem do céu ao movimentar o prato coletor.
- Continue dançando e não se perca nos passos da música.
-- ![osu!mania icon][osu!mania icon link] _[osu!mania][osu!mania wikilink]_:
- Baseado no jogos de ritmo do tipo mania, pioneiramente introduzido e implementado pelo **woc2006**.
- Compartilha semelhanças com jogos como Guitar Hero, o2jam e DDDR.
- Acerte as notas e façam-as tocar a melodia da música.
+*Página principal: [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)*
-Para uma explicação mais abrangente das modalidades de jogo acima, confira o [FAQ][FAQ wikilink].
+Collect falling fruits by moving the catcher with a plate. Keep dancing and do not miss the step of the beat.
-## Portabilizações externas
+##  osu!mania
-Portabilizações jogáveis das modalidades de jogo do osu!.
+*Página principal: [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)*
-[Clique aqui para visitar a página das Portabilizações Externas][External Ports wikilink]
+Baseado no jogos de ritmo do tipo mania, pioneiramente introduzido e implementado pelo [woc2006](/users/1105845). Acerte as notas e façam-as tocar a melodia da música.
diff --git a/wiki/Game_Modifiers/Summary/en.md b/wiki/Game_Modifiers/Summary/en.md
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# Summary
-_Main page: [Game Modifiers](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)_
Note: All mods used in osu!mania will never increase the score multiplier.
| Mod | Name (Abbr.) | Multiplier | Effect |
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[HT1]: ./img/GM_HT.jpg "Length of the song is increased by 1/3; BPM decreased by 1/4"
[HR_O]: ./img/GM_HR_O.jpg "Hard Rock increases the difficulty in many ways (osu!standard)."
[HR_C]: ./img/GM_HR_C.jpg "Hard Rock increases the difficulty in many ways (osu!catch)."
-[SD_Rare]: ./img/GM_SD_Rarecase.jpeg "Example of a rare case of surviving Sudden Death. Player managed to grab a slider tick that filled up the HP bar before depleting completely."
+[SD_Rare]: ./img/GM_SD_Rarecase.jpg "Example of a rare case of surviving Sudden Death. Player managed to grab a slider tick that filled up the HP bar before depleting completely."
[DT1]: ./img/GM_DT.jpg "Length of the song is decreased by 1/3; BPM increases by 1/2"
[HD_O]: ./img/GM_HD_O.jpg "Hidden play in osu!standard mode"
[HD_T]: ./img/GM_HD_T.jpg "Hidden play in osu!taiko mode"
diff --git a/wiki/Game_Modifiers/img/GM_SD_Rarecase.jpeg b/wiki/Game_Modifiers/img/GM_SD_Rarecase.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from wiki/Game_Modifiers/img/GM_SD_Rarecase.jpeg
rename to wiki/Game_Modifiers/img/GM_SD_Rarecase.jpg
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--- a/wiki/Glossary/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Glossary/en.md
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ Stacking hit circles (a clear violation of beat spacing) is, nevertheless, permi
### Standard
-_See also: [osu!](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!) (game mode)._
+*Main page: [osu!standard](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!)*
Standard refers to the game mode in osu! and has been used since it is the first game mode. This is sometimes stylized as _osu!standard_ or osu! (without italics).
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+++ b/wiki/Guides/Audio_Editing/en.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Audio Editing
-_See also [Basic MP3 Modifications](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor_Guides/Basic_MP3_Modifications)_
+*See also: [Basic MP3 Modifications](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor_Guides/Basic_MP3_Modifications)*
[osu!academy](/wiki/Announcements/osu!academy) covered this in [Episode 15: Audio Encoding (4:02)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muu3HkG38kk).
That episode also contains how to install and use Audacity with LAME's `.mp3` export ability.
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@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ tags:
# BSS Issues
-*Main page: [Guides](/wiki/Guides).*
*Note: Do not use this guide to steal other creator's beatmaps!*
If the [BSS](/wiki/BSS) (Beatmap Submission System) won't let you submit your own beatmap because it says that you do not own the map then do the following:
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--- a/wiki/Guides/Beginner's_Tutorial/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Guides/Beginner's_Tutorial/en.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Welcome to the osu! beginner tutorial. The world of osu! can sometimes be a very
Types of Input
-*See also [Play Styles](/wiki/Play_Styles).*
+*Main page: [Play Styles](/wiki/Play_Styles)*
By default, a lot of players will start out with the mouse, since it's often the quickest available aiming tool by far. But there are actually multiple means of input to control the cursor and pop the circles:
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Getting more out of Gameplay
### Global Offset
-*See also [How to use the Offset Wizard](/wiki/List_of_Guides/How_to_use_the_Offset_Wizard).*
+*Main page: [How to use the Offset Wizard](/wiki/List_of_Guides/How_to_use_the_Offset_Wizard)*
Depending on the devices you use to play osu! with, you may find that the hit circles aren't quite on beat with the music. To correct this, you can change the global offset value in the [Settings](/wiki/Options/) menu. Global offset will change when the first note appears on beatmaps (either earlier or later than default), which in turn delays the rest of the notes by the same amount. A negative offset value will make notes appear slightly later, and a positive value will make them appear earlier.
@@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ Adjust your global offset until you are happy with it. Getting the right value w
### Raw Input
-*See also [Options](/wiki/Options/#mouse).*
+*See also: [Options](/wiki/Options/#mouse)*
A commonly overlooked feature of the game is the Raw Input function. This allows for direct reading of your input device into osu! itself. You may use this too if you don't like how Windows handles your mouse cursor, or especially recommended if you use a tablet. Give it a try and play a few maps with it, you might find yourself a lot more comfortable with it!
### Skins
-*See also [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning/).*
+*See also: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning)*
There are many, many skins to pick from; you can find them on the forums, linked in chat, or even by asking the other users! While these will not improve your gameplay, they can help motivate you, or make playing osu! easier on the eyes. Or, if you prefer to not have a lot of the osu! HUD blocking the screen, you could find a skin with a minimal approach. You can even find skins formed by [the pros](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/87675) and see what makes those skins more successful. Some skins have been built for ease of sight, while some are quirky and just for fun. Alas, it's another way you can get more enjoyment out of osu! and make your experience while climbing up the ranks a little nicer. ;)
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
How to Get Your Map Ranked
+*See also: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)*
Having trouble getting your [map](/wiki/Glossary) ranked? You've come to the right place.
Step 1: Modding
@@ -21,8 +23,3 @@ Step 3: Bubbles
Just because your map is bubbled doesn't mean your work is over! Don't ignore any mods by normal users on your bubbled map — although only a BN or QAT can rank your map, anyone can still help improve it, and a better, more thoroughly modded map means an easier job for the BNG who eventually looks at it. Once you have applied a mod on your bubble the BN who originally gave the bubble will almost always be happy to come back and reinstate it. Keep in mind that you'll also have an easier time getting your bubble noticed by BNG members if it is high priority and on the first page of pending - giving your map some kudos stars to push it up in the list should make the wait a little shorter.
-See Also
-- [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)
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--- a/wiki/Guides/en.md
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Below is a sorted list of guides created by members of the osu!community; most o
## Beatmapping
-_See also: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping)_
+*Main page: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping)*
- [Adding Custom Hit Sounds](/wiki/Adding_Custom_Hit_Sounds)
- [Audio Editing](/wiki/Audio_Editing)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ _See also: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping)_
## Modding
-_See also: [Modding](/wiki/Modding)_
+*Main page: [Modding](/wiki/Modding)*
- [Getting Your Map Modded](/wiki/Getting_Your_Map_Modded)
- [How To Get Your Map Ranked](/wiki/How_To_Get_Your_Map_Ranked)
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ _See also: [Modding](/wiki/Modding)_
## Skinning
-_See also: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning) and [Skinning Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_Tutorial)_
+*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning)*
+*See also: [Skinning Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_Tutorial)*
- [Cropping with Complex Backgrounds](/wiki/Cropping_with_Complex_Backgrounds)
- [Cropping with Simple Backgrounds](/wiki/Cropping_with_Simple_Backgrounds)
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--- a/wiki/Guides/osu!mania_Mapping_Guide/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Guides/osu!mania_Mapping_Guide/en.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Prologue
### What is osu!mania?
-*See also: [osu!mania](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!mania)*
+*Main page: [osu!mania](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!mania)*
So what exactly is osu!mania? Many of you osu! veterans out there might already know what osu!mania is. osu!mania is one of the four game modes. Many people that stumble upon osu!mania for the first time will probably think to themselves "Oh cool! Guitar Hero!". And indeed, osu!mania is very similar to Guitar Hero. Both of these games are so-called "VSRGs", or **Vertical Scrolling Rhythm Games**. This means, as the name already suggests, that the musical notes are falling down or rising up in a vertical manner. There are many rather similar games to osu!mania such as "Stepmania", "O2Jam" or "Beatmania IIDX". But for now, we will be concentrating on osu!mania only!
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# 2007
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
The following is some of the history of osu! since its beginning. Special thanks to [Sinistro](/users/5530) for helping in compiling the 2007/2008 content.

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# 2008
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*

## January
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# 2009
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## January
osu! makes its way to the iPhone from a port to the iPhone by nuudles. The project was given its own [subforum](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/47).
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@@ -1,3 +1 @@
# 2010
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
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# 2011
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## December
The osu! wiki was announced, allowing users to add all sorts of information about everything osu! related.
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# 2012
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## September

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# 2013
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## January
osu! now supports widescreen in all modes (including the editor too)! Database size was reduced by 10%. The ability to reset key bindings to their defaults was added. Hyperdash issues in [Catch the Beat](/wiki/Catch_the_Beat) was almost fixed. The main menu's copyright graphic was updated for 2013 without the copyright text. [Results for the annual "Best of" is out. (Best of 2012)](https://docs.google.com/a/ppy.sh/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlsSAL_F7-xDdDRDSjNMN3o3Y1Z6UzA0QUpFNzdlNUE#gid=0).
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# 2014
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## March
As skinning elements expanded, the element, `playfield.jpg` was removed in it's line of duty and replaced with a new generic one that is unskinnable. `playfield.jpg` was an element that allowed you to use any image as the default background of a beatmap, if one isn't supplied.
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# 2015
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## March
peppy reconsiders that his current business model will not obtain him his "Private osu! G6 Jet" and enables the *[osu!coin](/wiki/osu!coin)* to hopefully increase revenue. Every current player was given 10 osu!coins to play (at the rate of 1 play = 1 osu!coin). These can be replenished after obtaining a combo of multiples of 100. Or simply by purchasing them at these rates:
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# 2016
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## January
A brand new year with additions to the list of [community contributors](/wiki/community_contributors). Best of 2015 voting opened.
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# 2017
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## January
[Ephemeral](/users/102335) posted a news post regarding the new year to reassure that many big things are bound to happen in 2017. [S3RL](/beatmaps/artists/9) and [nanobii](/beatmaps/artists/10) were announced to be osu!'s new featured artists. [cYsmix](/beatmaps/artists/2), [yuki.](/beatmaps/artists/4) and [Helblinde](/beatmaps/artists/5) each released a new album giving osu! 26 new songs to beatmap. Aspire returns for 2017.
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# 2018
-*Main page: [History of osu!](/wiki/HOO).*
## January
After a six-month long hiatus, flyte posted on the [osu!next](http://osunext.tumblr.com) blog with some teaser pictures for the next website design. He explained that the current state of the website had many UX problems, from various functionality specs to user feedback, that wasn't considered at the time of designing. Since then, he had been taking some time to redesign the website's current design from scratch.
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# Installation
This page will roughly tell you how to get osu! working on your Windows device. The [osu!academy](/wiki/osu!academy) has a [video tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLmWVQsxi34bMYwAawZtzuptfMmszUa_tl&v=cz522ZAs5aQ) that explains how to install osu! on Windows.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ There are two ways to add beatmaps, via the website or osu!direct (requires [osu
## Adding skins
-*See also: [Skins](/wiki/Skins) and [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning).*
+*See also: [Skins](/wiki/Skins) and [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning)*
1. Go to the [skinning subforums](/community/forums/15) and find a skin you like.
2. Once you find a skin, download it.
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@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Access this screen by clicking your profile at the top left of the main menu. Yo
## Multi Lobby
-*Full explanation: [Multi](/wiki/Multi)*
+*Main page: [Multi](/wiki/Multi)*

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Access this screen by clicking your profile at the top left of the main menu. Yo
## Song Selection Screen
You can identify the current mode selected by either looking at the icon in the bottom right, above Mode, or by looking at the transparent icon in the center of the screen. These are the four you will see:
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ Before continuing on, this screen has too many elements to note with easily, not
### Beatmap Information
This area displays **information on the beatmap difficulty currently selected.** By default, the beatmap whose song is heard in the osu! jukebox is selected when entering the selection screen. In the top left is the ranked status of the beatmap. The title is next. Normally, the romanised title is shown, but if you select `Prefer metadata in original language` in the [Options](/wiki/Options/), it will show the Unicode title; this is shown in the upper picture. The beatmapper is also shown, and beatmap information is shown below. From left to right, the values are as follows:
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ This area displays **information on the beatmap difficulty currently selected.**
### Group and Sort
Click on one of the tabs to **sort your song list according to the selected criterion**.
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Click on one of the tabs to **sort your song list according to the selected crit
- `By Title` - Beatmaps will be grouped by the first letter of their title.
- `Favourites` - Only beatmaps you have favorited online will be shown.
- `My Maps` - Only beatmaps you have mapped (that is, whose creator matches your profile name) will be shown.
-- `Ranked Status` - Beatmaps will be grouped by their ranked status: ranked, pending, not submitted, or unknown.
+- `Ranked Status` - Beatmaps will be grouped by their ranked status: ranked, pending, not submitted, unknown, or loved.
The first five groupings are available in tabs below Group and Sort.
**Sort** - Sorts beatmaps in a certain order
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ The first five groupings are available in tabs below Group and Sort.
### Search
Note: You cannot have the chat console or the options sidebar open if you want to search; otherwise, anything you type will be perceived as chat text or as an options search query.
@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ Note: You cannot have the chat console or the options sidebar open if you want t
- `length` - Length in seconds
- `drain` - Drain Time in seconds
- `mode` - Mode - value can be ``osu``, ``taiko``, ``catchthebeat``, or ``mania``, or ``o/t/c/m`` for short.
- - `status` - Ranked status - value can be ``ranked``, ``approved``, ``pending``, ``notsubmitted``, or ``unknown``, or ``r/a/p/n/u`` for short.
+ - `status` - Ranked status - value can be ``ranked``, ``approved``, ``pending``, ``notsubmitted``, ``unknown``, or ``loved``, or ``r/a/p/n/u/l`` for short.
- `played` - Time since last played in days
- `unplayed` - Unplayed maps - no value (use ``unplayed=`` for unplayed maps or ``unplayed!=`` for played maps)
- `speed` - Saved osu!mania scroll speed - always 0 for unplayed maps or if the [Remember osu!mania scroll speed per beatmap](/wiki/Options/#Gameplay) option is off
### Rankings
A variety of things can appear in this space:
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ While you are on the Quick Web Access Screen, you cannot access the Chat and Ext
### Song
The song list displays all available beatmaps. Different beatmaps may have different coloured boxes:
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ You can navigate the beatmap list by using the mouse wheel, using the up and dow
### Gameplay toolbox

This section can be called the gameplay toolbox. We will cover each button's use from left to right.
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Click the `Random` button or press `F2` to have the game **randomly scroll throu
*Note: You can press `Shift` + the `Random` button or `F2` to go back to the beatmap you had selected before you randomized your selection.*
Click the `Beatmap Options` button or press `F3` or right-click from mouse to call up the **Beatmap Options Menu for options on the currently selected beatmap**.
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=Menú principal=
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=Menu principal=
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=Menu Utama=
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+# osu! 隐私政策
+**上一次翻译更新:2018 年 8 月 20 日**
+上一次英文版更新 2018 年 5 月 25 日。[在此查看更改历史](https://github.com/ppy/osu-wiki/commits/master/wiki/Legal/Privacy/en.md)
+## 引言
+osu! 由澳大利亚实体(ppy 私人有限公司)运营,大部分服务器在美利坚合众国运营。
+osu! 向全世界几乎所有国家的用户提供各种服务,包括富有生机的社区和许多让用户通过如用户资料、谱面(游戏关卡)、论坛、私人信息、游戏内聊天和回放评论这类方式向其它用户分享他们创造力的机会。
+为了向您提供这些服务,我们必须经常收集、储存和传输个人信息。我们在运营 osu! 的各个方面力争尽可能透明,而这个隐私政策将会让我们离这个目标更近。
+## 我们收集的信息
+### 帐户注册时
+- 您的用户名
+- 您的电子邮件地址
+- 您的密码(bcrypt+salt)
+- 您的 IP 地址和国家
+### 更新您的资料时
+- 您现在的位置
+- 您的兴趣
+- 您的职业
+- 您的社交媒体账户(twitter、discord、skype、网页)
+- 您的头像和资料封面
+- 您的签名
+### 上传用户提交内容时
+### 登录游戏客户端时
+当您通过 osu! 客户端连接我们的服务,一个客户端独有字符串将被提交来帮助我们识别您当前的游玩环境。其基于您的硬件标识符、软件设置并通过取哈希过程产生,此过程使得其不包含个人身份信息,但可用来追踪您在我们服务的登录。
+此过程的主要目的是保持公平的排名系统并帮助我们通过辨识是否您的账户在可疑位置登录加强账户安全。此过程是私密的,并只在认为相关时保存。它还是不可转移的,在 osu! 生态系统外没有意义。
+## 游玩游戏和提交分数时
+## 分析和日志
+我们收集错误日志和网络分析,这将在您使用我们的服务时收集技术和实用信息。这可能包含 IP 地址、您的用户名、浏览器种类和版本、时区设置和位置、操作系统和平台以及其他关于您使用何种设备访问我们的服务的信息。
+## 公开您的个人信息
+- 在您明确将信息公开处
+- 为了满足您的商店需求
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+- 为了处理您的客户服务工单(我们使用 [Enchant](https://enchant.com))
+- 为了通过错误日志记录提升我们的服务(我们使用 [Sentry](https://sentry.io))
+## 您的权利和控制
+作为用户,您有权迁移、更新或删除您的个人数据。您主要可以从[用户设置](https://osu.ppy.sh/home/account/edit)来达成以上目标。在以上方式不可用时,您也可以在我们网站的相关部分用本地化的“编辑”特性达成此目的。如果您希望以程序方式获取您完整的账户信息,请使用我们的[公共 API](https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki)。
+## Cookies
+同整个互联网一样,我们使用 Cookies。我们严格地使用它们来保持您的会话状态和多个会话间的登录信息。如果您对 Cookies 敏感,请不要使用我们的服务。
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+## 数据控制员
+你好,我是 Dean(也叫 peppy),我是您的数据控制员。如果您有任何隐私问题或要求行使您的法律权利,请不要犹豫并使用以下方式与我联系。
+**电子邮箱**: [privacy@ppy.sh](mailto:privacy@ppy.sh) (保证 24 小时内回复)
+Dean Herbert
+41 Gregory Street(格里高利街41号)
+Wembley, WA, 6014(温布利,西澳大利亚州,邮政编码 6014)
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+# Legal
+Index page for all of the legal articles. Their links can also be found in the footer of the osu! website.
+- [Copyright](./Copyright "osu! Copyright Policy")
+- [Privacy](./Privacy "osu! Privacy Policy")
+- [Terms](./Terms "osu! Terms of Service")
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@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Disable grid snap and move them both in by a tiny bit at a time until the slider
## Beat Blankets
-_See also [../Formations/#blanket-combos]._
+*Main page: [Blanket Combos](../Formations/#blanket-combos)*

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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Sliders
-_If you want to know how to _make good sliders_, please see [Making Good Sliders](../Making-Good-Sliders)._
+*See also: [Making Good Sliders](../Making_Good_Sliders)*
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@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ If you want to know how to make good sliders, see [Making Good Sliders](./Making
### Formations
-_See also [Mapping Techniques/Formations](./Formations/)._
+*Main page: [Mapping Techniques/Formations](./Formations)*
#### Creative
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ _See also [Mapping Techniques/Formations](./Formations/)._
### Jumps
-_See also [Mapping Techniques/Jumps](./Jumps/)._
+*Main page: [Mapping Techniques/Jumps](./Jumps)*
#### Hit Circle
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ _See also [Mapping Techniques/Jumps](./Jumps/)._
### Rhythm
-_See also [Mapping Techniques/Rhythm](./Rhythm/)._
+*Main page: [Mapping Techniques/Rhythm](./Rhythm)*
#### Spacing
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ _See also [Mapping Techniques/Rhythm](./Rhythm/)._
### Spinners
-_See also [Mapping Techniques/Spinners](./Spinners/)._
+*Main page: [Mapping Techniques/Spinners](./Spinners)*
#### Additional Effects
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ _See also [Mapping Techniques/Spinners](./Spinners/)._
### Sliders
-_See also [Mapping Techniques/Sliders](./Sliders/)._
+*Main page: [Mapping Techniques/Sliders](./Sliders)*
#### Patterns
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ _See also [Mapping Techniques/Sliders](./Sliders/)._
### Unrankable
-_See also [Mapping Techniques/Unrankable](./Unrankable/)._
+*Main page: [Mapping Techniques/Unrankable](./Unrankable)*
- [Burai Sliders](./Unrankable/#burai-sliders)
- [Hold Sliders](./Unrankable/#hold-sliders)
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# Gallery
-*Main page: [Mascots](/wiki/Mascots).*
## Official
### pippi
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Mascots
-*See also: [Mascots/Gallery](/wiki/Mascots/Gallery).*
+*See also: [Mascots/Gallery](/wiki/Mascots/Gallery)*
A YouTube video showcasing the osu! mascots can be seen at [Mascot Showcase](https://youtu.be/mJF2cAs_MrI).
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pippi, stylized with a lowercase "p", is the osu!standard mascot that joined on
###  Yuzu

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Yuzu is the osu!catch mascot that joined on 2014-06-22. He was born on 2000-04-1
###  Maria
-*For the news post, see: [Meet Maria - osu!mania’s new mascot!](/home/news/2016-04-20-meet-maria-osumanias-new-mascot).*
+*For the news post, see: [Meet Maria - osu!mania’s new mascot!](/home/news/2016-04-20-meet-maria-osumanias-new-mascot)*

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Maria is the osu!mania mascot that joined on 2016-03-04. Her art was designed by
###  Mocha
-*For the news post, see: [The new osu!taiko mascot is here!](/home/news/2017-05-25-the-new-osutaiko-mascot-is-here).*
+*For the news post, see: [The new osu!taiko mascot is here!](/home/news/2017-05-25-the-new-osutaiko-mascot-is-here)*

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@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ The Dedication medals can be obtained by playing a lot of osu!standard, collecti
Mod Introduction
-_See also: [Game Modifiers](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)._
+*See also: [Game Modifiers](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)*
The Mod Introduction medals can be obtained by clearing maps with the specified game modifier.
They are meant to encourage newer players to try out each mod and explore what the game has to offer.
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@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Do not hesitate to suggest if:
### New Combos
-_See also: [Combo](/wiki/Combo)._
+*See also: [Combo](/wiki/Combo)*
Combos, in the most basic sense, divide the [hit circles](/wiki/Hit_Objects) of a beatmap so that they are easier to read.
Combos generally do not go over 20 in [Insane](/wiki/Insane), 12 in [Hard](/wiki/Hard), and 8 in [Easy](/wiki/Easy) or [Normal](/wiki/Normal) difficulties.
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ If you spot these, it is a noteworthy thing to comment about in a mod post.
### Awkward Slider Velocity Changes
-_See also: [Slider](/wiki/Slider)._
+*See also: [Slider](/wiki/Slider)*
Sometimes maps contain slider velocity changes that may not make much sense or are very hard to follow.
If a slider velocity change requires more than just intuition to understand, then it is usually not a fitting slider velocity change.
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Here, many mappers would likely slow down the slider velocity to match the calme
### Hit Sounds
-_See also: [Hit Sounds](/wiki/Hit_Sounds)._
+*Main page: [Hit Sounds](/wiki/Hit_Sounds)*
Hit sounds are the noise the game makes when the player successfully taps a [hit object](/wiki/hit_object).
All maps should have a sufficient amount of hit sounds whether using custom or default hit sounds; otherwise, they cannot be ranked.
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Something like this is noteworthy to pay attention and point out.
### Kiai Time
-_See also: [Kiai Time](/wiki/Kiai_Time)._
+*Main page: [Kiai Time](/wiki/Kiai_Time)*
Kiai time should be used when it makes sense.
It is generally said to only use it where the music reaches some "epic" climax or during a chorus.
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ If the kiai time differently in any way per each difficulty, it is not a bad ide
### Song Setup
-_See also: [Song Setup](/wiki/Song_Setup)._
+*Main page: [Song Setup](/wiki/Song_Setup)*
The actual song setup settings does not impact game play, but it is important to give correct names.
The artist name, title of the song, source (if applicable), and tags should all be the same in each difficulty.
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Here are some other things to look out for in the song setup:
#### Difficulty
-_See also: [osu!standard Ranking Criteria](/wiki/osu!standard_Ranking_Criteria#difficulty-specific) (difficulty-specific section)._
+*See also: [osu!standard Ranking Criteria](/wiki/osu!standard_Ranking_Criteria#difficulty-specific) (difficulty-specific section)*
The difficulty settings can be found in the song setup dialog.
These are important to game play so that the song is at a fair level of difficulty for the varying difficulties a mapset can have.
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The mapper should not have two almost identical combo colours unless they are se
### Storyboarding
-_See also: [Storyboarding](/wiki/Storyboarding)._
+*Main page: [Storyboarding](/wiki/Storyboarding)*
If you spot anything weird while the storyboard is playing (e.g. bad rendering of pictures, emptiness, etc.), it is a good idea to tell the [storyboarder](/wiki/storyboarder) so that they can fix it.
You can check out the storyboard by pressing `F2` or clicking the `Design` tab at the top of the screen in editor.
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ However, if you see `thumb.db` files, you can ignore them since these are automa
## Mod Post Mistakes
-_See also: [Modding and Mapping](/wiki/Modding_and_Mapping)._
+*See also: [Modding and Mapping](/wiki/Modding_and_Mapping)*
When you make a mod post, it is very important to **not** do any of the following:
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Beatmap Veto
-*Main page: [Beatmap Nominators](/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators).*
The _beatmap veto_ allows a [Beatmap Nominator](/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators) to withhold a beatmap from Qualification if they feel there are significant issues regarding beatmap quality which make it unfit for the Ranked section.
Seeking further discussion or clarification over any kind of quality issues which you feel need to be addressed before the map can proceed with Qualification is one of your main responsibilities.
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Divisions
-*Main page: [Beatmap Nominators](/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators).*
Subdivisions are small working groups within the Beatmap Nominators to ensure better teamwork and efficiency.
Leaders are **bolded**.
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# General Information
-*Main page: [Beatmap Nominators](/wiki/Beatmap_Nominators).*
Are you a Beatmap Nominator, or are interested in becoming one? Then you have come to the right place! This article is all the general information you will need to know as a new Beatmap Nominator. To start, this article will start with a few useful links and then introduce you to the way icons are used, as well as how this transitions into [Beatmap Discussions](/wiki/Beatmap_Discussions) (also known as Modding v2).
## Useful Information
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# Rules
-*Main page: [Beatmap Nominators](/wiki/Beatmap_Nominators).*
The rules listed here affect what Beatmap Nominators can and cannot do when nominating beatmaps as well as set the tone for the general conduct expected from them.
These rules are the result of discussion within the [Quality Assurance Team](/wiki/People/Quality_Assurance_Team) and have taken into account feedback from the [Beatmap Nominators](/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators) upon their proposal.
@@ -25,7 +23,14 @@ Violations of those rules may be reported to a member of the [Quality Assurance
+ **Do not nominate maps with unrankable issues.** The General Ranking Criteria and additionally all mode-specific Ranking Criteria apply to all sets with mode-specific difficulties.
+ **Do not qualify mapsets whose song already has a Qualified mapset, unless no game modes of both sets overlap - this includes remixed versions**. For example an osu!taiko and osu! mapset of the same song can exist in the Qualified section, whilst an osu!taiko and osu!/osu!taiko hybrid set cannot. This ensures variety among Ranked beatmaps within their respective game modes.
+ **If a bubbled map contains unrankable issues, its bubble must be popped.** This applies even if you do not intend to nominate the mapset.
-+ **At least 24 hours must pass between a first nomination and a qualification on every mapset, ignoring renominations for minor changes.** This gives other Beatmap Nominators and also the wider community the chance to provide additional suggestions before qualification and veto the placed nomination if necessary.
++ **At least 24 hours must pass between a first nomination and a qualification on every beatmap set if...**
+ + the beatmap set has received no nominations prior.
+ + a new difficulty/storyboard has been added.
+ + a segment of a difficulty, its storyboard, or its hitsounding have been redone.
+ + complex timing has been adjusted.
+ + the beatmap set has been changed in response to a nominator's veto.
+Other situations do not require a 24 hour wait. This gives other Beatmap Nominators and also the wider community the chance to provide additional suggestions before qualification and veto the placed nomination if necessary.
+ **Do not qualify over any manually popped bubble set by another Beatmap Nominator.** Manually popping bubble resets the bubble counter to zero, so doing this is equivalent to directly qualifying a beatmap without any prior icons.
+ **Make sure no mod posts in the map thread have been ignored before qualifying or bubbling a map.** Posts without a sufficient reply may count as ignored. When in doubt, double check if the Code of Conduct for Mapping and Modding has been violated on the mapthread and act accordingly.
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Beatmap Nominators
-*See also: [Beatmap Nominator Rules](/wiki/Beatmap_Nominator_Rules) and [General Information for Beatmap Nominator](/wiki/Beatmap_Nominator_General_Information).*
+*See also: [Beatmap Nominator Rules](/wiki/Beatmap_Nominator_Rules) and [General Information for Beatmap Nominator](/wiki/Beatmap_Nominator_General_Information)*
The Beatmap Nominators, commonly abbreviated as *BN*, is a group in charge of [beatmap nomination](/wiki/Submission/Beatmap_Ranking_Procedure). As of 2014-08-22, they are no longer a part of the staff, revoking their chat moderation in-game, red name in-game, and on the forums. As of 2015-02-01, the team was changed from the *Beatmap Appreciation Team* to the *Beatmap Nominators*. Currently, they have a purple name on the forums.
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ Members of the Beatmap Nominators are responsible primarily for [modding](/wiki/
Becoming a Beatmap Nominator
-With the change to the team in August 2014, joining the Beatmap Nominators became a lot easier than it used to be in the past. The [Quality Assurance Team](https://osu.ppy.sh/g/7) will post an announcement for Beatmap Nominator Sign-ups to the [Pending Beatmaps Subforum](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/6) in irregular intervals of approximately one to two months.
+With the change to the team in August 2014, joining the Beatmap Nominators became a lot easier than it used to be in the past. The [Quality Assurance Team](https://osu.ppy.sh/g/7) will create a newspost for Beatmap Nominator Sign-ups in irregular intervals of approximately two months.
### Basic Criteria
Modders that aim to apply to the Beatmap Nominators must fulfil the following criteria:
+ They have been modding beatmaps actively for at least 3 months prior to the announcement.
-+ They have accumulated at least 50 [Kudosu](/wiki/Glossary/#kudosu) in total.
++ They have accumulated at least 150 or 200 [Kudosu](/wiki/Glossary/#kudosu) in total, depending on the mode they apply to.
+ They provide 2 to 4 of their mods which they think qualify them to be a part of the Beatmap Nominators.
### What Qualifies as a Mod Post
@@ -32,24 +32,23 @@ Modders that aim to apply to the Beatmap Nominators must fulfil the following cr
+ The point in time at which the Kudosu has been awarded to you mod post does not matter. The only relevant information about a mod post is its post date and time in UTC+0 as well as the fact that it has been awarded Kudosu.
### How the Required Minimum Score is Calculated
-+ This depends on the total `Kudosu Score` and the total `Mod Score` an applicant achieved over the last months. A mathematical formula is used to determine these values.
-+ `Kudosu Score` is determined according to the following formula:
++ This depends on the total `Mod Score` an applicant achieved over the last months. This value is determined according to the following formula:
-+ `Mod Score` per month is determined according to the following formula:
++ m = Minimum expected number of individual beatmaps modded in a month
++ M = Total achieved number of individual beatmaps modded in a month
+ [This online tool](http://modscore.little.moe/) can be used to calculate mod score.
-+ In order to determine their `Required Minimum Score`, an applicant needs to summarise their `Kudosu Score` and their `Mod Score` for month one, two and three.
++ In order to determine their `Required Minimum Score`, the sum of the total Mod Score within the last three months must be greater or equal to zero,
+ The overall minimum threshold is set to the following values:
- + osu!taiko, osu!catch and osu!mania: 1050
- + osu!: 1100
+ + osu!taiko, osu!catch and osu!mania: m = 3 and a total of 150 kudosu or more
+ + osu!: m = 4 and a total of 200 kudosu or more
+ It is usually a good idea to keep your score above these numbers, as they can vary slightly depending on the number of applicants.
### How new potential Beatmap Nominators are chosen
-+ The `Mod Score` and `Kudosu Score` of all applications will be doublechecked to confirm if they reached the `Required Minimum Score`.
++ The `Mod Score` of all applications will be doublechecked to confirm if they reached the `Required Minimum Score`.
+ Modders that acquired enough score will be evaluated by the corresponding QAT members of the game mode they applied for, taking into account the following criteria:
+ General attitude: Tone of delivery of the mods and other behavioural expectations from the [Code of Conduct](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Code_of_Conduct), as well as general behaviour in chat/forums.
+ Modding abilities: Knowledge of the general [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria) and specific criteria of each game mode. Additional abilities like Metadata, Timing, and some others will also be taken into consideration.
@@ -75,68 +74,73 @@ _Please note: All BN speak English unless otherwise noted._ Link to the [user gr
| [ailv](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6933054) | |
| [Andrea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/33599) | Italian |
+| [Beomsan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3626063) | Korean |
| [bossandy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/360437) | Chinese |
-| [BOUYAAA](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/405449) | French, some German |
| [DeRandom Otaku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5156153) | Urdu |
| [Doormat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3230571) | |
+| [DTM9 Nowa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5428909) | Finnish |
| [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485263) | Thai |
+| [fieryrage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3533958) | |
| [Garden](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2849992) | Chinese |
| [Gero](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1467715) | Spanish |
-| [Gottagof4st](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6122935) | Dutch |
+| [Hailie](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5226970) | |
+| [hypercyte](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9155377) | |
| [IceKalt](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5410645) | German |
| [iYiyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3919785) | Spanish, some German |
| [jonathanlfj](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/270377) | Chinese, some French |
+| [Kaitjuh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2225327) | Dutch |
| [Kalibe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3376777) | Polish |
-| [Kibbleru](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3193504) | |
-| [Kuron-kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2697284) | Portuguese |
| [Lafayla](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5312547) | |
+| [LMT](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7262798) | Vietnamese |
| [MaridiuS](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4496961) | Serbian |
| [Mirash](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2841009) | Russian |
| [Mordred](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7265097) | German |
+| [Myxomatosis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2202645) | German |
| [Namki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5248582) | Estonian, Russian |
| [Nao Tomori](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5364763) | French |
| [Natsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1953876) | Spanish |
+| [NeilPerry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/841391) | Russian |
| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995) | Chinese |
| [Net0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5099768) | Portuguese |
| [Nevo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7451883) | |
-| [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323) | |
| [Nozhomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2716981) | French |
| [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) | German |
| [pimpG](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/328615) | Portuguese |
-| [Plaudible](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7149815) | |
| [Realazy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/918297) | French |
-| [Regraz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3076909) | Chinese |
-| [riffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/597957) | Russian |
| [Rizen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3056732) | |
+| [Ryuusei Aika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7777875) | Chinese |
| [Seto Kousuke](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2857314) | Portuguese |
| [smallboat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/243049) | Chinese |
+| [Smokeman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2140676) | |
+| [squirrelpascals](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6151332) | |
| [Sonnyc](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11771) | Korean |
+| [Sotarks](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4452992) | French |
| [TheKingHenry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5128277) | Finnish |
| [timemon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2072005) | Thai |
| [Trynna](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2652951) | Portuguese |
| [Ultima Fox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3198109) | |
| [UndeadCapulet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2523533) | |
-| [Wishkey](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101704) | Dutch, German |
+| [Uta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9439796) | Indonesian |
+| [Yahuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4682629) | |
+| [yaspo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4945926) | |
| [Yauxo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/898306) | German |
+| [Yukiyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4541873) | German |
### osu!taiko
| Name | Additional Languages |
-| [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861) | Spanish |
+| [ARGENTINE DREAM](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1981781) | Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese|
| [Faputa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/845733) | Cantonese, Chinese |
-| [hikiko-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6512678) | |
-| [Jonawaga](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3653035) | |
-| [Kin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/480689) | French |
| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995) | Chinese |
| [Nepuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6637817) | German |
-| [Nifty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4956097) | |
| [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) | German |
| [qoot8123](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/766371) | Chinese |
| [Stefan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/626907) | German |
| [Surono](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3611370) | Indonesian |
| [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767) | Japanese |
| [Volta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4154071) | Indonesian |
+| [Yales](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2377881) | French, Japanese |
### osu!catch
@@ -144,22 +148,31 @@ _Please note: All BN speak English unless otherwise noted._ Link to the [user gr
| [alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114) | Cantonese, Chinese |
| [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883) | |
+| [AJamez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7890134) | Filipino |
| [Benny-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4023183) | Norwegian |
| [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485263) | Thai |
| [JeirYagtama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7483452) | Filipino |
+| [-Luminate](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4778689) | Thai |
| [Nokashi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5431196) | Greek |
| [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057) | |
+| [wonjae](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5032045) | |
| [Yumeno Himiko](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1806962) | Chinese |
### osu!mania
| Name | Additional Languages |
+| [-MysticEyes](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6253266) | |
| [\_Stan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1653229) | Chinese |
+| [Arzenvald](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3027421) | Indonesian |
| [Asherz007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9014047) | |
| [Critical_Star](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3793196) | Chinese |
+| [Dellvangel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5186244) | Indonesian |
| [DoNotMess](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1596318) | Indonesian |
| [Kawawa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4647754) | Korean |
+| [MEGAtive](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3094101) | Indonesian |
| [Rivals_7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4610379) | Indonesian |
| [Sandalphon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2633753) | Chinese |
+| [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057) | |
| [Tofu1222](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6089608) | Chinese |
diff --git a/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators/es.md b/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators/es.md
index e819499e9ed4..5b9f211a8a81 100644
--- a/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators/es.md
+++ b/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators/es.md
@@ -58,82 +58,109 @@ _Ten en cuenta que todos los BN hablan inglés a menos que se indique lo contrar
También ten en cuenta que la columna de modos de juego de la tabla aquí abajo menciona en qué modos de juego al Beatmap Nominator le está permitido rankear.
-| Nombre | osu! | osu!taiko | osu!catch | osu!mania | Lenguajes adicionales |
-| [- Magic Bomb -](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3071175) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | |
-| [-Mo-](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2202163) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [-Sh1n1-](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1957638) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Español |
-| [Absolute Zero](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4847256) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | |
-| [alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/636114) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Cantonés, Chino |
-| [Arrival](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1694000) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Francés |
-| [Asherz007](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/9014047) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | |
-| [Bakari](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/597957) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Ruso |
-| [Battle](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4037545) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Benny-](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4023183) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Noruego |
-| [Bonsai](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/987334) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Alemán |
-| [Chaoslitz](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3621552) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonés, Chino |
-| [Chromoxx](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1881639) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Alemán |
-| [Critical_Star](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3793196) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Chino |
-| [Delis](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1603923) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Japonés |
-| [Doormat](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3230571) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6485263) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Tailandés |
-| [ezek](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/180241) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Español |
-| [F D Flourite](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2459589) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Chino |
-| [Fresh Chicken](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3984370) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Coreano, Japonés |
-| [frukoyurdakul](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/7612550) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Turco |
-| [Gabe](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/654108) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Garden](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2849992) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chino |
-| [Gero](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1467715) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Español |
-| [Hobbes2](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/8157492) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [jonathanlfj](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/270377) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chino, algo de Francés |
-| [Jonawaga](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3653035) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [juankristal](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/443656) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Español |
-| [JUDYDANNY](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1165475) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Japonés |
-| [Julie](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2420987) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | |
-| [Kagetsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6203841) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Español |
-| [Karen](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3143784) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chino |
-| [Kawawa](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4647754) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Coreano |
-| [Kencho](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3178411) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonés, Chino |
-| [Kibbleru](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3193504) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Kin](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/480689) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Francés |
-| [Kurai](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/77089) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Francés |
-| [Lasse](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/896613) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Alemán |
-| [Litharrale](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3189995) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | |
-| [Maxus](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4335785) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Indonesio |
-| [Mir](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/8688812) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Monstrata](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2706438) | ![Yes][true] | ![Yes][true] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | |
-| [MrSergio](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2581696) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Italiano, Rumano |
-| [Naotoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/5364763) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Natsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1953876) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Español |
-| [Naxess](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/8129817) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Sueco |
-| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1561995) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chino |
-| [Nozhomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2716981) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Francés |
-| [Nwolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1910766) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Alemán |
-| [OzzyOzrock](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/465153) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Español, algo de Francés |
-| [Pentori](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/7452237) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Plaudible](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/7149815) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Protastic101](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6712747) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | |
-| [Raiden](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2239480) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Español, Catalán |
-| [Regraz](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3076909) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chino |
-| [Rivals_7](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4610379) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Indonesio |
-| [Rizia](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1367570) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonés, Chino |
-| [sahuang](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/5318910) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chino |
-| [Sc4v4ng3r](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4838429) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | |
-| [sheela](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1138027) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Francés |
-| [Skylish](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2845958) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonés, Chino |
-| [smallboat](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/243049) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chinese |
-| [squirrelpascals](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6151332) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Stefan](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/626907) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Alemán |
-| [Strategas](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2971837) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Lituano |
-| [Surono](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3611370) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Indoneso |
-| [Taikocracy](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6256027) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Algo de Español |
-| [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2774767) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Japonés |
-| [thzz](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1614839) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Japonés |
-| [Voli](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6151332) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Volta](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4154071) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Indonesio |
-| [Wafu](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/888955) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Checo |
-| [Weber](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6410432) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | |
-| [xfraczynho](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2192669) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Español |
-| [YaHao](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2633753) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Chino |
-| [Zero__Wind](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1822830) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonés, Chino |
-| [ZiRoX](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/200768) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Español |
+### osu!standard
+| Name | Additional Languages |
+| [ailv](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6933054) | |
+| [Andrea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/33599) | Italiano |
+| [Beomsan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3626063) | Coreano |
+| [bossandy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/360437) | Chino |
+| [DeRandom Otaku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5156153) | Urdú |
+| [Doormat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3230571) | |
+| [DTM9 Nowa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5428909) | Finlandés |
+| [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485263) | Tailandés |
+| [fieryrage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3533958) | |
+| [Garden](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2849992) | Chino |
+| [Gero](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1467715) | Español |
+| [Hailie](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5226970) | |
+| [hypercyte](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9155377) | |
+| [IceKalt](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5410645) | Alemán |
+| [iYiyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3919785) | Español, algo de Alemán |
+| [jonathanlfj](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/270377) | Chino, algo de Francés |
+| [Kaitjuh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2225327) | Holandés |
+| [Kalibe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3376777) | Polaco |
+| [Lafayla](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5312547) | |
+| [LMT](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7262798) | Vietnamita |
+| [MaridiuS](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4496961) | Serbio |
+| [Mirash](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2841009) | Ruso |
+| [Mordred](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7265097) | Alemán |
+| [Myxomatosis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2202645) | Alemán |
+| [Namki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5248582) | Estonio, Ruso |
+| [Nao Tomori](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5364763) | Francés |
+| [Natsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1953876) | Español |
+| [NeilPerry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/841391) | Ruso |
+| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995) | Chino |
+| [Net0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5099768) | Portugués |
+| [Nevo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7451883) | |
+| [Nozhomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2716981) | Francés |
+| [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) | Alemán |
+| [pimpG](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/328615) | Portugués |
+| [Realazy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/918297) | Francés |
+| [Rizen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3056732) | |
+| [Ryuusei Aika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7777875) | Chino |
+| [Seto Kousuke](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2857314) | Portugués |
+| [smallboat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/243049) | Chino |
+| [Smokeman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2140676) | |
+| [squirrelpascals](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6151332) | |
+| [Sonnyc](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11771) | Coreano |
+| [Sotarks](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4452992) | Francés |
+| [TheKingHenry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5128277) | Finlandés |
+| [timemon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2072005) | Tailandés |
+| [Trynna](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2652951) | Portugués |
+| [Ultima Fox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3198109) | |
+| [UndeadCapulet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2523533) | |
+| [Uta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9439796) | Indonesio |
+| [Yahuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4682629) | |
+| [yaspo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4945926) | |
+| [Yauxo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/898306) | Alemán |
+| [Yukiyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4541873) | Alemán |
+### osu!taiko
+| Nombre | Lenguajes adicionales |
+| [ARGENTINE DREAM](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1981781) | Portugués, Español, Català, Japonés|
+| [Faputa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/845733) | Cantonés, Chino |
+| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995) | Chino |
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+| [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) | Alemán |
+| [qoot8123](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/766371) | Chino |
+| [Stefan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/626907) | Alemán |
+| [Surono](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3611370) | Indonesio |
+| [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767) | Japonés |
+| [Volta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4154071) | Indonesio |
+| [Yales](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2377881) | Francés, Japonés |
+### osu!catch
+| Nombre | Lenguajes adicionales |
+| [alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114) | Cantonés, Chino |
+| [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883) | |
+| [AJamez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7890134) | Filipino |
+| [Benny-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4023183) | Noruego |
+| [JeirYagtama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7483452) | Filipino |
+| [-Luminate](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4778689) | Tailandés |
+| [Nokashi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5431196) | Griego |
+| [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057) | |
+| [wonjae](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5032045) | |
+| [Yumeno Himiko](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1806962) | Chino |
+### osu!mania
+| Nombre | Lenguajes adicionales |
+| [-MysticEyes](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6253266) | |
+| [\_Stan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1653229) | Chino |
+| [Arzenvald](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3027421) | Indonesio |
+| [Asherz007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9014047) | |
+| [Critical_Star](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3793196) | Chino |
+| [Dellvangel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5186244) | Indonesio |
+| [DoNotMess](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1596318) | Indonesio |
+| [Kawawa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4647754) | Coreano |
+| [MEGAtive](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3094101) | Indonesio |
+| [Rivals_7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4610379) | Indonesio |
+| [Sandalphon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2633753) | Chino |
+| [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057) | |
+| [Tofu1222](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6089608) | Chino |
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+outdated: true
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[true]: /wiki/shared/true.png "Yes"
@@ -75,98 +78,108 @@ Tabel yang tercantum di bawah menunjukkan gamemode di mana setiap Beatmap Nomina
### osu!standard
-| Nama | Tambahan Bahasa |
-| :-- | :-- |
-| [ailv](/users/6933054) | |
-| [Andrea](/users/33599) | Italian |
-| [bossandy](/users/360437) | Chinese |
-| [BOUYAAA](/users/405449) | French, some German |
-| [DeRandom Otaku](/users/5156153) | Urdu |
-| [Doormat](/users/3230571) | |
-| [Electoz](/users/6485263) | Thai |
-| [F D Flourite](/users/2459589) | Chinese |
-| [Garden](/users/2849992) | Chinese |
-| [Gero](/users/1467715) | Spanish |
-| [Gottagof4st](/users/6122935) | Dutch |
-| [IceKalt](/users/5410645) | German |
-| [iYiyo](/users/3919785) | Spanish, some German |
-| [jonathanlfj](/users/270377) | Chinese, some French |
-| [Kalibe](/users/3376777) | Polish |
-| [Karen](/users/3143784) | Chinese |
-| [Kibbleru](/users/3193504) | |
-| [Kuron-kun](/users/2697284) | Portuguese |
-| [Lafayla](/users/5312547) | |
-| [MaridiuS](/users/4496961) | Serbian |
-| [Mirash](/users/2841009) | Russian |
-| [Mordred](/users/7265097) | German |
-| [Namki](/users/5248582) | Estonian, Russian |
-| [Nao Tomori](/users/5364763) | French |
-| [Natsu](/users/1953876) | Spanish |
-| [neonat](/users/1561995) | Chinese |
-| [Net0](/users/5099768) | Portuguese |
-| [Nevo](/users/7451883) | |
-| [Noffy](/users/1541323) | |
-| [Nozhomi](/users/2716981) | French |
-| [Okoratu](/users/1623405) | German |
-| [pimpG](/users/328615) | Portuguese |
-| [Plaudible](/users/7149815) | |
-| [Realazy](/users/918297) | French |
-| [Regraz](/users/3076909) | Chinese |
-| [riffy](/users/597957) | Russian |
-| [Rizen](/users/3056732) | |
-| [Seto Kousuke](/users/2857314) | Portuguese |
-| [smallboat](/users/243049) | Chinese |
-| [Sonnyc](/users/11771) | Korean |
-| [TheKingHenry](/users/5128277) | Finnish |
-| [timemon](/users/2072005) | Thai |
-| [Trynna](/users/2652951) | Portuguese |
-| [Ultima Fox](/users/3198109) | |
-| [UndeadCapulet](/users/2523533) | |
-| [Wishkey](/users/1101704) | Dutch, German |
-| [Yauxo](/users/898306) | German |
+| Nama | Tambahan Bahasa |
+| [ailv](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6933054) | |
+| [Andrea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/33599) | Italian |
+| [Beomsan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3626063) | Korean |
+| [bossandy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/360437) | Chinese |
+| [DeRandom Otaku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5156153) | Urdu |
+| [Doormat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3230571) | |
+| [DTM9 Nowa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5428909) | Finnish |
+| [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485263) | Thai |
+| [fieryrage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3533958) | |
+| [Garden](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2849992) | Chinese |
+| [Gero](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1467715) | Spanish |
+| [Hailie](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5226970) | |
+| [hypercyte](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9155377) | |
+| [IceKalt](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5410645) | German |
+| [iYiyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3919785) | Spanish, some German |
+| [jonathanlfj](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/270377) | Chinese, some French |
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+| [Kalibe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3376777) | Polish |
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+| [Mordred](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7265097) | German |
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+| [Natsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1953876) | Spanish |
+| [NeilPerry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/841391) | Russian |
+| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995) | Chinese |
+| [Net0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5099768) | Portuguese |
+| [Nevo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7451883) | |
+| [Nozhomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2716981) | French |
+| [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) | German |
+| [pimpG](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/328615) | Portuguese |
+| [Realazy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/918297) | French |
+| [Rizen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3056732) | |
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+| [Seto Kousuke](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2857314) | Portuguese |
+| [smallboat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/243049) | Chinese |
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+| [Sotarks](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4452992) | French |
+| [TheKingHenry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5128277) | Finnish |
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+| [Yukiyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4541873) | German |
### osu!taiko
-| Nama | Tambahan Bahasa |
-| :-- | :-- |
-| [-Kazu-](/users/920861) | Spanish |
-| [Faputa](/users/845733) | Cantonese, Chinese |
-| [hikiko-](/users/6512678) | |
-| [Jonawaga](/users/3653035) | |
-| [Kin](/users/480689) | French |
-| [neonat](/users/1561995) | Chinese |
-| [Nepuri](/users/6637817) | German |
-| [Nifty](/users/4956097) | |
-| [Okoratu](/users/1623405) | German |
-| [qoot8123](/users/766371) | Chinese |
-| [Stefan](/users/626907) | German |
-| [Surono](/users/3611370) | Indonesian |
-| [tasuke912](/users/2774767) | Japanese |
-| [Volta](/users/4154071) | Indonesian |
+| Nama | Tambahan Bahasa |
+| [ARGENTINE DREAM](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1981781) | Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Japanese|
+| [Faputa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/845733) | Cantonese, Chinese |
+| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995) | Chinese |
+| [Nepuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6637817) | German |
+| [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) | German |
+| [qoot8123](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/766371) | Chinese |
+| [Stefan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/626907) | German |
+| [Surono](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3611370) | Indonesian |
+| [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767) | Japanese |
+| [Volta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4154071) | Indonesian |
+| [Yales](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2377881) | French, Japanese |
### osu!catch
-| Nama | Tambahan Bahasa |
-| :-- | :-- |
-| [alienflybot](/users/636114) | Cantonese, Chinese |
-| [Ascendance](/users/2931883) | |
-| [Benny-](/users/4023183) | Norwegian |
-| [Electoz](/users/6485263) | Thai |
-| [JeirYagtama](/users/7483452) | Filipino |
-| [Nokashi](/users/5431196) | Greek |
-| [Sinnoh](/users/4236057) | |
-| [Yumeno Himiko](/users/1806962) | Chinese |
-| [ZiRoX](/users/200768) | Spanish |
+| Nama | Tambahan Bahasa |
+| [alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114) | Cantonese, Chinese |
+| [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883) | |
+| [AJamez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7890134) | Filipino |
+| [Benny-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4023183) | Norwegian |
+| [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485263) | Thai |
+| [JeirYagtama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7483452) | Filipino |
+| [-Luminate](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4778689) | Thai |
+| [Nokashi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5431196) | Greek |
+| [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057) | |
+| [wonjae](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5032045) | |
+| [Yumeno Himiko](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1806962) | Chinese |
### osu!mania
-| Nama | Tambahan Bahasa |
-| :-- | :-- |
-| [\_Stan](/users/1653229) | Chinese |
-| [Asherz007](/users/9014047) | |
-| [Critical_Star](/users/3793196) | Chinese |
-| [DoNotMess](/users/1596318) | Indonesian |
-| [Kawawa](/users/4647754) | Korean |
-| [Rivals_7](/users/4610379) | Indonesian |
-| [Sandalphon](/users/2633753) | Chinese |
-| [Tofu1222](/users/6089608) | Chinese |
+| Nama | Tambahan Bahasa |
+| [-MysticEyes](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6253266) | |
+| [\_Stan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1653229) | Chinese |
+| [Arzenvald](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3027421) | Indonesian |
+| [Asherz007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9014047) | |
+| [Critical_Star](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3793196) | Chinese |
+| [Dellvangel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5186244) | Indonesian |
+| [DoNotMess](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1596318) | Indonesian |
+| [Kawawa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4647754) | Korean |
+| [MEGAtive](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3094101) | Indonesian |
+| [Rivals_7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4610379) | Indonesian |
+| [Sandalphon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2633753) | Chinese |
+| [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057) | |
+| [Tofu1222](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6089608) | Chinese |
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--- a/wiki/People/Beatmap_Nominators/tr.md
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@@ -61,80 +61,111 @@ _Not: Tüm BNG üyeleri aksi belirtilmedikçe İngilizce konuşur._ [Kullanıcı
Ayrıca not: oyun modları kolonları kullanıcın hangi oyun moduna odaklandığını göstermekle beraber, o oyun modu ile sınırlı kalmaz.
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-| [Gero](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1467715) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Spanish |
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-| [Jonawaga](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3653035) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [juankristal](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/443656) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Spanish |
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-| [Maxus](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4335785) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Indonesian |
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-| [Monstrata](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2706438) | ![Yes][true] | ![Yes][true] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | |
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-| [Naotoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/5364763) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Natsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1953876) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Spanish |
-| [Naxess](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/8129817) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Swedish |
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-| [Nozhomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2716981) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | French |
-| [Nwolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1910766) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | German |
-| [OzzyOzrock](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/465153) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Spanish, some French |
-| [Pentori](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/7452237) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Plaudible](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/7149815) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Protastic101](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6712747) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | |
-| [Raiden](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2239480) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Spanish, Catalan |
-| [Regraz](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3076909) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chinese |
-| [Rivals_7](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4610379) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Indonesian |
-| [Rizia](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1367570) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonese, Chinese |
-| [Sc4v4ng3r](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4838429) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | |
-| [sheela](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1138027) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | French |
-| [Skylish](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2845958) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonese, Chinese |
-| [smallboat](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/243049) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chinese |
-| [snowball112](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2350722) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | German |
-| [Sonnyc](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/11771) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Korean |
-| [squirrelpascals](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6151332) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Stefan](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/626907) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | German |
-| [Strategas](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2971837) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Lithuanian |
-| [Surono](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/3611370) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Indonesian |
-| [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2774767) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Japanese |
-| [thzz](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1614839) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Japanese |
-| [Voli](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/6151332) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Volta](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/4154071) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Indonesian |
-| [Wafu](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/888955) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Czech |
-| [Xinely](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1521445) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Indonesian, some Chinese |
-| [YaHao](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2633753) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Chinese |
-| [Zero__Wind](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/1822830) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonese, Chinese |
-| [ZiRoX](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/200768) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Spanish |
+### osu!standard
+| İsim | Ek diller |
+| [ailv](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6933054) | |
+| [Andrea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/33599) | Italian |
+| [Beomsan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3626063) | Korean |
+| [bossandy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/360437) | Chinese |
+| [DeRandom Otaku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5156153) | Urdu |
+| [Doormat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3230571) | |
+| [DTM9 Nowa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5428909) | Finnish |
+| [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485263) | Thai |
+| [fieryrage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3533958) | |
+| [Garden](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2849992) | Chinese |
+| [Gero](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1467715) | Spanish |
+| [Hailie](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5226970) | |
+| [hypercyte](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9155377) | |
+| [IceKalt](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5410645) | German |
+| [iYiyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3919785) | Spanish, some German |
+| [jonathanlfj](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/270377) | Chinese, some French |
+| [Kaitjuh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2225327) | Dutch |
+| [Kalibe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3376777) | Polish |
+| [Lafayla](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5312547) | |
+| [LMT](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7262798) | Vietnamese |
+| [MaridiuS](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4496961) | Serbian |
+| [Mirash](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2841009) | Russian |
+| [Mordred](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7265097) | German |
+| [Myxomatosis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2202645) | German |
+| [Namki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5248582) | Estonian, Russian |
+| [Nao Tomori](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5364763) | French |
+| [Natsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1953876) | Spanish |
+| [NeilPerry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/841391) | Russian |
+| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995) | Chinese |
+| [Net0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5099768) | Portuguese |
+| [Nevo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7451883) | |
+| [Nozhomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2716981) | French |
+| [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) | German |
+| [pimpG](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/328615) | Portuguese |
+| [Realazy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/918297) | French |
+| [Rizen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3056732) | |
+| [Ryuusei Aika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7777875) | Chinese |
+| [Seto Kousuke](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2857314) | Portuguese |
+| [smallboat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/243049) | Chinese |
+| [Smokeman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2140676) | |
+| [squirrelpascals](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6151332) | |
+| [Sonnyc](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11771) | Korean |
+| [Sotarks](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4452992) | French |
+| [TheKingHenry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5128277) | Finnish |
+| [timemon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2072005) | Thai |
+| [Trynna](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2652951) | Portuguese |
+| [Ultima Fox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3198109) | |
+| [UndeadCapulet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2523533) | |
+| [Uta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9439796) | Indonesian |
+| [Yahuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4682629) | |
+| [yaspo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4945926) | |
+| [Yauxo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/898306) | German |
+| [Yukiyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4541873) | German |
+### osu!taiko
+| İsim | Ek diller |
+| [ARGENTINE DREAM](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1981781) | Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Japanese|
+| [Faputa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/845733) | Cantonese, Chinese |
+| [neonat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1561995) | Chinese |
+| [Nepuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6637817) | German |
+| [Okoratu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1623405) | German |
+| [qoot8123](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/766371) | Chinese |
+| [Stefan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/626907) | German |
+| [Surono](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3611370) | Indonesian |
+| [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767) | Japanese |
+| [Volta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4154071) | Indonesian |
+| [Yales](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2377881) | French, Japanese |
+### osu!catch
+| İsim | Ek diller |
+| [alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114) | Cantonese, Chinese |
+| [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883) | |
+| [AJamez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7890134) | Filipino |
+| [Benny-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4023183) | Norwegian |
+| [Electoz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485263) | Thai |
+| [JeirYagtama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7483452) | Filipino |
+| [-Luminate](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4778689) | Thai |
+| [Nokashi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5431196) | Greek |
+| [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057) | |
+| [wonjae](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5032045) | |
+| [Yumeno Himiko](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1806962) | Chinese |
+### osu!mania
+| İsim | Ek diller |
+| [-MysticEyes](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6253266) | |
+| [\_Stan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1653229) | Chinese |
+| [Arzenvald](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3027421) | Indonesian |
+| [Asherz007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9014047) | |
+| [Critical_Star](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3793196) | Chinese |
+| [Dellvangel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5186244) | Indonesian |
+| [DoNotMess](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1596318) | Indonesian |
+| [Kawawa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4647754) | Korean |
+| [MEGAtive](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3094101) | Indonesian |
+| [Rivals_7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4610379) | Indonesian |
+| [Sandalphon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2633753) | Chinese |
+| [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057) | |
+| [Tofu1222](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6089608) | Chinese |
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Link to [user group page](https://osu.ppy.sh/groups/7)
-| Name | osu! | osu!taiko | osu!catch | osu!mania | Additional Languages |
+| Name | osu! | osu!taiko | osu!catch | osu!mania | Additional Languages |
| [-Kazu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/920861) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Spanish |
| [-Mo-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2202163) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
-| [Aloda](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1190127) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
| [Chaoslitz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3621552) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Cantonese, Chinese |
| [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Spanish, German |
| [Feerum](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4815717) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | German, Polish |
| [Fycho](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1876867) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chinese |
| [Gabe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/654108) | ![Yes][true] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | French |
+| [Gottagof4st](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6122935) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Dutch |
+| [Hobbes2](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8157492) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
| [JBHyperion](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4879508) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | |
| [Kibbleru](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3193504) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
+| [Kuron-kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2697284) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Portuguese |
| [Lanturn](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1446665) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
| [Lasse](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/896613) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | German |
| [Mao](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2204515) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | German |
| [Maxus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4335785) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | Indonesian |
| [Naxess](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8129817) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Swedish |
| [Nardoxyribonucleic](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/876419) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chinese, Cantonese |
+| [Noffy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1541323) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
| [p3n](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/123703) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | German |
| [pishifat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3178418) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | |
| [Protastic101](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6712747) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | |
| [Raiden](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2239480) | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Spanish, Catalan |
+| [Regraz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3076909) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Chinese |
+| [Yuii-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2935923) | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | Spanish, Portugese |
| [Zirox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/200768) | ![No][false] | ![No][false] | ![Yes][true] | ![No][false] | Spanish |
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+# 2014
+## January
+- Added [[Shi-Ra]](/users/2008489) as osu!mania BAT (2014-01-01)
+- Added [TKS](/users/940878) as osu!taiko BAT (2014-01-04)
+- Readded [Teara](/users/123491) as BAT (2014-01-05)
+- Added [shARPII](/users/776257) as Chat Moderator (2014-01-16)
+- Added [Stickie](/users/1248732) as Chat Moderator (2014-01-16)
+- Removed [Gabe](/users/654108) as BAT (2014-01-17)
+- Added [Krah](/users/1436748) as CtB BAT (2014-01-20)
+- Readded [dkun](/users/154400) as BAT (2014-01-20)
+- Moved [Breeze](/users/77537) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
+- Removed [HeatKai](/users/332555) as BAT (2014-01-21)
+- Moved [jericho2442](/users/88904) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
+- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
+- Moved [MMzz](/users/128993) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
+- Moved [Sync](/users/806921) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
+- Moved [those](/users/557166) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
+- Moved [YGOKid8](/users/69114) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
+- Readded [YGOKid8](/users/69114) as BAT (2014-01-23)
+- Moved [Sakura](/users/289422) to Alumni (2014-01-24)
+- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to GMT (2014-01-25)
+- Added [HelloSCV](/users/798743) as BAT (2014-01-27)
+## February
+- Readded [Gabe](/users/654108) to BAT (2014-02-02)
+- Readded [Blue Dragon](/users/19048) to BAT (2014-02-03)
+- Readded [Low](/users/976963) to BAT (2014-02-03)
+- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the BAT (2014-02-07)
+- Moved [Marcin](/users/722665) to the GMT (2014-02-07)
+- Added [BeatofIke](/users/1103522) to BAT (2014-02-07)
+- Added [Zero\_\_wind](/users/1822830) to BAT (2014-02-07)
+- Moved [kanpakyin](/users/394326) to Alumni (2014-02-07)
+- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to BAT (2014-02-10)
+- Moved [Dangaard](/users/19488) to Alumni (2014-02-15)
+- Moved [LoliFlan](/users/447818) to Alumni (2014-02-15)
+- Added [Kitokofox](/users/1815420) to Chat Moderator (2014-02-22)
+- Added [Nathanael](/users/2295078) to Support Team (2014-02-23)
+- Added [Loneight](/users/663131) to Chat Moderator (2014-02-23)
+- Moved [happy30](/users/27767) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
+- Moved [KanaRin](/users/310747) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
+- Moved [narakucrimson](/users/287468) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
+- Moved [NatsumeRin](/users/151679) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
+- Moved [Nymph](/users/601990) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
+- Moved [wcx19911123](/users/376831) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
+- Added [mtmcl](/users/5960) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
+## March
+- Readded [Chewin](/users/617323) as BAT (2014-03-06)
+- Removed [HelloSCV](/users/798743) as BAT (2014-03-13)
+- Moved [ljqandylee](/users/141469) to Alumni (2014-03-17)
+- Added [h3k1ru](/users/291211) as Chat Moderator (2014-03-19)
+- Added [Stefan](/users/626907) as Chat Moderator (2014-03-28)
+- Moved [blissfulyoshi](/users/20865) to Alumni (2014-03-29)
+- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to Alumni (2014-03-29)
+- Moved [SapphireGhost](/users/388602) to Alumni (2014-03-29)
+- Moved [Teara](/users/123491) to Alumni (2014-03-29)
+- Removed [Low](/users/976963) from BAT (2014-03-29)
+- Added [ursa](/users/321063) as CtB BAT (2014-03-30)
+## April
+- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the BAT (2014-04-04)
+- Removed [UnitedWeSin](/users/1778050) as BAT (2014-04-11)
+- Moved [Agnes](/users/136982) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
+- Moved [awp](/users/2650) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
+- Moved [Makar](/users/686389) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
+- Moved [La Cataline](/users/301279) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
+- Moved [senaya](/users/304103) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
+- Moved [Sushi](/users/43108) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
+- Added [Love](/users/467487) to osu!taiko BAT (2014-04-21)
+- Added [Xytox](/users/2229274) to Chat Moderator (2014-04-21)
+- Moved [Pokie](/users/207340) to the GMT (2014-04-22)
+- Moved [Darksonic](/users/570042) to Alumni (2014-04-24)
+## May
+- Added [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the BAT (2014-05-03)
+- Moved [Leader](/users/631530) to the BAT (2014-05-03)
+- Moved [Andrea](/users/33599) to the GMT (2014-05-04)
+- Removed [Blue Dragon](/users/19048) as BAT (2014-05-04)
+- Added [Trust](/users/1470352) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
+- Added [captin1](/users/689997) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
+- Readded [kanpakyin](/users/394326) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
+- Added [DakeDekaane](/users/1425253) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
+- Added [Guy](/users/91738) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
+- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the GMT (2014-05-05)
+- Added [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the BAT (2014-05-06)
+- Readded [Kenezz](/users/167050) to the BAT (2014-05-06)
+- Moved [Shiro](/users/113005) to the BAT (2014-05-08)
+- Moved [Byakugan249](/users/660484) to Alumni (2014-05-11)
+- Moved [Strawberry](/users/519978) to Alumni (2014-05-11)
+- Removed [Krah](/users/1436748) as BAT (2014-05-11)
+- Moved [MMzz](/users/128993) to the BAT (2014-05-15)
+- Added [Cookie](/users/4697926) to Chat Moderators (2014-05-16)
+- Added [Maeglwn](/users/2440936) to Chat Moderators (2014-05-16)
+- Readded [Pereira006](/users/537344) to Chat Moderators (2014-05-16)
+- Readded [KanaRin](/users/310747) to the BAT (2014-05-16)
+- Readded [wcx19911123](/users/376831) to the BAT (2014-05-19)
+- Added [Nathanael](/users/2295078) as Chat Moderator (2014-05-21)
+## June
+- Readded [Nymph](/users/601990) to the BAT (2014-06-03)
+- Moved [[Shi-Ra]](/users/2008489) to Alumni (2014-06-07)
+- Readded [LoliFlan](/users/447818) to Chat Moderators (2014-06-11)
+- Moved [Kytoxid](/users/98460) to Alumni (2014-06-12)
+- Moved [ZHSteven](/users/142413) to Alumni (2014-06-12)
+- Moved [FrostxE](/users/199669) to Alumni (2014-06-15)
+- Readded [Krah](/users/1436748) as CtB BAT (2014-06-16)
+- Readded [[Shi-Ra]](/users/2008489) as osu!mania BAT (2014-06-17)
+- Moved [YGOkid8](/users/69114) to Alumni (2014-06-18)
+- Added [ExPew](/users/665612) as osu!mania BAT (2014-06-23)
+- Added [Oinari-Sama](/users/405508) to Support Team and Chat Moderators (2014-06-29)
+## July
+- Added [Ukami](/users/820865) to Chat Moderators (2014-07-07)
+- Added [Blue Dragon](/users/19048) to Chat Moderators (2014-07-16)
+- Moved [Aleks719](/users/360176) to the BAT (2014-07-21)
+- Moved [Nathanael](/users/2295078) to the GMT (2014-07-22)
+- Moved [kingking9](/users/1277097) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
+- Moved [UnderminE](/users/444223) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
+- Moved [Pereira006](/users/537344) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
+- Moved [Dragvon](/users/126927) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
+- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
+- Moved [XPJ38](/users/273531) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
+- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
+- Moved [CXu](/users/84841) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
+- Moved [Drafura](/users/326099) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
+- Moved [Lissette](/users/326099) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
+- Moved [Kawayi Rika](/users/596298) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
+- Moved [Melophobia](/users/1077845) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
+- Moved [Nyquill](/users/682935) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
+- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the Alumni (2014-07-25)
+- Readded [Strawberry](/users/519978) to the BAT (2014-07-25)
+- Added [ErunamoJAZZ](/users/1869764) to the Chat Moderators (2014-07-29)
+- Moved [shARPII](/users/776257) to the GMT (2014-07-30)
+- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the GMT (2014-07-30)
+## August
+- Added [CLSW](/users/531253) to the CtB BATs (2014-08-10)
+- Added [AnataNoBaka](/users/1769646) to the Chat Moderators (2014-08-11)
+- Moved [Charles445](/users/85000) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [p3n](/users/123703) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [Aleks719](/users/360176) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [captin1](/users/689997) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [Deif](/users/318565) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [Garven](/users/244216) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [Irreversible](/users/1287964) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [kanpakyin](/users/394326) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [Krah](/users/1436748) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [Loctav](/users/71366) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [MMzz](/users/128993) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [Shiro](/users/113005) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [[Shi-Ra]](/users/2008489) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
+- Moved [NoHitter](/users/124455) to the BAT (2014-08-22)
+- Moved [narakucrimson](/users/287468) to the BAT (2014-08-22)
+- Moved [happy30](/users/27767) to the BAT (2014-08-22)
+- Moved [Kawayi Rika](/users/596298) to the BAT (2014-08-23)
+- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the BAT (2014-08-23)
+- Moved [Gonzvlo](/users/237733) to the BAT (2014-08-24)
+- Moved [Krisom](/users/99269) to the BAT (2014-08-24)
+- Moved [Melophobia](/users/1077845) to the BAT (2014-08-24)
+- Added [ToGlette](/users/1076236) to the Chat Moderators (2014-08-27)
+### New BAT additions
+All users listed below were added on 2014-08-24.
+- [arcwinolivirus](/users/2039089)
+- [-Bakari-](/users/597957)
+- [CDFA](/users/135630)
+- [Cherry Blossom](/users/1156742)
+- [Delis](/users/1603923)
+- [Desperate-kun](/users/2202645)
+- [EvilElvis](/users/1848318)
+- [Flask](/users/959763)
+- [Flower](/users/1033017)
+- [Fycho](/users/1876867)
+- [\_Gezo\_](/users/481582)
+- [Hinsvar](/users/1249323)
+- [Kyshiro](/users/640611)
+- [Lanturn](/users/1446665)
+- [Loneight](/users/663131)
+- [Mao](/users/2204515)
+- [mingmichael](/users/1570876)
+- [mintong89](/users/966210)
+- [Mystyk](/users/930165)
+- [Nemis](/users/1635091)
+- [No\_Gu](/users/654883)
+- [qoot8123](/users/766371)
+- [Rumia-](/users/1787171)
+- [Sey](/users/553656)
+- [Spectator](/users/702598)
+- [TicClick](/users/672931)
+- [UnitedWeSin](/users/1778050)
+All users listed below were added on 2014-08-30.
+- [Aka](/users/1307553)
+- [Gero](/users/1467715)
+- [IamKwaN](/users/1856463)
+- [Kurokami](/users/260933)
+- [Low](/users/976963)
+- [Satellite](/users/1661227)
+- [Secretpipe](/users/2208964)
+- [Simple\_Star](/users/2300597)
+- [Spy](/users/1217122)
+- [Tari](/users/1779172)
+- [those](/users/557166)
+- [Xinely](/users/1521445)
+## September
+- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the BAT (2014-09-02)
+- Moved [FrostxE](/users/199669) to the QAT (2014-09-05)
+- Added [XavierJones](/users/495733) the Chat Moderators (2014-09-08)
+- Moved [Card N'FoRcE](/users/3936) to the Alumni (2014-09-11)
+- Moved [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the QAT (2014-09-20)
+- Moved [captin1](/users/689997) to the BAT (2014-09-20)
+- Moved [TicClick](/users/672931) to the QAT (2014-09-20)
+- Moved [ztrot](/users/6347) to the BAT (2014-09-20)
+- Removed [mintong89](/users/966210) from the BAT (2014-09-23)
+### New BAT additions
+All users listed below were added on 2014-09-17.
+- [Konei](/users/1446085)
+- [Natsu](/users/1953876)
+- [nold\_1702](/users/515967)
+- [Raiku](/users/1525538)
+- [Stefan](/users/626907)
+- [smallboat](/users/243049)
+- [Umi](/users/2075222)
+- [xChippy](/users/1026491)
+- [Oracle](/users/1504456)
+- [Lust](/users/2316951)
+## October
+- Removed [Trust](/users/1470352) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-10-04)
+- Moved [Spy](/users/1217122) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-10-08)
+- Moved [Chewin](/users/617323) to the osu! Alumni (2014-10-19)
+- Removed [wcx19911123](/users/376831) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-10-22)
+- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the osu! Alumni (2014-10-28)
+- Moved [Sakura](/users/289422) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-10-28)
+- Moved [Sakura](/users/289422) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-10-31)
+## November
+- Moved [LunarSakuya](/users/1027860) to the osu! Alumni (2014-11-02)
+- Moved [alacat](/users/869782) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-11-04)
+- Moved [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-05)
+- Moved [Frostmourne](/users/199669) to the osu! Alumni (2014-11-05)
+- Moved [Maeglwn](/users/2440936) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-05)
+- Moved [Stefan](/users/626907) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-05)
+- Added [drum drum](/users/4435526) to the Support Team (2014-11-06)
+- Moved [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-14)
+- Moved [Mao](/users/2204515) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-11-14)
+- Moved [Gonzvlo](/users/237733) to the osu! Alumni (2014-11-19)
+- Moved [Darksonic](/users/570042) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-19)
+- Moved [Krah](/users/1436748) to the osu! Alumni (2014-11-25)
+- Moved [ursa](/users/321063) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-11-25)
+- Added [Neil Watts](/users/3048059) to the Chat Moderator (2014-11-28)
+### New BAT additions
+All users listed below were added on 2014-11-22.
+- [Gamu](/users/611174)
+- [Hollow Wings](/users/416662)
+- [Kenterz](/users/1587976)
+- [Minakami Yuki](/users/2433507)
+- [Nwolf](/users/1910766)
+- [pishifat](/users/3178418)
+- [Rakuen](/users/2426126)
+## December
+- Removed [KanaRin](/users/310747) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
+- Removed [those](/users/557166) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
+- Removed [grumd](/users/530913) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
+- Removed [UnitedWeSin](/users/1778050) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
+- Removed [Tasha](/users/1031958) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
+- Moved [Strawberry](/users/519978) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-02)
+- Moved [happy30](/users/27767) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-02)
+- Moved [ztrot](/users/6347) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-12-02)
+- Moved [Roxas](/users/1041833) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-02)
+- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-12-02)
+- Added [drum drum](/users/4435526) to the Chat Moderators (2014-12-07)
+- Moved [ExPew](/users/665612) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-12-13)
+- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-12-16)
+- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-16)
+- Moved [Pereira006](/users/537344) to the Chat Moderators (2014-12-16)
+- Moved [p3n](/users/123703) to the Staff Management (2014-12-22)
+- Moved [popner](/users/759860) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-28)
+- Moved [Scorpiour](/users/867259) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-12-29)
+- Added [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the Chat Moderators (2014-12-30)
+### New BAT additions
+All users listed below were added on 2014-12-02.
+- [Kibbleru](/users/3193504)
+- [Kloyd](/users/1574070)
+- [Kyubey](/users/2195646)
+- [Leorda](/users/119134)
+- [lkx_shore](/users/247937)
+- [Sieg](/users/1404615)
+- [wcx19911123](/users/376831)
+- [xxdeathx](/users/3034880)
diff --git a/wiki/People/Staff_Log/2015/en.md b/wiki/People/Staff_Log/2015/en.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2dee2c491965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/People/Staff_Log/2015/en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# 2015
+## January
+- Moved [Krisom](/users/99269) to the osu! Alumni (2015-01-03)
+- Removed [Nemis](/users/1635091) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2015-01-03)
+- Moved [NoHitter](/users/124455) to the osu! Alumni (2015-01-03)
+- Moved [PROGUY](/users/528181) to the osu! Alumni (2015-01-07)
+- Removed [ursa](/users/321063) from the Quality Assurance Team (2015-01-14)
+- Moved [CLSW](/users/531253) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-01-26)
+- Moved [FrostxE](/users/199669) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-01-27)
+### New BAT additions
+All users listed below were added on 2015-01-03.
+- [[ S a k u r a ]](/users/3653042)
+- [Andrea](/users/33599)
+- [BeatofIke](/users/1103522)
+- [CloudSplash16](/users/2099102)
+- [[CSGA]Ar3sgice](/users/989563)
+- [DE-CADE](/users/3734394)
+- [Inyuschan](/users/1721995)
+- [Momochikun](/users/2032824)
+- [Okoratu](/users/1623405)
+- [OniJAM](/users/961752)
+- [Pereira006](/users/537344)
+- [Pho](/users/3624692)
+- [pieguy1372](/users/107485)
+- [Sonnyc](/users/11771)
+- [Xgor](/users/98661)
+## February
+- Moved [QHideaki13](/users/733998) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-01)
+- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-01)
+- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-05)
+- Moved [Kenezz](/users/167050) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-05)
+- Moved [Leader](/users/631530) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-05)
+- Moved [narakucrimson](/users/287468) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-05)
+- Moved [LoliFlan](/users/447818) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-11)
+- Removed [Wojjan](/users/32856) from the Forum Moderators and Chat Moderators (2015-02-13)
+- Moved [Lust](/users/2316951) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-02-16)
+- Moved [Shiro](/users/113005) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-16)
+- Moved [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-02-18)
+- Moved [Desperate-kun](/users/2202645) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-02-18)
+- Moved [Mystyk](/users/930165) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-18)
+- Moved [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-02-19)
+- Removed [AnataNoBaka](/users/1769646) from the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [ethox](/users/441380) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Removed [Evil\_Twilight](/users/409347) from the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [Galkan](/users/169570) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Removed [Guy](/users/91738) from the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [HeatKai](/users/332555) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [KitokoFox](/users/1815420) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [KRZY](/users/114017) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Removed [Loneight](/users/663131) from the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [Zero\_\_wind](/users/1822830) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [Darksonic](/users/570042) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [Derekku](/users/91341) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [Leader](/users/631530) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [Mystyk](/users/930165) to the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [Pokie](/users/207340) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [Where](/users/549172) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [drum drum](/users/4435526) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-22)
+- Moved [ToGlette](/users/1076236) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-22)
+- Removed [Scorpiour](/users/867259) from the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-28)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2015-02-06.
+- [Vhy](/users/2083612)
+- [tutuhaha](/users/546991)
+- [Starry-](/users/2166199)
+- [Sekai-nyan](/users/700887)
+- [scanter](/users/1742622)
+- [REDYUMiKA](/users/3100145)
+- [Priti](/users/2198472)
+- [No Dap](/users/3044645)
+- [neonat](/users/1561995)
+- [Nardoxyribonucleic](/users/876419)
+- [Mei](/users/1482243)
+- [Marirose](/users/1899763)
+- [LordRaika](/users/3265023)
+- [LexiaLovesU](/users/1710462)
+- [Kuo Kyoka](/users/2596306)
+- [Kodora](/users/8596)
+- [koreapenguin](/users/1458069)
+- [Kawaiwkyik](/users/1367570)
+- [Ichigaki](/users/2403444)
+- [HelloSCV](/users/798743)
+- [HabiHolic](/users/1974436)
+- [Gaia](/users/2683648)
+- [ExUsagi](/users/10004749)
+- [appleeaterx](/users/2407160)
+## March
+- Moved [aabc271](/users/155707) to the osu! Alumni (2015-03-02)
+- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the osu! Alumni (2015-03-02)
+- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-03-11)
+- Moved [Roxas](/users/1041833) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-03-11)
+- Added [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the Chat Moderators (2015-03-12)
+- Added [VeilStar](/users/4255720) to the Support Team (2015-03-28)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2015-03-03.
+- [Static Noise Bird](/users/826132)
+- [Lally](/users/1262490)
+- [-Nya-](/users/1293097)
+- [Harbyter](/users/1147679)
+- [Alarido](/users/1948827)
+- [Yauxo](/users/898306)
+- [[AyanoTatemaya]](/users/2760619)
+- [shionelove](/users/501551)
+- [Genocide](/users/6477309)
+- [CelsiusLK](/users/1409012)
+- [ZZHBOY](/users/1565739)
+- [Gray Veyron](/users/1886524)
+- [\_S u w a k o\_](/users/2786984)
+- [sheela901](/users/1138027)
+- [[GraveChaos]](/users/3009472)
+- [[Shana Lesus]](/users/2881789)
+- [handsome](/users/2123087)
+- [Zan -](/users/1411817)
+- [Z3nx](/users/2193881)
+- [RuberusuScarlet](/users/2534632)
+## April
+- Moved [TKS](/users/940878) to the osu! Alumni (2015-04-01)
+- Moved [Kawayi Rika](/users/596298) to the osu! Alumni (2015-04-01)
+- Moved [QHideaki13](/users/733998) to the Chat Moderators (2015-04-02)
+- Removed [TicClick](/users/672931) from the Quality Assurance Team (2015-04-16)
+- Moved [Tasha](/users/1031958) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-04-18)
+- Removed [Andrea](/users/33599) from the Global Moderation Team (2015-04-27)
+- Moved [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-04-30)
+- Added [Guy](/users/91738) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-04-30)
+- Added [Spectator](/users/702598) to the Chat Moderators (2015-04-30)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2015-04-06.
+- [ByBy\_ChAn](/users/3436326)
+- [Blocko](/users/4075092)
+- [Krfawy](/users/1478292)
+- [sukiNathan](/users/4785223)
+## May
+- Moved [Mystyk](/users/930165) to the osu! Alumni (2015-05-01)
+- Added [Kobold84](/users/3227533) to the Chat Moderators (2015-05-06)
+- Moved [Aleks719](/users/360176) to the osu! Alumni (2015-05-07)
+- Added [Tari](/users/1779172) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-05-08)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2015-05-11.
+- [JUDYDANNY](/users/1165475)
+- Kagamine Ren
+- [Kuron-Kun](/users/2697284)
+- [Julie](/users/2420987)
+- [JBHyperion](/users/4879508)
+- [ZiRoX](/users/200768)
+## June
+- Added [-Bakari-](/users/597957) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-06-02)
+- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-06-02)
+- Removed [Blue Dragon](/users/19048) from the Chat Moderators (2015-06-03)
+- Moved [Shockwave](/users/251631) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-06-03)
+- Moved [Uni](/users/617106) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-06-03)
+- Moved [Roxas](/users/1041833) to the osu! Alumni (2015-06-05)
+- Added [Starry-](/users/2166199) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-06-05)
+- Moved [DakeDekaane](/users/1425253) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-06-08)
+- Added [Gamu](/users/611174) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-06-10)
+- Moved [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-06-10)
+- Added [VeilStar](/users/4255720) to the Chat Moderators (2015-06-14)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2015-06-15.
+- [- Magic Bomb -](/users/3071175)
+- Alex Li
+- [Chaoslitz](/users/3621552)
+- [Yuii-](/users/3468063)
+- [Wafu](/users/888955)
+## July
+- Added [[ Another ]](/users/3416573) to the Chat Moderators (2015-07-01)
+- Added [Kurokami](/users/260933) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-07-01)
+- Moved [[Shi-Ra]](/users/2008489) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-07-09)
+- Moved [Oinari-sama](/users/405508) to the osu! Alumni (2015-07-27)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2015-07-19.
+- Added [Mako Sakata](/users/1857063) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
+- Added [OzzyOzrock](/users/465153) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
+- Added [Baraatje123](/users/2533040) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
+- Added [monstrata](/users/2706438) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
+- Added [Milan-](/users/1052994) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
+## August
+- Removed [Lust](/users/2316951) from the Quality Assurance Team (2015-08-15)
+- **Chat Moderators and Global Moderation Team have been merged** (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [captin1](/users/689997) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [FrostxE](/users/199669) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [Mr Color](/users/116078) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [Osu Tatakae Ouendan](/users/594210) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [Sakura](/users/289422) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [spboxer3](/users/197974) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [h3k1ru](/users/291211) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [Xytox](/users/2229274) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
+- Moved [Repflez](/users/201392) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-08-28)
+- Moved [TheVileOne](/users/278862) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-08-28)
+- Added [Trosk-](/users/3469385) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-08-29)
+## September
+- Moved [Spy](/users/1217122) to the osu! Alumni (2015-09-05)
+- Moved [[Shi-Ra]](/users/2008489) to the osu! Alumni (2015-09-05)
+- Added [Lust](/users/2316951) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-09-06)
+## October
+- Moved [CLSW](/users/531253) to the osu! Alumni (2015-10-12)
+- Moved [Krah](/users/1436748) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-10-13)
+- Moved [Maeglwn](/users/2440936) to the osu! Alumni (2015-10-29)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2015-10-02.
+- [alienflybot](/users/636114)
+- [HappyRocket88](/users/4442006)
+- [Ipas](/users/3262377)
+- [KawaEE](/users/10525876)
+- [Raiden](/users/2239480)
+- [tasuke912](/users/2774767)
+## November
+- Added [Yason](/users/2574392) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-11-16)
+- Added [Zak](/users/1375955) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-11-21)
+- Added [juankristal](/users/443656) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-11-21)
+- Moved [drum drum](/users/4435526) to the osu! Alumni (2015-11-21)
+- Removed [Spy](/users/1217122) from the osu! Alumni (2015-11-29)
+- Moved [ExPew](/users/665612) to the osu! Alumni (2015-11-30)
+- Added [Blocko](/users/4075092) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-11-30)
+## December
+- Added [ghm12](/users/2594229) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-12-09)
+- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-16)
+- Moved [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-22)
+- Moved [Garven](/users/244216) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-22)
+- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-22)
+- Moved [Lust](/users/2316951) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-22)
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index 000000000000..cc38dde89342
--- /dev/null
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+# 2016
+## January
+- Added [Nishiji](/users/167629) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-01-03)
+- Moved [Nyquill](/users/682935) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-01-03)
+- Moved [Irreversible](/users/1287964) to the osu! Alumni (2016-01-25)
+- Moved [alacat](/users/869782) to the osu! Alumni (2016-01-29)
+### New BN additions
+- [Sey](/users/553656) (2016-01-20)
+- [- Magic Bomb -](/users/3071175) (2016-01-20)
+- [koliron](/users/4632730) (2016-01-20)
+- [-Kamikaze-](/users/2124783) (2016-01-21)
+- [Feerum](/users/4815717) (2016-01-21)
+- [newyams99](/users/3701008) (2016-01-23)
+## February
+- Moved [Irreversible](/users/1287964) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-02-20)
+- Moved [Galkan](/users/169570) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-02-20)
+- Moved [Guy](/users/91738) to the osu! Alumni (2016-02-25)
+## March
+- Moved [Gamu](/users/611174) to the osu! Alumni (2016-03-03)
+- Moved [Zero\_\_wind](/users/1822830) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-03-17)
+- Added [MrSergio](/users/2581696) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-03-17)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2016-03-07.
+- [Nozhomi](/users/2716981)
+- [Sonnyc](/users/11771)
+- [Regraz](/users/3076909)
+- [Bonsai](/users/987334)
+- [Kibbleru](/users/3193504)
+- [Squirrel](/users/9623122)
+- [Avishay](/users/2597311)
+## May
+- Added [Pittigbaasje](/users/2167433) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-05-04)
+- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
+- Moved [Blazevoir](/users/120265) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
+- Moved [Charles445](/users/85000) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
+- Moved [Krah](/users/1436748) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
+- Moved [Spectator](/users/702598) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
+- Removed [Zak](/users/1375955) from the Global Moderation Team (2016-05-31)
+- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-05-31)
+- Moved [Starry-](/users/2166199) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
+## June
+- Added [Dntm8kmeeatu](/users/5428812) to the Support Team (2016-06-04)
+- Moved [Dntm8kmeeatu](/users/5428812) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-06-07)
+- Added [Sylphi](/users/1399551) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-06-08)
+- Added [Shurelia](/users/3807986) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-06-09)
+- Added [Okorin](/users/1623405) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-06-24)
+- Moved [alacat](/users/869782) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-06-24)
+- Added [JBHyperion](/users/4879508) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-06-24)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2016-06-01.
+- [Doyak](/users/2046893)
+- [Volta](/users/4154071)
+- [Nwolf](/users/1910766)
+- [[Sc4v4ng3r]](/users/4838429)
+- [Ascendance](/users/2931883)
+- [Fresh Chicken](/users/3984370)
+- [[ A v a l o n ]](/users/4632359)
+- [Nivrad00](/users/1984634)
+- [Rizqy](/users/1411817)
+## July
+- Moved [Bakari](/users/597957) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-07-02)
+- Added [Feerum](/users/4815717) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-07-26)
+- Removed [XavierJones](/users/495733) from the Global Moderation Team (2016-07-27)
+## August
+- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-08-04)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2016-08-22.
+- [Lasse](/users/896613)
+- [Spaghetti](/users/4761930)
+- [Stjpa](/users/2954693)
+- [Len](/users/1686145)
+- [Ayyri](/users/7182318)
+- [Kagetsu](/users/6203841)
+- [Cryptic](/users/3728904)
+- [Strategas](/users/2971837)
+- [Electoz](/users/6485263)
+- [Kencho](/users/3178411)
+- [MrSergio](/users/2581696)
+- [pishifat](/users/3178418)
+- [Xexxar](/users/2773526)
+- [ezek](/users/180241)
+- [sahuang](/users/5318910)
+- [Zero\_\_wind](/users/1822830)
+- [Pentori](/users/7452237)
+- [Sieg](/users/1404615)
+## October
+- Moved [MMzz](/users/128993) to the osu! Alumni (2016-10-08)
+- Added [pishifat](/users/3178418) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-10-18)
+- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the osu! Alumni (2016-10-27)
+- Moved [ToGlette](/users/1076236) to the osu! Alumni (2016-10-27)
+- Moved [Uni](/users/617106) to the osu! Alumni (2016-10-27)
+- Added [Chaos](/users/2628870) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-10-27)
+- Added [Kyubey](/users/2195646) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-10-27)
+- Added [Spkz](/users/2964029) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-10-27)
+- Added [Pawsu](/users/2371454) to the Support Team (2016-10-27)
+- Added [Zetera](/users/587737) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-10-28)
+## November
+- Moved [Bakari](/users/597957) to the osu! Alumni (2016-11-15)
+- Moved [Nishiji](/users/167629) to the osu! Alumni (2016-11-15)
+- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-11-15)
+- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-11-15)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2016-11-04.
+- [Absolute Zero](/users/4847256)
+- [-Sh1n1-](/users/1957638)
+- [DixonBlackwing](/users/4335785)
+- [juankristal](/users/443656)
+- [SanadaYukimura](/users/2633753)
+- [Protastic101](/users/6712747)
+- [Dellvangel](/users/5186244)
+- [Rivals\_7](/users/4610379)
+- [Critical\_Star](/users/3793196)
+- [Chromoxx](/users/1881639)
+- [snowball112](/users/2350722)
diff --git a/wiki/People/Staff_Log/2017/en.md b/wiki/People/Staff_Log/2017/en.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..efd74a8c5417
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# 2017
+## January
+- Moved [ToGlette](/users/1076236) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-22)
+- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-22)
+- Added [n0ah](/users/3086393) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-26)
+- Added [heyronii](/users/5642779) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-28)
+- Added [ruexia](/users/385069) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-29)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2017-01-20.
+- [Bakari](/users/597957)
+- [Battle](/users/4037545)
+- [F D Flourite](/users/2459589)
+- [Garden](/users/2849992)
+- [Nao Tomori](/users/5364763)
+- [Naxess](/users/8129817)
+## February
+- Added [Nardoxyribonucleic](/users/876419) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-02-20)
+## March
+- Added [S o h](/users/2234772) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-03-29)
+- Moved [QHideaki13](/users/733998) to the osu! Alumni (2017-03-29)
+## April
+- Moved [Uni](/users/617106) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-04-03)
+- Moved [ErunamoJAZZ](/users/1869764) to the osu! Alumni (2017-04-03)
+- Moved [DakeDekaane](/users/1425253) to the osu! Alumni (2017-04-27)
+- Moved [Desperate-kun](/users/2202645) to the osu! Alumni (2017-04-27)
+- Moved [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the osu! Alumni (2017-04-27)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2017-04-25.
+- [Arrival](/users/1694000)
+- [Benny-](/users/4023183)
+- [Jonawaga](/users/3653035)
+- [Julie](/users/2420987)
+- [Kin](/users/480689)
+- [Skylish](/users/2845958)
+- [Stefan](/users/626907)
+- [Surono](/users/3611370)
+- [thzz](/users/1614839)
+## May
+- Added [Cryptic](/users/3728904) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-05-02)
+- Added [Doyak](/users/2046893) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-05-03)
+- Added [WalterToro](/users/5281416) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-05-22)
+## June
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2017-06-30.
+- [-Mo-](/users/2202163)
+- [Delis](/users/1603923)
+- [Doormat](/users/3230571)
+- [Hobbes2](/users/8157492)
+- [Kurai](/users/77089)
+- [Mir](/users/8688812)
+- [Plaudible](/users/7149815)
+- [squirrelpascals](/users/6151332)
+- [Voli](/users/2522275)
+## August
+- Moved [alacat](/users/869782) to the osu! Alumni (2017-08-20)
+## September
+- Added [Lassikko](/users/7253731) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-09-11)
+- Moved [Pereira006](/users/537344) to the osu! Alumni (2017-09-21)
+- Moved [Shockwave](/users/251631) to the osu! Alumni (2017-09-21)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2017-09-10.
+- [Asherz007](/users/9014047)
+- [Gabe](/users/654108)
+- [frukoyurdakul](/users/7612550)
+- [Taikocracy](/users/6256027)
+- [Weber](/users/6410432)
+- [Litharrale](/users/3189995)
+- [Electoz](/users/6485263)
+- [alienflybot](/users/636114)
+- [neonat](/users/1561995)
+- [xfraczynho](/users/2192669)
+- [Chromoxx](/users/1881639)
+## October
+- Moved [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-10-03)
+- Removed [Cryptic](/users/3728904) from the Quality Assurance Team (2017-10-03)
+- Added [Naxess](/users/8129817) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-10-05)
+- Added [Raiden](/users/2239480) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-10-05)
+- Removed [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) from the Global Moderation Team (2017-10-12)
+- Moved [n0ah](/users/3086393) to the osu! Alumni (2017-10-12)
+- Moved [Stefan](/users/626907) to the osu! Alumni (2017-10-12)
+- Moved [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the osu! Alumni (2017-10-14)
+- Added [Death](/users/3242450) to the Global Moderation Team and Support Team (2017-10-20)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2017-10-24.
+- [celerih](/users/4696296)
+- [Cerulean Veyron](/users/1886524)
+- [Chewin](/users/617323)
+- [DeRandom Otaku](/users/5156153)
+- [Halfslashed](/users/4598899)
+- [MaridiuS](/users/4496961)
+- [Kisses](/users/4276114)
+- [Sinnoh](/users/4236057)
+## December
+- Added [Protastic101](/users/6712747) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-12-11)
+- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the osu! Alumni (2017-12-11)
+- Moved [MrSergio](/users/2581696) to the osu! Alumni (2017-12-17)
+- Moved [Loctav](/users/71366) to the osu! Alumni (2017-12-17)
+- Moved [n0ah](/users/3086393) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-12-26)
+- Added [Edu](/users/5618109) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-12-29)
+- Added [Clobohne](/users/499343) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-12-29)
+- Added [Kurai](/users/77089) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-12-31)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2017-12-11.
+- [Aloda](/users/1190127)
+- [Garalulu](/users/757783)
+- [Hareimu](/users/4138746)
+- [Kamikaze](/users/2124783)
+- [Nokashi](/users/5431196)
+- [Sorcerer](/users/1913190)
+- [Tofu1222](/users/6089608)
+### BN removals
+- [Monstrata](/users/2706438) - less than stellar behaviour over extended periods of time (2017-12-19)
diff --git a/wiki/People/Staff_Log/2018/en.md b/wiki/People/Staff_Log/2018/en.md
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index 000000000000..005767b29901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/People/Staff_Log/2018/en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+# 2018
+## January
+- Moved [Feerum](/users/4815717) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-02)
+- Added [Tommay](/users/3132818) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-01-05)
+- Added [stymlice](/users/5122436) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-01-05)
+- Moved [Tasha](/users/1031958) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-08)
+- Moved [spboxer3](/users/197974) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-01-09)
+- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-18)
+- Moved [Pittigbaasje](/users/2167433) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-27)
+- Moved [Sylphi](/users/1399551) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-28)
+- Moved [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-01-29)
+- Moved [Myxomatosis](/users/2202645) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-01-29)
+### BN removals
+- [sheela](/users/1138027) - resignation (2018-01-13)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2017-12-11.
+- [UndeadCapulet](/users/2523533)
+- [Noffy](/users/1541323)
+- [iYiyo](/users/3919785)
+- [Hailie](/users/5226970)
+- [Realazy](/users/918297)
+- [timemon](/users/2072005)
+- [AyanokoRin](/users/5376866)
+- [- Frontier -](/users/4314710)
+- [Sotarks](/users/4452992)
+- [dsco](/users/4330511)
+- [Namki](/users/5248582)
+- [Lanturn](/users/1446665)
+- [Nevo](/users/7451883)
+- [Bubblun](/users/6191653)
+- [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568)
+- [Wishkey](/users/1101704)
+- [TheKingHenry](/users/5128277)
+- [ailv](/users/6933054)
+- [ezek](/users/180241)
+- [pinataman](/users/1235485)
+## February
+- Moved [Blocko](/users/4075092) to the osu! Alumni (2018-02-04)
+- Added [Asherz007](/users/9014047) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-02-04)
+- Moved [Darksonic](/users/570042) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-02-13)
+- Moved [Uni](/users/617106) to the osu! Alumni (2018-02-20)
+- Moved [[ Another ]](/users/3416573) to the osu! Alumni (2018-02-20)
+- Removed [Irreversible](/users/1287964) from the Quality Assurance Team (2018-02-27)
+### BN removals
+- [Litharrale](/users/3189995) - resignation (2018-02-02)
+- [ailv](/users/6933054) - irresponsible nomination (2018-02-19)
+- [Halfsmashed](/users/4847256) - resignation (2018-02-21)
+- [Wafu](/users/888955) - resignation (2018-02-25)
+- [Voli](/users/2522275) - resignation (2018-02-28)
+### New BN additions
+- [Kuron-Kun](/users/2697284) (2018-02-06)
+- [ailv](/users/6933054) (2018-02-26)
+## March
+- Added [Lasse](/users/896613) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-01)
+- Moved [Stefan](/users/626907) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-03-11)
+- Moved [Okoratu](/users/1623405) to the osu! Alumni and Beatmap Nominators (2018-03-18)
+- Moved [shARPII](/users/776257) to the osu! Alumni
+- Added [-Mo-](/users/2202163) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-22)
+- Added [Gabe](/users/654108) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-22)
+- Added [Lanturn](/users/1446665) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-22)
+- Added [Mir](/users/8688812) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-22)
+### BN removals
+- [Naotoshi](/users/5364763) - resignation (2018-03-11)
+- [xfraczynho](/users/2192669) - resignation (2018-03-19)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2018-03-12.
+- [Nepuri](/users/6637817)
+- [-Kazu-](/users/920861)
+- [Faputa](/users/845733)
+- [hikikochan](/users/6512678)
+- [Ascendance](/users/2931883)
+- [Sanyi](/users/7496029)
+- [JeirYagtama](/users/7483452)
+- [Arzenvald](/users/3027421)
+All users listed below were added on 2018-03-19.
+- [AJamez](/users/7890134)
+- [error\_exe777](/users/7975796)
+## April
+- Moved [Zetera](/users/587737) to the osu! Alumni (2018-04-06)
+- Added [Aloda](/users/1190127) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-04-16)
+### BN removals
+- [Sanyi](/users/7496029) - resignation (2018-04-17)
+- [ezek](/users/7496029) - resignation (2018-04-17)
+- Kisses - account restriction (2018-04-22)
+- [Hareimu](/users/4138746) - resignation (2018-04-24)
+- Sotarks - account restriction (2018-04-30)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2018-04-23.
+- [Mirash](/users/2841009)
+- [Kyuukai](/users/5337374)
+- [Net0](/users/5099768)
+- [Ultima Fox](/users/3198109)
+- [Deramok](/users/1428455)
+- [hypercyte](/users/9155377)
+- [Smokeman](/users/2140676)
+- [Trynna](/users/2652951)
+- [Ryuusei Aika](/users/7777875)
+- [SnowNiNo\_](/users/2506267)
+- [kwk](/users/365586)
+- [Sonnyc](/users/11771)
+- [Lafayla](/users/5312547)
+- [bossandy](/users/360437)
+- [Andrea](/users/33599)
+- [Sieg](/users/1404615)
+- [Mordred](/users/7265097)
+- [Kalibe](/users/3376777)
+- [Nao Tomori](/users/5364763)
+## May
+- Added [Chaoslitz](/users/3621552) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-05-09)
+- Moved [Myxomatosis](/users/2202645) to the osu! Alumni (2018-05-09)
+### BN removals
+- [Chromoxx](/users/1881639) - resignation (2018-05-01)
+- [Chewin](/users/617323) - inactivity (2018-05-14)
+- [MBomb](/users/3071175) - resignation (2018-05-20)
+- [SnowNiNo\_](/users/2506267) - failing probation (2018-05-24)
+- [Smokeman](/users/2140676) - failing probation (2018-05-24)
+- [Kyuukai](/users/5337374) - failing probation (2018-05-24)
+- [juankristal](/users/443656) - inactivity (2018-05-30)
+- [Nwolf](/users/1910766) - inactivity (2018-05-30)
+- [Arrival](/users/1694000) - inactivity (2018-05-30)
+- [Julie](/users/2420987) - inactivity (2018-05-30)
+- [Weber](/users/6410432) - inactivity (2018-05-30)
+## June
+- Moved [Zetera](/users/587737) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-06-04)
+- Added [Okoratu](/users/1623405) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-06-17)
+- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-06-18)
+- Moved [Doyak](/users/2046893) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-06-18)
+- Moved [Kurokami](/users/260933) to the osu! Alumni (2018-06-18)
+- Moved [Asherz007](/users/9014047) to the Beatmap Nominators (2018-06-18)
+- Added [Maxus](/users/4335785) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-06-25)
+### BN removals
+- [dsco](/users/4330511) - resignation (2018-06-07)
+- [frukoyurdakul](/users/7612550) - resignation (2018-06-11)
+- [kwk](/users/365586) - failing probation (2018-06-23)
+- [Deramok](/users/1428455) - failing probation (2018-06-23)
+- [hypercyte](/users/9155377) - failing probation (2018-06-23)
+- [celerih](/users/4696296) - resignation (2018-06-24)
+- [AyanokoRin](/users/5376866) - resignation (2018-06-25)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2018-06-12.
+- [Nifty](/users/4956097)
+- [qoot8123](/users/766371)
+- [Yumeno Himiko](/users/1806962)
+- [Fii](/users/3922569)
+- [Lenfried-](/users/5314573)
+- [Unpredictable](/users/7560872)
+- [DE-CADE](/users/3734394)
+- [\_Stan](/users/1653229)
+- [DoNotMess](/users/1596318)
+## July
+- Added [Hobbes2](/users/8157492) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-07-03)
+- Moved [MrSergio](/users/2581696) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-07-18)
+### BN removals
+- [Sorcerer](/users/1913190) - resignation (2018-07-01)
+- [Arzenvald](/users/3027421) - resignation (2018-07-05)
+- [Kagetsu](/users/6203841) - resignation (2018-07-11)
+- [Hailie](/users/5226970) - resignation (2018-07-14)
+- [Bubblun](/users/6191653) - insufficient proficiency (2018-07-21)
+- [Battle](/users/4037545) - inactivity (2018-07-21)
+- [Halfslashed](/users/4598899) - insufficient proficiency (2018-07-21)
+- [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568) - inactivity (2018-07-21)
+- [pinataman](/users/1235485) - inactivity (2018-07-21)
+- [squirrelpascals](/users/6151332) - insufficient proficiency (2018-07-21)
+- [AJamez](/users/7890134) - insufficient proficiency (2018-07-21)
+- [Fresh Chicken](/users/3984370) - inactivity (2018-07-21)
+- [Kamikaze](/users/2124783) - inappropriate behaviour (2018-07-21)
+- [JUDYDANNY](/users/1165475) - inactivity (2018-07-21)
+- [Skylish](/users/2845958) - inactivity (2018-07-21)
+- [incandescence](/users/6256027) - resignation (2018-07-27)
+- [Delis](/users/1603923) - resignation (2018-07-28)
+### New BN additions
+All users listed below were added on 2018-07-27.
+- [UndeadCapulet](/users/2523533)
+- [MrSergio](/users/2581696)
+- [Gottagof4st](/users/6122935)
+- [Cris-](/users/6175280)
+- [BOUYAAA](/users/405449)
+- [Seto Kousuke](/users/2857314)
+- [pimpG](/users/328615)
+- [Yauxo](/users/898306)
+- [Yugu](/users/3161834)
+- [riffy](/users/597957)
+- [Rizen](/users/3056732)
+- [IceKalt](/users/5410645)
+- [frogyfro](/users/7010859)
+## August
+- Added [ZiRoX](/users/200768) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-08-19)
+### BN removals
+- [error\_exe777](/users/7975796) - failing probation (2018-08-17)
+- [Cerulean Veyron](/users/1886524) - resignation (2018-08-20)
+- [F D Flourite](/users/2459589) - failing probation (2018-08-22)
+- [Ryuusei Aika](/users/7777875) - failing probation (2018-08-22)
+- [sahuang](/users/5318910) - failing probation (2018-08-22)
+- [Strategas](/users/2971837) - failing probation (2018-08-22)
+- [DE-CADE](/users/3734394) - failing probation (2018-08-22)
+- [Lenfried-](/users/5314573) - failing probation (2018-08-22)
+- [Unpredictable](/users/7560872) - failing probation (2018-08-22)
+- [Garalulu](/users/757783) - resignation (2018-08-25)
+- [Sieg](/users/1404615) - resignation (2018-08-28)
+## September
+- Moved [deadbeat](/users/128370) to the osu! Alumni (2018-09-04)
+- Moved [Doyak](/users/2046893) to the osu! Alumni (2018-09-09)
+- Moved [Mir](/users/8688812) to the osu! Alumni (2018-09-19)
+- Moved [Hobbes2](/users/8157492) to the Beatmap Nominators (2018-09-19)
+- Added [Kibbleru](/users/3193504) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-09-21)
+- Moved [Elfin](/users/1399551) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-09-26)
+### BN removals
+- [MrSergio](/users/2581696) - failing probation (2018-09-02)
+- [Cris-](/users/6175280) - failing probation (2018-09-02)
+- [Yugu](/users/3161834) - failing probation (2018-09-02)
+- [frogyfro](/users/7010859) - failing probation (2018-09-02)
+- [Fii](/users/3922569) - resignation (2018-09-02)
+- [Karen](/users/3143784) - inactivity (2018-09-08)
+- [riffy](/users/597957) - resignation (2018-09-09)
+- [Ascendance](/users/2931883) - resignation (2018-09-15)
+## October
+- Added [topecnz](/users/2103927) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-10-01)
+- Added [-Kazu-](/users/920861) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-10-04)
+- Moved [VeilStar](/users/4255720) to the osu! Alumni (2018-10-05)
+- Moved [TicClick](/users/672931) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-10-23)
+### BN removals
+- [Plaudible](/users/7149815) - resignation (2018-10-07)
+- [BOUYAAA](/users/405449) - failing probation (2018-10-12)
+- [Jonawaga](/users/3653035) - resignation (2018-10-14)
+- [Nifty](/users/4956097) - failing probation (2018-10-15)
+- [Kin](/users/480689) - inactivity (2018-10-17)
+### New BN additions
+- [Sotarks](/users/4452992) (2018-10-22)
+- [Hailie](/users/5226970) (2018-10-22)
+- [LMT](/users/7262798) (2018-10-22)
+- [Beomsan](/users/3626063) (2018-10-22)
+- [Smokeman](/users/2140676) (2018-10-22)
+- [Myxomatosis](/users/2202645) (2018-10-22)
+- [Kaitjuh](/users/2225327) (2018-10-22)
+- [Ryuusei Aika](/users/7777875) (2018-10-22)
+- [NeilPerry](/users/841391) (2018-10-22)
+- [fieryrage](/users/3533958) (2018-10-22)
+- [hypercyte](/users/9155377) (2018-10-22)
+- [Uta](/users/9439796) (2018-10-22)
+- [Yahuri](/users/4682629) (2018-10-22)
+- [squirrelpascals](/users/6151332) (2018-10-22)
+- [yaspo](/users/4945926) (2018-10-22)
+- [DTM9 Nowa](/users/5428909) (2018-10-22)
+- [Yales](/users/2377881) (2018-10-22)
+- [ARGENTINE DREAM](/users/1981781) (2018-10-22)
+- [Ascendance](/users/2931883) (2018-10-22)
+- [-Luminate](/users/4778689) (2018-10-22)
+- [AJamez](/users/7890134) (2018-10-22)
+- [wonjae](/users/5032045) (2018-10-22)
+- [Sinnoh](/users/4236057) (2018-10-22)
+- [Dellvangel](/users/5186244) (2018-10-22)
+- [-MysticEyes](/users/6253266) (2018-10-22)
+- [MEGAtive](/users/3094101) (2018-10-22)
+- [Arzenvald](/users/3027421) (2018-10-22)
+- [Yuii-](/users/2935923) (2018-10-23)
+- [Yukiyo](/users/4541873) (2018-10-28)
+## November
+- Moved [Aloda](/users/1190127) to the osu! Alumni (2018-11-07)
+- Moved [Pereira006](/users/537344) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-11-09)
+- Added [Gottagof4st](/users/6122935) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-11-10)
+- Added [Kuron-kun](/users/2697284) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-11-10)
+- Added [Noffy](/users/1541323) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-11-10)
+- Added [Yuii-](/users/2935923) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-11-10)
+- Added [Regraz](/users/3076909) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-11-11)
+- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the osu! Alumni (2018-11-17)
+### BN removals
+- [hikiko-](/users/6512678) - resignation (2018-11-03)
+- [Yauxo](/users/898306) - resignation (2018-11-21)
+- [Smokeman](/users/2140676) - failing probation (2018-11-22)
+- [Wishkey](/users/1101704) - resignation (2018-11-30)
+## December
+- Moved [Hobbes2](/users/8157492) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-12-01)
+- Added [Hinsvar](/users/1249323) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-12-05)
+- Moved [Elfin](/users/1399551) to the osu! Alumni (2018-12-14)
diff --git a/wiki/People/Staff_Log/en.md b/wiki/People/Staff_Log/en.md
index af0d157b744f..0c90ce5386be 100644
--- a/wiki/People/Staff_Log/en.md
+++ b/wiki/People/Staff_Log/en.md
@@ -15,1170 +15,10 @@ Using the articles listed below, you can find all Beatmap Nominators and their s
- [Beatmap Nominators](/wiki/Beatmap_Nominators)
- [osu! Alumni](/wiki/osu!_Alumni)
-## 2014
+## Years
-### January
-- Added [\[Shi-Ra\]](/users/2008489) as osu!mania BAT (2014-01-01)
-- Added [TKS](/users/940878) as osu!taiko BAT (2014-01-04)
-- Readded [Teara](/users/123491) as BAT (2014-01-05)
-- Added [shARPII](/users/776257) as Chat Moderator (2014-01-16)
-- Added [Stickie](/users/1248732) as Chat Moderator (2014-01-16)
-- Removed [Gabe](/users/654108) as BAT (2014-01-17)
-- Added [Krah](/users/1436748) as CtB BAT (2014-01-20)
-- Readded [dkun](/users/154400) as BAT (2014-01-20)
-- Moved [Breeze](/users/77537) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
-- Removed [HeatKai](/users/332555) as BAT (2014-01-21)
-- Moved [jericho2442](/users/88904) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
-- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
-- Moved [MMzz](/users/128993) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
-- Moved [Sync](/users/806921) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
-- Moved [those](/users/557166) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
-- Moved [YGOKid8](/users/69114) to Alumni (2014-01-21)
-- Readded [YGOKid8](/users/69114) as BAT (2014-01-23)
-- Moved [Sakura](/users/289422) to Alumni (2014-01-24)
-- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to GMT (2014-01-25)
-- Added [HelloSCV](/users/798743) as BAT (2014-01-27)
-### February
-- Readded [Gabe](/users/654108) to BAT (2014-02-02)
-- Readded [Blue Dragon](/users/19048) to BAT (2014-02-03)
-- Readded [Low](/users/976963) to BAT (2014-02-03)
-- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the BAT (2014-02-07)
-- Moved [Marcin](/users/722665) to the GMT (2014-02-07)
-- Added [BeatofIke](/users/1103522) to BAT (2014-02-07)
-- Added [Zero\_\_wind](/users/1822830) to BAT (2014-02-07)
-- Moved [kanpakyin](/users/394326) to Alumni (2014-02-07)
-- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to BAT (2014-02-10)
-- Moved [Dangaard](/users/19488) to Alumni (2014-02-15)
-- Moved [LoliFlan](/users/447818) to Alumni (2014-02-15)
-- Added [Kitokofox](/users/1815420) to Chat Moderator (2014-02-22)
-- Added [Nathanael](/users/2295078) to Support Team (2014-02-23)
-- Added [Loneight](/users/663131) to Chat Moderator (2014-02-23)
-- Moved [happy30](/users/27767) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
-- Moved [KanaRin](/users/310747) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
-- Moved [narakucrimson](/users/287468) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
-- Moved [NatsumeRin](/users/151679) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
-- Moved [Nymph](/users/601990) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
-- Moved [wcx19911123](/users/376831) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
-- Added [mtmcl](/users/5960) to Alumni (2014-02-24)
-### March
-- Readded [Chewin](/users/617323) as BAT (2014-03-06)
-- Removed [HelloSCV](/users/798743) as BAT (2014-03-13)
-- Moved [ljqandylee](/users/141469) to Alumni (2014-03-17)
-- Added [h3k1ru](/users/291211) as Chat Moderator (2014-03-19)
-- Added [Stefan](/users/626907) as Chat Moderator (2014-03-28)
-- Moved [blissfulyoshi](/users/20865) to Alumni (2014-03-29)
-- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to Alumni (2014-03-29)
-- Moved [SapphireGhost](/users/388602) to Alumni (2014-03-29)
-- Moved [Teara](/users/123491) to Alumni (2014-03-29)
-- Removed [Low](/users/976963) from BAT (2014-03-29)
-- Added [ursa](/users/321063) as CtB BAT (2014-03-30)
-### April
-- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the BAT (2014-04-04)
-- Removed [UnitedWeSin](/users/1778050) as BAT (2014-04-11)
-- Moved [Agnes](/users/136982) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
-- Moved [awp](/users/2650) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
-- Moved [Makar](/users/686389) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
-- Moved [La Cataline](/users/301279) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
-- Moved [senaya](/users/304103) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
-- Moved [Sushi](/users/43108) to Alumni (2014-04-15)
-- Added [Love](/users/467487) to osu!taiko BAT (2014-04-21)
-- Added [Xytox](/users/2229274) to Chat Moderator (2014-04-21)
-- Moved [Pokie](/users/207340) to the GMT (2014-04-22)
-- Moved [Darksonic](/users/570042) to Alumni (2014-04-24)
-### May
-- Added [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the BAT (2014-05-03)
-- Moved [Leader](/users/631530) to the BAT (2014-05-03)
-- Moved [Andrea](/users/33599) to the GMT (2014-05-04)
-- Removed [Blue Dragon](/users/19048) as BAT (2014-05-04)
-- Added [Trust](/users/1470352) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
-- Added [captin1](/users/689997) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
-- Readded [kanpakyin](/users/394326) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
-- Added [DakeDekaane](/users/1425253) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
-- Added [Guy](/users/91738) to the BAT (2014-05-04)
-- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the GMT (2014-05-05)
-- Added [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the BAT (2014-05-06)
-- Readded [Kenezz](/users/167050) to the BAT (2014-05-06)
-- Moved [Shiro](/users/113005) to the BAT (2014-05-08)
-- Moved [Byakugan249](/users/660484) to Alumni (2014-05-11)
-- Moved [Strawberry](/users/519978) to Alumni (2014-05-11)
-- Removed [Krah](/users/1436748) as BAT (2014-05-11)
-- Moved [MMzz](/users/128993) to the BAT (2014-05-15)
-- Added [Cookie](/users/4697926) to Chat Moderators (2014-05-16)
-- Added [Maeglwn](/users/2440936) to Chat Moderators (2014-05-16)
-- Readded [Pereira006](/users/537344) to Chat Moderators (2014-05-16)
-- Readded [KanaRin](/users/310747) to the BAT (2014-05-16)
-- Readded [wcx19911123](/users/376831) to the BAT (2014-05-19)
-- Added [Nathanael](/users/2295078) as Chat Moderator (2014-05-21)
-### June
-- Readded [Nymph](/users/601990) to the BAT (2014-06-03)
-- Moved [\[Shi-Ra\]](/users/2008489) to Alumni (2014-06-07)
-- Readded [LoliFlan](/users/447818) to Chat Moderators (2014-06-11)
-- Moved [Kytoxid](/users/98460) to Alumni (2014-06-12)
-- Moved [ZHSteven](/users/142413) to Alumni (2014-06-12)
-- Moved [FrostxE](/users/199669) to Alumni (2014-06-15)
-- Readded [Krah](/users/1436748) as CtB BAT (2014-06-16)
-- Readded [\[Shi-Ra\]](/users/2008489) as osu!mania BAT (2014-06-17)
-- Moved [YGOkid8](/users/69114) to Alumni (2014-06-18)
-- Added [ExPew](/users/665612) as osu!mania BAT (2014-06-23)
-- Added [Oinari-Sama](/users/405508) to Support Team and Chat Moderators (2014-06-29)
-### July
-- Added [Ukami](/users/820865) to Chat Moderators (2014-07-07)
-- Added [Blue Dragon](/users/19048) to Chat Moderators (2014-07-16)
-- Moved [Aleks719](/users/360176) to the BAT (2014-07-21)
-- Moved [Nathanael](/users/2295078) to the GMT (2014-07-22)
-- Moved [kingking9](/users/1277097) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
-- Moved [UnderminE](/users/444223) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
-- Moved [Pereira006](/users/537344) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
-- Moved [Dragvon](/users/126927) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
-- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
-- Moved [XPJ38](/users/273531) to the Alumni (2014-07-22)
-- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
-- Moved [CXu](/users/84841) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
-- Moved [Drafura](/users/326099) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
-- Moved [Lissette](/users/326099) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
-- Moved [Kawayi Rika](/users/596298) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
-- Moved [Melophobia](/users/1077845) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
-- Moved [Nyquill](/users/682935) to the Alumni (2014-07-24)
-- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the Alumni (2014-07-25)
-- Readded [Strawberry](/users/519978) to the BAT (2014-07-25)
-- Added [ErunamoJAZZ](/users/1869764) to the Chat Moderators (2014-07-29)
-- Moved [shARPII](/users/776257) to the GMT (2014-07-30)
-- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the GMT (2014-07-30)
-### August
-- Added [CLSW](/users/531253) to the CtB BATs (2014-08-10)
-- Added [AnataNoBaka](/users/1769646) to the Chat Moderators (2014-08-11)
-- Moved [Charles445](/users/85000) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [p3n](/users/123703) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [Aleks719](/users/360176) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [captin1](/users/689997) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [Deif](/users/318565) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [Garven](/users/244216) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [Irreversible](/users/1287964) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [kanpakyin](/users/394326) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [Krah](/users/1436748) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [Loctav](/users/71366) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [MMzz](/users/128993) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [Shiro](/users/113005) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [\[Shi-Ra\]](/users/2008489) to the QAT (2014-08-21)
-- Moved [NoHitter](/users/124455) to the BAT (2014-08-22)
-- Moved [narakucrimson](/users/287468) to the BAT (2014-08-22)
-- Moved [happy30](/users/27767) to the BAT (2014-08-22)
-- Moved [Kawayi Rika](/users/596298) to the BAT (2014-08-23)
-- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the BAT (2014-08-23)
-- Moved [Gonzvlo](/users/237733) to the BAT (2014-08-24)
-- Moved [Krisom](/users/99269) to the BAT (2014-08-24)
-- Moved [Melophobia](/users/1077845) to the BAT (2014-08-24)
-- Added [ToGlette](/users/1076236) to the Chat Moderators (2014-08-27)
-#### New BAT additions
-All users listed below were added on 2014-08-24.
-- Added [arcwinolivirus](/users/2039089) to the BAT
-- Added [-Bakari-](/users/597957) to the BAT
-- Added [CDFA](/users/135630) to the BAT
-- Added [Cherry Blossom](/users/1156742) to the BAT
-- Added [Delis](/users/1603923) to the BAT
-- Added [Desperate-kun](/users/2202645) to the BAT
-- Added [EvilElvis](/users/1848318) to the BAT
-- Added [Flask](/users/959763) to the BAT
-- Added [Flower](/users/1033017) to the BAT
-- Added [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the BAT
-- Added [\_Gezo\_](/users/481582) to the BAT
-- Added [Hinsvar](/users/1249323) to the BAT
-- Added [Kyshiro](/users/640611) to the BAT
-- Added [Lanturn](/users/1446665) to the BAT
-- Added [Loneight](/users/663131) to the BAT
-- Added [Mao](/users/2204515) to the BAT
-- Added [mingmichael](/users/1570876) to the BAT
-- Added [mintong89](/users/966210) to the BAT
-- Added [Mystyk](/users/930165) to the BAT
-- Added [Nemis](/users/1635091) to the BAT
-- Added [No_Gu](/users/654883) to the BAT
-- Added [qoot8123](/users/766371) to the BAT
-- Added [Rumia-](/users/1787171) to the BAT
-- Added [Sey](/users/553656) to the BAT
-- Added [Spectator](/users/702598) to the BAT
-- Added [TicClick](/users/672931) to the BAT
-- Added [UnitedWeSin](/users/1778050) to the BAT
-All users listed below were added on 2014-08-30.
-- Added [Aka](/users/1307553) to the BAT
-- Added [Gero](/users/1467715) to the BAT
-- Added [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the BAT
-- Added [Kurokami](/users/260933) to the BAT
-- Added [Low](/users/976963) to the BAT
-- Added [Satellite](/users/1661227) to the BAT
-- Added [Secretpipe](/users/2208964) to the BAT
-- Added [Simple_Star](/users/2300597) to the BAT
-- Added [Spy](/users/1217122) to the BAT
-- Added [Tari](/users/1779172) to the BAT
-- Added [those](/users/557166) to the BAT
-- Added [Xinely](/users/1521445) to the BAT
-### September
-- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the BAT (2014-09-02)
-- Moved [FrostxE](/users/199669) to the QAT (2014-09-05)
-- Added [XavierJones](/users/495733) the Chat Moderators (2014-09-08)
-- Moved [Card N'FoRcE](/users/3936) to the Alumni (2014-09-11)
-- Moved [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the QAT (2014-09-20)
-- Moved [captin1](/users/689997) to the BAT (2014-09-20)
-- Moved [TicClick](/users/672931) to the QAT (2014-09-20)
-- Moved [ztrot](/users/6347) to the BAT (2014-09-20)
-- Removed [mintong89](/users/966210) from the BAT (2014-09-23)
-#### New BAT additions
-All users listed below were added on 2014-09-17.
-- Added [Konei](/users/1446085) to the BAT
-- Added [Natsu](/users/1953876) to the BAT
-- Added [nold_1702](/users/515967) to the BAT
-- Added [Raiku](/users/1525538) to the BAT
-- Added [Stefan](/users/626907) to the BAT
-- Added [smallboat](/users/243049) to the BAT
-- Added [Umi](/users/2075222) to the BAT
-- Added [xChippy](/users/1026491) to the BAT
-- Added [Oracle](/users/1504456) to the BAT
-- Added [Lust](/users/2316951) to the BAT
-### October
-- Removed [Trust](/users/1470352) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-10-04)
-- Moved [Spy](/users/1217122) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-10-08)
-- Moved [Chewin](/users/617323) to the osu! Alumni (2014-10-19)
-- Removed [wcx19911123](/users/376831) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-10-22)
-- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the osu! Alumni (2014-10-28)
-- Moved [Sakura](/users/289422) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-10-28)
-- Moved [Sakura](/users/289422) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-10-31)
-### November
-- Moved [LunarSakuya](/users/1027860) to the osu! Alumni (2014-11-02)
-- Moved [alacat](/users/869782) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-11-04)
-- Moved [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-05)
-- Moved [Frostmourne](/users/199669) to the osu! Alumni (2014-11-05)
-- Moved [Maeglwn](/users/2440936) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-05)
-- Moved [Stefan](/users/626907) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-05)
-- Added [drum drum](/users/4435526) to the Support Team (2014-11-06)
-- Moved [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-14)
-- Moved [Mao](/users/2204515) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-11-14)
-- Moved [Gonzvlo](/users/237733) to the osu! Alumni (2014-11-19)
-- Moved [Darksonic](/users/570042) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-11-19)
-- Moved [Krah](/users/1436748) to the osu! Alumni (2014-11-25)
-- Moved [ursa](/users/321063) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-11-25)
-- Added [Neil Watts](/users/3048059) to the Chat Moderator (2014-11-28)
-#### New BAT additions
-All users listed below were added on 2014-11-22.
-- Added [Gamu](/users/611174) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Hollow Wings](/users/416662) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Kenterz](/users/1587976) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Minakami Yuki](/users/2433507) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Nwolf](/users/1910766) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [pishifat](/users/3178418) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Rakuen](/users/2426126) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-### December
-- Removed [KanaRin](/users/310747) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
-- Removed [those](/users/557166) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
-- Removed [grumd](/users/530913) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
-- Removed [UnitedWeSin](/users/1778050) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
-- Removed [Tasha](/users/1031958) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2014-12-02)
-- Moved [Strawberry](/users/519978) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-02)
-- Moved [happy30](/users/27767) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-02)
-- Moved [ztrot](/users/6347) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-12-02)
-- Moved [Roxas](/users/1041833) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-02)
-- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-12-02)
-- Added [drum drum](/users/4435526) to the Chat Moderators (2014-12-07)
-- Moved [ExPew](/users/665612) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-12-13)
-- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the Quality Assurance Team (2014-12-16)
-- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-16)
-- Moved [Pereira006](/users/537344) to the Chat Moderators (2014-12-16)
-- Moved [p3n](/users/123703) to the Staff Management (2014-12-22)
-- Moved [popner](/users/759860) to the osu! Alumni (2014-12-28)
-- Moved [Scorpiour](/users/867259) to the Global Moderation Team (2014-12-29)
-- Added [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the Chat Moderators (2014-12-30)
-#### New BAT additions
-All users listed below were added on 2014-12-02.
-- Added [Kibbleru](/users/3193504) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Kloyd](/users/1574070) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Kyubey](/users/2195646) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Leorda](/users/119134) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [lkx_shore](/users/247937) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Sieg](/users/1404615) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [wcx19911123](/users/376831) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [xxdeathx](/users/3034880) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-## 2015
-### January
-- Moved [Krisom](/users/99269) to the osu! Alumni (2015-01-03)
-- Removed [Nemis](/users/1635091) from the Beatmap Appreciation Team (2015-01-03)
-- Moved [NoHitter](/users/124455) to the osu! Alumni (2015-01-03)
-- Moved [PROGUY](/users/528181) to the osu! Alumni (2015-01-07)
-- Removed [ursa](/users/321063) from the Quality Assurance Team (2015-01-14)
-- Moved [CLSW](/users/531253) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-01-26)
-- Moved [FrostxE](/users/199669) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-01-27)
-#### New BAT additions
-All users listed below were added on 2015-01-03.
-- Added [\[ S a k u r a \]](/users/3653042) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Andrea](/users/33599) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [BeatofIke](/users/1103522) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [CloudSplash16](/users/2099102) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [\[CSGA\]Ar3sgice](/users/989563) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [DE-CADE](/users/3734394) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Inyuschan](/users/1721995) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Momochikun](/users/2032824) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Okoratu](/users/1623405) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [OniJAM](/users/961752) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Pereira006](/users/537344) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Pho](/users/3624692) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [pieguy1372](/users/107485) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Sonnyc](/users/11771) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-- Added [Xgor](/users/98661) to the Beatmap Appreciation Team
-### February
-- Moved [QHideaki13](/users/733998) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-01)
-- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-01)
-- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-05)
-- Moved [Kenezz](/users/167050) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-05)
-- Moved [Leader](/users/631530) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-05)
-- Moved [narakucrimson](/users/287468) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-05)
-- Moved [LoliFlan](/users/447818) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-11)
-- Removed [Wojjan](/users/32856) from the Forum Moderators and Chat Moderators (2015-02-13)
-- Moved [Lust](/users/2316951) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-02-16)
-- Moved [Shiro](/users/113005) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-16)
-- Moved [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-02-18)
-- Moved [Desperate-kun](/users/2202645) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-02-18)
-- Moved [Mystyk](/users/930165) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-18)
-- Moved [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-02-19)
-- Removed [AnataNoBaka](/users/1769646) from the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [ethox](/users/441380) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Removed [Evil_Twilight](/users/409347) from the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [Galkan](/users/169570) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Removed [Guy](/users/91738) from the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [HeatKai](/users/332555) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [KitokoFox](/users/1815420) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [KRZY](/users/114017) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Removed [Loneight](/users/663131) from the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [Zero\_\_wind](/users/1822830) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [Darksonic](/users/570042) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [Derekku](/users/91341) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [Leader](/users/631530) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [Mystyk](/users/930165) to the Chat Moderators (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [Pokie](/users/207340) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [Where](/users/549172) to the osu! Alumni (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [drum drum](/users/4435526) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-22)
-- Moved [ToGlette](/users/1076236) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-22)
-- Removed [Scorpiour](/users/867259) from the Global Moderation Team (2015-02-28)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2015-02-06.
-- [Vhy](/users/2083612)
-- [tutuhaha](/users/546991)
-- [Starry-](/users/2166199)
-- [Sekai-nyan](/users/700887)
-- [scanter](/users/1742622)
-- [REDYUMiKA](/users/3100145)
-- [Priti](/users/2198472)
-- [No Dap](/users/3044645)
-- [neonat](/users/1561995)
-- [Nardoxyribonucleic](/users/876419)
-- [Mei](/users/1482243)
-- [Marirose](/users/1899763)
-- [LordRaika](/users/3265023)
-- [LexiaLovesU](/users/1710462)
-- [Kuo Kyoka](/users/2596306)
-- [Kodora](/users/8596)
-- [koreapenguin](/users/1458069)
-- [Kawaiwkyik](/users/1367570)
-- [Ichigaki](/users/2403444)
-- [HelloSCV](/users/798743)
-- [HabiHolic](/users/1974436)
-- [Gaia](/users/2683648)
-- [ExUsagi](/users/10004749)
-- [appleeaterx](/users/2407160)
-### March
-- Moved [aabc271](/users/155707) to the osu! Alumni (2015-03-02)
-- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the osu! Alumni (2015-03-02)
-- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-03-11)
-- Moved [Roxas](/users/1041833) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-03-11)
-- Added [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the Chat Moderators (2015-03-12)
-- Added [VeilStar](/users/4255720) to the Support Team (2015-03-28)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2015-03-03.
-- [Static Noise Bird](/users/826132)
-- [Lally](/users/1262490)
-- [-Nya-](/users/1293097)
-- [Harbyter](/users/1147679)
-- [Alarido](/users/1948827)
-- [Yauxo](/users/898306)
-- [\[AyanoTatemaya\]](/users/2760619)
-- [shionelove](/users/501551)
-- [Genocide](/users/6477309)
-- [CelsiusLK](/users/1409012)
-- [ZZHBOY](/users/1565739)
-- [Gray Veyron](/users/1886524)
-- [\_S u w a k o\_](/users/2786984)
-- [sheela901](/users/1138027)
-- [\[GraveChaos\]](/users/3009472)
-- [\[Shana Lesus\]](/users/2881789)
-- [handsome](/users/2123087)
-- [Zan -](/users/1411817)
-- [Z3nx](/users/2193881)
-- [RuberusuScarlet](/users/2534632)
-### April
-- Moved [TKS](/users/940878) to the osu! Alumni (2015-04-01)
-- Moved [Kawayi Rika](/users/596298) to the osu! Alumni (2015-04-01)
-- Moved [QHideaki13](/users/733998) to the Chat Moderators (2015-04-02)
-- Removed [TicClick](/users/672931) from the Quality Assurance Team (2015-04-16)
-- Moved [Tasha](/users/1031958) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-04-18)
-- Removed [Andrea](/users/33599) from the Global Moderation Team (2015-04-27)
-- Moved [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-04-30)
-- Added [Guy](/users/91738) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-04-30)
-- Added [Spectator](/users/702598) to the Chat Moderators (2015-04-30)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2015-04-06.
-- [ByBy_ChAn](/users/3436326)
-- [Blocko](/users/4075092)
-- [Krfawy](/users/1478292)
-- [sukiNathan](/users/4785223)
-### May
-- Moved [Mystyk](/users/930165) to the osu! Alumni (2015-05-01)
-- Added [Kobold84](/users/3227533) to the Chat Moderators (2015-05-06)
-- Moved [Aleks719](/users/360176) to the osu! Alumni (2015-05-07)
-- Added [Tari](/users/1779172) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-05-08)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2015-05-11.
-- [JUDYDANNY](/users/1165475)
-- Kagamine Ren
-- [Kuron-Kun](/users/2697284)
-- [Julie](/users/2420987)
-- [JBHyperion](/users/4879508)
-- [ZiRoX](/users/200768)
-### June
-- Added [-Bakari-](/users/597957) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-06-02)
-- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-06-02)
-- Removed [Blue Dragon](/users/19048) from the Chat Moderators (2015-06-03)
-- Moved [Shockwave](/users/251631) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-06-03)
-- Moved [Uni](/users/617106) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-06-03)
-- Moved [Roxas](/users/1041833) to the osu! Alumni (2015-06-05)
-- Added [Starry-](/users/2166199) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-06-05)
-- Moved [DakeDekaane](/users/1425253) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-06-08)
-- Added [Gamu](/users/611174) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-06-10)
-- Moved [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-06-10)
-- Added [VeilStar](/users/4255720) to the Chat Moderators (2015-06-14)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2015-06-15.
-- [\- Magic Bomb -](/users/3071175)
-- Alex Li
-- [Chaoslitz](/users/3621552)
-- [Yuii-](/users/3468063)
-- [Wafu](/users/888955)
-### July
-- Added [\[ Another \]](/users/3416573) to the Chat Moderators (2015-07-01)
-- Added [Kurokami](/users/260933) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-07-01)
-- Moved [\[Shi-Ra\]](/users/2008489) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-07-09)
-- Moved [Oinari-sama](/users/405508) to the osu! Alumni (2015-07-27)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2015-07-19.
-- Added [Mako Sakata](/users/1857063) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
-- Added [OzzyOzrock](/users/465153) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
-- Added [Baraatje123](/users/2533040) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
-- Added [monstrata](/users/2706438) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
-- Added [Milan-](/users/1052994) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2015-07-19)
-### August
-- Removed [Lust](/users/2316951) from the Quality Assurance Team (2015-08-15)
-- **Chat Moderators and Global Moderation Team have been merged** (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [captin1](/users/689997) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [FrostxE](/users/199669) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [Mr Color](/users/116078) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [Osu Tatakae Ouendan](/users/594210) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [Sakura](/users/289422) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [spboxer3](/users/197974) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [h3k1ru](/users/291211) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [Xytox](/users/2229274) to the osu! Alumni (2015-08-20)
-- Moved [Repflez](/users/201392) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-08-28)
-- Moved [TheVileOne](/users/278862) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-08-28)
-- Added [Trosk-](/users/3469385) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-08-29)
-### September
-- Moved [Spy](/users/1217122) to the osu! Alumni (2015-09-05)
-- Moved [\[Shi-Ra\]](/users/2008489) to the osu! Alumni (2015-09-05)
-- Added [Lust](/users/2316951) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-09-06)
-### October
-- Moved [CLSW](/users/531253) to the osu! Alumni (2015-10-12)
-- Moved [Krah](/users/1436748) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-10-13)
-- Moved [Maeglwn](/users/2440936) to the osu! Alumni (2015-10-29)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2015-10-02.
-- [alienflybot](/users/636114)
-- [HappyRocket88](/users/4442006)
-- [Ipas](/users/3262377)
-- [KawaEE](/users/10525876)
-- [Raiden](/users/2239480)
-- [tasuke912](/users/2774767)
-### November
-- Added [Yason](/users/2574392) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-11-16)
-- Added [Zak](/users/1375955) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-11-21)
-- Added [juankristal](/users/443656) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-11-21)
-- Moved [drum drum](/users/4435526) to the osu! Alumni (2015-11-21)
-- Removed [Spy](/users/1217122) from the osu! Alumni (2015-11-29)
-- Moved [ExPew](/users/665612) to the osu! Alumni (2015-11-30)
-- Added [Blocko](/users/4075092) to the Quality Assurance Team (2015-11-30)
-### December
-- Added [ghm12](/users/2594229) to the Global Moderation Team (2015-12-09)
-- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-16)
-- Moved [Asphyxia](/users/1715720) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-22)
-- Moved [Garven](/users/244216) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-22)
-- Moved [lolcubes](/users/578401) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-22)
-- Moved [Lust](/users/2316951) to the osu! Alumni (2015-12-22)
-## 2016
-### January
-- Added [Nishiji](/users/167629) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-01-03)
-- Moved [Nyquill](/users/682935) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-01-03)
-- Moved [Irreversible](/users/1287964) to the osu! Alumni (2016-01-25)
-- Moved [alacat](/users/869782) to the osu! Alumni (2016-01-29)
-#### New BN additions
-- Added [Sey](/users/553656) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2016-01-20)
-- Added [\- Magic Bomb -](/users/3071175) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2016-01-20)
-- Added [koliron](/users/4632730) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2016-01-20)
-- Added [-Kamikaze-](/users/2124783) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2016-01-21)
-- Added [Feerum](/users/4815717) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2016-01-21)
-- Added [newyams99](/users/3701008) to the Beatmap Nomination Group (2016-01-23)
-### February
-- Moved [Irreversible](/users/1287964) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-02-20)
-- Moved [Galkan](/users/169570) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-02-20)
-- Moved [Guy](/users/91738) to the osu! Alumni (2016-02-25)
-### March
-- Moved [Gamu](/users/611174) to the osu! Alumni (2016-03-03)
-- Moved [Zero\_\_wind](/users/1822830) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-03-17)
-- Added [MrSergio](/users/2581696) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-03-17)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2016-03-07.
-- [Nozhomi](/users/2716981)
-- [Sonnyc](/users/11771)
-- [Regraz](/users/3076909)
-- [Bonsai](/users/987334)
-- [Kibbleru](/users/3193504)
-- [Squirrel](/users/9623122)
-- [Avishay](/users/2597311)
-### May
-- Added [Pittigbaasje](/users/2167433) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-05-04)
-- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
-- Moved [Blazevoir](/users/120265) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
-- Moved [Charles445](/users/85000) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
-- Moved [Krah](/users/1436748) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
-- Moved [Spectator](/users/702598) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
-- Removed [Zak](/users/1375955) from the Global Moderation Team (2016-05-31)
-- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-05-31)
-- Moved [Starry-](/users/2166199) to the osu! Alumni (2016-05-31)
-### June
-- Added [Dntm8kmeeatu](/users/5428812) to the Support Team (2016-06-04)
-- Moved [Dntm8kmeeatu](/users/5428812) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-06-07)
-- Added [Sylphi](/users/1399551) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-06-08)
-- Added [Shurelia](/users/3807986) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-06-09)
-- Added [Okorin](/users/1623405) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-06-24)
-- Moved [alacat](/users/869782) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-06-24)
-- Added [JBHyperion](/users/4879508) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-06-24)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2016-06-01.
-- [Doyak](/users/2046893)
-- [Volta](/users/4154071)
-- [Nwolf](/users/1910766)
-- [\[Sc4v4ng3r\]](/users/4838429)
-- [Ascendance](/users/2931883)
-- [Fresh Chicken](/users/3984370)
-- [\[ A v a l o n \]](/users/4632359)
-- [Nivrad00](/users/1984634)
-- [Rizqy](/users/1411817)
-### July
-- Moved [Bakari](/users/597957) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-07-02)
-- Added [Feerum](/users/4815717) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-07-26)
-- Removed [XavierJones](/users/495733) from the Global Moderation Team (2016-07-27)
-### August
-- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-08-04)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2016-08-22.
-- [Lasse](/users/896613)
-- [Spaghetti](/users/4761930)
-- [Stjpa](/users/2954693)
-- [Len](/users/1686145)
-- [Ayyri](/users/7182318)
-- [Kagetsu](/users/6203841)
-- [Cryptic](/users/3728904)
-- [Strategas](/users/2971837)
-- [Electoz](/users/6485263)
-- [Kencho](/users/3178411)
-- [MrSergio](/users/2581696)
-- [pishifat](/users/3178418)
-- [Xexxar](/users/2773526)
-- [ezek](/users/180241)
-- [sahuang](/users/5318910)
-- [Zero\_\_wind](/users/1822830)
-- [Pentori](/users/7452237)
-- [Sieg](/users/1404615)
-### October
-- Moved [MMzz](/users/128993) to the osu! Alumni (2016-10-08)
-- Added [pishifat](/users/3178418) to the Quality Assurance Team (2016-10-18)
-- Moved [KSHR](/users/409957) to the osu! Alumni (2016-10-27)
-- Moved [ToGlette](/users/1076236) to the osu! Alumni (2016-10-27)
-- Moved [Uni](/users/617106) to the osu! Alumni (2016-10-27)
-- Added [Chaos](/users/2628870) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-10-27)
-- Added [Kyubey](/users/2195646) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-10-27)
-- Added [Spkz](/users/2964029) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-10-27)
-- Added [Pawsu](/users/2371454) to the Support Team (2016-10-27)
-- Added [Zetera](/users/587737) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-10-28)
-### November
-- Moved [Bakari](/users/597957) to the osu! Alumni (2016-11-15)
-- Moved [Nishiji](/users/167629) to the osu! Alumni (2016-11-15)
-- Moved [-kevincela-](/users/266596) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-11-15)
-- Moved [Gabe](/users/654108) to the Global Moderation Team (2016-11-15)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2016-11-04.
-- [Absolute Zero](/users/4847256)
-- [-Sh1n1-](/users/1957638)
-- [DixonBlackwing](/users/4335785)
-- [juankristal](/users/443656)
-- [SanadaYukimura](/users/2633753)
-- [Protastic101](/users/6712747)
-- [Dellvangel](/users/5186244)
-- [Rivals_7](/users/4610379)
-- [Critical_Star](/users/3793196)
-- [Chromoxx](/users/1881639)
-- [snowball112](/users/2350722)
-### December
-- Moved [Tari](/users/1779172) to the osu! Alumni (2016-12-05)
-## 2017
-### January
-- Moved [ToGlette](/users/1076236) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-22)
-- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-22)
-- Added [n0ah](/users/3086393) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-26)
-- Added [heyronii](/users/5642779) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-28)
-- Added [ruexia](/users/385069) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-01-29)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2017-01-20.
-- [Bakari](/users/597957)
-- [Battle](/users/4037545)
-- [F D Flourite](/users/2459589)
-- [Garden](/users/2849992)
-- [Nao Tomori](/users/5364763)
-- [Naxess](/users/8129817)
-### February
-- Added [Nardoxyribonucleic](/users/876419) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-02-20)
-### March
-- Added [S o h](/users/2234772) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-03-29)
-- Moved [QHideaki13](/users/733998) to the osu! Alumni (2017-03-29)
-### April
-- Moved [Uni](/users/617106) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-04-03)
-- Moved [ErunamoJAZZ](/users/1869764) to the osu! Alumni (2017-04-03)
-- Moved [DakeDekaane](/users/1425253) to the osu! Alumni (2017-04-27)
-- Moved [Desperate-kun](/users/2202645) to the osu! Alumni (2017-04-27)
-- Moved [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the osu! Alumni (2017-04-27)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2017-04-25.
-- [Arrival](/users/1694000)
-- [Benny-](/users/4023183)
-- [Jonawaga](/users/3653035)
-- [Julie](/users/2420987)
-- [Kin](/users/480689)
-- [Skylish](/users/2845958)
-- [Stefan](/users/626907)
-- [Surono](/users/3611370)
-- [thzz](/users/1614839)
-### May
-- Added [Cryptic](/users/3728904) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-05-02)
-- Added [Doyak](/users/2046893) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-05-03)
-- Added [WalterToro](/users/5281416) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-05-22)
-### June
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2017-06-30.
-- [-Mo-](/users/2202163)
-- [Delis](/users/1603923)
-- [Doormat](/users/3230571)
-- [Hobbes2](/users/8157492)
-- [Kurai](/users/77089)
-- [Mir](/users/8688812)
-- [Plaudible](/users/7149815)
-- [squirrelpascals](/users/6151332)
-- [Voli](/users/2522275)
-### August
-- Moved [alacat](/users/869782) to the osu! Alumni (2017-08-20)
-### September
-- Added [Lassikko](/users/7253731) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-09-11)
-- Moved [Pereira006](/users/537344) to the osu! Alumni (2017-09-21)
-- Moved [Shockwave](/users/251631) to the osu! Alumni (2017-09-21)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2017-09-10.
-- [Asherz007](/users/9014047)
-- [Gabe](/users/654108)
-- [frukoyurdakul](/users/7612550)
-- [Taikocracy](/users/6256027)
-- [Weber](/users/6410432)
-- [Litharrale](/users/3189995)
-- [Electoz](/users/6485263)
-- [alienflybot](/users/636114)
-- [neonat](/users/1561995)
-- [xfraczynho](/users/2192669)
-- [Chromoxx](/users/1881639)
-### October
-- Moved [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-10-03)
-- Removed [Cryptic](/users/3728904) from the Quality Assurance Team (2017-10-03)
-- Added [Naxess](/users/8129817) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-10-05)
-- Added [Raiden](/users/2239480) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-10-05)
-- Removed [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) from the Global Moderation Team (2017-10-12)
-- Moved [n0ah](/users/3086393) to the osu! Alumni (2017-10-12)
-- Moved [Stefan](/users/626907) to the osu! Alumni (2017-10-12)
-- Moved [IamKwaN](/users/1856463) to the osu! Alumni (2017-10-14)
-- Added [Death](/users/3242450) to the Global Moderation Team and Support Team (2017-10-20)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2017-10-24.
-- [celerih](/users/4696296)
-- [Cerulean Veyron](/users/1886524)
-- [Chewin](/users/617323)
-- [DeRandom Otaku](/users/5156153)
-- [Halfslashed](/users/4598899)
-- [MaridiuS](/users/4496961)
-- [Kisses](/users/4276114)
-- [Sinnoh](/users/4236057)
-### December
-- Added [Protastic101](/users/6712747) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-12-11)
-- Moved [OnosakiHito](/users/290128) to the osu! Alumni (2017-12-11)
-- Moved [MrSergio](/users/2581696) to the osu! Alumni (2017-12-17)
-- Moved [Loctav](/users/71366) to the osu! Alumni (2017-12-17)
-- Moved [n0ah](/users/3086393) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-12-26)
-- Added [Edu](/users/5618109) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-12-29)
-- Added [Clobohne](/users/499343) to the Global Moderation Team (2017-12-29)
-- Added [Kurai](/users/77089) to the Quality Assurance Team (2017-12-31)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2017-12-11.
-- [Aloda](/users/1190127)
-- [Garalulu](/users/757783)
-- [Hareimu](/users/4138746)
-- [Kamikaze](/users/2124783)
-- [Nokashi](/users/5431196)
-- [Sorcerer](/users/1913190)
-- [Tofu1222](/users/6089608)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [Monstrata](/users/2706438) due to less than stellar behaviour over extended periods of time (2017-12-19)
-## 2018
-### January
-- Moved [Feerum](/users/4815717) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-02)
-- Added [Tommay](/users/3132818) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-01-05)
-- Added [stymlice](/users/5122436) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-01-05)
-- Moved [Tasha](/users/1031958) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-08)
-- Moved [spboxer3](/users/197974) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-01-09)
-- Moved [Atrue](/users/1758523) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-18)
-- Moved [Pittigbaasje](/users/2167433) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-27)
-- Moved [Sylphi](/users/1399551) to the osu! Alumni (2018-01-28)
-- Moved [Fycho](/users/1876867) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-01-29)
-- Moved [Myxomatosis](/users/2202645) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-01-29)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [sheela](/users/1138027) due to resignation (2018-01-13)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2017-12-11.
-- [UndeadCapulet](/users/2523533)
-- [Noffy](/users/1541323)
-- [iYiyo](/users/3919785)
-- [Hailie](/users/5226970)
-- [Realazy](/users/918297)
-- [timemon](/users/2072005)
-- [AyanokoRin](/users/5376866)
-- [\- Frontier -](/users/4314710)
-- [Sotarks](/users/4452992)
-- [dsco](/users/4330511)
-- [Namki](/users/5248582)
-- [Lanturn](/users/1446665)
-- [Nevo](/users/7451883)
-- [Bubblun](/users/6191653)
-- [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568)
-- [Wishkey](/users/1101704)
-- [TheKingHenry](/users/5128277)
-- [ailv](/users/6933054)
-- [ezek](/users/180241)
-- [pinataman](/users/1235485)
-### February
-- Moved [Blocko](/users/4075092) to the osu! Alumni (2018-02-04)
-- Added [Asherz007](/users/9014047) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-02-04)
-- Moved [Darksonic](/users/570042) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-02-13)
-- Moved [Uni](/users/617106) to the osu! Alumni (2018-02-20)
-- Moved [\[ Another \]](/users/3416573) to the osu! Alumni (2018-02-20)
-- Removed [Irreversible](/users/1287964) from the Quality Assurance Team (2018-02-27)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [Litharrale](/users/3189995) due to resignation (2018-02-02)
-- Removed [ailv](/users/6933054) for irresponsible nomination (2018-02-19)
-- Removed [Halfsmashed](/users/4847256) due to resignation (2018-02-21)
-- Removed [Wafu](/users/888955) due to resignation (2018-02-25)
-- Removed [Voli](/users/2522275) due to resignation (2018-02-28)
-#### New BN additions
-- Added [Kuron-Kun](/users/2697284) to the Beatmap Nominators (2018-02-06)
-- Added [ailv](/users/6933054) to the Beatmap Nominators (2018-02-26)
-### March
-- Added [Lasse](/users/896613) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-01)
-- Moved [Stefan](/users/626907) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-03-11)
-- Moved [Okoratu](/users/1623405) to the osu! Alumni and Beatmap Nominators (2018-03-18)
-- Moved [shARPII](/users/776257) to the osu! Alumni
-- Added [-Mo-](/users/2202163) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-22)
-- Added [Gabe](/users/654108) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-22)
-- Added [Lanturn](/users/1446665) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-22)
-- Added [Mir](/users/8688812) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-03-22)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [Naotoshi](/users/5364763) due to resignation (2018-03-11)
-- Removed [xfraczynho](/users/2192669) due to resignation (2018-03-19)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2018-03-12.
-- [Nepuri](/users/6637817)
-- [-Kazu-](/users/920861)
-- [Faputa](/users/845733)
-- [hikikochan](/users/6512678)
-- [Ascendance](/users/2931883)
-- [Sanyi](/users/7496029)
-- [JeirYagtama](/users/7483452)
-- [Arzenvald](/users/3027421)
-All users listed below were added on 2018-03-19.
-- [AJamez](/users/7890134)
-- [error\_exe777](/users/7975796)
-### April
-- Moved [Zetera](/users/587737) to the osu! Alumni (2018-04-06)
-- Added [Aloda](/users/1190127) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-04-16)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [Sanyi](/users/7496029) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-04-17)
-- Removed [ezek](/users/7496029) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-04-17)
-- Removed Kisses from the Beatmap Nominators due to account restriction (2018-04-22)
-- Removed [Hareimu](/users/4138746) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-04-24)
-- Removed Sotarks from the Beatmap Nominators due to account restriction (2018-04-30)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2018-04-23.
-- [Mirash](/users/2841009)
-- [Kyuukai](/users/5337374)
-- [Net0](/users/5099768)
-- [Ultima Fox](/users/3198109)
-- [Deramok](/users/1428455)
-- [hypercyte](/users/9155377)
-- [Smokeman](/users/2140676)
-- [Trynna](/users/2652951)
-- [Ryuusei Aika](/users/7777875)
-- [SnowNiNo\_](/users/2506267)
-- [kwk](/users/365586)
-- [Sonnyc](/users/11771)
-- [Lafayla](/users/5312547)
-- [bossandy](/users/360437)
-- [Andrea](/users/33599)
-- [Sieg](/users/1404615)
-- [Mordred](/users/7265097)
-- [Kalibe](/users/3376777)
-- [Nao Tomori](/users/5364763)
-### May
-- Added [Chaoslitz](/users/3621552) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-05-09)
-- Moved [Myxomatosis](/users/2202645) to the osu! Alumni (2018-05-09)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [Chromoxx](/users/1881639) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-05-01)
-- Removed [Chewin](/users/617323) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-05-14)
-- Removed [MBomb](/users/3071175) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-05-20)
-- Removed [SnowNiNo\_](/users/2506267) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-05-24)
-- Removed [Smokeman](/users/2140676) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-05-24)
-- Removed [Kyuukai](/users/5337374) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-05-24)
-- Removed [juankristal](/users/443656) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-05-30)
-- Removed [Nwolf](/users/1910766) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-05-30)
-- Removed [Arrival](/users/1694000) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-05-30)
-- Removed [Julie](/users/2420987) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-05-30)
-- Removed [Weber](/users/6410432) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-05-30)
-### June
-- Moved [Zetera](/users/587737) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-06-04)
-- Added [Okoratu](/users/1623405) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-06-17)
-- Moved [Kurai](/users/77089) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-06-18)
-- Moved [Doyak](/users/2046893) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-06-18)
-- Moved [Kurokami](/users/260933) to the osu! Alumni (2018-06-18)
-- Moved [Asherz007](/users/9014047) to the Beatmap Nominators (2018-06-18)
-- Added [Maxus](/users/4335785) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-06-25)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [dsco](/users/4330511) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-06-07)
-- Removed [frukoyurdakul](/users/7612550) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-06-11)
-- Removed [kwk](/users/365586) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-06-23)
-- Removed [Deramok](/users/1428455) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-06-23)
-- Removed [hypercyte](/users/9155377) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-06-23)
-- Removed [celerih](/users/4696296) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-06-24)
-- Removed [AyanokoRin](/users/5376866) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-06-25)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2018-06-12.
-- [Nifty](/users/4956097)
-- [qoot8123](/users/766371)
-- [Yumeno Himiko](/users/1806962)
-- [Fii](/users/3922569)
-- [Lenfried-](/users/5314573)
-- [Unpredictable](/users/7560872)
-- [DE-CADE](/users/3734394)
-- [\_Stan](/users/1653229)
-- [DoNotMess](/users/1596318)
-### July
-- Added [Hobbes2](/users/8157492) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-07-03)
-- Moved [MrSergio](/users/2581696) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-07-18)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [Sorcerer](/users/1913190) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-07-01)
-- Removed [Arzenvald](/users/3027421) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-07-05)
-- Removed [Kagetsu](/users/6203841) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-07-11)
-- Removed [Hailie](/users/5226970) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-07-14)
-- Removed [Bubblun](/users/6191653) from the Beatmap Nominators for insufficient proficiency (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [Battle](/users/4037545) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [Halfslashed](/users/4598899) from the Beatmap Nominators for insufficient proficiency (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [mancuso\_JM\_](/users/521568) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [pinataman](/users/1235485) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [squirrelpascals](/users/6151332) from the Beatmap Nominators for insufficient proficiency (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [AJamez](/users/7890134) from the Beatmap Nominators for insufficient proficiency (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [Fresh Chicken](/users/3984370) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [Kamikaze](/users/2124783) from the Beatmap Nominators for inappropriate behaviour (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [JUDYDANNY](/users/1165475) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [Skylish](/users/2845958) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-07-21)
-- Removed [incandescence](/users/6256027) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-07-27)
-- Removed [Delis](/users/1603923) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-07-28)
-#### New BN additions
-All users listed below were added on 2018-07-27.
-- [UndeadCapulet](/users/2523533)
-- [MrSergio](/users/2581696)
-- [Gottagof4st](/users/6122935)
-- [Cris-](/users/6175280)
-- [BOUYAAA](/users/405449)
-- [Seto Kousuke](/users/2857314)
-- [pimpG](/users/328615)
-- [Yauxo](/users/898306)
-- [Yugu](/users/3161834)
-- [riffy](/users/597957)
-- [Rizen](/users/3056732)
-- [IceKalt](/users/5410645)
-- [frogyfro](/users/7010859)
-### August
-- Added [ZiRoX](/users/200768) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-08-19)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [error\_exe777](/users/7975796) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-08-17)
-- Removed [Cerulean Veyron](/users/1886524) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-08-20)
-- Removed [F D Flourite](/users/2459589) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-08-22)
-- Removed [Ryuusei Aika](/users/7777875) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-08-22)
-- Removed [sahuang](/users/5318910) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-08-22)
-- Removed [Strategas](/users/2971837) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-08-22)
-- Removed [DE-CADE](/users/3734394) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-08-22)
-- Removed [Lenfried\-](/users/5314573) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-08-22)
-- Removed [Unpredictable](/users/7560872) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-08-22)
-- Removed [Garalulu](/users/757783) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-08-25)
-- Removed [Sieg](/users/1404615) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-08-28)
-### September
-- Moved [deadbeat](/users/128370) to the osu! Alumni (2018-09-04)
-- Moved [Doyak](/users/2046893) to the osu! Alumni (2018-09-09)
-- Moved [Mir](/users/8688812) to the osu! Alumni (2018-09-19)
-- Moved [Hobbes2](/users/8157492) to the Beatmap Nominators (2018-09-19)
-- Added [Kibbleru](/users/3193504) to the Quality Assurance Team (2018-09-21)
-- Moved [Elfin](/users/1399551) to the Global Moderation Team (2018-09-26)
-#### BN removals
-- Removed [MrSergio](/users/2581696) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-09-02)
-- Removed [Cris\-](/users/6175280) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-09-02)
-- Removed [Yugu](/users/3161834) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-09-02)
-- Removed [frogyfro](/users/7010859) from the Beatmap Nominators by failing probation (2018-09-02)
-- Removed [Fii](/users/3922569) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-09-02)
-- Removed [Karen](/users/3143784) from the Beatmap Nominators for inactivity (2018-09-08)
-- Removed [riffy](/users/597957) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-09-09)
-- Removed [Ascendance](/users/2931883) from the Beatmap Nominators by resignation (2018-09-15)
+- [2014](./2014)
+- [2015](./2015)
+- [2016](./2016)
+- [2017](./2017)
+- [2018](./2018)
diff --git a/wiki/Play_Styles/en.md b/wiki/Play_Styles/en.md
index 7356bb917081..b05b7e16bc01 100644
--- a/wiki/Play_Styles/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Play_Styles/en.md
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
[osu!catch icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/catch.png "osu!catch icon"
[osu!mania icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/mania.png "osu!mania icon"
-[Mouse icon]: /wiki/shared/Playstyles_M.png "Mouse"
-[Keyboard icon]: /wiki/shared/Playstyles_K.png "Keyboard"
-[Tablet icon]: /wiki/shared/Playstyles_T.png "Tablet"
-[Touchscreen icon]: /wiki/shared/Playstyles_TC.png "Touchscreen"
[osu!tablet image]: /wiki/shared/Osu!tablet.jpg "osu!tablet"
# Play Styles
@@ -20,7 +15,7 @@ This page will detail the various different ways in which players can choose to
## ![osu! icon][osu! icon link] osu!
-### ![Mouse][Mouse icon] Mouse-only
+### Mouse-only
Mouse-only was once the _only_ way to play osu! until other playing methods was supported over time.
@@ -29,14 +24,14 @@ The play style is widely considered the hardest method to play and mouse-only pl
The key overlay shows left/right click as `M1` and `M2`.
-### ![Mouse][Mouse icon] ![Mouse][Mouse icon] Dual Mouse
+### Dual Mouse
Dual Mouse is a play style in which a player has a mouse in each hand; using one mouse to tap and another one mouse to aim/move.
It is used to be considered a _joke_ play style to most players until May 2013 when a Canadian player named  [Azer](http://osu.ppy.sh/u/2155578) starting getting scores on maps such as [Hatsune Miku - With a Dance Number (val0108)](http://osu.ppy.sh/s/29691 "Hatsune Miku - With a Dance Number (val0108)") and [The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black (Blue Dragon)](http://osu.ppy.sh/s/41823 "The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black (Blue Dragon)") whilst playing Dual Mouse.
It is also common for Dual Mouse players to tape the tapping mouse to the desk.
-### ![Mouse][Mouse icon] ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Mouse + Keyboard
+### Mouse + Keyboard
Mouse + Keyboard is the most popular play style for osu! because it uses only the most basic computer hardware which are the mouse and keyboard.
@@ -45,7 +40,7 @@ Some players use only the keyboard to tap while others only switch to the keyboa
The key overlay shows keyboard presses as `K1` and `K2`.
-### ![Tablet][Tablet icon] Tablet tap (or Tablet-only)
+### Tablet tap (or Tablet-only)
![osu!tablet][osu!tablet image]
@@ -57,7 +52,7 @@ Tablet-only players use a tablet pen instead of a mouse to navigate the in-game
The input overlay will show all tablet taps as `M1`.
-### ![Tablet][Tablet icon] ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Tablet + Keyboard
+### Tablet + Keyboard
A popular play style for players with a graphics tablet (Digitizer).
@@ -67,7 +62,7 @@ Much like Mouse + Keyboard, some players also use only the keyboard to tap while
Sometimes referred to as _tapx_, it describe how the streaming with Tablet-only playing works.
To stream as a Tablet-only player, the player should alternate between tapping the pen on the tablet and pressing one assigned secondary key (since the pen tap was considered as `M1`, only the secondary tap button will work, and `X` is usually the default secondary tap button).
-### ![Touchscreen][Touchscreen icon] Touchscreen
+### Touchscreen
A possible play style for players who own a touch-enabled monitor, laptop screen or tablet.
@@ -77,7 +72,7 @@ Some players may opt for this play style when available and does not own a graph
The key overlay shows touch input as `M1`.
-### ![Touchscreen][Touchscreen icon] ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Touchscreen + Keyboard
+### Touchscreen + Keyboard
A play style used by players that owns a touch-enabled monitor/laptop screen, the play style is mostly adopted by touchscreen players who could not perform streams using only the touchscreen.
@@ -91,7 +86,7 @@ The play style can be similar to Tablet + Keyboard as some monitors allows for a
## ![osu!taiko][osu!taiko icon link] osu!taiko
-### ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Keyboard
+### Keyboard
Keyboard was once the _only_ way to play osu!taiko until other playing methods was supported over time.
@@ -117,7 +112,7 @@ Most Taiko controllers connect to the computer by using Bluetooth connector shou
## ![osu!catch][osu!catch icon link] osu!catch
-### ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Keyboard
+### Keyboard
The most commonly used and default play-style for this mode.
@@ -127,7 +122,7 @@ It is possible to edit the keys used; some players enjoy `A`/`D` for movement an
The key overlay shows `<-`/`->` arrow keys input as `L`/`R` respectively and `leftShift` as `D` by default settings.
-#### ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] ![Mouse][Mouse icon] Keyboard + Mouse
+#### Keyboard + Mouse
An minor alternative play style of Keyboard, with the trigger for _Dash!_ effect done by using mouse clicks instead.
@@ -145,7 +140,7 @@ Players press the left/right arrow of the gamepad to move the catcher left/right
## ![osu!mania][osu!mania icon link] osu!mania
-### ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Keyboard
+### Keyboard
[External guide for Mechanical Keyboard](http://www.daskeyboard.com/blog/mechanical-keyboard-guide/)
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@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@
[osu!catch icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/catch.png "osu!catch icon"
[osu!mania icon link]: /wiki/shared/mode/mania.png "osu!mania icon"
-[Mouse icon]: /wiki/shared/Playstyles_M.png "Mouse"
-[Keyboard icon]: /wiki/shared/Playstyles_K.png "Keyboard"
-[Tablet icon]: /wiki/shared/Playstyles_T.png "Tablet"
-[Touchscreen icon]: /wiki/shared/Playstyles_TC.png "Touchscreen"
[osu!tablet image]: /wiki/shared/Osu!tablet.jpg "osu!tablet"
# Estilos de Juego
@@ -21,7 +16,7 @@ En esta página puedes conocer las diferentes formas en las que se puede jugar e
## ![osu! icon][osu! icon link] osu!
-### ![Mouse][Mouse icon] Solo con el ratón
+### Solo con el ratón
Tiempo atrás, únicamente existía la opción de jugar solo con el ratón, hasta que se incluyeron nuevas formas de jugar.
@@ -30,7 +25,7 @@ Jugar solo con el ratón es considerado uno de los estilos más complicados y lo
En pantalla, los clics con el botón izquierdo y derecho se muestran como `M1` y `M2` respectivamente.
-### ![Mouse][Mouse icon] ![Mouse][Mouse icon] Con dos ratones
+### Con dos ratones
Un jugador puede utilizar un segundo ratón, de modo que use uno de ellos para hacer clic y otro para mover el cursor por la pantalla.
@@ -38,7 +33,7 @@ Se consideraba un estilo de juego _ridículo_ hasta que  del teclado.
@@ -46,7 +41,7 @@ Algunos jugadores usan el teclado solo cuando tienen que hacer un _stream_, un p
En pantalla, las pulsaciones del teclado se muestran como `K1` y `K2`.
-### ![Tablet][Tablet icon] Solo con tableta gráfica
+### Solo con tableta gráfica
![osu!tablet][osu!tablet image]
@@ -58,7 +53,7 @@ Los jugadores que juegan solo con tableta utilizan el lápiz de la tableta para
Todas las pulsaciones de la tableta se muestran en pantalla como `M1`.
-### ![Tablet][Tablet icon] ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Con tableta gráfica y teclado
+### Con tableta gráfica y teclado
El estilo de juego más popular para jugadores que usan una tableta gráfica.
@@ -66,7 +61,7 @@ Consiste en utilizar el lápiz de la tableta en lugar de un ratón para mover el
Como los jugadores de ratón y teclado, algunos jugadores solo usan el teclado para los _stream_, los patrones de notas rápidas y muy seguidas; y continúan usando el lápiz sobre la superficie de la tableta para el resto del beatmap.
-### ![Touchscreen][Touchscreen icon] Con una pantalla táctil
+### Con una pantalla táctil
Un modo de juego disponible para todos aquellos que tengan un monitor táctil.
@@ -75,7 +70,7 @@ Este estilo de juego puede parecerse a jugar a [osu!stream](/wiki/Game_Modes/Ext
Todas las pulsaciones sobre la pantalla se muestran como `M1`.
-### ![Touchscreen][Touchscreen icon] ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Con pantalla táctil y teclado
+### Con pantalla táctil y teclado
Un jugador que juegue con pantalla táctil puede utilizar también un teclado, normalmente para realizar patrones de notas muy rápidas.
Si la pantalla táctil lo admite, se puede usar un lápiz sobre ella, volviéndose un estilo de juego muy similar al de tableta y teclado.
@@ -90,7 +85,7 @@ A no ser que el jugador ya domine de antemano el uso del Joystick, mover el curs
## ![osu!taiko][osu!taiko icon link] osu!taiko
-### ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Teclado
+### Teclado
Antaño, solo se podía jugar a osu!taiko con teclado, pero ahora hay varias opciones.
@@ -112,7 +107,7 @@ La mayoría de los tambores pueden ser conectados vía Bluetooth sin necesidad d
## ![osu!catch][osu!catch icon link] osu!catch
-### ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Teclado
+### Teclado
El estilo de juego por defecto y el más usado.
@@ -121,7 +116,7 @@ Es posible cambiar las teclas en las opciones, siendo habitual el uso de `A` y `
En pantalla, se muestra `L`/`R` para las pulsaciones `<-` y `->` respectivamente, y `D` para las pulsaciones de `leftShift`
-#### ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] ![Mouse][Mouse icon] Teclado y ratón
+#### Teclado y ratón
Una alternativa en la que se usa el clic del ratón para activar el _Dash_.
@@ -137,7 +132,7 @@ Quienes se sientan cómodos con un mando de consola pueden utilizar las flechas
## ![osu!mania][osu!mania icon link] osu!mania
-### ![Keyboard][Keyboard icon] Teclado
+### Teclado
[Guía externa para teclados mecánicos (en inglés)](http://www.daskeyboard.com/blog/mechanical-keyboard-guide/)
diff --git a/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Code_of_Conduct/en.md b/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Code_of_Conduct/en.md
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@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
Code of Conduct: Modding and Mapping
-_Main page: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)_
The **Code of Conduct: Modding and Mapping** is a set of rules and guidelines that apply to the entirety of the osu! Modding and Mapping ecosystem and an extension to the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) and [General Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria). In order to ensure that mapping and modding discussions in threads take place in a constructive, positive and productive environment, a code of conduct is crucial to get everyone on the same page. When participating in the Modding and Mapping ecosystem, it is mandatory to follow this Code of Conduct. Misconduct that violates these rules might lead to penalties issued to your account.
Behaviour and Conduct
diff --git a/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Skin_Set_List/en.md b/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Skin_Set_List/en.md
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@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
Skin Set List
-_Main page: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)_
The following tables contain skin sets that are used in user-specific and beatmap-specific skins. When skinning gameplay elements in beatmap-specific skins, complete sets of elements need to be skinned in order to avoid conflicts between user-specific and beatmap-specific skins.
Filenames containing `(-n)` can be animated. For example, hitcircleoverlay(-n).png can be skinned as a single image (hitcircleoverlay.png), or multiple images that would be animated in a loop (hitcircleoveray-0.png, hitcircleoverlay-1.png, hitcircleoverlay-2.png, etc.).
diff --git a/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Song_Content_Rules/en.md b/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Song_Content_Rules/en.md
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--- a/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Song_Content_Rules/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Song_Content_Rules/en.md
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
Song Content Rules
-_Main page: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)_
With a wide variety of music available, most tracks will be fine for use in osu!, providing that they are not:
- Intensely explicit, suggestive, or otherwise extremely confrontational in regards to shocking, obscene or highly sexual content
diff --git a/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Timing_Songs_With_8-Signatures/en.md b/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Timing_Songs_With_8-Signatures/en.md
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@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
Timing Songs with #/8-Signatures
-_Main page: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)_
Every now and then, songs are being mapped that have a time signature that is not divided into quater-notes (e.g. `3/4`, `4/4`, `7/4`, ...) but into eighth-notes (e.g. `6/8`, `7/8`, ..). Since the current editor does not support those #/8-signatures and we don't know whether this will change in the near future, an addition has been made to the rule concerning this matter on the [corresponding section of the Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria#timing.1).
To make that chart more understandable and state more precisely what is meant, this guide will now explain a bit of the relevant music theory behind this, and give examples of how it translates into osu!. For this reason, [three mapsets](https://assets.ppy.sh/media/wiki/TimeSignatures.rar) have been prepared for you to download, which will be used as a reference in this guide.
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+++ b/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/en.md
@@ -31,22 +31,16 @@ Glossary
### Metadata
+- **Official sources**: Media that the artist or their label provides, such as official websites, CD Scans, or official uploads to websites like Bandcamp, YouTube, or SoundCloud. Third party websites such as wikis, databases (vndb, vgmdb, etc.), or music services (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, etc.) do not count as official sources.
- **vs.**: versus
-- **&**: and
-- **feat./ft.**: featuring
+- **feat.**: featuring
- **CV**: character voice, usually used to refer to the voice actor of a fictional character.
-- **Lenticular brackets**: Also known as Sumitsukikakko and written as `【】`.
-- **Corner brackets**: Also known as Kagikakko and written as `「」`.
-- **Square brackets**: `[]`
-- **asterisk**: `*`
-- **umlauts**: `ü`, `ö`, `ä` and `ß`
-- **TV Size**: A song where the particular version is used in a television program, web series, or direct to video series, such as an opening, ending, or insert song. Indie/doujin series are not included in this.
-Note: If a beatmapset's song contains matching sections to the TV size song, in the same order, and is roughly the same length as the official TV Size song, the beatmapset's edit will also count as TV Size
+- **Asterisk**: `*`
+- **Umlauts**: `ü`, `ö`, `ä` and `ß`
+- **Whitespace**: A visual spacing between characters, not always a literal space. Full-width characters do not require whitespaces.
+- **TV Size**: A song where the particular version is used in a television program, web series, or direct-to-video series, such as an opening, ending, or insert song. Fan-made works are not included in this.
- **Modified Hepburn Romanisation**: Refer to [this page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepburn_romanization#Features_of_Hepburn_romanization) for information.
-- **Russian Romanisation**: Use `BGN/PCGN` system for Russian/Cyrillic. `Е` and `е` should be romanised as `ye` if it stands alone or after `a`, `e`, `ё`, `и`, `о`, `у`, `ы`, `э`, `ю`, `я`, `й`, `ъ`, `ь`. In other cases, it should be romanised as `e`. `ё` should be romanised to `yo`, however, use `o` if the character comes after `ж`, `ч`, `ш`, or `щ`. Ignore any other rules in the file provided, these are either irrelevant or wouldn't help in the game. If an artist uses a preferred romanisation, follow it regardless of this rule. For most of the other characters, refer to the [first page of this document](https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/526837/Romanization_system_for_Russian_31May2016.pdf).
-- **Character-by-character romanisation**: each Chinese character must be Romanised as a capitalised word and separated with a space.
+- **Character-by-character romanisation**: Each Chinese character must be Romanised as a capitalised word and separated with a space.
### Timing
@@ -90,7 +84,7 @@ Note: If a beatmapset's song contains matching sections to the TV size song, in
- **No two hit objects can be placed on the same tick.** This includes hit circles, starts and ends of sliders, and starts and ends of spinners. osu!mania beatmaps are exempt from this.
- **There must not be any obscene imagery in the background/storyboard/video content.** This includes nudity, near-nudity, sexual references, violence, drug abuse, etc. Keep things PG (suitable for ages 12+). Images should be on a level that can be displayed on all-audience TV, on public signage, and of nature that does not require censoring in any country.
-- **There must not be any unused files or 0-byte files in the beatmap's folder.** 0-byte files prevent other files in a beatmap's folder from properly uploading. Automatically generated `.thumb` files are the only exceptions.
+- **There must not be any unused files or 0-byte files in the beatmap's folder.** 0-byte files prevent other files in a beatmap's folder from properly uploading. Automatically generated `thumbs.db` files are the only exceptions.
- **Do not edit the `.osu` file to modify difficulty settings or insert break times in ways that are unintended for each respective game mode.** Other `.osu` file edits such as stack leniency, slider velocity, and skinning settings are acceptable.
- **osu! difficulties must convert to other game modes without breaking star rating/performance points.** In certain cases, a `.osu` file can be formatted improperly, causing converted difficulties to incorrectly display star rating and reward inaccurate performance points.
@@ -142,52 +136,62 @@ Custom naming must follow a common theme or pattern related to the song and must
## Metadata
### Rules
-- **The following technical limitations or conventions are put in place to ensure consistency:**
- - **Metadata must be consistent across all difficulties of a beatmap set.**
- - **The artists of a song must be traceable to existing people.** As such, programs like Vocaloids or fictional characters cannot be used as the sole artist of any given song.
- - **Use the metadata of a song as is without adding any additional markers, such as `Full Version` and the likes.** If your track is a mashup or something among those lines, use whatever the artist supplies while paying respect to proper English syntax rules.
- - **Guest beatmap creators, storyboarders, and hit sounders must be added to the tags of a beatmap set.** This is to give credit where credit is due and helping others identify the main contributors of any given beatmap set.
- - **You must use the Source field if the song comes from, is remixed from or specifically fan-made for a video game, movie, or series.** Website names are not an acceptable Artist nor Source.
- - **If the artist or title field exceeds the uploadable maximum length, or both together cause Windows filenames for the `.osu` files to exceed 255 characters, any additional markers from the fields causing this have to be dropped consistently and if this is still not sufficient, the corresponding fields need to be abbreviated reasonably and end in `...` to signal that this song title has been shortened.**
- - **Special characters that have both a full-width and half-width equivalent must retain their original printing forms if they are used in the unicode artist fields,** so that searching while copying and pasting the original song title is always possible. This does not apply to additional information that is printed in half-width to begin with because searching for these will be ambiguous no matter what.
+#### Technical
+- **Metadata must be consistent across all difficulties of a beatmap set.**
+- **Guest mappers, storyboarders, skinners and hitsounders must be added to the tags of a beatmap set.** This is to give credit where credit is due and help others identify the main contributors of any given beatmap set. Usernames containing whitespaces should be written with underscores instead.
+- **Official Sources must be used as references for metadata unless none are available.** In that case use what is most common and recognizable.
+- **Do not modify the metadata an artist provides on official sources unless said modification is done in order to comply with formatting and standardisation rules on this Ranking Criteria.**
+- **The artists of a song must be traceable to existing people.** If there is no existing person recorded to be the artist, then `Unknown Artist` is to be used. Fictional characters or programs like Vocaloids cannot be used as the sole artist of any given song.
+- **You must use the Source field if the song comes from or is directly tied to another media such as a video game, movie, series, etc.** Website or album names are not an acceptable Source. If the song was featured or tied to a media after it was released, the source field is optional. For remixes, arrangements, or covers based upon the original song, the source(s) of the original song would apply in the same way.
+ - In cases where a Song Compilation/Remix/Medley/etc. has songs without a common source, the sources must be put in the tags instead of the source field.
+- **Metadata that exceeds the field's limits (81 characters) must be shortened.** Start by dropping additional markers and if this still is not sufficient, indicate that the title has been shortened using `...` in a sensible place.
+#### Standardisation
+- **`Commas`, `vs.`, `&`, `feat.`, `CV:`, `etc.` must include a trailing whitespace.** If the marker is preceded by a word, a leading whitespace is also required, unless the marker is a comma.
+- **Any form of `vs.` / `Vs.` / `VS` / `etc.` must be written as `vs.` when it is used as a marker signifying a collaboration between two or more artists.**
+- **Any form of `feat.` / `ft.` / `Ft.` / `etc.` must be written as feat. when it is used as a marker signifying a featured artist in the song.**
+- **When a fictional character is credited as the singer of a song, the artist field is to be formatted in a `Character (CV: Voice Actor)` format.** For live action, credit the voice actor only.
+- **If the song is `TV size`, use a `(TV Size)` marker at the end of the current title string.** If there is an existing `TV size` marker in the title, the `(TV Size)` marker would replace it.
+ - Note: If a mapset's song contains matching sections to the TV size song, in the same order, and is roughly the same length as the official TV Size song, the mapset's edit will also count as a `TV Size`. Covers and Remixes do not count.
+- **Special unicode characters must be filtered to their nearest standard equivalent or removed from the Romanised fields within a `.osu` file.** `★ ☆ ⚝ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ 🟉 🟊 ✮ ✯ ✰` and the likes are substituted to an asterisk. Other special characters are to be romanised or dropped on case-by-case basis.
+- **If a mapset track is composed of two or more songs, list the song titles clearly with a dividing symbol inbetween or use a title descriptive of its contents.** If the title becomes too long as a result, a descriptive title must be used instead.
+- **If a symbol is used to group parts of a title, a whitespace must be used before and after the group, but not directly before or after the symbols within the groups.**
+#### Romanisation
+- **Artist names are to be romanised in the order they are printed in the unicode fields.**
+- **Loan words from other languages have to use the original words in their stead when attempting to romanise them.**
+- **When a song uses repeat words in the title or in the artist where one is in unicode, and the other as a basic romanisation, the romanised field must use the provided romanisation only and remove the duplicate word.**
+- **Songs with German metadata must romanise umlauts into two-letter equivalents (`ue`, `oe`, `ae` and `ss`).**
+- **Songs with Russian/Cyrillic metadata are to be romanised using the BGN/PCGN system method in romanised fields.** The same applies to the Source field if a romanised Source is preferred by the mapper. Е and е should be romanised as `ye` if it stands alone or after `a`, `e`, `ё`, `и`, `о`, `у`, `ы`, `э`, `ю`, `я`, `й`, `ъ`, `ь`. In other cases, it should be romanised as `e`. `ё` should be romanised to `yo`, however, use `o` if the character comes after `ж`, `ч`, `ш`, or `щ`. Ignore any other rules in the file provided, these are either irrelevant or would not help in the game. For most of the other characters, refer to the [first page of this document](https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/526837/Romanization_system_for_Russian_31May2016.pdf).
+- **Songs with Japanese metadata must use the Modified Hepburn Romanisation method in romanised fields.** The same applies to the Source field if a romanised Source is preferred by the mapper. As a non-unicode field, long vowels such as `おう` and `うう` should be romanised into `ou` and `uu` to avoid macrons.
+- **Songs with Chinese metadata are to be handled with respect to the tones and dialects of Chinese they belong to using character-by-character romanisation method with the exception of artist names.** In any case, all diacritical tone marks must be omitted:
+ - Mandarin metadata must be romanised using the Hanyu Pinyin system.
+ - Cantonese metadata must be romanised by using the Jyutping system.
+ - If the song falls into neither category, this choice is left up to the mapper's discretion.
-- **The following conventions are enforced in order to standardise the general handling of metadata:**
- - **If the song is TV size, use a standard `(TV Size)` tag at the end of the current title string.** If a TV size marker exists in the title, the standard marker would replace it.
- - **For songs belonging to doujin circles, the circle name must be used over the vocalist or composer, unless these contributors are not part of the circle.** In these cases the priority falls on vocalist followed by composer for instrumental songs.
- - **If a song or artist are referred to in multiple ways on official sources provided by the artist, the beatmap creator is free to choose any of the romanisations.** The only exception to this is if the song already has a beatmapset in the Ranked Section, in which case the corresponding guideline applies to it.
- - **If a track has more than 5 artists they must be substituted with `Various Artists`, similarly if a track is composed of 3 or more individual tracks, the title must be substituded to ` Compilation` unless all songs are part of an organised set of songs (such as an album) and that set only contains those songs, then the name of the set grouping the songs can be used instead.**
- - **Commas, `vs.`, `&`, any variations of `feat./ft.`, `CV:` must always use a trailing whitespace.** If the marker is preceded by a word, whitespace is also required unless it is a comma.
- - **Any form of `vs`. such as `Vs.`, `VS` and the likes are to be written as `vs.` only.**
- - **Any form of `CV:` such as `CV,`, `Cv`, `Cv.` and the likes are to be written as `CV:` only.** If only the character is credited in any sources, the `CV:` marker has to be added to satisfy traceability to existing people. If such a marker is added to an artist, they must be added following the fictional character the character voice actor represents.
- - **If the creator of the beatmapset has done major edits to the `.mp3`, they are free to name it appropriately to signal that this song is a special version.** In this case the original songs must still be clearly indicated in order for players to be able to search for the original songs.
- - **Special unicode characters must be filtered to their nearest standard equivalent or removed from the `Romanised Artist` and `Romanised Title` fields within a `.osu` file.** ★ ☆ ⚝ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ 🟉 🟊 ✮ ✯ ✰ and the likes are substituded to an asterisk. Corner Brackets have to be written as quotation marks instead. Other special characters are to be romanised or dropped on case-by-case basis.
-- **Romanisation of characters and languages other than English are to be handled the following ways:**
- - **When a song uses repeat words in the title where one is in unicode, and the other as a basic romanisation, the romanised field must use the provided romanisation only and remove the duplicate word.**
- - **Loan words from other languages have to use the original words in their stead when attempting to romanise them.**
- - **If a symbol is used to group parts of a title, a whitespace must be used before and after the group, but not directly before or after the symbols within the groups.**
- - **Romanise artist names in whichever order they are printed in the unicode fields.** The sole exception to this are artists widely known and using a differing English alias.
- - **If a Unicode Song title has an official translation provided by the artist, this may be used in the romanised title field.**
- - **Songs with German metadata must romanise umlauts into two-letter equivalents (`ue`, `oe`, `ae` and `ss`).**
- - **Songs with Russian metadata must be romanised using the Russian Romanisation method in romanised fields when there is no romanisation or translation information listed by a reputable source.** The same applies to the `Source` field if a romanised Source is preferred by the beatmap creator.
- - **Songs with Japanese metadata must use the Modified Hepburn Romanisation method in romanised fields.** The same applies to the `Source` field if a romanised Source is preferred by the beatmap creator. As a non-unicode field, long vowels such as `おう` and `うう` should be romanised into `ou` and `uu` to avoid macrons.
- - **Songs with Chinese metadata are to be handled with respect to the tones and dialects of Chinese they belong to using character-by-character romanisation method with the exception of artist names.** In any case, all diacritical tone marks must be omitted:
- - **Mandarin metadata must be romanised using the Hanyu Pinyin system.**
- - **Cantonese metadata must be romanised by using the Jyutping system.**
- - **If the song falls into neither category, this choice is left up to the beatmap creator's discretion.**
### Guidelines
-- **If multiple beatmap sets of the same song that you are beatmapping exist in the Ranked section already, their metadata should be followed unless they contain major errors and official sources state something completely different.** This is to ensure that players can find all beatmaps of one song by searching the same thing without getting vastly different results.
-- **When a song is covered by a different artist and has metadata varying from the original song,** use common sense to determine whether the variation was a mistake or an intentional artist choice.
-- **Logos should not be used as references for capitalisation of titles or artists.** Because logos are often stylized apply standard capitalisation unless you have reasons to do otherwise.
-- **When the song has appeared in multiple medias, even after its initial release, it may use the source that the beatmapset is themed around (Backgrounds, Storyboards, Videos, etc.) as long as the song itself appeared in it.**
-- **Single symbols should be romanised so that they have leading and trailing whitespaces, unless the symbol itself is not commonly requiring such in English.** This may be ignored if the artist purposefully uses special characters that ignore their common usages.
-- **Brackets within artist or title fields should be separated from the other text surrounding it, unless there is obvious reason not to do so.** Reasoning like this would include syntactical use of brackets and the general typesetting of a song title or artist using them without whitespaces often and consistently across multiple platforms.
-- **Lenticular brackets should be romanised to either quotation marks or square brackets depending on the context they are used in.**
-- **If a series applicable to be used as a source is clustered into multiple sub-series, the most precise label should be prioritised.**
+- **When a song is covered or remixed and has metadata varying from the original song, use common sense to determine whether the variation was a mistake or an intentional artist choice.**
+#### Technical
+- **If the creator of the mapset has remixed or covered the song, they are free to name it appropriately to signal that this song is a special version.** In this case the original songs should still be clearly indicated in the title or tags in order for players to be able to search for the original songs.
+- **In the case of compilations or remixes, the original song title(s) and artist(s) should be included in tags.** This is to ensure that players can find all beatmaps of one song by searching the same thing without getting vastly different results.
+- **Songs with metadata that contains ambiguous or hard to write unicode characters should add easily searchable variations or romanisations of these words to the beatmap set's tags.**
+- **Additional Tags: It is recommended to include tags such as the language(s), genre(s) of the track in the map, related artists, and whatever may aid a player to find the map.** Terms already in the primary metadata (Artist, Title, Source) should not be included in tags.
+#### Standardisation
+- **Logos should not be used as references for capitalisation of titles or artists.** Because logos are often stylised, apply standard capitalisation unless other textual metadata supports it.
+- **If a series applicable to be used as a source is clustered into multiple sub-series, the most precise label should be prioritised.**
+- **Tracks created by artists belonging to doujin circles should list the circle's name as the main artist.** The exception to this is when the artist(s) of a given track is well-known enough by their own name. In this case, the specific artist name(s) may be used instead.
+- **If the same song exists in the Ranked section already, the metadata should be followed unless it breaks other rules in the Ranking Criteria or the Official Sources state something completely different.**
+- **Single symbols should be romanised so that they have leading and trailing whitespaces, unless the symbol itself is not commonly requiring whitespaces in English.** This may be ignored if the artist purposefully uses special characters that ignore their common usages.
+### Allowances
+This category contains explicit allowance statements of concepts and rules that are not commonly straightforward even after reading this whole section of the Ranking Criteria.
+- **For songs where the composer(s) and singer(s) are different people, the singer(s) may be listed after the composer(s) or circle/group name following a `feat.` indicator.**
+- **If an artist has provided an official translation for their name, this may be used in the romanised artist field.** Official romanisation may be used for the spelling of an artist's name, but the name order must follow the related rule.
+- **If a Unicode Song title has either an official translation or romanisation provided by the artist, either or may be used in the romanised title field.**
+- **If a mapset track was contributed to by multiple artists, they may be listed with commas inbetween.** If there are 3 or more contributing artists and they are not part of one officially labelled group, `Various Artists` or other descriptive artist labels may be used instead.
+- **For Remixes/Covers, the original artist may be used in the artist field, as long as the title field is modified to clearly show that the song is remixed.** This marker should all be in parentheses and contain the Remix/Cover artist followed by descriptor.
## Timing
@@ -201,7 +205,7 @@ Custom naming must follow a common theme or pattern related to the song and must
- **No two uninherited or two inherited timing points can be placed at the same point.** Having two uninherited or two inherited timing points on top of each other will cause unintended behavior for slider velocity and volume settings.
- **An inherited timing point cannot be placed before the first uninherited timing point.** Without having any settings to inherit, an inherited timing point does not function properly. If you wish to alter hit sounds or slider velocities before the first uninherited timing point, it must be moved back one full measure so that inherited timing points may be used.
- **A beatmap’s first uninherited point cannot be used to toggle kiai.** Doing this will cause the kiai to flash before objects appear. An inherited point in the same position as the first uninherited point must be used to toggle kiai instead.
-- **Objects must be snapped to timeline ticks.** If objects cannot be snapped using the editor’s supported beat snap divisors, a change in BPM may be used to accommodate for it. If a section of music requires an unsupported beat snap divisor however (1/5, 1/7, etc.), a map's objects can be unsnapped so long as they align with the intended beat snap divisor.
+- **Objects must be snapped to timeline ticks according to AiMod.** If objects cannot be snapped using the editor’s supported beat snap divisors, a change in BPM may be used to accommodate for it. If a section of music requires an unsupported beat snap divisor however (1/5, 1/7, etc.), a map's objects can be unsnapped so long as they align with the intended beat snap divisor.
- **An object which is wrongly snapped due to passing through or ending slightly before a new uninherited timing point must have its end snapped within the new timing section.** For spinners and osu!mania long notes, this can be achieved through dragging an object’s tail in the timeline. For sliders, this can be achieved through slider velocity manipulation or editing of the .osu file.
### Guidelines
@@ -253,7 +257,7 @@ Custom naming must follow a common theme or pattern related to the song and must
- **Gameplay elements must be visible.** You cannot make any element that will impair the playability of the beatmap invisible as it will make the beatmap unintuitive or even impossible to play (``cursormiddle.png`` is an exception as it affects the behaviour of cursor trail). Elements that are not relevant for gameplay may only be transparent if there is a valid reason for this and the action itself does not impair the usage of interface elements negatively.
- **Skinned elements must be cropped cleanly so they do not have pixelated artifacts around them or half-cropped shadows.**
- **Skinned elements cannot exceed dimensions to the point where they overlap other skin elements which they would not normally overlap in the default skin.** This applies only to the visible parts of an image, which could distort the gameplay experience by visually obstructing normally visible elements.
-- **When skinning gameplay elements, complete sets of elements need to be skinned in order to avoid conflicts between user-specific and beatmap-specific skins.** A reference for this can be found on the [Skin Set List](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Skin_Set_List/). When skinning an element that is marked as optional, you need to include all the required elements of the respective set, but you are free to skip other optional elements unless they are grouped with the element you are skinning. However, if a required skin element in a set would be unused, it is not necessary to include.
+- **When skinning gameplay elements, complete sets of elements need to be skinned in order to avoid conflicts between user-specific and beatmap-specific skins.** A reference for this can be found on the [Skin Set List](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Skin_Set_List/). When skinning an element that is marked as optional, you need to include all the required elements of the respective set, but you are free to skip other optional elements unless they are grouped with the element you are skinning. However, if a required skin element in a set would be unused or the default skin is forced, the element is not necessary to include.
### Guidelines
@@ -281,7 +285,7 @@ Custom naming must follow a common theme or pattern related to the song and must
- **Avoid unnecessary transparency around storyboard images.** For the sake of performance, images should be cropped as much as possible for their desired effects.
- **Use loops for commands that repeat themselves many times, unless this goes against what is visually intended.** Using the loop command will often reduce the line count considerably, which in turn reduces file size.
- **Avoid using two axis specific commands when the same effect can be achieved with one regular command instead.** Using one command instead of two will mean less overall file size.
- - **Use whichever image file format takes up the least file size whilst maintaining reasonable quality.** `.png` format often takes up more file size for larger images due to the lossless compression method, unlike `.jpeg`.
+ - **Use whichever image file format takes up the least file size whilst maintaining reasonable quality.** `.png` format often takes up more file size for larger images due to the lossless compression method, unlike `.jpg`.
- **Avoid any duplicate image files.** Having two instances of the exact same image adds unnecessary file size.
- **Refrain from having multiple sprites active while not rendered.** Active sprites will still process commands regardless of whether they are visible or not. Should this be the case for longer periods of time, instantiate new sprites instead, for when visibility is regained.
- **When using many commands of the same type on a sprite, try leaving at least 16 ms between their start times.** 60 commands per second is often more than enough for any sprite to make smooth transitions on an average setup. This is for the sake of reducing file size and loading times.
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Scaling BPM on the Ranking Criteria
-_Main page: [osu! Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!)_
The osu! Ranking Criteria's rules and guidelines are based around songs of 180BPM with 4/4 time signatures. This guide clarifies how that scaling works!
We'll be using the following proposed Normal difficulty guideline as an example:
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-_Main page: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)_
The **osu! Ranking Criteria** is a set of rules and guidelines that apply to the creation of osu!-specific difficulties. In order to get an osu!-specific difficulty ranked, it is mandatory that the creation obeys to the listed criteria. While **all rules must be followed in any circumstance**, guidelines may be violated under exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances must be warranted by an exhaustive explanation as of why the guideline has been violated and why not violating it will interfere with the overall quality of the creation.
Rule proposals as well as suggestions are discussed in the [Ranking Criteria Subforum](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/87). Any rule that went through a discussion and community approval process is listed here as it has been agreed on in the respective discussion thread.
@@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ Overall rules and guidelines apply to every kind of osu! difficulty. Rhythm rela
#### Guidelines
-- **Usage of the old style spinners is not recommended.** It can be only used with Preferred Skin set to Default. Skins using SpinnerBackground will change the colour of spinner-background.png and that could negatively change spinner's appearance. This setting does not work via editing the `[Colours]` column in the `.osu` file of the beatmap.
+- **Usage of the new style spinners is not recommended.** It can be only used with Preferred Skin set to Default. Skins using SpinnerBackground will change the colour of spinner-background.png and that could negatively change spinner's appearance. This setting does not work via editing the `[Colours]` column in the `.osu` file of the beatmap.
## Difficulty-specific
@@ -162,7 +160,7 @@ If you use a Normal difficulty as the _lowest difficulty_ of your beatmapset, it
#### Rules
-- **Objects 1/2 of a beat apart or less must not overlap perfectly.**
+- **Objects 1/2 of a beat apart or less must not overlap perfectly.** Slider heads or tails perfectly overlapped by slider tails are exempt, so long as their sliderbodies are visible.
#### Guidelines
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-_Main page: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)_
The **osu!catch Ranking Criteria** is a set of rules and guidelines that apply to the creation of osu!catch-specific difficulties. In order to get a osu!catch-specific difficulty ranked, it is mandatory the creation obeys to the listed criteria. While **all rules must be followed in any circumstance**, guidelines may be violated under exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances must be warranted by an exhaustive explanation as of why the guideline has been violated and why not violating it will interfere with the overall quality of the creation.
@@ -54,7 +52,6 @@ Overall rules and guidelines apply to every kind of osu!catch difficulty.
- **Ensure combos do not reach unreasonable lengths.** Caught fruits will stack up on the plate and can potentially obstruct the player's view. Bear in mind that slider tails, repeats and spinner bananas also count as "fruits". New Combos should be placed regularly to clear the plate and avoid this.
- **Try to have at least one spinner in each difficulty to create variety in the map and fluctuation among scores.** However, if a spinner just doesn't fit anywhere in the song, then there's no need to force one.
- **Overall Difficulty should have the same value as the Approach Rate.** This is just a standardized value, as Overall Difficulty does not affect gameplay nor the amount of fruits a spinner has, just the maximum score of a difficulty. For cases where the two values are not equal, the Overall Difficulty must be less than or equal to the Overall Difficulty of the next hardest difficulty.
-- **Hyperdashes may only be used on drops and/or slider repetitions when the slider path is simple and easy-to-follow.** This is to prevent chaotic or unreasonably difficult slider movement, as transitioning into and out of complex slider shapes with hyperdash is usually uncomfortable to play and a major penalty to accuracy for little benefit. Hyperdash on slider repetitions must not be used for more than two repeats, and such slider must not be used consecutively.
- **Use the same slider tick rate on every difficulty** as it is a property of the music rather than the mapping. However, lower difficulties may use lower tick rates to reduce accuracy requirements for newer players, providing they still follow the rhythm of the song. Using high tick rates purely to increase score/combo/difficulty is senseless.
- **Dashes and hyperdashes should not be used when the destination of the hyperjump is located near the left or right border of the play field.** This creates an uncomfortable movement as the catcher is forcibly stopped upon reaching the border of the playfield. Try to leave at least 16 osupixels of space between the end point of the hyperjump and the border of the play field, respectively at x:16 or x:496 at most.
- **Sliderends of extended sliders should be snapped according to the song's beat structure.** If the song is using a straight beat, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16 should be used. If the song is using a swing beat, 1/6 or 1/12 should be used. If the song has a sound in a different snap from what was recommended, snapping to an actual beat always takes priority.
@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@ Difficulty-specific rules and guidelines do only apply to the difficulty level t
- **Dashes may be used if the time between the ticks of the desired snapping is 125ms or higher.** As an example, 1/3 dashes would be allowed at 160 BPM and below, whereas 1/4 dashes would be allowed at 120 BPM and below.
- **Edge dashes must not be used** as they require extremely precise timing which cannot be expected of less-experienced players.
- **Basic dashes can't be used more than two times between consecutive fruits. If higher snapped dashes are used, they must be used singularly (not in conjunction with other dashes).**
-- **Dashes of different beat snap (1/2, 1/4, etc.) must not be used between consecutive fruits.**
+- **Higher snapped dashes of different beat snap must not be used between consecutive fruits.**
- **At least 250 ms must be left between objects and the start and end of spinners to ensure readability.** As an example, a 1/3 gap would be required at 80 bpm, whereas a 1/2 gap would be required at 120 BPM.
#### Guidelines
@@ -113,6 +110,7 @@ Difficulty-specific rules and guidelines do only apply to the difficulty level t
- **All distances should be clear on whether they require the player to walk or dash.** This is to ensure that players can easily recognize patterns that require dashing.
- **Higher snapped dashes should not be followed by antiflow patterns.** If used, the movement after the dash must be walkable.
- Combos should not exceed 10 objects including slider tails and repeats. Spinners are an exception.
+- Basic dashes of different beat snap should not be used between consecutive fruits.
- Note density should follow a mostly 1/1 and 1/2 pattern - 1/3 and/or 1/4 patterns can be used sparingly. Individual 1/3 and/or 1/4 patterns must not persist for more than one bar (4 and 5 objects respectively).
- Approach Rate / Overall Difficulty should be between 6-7
- HP drain should be between 4-5
@@ -122,6 +120,7 @@ Difficulty-specific rules and guidelines do only apply to the difficulty level t
#### Rules
+- **Hyperdashes cannot be used on individual drops and/or slider repititions.** The accuracy and control required is unreasonable at this level and can create a situation where the player potentially fails to read the sliderpath.
- **Hyperdashes may be used if the time between the ticks of the desired snapping is 125ms or higher.** As an example, 1/3 hyperdashes would be allowed at 160 BPM and below, whereas 1/4 hyperdashes would be allowed under 120 BPM.
- **Basic hyperdashes can't be used more than two times between consecutive fruits. If higher snapped hyperdashes are used, they must be used singularly (not in conjunction with other hyperdashes or dashes)**
- **Hyperdashes of different beat snap (1/2, 1/4, etc.) must not be used between consecutive fruits.**
@@ -149,11 +148,13 @@ Difficulty-specific rules and guidelines do only apply to the difficulty level t
- **Hyperdashes may be used if the time between the ticks of the desired snapping is 62ms or higher.** As an example, 1/6 hyperdashes would be allowed at 160 BPM and below, whereas 1/8 hyperdashes would be allowed at 120 BPM and below.
- **Basic hyperdashes can't be used more than four times between consecutive fruits. If higher snapped hyperdashes are used, they must be used singularly (not in conjunction with other hyperdashes or dashes)**
-- **Hyperdashes of different beat snap (1/2, 1/4, etc.) must not be used between consecutive fruits.**
+- **Higher snapped hyperdashes of different beat snap (1/2, 1/4, etc.) must not be used between consecutive fruits.**
- **At least 125 ms must be left between objects and the start and end of spinners to ensure readability.** As an example, a 1/4 gap would be required at 120 BPM, whereas a 1/3 gap would be required at 160 BPM.
#### Guidelines
+- **Hyperdashes should not be used on individual drops and/or slider repetitions.** If used, the slider path must be simple and easy-to-follow and they can't exceed two consecutive uses for basic hyperdashes. Higher snapped hyperdashes within a slider are not allowed.
+- Basic hyperdashes of different beat snap should not be used between consecutive fruits.
- Combos should not exceed 16 objects including slider tails and repeats. Spinners are an exception.
- Note density should follow a mostly 1/2 + 1/4 and/or 1/3 + 1/6 pattern - 1/8 patterns and higher can be used sparingly.
- Edge dashes may only be used singularly (not in conjunction with other dashes or hyperdashes).
@@ -170,6 +171,7 @@ Difficulty-specific rules and guidelines do only apply to the difficulty level t
#### Guidelines
+- **Hyperdashes should only be used on drops and/or slider repetitions when the slider path is simple and easy-to-follow.** This is to prevent chaotic or unreasonably difficult slider movement, as transitioning into and out of complex slider shapes with hyperdash is usually uncomfortable to play and a major penalty to accuracy for little benefit.
- Combos should not exceed 16 objects including slider tails and repeats. Spinners are an exception.
- Note density should follow a mostly 1/2 + 1/4 and/or 1/3 + 1/6 pattern - 1/8 patterns and higher can be used sparingly.
- 1/8 and higher hyperdashes should not be used between consecutive object pairs.
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-_Main page: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)_
For the record, these include the recent changes made [from the discussion forum](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/87). Any rule that is being discussed is listed here as it used to be and will be updated once the discussion reaches an agreement.
diff --git a/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!taiko/en.md b/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!taiko/en.md
index 55dacc399963..5f7037001a3a 100644
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-_Main page: [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)_
These rules and guidelines have been discussed in the [Ranking Criteria subforum](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/87). New ones may be suggested in that forum and this page will be updated once discussions reach an agreement.
@@ -49,6 +47,7 @@ All rules are exactly that: **rules**. They are **not** guidelines and must **no
- **The `Omit first bar line` feature of an uninherited timing point must be used when a BPM change/metronome reset would hinder gameplay experience aesthetically by adding unnecessary bar lines.**
- **Taiko template backgrounds must not be used.** Due to various screen resolutions being common they do not work as they were originally intended to.
- **You must not wrongly snap sliderends to correct missing slider ticks.** This behaviour is unintended and will be corrected in the future.
+- **The drum sampleset must not be used unless default hit sound samples are replaced by custom samples.** The sampleset's default hit sounds do not produce feedback in gameplay.
### Guidelines
@@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ If the beatmap follows a double or halved BPM style, Slider Velocity and all sna
- **1/3 patterns should not be longer than two notes.** Anything longer is very situational and usually too complex for newer players. Patterns like these should be followed by a rest moment.
- **1/2 patterns should not be longer than seven notes.** Anything longer is likely to be too straining for beginners.
- **Main snapping should consist of mostly 1/1, 2/1 or slower rhythms.** Occasionally using 1/2 rhythms is acceptable.
-- **You should insert at least 1 rest moment that is 2/1 or longer after 16/1 to 20/1 of continuous mapping.** Less frequent rest moments or shorter ones may put too much strain on beginners.
+- **You should insert at least 1 rest moment that is 2/1 or longer after 16/1 to 20/1 of continuous mapping.** Using rest moments less frequently is acceptable if either the pace of the music makes rest moments counter-intuitive or if the continuously mapped part is overall more forgiving to the player.
- **Simple Slider velocity changes may be used.**
If you plan on using a __Futsuu as the lowest difficulty of a mapset__, it has to abide by the following rules and guidelines:
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ If you plan on using a __Futsuu as the lowest difficulty of a mapset__, it has t
- **Patterns on snaps faster than 1/2 are disallowed.** These patterns are too complex for beginner players.
#### Guidelines
-- **1/2 patterns should not be longer than four notes.**
+- **1/2 patterns should not be longer than five notes.**
- **Slider velocity changes should be used cautiously.** Changes should only happen for sections of different pacings and slider velocity should not be drastically variable.
#### Difficulty Setting Guidelines
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ If you plan on using a __Futsuu as the lowest difficulty of a mapset__, it has t
- **1/6 patterns should not be longer than four notes on moderate to low BPM (~140).** Anything longer is very situational and normally too complex. Patterns like this should be followed by a rest moment and avoided at faster BPMs.
- **1/4 patterns should not be longer than five notes.** Anything longer is likely to be too straining for intermediate players.
- **Main snapping should consist of mostly 1/2, 1/1 or slower rhythms.** Occasionally using 1/4 rhythms is acceptable.
-- **You should insert at least 1 rest moment that is 3/2 or longer after 16/1 to 20/1 of continuous mapping.** Less frequent rest moments or shorter ones may put too much strain on intermediate players.
+- **You should insert at least 1 rest moment that is 3/2 or longer after 16/1 to 20/1 of continuous mapping.** Less frequent rest moments or shorter ones may put too much strain on beginners.
- **Manipulating slider velocity is allowed**, but slider velocity should only be changed for sections of music with different pacings and should not be drastically variable.
- **1/4 patterns with one or more colour changes should be used sparingly.** They should be avoided in conjunction with other patterns of this nature because the target audience of this difficulty level is not used to patterns of this complexity.
- **1/4 patterns which are longer than three notes should consist of one colour change at most which should take place at the start or the end of the pattern.** Patterns more complex than that would be too demanding for intermediate players. These patterns should be followed by a rest moment.
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ If you plan on using a __Futsuu as the lowest difficulty of a mapset__, it has t
- **1/8 patterns should not be longer than two notes.** Anything longer is very situational and normally too complex. Patterns like this should be followed by a rest moment.
- **1/4 patterns should not be longer than nine notes.** Anything longer is likely to be too straining for the target audience of this difficulty level.
- **Main snapping should consist of mostly 1/2 and occasional 1/1 rhythms.** 1/4 rhythms may be used more frequently at this level of difficulty.
-- **You should insert at least 1 rest moment which is 1/1 or longer after 16/1 to 20/1 of continuous mapping.** Longer periods of continuous mapping may put too much strain on players of this difficulty level and shorter rest moments would count as continuous mapping.
+- **You should insert at least 1 rest moment which is 1/1 or longer after 16/1 to 20/1 of continuous mapping.** Less frequent rest moments or shorter ones may put too much strain on beginners.
- **1/4 patterns which are longer than five notes should avoid complicated colour changes.** Longer patterns with such complexity would be too demanding for the target audience of this difficulty level.
#### Difficulty Setting Guidelines
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# Handling Foul Play
-_Main page: [Reporting Bad Behaviour](/wiki/Reporting_Bad_Behaviour)._
## Why am I restricted?
A user may get restricted if they do any of the following:
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+# Tastenkürzel
+In osu! gibt es viele Tastenkürzel (auch 'Hotkeys'), die in den Menüs oder im Spiel verwendet werden können. In der folgenden Liste sind sie mit ihren Funktionen aufgeführt.
+**Hinweis:** Einige dieser Tastenkürzel können in den [Einstellungen](/wiki/options) geändert werden! In der Liste unten stehen die zugehörigen Standardkürzel.
+## Überall im Spiel
+Diese Kürzel können überall verwendet werden:
+- `Strg` + `Alt` + `Shift` + `S`: Den aktuellen [Skin](/wiki/Skinning) neu laden
+ - Falls das Neuladen nicht direkt durchgeführt werden kann (z.B., während man spielt), wird der Befehl zwischengespeichert und später ausgeführt
+- `Strg` + `F11`: Die Anzeige von "Frame Times" an-/ausschalten
+- `F7`: FPS-Limiter weiterschalten
+ - Es wird durch `120FPS`, `240FPS` und `Unbegrenzt` rotiert (VSync wird hierdurch nicht ein-/ausgeschaltet)
+- `F8`: Chatfenster ein-/ausblenden
+- `F9`: Erweitertes Chatfenster ein-/ausblenden
+- `F10`: Maustasten für's Spielen ein-/ausschalten
+- `F12`: Einen Screenshot machen
+- `Shift` + `F12`: Einen Screenshot machen, hochladen und zum Teilen per URL im Browser öffnen
+- `Einfg`: ([Boss-Key](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheftaste "Boss-Key auf Wikipedia")) osu! in den Benachrichtigungsbereich minimieren
+- `Shift` + `F1`: [osu!status](https://twitter.com/osustatus "osu!status auf twitter") öffnen (nur bei Verbindungsproblemen)
+## Hauptmenü
+- `Alt` + `F4`: Den osu!client schließen (direkt, ohne Bestätigung)
+- `Alt` + `Enter`: Vollbild ein-/ausschalten
+- `Pfeil oben`: Lautstärke erhöhen
+- `Pfeil unten`: Lautstärke verringern
+- `Esc`: Ein Menü zurückgehen
+ - Schließt die Einstellungen, falls offen
+ - Geht zurück ins Hauptmenü, falls in der Songauswahl
+- `P`: Spielmenü
+- `P` -> `P`: Solo
+ - alternativ: `E` -> `P` -> `P`
+- `P` -> `M`: [Multiplayer](/wiki/Multi)
+ - alternativ: `E` -> `P` -> `M`
+- `P` -> `E`: Bearbeitungsmodus
+- `D`: osu!direct (nur für [osu!-Supporter](/wiki/osu!supporter))
+- `O`: Einstellungen
+ - alternativ: `Strg` + `O`
+- `Q`: "Beenden"-Dialog öffnen
+ - alternativ: `Esc`, wenn die Einstellungen und die Songauswahl geschlossen sind
+### Jukebox
+- `Z`: Vorheriges Lied
+ - alternativ: `F1`
+- `X`: Lied vom Anfang abspielen
+ - alternativ: `F2`
+- `C`: Pausieren/Fortfahren
+- `F4`: Lied stoppen und an den Anfang zurücksetzen
+- `V`: Nächstes Lied
+ - alternativ: `F5`
+- `J`: Springe zu...
+ - alternativ: `F6`
+- `R`: Zufälliges Lied
+## Songauswahl
+**Hinweis:** Nicht alle dieser Hotkeys funktionieren in der Songauswahl des [Mehrspielermodus](/wiki/multi).
+- `Alt` + `Pfeil oben`: Lautstärke erhöhen
+- `Alt` + `Pfeil unten`: Lautstärke verringern
+- `F1`: [Mod](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)-Auswahl öffnen
+- `F2`: Eine zufällige Beatmap auswählen
+- `Shift` + `F2`: Zufällige Map-Auswahl rückgängig machen
+- `F3`: Beatmap-Optionen
+- `F5`: Beatmaps neu einlesen (kann einen Dialog öffnen)
+- `Shift` + `Entf`: Die ausgewählte Beatmap entfernen
+- `Strg` + `1`: Zu [osu!](/wiki/osu!) wechseln
+- `Strg` + `2`: Zu [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko) wechseln
+- `Strg` + `3`: Zu [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch) wechseln
+- `Strg` + `4`: Zu [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania) wechseln
+- `Strg` + `Enter`: Die ausgewählte Map mit dem [Auto](/wiki/Auto)-Mod spielen
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `Enter`: Die ausgewählte Map mit dem [Cinema](/wiki/Cinema)-Mod spielen
+- `Strg` + `A`: Den [Auto](/wiki/Auto)-Mod ein-/ausschalten
+- `Strg` + `F3`: Die osu!mania-Scrollgeschwindigkeit erhöhen
+ - alias: `Strg` + `+`
+- `Strg` + `F4`: Die osu!mania-Scrollgeschwindigkeit verringern
+ - alias: `Strg` + `-`
+- `Strg` + `Rücktaste`: Das letzte Wort (in der Suche) löschen
+- `Pfeil oben`: Die Beatmap über der aktuellen auswählen
+- `Pfeil unten`: Die Beatmap unter der aktuellen auswählen
+- `Pfeil links`: Das Beatmapset über dem aktuellen auswählen
+- `Pfeil rechts`: Das Beatmapset über dem aktuellen auswählen
+- `Bild hoch`: Hochscrollen
+- `Bild runter`: Runterscrollen
+- `Enter`: Ausgewählte Map spielen
+- `Shift` + `Pfeil links`: Die Gruppe über der aktuellen auswählen
+- `Shift` + `Pfeil rechts`: Die Gruppe unter der aktuellen auswählen
+- `Shift` + `Enter`: Die aktuelle Gruppe öffnen/schließen
+### Spielmodifikatoren (Mods)
+*Siehe auch: [Spielmodifikatoren](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)*
+**Hinweis:** Die Tastenkürzel gehen davon aus, dass kein Mod ausgewählt ist.
+- `Q`: [Easy](/wiki/Easy_mod)
+- `W`: [No Fail](/wiki/No_Fail)
+- `E`: [Half Time](/wiki/Half_Time)
-outdated: true
+- `A`: [Hard Rock](/wiki/Hard_Rock)
+- `S`: [Sudden Death](/wiki/Sudden_Death)
+- `S` -> `S`: [Perfect](/wiki/Perfect)
+- `D`: [Double Time](/wiki/Double_Time)
+- `D` -> `D`: [Nightcore](/wiki/Nightcore)
+- `F`: [Hidden](/wiki/Hidden) (osu!standard, osu!taiko, und osu!catch)
+ - [Fade In](/wiki/Fade_In) für osu!mania
+- `F` -> `F`: [Hidden](/wiki/Hidden) (nur für osu!mania)
+- `G`: [Flashlight](/wiki/Flashlight)
-In osu! gibt es viele verschiedene Tastenkürzel, welche im Spiel und in den Meüus genutzt werden können.
-Im Spiel
-- **Shift + F1**: Öffnet osu!Status. (Falls es Verbindungsschwierigkeiten gibt)
-- **F7**: FPS Limiter aktivieren/deaktivieren.
-- **F8**: Öffnet/Versteckt den Chat.
-- **F9**: Öffnet/Versteckt den erweiterten Chat.
-- **F10**: Maustasten aktivieren/deaktivieren. (Die mittelte Maustaste funktioniert weiterhin)
-- **F12**: Erstellt ein Screenshot von dem osu! Fenster.
-- **Shift + F12**: Läd' das gemachte Screenshot auf den osu! Server
-- **Einfg**: "*Boss Modus*" minimiert osu! in das Informationsfeld von Windows.
-- **Pfeiltaste: Oben/ Unten** Erhöht oder verringert die Lautstärke von osu!
-Nur im Menü
-- **F1**: Vorheriges Lied
-- **F2**: Von vorne Beginnen
-- **F3**: Pause/Fortsetzen
-- **F4**: Stop
-- **F5**: Nächstes Lied
-- **F6**: Springe zu (Jukebox)
-- **Alt + Eingabetaste**: Wechselt zwischen Fenstermodus und Vollbild
-- **ESC**: Ein Fenster zurückspringen
-- **STRG + Alt + Shift + S**: Skin Sprites neuladen
-- **P**: Spielmodus (zweimal, um zur Songauswahl zu gelangen)
-- **P-M**: Spielmodus ([Multi-Play](/wiki/Multi))
-- **E**: Edit Mode (Songauswahl)
-- **J**: Spring zu (Jukebox)
-- **Z/X/C/V/B**: Jukebox Steuerung (Winamp Layout)
-- **D**: osu!direct (nur für Supporter)
-- **O**: Einstellungen
-- **Q**: Spiel beenden
-- **R**: zufälliges Lied
-- **F1**: [Modauswahl](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **F2**: Zufällige Beatmap
-- **Shift + F2**:
-- **F3**: Beatmap Options
-- **F5**: Songauswahl neuladen (Repariermodus)
-- **Shift + Entf**: Ausgewählte Beatmap löschen
-- **STRG + (1/2/3/4)**: Wechselt zum  [osu! Standard](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!)/  [Taiko](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!taiko) /  [Catch the Beat](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!catch) /  [osu!mania](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!mania) Spielmodus.
-- **STRG + Eingabetaste**: Spielt die ausgewählte Map mit [Auto](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) Mod.
-- **STRG + Shift + Eingabetaste**: Spielt die ausgewählte Map mit Cinema Mod.
-- **STRG + A**: Schaltet den Auto Mod an
-- **STRG + (F3/F4)** oder **STRG + (+/-)**: osu!mania Geschwindigkeit erhöhen/verringern (nur im osu!mania Modus)
-- **STRG + Rücktaste**: Löscht das letzte Wort aus der Suchleiste
-- **Oben/Unten**: Auswahl ändern
-- **Links/Rechts**: Nächstes Beatmapset
-- **BildOben/BildUnten**: Auswahl ändern (groß)
-- **Eingabetaste**: Auswahl bestätigen/Beatmap starten
-- **Q**: [Easy](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **W**: [No Fail](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **E**: [Half-Time](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **A**: [Hard Rock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **S**: [Sudden Death](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)/[Perfect](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **D**: [Double Time](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)/[Nightcore](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **F**: [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **G**: [Flashlight](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **Z**: [Relax](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) (Kein Einfluss auf osu!manias 4/5/6/7/8K Mod)
-- **X**: [Auto-Pilot](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **C**: [Spun-Out](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **V**: [Auto](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)/[Cinema](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-- **+/-**: Lokales Offset anpassen (halte die ALT-Taste gedrückt, um das Offset auf 1 ms Genauigkeit anzupassen)
-- **ESC**: Pause (Beendet die Map, wenn Auto aktiviert war.)
-- **Leertaste**: Intro überspringen.
-- **Tab**: Scoreboard ein-/ausschalten
-- **Shift + Tab**: HUD ein-/ausschalten
-- **F3/F4**: osu!mania Geschwindigkeit erhöhen/verringern
-- **STRG + R**: Map schnell neustarten (überspringt das Intro)
-Editor Modus
-### Tastenkürzel
-#### Allgemeines
-- **H**: Hilfe (Beinhaltet alle hier unten genannten Tastenkürzel)
-- **Z**: Stop
-- **X**: Von vorne beginnen
-- **C oder Leertaste**: Pause/Fortsetzen
-- **Linke und rechte Pfeiltaste**: Position im Lied ändern. Halte Shift für die 4-fache Geschwindigkeit gedrückt.
-**Lesezeichen Kommandos**
-- **STRG + B**: Lesezeichen an die Position hinzufügen.
-- **STRG + Shift + B**: Lesezeichen von der Position entfernen.
-- **STRG + linke Pfeiltaste**: Zum vorherigen Lesezeichen springen.
-- **STRG + rechte Pfeiltaste**: Zum nächsten Lesezeichen springen.
-**Speichern und zurücksetzen**
-- **STRG + L**: Das Gespeicherte rückgängig machen
-- **STRG + S**: Schnellspeichern
-- **STRG + N**: Alle Hit Objekte entfernen
-**Modus wechseln**
-- **F1**: Kompositonsmodus
-- **F2**: Designmodus
-- **F3**: Timingmodus
-- **F4**: Liedeinstellungen
-#### Kompositionsmodus
-- **Linke und rechte Pfeiltaste**: Position in der Hit Objekte-Zeitleiste ändern.
-- **1/2/3/4**: Auswahl ändern (Zeiger, Circle, Slider, Spinner)
-- **Q, W, E, R, L**: Einstellungen auf dem rechten Bildschirmrand wechseln.
-- **Entf**: Ausgewählte Hit Objekte entfernen.
-- **STRG + Z, Y**: Rückgängig machen, "Rückgängig" umkehren
-- **STRG + A**: Alle Hit Objekte markieren.
-- **STRG + X, C, V**: Entfernen, kopieren, einfügen
-- **STRG + D**: Ausgewählte Hit Objekte klonen.
-- **Alt (während dem Platzieren)**: Snap Distance temporär deaktivieren.
-- **Shift (während dem Platzieren)**: Grid Snapping temporär deaktivieren.
-- **Shift (während dem Modifizieren)**: Grid oder Beat Snapping temporär deaktivieren.
-- **J/K**: Hit Objekt nach vorne oder zurück bewegen.
-- **G**: Gridgröße ändern.
-- **STRG + 1/2/3/4**: Gridgröße (winzig, klein, mittel, groß)
-- **STRG + Shift + R**: Rotiert ausgewählte Hit Objekte nach einem spezifischen Winkel
-- **STRG + comma, dot**: Im/Gegen Uhrzeigerzeigersinn rotieren
-- **STRG + H, J**: Horizontal/Vertikal kippen
-#### Timingmodus
-- **T**: Zum Takt des Liedes drücken, um die BPM zu bestimmen.
-- **Shift (während der Anpassung von BPM/Offset)**: 4-fache Geschwindigkeit
-- **STRG + B**: Ausgewähltes Timing Sektion zurücksetzen.
-- **STRG + P**: Timing Sektion hinzufügen.
-### Mauseinstellungen
+- `X`: [Relax](/wiki/Relax)
+- `C`: [Auto Pilot](/wiki/Auto_Pilot)
+- `V`: [Spun Out](/wiki/Spun_Out)
+- `B`: Auto
+- `B` -> `B`: Cinema
-- **Linke Maustaste**: Circles platzieren, Slider beginnen oder ein Punkt zum platzierten Slider hinzufügen. Circle auswählen.
-- **STRG + linke Maustaste**: Weitere Punkte zum Slider hinzufügen.
-- **Rechte Maustaste**: Neues Combo beginnen, Sliderende platzieren oder ein Punkt vom Slider entfernen. Circle entfernen (nur im Auswahlmodus oder während das Lied nicht gerade läuft).
-- **Mausrad**: Position in der Hit Objekte-Zeitleiste ändern. Halte Shift für die 4-fache Geschwindigkeit gedrückt.
-- **STRG + Alt + Mausrad**: Auswahl ändern (Zeiger, Circle, Slider, Spinner)
-- **STRG + Mausrad**: Snap Divisor erhöhen/verringern.
-- **Alt + Mausrad**: Distance Snap Multiplikator erhöhen/verringern.
-- **Ziehen**: Ausgewählte Hit Objekte oder Punkte von Slider bewegen. Sliderende oder Spinnerende in der Zeitleiste ziehen, um es zu erweitern.
+Nur für osu!mania:
+- `3`: [3K](/wiki/3K)
+- `4`: [4K](/wiki/4K)
+- `5`: [5K](/wiki/5K)
+- `6`: [6K](/wiki/6K)
+- `7`: [7K](/wiki/7K)
+- `8`: [8K](/wiki/8K)
+- `9`: [9K](/wiki/9K)
+## Während des Spielens
+- `+` und `-`: Lokales Offset anpassen (mit `Alt` für besondere Präzision)
+- `Esc`: Song pausieren (oder beenden, falls der Auto- oder Cinema-Mod aktiv sind)
+- `Space`: Intro überspringen
+- `Tab`: Rangliste ein-/ausschalten
+- `Shift` + `Tab`: Benutzeroberfläche (außer Rangliste) ein-/ausschalten
+- `F3` und `F4`: osu!mania-Scrollgeschwindigkeit anpassen (nur am Anfang des Liedes möglich)
+- `Strg` + `R` oder `ö` (kurz halten): Die Map schnell neustarten (das Intro wird dann automatisch übersprungen)
+## Im Beatmap Editor
+_Siehe auch: [Beatmap Editor](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor)._
+### Generell
+Diese Kürzel funktionieren überall im Editor:
+- `Z`: Zur ersten Note oder zum Anfang des Liedes springen
+- `V`: Zur letzten Note oder zum Ende des Liedes springen
+- `X`: Zum Anfang springen und abspielen
+- `C` oder `Space`: Pause/fortfahren
+- `Pfeil links` or `Pfeil rechts`: Durch das Lied springen
+- `Pfeil oben` or `Pfeil unten`: Zwischen Timing Points springen
+- `Shift` + `Pfeil links` or `Shift` + `Pfeil rechts`: Mit 4-facher Geschwindigkeit durch das Lied springen
+- `Strg` + `B`: Ein Lesezeichen an der aktuellen Stelle setzen
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `B`: Das Lesezeichen an der aktuellen Stelle entfernen
+- `Strg` + `Pfeil links`: Zum vorherigen Lesezeichen springen
+- `Strg` + `Pfeil rechts`: Zum nächsten Lesezeichen springen
+- `Strg` + `L`: Änderungen zurücksetzen (teilweise): Lädt .osu- und .osb-Dateien neu
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `L`: Änderungen zurücksetzen (vollständig): Lädt zusätzlich noch Hitsounds und Skinelemente neu
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `O`: Die Difficulty-Auswahl öffnen
+- `Strg` + `S`: Speichern
+- `Strg` + `N`: Alle Objekte löschen (aber Timing und Song Setup behalten)
+- `Strg` + `Pfeil unten`: Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit um 25% verringern
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `Pfeil unten`: Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit um 5% verringern
+- `Strg` + `Up`: Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit um 25% erhöhen
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `Pfeil oben`: Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit um 5% erhöhen
+- `F1`: Zum [Compose](/wiki/Compose)-Modus wechseln
+- `F2`: Zum [Design](/wiki/Design)-Modus wechseln
+- `F3`: Zum [Timing](/wiki/Timing)-Modus wechseln
+- `F4`: Das [Song Setup](/wiki/Song_Setup) öffnen (neues Fenster)
+- `F5`: Den Testmodus starten
+- `F6`: Das Timing Setup öffnen
+### Compose
+#### Generell
+- `Strg` + `Z`: Rückgängig
+- `Strg` + `Y`: Wiederholen
+- `Strg` + `A`: Alle Objekte auswählen
+- `Strg` + `X`: Ausgewählte Objekte ausschneiden
+- `Strg` + `C`: Ausgewählte Objekte kopieren
+- `Strg` + `V`: Ausgewählte Objekte einfügen
+- `Strg + D`: Ausgewählte Objekte duplizieren (die Duplikate werden einen Takt hinter der letzten ausgewählten Note platziert)
+- `Entf`: Ausgewählte Objekte entfernen
+- `1`, `2`, `3`, or `4`: Modus wechseln: Objektauswahl (1) oder Platzieren von: Circle (2), Slider (3), Spinner (4)
+- `Strg` + `Alt` + `Mausrad hoch`: Modus hochscrollen
+- `Strg` + `Alt` + `Mausrad runter`: Modus runterscrollen
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `A` : [AiMod](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/AiMod) öffnen
+#### Hitsounding
+- `W`: Whistle-Effekt zu den ausgewählten Objekten hinzufügen
+- `E`: Finish-Effekt zu den ausgewählten Objekten hinzufügen
+- `R`: Clap-Effekt zu den ausgewählten Objekten hinzufügen
+- `Shift` + `Q`, `W`, `E`, `R`: Sampleset für das ausgewählte Objekt ändern zu: Auto, Normal, Soft, oder Drum
+- `Strg` + `Q`, `W`, `E`, `R`: Effekteset für das ausgewählte Objekt ändern zu: Auto, Normal, Soft, oder Drum
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `I`: Sample-Import öffnen (neues Fenster)
+#### Timeline
+- `Shift` + `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `6`, `8`: Den [Beat Snap Divisor](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Beat_Snap_Divisor) zu 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, oder 1/8 ändern (1, 2, und 3 sind in osu!mania nicht verfügbar)
+- `Shift` beim Platzieren von Objekten: Snapping ignorieren
+- `J`: Objekt auf der Timeline zurückbewegen
+- `K`: Objekt auf der Timeline vorwärts bewegen
+- `L`: Alle Objekte sperren
+### Design
+- `I`: Sprite-Bibliothek öffnen (als Overlay)
+- `Strg` + `Z`: Rückgängig
+- `Strg` + `Y`: Wiederholen
+- `Strg` + `X`: Ausgewählte Ebene ausschneiden
+- `Strg` + `C`: Ausgewählte Ebene kopieren
+- `Strg` + `V`: Ausgewählte Ebene an aktueller Stelle einfügen (Hinweis: Eingefügte Ebenen werden erst nach Speichern und Neuladen der Map in der Liste angezeigt)
+- `Entf`: Ausgewählte Ebene löschen
+- `W`, `A`, `S`, `D`: Ausgewählte Ebene um einen Pixel nach oben, links, unten oder rechts bewegen
+### Timing
+- `T`: [BPM](/wiki/BPM) und Offset durch Tippen festlegen
+ - Du solltest so genau wie möglich tippen
+- `Shift` beim Ändern von BPM oder Offset: 4-fache Geschwindigkeit
+- `Strg` + `B`: Aktuellen Timing Point zurücksetzen
+- `Strg` + `P`: Nicht vererbten Timing Point an aktueller Stelle erstellen
+- `Strg` + `Shift` + `P`: Vererbten Timing Point an aktueller Stelle erstellen (öffnet das Timing Setup)
+- `Strg` + `I`: Aktuellen Timing-Abschnitt löschen.
+### Maus
+- `Linksklick`: Hit Circles/Slider erstellen oder Objekte auswählen
+- `Strg` + `Linksklick`: Neuen Anker zum Slider hinzufügen
+- `Rechtsklick`: Neue Combo starten, Slider beenden, Slider-Anker entfernen oder Objekt löschen.
+- `Mausrad hoch`: Im Lied vorwärts springen
+- `Shift` + `Mausrad hoch`: Im Lied vorwärts springen (4-fache Geschwindigkeit)
+- `Mausrad runter`: Im Lied zurückspringen
+- `Shift` + `Mausrad runter`: Im Lied zurückspringen (4-fache Geschwindigkeit)
+- `Strg` + `Mausrad hoch`: Beat Snap Divisor erhöhen
+- `Strg` + `Mausrad runter`: Beat Snap Divisor verringern
+- `Alt` + `Mausrad hoch`: Im Spielfeld: Distance-Snapping-Multiplikator erhöhen. In der Timeline: Zoom verändern
+- `Alt` + `Mausrad runter`: Im Spielfeld: Distance-Snapping-Multiplikator verringern. In der Timeline: Zoom verändern
+- `Ziehen`: Ausgewählte Objekte verschieben (Position oder Zeit) oder Anker in einem Slider bewegen. In der Timeline: Enden von Slider/Spinner ziehen, um ihre Länge zu verändern
diff --git a/wiki/Shortcut_Key_Reference/en.md b/wiki/Shortcut_Key_Reference/en.md
index 02aa12281bdd..3382a85748aa 100644
--- a/wiki/Shortcut_Key_Reference/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Shortcut_Key_Reference/en.md
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Note: Not all of these work in the [multi](/wiki/multi) mode's song select scree
### Game Modifiers
-_See also: [Game Modifiers](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)._
+*Main page: [Game Modifiers](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)*
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ _See also: [Game Modifiers](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)._
## Beatmap Editor
-_See also: [Beatmap Editor](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor)._
+*Main page: [Beatmap Editor](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor)*
### General
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ These shortcuts work anywhere within the beatmap editor:
- `Ctrl` + `Z`: Undo
- `Ctrl` + `Y`: Redo
- `Ctrl` + `A`: Select all notes
-- `Ctrl` + `X`: Cut slection
+- `Ctrl` + `X`: Cut selection
- `Ctrl` + `C`: Copy selection
- `Ctrl` + `V`: Paste selection
- `Ctrl + D`: Clone the selection (places cloned selection 1 measure after last selected object)
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ These shortcuts work anywhere within the beatmap editor:
#### Timeline
-- `Shift` + `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `6`, `8`: Change [Beat Snap Divisor](wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Beat_Snap_Divisor) to 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, and 1/8 respectively (1, 2, and 3 do not work in osu!mania edit mode)
+- `Shift` + `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `6`, `8`: Change [Beat Snap Divisor](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Beat_Snap_Divisor) to 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, and 1/8 respectively (1, 2, and 3 do not work in osu!mania edit mode)
- `Shift` while placing (timeline): Ignore grid and beat (time) snapping
- `J`: Nudge circle backwards in time
- `K`: Nudge circle forwards in time
diff --git a/wiki/Sitemap/en.md b/wiki/Sitemap/en.md
index d87037a4818f..d6c23761e86d 100644
--- a/wiki/Sitemap/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Sitemap/en.md
@@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ tags:
- [Commands](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Commands)
- [Compound Commands](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Compound_Commands)
- [General Rules](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/General_Rules)
- - [Miscellaneous](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Miscellaneous)
- [Objects](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Objects)
- [osu! File Toggles](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/osu!_File_Toggles)
- [Shorthand](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Shorthand)
diff --git a/wiki/Skinning/FAQ/en.md b/wiki/Skinning/FAQ/en.md
index 47a178843e1b..5af975d3a53d 100644
--- a/wiki/Skinning/FAQ/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Skinning/FAQ/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning).*
*This article is about frequently answered skinning questions. For the tutorial, see [Skinning/Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning/Tutorial).*
## Getting started
@@ -14,7 +12,7 @@ Skinning is a simple image changing mechanism that osu! will load upon selecting
If you have gone through the entire skinning forums and you are certain that you cannot find *that* skin, then congrats, osu! doesn't have it yet. With this in mind, you can take this initiative to create the skin you dream of and make it something that everyone else may want!
-**Nevertheless, please, never request for a skin anywhere in the forums.** Failing to follow this rule will your thread be moved to the wastelands.
+**Nevertheless, please, never request for a skin anywhere in the forums.** Failing to follow this rule will result in your thread being moved to the wastelands.
### Where can I get this skin that I saw someone play with?
@@ -28,7 +26,7 @@ The only exception to this are sounds, as they are typically harder to make. The
### How do I make a skin?
-*See also: [Skinning/Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning/Tutorial).*
+*Main page: [Skinning/Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning/Tutorial)*
### What should my skin folder contain?
@@ -46,7 +44,7 @@ You can also exit and reopen osu! or start the updater to reload the skin, but i
### What are skinning sets?
-*See also: [Ranking Criteria/Skin Set List](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Skin_Set_List).*
+*Main page: [Ranking Criteria/Skin Set List](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Skin_Set_List)*
In osu!, there are over 200 skinnable elements (not including the individual animated frames). However, you are not required to skin all of them. Instead, you can simply remove them as osu! will use the default images for the ones you don't include.
@@ -139,7 +137,7 @@ It is really important to include various screenshots of gameplay and the song s
### What is skin.ini?
-*See also: [skin.ini](/wiki/skin.ini).*
+*Main page: [skin.ini](/wiki/skin.ini)*
### What is v1.0 and v2.0+?
@@ -279,7 +277,7 @@ You must have [osu!supporter](/wiki/osu!supporter) to see the background image i
### What does the @2x do?
-*See also: [HD images](#hd-images).*
+*Main page: [HD images](#hd-images)*
### My taiko drums are in the wrong position!
@@ -287,7 +285,7 @@ Open the [skin.ini](/wiki/skin.ini) file and change the `Version` to `2.1` or hi
### How do I change the combo colours?
-*See also: [skin.ini](/wiki/skin.ini/#[colours]).*
+*Main page: [skin.ini](/wiki/skin.ini/#[colours])*
### How do I disable one or more hit sounds?
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@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
# History
-*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning)*
The skinning elements listed here are no longer in use.
## Interface
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@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
# Interface
-*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning).*
*See also: [Skinning Interface Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_Interface_Tutorial) and [Interface](/wiki/Interface)*
Interface skinning elements are used in multiple game modes or parts of the client's user interface.
@@ -177,7 +175,7 @@ Notes:
## Mod icons
-*See also: [Game Modifiers](/wiki/Game_Modifiers).*
+*Main page: [Game Modifiers](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)*
@@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ Notes:
## Offset wizard
-*See also: [Offset Wizard](/wiki/Offset_Wizard).*
+*Main page: [Offset Wizard](/wiki/Offset_Wizard)*
@@ -780,7 +778,7 @@ Notes:
### Hit bursts
-*See also: [Skinning/FAQ § Ranking screen hierarchy](/wiki/Skinning/FAQ/#ranking-screen-hierarchy).*
+*Main page: [Skinning/FAQ § Ranking screen hierarchy](/wiki/Skinning/FAQ/#ranking-screen-hierarchy)*
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@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Skinning is one of the key features of osu! It enables players to derive from th
## Skinning sets
-*See also: [Skin Set List](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Skin_Set_List/).*
+*Main page: [Skin Set List](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/Skin_Set_List)*
**For beatmaps only,** if your beatmap skin contains a single element from the listed sets in the Ranking Criteria, it must contain all of the other elements within said skinning set. This only applies to beatmap skins, but other skinners may want to consider those lists as well.
## How do I make a skin?
-*See also: [Skinning Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning/Tutorial).*
+*Main page: [Skinning Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning/Tutorial)*
## Skin elements lists
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@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
# osu!
-*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning).*
-*See also: [Skinning osu! Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_osu!_Tutorial).*
+*See also: [Skinning osu! Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_osu!_Tutorial)*
## Comboburst
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+++ b/wiki/Skinning/osu!catch/en.md
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
# osu!catch
-*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning).*
-*See also: [Skinning osu!catch Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_osu!catch_Tutorial).*
+*See also: [Skinning osu!catch Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_osu!catch_Tutorial)*
## Catcher
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+++ b/wiki/Skinning/osu!mania/en.md
@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
# osu!mania
-*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning).*
-*See also: [Skinning osu!mania Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_osu!mania_Tutorial).*
+*See also: [Skinning osu!mania Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_osu!mania_Tutorial)*
Since v2.5+, skinners are now able to fully customize the osu!mania notes and stage using the [skin.ini](/wiki/skin.ini) file. The following is what osu! will recognize if one chooses to not use the `skin.ini` for further customization.
## Hit Bursts
-*See also: [Skinning/FAQ § Ranking screen hierarchy](/wiki/Skinning/FAQ/#ranking-screen-hierarchy).*
+*See also: [Skinning/FAQ § Ranking screen hierarchy](/wiki/Skinning/FAQ/#ranking-screen-hierarchy)*
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+++ b/wiki/Skinning/osu!taiko/en.md
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
# osu!taiko
-*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning).*
-*See also: [Skinning osu!taiko Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_osu!taiko_Tutorial).*
+*See also: [Skinning osu!taiko Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_osu!taiko_Tutorial)*
You can override the osu!taiko playfield parts by creating a folder called `taiko` inside your skin folder. If this approach is used, the user will need to explicitly enable this in the [options](/wiki/options) (enable the `Use Taiko skin for Taiko mode` button), otherwise the default skin elements will be used.
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+++ b/wiki/Skinning/skin.ini/en.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# skin.ini
-*See also: [skin.ini/Blank](/wiki/Skinning/skin.ini/Blank).*
+*See also: [skin.ini/Blank](/wiki/Skinning/skin.ini/Blank)*
The `skin.ini` is an initialization file that is found in almost every skin folder.
This file will define how osu! will display certain skin elements.
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+++ b/wiki/Skinning_Tutorial/en.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*See also: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning)*
-*For frequently answered skinning questions, see: [Skinning/FAQ](/wiki/Skinning/FAQ).*
+*For frequently answered skinning questions, see: [Skinning/FAQ](/wiki/Skinning/FAQ)*
## Getting Started
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+++ b/wiki/Skinning_Tutorial/osu!catch/en.md
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
# osu!catch
-*Main page: [Skinning Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_Tutorial).*
## Skinning elements
-*See also: [Skinning/osu!catch](/wiki/Skinning/osu!catch).*
+*See also: [Skinning/osu!catch](/wiki/Skinning/osu!catch)*
### Fruits
@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ These have a minimum width of 302px and the first 16 horizontal lines from the t
## Skin configuration
-*See also: [skin.ini](/wiki/skin.ini).*
+*See also: [skin.ini](/wiki/skin.ini)*
osu!catch has three unique skin configuration commands:
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# skin.ini
-*See also: [skin.ini](https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Skinning/skin.ini) and [Skinning](https://osu.ppy.sh/help/wiki/Skinning).*
+*See also: [skin.ini](https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Skinning/skin.ini) and [Skinning](https://osu.ppy.sh/help/wiki/Skinning)*
## What does the skin.ini do?
The skin.ini file can modify the behaviour of certain skinning elements in a skin.
diff --git a/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Objects/en.md b/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Objects/en.md
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+++ b/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Objects/en.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Objects

-*For Objects in [osu!](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!) and [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping), see [Hit Objects](/wiki/Hit_Objects).*
+*For objects in [osu!standard](/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!) and [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping), see: [Hit Objects](/wiki/Hit_Objects)*
In [Storyboarding](/wiki/Storyboards), **Objects** are sprites or animations that appear on the screen and make up the storyboard. Instances of SB-specific audio can also be considered to be objects; however, for clarity, they have [their own section of this guide](/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/Audio).
diff --git a/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/osu!_File_Toggles/en.md b/wiki/Storyboard_Scripting/osu!_File_Toggles/en.md
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Osu File Toggles
-The following are toggles that can be added to .osu (and in some cases, .osb files) to affect [skinning](/wiki/Skinning) / [storyboarding](/wiki/Storyboards). Those that are added/removed by the [Beatmap Editor](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor) can also be included.
+*See also: [skin.ini](/wiki/Skinning/Skin.ini)*
-See also [skin.ini](/wiki/Skinning/Skin.ini).
+The following are toggles that can be added to .osu (and in some cases, .osb files) to affect [skinning](/wiki/Skinning) / [storyboarding](/wiki/Storyboards). Those that are added/removed by the [Beatmap Editor](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor) can also be included.
Under [General] Section
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+# Aus/NZ osu!standard Tournament
+Index page for all of the Aus/NZ osu!standard Tournament series.
+- [2018 Summer](./2018_Summer "Aus/NZ osu!standard Tournament 5 - Summer")
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+# Asian Taiko Showdown
+Index page for all of the Asian Taiko Showdown series.
+- [Indonesian Taiko Showdown](./1 "Indonesian Taiko Showdown")
+- [Asian Taiko Showdown 2018](./2018 "Asian Taiko Showdown 2018")
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+# Catch French Cup
+Index page for all of the Catch French Cup series.
+- [2](./2 "Catch French Cup 2")
+- [3](./3 "Catch French Cup 3")
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+# Catch the Beat Indonesia Cup
+Index page for all of the Catch the Beat Indonesia Cup series.
+- [2018](./2018 "Catch the Beat Indonesia Cup 2018")
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+# CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament
+Index page for all of the CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament series.
+- [2018](./2018 "The 4th CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament")
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+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/CMT_4K/2018/en.md
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ The **Chinese osu!mania 4K Tournament 2018** (***CMT 4K 2018***) is the third on
| Round of 16 | 2018-10-20/2018-10-21 |
| Quarterfinals | 2018-10-27/2018-10-28 |
| Semifinals | 2018-11-03/2018-11-04 |
-| Finals - Week 1 | 2018-11-10/2018-11-11 |
-| Finals - Week 2 | 2018-11-17/2018-11-18 |
+| Finals - Week 1 | 2018-11-10 |
+| Finals - Week 2 | 2018-11-18/2018-11-25 |
## Prizes
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ The Chinese osu!mania 4K Tournament 2018 is run by various community members by
| Management and Organisation | ![][CN] [hans1999](/users/6679329), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256) |
| Coordinator | ![][CN] [SSV Normandy](/users/6475977) |
| Map Selectors | ![][US] [qqqant](/users/8976576), ![][SG] [Polytetral](/users/8612061), ![][US] [Trainer-](/users/9331760), ![][SG] [Raveille](/users/1388767) |
-| Streamers and Referees | ![][CN] [aiyulu](/users/189617), ![][CN] [Rasis](/users/1209363), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256), ![][CN] [kj415j45](/users/9367540) |
-| Commentators | ![][CN] [hans1999](/users/6679329), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256), ![][CN] [Rasis](/users/1209363), ![][AU] [williammak](/users/11083079), ![][CN] [crazybrother](/users/8045083) |
+| Streamers and Referees | ![][CN] [aiyulu](/users/189617), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256), ![][CN] [kj415j45](/users/9367540) |
+| Commentators | ![][CN] [hans1999](/users/6679329), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256), ![][AU] [williammak](/users/11083079), ![][CN] [crazybrother](/users/8045083), ![][CN] [kj415j45](/users/9367540), ![][CN] [NimaPro](/users/11524571), ![][CN] [IA daisuki](/users/11238501) |
| Wiki | ![][CN] [kj415j45](/users/9367540) |
## Links
@@ -52,34 +52,63 @@ The Chinese osu!mania 4K Tournament 2018 is run by various community members by
- [QQ group](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=5IH0Tkr)
- [Challonge](https://challonge.com/CMT2018)
- Livestream
- - bilibili: [aiyulu](https://live.bilibili.com/10183) (Primary), [Flow Light](https://live.bilibili.com/73668) (Secondary), [Rasis](https://live.bilibili.com/5333) (Backup), [kj415j45](https://live.bilibili.com/237250) (Backup).
+ - bilibili: [aiyulu](https://live.bilibili.com/10183) (Primary), [Flow Light](https://live.bilibili.com/73668) (Secondary), [kj415j45](https://live.bilibili.com/237250) (Backup).
- Twitch: [aiyulu](https://www.twitch.tv/aiyulu).
- [Beatmap suggestion](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGjHNxIOw1cOfj1NHn1KwbXBfa5mZnqRNQQnFT-v6z6uRJYg/viewform)
- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DSHZVSUJ3TGFRY3Fj)**
-## Match Schedule: Quarterfinals
-The following time are based on UTC+08 timezone.
-### Saturday, 27. October 2018
-| Match Time | PlayerBlue | | PlayerRed |
-| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
-| 11:00 | zero2snow | vs | ByeForNow |
-| 20:00 | Sakaki | vs | HDRoop\_7 |
-| 21:00 | 704661982 | vs | \[Crz\]Minato |
-| 22:00 | alisi | vs | CaOH2 |
+## Mappools
-### Sunday, 28. October 2018
+### Finals
-| Match Time | PlayerBlue | | PlayerRed |
-| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
-| 16:00 | w a d u | vs | C Eru |
-| 20:00 | cheewee10 | vs | \[Crz\]Murasame |
-| 21:00 | yin xiaosong | vs | Orangejuice |
-| 22:00 | Stink God | vs | AradORiOn\_MMM |
+**Download the mappack here! (105 MB) - [Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Qc4B46bUWDnLoWTG96IjWw) - [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DrJ9MG5naQoBMvMcvwd84RUE105BwODi)**
-## Mappools
+- FreeMod
+ - [Sota Fujimori - Move That Body -Extended Mix- \[Dance\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/765772#mania/1609983)
+ - [ck - Carnation (ck remix) \[LN Master\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/749709#mania/1579095)
+ - [LeaF - Calamity Fortune \[Freedom (240bpm)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/866025#mania/1810669)
+ - [Gram VS Camellia - Ragnarok \[howls of gnipahellir\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/761809#mania/1601809)
+ - [YZYX - Dysnomia \[Aphasia\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/867111#mania/1812736)
+ - [Casey Lee Williams ft. Jeff Williams - Boop \[RWBYnfinity\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/696309#mania/1475015)
+ - [Daiki Kasho - 5oul on D!splay (Short Ver.) \[Display\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/384818#mania/840775)
+ - [Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore \[Extra (NSV) (143bpm)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/873114#mania/1825054)
+ - [Cyber-Rainforce - Pluto \[Ayumu's firmament\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/657922#mania/1393518)
+ - [Venetian Snares - Sinthasomphone \[Challenge\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/872435#mania/1823177)
+ - [LeaF - Lyrith \[Amnesia\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/687280#mania/1463532)
+ - [lapix - Duality Rave (Zekk's 'FULL SPEC' Remix) \[Extreme (Revised)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/859797#mania/1821298)
+ - [xi - PEACE BREAKER \[devastation\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/827204#mania/1733417)
+ - [Camellia - Proluvies \[SVecial\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/715240#mania/1511192)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Camellia - Berserkerz' Warfare 345 [The Final Battle (379bpm)]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/873908#mania/1826647)**
+### Semifinals
+**Download the mappack here! (104 MB) - [Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BqzBwJ4JmGHpnV6T9plW2w) - [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rdhA-MDfErQtevTp9EPp-6q4ml9WIkgK)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [PROTODOME - Greatest Hat \[chalLeNge\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/840500#mania/1759313)
+ - [Getty vs. DJ DiA - Fox4-Raize- \[UNLIMITED \[LN\]\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/595830#mania/1260071)
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - Dancer of Saramandora \[Sprites\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/836808#mania/1752295)
+ - [Round Wave Crusher - Slash Dot Slash (Slim Boy Fat) \[-.-\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/823631#mania/1725933)
+ - [IOSYS - The Lovely, Freezing, Tomboyish Bath, Cirno's Hot Spring \[Nine Time\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/859935#mania/1799312)
+ - [96-glass - Blessed \[Heaven\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/855239#mania/1787084)
+ - [YMCK - Curry da yo! \[Curry!!!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/556640#mania/1177974)
+ - [MasamiT - Toraburu Kuroneko Manbiki \[Ayumu's Distress\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/591252#mania/1251232)
+ - [Camellia - Nightmare of Hornets Squad \[Breakdown\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/543489#mania/1151944)
+ - [Terminal 11 - Miserable Bastard \[Despair\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/789976#mania/1657803)
+ - [MuryokuP - Frozen World \[Yuki\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/373379#mania/817998)
+ - [BlackY - B(Camellia's"BlAst-Off"Remix) \[Radiation\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/832566#mania/1744190)
+ - [Camellia - epimerization \[doxorubicin\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/803740#mania/1686934)
+ - [sakuraburst - deconstructing nature \[destruction\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/619106#mania/1305926)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Camellia - LET'S JUMP (Camellia's 'diffractive' Hardcore Remix) \[Liftoff\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/851107#mania/1779259)**
### Quarterfinals
@@ -149,6 +178,47 @@ The following time are based on UTC+08 timezone.
## Match Results
+### Finals - Week 2
+| PlayerBlue | | | PlayerRed |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| ByeForNow | 4 | 7 | \[Crz\]Murasame |
+| \[Crz\]Murasame | 0 | 7 | cheewee10 |
+### Finals - Week 1
+| PlayerBlue | | | PlayerRed |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| cheewee10 | 6 | 1 | ByeForNow |
+| Orangejuice | 0 | 0 | HDRoop_7 |
+| \[Crz\]Murasame | 6 | 0 | [Crz]Minato |
+### Semifinals
+| PlayerBlue | | | PlayerRed |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| **CaOH2** | **6** | 1 | Sakaki |
+| Stink God | 5 | **6** | **zero2snow** |
+| C Eru | 0 | **6** | **\[Crz\]Murasame** |
+| HDRoop\_7 | 0 | **6** | **cheewee10** |
+| **\[Crz\]Murasame** | **6** | 1 | CaOH2 |
+| \[Crz\]Minato | 0 | **6** | **ByeForNow** |
+| **Orangejuice** | **6** | 2 | 704661982 |
+| zero2snow | 0 | **6** | **Orangejuice** |
+### Quarterfinals
+| PlayerBlue | | | PlayerRed |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| zero2snow | 3 | **5** | **ByeForNow** |
+| Sakaki | 0 | **5** | **HDRoop\_7** |
+| 704661982 | 1 | **5** | **\[Crz\]Minato** |
+| alisi | 0 | **5** | **CaOH2** |
+| w a d u | 4 | **5** | **C Eru** |
+| **cheewee10** | **5** | 2 | \[Crz\]Murasame |
+| yin xiaosong | 0 | **5** | **Orangejuice** |
+| **Stink God** | **5** | 1 | AradORiOn\_MMM |
### Round of 16
| PlayerBlue | | | PlayerRed |
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@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ tags:
| 十六强赛 | 2018-10-20/2018-10-21 |
| 八强赛 | 2018-10-27/2018-10-28 |
| 半决赛 | 2018-11-03/2018-11-04 |
-| 决赛第一周 | 2018-11-10/2018-11-11 |
-| 决赛第二周 | 2018-11-17/2018-11-18 |
+| 决赛第一周 | 2018-11-10 |
+| 决赛第二周 | 2018-11-18/2018-11-25 |
## 奖品
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ tags:
| 比赛经理 | ![][CN] [hans1999](/users/6679329), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256) |
| 比赛监督 | ![][CN] [SSV Normandy](/users/6475977) |
| 图池管理 | ![][US] [qqqant](/users/8976576), ![][SG] [Polytetral](/users/8612061), ![][US] [Trainer-](/users/9331760), ![][SG] [Raveille](/users/1388767) |
-| 直播裁判 | ![][CN] [aiyulu](/users/189617), ![][CN] [Rasis](/users/1209363), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256), ![][CN] [kj415j45](/users/9367540) |
-| 解说团队 | ![][CN] [hans1999](/users/6679329), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256), ![][CN] [Rasis](/users/1209363), ![][AU] [williammak](/users/11083079), ![][CN] [crazybrother](/users/8045083) |
+| 直播裁判 | ![][CN] [aiyulu](/users/189617), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256), ![][CN] [kj415j45](/users/9367540) |
+| 解说团队 | ![][CN] [hans1999](/users/6679329), ![][CN] [Flow Light](/users/6705256), ![][AU] [williammak](/users/11083079), ![][CN] [crazybrother](/users/8045083), ![][CN] [kj415j45](/users/9367540), ![][CN] [NimaPro](/users/11524571), ![][CN] [IA daisuki](/users/11238501) |
| Wiki | ![][CN] [kj415j45](/users/9367540) |
## 链接
@@ -50,34 +50,62 @@ tags:
- [QQ群](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=5IH0Tkr)
- [Challonge](https://challonge.com/zh_CN/CMT2018)
- 直播间
- - 哔哩哔哩:[aiyulu](https://live.bilibili.com/10183)(主直播)、[Flow Light](https://live.bilibili.com/73668)(副直播)、[Rasis](https://live.bilibili.com/5333)(备用)、[kj415j45](https://live.bilibili.com/237250)(备用)
+ - 哔哩哔哩:[aiyulu](https://live.bilibili.com/10183)(主直播)、[Flow Light](https://live.bilibili.com/73668)(副直播)、[kj415j45](https://live.bilibili.com/237250)(备用)
- Twitch:[aiyulu](https://www.twitch.tv/aiyulu)
- [谱面推荐](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGjHNxIOw1cOfj1NHn1KwbXBfa5mZnqRNQQnFT-v6z6uRJYg/viewform)(需科学上网)
- [赛事记录表](https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DSHZVSUJ3TGFRY3Fj)
-## 排程:八强赛
-以下时间均为 UTC+08 时区。
-### 2018-10-27 星期六
-| 比赛时间 | 蓝方玩家 | | 红方玩家 |
-| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
-| 11:00 | zero2snow | vs | ByeForNow |
-| 20:00 | Sakaki | vs | HDRoop\_7 |
-| 21:00 | 704661982 | vs | \[Crz\]Minato |
-| 22:00 | alisi | vs | CaOH2 |
+## 图池
-### 2018-10-28 星期日
+### 决赛
-| 比赛时间 | 蓝方玩家 | | 红方玩家 |
-| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
-| 16:00 | w a d u | vs | C Eru |
-| 20:00 | cheewee10 | vs | \[Crz\]Murasame |
-| 21:00 | yin xiaosong | vs | Orangejuice |
-| 22:00 | Stink God | vs | AradORiOn\_MMM |
+**下载完整图池包!(105 MB) - [百度云盘](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Qc4B46bUWDnLoWTG96IjWw) - [Google 云端硬盘](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DrJ9MG5naQoBMvMcvwd84RUE105BwODi)**
-## 图池
+- FreeMod
+ - [Sota Fujimori - Move That Body -Extended Mix- \[Dance\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/765772#mania/1609983)
+ - [ck - Carnation (ck remix) \[LN Master\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/749709#mania/1579095)
+ - [LeaF - Calamity Fortune \[Freedom (240bpm)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/866025#mania/1810669)
+ - [Gram VS Camellia - Ragnarok \[howls of gnipahellir\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/761809#mania/1601809)
+ - [YZYX - Dysnomia \[Aphasia\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/867111#mania/1812736)
+ - [Casey Lee Williams ft. Jeff Williams - Boop \[RWBYnfinity\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/696309#mania/1475015)
+ - [Daiki Kasho - 5oul on D!splay (Short Ver.) \[Display\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/384818#mania/840775)
+ - [Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore \[Extra (NSV) (143bpm)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/873114#mania/1825054)
+ - [Cyber-Rainforce - Pluto \[Ayumu's firmament\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/657922#mania/1393518)
+ - [Venetian Snares - Sinthasomphone \[Challenge\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/872435#mania/1823177)
+ - [LeaF - Lyrith \[Amnesia\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/687280#mania/1463532)
+ - [lapix - Duality Rave (Zekk's 'FULL SPEC' Remix) \[Extreme (Revised)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/859797#mania/1821298)
+ - [xi - PEACE BREAKER \[devastation\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/827204#mania/1733417)
+ - [Camellia - Proluvies \[SVecial\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/715240#mania/1511192)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Camellia - Berserkerz' Warfare 345 [The Final Battle (379bpm)]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/873908#mania/1826647)**
+### 半决赛
+**下载完整图池包!(104 MB) - [百度云盘](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BqzBwJ4JmGHpnV6T9plW2w) - [Google 云端硬盘](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rdhA-MDfErQtevTp9EPp-6q4ml9WIkgK)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [PROTODOME - Greatest Hat \[chalLeNge\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/840500#mania/1759313)
+ - [Getty vs. DJ DiA - Fox4-Raize- \[UNLIMITED \[LN\]\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/595830#mania/1260071)
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - Dancer of Saramandora \[Sprites\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/836808#mania/1752295)
+ - [Round Wave Crusher - Slash Dot Slash (Slim Boy Fat) \[-.-\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/823631#mania/1725933)
+ - [IOSYS - The Lovely, Freezing, Tomboyish Bath, Cirno's Hot Spring \[Nine Time\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/859935#mania/1799312)
+ - [96-glass - Blessed \[Heaven\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/855239#mania/1787084)
+ - [YMCK - Curry da yo! \[Curry!!!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/556640#mania/1177974)
+ - [MasamiT - Toraburu Kuroneko Manbiki \[Ayumu's Distress\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/591252#mania/1251232)
+ - [Camellia - Nightmare of Hornets Squad \[Breakdown\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/543489#mania/1151944)
+ - [Terminal 11 - Miserable Bastard \[Despair\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/789976#mania/1657803)
+ - [MuryokuP - Frozen World \[Yuki\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/373379#mania/817998)
+ - [BlackY - B(Camellia's"BlAst-Off"Remix) \[Radiation\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/832566#mania/1744190)
+ - [Camellia - epimerization \[doxorubicin\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/803740#mania/1686934)
+ - [sakuraburst - deconstructing nature \[destruction\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/619106#mania/1305926)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Camellia - LET'S JUMP (Camellia's 'diffractive' Hardcore Remix) \[Liftoff\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/851107#mania/1779259)**
### 八强赛
@@ -146,6 +174,47 @@ tags:
## 比赛结果
+### 决赛第二周
+| 蓝方选手 | | | 红方选手 |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| ByeForNow | 4 | 7 | \[Crz\]Murasame |
+| \[Crz\]Murasame | 0 | 7 | cheewee10 |
+### 决赛第一周
+| 蓝方选手 | | | 红方选手 |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| cheewee10 | 6 | 1 | ByeForNow |
+| Orangejuice | 0 | 0 | HDRoop_7 |
+| \[Crz\]Murasame | 6 | 0 | [Crz]Minato |
+### 半决赛
+| 蓝方选手 | | | 红方选手 |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| **CaOH2** | **6** | 1 | Sakaki |
+| Stink God | 5 | **6** | **zero2snow** |
+| C Eru | 0 | **6** | **\[Crz\]Murasame** |
+| HDRoop\_7 | 0 | **6** | **cheewee10** |
+| **\[Crz\]Murasame** | **6** | 1 | CaOH2 |
+| \[Crz\]Minato | 0 | **6** | **ByeForNow** |
+| **Orangejuice** | **6** | 2 | 704661982 |
+| zero2snow | 0 | **6** | **Orangejuice** |
+### 八强赛
+| 蓝方选手 | | | 红方选手 |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| zero2snow | 3 | **5** | **ByeForNow** |
+| Sakaki | 0 | **5** | **HDRoop\_7** |
+| 704661982 | 1 | **5** | **\[Crz\]Minato** |
+| alisi | 0 | **5** | **CaOH2** |
+| w a d u | 4 | **5** | **C Eru** |
+| **cheewee10** | **5** | 2 | \[Crz\]Murasame |
+| yin xiaosong | 0 | **5** | **Orangejuice** |
+| **Stink God** | **5** | 1 | AradORiOn\_MMM |
### 十六强赛
| 蓝方选手 | | | 红方选手 |
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+# Chinese osu!mania 4K Tournament
+Index page for all of the Chinese osu!mania 4K Tournament series.
+- [2017](./2017 "Chinese osu!mania 4K Tournament 2017")
+- [2018](./2018 "Chinese osu!mania 4K Tournament 2018")
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+- CWC
+# Catch the Beat World Cup
+The **Catch the Beat World Cup** (***CWC***) was a team-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It was the 1st installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2011-09-30/2011-11-01 |
+| Round 1 | 2011-11-04/2011-11-06 |
+| Round 2 | 2011-11-11/2011-11-13 |
+| Round 3 | 2011-11-18/2011-11-20 |
+| Round 4 | 2011-11-25/2011-11-27 |
+| Round 5 | 2011-12-02/2011-12-04 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2012-01-07/2011-01-08 |
+| Semifinals | 2012-01-14/2011-01-15 |
+| Finals | 2012-02-05 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 6 months of osu!supporter tag |
+|  | 2 months of osu!supporter tag |
+|  | 1 month of osu!supporter tag |
+*Note: 1 month of osu!supporter tag was also given to the backup member of the winning team.*
+## Organisation
+The Catch the Beat World Cup was run by various osu!catch community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+- ![][flag_DE] [Nyan-Zapo](/users/480676)
+- ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565)
+- ![][flag_KR] [CLSW](/users/531253)
+- ![][flag_CA] [weezy47](/users/67211)
+- ![][flag_SG] [ZHSteven](/users/142413)
+- ![][flag_RU] [Louis Cyphre](/users/186243)
+- ![][flag_IT] [NeoRainier](/users/326049)
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/63296)
+## Participants
+| Team | Region | Members |
+| :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| **#filipino** | Philippines | **blacksymbian**, Cielo, thOnz, jdle07 |
+| **CatchTheHungarians** | Europe | **Shauni8**, Kriszteeee, tuzgu, Norbi |
+| **CFC** | Asia/America | **KRZY**, Kuzino, ElectricShock, GuruK |
+| **Champion The Beat** | Taiwan, Korea | **Uan**, Bossandy, - Emp4y -, SS\_Kanzaki |
+| **Chile** | America | **eldnl**, Dark\_Diego, DaxMaster, MoodyRPG |
+| **China** | China | **hy1hy1hy**, HineX, Dusk, joynama |
+| **French fruit overdose club** | France | **Drafura**, Lendrix, Badis23, Tensude |
+| **German Hentai's** | Germany | **NoteKuroi**, DeathXHunter, Valetine, Nyan-Zapo |
+| **half manual player team** | Taiwan | **Flanet**, madaoB, allen22604358, H i M e J i |
+| **Hungary CTB** | Europe | **TaylorXIII**, Petya, Kuroi Mato, Felhoo |
+| **Indonesia** | Asia | **Lady Vamps**, -Newbie-, r3yn41d0, Ableh\_ZZZ |
+| **Indonesia2** | Indonesia | **Yumi14**, Varri Naufalb, AeroRange, Devil\_Cosmo |
+| **Korea** | Korea | **Spectator**, Speedy Cat, CTB user, CLSW |
+| **Lone wolfs** | North America | **sk8terpoke**, Gfbrd, Bolio, DeathxShinigami |
+| **Old School** | Europe | **CriticalDex**, Joseph, Emaal, Salwinjack |
+| **Red Fury** | Europe | **Deif**, mikhe, raimoncortese, AleZer0 |
+| **State(s) of the Art** | North/South America | **Senyo**, AroundTheManhole, Pieguy1372, k4mm3r |
+| **Team Nub** | Canada | **Sumaki**, Weezy, Kitsunemimi, jonnypui |
+| **The Hidden Ones** | Belarus, Czech Republic, Italy | **Katsek**, Jekasa, NeoRainier |
+| **Viciados em Crack** | South America | **Artificial Children**, Takamura, Kakarotto, Kazuo |
+## Groups
+| Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
+| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| The Hidden Ones | State(s) of the Art | Team Nub | Chile |
+| Viciados em Crack | CFC | half manual player team | China |
+| Champion The Beat | Hungary CTB | Red Fury | French fruit overdose club |
+| Indonesia | #filipino | German Hentai's | CatchTheHungarians |
+| Lone wolf | Old School | Indonesia2 | Korea |
+## Podium
+This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:
+| Placing | Team |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | ![][flag_CN] China |
+|  | ![][flag_TW] half manual player team |
+|  | ![][flag_CL] Chile |
+## Mappools
+### Finals
+- NoMod
+ - [S.S.H. - Intersect Thunderbolt (Deif) \[Thunderbolt\]](/beatmapsets/43027#fruits/135142)
+ - [PRASTIK DANCEFLOOR - Session 9 -Chronicles- \[2Q\]](http://puu.sh/ccsl)
+ - [KAZE.o2SE - Earth Quake (ZHSteven) \[CTB pro competition\]](/beatmapsets/31297#fruits/102923)
+ - [NicoNico Chorus - World's End Dancehall \[CLSPEC Adieu Special\]](http://puu.sh/eykZ)
+ - [Shoichiro Sakamoto - Eye of Aeon (KanaRin) \[Kana's CTB\]](http://puu.sh/1g0e)
+ - [LEAF XCEED Music Division - Fur Elise \[Extra CtB Stage\]](http://puu.sh/HiC)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Kokou no Sousei \[Verdi's TAG2\]](http://puu.sh/f6oX)
+ - Ryu\* - I'm so Happy \[Shana's Madness CTB\]
+### Semifinals
+- NoMod
+ - [BACK-ON - flyaway \[Tales of\] Remix (ztrot) \[FLYAWAY!!!\]](/beatmapsets/11620#fruits/44782)
+ - [Demetori - Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom \~ Nuclear Fusion (Louis Cyphre) \[Atomic\]](/beatmapsets/20125#fruits/91037)
+ - [Basshunter - Ievan Polkka Trance Remix (Starrodkirby86, Beuchi-chan) \[BeuKirby\]](/beatmapsets/10406#fruits/66246)
+ - [DCX - Flying High (DJ Splash Remix) (yeahyeahyeahhh) \[InoSane\]](/beatmapsets/22194#fruits/76663)
+ - [t+pazolite - Against Gilgamesh (Louis Cyphre) \[Ultimate Illusion\]](/beatmapsets/39816#fruits/126671)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - SWITCHED-ON LOTUS (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix Deluxe\]](/beatmapsets/16457#fruits/58970)
+ - [DystopiaGround - AugoEidEs (happy30) \[Aphotic\]](/beatmapsets/24611#fruits/97416)
+### Quarterfinals
+- NoMod
+ - [IOSYS - Accept Bloody Fate (Louis Cyphre) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/37305#fruits/120066)
+ - [goreshit - MATZcore (Ekoro) \[Lolicore\]](/beatmapsets/24388#fruits/83975)
+ - [Hyadain - Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (TV Size) (Saten-San) \[Saten's SELAMAT PAGI!!\]](/beatmapsets/32775#fruits/112586)
+ - [DJ Sharpnel - Exciting Hyper Highspeed Star (xBubu) \[Highspeed\]](/beatmapsets/16619#fruits/62589)
+ - [Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain - I Am Murloc (CheeseWarlock) \[Northrend\]](/beatmapsets/12030#fruits/45433)
+### Round 5
+- NoMod
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Reversible Doll (NatsumeRin) \[Rin\]](/beatmapsets/22773#fruits/78913)
+ - [Megpoid GUMI - Poker Face (NatsumeRin) \[Spade\]](/beatmapsets/24782#fruits/84801)
+ - [Sound Horizon - Shiseru Eiyuutachi no Tatakai (zerosyn) \[Thanatos\]](/beatmapsets/8809#fruits/39298)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Hidari Migi -migihidari- (NatsumeRin) \[Rin\]](/beatmapsets/24177#fruits/87223)
+ - [Tatsh feat. Sariyajin - FOUR SEASONS OF LONELINESS (gowww) \[gow's Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/28342#fruits/112158)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Asgard (Lybydose) \[Valhalla\]](/beatmapsets/27712#fruits/92780)
+ - [xi - Halcyon (gowww) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/20871#fruits/73699)
+ - [Demetori - Emotional Skyscraper \~ World's End (Lybydose) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/13204#fruits/48985)
+ - [FamilyMart Jingle (deepsea, ignorethis, Alace, SOGASOGAMO) \[Family Mart is your home\]](/beatmapsets/9400#fruits/37658)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Yousei Teikoku - Dare so Ka no Gekka (TV Size) (uranuss8600) \[Uran's CTB\]](/beatmapsets/13676#fruits/51945)**
+### Round 4
+- NoMod
+ - [sasakure.UK - Jack-the-Ripper (rustbell) \[JackHasCome!\]](/beatmapsets/23907#fruits/81560)
+ - [Inspector K - Disconnected Hardkore (CanBlaster Remix) (Snow Note) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/30485#fruits/100627)
+ - [IOSYS - Okuu's Nuclear Fusion Dojo (v2b) \[v2b's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/8442#fruits/37166)
+ - [Shiraishi - Shinsekai (AngelHoney) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/24634#fruits/83674)
+ - [Flobots - Handlebars (-Xero-) \[Holocaust\]](/beatmapsets/16091#fruits/58143)
+ - [Comp - Gensou no Satellite (Shinxyn) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/4404#fruits/63875)
+ - [Swan Lake Orchestra - Hakuchou no Mizuumi (AngelHoney) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/25922#fruits/87728)
+ - [Faylan - Last vision for last (Clare) \[Impossible\]](/beatmapsets/22571#fruits/77769)
+ - [DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (galvenize) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/28107#fruits/93842)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[07th Expansion - Final Answer (Shiirn) \[Question\]](/beatmapsets/36272#fruits/117232)**
+### Round 3
+- NoMod
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Torikago (furawa) \[yami\]](/beatmapsets/11781#fruits/44746)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Goodbye Heaven (gdeath) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/12688#fruits/48926)
+ - [Ryu* Vs. Sota - Go Beyond! (Sprosive) \[Sp's Darkness\]](/beatmapsets/19705#fruits/84398)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - Big Brother (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/10714#fruits/42244)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Kusaregedou to Chocolate (val0108) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/25248#fruits/85494)
+ - [Megurine Luka - Leia (gowww) \[gowww\]](/beatmapsets/29064#fruits/96587)
+ - [Hommarju feat. Latte - masterpiece (simplistiC) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/12483#fruits/47152)
+ - [IOSYS - Taihen na Mono no Shoushitsu (KanaRin) \[Kana's CTB\]](/beatmapsets/17819#fruits/67504)
+ - [Hyadain - Chocobo (mtmcl) \[Gold\]](/beatmapsets/4392#fruits/24023)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Eoin O' Broin - Deep Space (galvenize) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/25098#fruits/85550)**
+### Round 2
+- NoMod
+ - [Sakakibara Yui - Koi no Honoo (ignorethis) \[ignore's Slider Madness\]](/beatmapsets/8511#fruits/35010)
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - ALBIDA (Nakagawa-Kanon) \[Extreme\]](/beatmapsets/19561#fruits/77810)
+ - [TAKA respect for J.S.B - Ubertreffen (kiddly) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/15740#fruits/56830)
+ - [LEAF XCEED Music Division - Fur Elise (Louis Cyphre) \[Champion\]](/beatmapsets/23916#fruits/81594)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Unhappy Refrain (NatsumeRin) \[Rin\]](/beatmapsets/30128#fruits/105534)
+ - [Furries in a Blender - Ridorii (-Lennox-) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/29727#fruits/98496)
+ - [supercell - Rock 'n' Roll Nan Desu no (Garven) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/27807#fruits/93021)
+ - [Rhapsody - Emerald Sword (Duoprism) \[Extreme\]](/beatmapsets/3198#fruits/25580)
+ - [IOSYS - Border of Death (Nakagawa-Kanon) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/14107#fruits/53380)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[wa. remixed celas - Suishou-Sekai \~Fracture\~ (soulfear) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/28984#fruits/96358)**
+### Round 1
+- NoMod
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - FLOWER (TKiller) \[Intense\]](/beatmapsets/29996#fruits/104635)
+ - [IOSYS - The Lovely, Freezing, Tomboyish Bath, Cirno's Hot Spring (Mafiamaster) \[Hot Spring\]](/beatmapsets/27107#fruits/95431)
+ - [Syrsa - Mad Machine (Louis Cyphre) \[Champion\]](/beatmapsets/33052#fruits/107875)
+ - [yak\_won - Lucid (soulfear) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/15898#fruits/85852)
+ - [TuTuWan - Wo Ge Zai Guang Dian (v2b) \[Qi Shi Ma\]](/beatmapsets/12034#fruits/52940)
+ - [SHK - Weep Irish (fartownik) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/28545#fruits/95360)
+ - [NH22 - Corrosion (Cecilia) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/17044#fruits/60941)
+ - [HTT - Girls in Wonderland (wcx19911123) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/34427#fruits/111902)
+ - [Len - U.N. Owen was her? (Louis Cyphre) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/22699#fruits/78171)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[chum - Genesis of Aquarion (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/16782#fruits/60858)**
+## Ruleset
+### General Rules
+1. It is a 3 vs 3 Team tournament.
+2. Team size is 3 member and 1 backup member in case someone from the team is missing (if the teams want one).
+3. Teams should be builded with people from the same country. When people missing, the team can team up with another country from the same continent (there are exceptions).
+4. Minimum team number is 16, maximum 32.
+5. No cheating.
+6. If anyone wants to join the staff write me a forum PM.
+7. Maps can be choosed like in Weezy's tournament. Maps will be given on Monday.
+### Game Specific Rules
+1. A game will be a 3 vs 3 match.
+2. Games will be hold on weekends.
+3. When two of a team are missing the game will still hold (rematches in special cases or when both teams accept it).
+4. When participants know that they cannot attend to the game, please tell it the teamleader or the staff.
+5. Participants will play without mods (NoVideo is allowed).
+6. The maps will be only ranked/approved (there are exceptions!).
+7. A staff member or me will create the game. When nobody of the staff is online, participants have to open the game by themselves.
+8. The leader of a team makes a screen and gives it to a staff member or me. Same with the multiplayerpage.
+### Tournament Stages
+#### Group Phase
+1. The first 5 rounds are hold in groups up to 5 teams.
+2. Victory gives 3 points and defeat 1 point.
+3. When really nobody of a team appears the team will gain -3 points.
+4. The first and second in a group are coming into the Quarterfinals.
+5. In the group phase participants' play always 3 map max.
+6. Participants can choose the date of the match by themselves until wednesday, otherwise Tournament Management will choose one.
+7. Automatic rematch when someone disconnects before the first 5 notes of a song (this means participants will replay the map).
+8. A team chooses only **1** map, in case there is a tie, participants must play the Tiebreak map.
+#### Knockout Phase
+1. Map order is already given.
+2. Participants will play at 5 maps (maximum) in Quarterfinals, 7 in Semifinals, and 9 in Finals.
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+- CWC 2013
+- CWC2013
+# osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2013
+The **osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2013** (***CWC 2013***) was a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It was the 2nd installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2013-04-02/2013-04-19 |
+| Live Drawings | 2013-05-02 (14:00 UTC) |
+| Round 1 | 2013-01-18/2013-01-20 |
+| Round 2 | 2013-01-25/2013-01-27 |
+| Round 3 | 2013-02-01/2013-02-03 |
+| Round of 16 | 2013-02-15/2013-02-17 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2013-02-22/2013-02-24 |
+| Semifinals | 2013-03-01/2013-03-03 |
+| Finals | 2013-03-08/2013-03-10 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 4 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge |
+|  | 2 months of osu!supporter tag |
+|  | 1 month of osu!supporter tag |
+## Organisation
+The osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2013 was run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_CA] [Weez](/users/67211), ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565), ![][flag_PH] [Seph](/users/1591614), ![][flag_DE] [Nyan-Zapo](/users/480676) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_CA] [Weez](/users/67211), ![][flag_DE] DeathXHunter, ![][flag_ID] [urs4chan](/users/321063) |
+| Match Schedulers | ![][flag_DE] [Nyan-Zapo](/users/480676), ![][flag_DE] [Nitojgrem](/users/755705) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565), ![][flag_ES] [Nokeru-Chan](/users/602315) ![][flag_CA] [Xakyrie](/users/684730), ![][flag_ID] [Frans Niko](/users/906991), ![][flag_AT] [Stefan](/users/626907), ![][flag_ID] [urs4chan](/users/321063), ![][flag_US] [dkun](/users/154400) |
+| Streamers | ![][flag_US] [Makar](/users/686389), ![][flag_US] [dkun](/users/154400) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/106684)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://owc.nicarim.pw/results/view/5)**
+## Participants
+| | Country | Members |
+| --: | :-: | :-- |
+| ![][flag_ARCO] | **Argentina/Colombia** | **VelperK**, NightWar, k4mm3r, LZJKE |
+| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **Stefan**, Winkekatze, coldsoup, Stafy |
+| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **Kitsunemimi**, Sumaki, pmonibuv1, Pwnz- |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile A** | **eldnl**, Dark Diego, lineqtxz, DaxMasterix |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile B** | **RageQuit**, NicoAsd-, The hunterx, Kasu404 |
+| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **Beatrice**, S a o r i, bIackcurrent, Gluv |
+| ![][flag_CR] | **Costa Rica** | **Sandroxx-**, JosephTec64756, Noctowi, Mily |
+| ![][flag_CZPL] | **Czech Republic/Poland** | **Krzysiek**, wampir, Sawako88, katsek |
+| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **Mianki**, Yerti, MrSake, Static Noise Bird |
+| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **Jinchuu ya vizard**, Capitaine fares, Keijou, Syfose |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany A** | **Nitojgrem**, DoKoLP, ayiku, Keyone94 |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany B** | **Kingkevin30**, Zuwik15, - C e L o -, bleachownersee |
+| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **SakaNa**, 171717277876366a , mayochiki16 , alienflybot |
+| ![][flag_HU] | **Hungary** | **TaylorXIII**, Kuroi Mato, tuzgu, Kurokami |
+| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia A** | **Sakuya Aizawa**, Ableh\_ZZZ, -Newbie-, Intel21 |
+| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia B** | **Rey Fullbuster**, Vladhusen, Drexel13, El Solarbeam |
+| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy A** | **119410501**, NeoRainier, Dragovian, Celycchan |
+| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy B** | **Inamaru**, GoOoM, penodav, SiluX |
+| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **kenji**, INO, Cuvelia, sionKotori |
+| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia A** | **Shadow\_Fear**, AsunaKino, Gilochan, QHideaki13 |
+| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia B** | **black\_jaw**, saka1234, dubbear, harriszarhan |
+| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **Salwinjack**, Mennock, Fercho, Xtreme\_gear |
+| ![][flag_PE] | **Peru** | **\[Yue\]**, -Yakemi-, AleZer0, Solaris730 |
+| ![][flag_PH] | **Philippines** | **Seph**, blacksymbian, Jdle07, Mystgun |
+| ![][flag_RUUA] | **Russian Federation/Ukraine** | **Don Omar**, Merzo, MeGl, Blaster812 |
+| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **botakist**, MoGu, Akatsuki, zLaceration |
+| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **Rubytic**, Why, Spectator, Berncastell |
+| ![][flag_ES] | **Spain** | **Raimon**, Eternal, jekasa |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan A** | **madaoB**, set44599, ItsChipiko, YounaZheng |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan B** | **N y a L o**, MoMo Tenshi, ItsLingers, KanpanRin |
+| ![][flag_TH] | **Thailand** | **boomngong**, Nansugumi, 0814587134, SUBSTAC9 |
+| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **TenguKing9**, dbzguru32, Zak, Tenshi |
+## Podium
+This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:
+| Placing | Team |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | ![][flag_CL] Chile A |
+|  | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan A |
+|  | ![][flag_ARCO] Argentina/Colombia |
+## Mappools
+### Finals
+- NoMod
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Marionette no Kairaku (rui) \[Uncontrollable\]](/beatmapsets/43801#fruits/139652)
+ - [Maximum the Hormone - What's Up, People? (Louis Cyphre) \[Lucifer\]](/beatmapsets/13320#fruits/79862)
+ - [nano - No pain, No game (AngelHoney) \[AngelHoney\]](/beatmapsets/60214#fruits/180423)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Smile of Split (Charles445) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/56847#fruits/171678)
+ - [Rohi - Kakuzetsu Thanatos (Skystar) \[Skystar\]](/beatmapsets/76396#fruits/215906)
+ - [Rohi - Kodoku Egoism (Skystar) \[Skystar\]](/beatmapsets/58737#fruits/187507)
+ - [Team Nekokan - Can't Defeat Airman (Blue Dragon) \[Holy Shit! It's Airman!!\]](/beatmapsets/24313#fruits/104229)
+ - [utsuP - Adult's Toy (SapphireGhost) \[Desecration\]](/beatmapsets/47846#fruits/199304)
+ - [yanaginagi - Muteki no Soldier (BinJip) \[Invincible\]](/beatmapsets/52221#fruits/182001)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Kokou no Sousei (Saten-san) \[Chaos\]](/beatmapsets/28705#fruits/118068)
+- Hidden
+ - [07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation (AngelHoney) \[AngelHoney\]](/beatmapsets/28751#fruits/116128)
+ - [Beatdrop - Phase 1 (rickyboi) \[SHD\]](/beatmapsets/54511#fruits/168031)
+ - [HujuniseikouyuuP - Talent Shredder (Lesjuh) \[Lesjuh style\]](/beatmapsets/47710#fruits/153857)
+ - [Hyadain - Chocobo (mtmcl) \[Gold\]](/beatmapsets/4392#fruits/24023)
+- HardRock
+ - [Demetori - Emotional Skyscraper \~ World's End (happy30) \[Extra Stage\]](/beatmapsets/13223#fruits/53554)
+ - [Megpoid GUMI - Poker Face (NatsumeRin) \[Spade\]](/beatmapsets/24782#fruits/84801)
+ - [Memme - BSPower Explosion (yeahyeahyeahhh) \[Baka yyy\]](/beatmapsets/45760#fruits/142772)
+ - [t+pazolite - chipscape (Shiirn) \[Ragnarok\]](/beatmapsets/27752#fruits/95382)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Hommarju feat. Latte - masterpiece (simplistiC) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/12483#fruits/47152)
+ - [Kagamine Rin & Len - Streamline Prism (banvi) \[Jumping\]](/beatmapsets/28894#fruits/96142)
+ - [KOTOKO - Light My Fire (osuplayer111) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/37838#fruits/121429)
+ - [m-flo loves CHEMISTRY - Astrosexy (mtmcl) \[Sexy\]](/beatmapsets/13244#fruits/49101)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Yousei Teikoku - The Creator (Saten) \[Nyaten\]](/beatmapsets/41242#fruits/202756)**
+### Semifinals
+**[Download the mappack here! (134 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/?7fc0ub0yj6yfsc9)**
+- NoMod
+ - [44teru-k remixed wa. - Higanbana Daini -Shuusei no Lycoris- (soulfear) \[Fear\]](/beatmapsets/38966#fruits/124512)
+ - [Akiakane - FlashBack (Kiiwa, Beren) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/54672#fruits/166126)
+ - [Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can (Serval, Deif) \[CTB Collab\]](/beatmapsets/47078#fruits/150358)
+ - [DECO\*27 feat. marina - Aimai Elegy (DaxMasterix) \[Red Light \~CtB\~\]](/beatmapsets/43248#fruits/155227)
+ - [MomoKuro-tei Ichimon - Nippon Egao Hyakkei (TV Size) (bakabaka) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/57368#fruits/175783)
+ - [nano - No pain, No game (xsrsbsns) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/60785#fruits/185761)
+ - [S.S.H. - Intersect Thunderbolt (Deif) \[Thunderbolt\]](/beatmapsets/43027#fruits/135142)
+- Hidden
+ - [Eoin O' Broin - Deep Space (galvenize) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/25098#fruits/85550)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - Big Brother (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/10714#fruits/42244)
+- HardRock
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Rubik's Cube (rui) \[7x7x7\]](/beatmapsets/33651#fruits/114635)
+ - [Skrillex - Bangarang (feat. Sirah) (Cut Ver.) (La Cataline) \[LC\]](/beatmapsets/42311#fruits/133476)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Nien - MiNd CoNTRoL (Lesjuh) \[HardStyle\]](/beatmapsets/7612#fruits/32438)
+ - [Sound Horizon - Raijin no Hidariude (AngelHoney) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/16792#fruits/60089)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[xi - FREEDOM DiVE (Nakagawa-Kanon) \[FOUR DIMENSIONS\]](/beatmapsets/39804#fruits/129891)**
+### Quarterfinals
+**[Download the mappack here! (111 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/?y5jfe4fn5zc0xnl)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Glutamine - Babylon (CSY the corrupt) \[Corruption\]](/beatmapsets/35992#fruits/145118)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Hiatus (GAMI) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/32046#fruits/105003)
+ - [Katakiri Rekka - Answer (bakabaka) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/39953#fruits/127047)
+ - [Renard - Blue Night (DoKito) \[DoKo\]](/beatmapsets/31333#fruits/116006)
+ - [Ryu\* - Mind Mapping (kors k mix) (wring) \[EXTRA\]](/beatmapsets/47199#fruits/146583)
+ - [Skrillex - Kyoto (feat. Sirah) (Frozen Child, La Cataline) \[Frozen-LC\]](/beatmapsets/55226#fruits/172193)
+- Hidden
+ - [Furries in a Blender - Ridorii (-Lennox-) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/29727#fruits/98496)
+ - [Ryu\* Vs. Sota - Go Beyond!! (Sprosive) \[Extra445\]](/beatmapsets/19705#fruits/84398)
+- HardRock
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Yellow (Krisom) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/17624#fruits/65312)
+ - [Hyadain - Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (TV Size) (Saten-san) \[Saten's SELAMAT PAGI\]](/beatmapsets/32775#fruits/112586)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Korpiklaani - Vodka (Charles445) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/26886#fruits/90466)
+ - [Nico Nico Douga - Evansama (Cirno) \[Deep Dark Fantasy\]](/beatmapsets/27959#fruits/93426)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Hatsune Miku - No,39 (val0108) \[0108 style\]](/beatmapsets/34097#fruits/110914)**
+### Round of 16
+- NoMod
+ - [Asumi Kana & Fujita Saki & Kitamura Eri - COOLISH WALK (TV Size) (biwako) \[Ex\]](/beatmapsets/37136#fruits/129285)
+ - [chum - Genesis of Aquarion (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/16782#fruits/60858)
+ - [DJ Sharpnel - Exciting Hyper Highspeed Star (xBubu) \[Highspeed\]](/beatmapsets/16619#fruits/62589)
+ - [IOSYS - Border of Extacy (Shinxyn) \[Hopeless Perverts\]](/beatmapsets/7932#fruits/53736)
+ - [sasakure.UK - Jack-the-Ripper (rustbell) \[JackHasCome!\]](/beatmapsets/23907#fruits/81560)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Asgard (Lybydose) \[Valhalla\]](/beatmapsets/27712#fruits/92780)
+- Hidden
+ - [Renard - WI-FI BRIDGE (ztrot) \[Insane?\]](/beatmapsets/39368#fruits/136749)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - Parade (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/8487#fruits/34819)
+- HardRock
+ - [ClariS - Connect (TV Size) (Crazy Jay) \[Crazy Jay\]](/beatmapsets/24565#fruits/84922)
+ - [Hatsune Miku & Megpoid Gumi - MATRYOSHKA (gowww) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/19789#fruits/69405)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Alex C. feat. Yasmin K. - Angel of Darkness (Nightcore Mix) (Andrea) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/21949#fruits/75987)
+ - [Kucchy vs Akky - Yakumo \~ JOINT STRUGGLE (DJPop) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/12909#fruits/48096)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Asriel - Kegare Naki Yume (KanaRin, lkp, Clare) \[Yume\]](/beatmapsets/22720#fruits/78239)**
+### Round 3
+- NoMod
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Kusaregedou to Chocolate (val0108) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/25248#fruits/85494)
+ - [Skrillex - First Of The Year (Equinox) (nold\_1702) \[ND1\]](/beatmapsets/56791#fruits/187639)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - Pacific Rim Imitation Network (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/31119#fruits/105143)
+ - [syatten remixed celas - Bird Sprite -Awakening of Light- (DaxMasterix) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/43037#fruits/135177)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Mischievous of Alice (Furawa) \[Alice\]](/beatmapsets/35546#fruits/142356)
+ - [YuNa - Torawarebito (Short Ver.) (Snow Note) \[Killer Queen\]](/beatmapsets/41092#fruits/130023)
+- Hidden
+ - [07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation (AngelHoney) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/28751#fruits/95733)
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - FLOWER (TKiller) \[Intense\]](/beatmapsets/29996#fruits/104635)
+- HardRock
+ - [Baracuda - La Di Da (Nightcore Mix) (Kecco) \[Kecco's La Di Da\]](/beatmapsets/17852#fruits/63559)
+ - [XL Project - Starmine (Glass) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/15964#fruits/57475)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Chata - Yuujou Pop (Rorry) \[Ai\]](/beatmapsets/22404#fruits/77781)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Suijou no Teitoku (Short mix from "Gensou Suikoden V") (Muya) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/35116#fruits/119071)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[nano.RIPE - Real World (bakabaka) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/59269#fruits/177735)**
+### Round 2
+**[Download the mappack here!](http://www.mediafire.com/?o5szwa4mxt4juh1)**
+- NoMod
+ - [IA - Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story (NatsumeRin) \[Rin\]](/beatmapsets/51245#fruits/158662)
+ - [Last Note. - Dead Line Circus (tutuhaha) \[Circus\]](/beatmapsets/57174#fruits/172455)
+ - [Sakaue Nachi - Crazy Hot (Mythol) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/54289#fruits/173567)
+ - Takanashi Yasuharu - Doku Ryuu no Kobura (\_Kiva) \[Insane\]
+ - [yak\_won - Lucid (soulfear) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/15898#fruits/85852)
+ - [ZUN - Hartmann's Youkai Girl (Gomo Psivarh) \[Ipvarsh\]](/beatmapsets/25062#fruits/84964)
+- Hidden
+ - [Nekomata Master feat. Sana - Indigo Bird (fartownik) \[Master\]](/beatmapsets/40507#fruits/128499)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - CHEVRON (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/29440#fruits/97923)
+- HardRock
+ - [DECO\*27 feat. marina - Aimai Elegy (Mafiamaster) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/27306#fruits/93732)
+ - [Pendulum - The Vulture (La Cataline) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/24163#fruits/82249)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Nekomata Master - Far east nightbird (Muya) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/29538#fruits/97942)
+ - [Tatsh feat. ENA - Flash -2nd Desire- (Miya) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/44042#fruits/139597)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Just Awake (gowww) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/44527#fruits/139446)**
+### Round 1
+**[Download the mappack here!](http://dkun.us/cwcpool1.zip)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Chata - Koisuru Otome (hoLysoup) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/36274#fruits/117236)
+ - [Hanazawa Kana ft. Snoop Dogg - Weed Circulation (those) \[and those roll the best\]](/beatmapsets/59936#fruits/180337)
+ - [jun - TWINKLE HEART (Star Stream) \[S.S\]](/beatmapsets/51152#fruits/162654)
+ - [Shihori - Bloody Night (Frostmourne) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/46223#fruits/143989)
+ - [Supercell - Rock 'n' Roll Nan Desu no (Garven) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/27807#fruits/93021)
+ - [Yasuharu Takanashi - Fairy Tail Main Theme (Starrodkirby86) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/13686#fruits/52275)
+- Hidden
+ - [dB soundworks - It Ends (Cut Ver.) (Deif) \[Deif's Meat Platter\]](/beatmapsets/39256#fruits/142489)
+ - [IOSYS - Usatei 2011 (Saten) \[Tewi\]](/beatmapsets/37563#fruits/120716)
+- HardRock
+ - [DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (JauiPlaY) \[Flower\]](/beatmapsets/33688#fruits/123417)
+ - [fripSide - memory of snow (KanaRin) \[Kana\]](/beatmapsets/26097#fruits/88247)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Yellow Zebra - Melody! (wcx19911123) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/45450#fruits/142099)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Weiss Fluegel (lolcubes) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/39320#fruits/125434)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Nanamori-chu \* Goraku-bu - My Pace de Ikimashou (bakabaka) \[Yuri\]](/beatmapsets/36569#fruits/118226)**
+## Match Results
+### Finals
+| Friday, 2013-03-08 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| Chile A ![][flag_CL] | **6** | 2 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan A |
+| Saturday, 2013-03-09 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| **Argentina/Colombia** ![][flag_ARCO] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_FI] Finland |
+### Semifinals
+| Saturday, 2013-03-02 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| Argentina/Colombia ![][flag_ARCO] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile A**
+| Sunday, 2013-03-03 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan A** |
+### Quarterfinals
+| Saturday, 2013-03-23 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan A |
+| Russian Federation/Ukraine ![][flag_RUUA] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile A** |
+| Sunday, 2013-03-24 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| China ![][flag_CN] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_ARCO] Argentina/Colombia |
+| Germany A ![][flag_DE] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_FI] **Finland** |
+### Round of 16
+| Friday, 2013-03-15 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong |
+| Saturday, 2013-03-16 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| **Germany A** ![][flag_DE] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_CA] Canada A |
+| Sunday, 2013-03-17 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| United States ![][flag_US] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_CL] Chile A |
+| **Taiwan A** ![][flag_TW] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan B |
+| **Russian Federation/Ukraine** ![][flag_RUUA] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_TH] Thailand |
+| Monday, 2013-03-18 | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- |
+| **Argentina/Colombia** ![][flag_ARCO] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_IT] Italy A |
+## Ruleset
+### General Rules
+1. Maps will be announced well before the first match of that round is set to start. Only those maps can be played
+ - Each team will select one map of their choice from the mapset list.
+ - You cannot select a map more than once.
+ - A Tiebreaker map will be given which can only be played as a Tiebreaker of a series.
+2. A referee is needed for all matches! If no referee shows up and no other one is available, the match will be postponed.
+3. Mods are allowed, refer to the map pool sections.
+4. If a game ends in a draw, then the match is nullified. Team will select another map.
+5. If a player gets disconnected, it is considered that player left the match on his own
+ - A re-play can be played if both teams agree on this.
+ - If the server is too unstable, the match will be postponed.
+6. If less than 2 players show up, match is postponed for 20 to 30 minutes
+ - After the time the match will continue on or be postponed of opponent team agrees.
+ - You may find a replacement player for that match. (Refer to rule 7).
+7. You may find a temporary replacement for a match
+ - This needs a referee's approval and a valid reason.
+ - You may exchange players once in the group stage and twice in the Knockout Stage.
+8. Lag is not a valid excuse to nullify a match! Get a better connection then.
+9. Winning by default means the winning team wins be a sweep (3-0) and the losing team gets -1 points.
+10. 2 vs 2 may only be played ONLY in the group stage
+ - Both team captains (or teams playing if captain doesn't show) can agree to play 2 vs. 2.
+ - This needs a valid reason and a referee's approval.
+ - If this is abused too often, tournament management will intervene which could lead to a team being disqualified.
+11. If an unexpected incidences occurs which is not covered here, a referee is to judge this and final approval will be pending from Tournament Management.
+12. If un-fair behavior (cheating, insulting other players, racism) or disruption of tournament progress will result in punishment with an immediate banishment of the player/team.
+ - You get banned here, you are banned from other tournaments.
+13. Any complaints on a map selection or the progress of this tournament will be ignored.
+14. If any complaints are to be given regarding a staff member, this will be looked after by me.
+15. If a player gets silenced during the time of their match, that person CANNOT participate in the match. You cannot be silenced during your match as this poses a major communication issue. Get silenced once, your.
+16. If you cannot make your match, inform your team captain AND a tournament manager 24-48 hours in advance! We understand that emergency situations may occur, then you are required to inform a tournament manager regarding the issue.
+17. Any changes or modifications to the rules will be notified.
+### Registration
+1. Team must consist of at least 3 players. You may add a 4th player as a back up which is always encouraged.
+2. A captain must be picked to organize and manage the team (e.g. in match scheduling)
+ - Preferably the captain should know a good amount of English to communicate.
+3. Each team represents a nation, meaning you make teams with players of the same country.
+4. You can make multiple teams from the same nation. One will be benoted as "A" then "B" and so on.
+5. Binational teams are allowed in this tournament if two country lacks CTB players.
+ - Binational teams include a combination of players from **different nearing countries**.
+ - Binational teams are restricted. Meaning they can only be formed if two countries lack active players AND are in close proximity of the country (near each other).
+ - Binational teams are only exceptional and shall not be commonly used. A tournament manager's approval is required to form a binational team.
+ - Binational teams **cannot** consist of more than 2 countries.
+ - You cannot form a binational team with a country with a large player base. You are encouraged to form with smaller nearing countries. If you seem that this is impossible then message tournament management with a **valid** reason.
+6. To form a team, post in the discussion thread
+ - Team captains are free to make team changes up until the day of the tournament. Please PM me (Weez) if there is a change.
+ - If someone changes their username, please let us know!
+7. Mapset selectors cannot participate in the tournament as players.
+### Tournament Stages
+1. First stage of the tournament will be a Group Stage, Teams will be divided up (depending on registrations).
+2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
+3. Rankings of each group will be recorded and will determine the standings and who will move on.
+4. The point system will work like this
+ - The winner of the match will gain 3 points.
+ - Losing team will gain 1 point.
+ - If a team fails to show up that is -1 point.
+5. Top 2 from each group will move on to the Knockout Stage.
+6. Teams from the same country will not be in the same group.
+7. If the same country moves on to the Knockout Stage, they will be matched up against each other in the first Knockout Stage. This is to avoid the same two countries finishing in the top 3.
+8. Losing in the Knockout Stage will mean you are out of the tournament.
+9. The Group Stage will be Best 3 out of 5 matches. First few rounds of the Knockout Stage will be best 4 out of 7. Semifinals and Finals will be best 5 out of 9.
+### Match Information
+1. You are expected to be ready for your match 15 minutes beforehand. Match referees will message the team captains regarding everything for your match.
+2. The referee will create a multiplayer room at that point. All players are required to arrive in the room then
+ - The room will be locked. The password will be sent to the two captains as soon as possible.
+ - Room settings are Catch the Beat, Team vs., Win Condition 'Score'.
+3. The two captains will decide who picks the first map, if no decision is made, the referee will pick at random
+ - Referee will then transfer the host.
+4. The captains will take turns selecting maps from the announced map pool
+ - In the case of a tie (2:2, 3:3, 4:4), the host will be given to the referee who will select the specific tiebreaker map.
+ - Note the the referee will not be in the games but will be popping in and out in-between matches.
+5. All captains (or any player really) are required to save all screenshots for each matches results! The winning team captain **must** send those screenshots to the Tournament Manager via PM!
+### Mappools
+- At the beginning of each week, look here for the map pool for the specific round. Matches will be played on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays so map pools will be released on either Monday or Tuesday. This year we will include the additions of mods!! Yaaaaaay! Just like the owc! there will be set maps for certain mods for each map pool.
+1. Each team can only pick 1 mod specific map from each mod pool per match.
+2. Picking from the non-mod pool is unlimited.
+3. You may combine Hidden mod with DoubleTime or HardRock maps but **all players** need to agree with this first! Referee has the power to deny this if it is not respected.
+4. This is how the map pool would look like:
+ - NoMod: 6 maps
+ - Hidden: 2 maps
+ - HardRock: 2 maps
+ - DoubleTime: 2 maps
+ - Tiebreaker: 1 (NoMod), in case of a tie
+[flag_ARCO]: /wiki/shared/flag/ARCO.png
+[flag_AT]: /wiki/shared/flag/AT.gif
+[flag_CA]: /wiki/shared/flag/CA.gif
+[flag_CL]: /wiki/shared/flag/CL.gif
+[flag_CN]: /wiki/shared/flag/CN.gif
+[flag_CR]: /wiki/shared/flag/CR.gif
+[flag_CZPL]: /wiki/shared/flag/CZPL.png
+[flag_DE]: /wiki/shared/flag/DE.gif
+[flag_ES]: /wiki/shared/flag/ES.gif
+[flag_FI]: /wiki/shared/flag/FI.gif
+[flag_FR]: /wiki/shared/flag/FR.gif
+[flag_HK]: /wiki/shared/flag/HK.gif
+[flag_HU]: /wiki/shared/flag/HU.gif
+[flag_ID]: /wiki/shared/flag/ID.gif
+[flag_IT]: /wiki/shared/flag/IT.gif
+[flag_JP]: /wiki/shared/flag/JP.gif
+[flag_KR]: /wiki/shared/flag/KR.gif
+[flag_MX]: /wiki/shared/flag/MX.gif
+[flag_MY]: /wiki/shared/flag/MY.gif
+[flag_PE]: /wiki/shared/flag/PE.gif
+[flag_PH]: /wiki/shared/flag/PH.gif
+[flag_PL]: /wiki/shared/flag/PL.gif
+[flag_RUUA]: /wiki/shared/flag/RUUA.png
+[flag_SG]: /wiki/shared/flag/SG.gif
+[flag_TH]: /wiki/shared/flag/TH.gif
+[flag_TW]: /wiki/shared/flag/TW.gif
+[flag_US]: /wiki/shared/flag/US.gif
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2014/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2014/en.md
index 14989663b026..6b3aab280736 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2014/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2014/en.md
@@ -3,417 +3,393 @@ tags:
- CWC 2014
- CWC2014
-osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014
-The **osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014** (***CWC 2014***) is a country-based Catch the Beat tournament hosted by the [Tournament Management](https://osu.ppy.sh/g/26). It is the 3rd installment of the osu! Catch the Beat World Cup. The previous title holder is **![][flag_CL] Chile**.
+# osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014
+The **osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014** (***CWC 2014***) was a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It was the 3rd installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2014-04-11/2014-04-20 |
+| Live Drawings | 2014-05-03 (14:00 UTC) |
+| Group Stage | 2014-05-17/2014-05-18 |
+| Round of 16 | 2014-05-24/2014-05-25 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2014-05-31/2014-06-01 |
+| Semifinals | 2014-06-07/2014-06-08 |
+| Finals | 2014-06-14/2014-06-15 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 6 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge, osu! merchandise |
+|  | 3 months of osu!supporter tag |
+|  | 1 month of osu!supporter tag |
+## Organisation
+The osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014 was run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_DE] [Loctav](/users/71366), ![][flag_DE] [p3n](/users/123703) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_KR] [CLSW](/users/531253), ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565), ![][flag_FR] [Drafura](/users/326099) |
+| Streamers | ![][flag_AU] [peppy](/users/2), ![][flag_FR] [shARPII](/users/776257) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_AU] [Ephemeral](/users/102335), ![][flag_CA] [Kitokofox](/users/1815420), ![][flag_DE] [Loctav](/users/71366), ![][flag_US] [-Ryuujii-](/users/2107523) |
+| Statistician | ![][flag_PL] [Marcin](/users/722665) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/200185)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive/)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://tournaments.hiroto.eu/results/view/1)**
+## Participants
+| | Country | Members |
+| --: | :-: | :-- |
+| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[NightWar](/users/1209167)**, [Litooo](/users/1170107), [Gundisalv](/users/1160340), [musicguy007](/users/2159777) |
+| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **[\[ K a z u \]](https://osu.ppy.sh/**u/1902480)**, [Raaban](/users/1569025), [xXMarcelXx](/users/2355698), [Zuyanta](/users/2772759) |
+| ![][flag_BO] | **Bolivia** | **[donjuan\_217](/users/2169426)**, [brian\_rqc](/users/3710738), [gakupoXD](/users/871103), [Zen Youkai](/users/3364257) |
+| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[Kitokofox](/users/1815420)**, [Sumaki](/users/207916), [Kitsunemimi](/users/100037) |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | - disbanded - |
+| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[Dusk](/users/533210)**, [hy1hy1hy](/users/243877), [MisakaMikoto](/users/434917), [Ibuki Suika](/users/290249) |
+| ![][flag_HR] | **Croatia** | **[Meikyuuiri Tsumi](/users/404314)**, [Animewolf](/users/949513), [TinTin](/users/2227976) |
+| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[-Crab-](/users/2563435)**, [TheCo0k1e](/users/3386472), [jacoblemming12](/users/3593786), [FlowHomie](/users/2831095) |
+| ![][flag_EE] | **Estonia** | **[fanatik](/users/913992)**, [warstape](/users/1133783), [KostjaSun](/users/2450912) |
+| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[YERTI](/users/1490757)**, [Static Noise Bird](/users/826132), [MrSake](/users/264729), [Mianki](/users/39658) |
+| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | - disbanded - |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[DeathXHunter](/users/405326)**, [NoteKuroi](/users/186642), [Nyan-Zapo](/users/480676) |
+| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[alienflybot](/users/636114)**, [XXXZ](/users/1226238), [\[\_NaGI\]](/users/788406), [HineX](/users/13854), [longkitang](/users/1744806) |
+| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[Shurelia](/users/3807986)**, [Deceitful](/users/1396447), [\_EliteYud\_](/users/2365634), [Yoshida Haru-](/users/3073351), [- Rii -](/users/3734591) |
+| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[uppia](/users/1513301)**, [rullu](/users/595140), [sekirei](/users/1643335), [giru HD](/users/707456), [Magiyu](/users/1667470), [Lafollia](/users/827985) |
+| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia** | **[-Rin](/users/1202101)**, [Shadow Fear](/users/635485), [Rick--](/users/950241), [QHideaki13](/users/733998), [kho keng chung](/users/369045) |
+| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[Lostty](/users/2118519)**, [ChibiOzed](/users/1690328), [blacklotus](/users/2115337) |
+| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[Givralii](/users/2466879)**, [Nebux](/users/2342051), [Greaper](/users/2369776), [CakeAndBanana](/users/1981424), [wesley221](/users/2407265) |
+| ![][flag_NZ] | **New Zealand** | **[IQ166](/users/1452911)**, [Nibble147](/users/3866541), [JakeCC](/users/88973) |
+| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Kiwikun](/users/1794766)**, [Azeidith](/users/2819676), [lanki33](/users/2535200), [Zerzxes](/users/2094253), [Hakkun](/users/2179438) |
+| ![][flag_PE] | **Peru** | - disbanded - |
+| ![][flag_PH] | **Philippines** | - disbanded - |
+| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[WujekGrzyb](/users/258289)**, [wampir](/users/261497), [Kosmit](/users/1749173), [Scorpionek](/users/149730) |
+| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[Accel](/users/1169796)**, [Kagayane](/users/1777691), [He Ang Erika](/users/2451381), [Otaku\_MQ](/users/2650135), [Ridicule](/users/3473425) |
+| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Spectator](/users/702598)**, [dae6254](/users/563262), [Frobe](/users/670365), [Kuzino](/users/158552), [Last Bubble](/users/1302259) |
+| ![][flag_ES] | **Spain** | **[SK Eternal](/users/588046)**, [Raimon](/users/609627), [RAMONLINKK](/users/843155), [Nokeru-Chan](/users/602315), [sarkras](/users/709625) |
+| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[Yukiteru Amano](/users/1894511)**, [Walterx8](/users/1993041), [Negri\_sk](/users/2231396), [-Airi-](/users/2546340), [Suzuki](/users/2960209) |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | - disqualified - |
+| ![][flag_TH] | **Thailand** | **[boomngong](/users/1090858)**, [Nansugumi](/users/795915), [0814587134](/users/1054016) |
+| ![][flag_GB] | **United Kingdom** | **[destructor966](/users/2667584)**, [Nanomight](/users/160439), [bubbz](/users/86414), [Phlo10](/users/2643155), [DarkKanaki](/users/2614160) |
+| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Zak](/users/1375955)**, [-itsy\_v2-](/users/2815946), [-Kurisu-](/users/500696), [Minky](/users/1978891), [TenguKing9](/users/1637716), [-Ryuuji-](/users/2107523) |
+| ![][flag_UY] | **Uruguay** | **[Themaster155](/users/1850067)**, [quique95](/users/472924), [Truxxxton](/users/1379428), [S3B4](/users/3437784) |
+## Groups
+| Group A | Group B | Group C | Group D | Group E | Group F | Group G | Group H |
+| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| ![][flag_PH] Philippines | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_AT] Austria | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | ![][flag_ES] Spain | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_AR] Argentina |
+| ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | ![][flag_PL] Poland | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | ![][flag_FR] France | ![][flag_DK] Denmark | ![][flag_PE] Peru | ![][flag_DE] Germany | ![][flag_CN] China |
+| ![][flag_TH] Thailand | ![][flag_CL] Chile | ![][flag_SG] Singapore | ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | ![][flag_NZ] New Zealand | ![][flag_FI] Finland | ![][flag_CA] Canada | ![][flag_UY] Uruguay |
+| ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_EE] Estonia | ![][flag_NO] Norway | ![][flag_JP] Japan | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | ![][flag_HR] Croatia | ![][flag_BO] Bolivia | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia |
+## Podium
This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:
-| Place | Country |
-|  | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** |
-|  | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** |
-|  | ![][flag_SE] **Sweden** |
-Tournament schedule
-| Event | Timestamp |
-| Registration Phase | 11-20 Apr 2014 |
-| Live Drawings | 3 May 2014 14.00 (UTC+0) |
-| Group Stage | 17-18 May 2014 |
-| Round 16 | 24-25 May 2014 |
-| Quarter-finals | 31 May - 1 Jun 2014 |
-| Semi-finals | 7-8 Jun 2014 |
-| Finals/3rd place match | 14-15 Jun 2014 |
-| Place | Prize(s) |
-|  | 6 month supporter tag, profile badge, osu! merchandise |
-|  | 3 month supporter tag |
-|  | 1 month supporter tag |
-| Job | Person(s) |
-| Tournament Management | ![][flag_DE] [Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/71366) // ![][flag_DE] [p3n](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/123703) |
-| Map Selectors | ![][flag_KR] [CLSW](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/531253) // ![][flag_ES] [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) // ![][flag_FR] [Drafura](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/326099) |
-| Streamers | ![][flag_AU] [peppy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2) // ![][flag_FR] [shARPII](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/776257) |
-| Commentators | ![][flag_AU] [Ephemeral](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/102335) // ![][flag_CA] [Kitokofox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1815420) // ![][flag_DE] [Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/71366) // ![][flag_US] [-Ryuujii-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2107523) |
-| Statistician | ![][flag_PL] [Marcin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/722665) |
+| Placing | Team |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | ![][flag_KR] South Korea |
+|  | ![][flag_DE] Germany |
+|  | ![][flag_SE] Sweden |
-- [osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014 on Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive/)
-- **[Group Stage Results](https://tournaments.hiroto.eu/results/view/1)**
-- [Registration Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pUvBL8XNhl2aEonFiG2zZ44Tu13g6Ngqky_e9h0QLMI)
-- [Discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/200185)
-Knock-Out Bracket
-| Flag | Country | Group A Members |
-| ![][flag_PH] | Philippines | --- disbanded --- |
-| ![][flag_GB] | United Kingdom | **[destructor966](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2667584)**, [Nanomight](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/160439), [bubbz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/86414), [Phlo10](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2643155), [DarkKanaki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2614160) |
-| ![][flag_TH] | Thailand | **[boomngong](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1090858)**, [Nansugumi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/795915), [0814587134](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1054016) |
-| ![][flag_US] | United States | **[Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)**, [-itsy_v2-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2815946), [-Kurisu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/500696), [Minky](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1978891), [TenguKing9](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1637716), [-Ryuuji-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2107523) |
-| Flag | Country | Group B Members |
-| ![][flag_HK] | Hong Kong | **[alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114)**, [XXXZ](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1226238), [[_NaGI]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/788406), [HineX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/13854), [longkitang](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1744806) |
-| ![][flag_PL] | Poland | **[WujekGrzyb](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/258289)**, [wampir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/261497), [Kosmit](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1749173), [Scorpionek](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/149730) |
-| ![][flag_CL] | Chile | --- disbanded --- |
-| ![][flag_EE] | Estonia | **[fanatik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/913992)**, [warstape](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1133783), [KostjaSun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2450912) |
-| Flag | Country | Group C Members |
-| ![][flag_TW] | Taiwan | --- disqualified --- |
-| ![][flag_NL] | Netherlands | **[Givralii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2466879)**, [Nebux](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2342051), [Greaper](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2369776), [CakeAndBanana](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1981424), [wesley221](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2407265) |
-| ![][flag_SG] | Singapore | **[Accel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1169796)**, [Kagayane](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1777691), [He Ang Erika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2451381), [Otaku_MQ](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2650135), [Ridicule](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3473425) |
-| ![][flag_NO] | Norway | **[Kiwikun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1794766)**, [Azeidith](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2819676), [lanki33](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2535200), [Zerzxes](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2094253), [Hakkun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2179438) |
-| Flag | Country | Group D Members |
-| ![][flag_AT] | Austria | **[\[ K a z u \]](https://osu.ppy.sh/**u/1902480), [Raaban](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1569025), [xXMarcelXx](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2355698), [Zuyanta](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2772759) |
-| ![][flag_FR] | France | --- disbanded --- |
-| ![][flag_MY] | Malaysia | **[-Rin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1202101)**, [Shadow Fear](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/635485), [Rick--](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/950241), [QHideaki13](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/733998), [kho keng chung](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/369045) |
-| ![][flag_JP] | Japan | **[uppia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1513301)**, [rullu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/595140), [sekirei](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1643335), [giru HD](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/707456), [Magiyu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1667470), [Lafollia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/827985) |
-| Flag | Country | Group E Members |
-| ![][flag_MX] | Mexico | **[Lostty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2118519)**, [ChibiOzed](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1690328), [blacklotus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2115337) |
-| ![][flag_DK] | Denmark | **[-Crab-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2563435)**, [TheCo0k1e](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3386472), [jacoblemming12](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3593786), [FlowHomie](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2831095) |
-| ![][flag_NZ] | New Zealand | **[IQ166](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1452911)**, [Nibble147](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3866541), [JakeCC](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/88973) |
-| ![][flag_SE] | Sweden | **[Yukiteru Amano](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1894511)**, [Walterx8](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1993041), [Negri_sk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2231396), [-Airi-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2546340), [Suzuki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2960209) |
-| Flag | Country | Group F Members |
-| ![][flag_ES] | Spain | **[SK Eternal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/588046)**, [Raimon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/609627), [RAMONLINKK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/843155), [Nokeru-Chan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/602315), [sarkras](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/709625) |
-| ![][flag_PE] | Peru | --- disbanded --- |
-| ![][flag_FI] | Finland | **[YERTI](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1490757)**, [Static Noise Bird](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/826132), [MrSake](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/264729), [Mianki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/39658) |
-| ![][flag_HR] | Croatia | **[Meikyuuiri Tsumi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/404314)**, [Animewolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/949513), [TinTin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2227976) |
-| Flag | Country | Group G Members |
-| ![][flag_KR] | South Korea | **[Spectator](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/702598)**, [dae6254](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/563262), [Frobe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/670365), [Kuzino](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/158552), [Last Bubble](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1302259) |
-| ![][flag_DE] | Germany | **[DeathXHunter](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/405326)**, [NoteKuroi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/186642), [Nyan-Zapo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/480676) |
-| ![][flag_CA] | Canada | **[Kitokofox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1815420)**, [Sumaki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/207916), [Kitsunemimi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/100037) |
-| ![][flag_BO] | Bolivia | **[donjuan_217](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2169426)**, [brian_rqc](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3710738), [gakupoXD](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/871103), [Zen Youkai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3364257) |
-| Flag | Country | Group H Members |
-| ![][flag_AR] | Argentina | **[NightWar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1209167)**, [Litooo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1170107), [Gundisalv](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1160340), [musicguy007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2159777) |
-| ![][flag_CN] | China | **[Dusk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/533210)**, [hy1hy1hy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/243877), [MisakaMikoto](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/434917), [Ibuki Suika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/290249) |
-| ![][flag_UY] | Uruguay | **[Themaster155](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1850067)**, [quique95](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/472924), [Truxxxton](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1379428), [S3B4](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3437784) |
-| ![][flag_ID] | Indonesia | **[Shurelia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3807986)**, [Deceitful](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1396447), [\_EliteYud\_](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2365634), [Yoshida Haru-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3073351), [- Rii -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3734591) |
+## Mappools
-[All packs can be downloaded right here](https://www.mediafire.com/download/4f58oh6oxxb75ws/CWC_Packs.zip)
+**[All mappools can be downloaded via this link! (1.05 GB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/4f58oh6oxxb75ws/CWC_Packs.zip)**
### Finals
-[Click here to download whole pool in one pack!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/xtg49nkipcsl6gu/CWC_Finals.rar)
+**[Download the mappack here! (246 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/xtg49nkipcsl6gu/CWC_Finals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [sakuzyo - AXION (DaxMasterix) \[Red Light ~CtB~\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/173222&m=2)
- - [LeaF - Calamity Fortune (Krah) \[Crystal's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/344892&m=2)
- - [Ryu\* vs. kors k - Force of Wind (Jenny) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/142239&m=2)
- - [DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (CLSW) \[Steven's Flower\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/350899&m=2)
- - [LeaF - Evanescent (Krah) \[Spec's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/428612&m=2)
- - [Ryu\* Vs. L.E.D.-G - PARADISE LOST (Kuzino) \[2Q\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/117383&m=2)
+ - [sakuzyo - AXION (DaxMasterix) \[Red Light \~CtB\~\]](/beatmapsets/57468#fruits/173222)
+ - [LeaF - Calamity Fortune (Krah) \[Crystal's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/114741#fruits/344892)
+ - [Ryu\* vs. kors k - Force of Wind (Jenny) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/44519#fruits/142239)
+ - DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (CLSW) \[Steven's Flower\]
+ - [LeaF - Evanescent (Krah) \[Spec's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/176646#fruits/428612)
+ - [Ryu\* Vs. L.E.D.-G - PARADISE LOST (Kuzino) \[2Q\]](/beatmapsets/36326#fruits/117383)
- Hidden
- - [Rohi - Kanata ni Mau wa Sakura no Shirabe (NatsumeRin) \[Skystar's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/254296&m=2)
- - [FOLiACETATE - Heterochromia Iridis (ktgster) \[Terror\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/279481&m=2)
- - [Hatsune Miku & Megpoid Gumi - Ashurashurashura (Asgard) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/148911&m=2)
- - [Nekomata Master - Smile of Split (Charles445) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/171678&m=2)
+ - [Rohi - Kanata ni Mau wa Sakura no Shirabe (NatsumeRin) \[Skystar's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/93555#fruits/254296)
+ - [FOLiACETATE - Heterochromia Iridis (ktgster) \[Terror\]](/beatmapsets/106443#fruits/279481)
+ - [Hatsune Miku & Megpoid Gumi - Ashurashurashura (Asgard) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/36248#fruits/148911)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Smile of Split (Charles445) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/56847#fruits/171678)
- HardRock
- - [t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (Zapy) \[Apocalypse\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/202799&m=2)
- - [Akiakane - FlashBack (Kiiwa) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/166126&m=2)
- - [Caravan Palace - Dragons (Charles445) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/145361&m=2)
- - [paraoka - boot (rickyboi) \[Shoe\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/154226&m=2)
+ - [t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (Zapy) \[Apocalypse\]](/beatmapsets/70469#fruits/202799)
+ - [Akiakane - FlashBack (Kiiwa) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/54672#fruits/166126)
+ - [Caravan Palace - Dragons (Charles445) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/46733#fruits/145361)
+ - [paraoka - boot (rickyboi) \[Shoe\]](/beatmapsets/50131#fruits/154226)
- DoubleTime
- - [Zektbach - L'avide (eXseeD) \[gowww\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/103403&m=2)
- - [ETIA. - Enkan no Kotowari (Rein0527) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/126859&m=2)
- - [IOSYS - Okuu's Nuclear Fusion Dojo (Mafiamaster) \[v2b's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/37166&m=2)
- - [Mitsuki - The Final Tone of Rubble (soulfear) \[Shisu\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/58915&m=2)
+ - [Zektbach - L'avide (eXseeD) \[gowww\]](/beatmapsets/29496#fruits/103403)
+ - [ETIA. - Enkan no Kotowari (Rein0527) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/39889#fruits/126859)
+ - [IOSYS - Okuu's Nuclear Fusion Dojo (Mafiamaster) \[v2b's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/8442#fruits/37166)
+ - [Mitsuki - The Final Tone of Rubble (soulfear) \[Shisu\]](/beatmapsets/16440#fruits/58915)
- FreeMod
- - [07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation (AngelHoney) \[AngelHoney\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/116128&m=2)
- - [Hatsune Miku - Atama no Taisou (val0108) \[Nogard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/133938&m=2)
- - [Chata - Curry no Uta (yoshilove) \[yoshiwafu (AR10)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/282467&m=2)
- - [Mago de Oz - Xanandra (Xanandra) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/221026&m=2)
+ - [07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation (AngelHoney) \[AngelHoney\]](/beatmapsets/28751#fruits/116128)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Atama no Taisou (val0108) \[Nogard\]](/beatmapsets/40344#fruits/133938)
+ - [Chata - Curry no Uta (yoshilove) \[yoshiwafu (AR10)\]](/beatmapsets/107704#fruits/282467)
+ - [Mago de Oz - Xanandra (Xanandra) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/74313#fruits/221026)
- Tiebreaker
- - [t+pazolite - Cheatreal (caren\_sk) \[CRN's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/240488&m=2)
+ - **[t+pazolite - Cheatreal (caren\_sk) \[CRN's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/88180#fruits/240488)**
-### Semi-finals
+### Semifinals
-[Click here to download whole pool in one pack!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/c2o11bznoryz8wk/CWC_Semifinals.rar)
+**[Download the mappack here! (205 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/c2o11bznoryz8wk/CWC_Semifinals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [goreshit - Satori De Pon! (eldnl) \[Fruitcore\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/338326&m=2)
- - [Neru - Ningen Shikkaku (nold\_1702) \[Posthumous\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/237848&m=2)
- - [yanaginagi - Muteki no Soldier (BinJip) \[Invincible\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/182001&m=2)
- - [void - Club Ibuki in Break All (Drafura) \[Etoile\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/253605&m=2)
- - [UNDEAD CORPORATION - Yoru Naku Usagi wa Yume wo Miru (Strawberry) \[BakaNA\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/214248&m=2)
- - [Giga-P - Okochama Sensou (tutuhaha) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/356818&m=2)
+ - [goreshit - Satori De Pon! (eldnl) \[Fruitcore\]](/beatmapsets/134990#fruits/338326)
+ - [Neru - Ningen Shikkaku (nold\_1702) \[Posthumous\]](/beatmapsets/86983#fruits/237848)
+ - [yanaginagi - Muteki no Soldier (BinJip) \[Invincible\]](/beatmapsets/52221#fruits/182001)
+ - void - Club Ibuki in Break All (Drafura) \[Etoile\]
+ - [UNDEAD CORPORATION - Yoru Naku Usagi wa Yume wo Miru (Strawberry) \[BakaNA\]](/beatmapsets/59049#fruits/214248)
+ - [Giga-P - Okochama Sensou (tutuhaha) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/131818#fruits/356818)
- Hidden
- - [Eurobeat Brony - Discord (EuroChaos Mix) ft. Odyssey (ztrot) \[Utter Chaos\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/121836&m=2)
- - [sampling masters MEGA - Chat! Chat! Chat! (Zekira) \[ZFN's\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/84485&m=2)
- - [Zips - Heisei Cataclysm (Dark Fang) \[0108\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/220231&m=2)
- - [Wotamin - Gigantic O.T.N (Star Stream) \[S.S\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/223397&m=2)
+ - [Eurobeat Brony - Discord (EuroChaos Mix) ft. Odyssey (ztrot) \[Utter Chaos\]](/beatmapsets/37994#fruits/121836)
+ - [sampling masters MEGA - Chat! Chat! Chat! (Zekira) \[ZFN's\]](/beatmapsets/24895#fruits/84485)
+ - [Zips - Heisei Cataclysm (Dark Fang) \[0108\]](/beatmapsets/72217#fruits/220231)
+ - [Wotamin - Gigantic O.T.N (Star Stream) \[S.S\]](/beatmapsets/80214#fruits/223397)
- HardRock
- - [Dark PHOENiX - Taketori Hishou (KanbeKotori) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/86324&m=2)
- - [Nekomata Master+ - squall (Rue) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/238938&m=2)
- - [Hommarju feat. Latte - masterpiece (simplistiC) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/47152&m=2)
- - [Pizuya's Cell x MyonMyon - Romantic Children (Frill) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/68431&m=2)
+ - [Dark PHOENiX - Taketori Hishou (KanbeKotori) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/22276#fruits/86324)
+ - [Nekomata Master+ - squall (Rue) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/66224#fruits/238938)
+ - [Hommarju feat. Latte - masterpiece (simplistiC) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/12483#fruits/47152)
+ - [Pizuya's Cell x MyonMyon - Romantic Children (Frill) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/18009#fruits/68431)
- DoubleTime
- - [IOSYS - Chanteikku Sanyousei no Itazura Daisensou (Kochiya Sanae) \[Crazy Jay\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/91462&m=2)
- - [Tatsh - Lunatic Tears...(Tatsh Remix) (Suzully) \[Patche\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/90032&m=2)
- - [An - TearVid (Shiirn) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/121804&m=2)
- - [Rohi - Ichiru no Nozomi yo, Ano Tsuki e Hibike (pieguy1372) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/255705&m=2)
+ - [IOSYS - Chanteikku Sanyousei no Itazura Daisensou (Kochiya Sanae) \[Crazy Jay\]](/beatmapsets/24448#fruits/91462)
+ - [Tatsh - Lunatic Tears...(Tatsh Remix) (Suzully) \[Patche\]](/beatmapsets/26743#fruits/90032)
+ - [An - TearVid (Shiirn) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/37980#fruits/121804)
+ - [Rohi - Ichiru no Nozomi yo, Ano Tsuki e Hibike (pieguy1372) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/95148#fruits/255705)
- FreeMod
- - [IOSYS - Poinsettia (Aakiha) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/65233&m=2)
- - [xi - FREEDOM DiVE (Nakagawa-Kanon) \[FOUR DIMENSIONS\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/129891&m=2)
- - [Susumu Hirasawa - Big Brother (Gens) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/41586&m=2)
- - [Demetori - Jehovah's YaHVeH (happy30) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/38294&m=2)
+ - [IOSYS - Poinsettia (Aakiha) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/18382#fruits/65233)
+ - [xi - FREEDOM DiVE (Nakagawa-Kanon) \[FOUR DIMENSIONS\]](/beatmapsets/39804#fruits/129891)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - Big Brother (Gens) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/10714#fruits/41586)
+ - [Demetori - Jehovah's YaHVeH (happy30) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/9641#fruits/38294)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Hatsuki Yura - Yoiyami Hanabi (Lan wings) \[Lan\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/297463&m=2)
+ - **[Hatsuki Yura - Yoiyami Hanabi (Lan wings) \[Lan\]](/beatmapsets/115011#fruits/297463)**
-### Quarter-finals
+### Quarterfinals
-[Click here to download whole mappool in one pack!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/nzg9u43a8tpxz85/CWC_Quarter_finals.rar)
+**[Download the mappack here! (258 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/nzg9u43a8tpxz85/CWC_Quarter_finals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [LeaF - MEPHISTO (Alumetorz) \[Spec's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/298908&m=2)
- - [TJ.Hangneil - Kamui (7odoa) \[SHD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/124664&m=2)
- - [MiddleIsland - Aldo (Lan wings) \[Lan\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/207721&m=2)
- - [wowaka - World's End Dancehall (CLSW) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/282770&m=2)
- - [Beatdrop - Phase 1 (rickyboi) \[SHD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/168031&m=2)
- - [Jin - Outer Science (tutuhaha) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/313025&m=2)
+ - [LeaF - MEPHISTO (Alumetorz) \[Spec's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/106212#fruits/298908)
+ - [TJ.Hangneil - Kamui (7odoa) \[SHD\]](/beatmapsets/39017#fruits/124664)
+ - [MiddleIsland - Aldo (Lan wings) \[Lan\]](/beatmapsets/72767#fruits/207721)
+ - [wowaka - World's End Dancehall (CLSW) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/108037#fruits/282770)
+ - [Beatdrop - Phase 1 (rickyboi) \[SHD\]](/beatmapsets/54511#fruits/168031)
+ - [Jin - Outer Science (tutuhaha) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/122376#fruits/313025)
- Hidden
- - [Avicii - Wake Me Up (SuperMICrophone) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/283897&m=2)
- - [Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (Flower) \[Ruby\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/244781&m=2)
- - [Megpoid GUMI & Kagamine Rin - Invisible (NatsumeRin) \[Rin\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/143036&m=2)
- - [DECO\*27 feat. marina - Aimai Elegy (val0108) \[Red Light ~CtB~\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/155227&m=2)
+ - [Avicii - Wake Me Up (SuperMICrophone) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/108633#fruits/283897)
+ - [Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (Flower) \[Ruby\]](/beatmapsets/90128#fruits/244781)
+ - [Megpoid GUMI & Kagamine Rin - Invisible (NatsumeRin) \[Rin\]](/beatmapsets/45160#fruits/143036)
+ - [DECO\*27 feat. marina - Aimai Elegy (val0108) \[Red Light \~CtB\~\]](/beatmapsets/43248#fruits/155227)
- HardRock
- - [Jun.A - The Refrain of the Lovely Great War (KanbeKotori) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/82734&m=2)
- - [Dark PHOENiX - Stirring an Autumn Moon (\_lolipop) \[Crazy Moon\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/59693&m=2)
- - [ONE OK ROCK - Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer (Kuria) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/195165&m=2)
- - [Hatsune Miku - Himitsu Keisatsu (Lalarun) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/94005&m=2)
+ - [Jun.A - The Refrain of the Lovely Great War (KanbeKotori) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/24325#fruits/82734)
+ - [Dark PHOENiX - Stirring an Autumn Moon (\_lolipop) \[Crazy Moon\]](/beatmapsets/16650#fruits/59693)
+ - [ONE OK ROCK - Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer (Kuria) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/66927#fruits/195165)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Himitsu Keisatsu (Lalarun) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/28165#fruits/94005)
- DoubleTime
- - [NH22 - Corrosion (Lena) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/60941&m=2)
- - [Atoguru - Itoshi Kimi wo Mitsuke ni (bakabaka) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/96523&m=2)
- - [COOL&CREATE - Saishoukichiku Imouto Flandre S (dksslqj) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/54145&m=2)
- - [Nekomata Master - Goodbye Heaven (alvisto) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/48926&m=2)
+ - [NH22 - Corrosion (Lena) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/17044#fruits/60941)
+ - [Atoguru - Itoshi Kimi wo Mitsuke ni (bakabaka) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/29044#fruits/96523)
+ - [COOL&CREATE - Saishoukichiku Imouto Flandre S (dksslqj) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/14853#fruits/54145)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Goodbye Heaven (alvisto) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/12688#fruits/48926)
- FreeMod
- - [Renard - Blue Night (DoKoLP) \[DoKo\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/116006&m=2)
- - [sun3 - Higan Retour (saymun) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/54373&m=2)
- - [xi - Breakthrough Atmosphere (Shiirn) \[Guided Flame\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/125660&m=2)
- - [Hatsune Miku & Megpoid Gumi - MATRYOSHKA (gowww) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/69405&m=2)
+ - [Renard - Blue Night (DoKoLP) \[DoKo\]](/beatmapsets/31333#fruits/116006)
+ - [sun3 - Higan Retour (saymun) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/14464#fruits/54373)
+ - [xi - Breakthrough Atmosphere (Shiirn) \[Guided Flame\]](/beatmapsets/39412#fruits/125660)
+ - [Hatsune Miku & Megpoid Gumi - MATRYOSHKA (gowww) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/19789#fruits/69405)
- Tiebreaker
- - [nano - Nevereverland (CLSW) \[Crystal\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/369563&m=2)
+ - **[nano - Nevereverland (CLSW) \[Crystal\]](/beatmapsets/149570#fruits/369563)**
-### Round 16
+### Round of 16
-[**Click here to download all maps in one pack!**](https://www.mediafire.com/download/sj3umn4ajmmebaz/CWC_Round_of_16.rar)
+**[Download the mappack here! (178 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/sj3umn4ajmmebaz/CWC_Round_of_16.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [ONE OK ROCK - Rock, Scissors, Paper (Haya) \[Tenshichan's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/242575&m=2)
- - [Rita - Hajimari no Toki (Deif) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/247643&m=2)
- - [Lon - Nijigen Dream Fever (Natteke) \[Nsane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/254814&m=2)
- - [DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (galvenize) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/93842&m=2)
- - [Expander - Move That Body (fanzhen0019) \[EXTREME\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/352863&m=2)
- - [Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can (Real) \[CTB Collab\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/150358&m=2)
+ - [ONE OK ROCK - Rock, Scissors, Paper (Haya) \[Tenshichan's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/82282#fruits/242575)
+ - [Rita - Hajimari no Toki (Deif) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/91485#fruits/247643)
+ - [Lon - Nijigen Dream Fever (Natteke) \[Nsane\]](/beatmapsets/94744#fruits/254814)
+ - [DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (galvenize) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/28107#fruits/93842)
+ - [Expander - Move That Body (fanzhen0019) \[EXTREME\]](/beatmapsets/132586#fruits/352863)
+ - [Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can (Real) \[CTB Collab\]](/beatmapsets/47078#fruits/150358)
- Hidden
- - [Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody (haha5957) \[Vivace\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/170608&m=2)
- - [Nekomata Master - Silence (Tasha) \[Drafura's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/364516&m=2)
- - [Megpoid GUMI & Megurine Luka - Speed (val0108) \[Speed\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/87764&m=2)
- - [wa. vs ETIA. - Akasagarbha (DaxMasterix) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/125128&m=2)
+ - [Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody (haha5957) \[Vivace\]](/beatmapsets/54016#fruits/170608)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Silence (Tasha) \[Drafura's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/127126#fruits/364516)
+ - [Megpoid GUMI & Megurine Luka - Speed (val0108) \[Speed\]](/beatmapsets/25931#fruits/87764)
+ - [wa. vs ETIA. - Akasagarbha (DaxMasterix) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/39205#fruits/125128)
- HardRock
- - [Humanoid - MENDES (yeahyeahyeahhh) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/75831&m=2)
- - [Ryu\* - bloomin' feeling (Nakagawa-Kanon) \[gowww\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/120366&m=2)
- - [sakuzyo - VALLISTA (Shiirn) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/127313&m=2)
- - [MK feat. YURiE - Spiral (Lena) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/59679&m=2)
+ - [Humanoid - MENDES (yeahyeahyeahhh) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/21928#fruits/75831)
+ - [Ryu\* - bloomin' feeling (Nakagawa-Kanon) \[gowww\]](/beatmapsets/28332#fruits/120366)
+ - [sakuzyo - VALLISTA (Shiirn) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/40056#fruits/127313)
+ - [MK feat. YURiE - Spiral (Lena) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/16668#fruits/59679)
- DoubleTime
- - [XS Project - Ya tashchus' ot kolotushek (iNickel) \[Azmato's Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/308593&m=2)
- - [Korpiklaani - Vodka (Charles445) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/90466&m=2)
- - [Aizawa - Flutter Girl (Shinxyn) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/61124&m=2)
- - [Kagamine Rin - Love is War R184mm remix (Shinxyn) \[Shinde's Sensou\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/56524&m=2)
+ - [XS Project - Ya tashchus' ot kolotushek (iNickel) \[Azmato's Another\]](/beatmapsets/119235#fruits/308593)
+ - [Korpiklaani - Vodka (Charles445) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/26886#fruits/90466)
+ - [Aizawa - Flutter Girl (Shinxyn) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/17103#fruits/61124)
+ - [Kagamine Rin - Love is War R184mm remix (Shinxyn) \[Shinde's Sensou\]](/beatmapsets/15584#fruits/56524)
- FreeMod
- - [DJ Genericname - Dear You (Rue) \[Dear Rue\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/136400&m=2)
- - [ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Lorelei (saymun) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/59643&m=2)
- - [MuryokuP - Catastrophe (meiikyuu) \[Cataclysm\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/207659&m=2)
- - [Pendulum - The Vulture (La Cataline) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/82249&m=2)
+ - [DJ Genericname - Dear You (Rue) \[Dear Rue\]](/beatmapsets/43466#fruits/136400)
+ - [ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Lorelei (saymun) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/16437#fruits/59643)
+ - [MuryokuP - Catastrophe (meiikyuu) \[Cataclysm\]](/beatmapsets/72740#fruits/207659)
+ - [Pendulum - The Vulture (La Cataline) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/24163#fruits/82249)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Susumu Hirasawa - Pacific Rim Imitation Network (Gens) \[KIRBY Mix\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/105143&m=2)
+ - **[Susumu Hirasawa - Pacific Rim Imitation Network (Gens) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/31119#fruits/105143)**
### Group Stage
-**[Click here to downloads all maps in one pack](https://www.mediafire.com/download/070bbn8puhdwl7i/CWC_Group_Stage.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (186 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/070bbn8puhdwl7i/CWC_Group_Stage.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Rita - Princess Blood (Zweib) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/253528&m=2)
- - [Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai (CS ver.) (lepidopodus) \[Niber's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/67217&m=2)
- - [Igorrr - Mastication Numerique (grumd) \[Folie\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/164841&m=2)
- - [Megurine Luka - Leia (Mafiamaster) \[gowww\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/96587&m=2)
- - [Shihori - Day Breaker (Frostmourne) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/247999&m=2)
- - [wa. remixed celas - Gin no Kaze (Fear) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/102552&m=2)
- - [07th Expansion - Final Answer (Shiirn) \[Question\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/117232&m=2)
- - [Hatsune Miku - Kagerou Days (m i z u k i) \[mizuki\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/128668&m=2)
- - [Takanashi Yasuharu - Doku Ryuu no Kobura (\_Kiva) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/128872&m=2)
- - [goreshit - MATZcore (\_LRJ\_) \[Lolicore\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/83975&m=2)
+ - [Rita - Princess Blood (Zweib) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/94112#fruits/253528)
+ - [Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai (CS ver.) (lepidopodus) \[Niber's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/19013#fruits/67217)
+ - [Igorrr - Mastication Numerique (grumd) \[Folie\]](/beatmapsets/54182#fruits/164841)
+ - [Megurine Luka - Leia (Mafiamaster) \[gowww\]](/beatmapsets/29064#fruits/96587)
+ - [Shihori - Day Breaker (Frostmourne) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/91606#fruits/247999)
+ - [wa. remixed celas - Gin no Kaze (Fear) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/31167#fruits/102552)
+ - [07th Expansion - Final Answer (Shiirn) \[Question\]](/beatmapsets/36272#fruits/117232)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Kagerou Days (m i z u k i) \[mizuki\]](/beatmapsets/37638#fruits/128668)
+ - [Takanashi Yasuharu - Doku Ryuu no Kobura (\_Kiva) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/39950#fruits/128872)
+ - [goreshit - MATZcore (\_LRJ\_) \[Lolicore\]](/beatmapsets/24388#fruits/83975)
- Hidden
- - [3L - Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim (Dangaard) \[Extra Stage\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/36223&m=2)
- - [Syuiro - Ama no Jaku (Natteke) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/126677&m=2)
- - [paraoka - Manima ni (Sandpig) \[('(oo)')\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/135396&m=2)
+ - [3L - Extend Ash \~ Hourai Victim (Dangaard) \[Extra Stage\]](/beatmapsets/8593#fruits/36223)
+ - [Syuiro - Ama no Jaku (Natteke) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/39817#fruits/126677)
+ - [paraoka - Manima ni (Sandpig) \[('(oo)')\]](/beatmapsets/43107#fruits/135396)
- HardRock
- - [DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (JauiPlaY) \[Flower\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/123417&m=2)
- - [Naoki & Tatsh - Red Zone (HenkieBP) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/28422&m=2)
- - [Maximum the Hormone - What's up, people?! (TV Size) (Envi) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/155914&m=2)
+ - [DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (JauiPlaY) \[Flower\]](/beatmapsets/33688#fruits/123417)
+ - [Naoki & Tatsh - Red Zone (HenkieBP) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/5731#fruits/28422)
+ - [Maximum the Hormone - What's up, people?! (TV Size) (Envi) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/50763#fruits/155914)
- DoubleTime
- - [Billy Talent - Fallen Leaves (MystykAMV) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/151569&m=2)
- - [The Good Natured - Be My Animal (Larto) \[Rukarioman's Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/91495&m=2)
- - [ZUN - Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall (dksslqj) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/56542&m=2)
+ - [Billy Talent - Fallen Leaves (MystykAMV) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/49114#fruits/151569)
+ - [The Good Natured - Be My Animal (Larto) \[Rukarioman's Extreme\]](/beatmapsets/26040#fruits/91495)
+ - [ZUN - Fall of Fall \~ Autumnal Waterfall (dksslqj) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/15647#fruits/56542)
- FreeMod
- - [Jun Wakita - Shounen A (Mystearica) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/36161&m=2)
- - [07th Expansion - rog-limitation (AngelHoney) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/54581&m=2)
- - [Masayoshi Minoshima feat. nomico - Bad Apple](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/64780&m=2)
+ - [Jun Wakita - Shounen A (Mystearica) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/8931#fruits/36161)
+ - [07th Expansion - rog-limitation (AngelHoney) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/14994#fruits/54581)
+ - [Masayoshi Minoshima feat. nomico - Bad Apple](/beatmapsets/18260#fruits/64780)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Boots Randolph - Yakety Sax (Mashley) \[Ridiculous\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/63804&m=2)
+ - **[Boots Randolph - Yakety Sax (Mashley) \[Ridiculous\]](/beatmapsets/17943#fruits/63804)**
-Match Results
+## Match Results
+### Finals
+| Sunday, 2014-06-15 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | **6** | 5 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](/community/matches/7314303) |
+| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/7317343) |
+### Semifinals
+| Sunday, 2014-06-08 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 2 | **6** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/7127415) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](/community/matches/7128373) |
+### Quarterfinals
+| Sunday, 2014-06-01 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/6972405) |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](/community/matches/6974337) |
+| **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_SG] Singapore | [#1](/community/matches/6975640) |
+| United States ![][flag_US] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/6977532) |
+### Round of 16
+| Saturday, 2014-05-24 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_FI] **Finland** | [#1](/community/matches/6808334) |
+| **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | [#1](/community/matches/6808918) |
+| Spain ![][flag_ES] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **Singapore** | [#1](/community/matches/6810811) |
+| **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Thailand | [#1](/community/matches/6835441) |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](/community/matches/6837116) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/6838919) |
+| **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](/community/matches/6840792) |
+| **United States** ![][flag_US] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_UY] Uruguay | [#1](/community/matches/6842138) |
### Group Stage
-| Team A | Scores | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_AT] Austria | 0 - **4** | **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6655525) |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **4** - 0 | Bolivia ![][flag_BO] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6655395) |
-| ![][flag_CN] China | 0 - **4** | **Uruguay** ![][flag_UY] | Win by default |
-| ![][flag_TH] Thailand | 0 - **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6653614) |
-| ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | 0 - **4** | **Thailand** ![][flag_TH] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6657824) |
-| ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | **4** - 2 | Singapore ![][flag_SG] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6657864) |
-| ![][flag_AR] Argentina | 0 - **4** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6657850) |
-| ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | **4** - 0 | Estonia ![][flag_EE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6657969) |
-| ![][flag_DK] Denmark | 0 - **4** | **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6658911) |
-| ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | **4** - 2 | Norway ![][flag_NO] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6658927) |
-| ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | **4** - 0 | Bolivia ![][flag_BO] | Win by default |
-| ![][flag_ES] **Spain** | **4** - 0 | Finland ![][flag_FI] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6659024) |
-| ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | **4** - 1 | Canada ![][flag_CA] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6662031) |
-| ![][flag_ES] **Spain** | **4** - 0 | Croatia ![][flag_HR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6661946) |
-| ![][flag_MX] Mexico | 1 - **4** | **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6662038) |
-| ![][flag_AR] Argentina | 0 - **4** | **Uruguay** ![][flag_UY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6662109) |
-| ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | 0 - **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6667279) |
-| ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | **4** - 0 | New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6667239) |
-| ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | **4** - 0 | Bolivia ![][flag_BO] | Win by default |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **4** - 2 | Germany ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6680444) |
-| ![][flag_CN] **China** | **4** - 3 | Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6680664) |
-| ![][flag_NZ] New Zealand | 0 - **4** | **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | Win by default |
-| ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | 1 - **4** | **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6681641) |
-| ![][flag_DK] Denmark | 0 - 0 | New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | No match |
-| ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | **4** - 0 | Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6681780) |
-| ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | **4** - 0 | Uruguay ![][flag_UY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6682737) |
-| ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | **4** - 3 | Poland ![][flag_PL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6682744) |
-| ![][flag_SG] **Singapore** | **4** - 2 | Norway ![][flag_NO] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6682800) |
-| ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | **4** - 2 | Norway ![][flag_NO] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6683945) |
-| ![][flag_AT] Austria | 0 - **4** | **Malaysia** ![][flag_MY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6683957) |
-| ![][flag_AR] Argentina | 0 - **4** | **Canada** ![][flag_CA] | Win by default |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **4** - 0 | Canada ![][flag_CA] | Win by default |
-| ![][flag_FI] **Finland** | **4** - 0 | Croatia ![][flag_HR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6685074) |
-| ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | 1 - **4** | **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6685076) |
-| ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | **4** - 0 | Denmark ![][flag_DK] | Win by default |
-| ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | **4** - 0 | Estonia ![][flag_EE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6685082) |
-### Round 16
-| Team A | Scores | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | 0 - **5** | **Finland** ![][flag_FI] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6808334) |
-| ![][flag_SE] **Sweden** | **5** - 0 | Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6808918) |
-| ![][flag_ES] Spain | 2 - **5** | **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6810811) |
-| ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | **5** - 0 | Thailand ![][flag_TH] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6835441) |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **5** - 1 | Poland ![][flag_PL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6837116) |
-| ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | 1 - **5** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6838919) |
-| ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | **5** - 1 | Mexico ![][flag_MX] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6840792) |
-| ![][flag_US] **United States** | **5** - 4 | Uruguay ![][flag_UY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6842138) |
-### Quarter-finals
-| Team A | Scores | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_FI] Finland | 4 - **5** | **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6972405) |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **5** - 2 | Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6974337) |
-| ![][flag_SE] **Sweden** | **5** - 4 | Singapore ![][flag_SG] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6975640) |
-| ![][flag_US] United States | 1 - **5** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/6977532) |
-### Semi-finals
-| Team A | Scores | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_SE] Sweden | 2 - **6** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/7127415) |
-| ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | **6** - 1 | Japan ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/7128373) |
-Finals / 3rd place match
-| Team A | Scores | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_SE] **Sweden** | **6** - 5 | Japan ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/7314303) |
-| ![][flag_DE] Germany | 3 - **6** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/7317343) |
+| Saturday, 2014-05-17 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/6655525) |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **4** | 0 | Bolivia ![][flag_BO] | [#1](/community/matches/6655395) |
+| China ![][flag_CN] | 0 | **4** | **Uruguay** ![][flag_UY] | -win by default- |
+| Thailand ![][flag_TH] | 0 | **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](/community/matches/6653614) |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 0 | **4** | **Thailand** ![][flag_TH] | [#1](/community/matches/6657824) |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **4** | 2 | Singapore ![][flag_SG] | [#1](/community/matches/6657864) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | **4** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](/community/matches/6657850) |
+| **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | **4** | 0 | Estonia ![][flag_EE] | [#1](/community/matches/6657969) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | **4** | **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | [#1](/community/matches/6658911) |
+| **Netherlands** ![][flag_NL] | **4** | 2 | Norway ![][flag_NO] | [#1](/community/matches/6658927) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **4** | 0 | Bolivia ![][flag_BO] | -win by default- |
+| **Spain** ![][flag_ES] | **4** | 0 | Finland ![][flag_FI] | [#1](/community/matches/6659024) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **4** | 1 | Canada ![][flag_CA] | [#1](/community/matches/6662031) |
+| **Spain** ![][flag_ES] | **4** | 0 | Croatia ![][flag_HR] | [#1](/community/matches/6661946) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 1 | **4** | **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | [#1](/community/matches/6662038) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | **4** | **Uruguay** ![][flag_UY] | [#1](/community/matches/6662109) |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 0 | **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](/community/matches/6667279) |
+| **Mexico** ![][flag_MX] | **4** | 0 | New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | [#1](/community/matches/6667239) |
+| **Canada** ![][flag_CA] | **4** | 0 | Bolivia ![][flag_BO] | -win by default- |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **4** | 2 | Germany ![][flag_DE] | [#1](/community/matches/6680444) |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **4** | 3 | Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | [#1](/community/matches/6680664) |
+| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | **4** | **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | -win by default- |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 1 | **4** | **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | [#1](/community/matches/6681641) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | 0 | New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | - nullified - |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **4** | 0 | Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | [#1](/community/matches/6681780) |
+| **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | **4** | 0 | Uruguay ![][flag_UY] | [#1](/community/matches/6682737) |
+| **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | **4** | 3 | Poland ![][flag_PL] | [#1](/community/matches/6682744) |
+| **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | **4** | 2 | Norway ![][flag_NO] | [#1](/community/matches/6682800) |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **4** | 2 | Norway ![][flag_NO] | [#1](/community/matches/6683945) |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | **Malaysia** ![][flag_MY] | [#1](/community/matches/6683957) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | **4** | **Canada** ![][flag_CA] | -win by default- |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **4** | 0 | Canada ![][flag_CA] | -win by default- |
+| **Finland** ![][flag_FI] | **4** | 0 | Croatia ![][flag_HR] | [#1](/community/matches/6685074) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 1 | **4** | **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | [#1](/community/matches/6685076) |
+| **Mexico** ![][flag_MX] | **4** | 0 | Denmark ![][flag_DK] | -win by default- |
+| **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | **4** | 0 | Estonia ![][flag_EE] | [#1](/community/matches/6685082) |
+## Ruleset
### Tournament Rules
-1. The osu! Catch the Beat World Cup is a country-based 3v3 team tournament.
-2. The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
- - One map will be given as tiebreaker map. This map will only be played in case of a tie.
- - There will also be a [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and FreeMod bracket.
-3. Match schedule will be settled by Tournament Management (see below).
-4. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
-5. Failed player's score do not get added to the team score.
- - Reviving and surviving during a map gets consideres as passing it.
-6. Use of the [Visual Settings](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) options are allowed.
-7. If the game ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
-8. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map.
-9. Maps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.
+1. The osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014 was a country-based 3v3 team tournament.
+2. The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
+ - One map will be given as Tiebreaker map. This map will only be played in case of a tie.
+ - There will also be a [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and FreeMod bracket.
+3. Match schedule will be settled by Tournament Management (see below).
+4. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
+5. Failed player's score do not get added to the team score.
+ - Reviving and surviving during a map gets consideres as passing it.
+6. Use of the [Visual Settings](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) options are allowed.
+7. If the game ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
+8. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map.
+9. Maps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.
10. If less than 3 players attend, the maximum time the match can be postponed is 10 minutes.
11. Exchanging players during a match is allowed.
- - You may exchange only one player once per map.
+ - You may exchange only one player once per map.
12. Lag is not a valid reason to nullify a map.
13. In Group stage, 'Win by default' will be considered as win by 4:0, +1.0 score difference ratio.
14. Unexpected incidences are handled by the tournament management.
@@ -421,91 +397,80 @@ Ruleset
### Tournament Registration
-1. Your team needs **at least 3 players** to participate.
- 1. The maximum team size is 6.
- 2. You must specify a captain who will represent the team.
-2. Each team represents a nation. You must form a team with players from the same country.
-3. For team sign ups, [fill out this form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pUvBL8XNhl2aEonFiG2zZ44Tu13g6Ngqky_e9h0QLMI/edit). Then, verify your registration by [sending a PM to Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=71366) titled “CWC Registration”
- - Captains may change their setup by [notifying the management](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=71366).
- - You get a confirmation reply in case your registration successfully arrived. Your registration is in pending then.
-4. To ensure valid and serious registrations, any registration and change will be checked by the Tournament Management.
-5. The total amount of teams is 32.
- - Depending on the amount of registrations, the total amount might change.
-6. All successfully registered teams will be published after Registration Phase.
- - Captains will get notified in case their roster has been accepted or rejected.
+1. Your team needs **at least 3 players** to participate.
+ - The maximum team size is 6.
+ - You must specify a captain who will represent the team.
+2. Each team represents a nation. You must form a team with players from the same country.
+3. For team sign ups, [fill out this form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pUvBL8XNhl2aEonFiG2zZ44Tu13g6Ngqky_e9h0QLMI/edit). Then, verify your registration by [sending a PM to Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=71366) titled “CWC Registration”
+ - Captains may change their setup by [notifying the management](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=71366).
+ - You get a confirmation reply in case your registration successfully arrived. Your registration is in pending then.
+4. To ensure valid and serious registrations, any registration and change will be checked by the Tournament Management.
+5. The total amount of teams is 32.
+ - Depending on the amount of registrations, the total amount might change.
+6. All successfully registered teams will be published after Registration Phase.
+ - Captains will get notified in case their roster has been accepted or rejected.
7. Mapset selectors may not participate as a player in this tournament.
### Stage instructions
-1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
- - This might change according to the final amount of teams
-2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
-3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
- 1. Most matches won.
- 2. Have higher `{(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}`.
- 3. Most maps won.
- 4. Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
- 5. Winner of the rematch.
-4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
-5. Following stages are Knock-Out Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets kicked out of the tournament.
-6. **Winning conditions:**
- - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
- - In the Round of 16 and the Quarter-finals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
- - In Semi-finals and Finals, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
+1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
+ - This might change according to the final amount of teams
+2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
+3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
+ - Most matches won.
+ - Have higher `{(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}`.
+ - Most maps won.
+ - Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
+ - Winner of the rematch.
+4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
+5. Following stages are Knock-Out Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets kicked out of the tournament.
+**Winning conditions:**
+ - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
+ - In the Round of 16 and the Quarterfinals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
+ - In Semifinals and Finals, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
### Match Instructions
-1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 20 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
- 1. The room will be locked. The password and multiplayer invite will be sent to the two captains as soon as possible.
- 2. Room settings are Catch the Beat, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'Score'. Room name must be "CtB World Cup 2014: TeamBlue vs TeamRed"
- 3. The team mentioned first in the room name must be the blue team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the red team.
-2. Players are free to select up to two warm-up maps.
-3. Map selection will alternate between each captain selecting a map out of the map pool. Each captain must use "!roll" once in #multiplayer to determine which team selects first.
- 1. The captains may select maps out of the NoMod and FreeMod bracket freely.
- 2. Selection out of mod-specific brackets is limited. Each captain may only select one map from each mod-restricted bracket during the match.
- 1. Selection out of FreeMod bracket is unlimited.
- 3. In case of a tie, the tiebreaker map must be played.
-4. Results will be published via Statistics site.
+1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 20 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
+ - The room will be locked. The password and multiplayer invite will be sent to the two captains as soon as possible.
+ - Room settings are Catch the Beat, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'Score'. Room name must be "CtB World Cup 2014: TeamBlue vs TeamRed"
+ - The team mentioned first in the room name must be the blue team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the red team.
+2. Players are free to select up to two warm-up maps.
+3. Map selection will alternate between each captain selecting a map out of the map pool. Each captain must use "!roll" once in #multiplayer to determine which team selects first.
+ - The captains may select maps out of the NoMod and FreeMod bracket freely.
+ - Selection out of mod-specific brackets is limited. Each captain may only select one map from each mod-restricted bracket during the match.
+ - Selection out of FreeMod bracket is unlimited.
+ - In case of a tie, the Tiebreaker map must be played.
+4. Results will be published via Statistics site.
### Mappool Instructions
-1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for Round 16, 1 mappool for the Quarter-finals, 1 mappool for the Semi-finals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
-2. Each mappool consists of 5 brackets: NoMod, [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and FreeMod
-3. Each mappool consists of 23 maps in total.
-4. Each mappool has one tiebreaker
-5. The NoMod bracket will be played with no modes activated.
-6. The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective modes activated.
-7. The FreeMod bracket will have FreeMod activated. Every individual player can pick Hidden, HardRock or no mod at all.
- 1. You can use more than one mod.
- 2. When playing a FreeMod map, at least one player of each team must have one mode activated.
-8. The tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.
- 1. When playing the tiebreaker, no one needs to have a mode activated.
-9. The size of the NoMod bracket will be:
- - 10 in Group Stage
- - 6 in Knock-Out Stages
+1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for Round 16, 1 mappool for the Quarter-finals, 1 mappool for the Semi-finals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
+2. Each mappool consists of 5 brackets: NoMod, [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and FreeMod
+3. Each mappool consists of 23 maps in total.
+4. Each mappool has one Tiebreaker
+5. The NoMod bracket will be played with no modes activated.
+6. The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective modes activated.
+7. The FreeMod bracket will have FreeMod activated. Every individual player can pick Hidden, HardRock or no mod at all.
+ - You can use more than one mod.
+ - When playing a FreeMod map, at least one player of each team must have one mode activated.
+8. The Tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.
+ - When playing the Tiebreaker, no one needs to have a mode activated.
+9. The size of the NoMod bracket will be:
+ - 10 in Group Stage
+ - 6 in Knock-Out Stages
10. The size of the mod-specific brackets will be:
- - 3 in Group Stage
- - 4 in Knock-Out Stages
+ - 3 in Group Stage
+ - 4 in Knock-Out Stages
### Scheduling instructions
-1. Each stage will be held on **a single weekend**
-2. Matches in Group Stage may overlap.
-3. All Knock-Out Stages will be held on either Saturday or Sunday (refer to Tournament Schedule).
-4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage.(e.g. on the 4th May for Group Stage). Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
-5. Captains are responsible for their teams availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match. If teams can not provide three players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
+1. Each stage will be held on **a single weekend**
+2. Matches in Group Stage may overlap.
+3. All Knock-Out Stages will be held on either Saturday or Sunday (refer to Tournament Schedule).
+4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage.(e.g. on the 4th May for Group Stage). Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
+5. Captains are responsible for their teams availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match. If teams can not provide three players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
[flag_AR]: /wiki/shared/flag/AR.gif
[flag_AT]: /wiki/shared/flag/AT.gif
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osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014
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@@ -3,446 +3,401 @@ tags:
- CWC 2015
- CWC2015
-osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2015
-The **osu! Catch World Cup 2015** (***CWC 2015*** ) is a country-based Catch the Beat tournament hosted by the [osu! staff](/wiki/People/The_Team). It is the 4th installment of the osu! Catch the Beat World Cup. It lasts from the 2nd April till 13th June 2015. The winner of the competition is **![][flag_KR] South Korea**.
-Tournament schedule
-| Event | Timestamp |
-| Registration Phase | 2-19 Apr 2015 |
-| Drawings | 2 May 2015 (14:00 UTC+0) |
-| Group Stage | 9-10 May 2015 |
-| Round of 16 | 16-17 May 2015 |
-| Quarterfinals | 23-24 May 2015 |
-| Semi-finals | 30-31 May 2015 |
-| Finals - Week 1 | 6-7 Jun 2015 |
-| Finals - Week 2 | 13-14 Jun 2015 |
-| Place | Prize(s) |
-|  | 6 month supporter tag, profile badge, "CtB Champion" user title, osu! merchandise |
-|  | 3 month supporter tag, profile badge |
-|  | 1 month supporter tag, profile badge |
-| Job | Person(s) |
-| Tournament Management | ![][flag_DE] [Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/71366) // ![][flag_DE] [p3n](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/123703) // ![][flag_ES] [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) // ![][flag_FR] [shARPII](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/776257) |
-| Map Selectors | ![][flag_ES] [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) // ![][flag_VE] [Orihime chan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/708258) // ![][flag_KR] [CLSW](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/531253) |
-| Streamers | ![][flag_AU] [peppy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2) // ![][flag_PL] [Marcin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/722665) |
-| Commentators | ![][flag_CA] [Tasha](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1031958) // ![][flag_US] [ztrot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6347) // ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/128370) // ![][flag_DE] [Kingkevin30](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/564334) // ![][flag_US] [Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955) |
-| Statistician | ![][flag_PL] [Marcin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/722665) |
-| Flag | Country | Group A Members |
-| ![][flag_CA] | Canada | **[Sumaki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/207916)**, [jeubach](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3406015), [Affinity](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922569), [Yoshi_green](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1035891), [Mysterious](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2615240), [- ShadowZ -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2884415) |
-| ![][flag_MY] | Malaysia | **[Shadow Fear](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/635485)**, [QHideaki13](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/733998), [Kagari](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3366264), [Future_miku95](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2351567), [Xanus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4011799), [murutattack](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4480237) |
-| ![][flag_PH] | Philippines | **[osu_gangster](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/829284)**, [-Hakuto-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3066582), [Hi_Hello](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2984583) |
-| ![][flag_FR] | France | **[Ttobas](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2084568)**, [Badis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/559308), [Alostis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2986875), [CelegaS](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1552429), [_Loli](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2326688), [Kyuare](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2705312) |
-| Flag | Country | Group B Members |
-| ![][flag_BR] | Brazil | **[vini9204](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/199136)**, [LuckySonicGHz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3949268), [Michael Jordan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4099041), [Luciano Yoshiharu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2054788) |
-| ![][flag_BE] | Belgium | **[[ Zorua ]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3112563)**, [Ichidy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1019596), [eldersmot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4044159) |
-| ![][flag_AR] | Argentina | **[Manuxz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1740102)**, [Zai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2572228), [Tadashi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4027910), [koliron](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4632730), [em1R-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1915210), [[Force]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1617217) |
-| ![][flag_US] | United States | **[Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)**, [Minky](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1978891), [Storm-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2427813), [Cemetery](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3438241), [-Del-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2996241), [-Kurisu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/500696) |
-| Flag | Country | Group C Members |
-| ![][flag_AT] | Austria | **[[ K a z u ]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1902480)**, [Aiju AT](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4934314), [Kuzumi-kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3575682) |
-| ![][flag_ES] | Spain | **[SK Eternal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/588046)**, [sarkras](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/709625), [Pistoler](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3115050), [TheStickman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4820133), [Ratulfox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4414709), [kikones34](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/911816) |
-| ![][flag_NL] | Netherlands | **[Nebux](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2342051)**, [slimmecodo1](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1800103), [Givralii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2466879), [wesley221](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2407265), [CakeAndBanana](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1981424), [- Yuri -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3212806) |
-| ![][flag_KR] | South Korea | **[Spectator](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/702598)**, [Frobe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/670365), [224dj](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3313041), [No492_Shaymin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/566276), [ExGon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/214187), [mjj741](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1459769) |
-| Flag | Country | Group D Members |
-| ![][flag_DK] | Denmark | **[-Crab-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2563435)**, [Only1Magma](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922957), [DragonsDungeon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4134819), [dinidini4000](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1582264) |
-| ![][flag_RU] | Russian Federation | **[MeGl](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1126814)**, [VagaNNN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1260040), [Zlocktar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2882387), [spider_yoba](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1912659), [MayFlit](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1651627) |
-| ![][flag_SG] | Singapore | **[He Ang Erika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2451381)**, [Mung](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1018228), [geraldwch](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2923441), [chibipingers](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1756003), [Accel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1169796), [Kagayane](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1777691) |
-| ![][flag_PL] | Poland | **[WujekGrzyb](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/258289)**, [Sawa88](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/993495), [wampir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/261497), [Krzysiek](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/294277), [Kosmit](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1749173), [Hirikoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2114149) |
-| Flag | Country | Group E Members |
-| ![][flag_FI] | Finland | **[MrSake](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/264729)**, [Mianki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/39658), [SonJosh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3373175) |
-| ![][flag_AU] | Australia | **[Pew](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/597692)**, [CrimsonPlez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3743985), [- Magic Girl -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3095784), [Zeverage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/237550), [MappyTurtle](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4391653), [Grayswandir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/440107) |
-| ![][flag_MX] | Mexico | **[messi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1600437)**, [Jusenkyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1237535), [daxeroz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1170156), [CrimsonAvenger](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1690328), [THMGames](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1836673), [Lostty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2118519) |
-| ![][flag_CN] | China | **[Dusk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/533210)**, [Intensity](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3072921), [Sakurano Kurimu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1338103), [- N a g i -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2956936), [xingcccc](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1959675), [-Google-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3281474) |
-| Flag | Country | Group F Members |
-| ![][flag_SE] | Sweden | **[Yukiteru Amano](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1894511)**, [Toggeni](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3555166), [Gurre Gurka](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4872039), [Faayne](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2363871) |
-| ![][flag_GB] | United Kingdom | **[- Magic Bomb -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3071175)**, [destructor966](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2667584), [TomTheWizard](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1913190), [Martin22](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4209402), [Withered Lotus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3546931), [Bubbz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/86414) |
-| ![][flag_HK] | Hong Kong | **[alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114)**, [insaneplayer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3240418), [XXXZ](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1226238), [SakaNa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1784164) |
-| ![][flag_ID] | Indonesia | **[Deceitful](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1396447)**, [ExRei](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1929336), [-Necrophilia-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3222638), [Ddraigon-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1380645), [Time-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2917987), [Shurelia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3807986) |
-| Flag | Country | Group G Members |
-| ![][flag_HU] | Hungary | **[Kurokami](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/260933)**, [kisbee](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1505264), [sudosu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1262095), [tomaszto](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2373553), [_verto_](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2015300) |
-| ![][flag_CL] | Chile | **[lineqtxz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/989542)**, [[Nico]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1011240), [Keleron](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1902918), [Th3-Latios](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3544660), [HoneyH](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4614599), [ShilenoPro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1166619) |
-| ![][flag_JP] | Japan | **[giru HD](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/707456)**, [ririkun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318357), [noraRcat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/883939), [Nucoin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1089803), [Molqus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1927193), [T e d](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/538717) |
-| ![][flag_DE] | Germany | **[NoteKuroi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/186642)**, [Kingkevin30](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/564334), [- Flutter -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4202284), [Nyan-Zapo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/480676), [- Yaeger -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2417394), [TheWaterBottle](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4382588) |
-| Flag | Country | Group H Members |
-| ![][flag_TW] | Taiwan | --- disqualified --- |
-| ![][flag_NO] | Norway | **[Azeidith](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2819676)**, [K i u i](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1794766), [LeneKn](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3400701), [Cameragod](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4974088), [lanki33](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2535200), [BennyBananas](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4023183) |
-| ![][flag_TH] | Thailand | **[bank78952](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1443297)**, [ZeroEightOne](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1054016), [Boom](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1090858) |
-| ![][flag_IT] | Italy | **[Pizza Kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/768609)**, [scemioff](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3098795), [BlasterONE](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1861182), [ArMa79](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4982799), [Trollingor](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4144266), [Mamansita](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2542146) |
-- [Discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/316279)
-- **[Group Stage Statistics](https://owc.nicarim.pw/results/view/5)**
-- [Team Captains Showcase on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFsdDKrKpj7thvR58LRWxBPso4__aDUMp)
-- [osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2015 on Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive/)
+# osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2015
+The **osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2015** (***CWC 2015***) was a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It was the 4th installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2015-04-02/2015-04-19 |
+| Live Drawings | 2015-05-02 (14:00 UTC) |
+| Group Stage | 2015-05-09/2015-05-10 |
+| Round of 16 | 2015-05-16/2015-05-17 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2015-05-23/2015-05-24 |
+| Semifinals | 2015-05-30/2015-05-31 |
+| Finals | 2015-06-06/2015-06-07 |
+| Grand Finals | 2015-06-13/2015-06-14 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 6 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge, special user title, osu! merchandise |
+|  | 3 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge |
+|  | 1 month of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge |
+## Organisation
+The osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2015 was run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Tournament Management | ![][flag_DE] [Loctav](/users/71366), ![][flag_DE] [p3n](/users/123703), ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565), ![][flag_FR] [shARPII](/users/776257) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565), ![][flag_VE] [Orihime chan](/users/708258), ![][flag_KR] [CLSW](/users/531253) |
+| Streamers | ![][flag_AU] [peppy](/users/2), ![][flag_PL] [Marcin](/users/722665) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_CA] [Tasha](/users/1031958), ![][flag_US] [ztrot](/users/6347), ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](/users/128370), ![][flag_DE] [Kingkevin30](/users/564334), ![][flag_US] [Zak](/users/1375955) |
+| Statistician | ![][flag_PL] [Marcin](/users/722665) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/316279)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive)
+- [Team Captains Showcase on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFsdDKrKpj7thvR58LRWxBPso4__aDUMp)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://owc.nicarim.pw/results/view/5)**
+## Participants
+| | Country | Members |
+| --: | :-: | :-- |
+| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[Manuxz](/users/1740102)**, [Zai](/users/2572228), [Tadashi](/users/4027910), [koliron](/users/4632730), [em1R-](/users/1915210), [\[Force\]](/users/1617217) |
+| ![][flag_AU] | **Australia** | **[Pew](/users/597692)**, [CrimsonPlez](/users/3743985), [- Magic Girl -](/users/3095784), [Zeverage](/users/237550), [MappyTurtle](/users/4391653), [Grayswandir](/users/440107) |
+| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **[\[ K a z u \]](/users/1902480)**, [Aiju AT](/users/4934314), [Kuzumi-kun](/users/3575682) |
+| ![][flag_BE] | **Belgium** | **[\[ Zorua \]](/users/3112563)**, [Ichidy](/users/1019596), [eldersmot](/users/4044159) |
+| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[vini9204](/users/199136)**, [LuckySonicGHz](/users/3949268), [Michael Jordan](/users/4099041), [Luciano Yoshiharu](/users/2054788) |
+| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[Sumaki](/users/207916)**, [jeubach](/users/3406015), [Affinity](/users/3922569), [Yoshi\_green](/users/1035891), [Mysterious](/users/2615240), [- ShadowZ -](/users/2884415) |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[lineqtxz](/users/989542)**, [\[Nico\]](/users/1011240), [Keleron](/users/1902918), [Th3-Latios](/users/3544660), [HoneyH](/users/4614599), [ShilenoPro](/users/1166619) |
+| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[Dusk](/users/533210)**, [Intensity](/users/3072921), [Sakurano Kurimu](/users/1338103), [- N a g i -](/users/2956936), [xingcccc](/users/1959675), [-Google-](/users/3281474) |
+| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[-Crab-](/users/2563435)**, [Only1Magma](/users/3922957), [DragonsDungeon](/users/4134819), [dinidini4000](/users/1582264) |
+| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[MrSake](/users/264729)**, [Mianki](/users/39658), [SonJosh](/users/3373175) |
+| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[Ttobas](/users/2084568)**, [Badis](/users/559308), [Alostis](/users/2986875), [CelegaS](/users/1552429), [\_Loli](/users/2326688), [Kyuare](/users/2705312) |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[NoteKuroi](/users/186642)**, [Kingkevin30](/users/564334), [- Flutter -](/users/4202284), [Nyan-Zapo](/users/480676), [- Yaeger -](/users/2417394), [TheWaterBottle](/users/4382588) |
+| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[alienflybot](/users/636114)**, [insaneplayer](/users/3240418), [XXXZ](/users/1226238), [SakaNa](/users/1784164) |
+| ![][flag_HU] | **Hungary** | **[Kurokami](/users/260933)**, [kisbee](/users/1505264), [sudosu](/users/1262095), [tomaszto](/users/2373553), [\_verto\_](/users/2015300) |
+| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[Deceitful](/users/1396447)**, [ExRei](/users/1929336), [-Necrophilia-](/users/3222638), [Ddraigon-](/users/1380645), [Time-](/users/2917987), [Shurelia](/users/3807986) |
+| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[Pizza Kun](/users/768609)**, [scemioff](/users/3098795), [BlasterONE](/users/1861182), [ArMa79](/users/4982799), [Trollingor](/users/4144266), [Mamansita](/users/2542146) |
+| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[giru HD](/users/707456)**, [ririkun](/users/318357), [noraRcat](/users/883939), [Nucoin](/users/1089803), [Molqus](/users/1927193), [T e d](/users/538717) |
+| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia** | **[Shadow Fear](/users/635485)**, [QHideaki13](/users/733998), [Kagari](/users/3366264), [Future\_miku95](/users/2351567), [Xanus](/users/4011799), [murutattack](/users/4480237) |
+| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[messi](/users/1600437)**, [Jusenkyo](/users/1237535), [daxeroz](/users/1170156), [CrimsonAvenger](/users/1690328), [THMGames](/users/1836673), [Lostty](/users/2118519) |
+| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[Nebux](/users/2342051)**, [slimmecodo1](/users/1800103), [Givralii](/users/2466879), [wesley221](/users/2407265), [CakeAndBanana](/users/1981424), [- Yuri -](/users/3212806) |
+| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Azeidith](/users/2819676)**, [K i u i](/users/1794766), [LeneKn](/users/3400701), [Cameragod](/users/4974088), [lanki33](/users/2535200), [BennyBananas](/users/4023183) |
+| ![][flag_PH] | **Philippines** | **[osu\_gangster](/users/829284)**, [-Hakuto-](/users/3066582), [Hi\_Hello](/users/2984583) |
+| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[WujekGrzyb](/users/258289)**, [Sawa88](/users/993495), [wampir](/users/261497), [Krzysiek](/users/294277), [Kosmit](/users/1749173), [Hirikoshi](/users/2114149) |
+| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[MeGl](/users/1126814)**, [VagaNNN](/users/1260040), [Zlocktar](/users/2882387), [spider\_yoba](/users/1912659), [MayFlit](/users/1651627) |
+| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[He Ang Erika](/users/2451381)**, [Mung](/users/1018228), [geraldwch](/users/2923441), [chibipingers](/users/1756003), [Accel](/users/1169796), [Kagayane](/users/1777691) |
+| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Spectator](/users/702598)**, [Frobe](/users/670365), [224dj](/users/3313041), [No492_Shaymin](/users/566276), [ExGon](/users/214187), [mjj741](/users/1459769) |
+| ![][flag_ES] | **Spain** | **[SK Eternal](/users/588046)**, [sarkras](/users/709625), [Pistoler](/users/3115050), [TheStickman](/users/4820133), [Ratulfox](/users/4414709), [kikones34](/users/911816) |
+| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[Yukiteru Amano](/users/1894511)**, [Toggeni](/users/3555166), [Gurre Gurka](/users/4872039), [Faayne](/users/2363871) |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | - disqualified - |
+| ![][flag_TH] | **Thailand** | **[bank78952](/users/1443297)**, [ZeroEightOne](/users/1054016), [Boom](/users/1090858) |
+| ![][flag_GB] | **United Kingdom** | **[- Magic Bomb -](/users/3071175)**, [destructor966](/users/2667584), [TomTheWizard](/users/1913190), [Martin22](/users/4209402), [Withered Lotus](/users/3546931), [Bubbz](/users/86414) |
+| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Zak](/users/1375955)**, [Minky](/users/1978891), [Storm-](/users/2427813), [Cemetery](/users/3438241), [-Del-](/users/2996241), [-Kurisu-](/users/500696) |
+## Groups
+| Group A | Group B | Group C | Group D | Group E | Group F | Group G | Group H |
+| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| ![][flag_CA] Canada | ![][flag_BR] Brazil | ![][flag_AT] Austria | ![][flag_DK] Denmark | ![][flag_FI] Finland | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | ![][flag_HU] Hungary | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan |
+| ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | ![][flag_BE] Belgium | ![][flag_ES] Spain | ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | ![][flag_AU] Australia | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | ![][flag_CL] Chile | ![][flag_NO] Norway |
+| ![][flag_PH] Philippines | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | ![][flag_SG] Singapore | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | ![][flag_JP] Japan | ![][flag_TH] Thailand |
+| ![][flag_FR] France | ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_PL] Poland | ![][flag_CN] China | Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_DE] Germany | ![][flag_IT] Italy |
+## Mappools
### Finals
-**This mappool will be used on Finals Week 1 & Week 2**
+**This mappool was played in Finals and Grand Finals.**
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/7ywwybasjwgav0d/CWC_2015_finals.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (157 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/7ywwybasjwgav0d/CWC_2015_finals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Zips - Reiwai Terrorism (Broccoly) \[Distortion\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/269773)
- - [Mabinogi - Uroboros 9236 (ZHSteven) \[Inferno CTB\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/353390)
- - [Gentle Stick X M2U - Hades in the Heaven (AngelHoney) \[ExtrA\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/296432)
- - [FLOOR LEGENDS -KAC 2012- - KAC 2012 ULTIMATE MEDLEY -HISTORIA SOUND VOLTEX- (INO) \[Catch The GRAVITY\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/682868)
- - [u's - Korekara no Someday (Spectator) \[Someday\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/650162)
- - [STREME REVERIE - A Site De La Rue (CLSW) \[Absurd Tantivy\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/709593)
+ - [Zips - Reiwai Terrorism (Broccoly) \[Distortion\]](/beatmapsets/101953#fruits/269773)
+ - Mabinogi - Uroboros 9236 (ZHSteven) \[Inferno CTB\]
+ - [Gentle Stick X M2U - Hades in the Heaven (AngelHoney) \[ExtrA\]](/beatmapsets/114488#fruits/296432)
+ - [FLOOR LEGENDS -KAC 2012- - KAC 2012 ULTIMATE MEDLEY -HISTORIA SOUND VOLTEX- (INO) \[Catch The GRAVITY\]](/beatmapsets/304828#fruits/682868)
+ - [u's - Korekara no Someday (Spectator) \[Someday\]](/beatmapsets/288268#fruits/650162)
+ - STREME REVERIE - A Site De La Rue (CLSW) \[Absurd Tantivy\]
- Hidden
- - [Basshunter - Ievan Polkka Trance Remix (Teara) \[BeuKirby\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/66246)
- - [Apocalyptica - Hall of the Mountain King (pishifat) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/514597)
- - [Hanazawa Kana - Renai Circulation (Full ver.) (DJPop) \[TAG2\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/48874)
- - [ChouchouP - Tsukimiyo Rabbit (Zero\_\_wind) \[Tsuki\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/312959)
+ - [Basshunter - Ievan Polkka Trance Remix (Teara) \[BeuKirby\]](/beatmapsets/10406#fruits/66246)
+ - [Apocalyptica - Hall of the Mountain King (pishifat) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/219813#fruits/514597)
+ - [Hanazawa Kana - Renai Circulation (Full ver.) (DJPop) \[TAG2\]](/beatmapsets/12563#fruits/48874)
+ - [ChouchouP - Tsukimiyo Rabbit (Zero\_\_wind) \[Tsuki\]](/beatmapsets/122342#fruits/312959)
- HardRock
- - [IOSYS - Border of Death (dksslqj) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/53380)
- - [t+pazolite - chipscape (Shiirn) \[Ragnarok\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/95382)
- - [Awake - Supernova (DoKoLP) \[DoKo\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/138008)
- - [Hanazawa Kana - Mousou Express (Remix) (Spectator) \[EX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/532153)
+ - [IOSYS - Border of Death (dksslqj) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/14107#fruits/53380)
+ - [t+pazolite - chipscape (Shiirn) \[Ragnarok\]](/beatmapsets/27752#fruits/95382)
+ - [Awake - Supernova (DoKoLP) \[DoKo\]](/beatmapsets/42909#fruits/138008)
+ - [Hanazawa Kana - Mousou Express (Remix) (Spectator) \[EX\]](/beatmapsets/228539#fruits/532153)
- DoubleTime
- - [Matsumoto Sara - Ito Hakanaki Hikari no Gotoku (Mixagji) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/308350)
- - [Megpoid GUMI - For my soul (val0108) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/80102)
- - [HTT - Girls in Wonderland (wcx19911123) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/111902)
- - [Feint - Time Bomb (feat. Veela & Boyinaband) (vipto) \[Time\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/263368)
+ - [Matsumoto Sara - Ito Hakanaki Hikari no Gotoku (Mixagji) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/120255#fruits/308350)
+ - [Megpoid GUMI - For my soul (val0108) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/22509#fruits/80102)
+ - [HTT - Girls in Wonderland (wcx19911123) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/34427#fruits/111902)
+ - [Feint - Time Bomb (feat. Veela & Boyinaband) (vipto) \[Time\]](/beatmapsets/98842#fruits/263368)
- Tiebreaker
- - [onoken - P8107 (CLSW) \[Nervous Breakdown\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/686192)
+ - **[onoken - P8107 (CLSW) \[Nervous Breakdown\]](/beatmapsets/306583#fruits/686192)**
-### Semi-finals
+### Semifinals
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/a4dctyubgyoakic/CWC_2015_Semifinals.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (114 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/a4dctyubgyoakic/CWC_2015_Semifinals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Swing It](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/482147)
- - [Hoshizora Rin (CV.Iida Riho) & Nishikino Maki (CV.Pile) - Beat in Angel (GAMI) \[Crystal's Angel\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/658548)
- - [bj.HaLo - Ende (ZiRoX) \[Deif's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/491215)
- - [void feat. Komatsuna - Akatsuki No Tsuki (Spectator) \[Oriental\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/668162)
- - [Tristam & Braken - Frame of Mind (Fort) \[Chill\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/581141)
- - [Savant - Pirate bay (Drafura) \[Etoile\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/247418)
+ - [Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Swing It](/beatmapsets/204159#fruits/482147)
+ - Hoshizora Rin (CV.Iida Riho) & Nishikino Maki (CV.Pile) - Beat in Angel (GAMI) \[Crystal's Angel\]
+ - [bj.HaLo - Ende (ZiRoX) \[Deif's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/188401#fruits/491215)
+ - [void feat. Komatsuna - Akatsuki No Tsuki (Spectator) \[Oriental\]](/beatmapsets/297668#fruits/668162)
+ - [Tristam & Braken - Frame of Mind (Fort) \[Chill\]](/beatmapsets/177523#fruits/581141)
+ - [Savant - Pirate bay (Drafura) \[Etoile\]](/beatmapsets/91386#fruits/247418)
- Hidden
- - [BoA - Kiseki (Hinsvar) \[Crystal's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/388536)
- - [44teru-k - F.I (Jacob) \[Extra445\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/155235)
- - [Beautiful Day - V3 (ignorethis) \[Impossible\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/41313)
- - [M2U - Placebo Dying (AngelHoney) \[ExtrA\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/179758)
+ - [BoA - Kiseki (Hinsvar) \[Crystal's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/150145#fruits/388536)
+ - [44teru-k - F.I (Jacob) \[Extra445\]](/beatmapsets/47664#fruits/155235)
+ - [Beautiful Day - V3 (ignorethis) \[Impossible\]](/beatmapsets/4622#fruits/41313)
+ - [M2U - Placebo Dying (AngelHoney) \[ExtrA\]](/beatmapsets/60081#fruits/179758)
- HardRock
- - [ESTi - HELIX (Edit ver.) (Hollow Wings) \[Spec's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/470966)
- - [Hatsune Miku - Reversible Doll (NatsumeRin) \[Rin\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/78913)
- - [Hommarju feat. R.Cena - Chousai Kenbo Sengen (galvenize) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/99342)
- - [Yuki Kajiura - Mezame (mercury2004) \[Mai\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/78049)
+ - [ESTi - HELIX (Edit ver.) (Hollow Wings) \[Spec's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/194910#fruits/470966)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Reversible Doll (NatsumeRin) \[Rin\]](/beatmapsets/22773#fruits/78913)
+ - [Hommarju feat. R.Cena - Chousai Kenbo Sengen (galvenize) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/30012#fruits/99342)
+ - [Yuki Kajiura - Mezame (mercury2004) \[Mai\]](/beatmapsets/22659#fruits/78049)
- DoubleTime
- - [Denji Sano - Taiko Time (lepidopodus) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/84911)
- - [Katy Perry - E.T. (La Cataline) \[Futuristic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/116708)
- - [U - Ha-tenya? (biwako) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/120080)
- - [Asumi Kana - SOMEONE ELSE (miccoliasms) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/50907)
+ - [Denji Sano - Taiko Time (lepidopodus) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/24320#fruits/84911)
+ - [Katy Perry - E.T. (La Cataline) \[Futuristic\]](/beatmapsets/36077#fruits/116708)
+ - [U - Ha-tenya? (biwako) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/37313#fruits/120080)
+ - [Asumi Kana - SOMEONE ELSE (miccoliasms) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/13833#fruits/50907)
- Tiebreaker
- - [ICE - L (Deif) \[Ascension\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/465454)
+ - **[ICE - L (Deif) \[Ascension\]](/beatmapsets/196230#fruits/465454)**
-### Quarter-finals
+### Quarterfinals
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/6vo4z84r9cn68kv/CWC+2015+QuarterFinals.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (185 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/6vo4z84r9cn68kv/CWC+2015+QuarterFinals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Linked Horizon - Guren no Yumiya (TV Size) (eldnl) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/326464)
- - [Soleily - Renatus (Multiple Creators) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/557811)
- - [Mutsuhiko Izumi - Snow Goose (ZiRoX) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/371595)
- - [BiBi - Cutie Panther (CLSW) \[Captivation\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/572707)
- - [Megpoid GUMI - Romantic Hero (tutuhaha) \[Hero\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/136509)
- - [An - Artcore Jinja (ursa) \[OverdoZe\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/505566)
+ - [Linked Horizon - Guren no Yumiya (TV Size) (eldnl) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/103150#fruits/326464)
+ - [Soleily - Renatus (Multiple Creators) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/241526#fruits/557811)
+ - [Mutsuhiko Izumi - Snow Goose (ZiRoX) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/150615#fruits/371595)
+ - [BiBi - Cutie Panther (CLSW) \[Captivation\]](/beatmapsets/249055#fruits/572707)
+ - [Megpoid GUMI - Romantic Hero (tutuhaha) \[Hero\]](/beatmapsets/43508#fruits/136509)
+ - [An - Artcore Jinja (ursa) \[OverdoZe\]](/beatmapsets/215155#fruits/505566)
- Hidden
- - [Yucha-P - Thieves Night Trick (tutuhaha) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/219090)
- - [supercell - Rock 'n' Roll Nan Desu no (Garven) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/93021)
- - [Marika - Knowing short ver. (Konei) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/572867)
- - [CLIFF EDGE - Endless Tears feat. Nakamura Maiko (CLSW) \[Tears\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/468824)
+ - [Yucha-P - Thieves Night Trick (tutuhaha) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/78268#fruits/219090)
+ - [supercell - Rock 'n' Roll Nan Desu no (Garven) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/27807#fruits/93021)
+ - [Marika - Knowing short ver. (Konei) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/146780#fruits/572867)
+ - [CLIFF EDGE - Endless Tears feat. Nakamura Maiko (CLSW) \[Tears\]](/beatmapsets/197689#fruits/468824)
- HardRock
- - [Kagamine Rin - Oni Kanojo (val0108) \[gow's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/86245)
- - [doriko feat. Hatsune Miku - Paradise Cage (KanbeKotori) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/80384)
- - [sun3 - Higan Retour (saymun) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/54373)
- - [Mili - Utopiosphere (Spectator) \[Ecstasia\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/446769)
+ - [Kagamine Rin - Oni Kanojo (val0108) \[gow's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/23616#fruits/86245)
+ - [doriko feat. Hatsune Miku - Paradise Cage (KanbeKotori) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/23483#fruits/80384)
+ - [sun3 - Higan Retour (saymun) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/14464#fruits/54373)
+ - [Mili - Utopiosphere (Spectator) \[Ecstasia\]](/beatmapsets/187177#fruits/446769)
- DoubleTime
- - [Yousei Teikoku - Deep Sea (EvilElvisV2) \[LC\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/274365)
- - [Giga-P - Electric Angel (pkmnyab) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/363639)
- - [GUMI - PANDA HERO (gowww) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/86266)
- - [Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - PONPONPON (D33d) \[Boxxy's Velocity of Collabiflower\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/136655)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Deep Sea (EvilElvisV2) \[LC\]](/beatmapsets/104260#fruits/274365)
+ - [Giga-P - Electric Angel (pkmnyab) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/146794#fruits/363639)
+ - [GUMI - PANDA HERO (gowww) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/25461#fruits/86266)
+ - [Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - PONPONPON (D33d) \[Boxxy's Velocity of Collabiflower\]](/beatmapsets/36225#fruits/136655)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Hatsuki Yura - Yoiyami Hanabi (Spectator) \[Twilight\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/456933)
+ - **[Hatsuki Yura - Yoiyami Hanabi (Spectator) \[Twilight\]](/beatmapsets/192079#fruits/456933)**
### Round of 16
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/sn1i72g5fq1fhnb/CWC_2015_Round_of_16.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (137 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/sn1i72g5fq1fhnb/CWC_2015_Round_of_16.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [KAZAHA - Sajin no kanata he (Drafura) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/388088)
- - [Mind Vortex - Alive (Katty Pie) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/484661)
- - [Glutamine - Babylon (CSY the corrupt) \[Corruption\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/145118)
- - [Hatsune Miku - Nehanshika (Shiirn) \[Abomination\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/101178)
- - [IOSYS - Chanteikku Sanyousei no Itazura Daisensou (Kurosanyan) \[Strongest Fairy\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/100392)
- - [MiddleIsland - Achromat (Tidek) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/333675)
+ - [KAZAHA - Sajin no kanata he (Drafura) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/158706#fruits/388088)
+ - [Mind Vortex - Alive (Katty Pie) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/205309#fruits/484661)
+ - [Glutamine - Babylon (CSY the corrupt) \[Corruption\]](/beatmapsets/35992#fruits/145118)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Nehanshika (Shiirn) \[Abomination\]](/beatmapsets/30680#fruits/101178)
+ - [IOSYS - Chanteikku Sanyousei no Itazura Daisensou (Kurosanyan) \[Strongest Fairy\]](/beatmapsets/29307#fruits/100392)
+ - [MiddleIsland - Achromat (Tidek) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/132728#fruits/333675)
- Hidden
- - [Nanjou Yoshino & Kusuda Aina - Garasu no Hanazono (Hinsvar) \[Soulmate\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/441680)
- - [Caravan Palace - Rock It For Me (tiper) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/212118)
- - [Nero's Day At Disneyland - No Money Down, Low Monthly Payments (grumd) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/290733)
- - [Cascada - What Hurts The Most (Nightcore Remix) (Lunah) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/70764)
+ - [Nanjou Yoshino & Kusuda Aina - Garasu no Hanazono (Hinsvar) \[Soulmate\]](/beatmapsets/184512#fruits/441680)
+ - [Caravan Palace - Rock It For Me (tiper) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/69041#fruits/212118)
+ - [Nero's Day At Disneyland - No Money Down, Low Monthly Payments (grumd) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/111825#fruits/290733)
+ - [Cascada - What Hurts The Most (Nightcore Remix) (Lunah) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/20239#fruits/70764)
- HardRock
- - [IOSYS - Power of Dream (Night Fever Refix) (Kite) \[Power of Stream\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/91215)
- - [Meiko - Leave The Lights On (KROT Remix) (Moway) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/171126)
- - [fripSide - only my railgun (Full Ver.) (S i R i R u) \[Level 5\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/47670)
- - [Rameses B - Flaklypa (-kevincela-) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/453358)
+ - [IOSYS - Power of Dream (Night Fever Refix) (Kite) \[Power of Stream\]](/beatmapsets/27152#fruits/91215)
+ - [Meiko - Leave The Lights On (KROT Remix) (Moway) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/56633#fruits/171126)
+ - [fripSide - only my railgun (Full Ver.) (S i R i R u) \[Level 5\]](/beatmapsets/12768#fruits/47670)
+ - [Rameses B - Flaklypa (-kevincela-) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/190390#fruits/453358)
- DoubleTime
- - [Tatsh - Fuushi Kaden (happy30) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/56044)
- - [Hatsuki Yura - HAMELN (karenying) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/136322)
- - [07th Expansion - miragecoordinator (La Cataline) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/102426)
- - [Tune Up! - Bounce (Nightcore Mix) (osuplayer111) \[jericho2442's Rave\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/82785)
+ - [Tatsh - Fuushi Kaden (happy30) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/15486#fruits/56044)
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - HAMELN (karenying) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/43446#fruits/136322)
+ - [07th Expansion - miragecoordinator (La Cataline) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/31116#fruits/102426)
+ - [Tune Up! - Bounce (Nightcore Mix) (osuplayer111) \[jericho2442's Rave\]](/beatmapsets/24315#fruits/82785)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Saiya - Remote Control (CLSW) \[Crystal Spec\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/423373)
+ - **Saiya - Remote Control (CLSW) \[Crystal Spec\]**
### Group Stage
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/2vadd4tk50y1mz1/CWC_2015_Group_Stage.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (168 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/2vadd4tk50y1mz1/CWC_2015_Group_Stage.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [sasakure.UK - Jack-the-Ripper (Sprosive) \[JackHasCome!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/81560)
- - [Rita - Princess Blood (CLSW) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/436663)
- - [Hanatan - Hyakunen Yakou (eveless) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/220908)
- - [senya - Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Kaze (PV ver.) (Vhy) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/390102)
- - [Traktion - Mission ASCII (galvenize) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/162405)
- - [Xelia - Illumiscape (Kanna) \[Drafura's CtB Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/159792)
+ - [sasakure.UK - Jack-the-Ripper (Sprosive) \[JackHasCome!\]](/beatmapsets/23907#fruits/81560)
+ - [Rita - Princess Blood (CLSW) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/182009#fruits/436663)
+ - [Hanatan - Hyakunen Yakou (eveless) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/79100#fruits/220908)
+ - [senya - Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Kaze (PV ver.) (Vhy) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/158128#fruits/390102)
+ - [Traktion - Mission ASCII (galvenize) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/53249#fruits/162405)
+ - [Xelia - Illumiscape (Kanna) \[Drafura's CtB Platter\]](/beatmapsets/43960#fruits/159792)
- Hidden
- - [bibuko - Crayon (val0108) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/152463)
- - [sta - Iris (ampzz) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/255163)
- - [Rchetype - V Is For (Blue Dragon) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/290919)
- - [Goose house - 18sai (mingmichael) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/560408)
+ - [bibuko - Crayon (val0108) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/49455#fruits/152463)
+ - [sta - Iris (ampzz) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/94917#fruits/255163)
+ - [Rchetype - V Is For (Blue Dragon) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/111914#fruits/290919)
+ - [Goose house - 18sai (mingmichael) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/242856#fruits/560408)
- HardRock
- - [Chata - Dango Daikazoku -TV animation Ver.- (Pappy) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/533077)
- - [Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Ninjya Re Bang Bang (IchiGUN) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/230175)
- - [Kino Nei - Ougon Musou Kyoku ~Konjiki no Chi ni Somaru Mae ni~ (Suzully) \[Golden Truth\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/84566)
- - [TERRA - ever snow (ouranhshc) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/81789)
+ - [Chata - Dango Daikazoku -TV animation Ver.- (Pappy) \[Platter\]](/beatmapsets/214978#fruits/533077)
+ - [Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Ninjya Re Bang Bang (IchiGUN) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/83333#fruits/230175)
+ - [Kino Nei - Ougon Musou Kyoku \~Konjiki no Chi ni Somaru Mae ni\~ (Suzully) \[Golden Truth\]](/beatmapsets/24903#fruits/84566)
+ - [TERRA - ever snow (ouranhshc) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/23477#fruits/81789)
- DoubleTime
- - [October - Time to Love (CLSW) \[Posthumous\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/569690)
- - [BURTON - Shinonomegiku (\[\_Crystal\]) \[Kurokami's Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/382311)
- - [Drop - Yunagi Rinne (Shinxyn) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/52900)
- - [fripSide - LEVEL5 -judgelight- (Full Ver.) (cyborg) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/50291)
+ - October - Time to Love (CLSW) \[Posthumous\]
+ - [BURTON - Shinonomegiku (\[\_Crystal\]) \[Kurokami's Platter\]](/beatmapsets/152709#fruits/382311)
+ - [Drop - Yunagi Rinne (Shinxyn) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/14460#fruits/52900)
+ - [fripSide - LEVEL5 -judgelight- (Full Ver.) (cyborg) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/13628#fruits/50291)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Hanatan - If (Rakuen) \[wkyik's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/587577)
+ - **[Hanatan - If (Rakuen) \[wkyik's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/230050#fruits/587577)**
-Match Results
+## Match Results
### Grand Finals
-Sunday, 14\. June 2015
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **6** - 2 | China ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16799312) |
-### Finals: Week 1
-Saturday, 6\. June 2015
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_CN] China | 0 - **6** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16615953) |
-| ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | 5 - **6** | **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16618288) |
-| ![][flag_PL] Poland | 3 - **6** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16621174) |
-| ![][flag_CL] Chile | 2 - **6** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16624075) |
-Sunday, 7\. June 2015
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_CN] **China** | **6** - 1 | Germany ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16644793) |
-### Semi-finals
-Saturday, 30\. May 2015
+| Sunday, 2015-06-14 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **6** | 2 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](/community/matches/16799312) |
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_FR] France | 4 - **6** | **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16464581) |
-| ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | 4 - **6** | **Malaysia** ![][flag_MY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16465888) |
-| ![][flag_AR] Argentina | 1 - **6** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16467528) |
-| ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | **6** - 1 | United States ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16469168) |
-Sunday, 31\. May 2015
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_PL] Poland | 0 - **6** | South Korea ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16489320) |
-| ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | 1 - **6** | China ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16490631) |
-| ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | **6** - 0 | Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | 1 - **6** | Chile ![][flag_CL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16493275) |
-### Quarter-finals
-Saturday, 23\. May 2015
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | **5** - 3 | Australia ![][flag_AU] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16309081) |
-| ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | 2 - **5** | **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16310471) |
-| ![][flag_IT] Italy | 1 - **5** | **Netherlands** ![][flag_NL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16313352) |
-| ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | 3 - **5** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16315464) |
-Sunday, 24\. May 2015
+### Finals
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **5** - 0 | Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16335352) |
-| ![][flag_CN] **China** | **5** - 2 | Germany ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16336420) |
-| ![][flag_FR] France | 3 - **5** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16337429) |
-| ![][flag_CL] Chile | 2 - **5** | **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16338988) |
+| Saturday, 2015-06-06 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| China ![][flag_CN] | 0 | **6** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/16615953) |
+| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 5 | **6** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/16618288) |
+| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/16621174) |
+| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 2 | **6** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/16624075) |
+| Sunday, 2015-06-07 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](/community/matches/16644793) |
+### Semifinals
+| Saturday, 2015-05-30 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| France ![][flag_FR] | 4 | **6** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/16464581) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 4 | **6** | ![][flag_MY] **Malaysia** | [#1](/community/matches/16465888) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/16467528) |
+| **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](/community/matches/16469168) |
+| Sunday, 2015-05-31 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 0 | **6** | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](/community/matches/16489320) |
+| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](/community/matches/16490631) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **6** | 0 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | -win by default- |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](/community/matches/16493275) |
+### Quarterfinals
+| Saturday, 2015-05-23 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_AU] Australia | [#1](/community/matches/16309081) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/16310471) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/16313352) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/16315464) |
+| Sunday, 2015-05-24 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | [#1](/community/matches/16335352) |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](/community/matches/16336420) |
+| France ![][flag_FR] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/16337429) |
+| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/16338988) |
### Round of 16
-Saturday, 16\. May 2015
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_AU] Australia | 4 - **5** | **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16155689) |
-| ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | 0 - **5** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16156834) |
-| ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | 0 - **5** | **Malaysia** ![][flag_MY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16157935) |
-| ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | 2 - **5** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16159321) |
-| ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | 1 - **5** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16161232) |
-| ![][flag_FR] **France** | **5** - 0 | Italy ![][flag_IT] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | **5** - 1 | United States ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16164371) |
-| ![][flag_AR] Argentina | 0 - **5** | **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16166132) |
+| Saturday, 2015-05-16 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/16155689) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/16156834) |
+| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_MY] **Malaysia** | [#1](/community/matches/16157935) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/16159321) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/16161232) |
+| **France** ![][flag_FR] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_IT] Italy | -win by default- |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](/community/matches/16164371) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/16166132) |
### Group Stage
-Saturday, 9\. May 2015
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_MY] **Malaysia** | **4** - 1 | Philippines ![][flag_PH] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/15999657) |
-| ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | 1 - **4** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/15999675) |
-| ![][flag_IT] **Italy** | **4** - 2 | Thailand ![][flag_TH] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/15999681) |
-| ![][flag_FI] Finland | 0 - **4** | **Australia** ![][flag_AU] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/15999696) |
-| ![][flag_ES] Spain | 0 - **4** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16000786) |
-| ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | **4** - 3 | Norway ![][flag_NO] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16000795) |
-| ![][flag_JP] Japan | 0 - **4** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16000803) |
-| ![][flag_SE] Sweden | 0 - **4** | **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | 3 - **4** | **France** ![][flag_FR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16001920) |
-| ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | 0 - **4** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16001924) |
-| ![][flag_HU] Hungary | 1 - **4** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16003183) |
-| ![][flag_NO] **Norway** | **4** - 0 | Thailand ![][flag_TH] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_DK] Denmark | 0 - **4** | **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16003194) |
-| ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | **4** - 1 | Singapore ![][flag_SG] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16003205) |
-| ![][flag_BR] **Brazil** | **4** - 0 | Belgium ![][flag_BE] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_AT] Austria | 0 - **4** | **Spain** ![][flag_ES] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16011198) |
-| ![][flag_FI] Finland | 0 - **4** | **Mexico** ![][flag_MX] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_BE] Belgium | 0 - **4** | **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | 3 - **4** | **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16012820) |
-| ![][flag_SE] Sweden | 0 - **4** | **United Kingdom** ![][flag_GB] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_HU] Hungary | 1 - **4** | **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16012829) |
-| ![][flag_CA] Canada | 0 - **4** | **France** ![][flag_FR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16014522) |
-| ![][flag_AR] Argentina | 3 - **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16014529) |
-| ![][flag_AT] Austria | 0 - **4** | **Netherlands** ![][flag_NL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16014692) |
-Sunday, 10\. May 2015
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_AU] **Australia** | **4** - 3 | Mexico ![][flag_MX] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16021554) |
-| ![][flag_CA] Canada | 2 - **4** | **Malaysia** ![][flag_MY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16021560) |
-| ![][flag_MX] Mexico | 0 - **4** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | **4** - 0 | Philippines ![][flag_PH] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_SG] Singapore | 1 - **4** | **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16028855) |
-| ![][flag_SE] Sweden | 0 - **4** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_AU] Australia | 2 - **4** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16028862) |
-| ![][flag_HU] Hungary | 0 - **4** | **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16028865) |
-| ![][flag_AT] Austria | 0 - **4** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | 2 - **4** | **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16029933) |
-| ![][flag_PH] Philippines | 0 - **4** | **France** ![][flag_FR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16029939) |
-| ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | **4** - 0 | Thailand ![][flag_TH] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | 2 - **4** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16031195) |
-| ![][flag_DK] Denmark | 0 - **4** | **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16031201) |
-| ![][flag_FI] Finland | 0 - **4** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16031205) |
-| ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | **4** - 1 | Japan ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16031209) |
-| ![][flag_IT] Italy | 2 - **4** | **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16031212) |
-| ![][flag_BR] Brazil | 1 - **4** | **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16037776) |
-| ![][flag_IT] **Italy** | **4** - 2 | Norway ![][flag_NO] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16037779) |
-| ![][flag_DK] Denmark | 1 - **4** | **Russian Federation** ![][flag_RU] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16037785) |
-| ![][flag_BE] Belgium | 0 - **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | - Win by default - |
-| ![][flag_ES] Spain | 3 - **4** | **Netherlands** ![][flag_NL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16039168) |
-| ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | **4** - 2 | Germany ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16039172) |
-| ![][flag_BR] Brazil | 0 - **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/16039176) |
+| Saturday, 2015-05-09 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Malaysia** ![][flag_MY] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | [#1](/community/matches/15999657) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/15999675) |
+| **Italy** ![][flag_IT] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_TH] Thailand | [#1](/community/matches/15999681) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_AU] **Australia** | [#1](/community/matches/15999696) |
+| Spain ![][flag_ES] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/16000786) |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_NO] Norway | [#1](/community/matches/16000795) |
+| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/16000803) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | -win by default- |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/16001920) |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/16001924) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/16003183) |
+| **Norway** ![][flag_NO] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Thailand | -win by default- |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/16003194) |
+| **Russian Federation** ![][flag_RU] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_SG] Singapore | [#1](/community/matches/16003205) |
+| **Brazil** ![][flag_BR] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_BE] Belgium | -win by default- |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ES] **Spain** | [#1](/community/matches/16011198) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | -win by default- |
+| Belgium ![][flag_BE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | -win by default- |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/16012820) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] **United Kingdom** | -win by default- |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/16012829) |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/16014522) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/16014529) |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/16014692) |
+| Sunday, 2015-05-10 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Australia** ![][flag_AU] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](/community/matches/16021554) |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_MY] **Malaysia** | [#1](/community/matches/16021560) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | -win by default- |
+| **Canada** ![][flag_CA] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | -win by default- |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/16028855) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | -win by default- |
+| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/16028862) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/16028865) |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | -win by default- |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/16029933) |
+| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/16029939) |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Thailand | -win by default- |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/16031195) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_SG] **Singapore** | [#1](/community/matches/16031201) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/16031205) |
+| **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](/community/matches/16031209) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/16031212) |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | [#1](/community/matches/16037776) |
+| **Italy** ![][flag_IT] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_NO] Norway | [#1](/community/matches/16037779) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](/community/matches/16037785) |
+| Belgium ![][flag_BE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | -win by default- |
+| Spain ![][flag_ES] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/16039168) |
+| **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](/community/matches/16039172) |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/16039176) |
+## Ruleset
### Tournament Rules
-1. The osu! Catch the Beat World Cup is a country-based team tournament.
-2. The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
- - One map will be given as a tiebreaker map. This map will only be played in case of a tie.
- - There will also be a [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) bracket.
-3. Match schedule will be settled by the Tournament Management (see below).
-4. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
-5. Failed players' scores do not get added to the team score.
- - Reviving and surviving during a map gets considered as passing it.
-6. Use of the [Visual Settings](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) options are allowed.
-7. If the game ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
-8. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map.
-9. Maps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.
+1. The osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2015 is a country-based team tournament.
+2. The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
+ - One map will be given as a Tiebreaker map. This map will only be played in case of a tie.
+ - There will also be a [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) bracket.
+3. Match schedule will be settled by the Tournament Management (see below).
+4. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
+5. Failed players' scores do not get added to the team score.
+ - Reviving and surviving during a map gets considered as passing it.
+6. Use of the [Visual Settings](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) options are allowed.
+7. If the game ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
+8. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map.
+9. Maps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.
10. If less than the minimum required players attend, the maximum time the match can be postponed is 10 minutes.
11. Exchanging players during a match is allowed.
12. Lag is not a valid reason to nullify a map.
@@ -452,99 +407,86 @@ Ruleset
### Tournament Registration
-1. Every user interested in joining their country's team signs up individually.
- 1. Tournament Management will create a list of potential candidates for a country's team.
- 2. Tournament Management declares one candidate to the captain of the country's team, albeit temporarily.
- 3. The declared captain can form their team from the candidate list of their country.
+1. Every user interested in joining their country's team signs up individually.
+ - Tournament Management will create a list of potential candidates for a country's team.
+ - Tournament Management declares one candidate to the captain of the country's team, albeit temporarily.
+ - The declared captain can form their team from the candidate list of their country.
2. To ensure valid and serious registrations, every registered user will be checked by the Tournament Management.
- 1. Every registered user will be assigned to their respective country's candidate list.
- 2. To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that your global Catch the Beat performace ranking is above \#5000.
- 3. To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that you did not violate the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) within the last 12 months.
-3. For signing up, [send a PM to Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=71366) titled “CWC Registration”.
- 1. You get a confirmation reply if your registration successfully arrived. Your registration is in pending then.
-4. All successfully formed teams will be published after the Registration Phase.
-5. Mapset selectors may not participate as a player in this tournament.
+ - Every registered user will be assigned to their respective country's candidate list.
+ - To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that your global Catch the Beat performace ranking is above \#5000.
+ - To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that you did not violate the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) within the last 12 months.
+3. For signing up, [send a PM to Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=71366) titled “CWC Registration”.
+ - You get a confirmation reply if your registration successfully arrived. Your registration is in pending then.
+4. All successfully formed teams will be published after the Registration Phase.
+5. Mapset selectors may not participate as a player in this tournament.
### Stage Instructions
-1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
- 1. This may change according to the final amount of formed teams.
-2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
-3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
- 1. Most matches won.
- 2. Have higher `{(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}`.
- 3. Most maps won.
- 4. Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
- 5. Winner of the rematch.
-4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
- 1. This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
-5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this graphic](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
-| Stage | Match ID |
-| Round of 16 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
-| Quarter-finals | I, J, K, L & R, S, T, U |
-| Semi-finals | M, N & V, W, X, Y, Z,AA |
-| Finals - Week 1 | O & AB, AC, AD, AE |
-| Finals - Week 2 | P, Q |
-1. **Winning conditions:**
- - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
- - In the Round of 16 and the Quarter-finals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
- - In Semi-finals and Finals, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
+1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
+ - This may change according to the final amount of formed teams.
+2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
+3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
+ - Most matches won.
+ - Have higher `{(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}`.
+ - Most maps won.
+ - Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
+ - Winner of the rematch.
+4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
+ - This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
+5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+| Stage | Match ID |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Round of 16 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
+| Quarterfinals | I, J, K, L & R, S, T, U |
+| Semifinals | M, N & V, W, X, Y, Z, AA |
+| Finals | O & AB, AC, AD, AE |
+| Grand Finals | P, Q |
+**Winning conditions:**
+ - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
+ - In the Round of 16 and the Quarterfinals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
+ - In Semifinals and Finals, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
### Match Instructions
-1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 15 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
- 1. Room settings are Catch the Beat, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'Score'. Room name must be "CWC 2015: TeamBlue vs TeamRed".
- 2. The team mentioned first in the room name must be the blue team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the red team.
-2. Players are free to select up to two warm-up maps. Using beatmaps with questionable content is prohibited.
-3. Each captain can ban two beatmaps to be selected from the pool. These beatmaps are not allowed to be picked by any team in the entire match.
- 1. Both vetos must always be used.
-4. Beatmap selection will alternate between each captain selecting a beatmap out of the map pool.
-5. Each captain must use "!roll" once in \#multiplayer.
- 1. The winner of the !roll starts picking the first beatmap of the match.
- 2. The loser of the !roll starts banning two beatmaps.
-6. Captains may pick freely from any bracket.
- 1. In case of a tie, the tiebreaker map must be played.
-7. Results will be published via Statistics site.
+1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 15 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
+ - Room settings are Catch the Beat, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'Score'. Room name must be "CWC 2015: TeamBlue vs TeamRed".
+ - The team mentioned first in the room name must be the blue team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the red team.
+2. Players are free to select up to two warm-up maps. Using beatmaps with questionable content is prohibited.
+3. Each captain can ban two beatmaps to be selected from the pool. These beatmaps are not allowed to be picked by any team in the entire match.
+ - Both vetos must always be used.
+4. Beatmap selection will alternate between each captain selecting a beatmap out of the map pool.
+5. Each captain must use "!roll" once in \#multiplayer.
+ - The winner of the !roll starts picking the first beatmap of the match.
+ - The loser of the !roll starts banning two beatmaps.
+6. Captains may pick freely from any bracket.
+ - In case of a tie, the Tiebreaker map must be played.
+7. Results will be published via Statistics site.
### Mappool Instructions
-1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for Round 16, 1 mappool for the Quarter-finals, 1 mappool for the Semi-finals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
- 1. Finals Week 1 & Finals Week 2 use the same mappool.
-2. Each mappool consists of 4 brackets: NoMod, [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-3. Each mappool consists of 19 maps in total.
-4. Each mappool has one tiebreaker.
-5. The NoMod bracket will be played with no modes activated.
-6. The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective modes activated.
- 1. Optionally, you can enable Hidden on the HardRock or DoubleTime beatmaps.
-7. The tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.
- 1. Optionally, you can enable HardRock, Hidden or both on the tiebreaker beatmap.
-8. The size of the NoMod bracket will be 6 in all stages.
-9. The size of the mod-specific brackets will be 4 in all stages.
+1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for Round 16, 1 mappool for the Quarter-finals, 1 mappool for the Semi-finals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
+ - Finals Week 1 & Finals Week 2 use the same mappool.
+2. Each mappool consists of 4 brackets: NoMod, [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
+3. Each mappool consists of 19 maps in total.
+4. Each mappool has one Tiebreaker.
+5. The NoMod bracket will be played with no modes activated.
+6. The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective modes activated.
+ - Optionally, you can enable Hidden on the HardRock or DoubleTime beatmaps.
+7. The Tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.
+ - Optionally, you can enable HardRock, Hidden or both on the Tiebreaker beatmap.
+8. The size of the NoMod bracket will be 6 in all stages.
+9. The size of the mod-specific brackets will be 4 in all stages.
### Scheduling Instructions
-1. Each stage will be held on **a single weekend**.
-2. Matches in Group Stage may overlap.
-3. All matches will be held on either Saturday or Sunday.
-4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage. Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
-5. Captains are responsible for their team's availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match. If teams can not provide three players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
+1. Each stage will be held on **a single weekend**.
+2. Matches in Group Stage may overlap.
+3. All matches will be held on either Saturday or Sunday.
+4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage. Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
+5. Captains are responsible for their team's availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match. If teams can not provide three players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
[flag_AR]: /wiki/shared/flag/AR.gif
[flag_AT]: /wiki/shared/flag/AT.gif
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+- CWC 2015
+- CWC2015
+outdated: true
osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2015
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- CWC 2016
- CWC2016
-osu!catch World Cup 2016
+# osu!catch World Cup 2016
+The **osu!catch World Cup 2016** (***CWC 2016***) was a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It was the 5th installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2016-04-12/2016-04-30 |
+| Live Drawings | 2016-05-15 (14:00 UTC) |
+| Group Stage | 2016-05-21/2016-05-22 |
+| Round of 16 | 2016-05-28/2016-05-29 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2016-06-04/2016-06-05 |
+| Semifinals | 2016-06-11/2016-06-12 |
+| Finals | 2016-06-18/2016-06-19 |
+| Grand Finals | 2016-06-25/2016-06-26 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
+| Place | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 50% of the raised prize pool, unique profile badge, special user title |
+|  | 38% of the raised prize pool, unique profile badge |
+|  | 12% of the raised prize pool, unique profile badge |
+## Organisation
+The osu!catch World Cup 2016 was run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+| Position | Members |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_DE] [Loctav](/users/71366), ![][flag_DE] [p3n](/users/123703), ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565), ![][flag_FR] [shARPII](/users/776257) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565), ![][flag_CL] [ZiRoX](/users/200768) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_US] [Arf](/users/3716999), ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](/users/128370), ![][flag_AR] [juankristal](/users/443656), ![][flag_FR] [Slainv](/users/4823843), ![][flag_CA] [Tasha](/users/1031958), ![][flag_US] [Zak](/users/1375955), ![][flag_US] [ztrot](/users/6347) |
+| Statisticians | ![][flag_US] [Ascendance](/users/2931883), ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](/users/128370), ![][flag_DE] [Nwolf](/users/1910766) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/442617)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wl_-ovoojuvTLDeMRkFPqBdBdX0AAFZR60ysbNkk-S8/pubhtml)**
+## Participants
+| | Country | Members |
+| --: | :-: | :-- |
+| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[\[Force\]](/users/1617217)**, [VelperK](/users/348467), [Retz](/users/5095790), [koliron](/users/4632730), [Danti](/users/4785841), [Tadashi](/users/4027910) |
+| ![][flag_AU] | **Australia** | **[Zeverage](/users/237550)**, [chickennando](/users/5818665), [Seiga](/users/4403718), [Janga](/users/3917884), [EL-S](/users/5385123), [tachima](/users/3420156) |
+| ![][flag_BE] | **Belgium** | **[\[ Zorua \]](/users/3112563)**, [Skir](/users/1938228), [\[ Seraf \]](/users/6376151), [\[K y o k o\]](/users/626677) |
+| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[ThanaR](/users/3834323)**, [Mikudesu](/users/4120228), [Ari Light](/users/4383265), [HK Kimma](/users/3328968), [Senfuresu Kura](/users/3464898), [Michael Jordan](/users/4099041) |
+| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[jeubach](/users/3406015)**, [MikuChan](/users/2571882), [Kyptoric](/users/1361268), [Fii](/users/3922569), [Yoshi\_green](/users/1035891), [FastYoshi](/users/4820793) |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[\[Nico\]](/users/1011240)**, [lineqtxz](/users/989542), [nacho-s-m](/users/3673417), [Quit user](/users/2389481), [lechuguin](/users/2872000), [Kohaku](/users/1866048) |
+| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[Dusk](/users/533210)**, [Intensity](/users/3072921), [- N a g i -](/users/2956936), [Sakurano Kurimu](/users/1338103), [Crystal](/users/1646397), [KagamineRin02](/users/518503) |
+| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[Crab](/users/2563435)**, [Only1Magma](/users/3922957), [SharpN](/users/4382076), [DragonsDungeon](/users/4134819), [Wermii](/users/2424947), [Separ](/users/5266889) |
+| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[forgottentaco](/users/6109660)**, [xDarkon](/users/4188814), [undo](/users/2782290), [Awsumi](/users/4174308) |
+| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[Kyuare](/users/2705312)**, [Ttobas](/users/2084568), [LeRenegat](/users/3391775), [Vincs](/users/2026299), [Orinoshi](/users/3047355), [Fuka Pura](/users/2326688) |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[NoteKuroi](/users/186642)**, [- Flutter -](/users/4202284), [Vinci007](/users/5030297), [-Rico](/users/2392087), [Kingkevin30](/users/564334), [MgnTby](/users/4839807) |
+| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[CheungB](/users/788406)**, [alienflybot](/users/636114), [Latifah-sama](/users/1226238), [RankoP](/users/1784164), [-N a n a k o-](/users/1407516) |
+| ![][flag_HU] | **Hungary** | **[gaaraati](/users/3320300)**, [kisbee](/users/1505264), [mardebra](/users/5419149), [Shigaisen](/users/6635772) |
+| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[Deceitful](/users/1396447)**, [Ddraigon-](/users/1380645), [dika312](/users/741613), [El SolarBeam](/users/1074710), [Galaxi](/users/2552435), [Shurelia](/users/3807986) |
+| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[Pizza Kun](/users/768609)**, [BlasterONE](/users/1861182), [nicostrike](/users/4277070), [Jordan Greenway](/users/1605599) |
+| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[giru HD](/users/707456)**, [noraRcat](/users/883939), [Molqus](/users/1927193), [INO](/users/904219), [rullu](/users/595140), [ririkun](/users/318357) |
+| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia** | **[Future\_miku95](/users/2351567)**, [Kagari](/users/3366264), [murutattack](/users/4480237), [SYAHME](/users/3886013), [Lute](/users/4011799), [QHideaki13](/users/733998) |
+| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[messi](/users/1600437)**, [Ponchiwi](/users/1089040), [Astrea](/users/3845678), [ChibiOzed](/users/1690328), [blacklotus](/users/2115337), [Cxlucha](/users/5063961) |
+| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[Nebux](/users/2342051)**, [Wesley](/users/2407265), [Sartan](/users/4100941), [- Yuri -](/users/3212806), [slimmecodo1](/users/1800103), [CakeAndBanana](/users/1981424) |
+| ![][flag_NZ] | **New Zealand** | **[Crono](/users/4249989)**, [Trumpet](/users/5405204), [KillxorKile](/users/3167450), [- Banana -](/users/2004337), [Health](/users/88973) |
+| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Razor Sharp](/users/3414261)**, [Taboki](/users/2075483), [Cameragod](/users/4974088), [Mile](/users/2760954), [Vanilla-](/users/3400701), [RazorFanGirl](/users/2535200) |
+| ![][flag_PE] | **Peru** | **[AleZer0](/users/214574)**, [The Fire Tiger](/users/7240612), [-Sh1n1-](/users/1957638), [LzeusL](/users/2173232), [MONOKUMA-](/users/3751796), [Alen J Sempai](/users/2712301) |
+| ![][flag_PH] | **Philippines** | **[Chara](/users/829284)**, [\_Joshualel\_](/users/4818935), [Hi\_Hello](/users/2984583) |
+| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[Kosmit](/users/1749173)**, [WujekGrzyb](/users/258289), [Sawa88](/users/993495), [Hirikoshi](/users/2114149), [Korglif](/users/2568961), [wampir](/users/261497) |
+| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[MeGl](/users/1126814)**, [skvix](/users/4447639), [VagaNNN](/users/1260040), [Temnushka](/users/1872513) |
+| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[He Ang Erika](/users/2451381)**, [geraldwch](/users/2923441), [Accel](/users/1169796), [edicatxd](/users/4671484), [Setsuen](/users/2673742), [KyousukeRentaro](/users/4971343) |
+| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[\[224\]Reol](/users/3313041)**, [\_Asriel](/users/566276), [T s u m i](/users/4080520), [Byeol](/users/2754651), [\[224\]Hyperw7](/users/4158549), [Pikicast](/users/1368780) |
+| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[Setomi](/users/2205929)**, [Yukiteru Amano](/users/1894511), [DamnEasy](/users/4452911), [27845913](/users/4312036), [Negri\_sk](/users/2231396), [Toggeni](/users/3555166) |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | **[e0486](/users/1840467)**, [Megpoid](/users/158240), [Noire-](/users/3325166), [anvo146](/users/1113372), [473147315371](/users/1952803), [LonelyLancer](/users/3568065) |
+| ![][flag_GB] | **United Kingdom** | **[- Magic Bomb -](/users/3071175)**, [destructor966](/users/2667584), [Riari](/users/2553016), [FABninja](/users/5257769), [JBHyperion](/users/4879508), [Klitty](/users/6261222) |
+| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Zak](/users/1375955)**, [-itsy_v2-](/users/2815946), [Jimmy Rustler](/users/4365562), [-Kurisu-](/users/500696), [Del](/users/2996241), [chickenbible](/users/2306637) |
+| ![][flag_VE] | **Venezuela** | **[Mrbinking](/users/6492475)**, [AizW](/users/6672736), [Alcrena](/users/1502415) |
+## Groups
+| Group A | Group B | Group C | Group D | Group E | Group F | Group G | Group H |
+| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| ![][flag_VE] Venezuela | ![][flag_AU] Australia | ![][flag_FI] Finland | ![][flag_IT] Italy | ![][flag_DK] Denmark | ![][flag_NZ] New Zealand | ![][flag_HU] Hungary | ![][flag_PE] Peru |
+| ![][flag_BE] Belgium | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | ![][flag_BR] Brazil | ![][flag_SG] Singapore | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | ![][flag_NO] Norway |
+| ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | ![][flag_JP] Japan | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | ![][flag_CA] Canada | ![][flag_SE] Sweden |
+| ![][flag_PL] Poland | ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_CL] Chile | ![][flag_FR] France | ![][flag_DE] Germany | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | ![][flag_CN] China |
+## Mappools
-The **osu!catch World Cup 2016** (***CWC 2016*** ) is a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! staff](/wiki/People/The_Team). It is the 5th installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
-Tournament Schedule
-| Event | Timestamp |
-| Registration Phase | 12-30 Apr 2016 |
-| Drawings | 15 May 2016 (14:00 UTC+0) |
-| Group Stage | 21-22 May 2016 |
-| Round of 16 | 28-29 May 2016 |
-| Quarterfinals | 4-5 Jun 2016 |
-| Semifinals | 11-12 Jun 2016 |
-| Finals - Week 1 | 18-19 Jun 2016 |
-| Finals - Week 2 | 25-26 Jun 2016 |
-We are aiming to have a minimum $3,800 cash prize pool for this world cup. You can support raising this amount of money by **[purchasing a profile banner for your team here!](https://store.ppy.sh/store/product/130)**
-| Place | Prize(s)
-|  | 50% of the raised prize pool, profile badge, "osu!catch Champion" user title |
-|  | 38% of the raised prize pool, profile badge |
-|  | 12% of the raised prize pool, profile badge |
-| Job | Person(s) |
-| Tournament Management | ![][flag_DE] [Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/71366) // ![][flag_DE] [p3n](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/123703) // ![][flag_ES] [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) // ![][flag_FR] [shARPII](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/776257) |
-| Map Selectors | ![][flag_ES] [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) // ![][flag_CL] [ZiRoX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/200768) |
-| Commentators | ![][flag_US] [Arf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3716999) // ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/128370) // ![][flag_AR] [juankristal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/443656) // ![][flag_FR] [Slainv](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4823843) // ![][flag_CA] [Tasha](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1031958) // ![][flag_US] [Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955) // ![][flag_US] [ztrot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6347) |
-| Statistician | ![][flag_US] [Ascendance](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2931883) // ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/128370) // ![][flag_DE] [Nwolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1910766) |
-| Top Seed | High Seed | Low Seed | Unseeded |
-| ![][flag_AR] Argentina | ![][flag_CA] Canada | ![][flag_BE] Belgium | ![][flag_AU] Australia |
-| ![][flag_CL] Chile | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | ![][flag_BR] Brazil | ![][flag_DK] Denmark |
-| ![][flag_CN] China | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | ![][flag_FI] Finland |
-| ![][flag_FR] France | ![][flag_JP] Japan | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | ![][flag_HU] Hungary |
-| ![][flag_DE] Germany | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | ![][flag_NO] Norway | ![][flag_IT] Italy |
-| ![][flag_PL] Poland | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | ![][flag_SG] Singapore | ![][flag_NZ] New Zealand |
-| ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_PE] Peru |
-| ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | ![][flag_VE] Venezuela |
-| Flag | Country | Group A Members |
-| ![][flag_VE] | Venezuela | **[Mrbinking](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6492475)**, [AizW](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6672736), [Alcrena](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1502415) |
-| ![][flag_BE] | Belgium | **[\[ Zorua \]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3112563)**, [Skir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1938228), [\[ Seraf \]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6376151), [\[K y o k o\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/626677) |
-| ![][flag_ID] | Indonesia | **[Deceitful](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1396447)**, [Ddraigon-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1380645), [dika312](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/741613), [El SolarBeam](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1074710), [Galaxi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2552435), [Shurelia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3807986) |
-| ![][flag_PL] | Poland | **[Kosmit](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1749173)**, [WujekGrzyb](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/258289), [Sawa88](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/993495), [Hirikoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2114149), [Korglif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2568961), [wampir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/261497) |
-| Flag | Country | Group B Members |
-| ![][flag_AU] | Australia | **[Zeverage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/237550)**, [chickennando](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5818665), [Seiga](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4403718), [Janga](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3917884), [EL-S](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5385123), [tachima](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3420156) |
-| ![][flag_NL] | Netherlands | **[Nebux](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2342051)**, [Wesley](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2407265), [Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941), [- Yuri -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3212806), [slimmecodo1](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1800103), [CakeAndBanana](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1981424) |
-| ![][flag_MX] | Mexico | **[messi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1600437)**, [Ponchiwi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1089040), [Astrea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3845678), [ChibiOzed](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1690328), [blacklotus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2115337), [Cxlucha](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5063961) |
-| ![][flag_US] | United States | **[Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)**, [-itsy_v2-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2815946), [Jimmy Rustler](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4365562), [-Kurisu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/500696), [Del](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2996241), [chickenbible](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2306637) |
-| Flag | Country | Group C Members |
-| ![][flag_FI] | Finland | **[forgottentaco](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6109660)**, [xDarkon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4188814), [undo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2782290), [Awsumi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4174308) |
-| ![][flag_BR] | Brazil | **[ThanaR](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3834323)**, [Mikudesu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4120228), [Ari Light](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4383265), [HK Kimma](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3328968), [Senfuresu Kura](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3464898), [Michael Jordan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4099041) |
-| ![][flag_HK] | Hong Kong | **[CheungB](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/788406)**, [alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114), [Latifah-sama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1226238), [RankoP](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1784164), [-N a n a k o-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1407516) |
-| ![][flag_KR] | South Korea | **[\[224\]Reol](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3313041)**, [_Asriel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/566276), [T s u m i](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4080520), [Byeol](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2754651), [\[224\]Hyperw7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4158549), [Pikicast](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1368780) |
-| Flag | Country | Group D Members |
-| ![][flag_IT] | Italy | **[Pizza Kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/768609)**, [BlasterONE](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1861182), [nicostrike](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4277070), [Jordan Greenway](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1605599) |
-| ![][flag_SG] | Singapore | **[He Ang Erika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2451381)**, [geraldwch](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2923441), [Accel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1169796), [edicatxd](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4671484), [Setsuen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2673742), [KyousukeRentaro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4971343) |
-| ![][flag_JP] | Japan | **[giru HD](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/707456)**, [noraRcat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/883939), [Molqus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1927193), [INO](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/904219), [rullu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/595140), [ririkun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318357) |
-| ![][flag_CL] | Chile | **[\[Nico\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1011240)**, [lineqtxz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/989542), [nacho-s-m](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3673417), [Quit user](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2389481), [lechuguin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2872000), [Kohaku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1866048) |
-| Flag | Country | Group E Members |
-| ![][flag_DK] | Denmark | **[Crab](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2563435)**, [Only1Magma](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922957), [SharpN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4382076), [DragonsDungeon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4134819), [Wermii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2424947), [Separ](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5266889) |
-| ![][flag_TW] | Taiwan | **[e0486](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1840467)**, [Megpoid](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/158240), [Noire-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3325166), [anvo146](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1113372), [473147315371](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1952803), [LonelyLancer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3568065) |
-| ![][flag_PH] | Philippines | **[Chara](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/829284)**, [\_Joshualel\_](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4818935), [Hi_Hello](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2984583) |
-| ![][flag_FR] | France | **[Kyuare](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2705312)**, [Ttobas](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2084568), [LeRenegat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3391775), [Vincs](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2026299), [Orinoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3047355), [Fuka Pura](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2326688) |
-| Flag | Country | Group F Members |
-| ![][flag_NZ] | New Zealand | **[Crono](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4249989)**, [Trumpet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5405204), [KillxorKile](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3167450), [- Banana -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2004337), [Health](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/88973) |
-| ![][flag_GB] | United Kingdom | **[- Magic Bomb -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3071175)**, [destructor966](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2667584), [Riari](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2553016), [FABninja](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5257769), [JBHyperion](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4879508), [Klitty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6261222) |
-| ![][flag_RU] | Russian Federation | **[MeGl](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1126814)**, [skvix](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4447639), [VagaNNN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1260040), [Temnushka](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1872513) |
-| ![][flag_DE] | Germany | **[NoteKuroi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/186642)**, [- Flutter -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4202284), [Vinci007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5030297), [-Rico](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2392087), [Kingkevin30](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/564334), [MgnTby](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4839807) |
-| Flag | Country | Group G Members |
-| ![][flag_HU] | Hungary | **[gaaraati](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3320300)**, [kisbee](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1505264), [mardebra](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5419149), [Shigaisen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6635772) |
-| ![][flag_MY] | Malaysia | **[Future\_miku95](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2351567)**, [Kagari](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3366264), [murutattack](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4480237), [SYAHME](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3886013), [Lute](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4011799), [QHideaki13](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/733998) |
-| ![][flag_CA] | Canada | **[jeubach](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3406015)**, [MikuChan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2571882), [Kyptoric](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1361268), [Fii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922569), [Yoshi_green](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1035891), [FastYoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4820793) |
-| ![][flag_AR] | Argentina | **[\[Force\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1617217)**, [VelperK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/348467), [Retz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5095790), [koliron](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4632730), [Danti](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4785841), [Tadashi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4027910) |
-| Flag | Country | Group H Members |
-| ![][flag_PE] | Peru | **[AleZer0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/214574)**, [The Fire Tiger](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7240612), [-Sh1n1-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1957638), [LzeusL](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2173232), [MONOKUMA-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3751796), [Alen J Sempai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2712301) |
-| ![][flag_NO] | Norway | **[Razor Sharp](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3414261)**, [Taboki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2075483), [Cameragod](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4974088), [Mile](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2760954), [Vanilla-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3400701), [RazorFanGirl](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2535200) |
-| ![][flag_SE] | Sweden | **[Setomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2205929)**, [Yukiteru Amano](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1894511), [DamnEasy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4452911), [27845913](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4312036), [Negri_sk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2231396), [Toggeni](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3555166) |
-| ![][flag_CN] | China | **[Dusk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/533210)**, [Intensity](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3072921), [- N a g i -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2956936), [Sakurano Kurimu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1338103), [Crystal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646397), [KagamineRin02](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/518503) |
+### Finals
-### Group Stage
+**This mappool was played in Finals and Grand Finals.**
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/zj5ayqd22x9cq30/CWC_2106_Group_Stage.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (115 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/g5lof1srmoxf81x/CWC_2016_Finals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [supercell - Hoshi ga Matataku Konna Yoru ni (\[Teichan\]) \[exam's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/668102)
- - [Nakagawa Shoko - Sorairo Days (Zak) \[kjw's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/366195)
- - [Silent Spica - Anhedonia (alienflybot) \[Equim's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/935536)
- - [GARNiDELiA - grilletto (TV Size Ver.) (Karia) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/505574)
- - [TwoThirds & Feint feat. Veela - Epiphany (Spectator) \[Collab Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/753021)
- - [Plasmagica - Have a nice MUSIC](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/700067)
+ - Hitori Tori - perthed again (yambabom remix) (CLSW) \[Nervous Breakdown\]
+ - [DJ Totoriott - Chronoxia (Kyuare) \[Chronos\]](/beatmapsets/429184#fruits/926084)
+ - [ZUN remixed by LeaF - Resurrection Spell (osu\_gangster) \[Hourai Doll\]](/beatmapsets/311925#fruits/696566)
+ - [O2i3 - Ooi \[Game Edit\] (xi-False) \[MQ (Deluge EX)\]](/beatmapsets/451239#fruits/968033)
+ - [Konuko - Toumei Elegy (Kyptoric) \[Forever Since\]](/beatmapsets/367425#fruits/805840)
+ - [KOTOKO - Wing my way (ZHSteven) \[Hell-Jumping\]](/beatmapsets/17744#fruits/328412)
- Hidden
- - [Team "Hanayamata" - Yorokobi Synchronicity (Xinely) \[Cherry Blossom\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/872349)
- - [MiddleIsland - Piano Concerto No.1 "Scream" (ZiRoX) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/560536)
- - [Masahiro Aoki - The Winter Campaign on Osaka (ursa) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/548689)
- - [Goose house - Sedan Girl (mingmichael) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/662784)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - Yume no Shima Shinen Kouen (Real1) \[KIRBY Mix\]](/beatmapsets/7226#fruits/31651)
+ - [XL Project - THE DAMNED STALKERS (hy1hy1hy) \[Steven's ctb\]](/beatmapsets/22037#fruits/77930)
+ - [Rabpit - Sacred (ursa) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/92456#fruits/344415)
+ - [DJ Sharpnel - IVALTEK (happy30) \[HappyMiX\]](/beatmapsets/50429#fruits/154988)
- HardRock
- - [remixed celas vs 44teru-k - CONNECT r (Muya) \[Hyper\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/163254)
- - [Kemmei Adachi - Patapon theme (Aleks719) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/190393)
- - [Zircon - Dirt Devil (OC ReMix) (Mukku) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/55760)
- - [NAOKI feat. SMiLE.dk - A Geisha's Dream (yongtw123) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/95782)
+ - [Morimori Atsushi - PUPA (Cherry Blossom) \[Butterfly\]](/beatmapsets/224164#fruits/523376)
+ - [xi - Garyou Tensei (BoberOfDarkness) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/348640#fruits/769051)
+ - [IOSYS - Midnight Lightning Bolt (pieguy1372) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/16371#fruits/58701)
+ - [LiSA - EGOiSTiC SHOOTER (Spectator) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/316580#fruits/705339)
- DoubleTime
- - [Lon - Sweet Magic (Suzully) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/120374)
- - [Hai Nan - Ai La La (moonlightleaf) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/374835)
- - [SMiLE.dk - Golden Sky (meiikyuu) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/155404)
- - [T-ara - Sexy Love (Pink Agate) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/206157)
+ - [senya - Yukitoke Realism (wring) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/252385#fruits/579751&m=2)
+ - [ikumi - Watashi no 71% \ (Equim) \[Unfettered\]](/beatmapsets/329280#fruits/878649)
+ - [T.M.Revolution x Mizuki Nana - Preserved Roses (Xinely) \[Collab Insane\]](/beatmapsets/223530#fruits/528310)
+ - [Nelly ft. Fergie - Party People (YGOkid8) \[KIRBY'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!\]](/beatmapsets/12721#fruits/53493)
- Tiebreaker
- - [ginkiha - EOS (kamome sano rmx) (Broccoly) \[Spec's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/893683)
+ - **[Tatsh - IMAGE -MATERIAL- (CLSW) \[Envision\]](/beatmapsets/432720#fruits/933017)**
-### Round of 16
+### Semifinals
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/hl78p11alped115/CWC_2016_Round_of_16.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (88 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/keom45knuegmccd/CWC_2016_Semifinals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [M2U - Gravity (WildOne94) \[Rain collab\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/721170)
- - [U2 Akiyama - Did You See That Shadow? (ZHSteven) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/256312)
- - [Sawai Miku - Colorful. (Anime Ver.) (Zoe) \[Mawaru~\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/877065)
- - [IOSYS - Endless Tewi-ma Park (Kurosanyan) \[Drafura's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/181233)
- - [Yousei Teikoku - Astral Dogma (Ashasaki) \[Hyperion's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/848022)
- - [xi vs sakuzyo - STORIA (Cut Ver.) (CLSW) \[SHD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/793328)
+ - Yooh - LegenD. (Flask) \[Len's OverdosE.\]
+ - [Nekomata Master - Avalon no oka (Intensity) \[oveRdose\]](/beatmapsets/218623#fruits/512401)
+ - [ginkiha - eastward (Deif) \[Oriental\]](/beatmapsets/365365#fruits/801911)
+ - [Suzumu - Kakumeisei : Ousama densenbyo (Spectator) \[Kingdom\]](/beatmapsets/331453#fruits/734255)
+ - [Project Grimoire - Caliburne ~Story of the Legendary sword~ (Kyuare) \[Excalibur\]](/beatmapsets/368469#fruits/808225)
+ - [Hige Driver join. SELEN - Dadadadadadadadadada (CLSW) \[EX\]](/beatmapsets/350076#fruits/771879)
- Hidden
- - [sakuzyo - Altale (toybot) \[AFB's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/724582)
- - [Akiko Shikata - Katayoku no Tori (Deif) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/708226)
- - [Comedian Harmonists - Perpetuum Mobile (Bonsai) \[Pluvium Hyperionis\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/900134)
- - [Mili - A Turtle's Heart (Krah) \[Coeur\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/674854)
+ - [S-C-U - milky ice bear (MMzz) \[Deif's CTB\]](/beatmapsets/57272#fruits/172985)
+ - [Gentle Stick X M2U - Ineffabilis (buhei) \[Extreme\]](/beatmapsets/340903#fruits/753968)
+ - [W.T. Orchestra - William Tell Overture (Louis Cyphre) \[Champion\]](/beatmapsets/29107#fruits/97397)
+ - [Shounen Radio - neu (v2b) \[EX\]](/beatmapsets/28121#fruits/93893)
- HardRock
- - [Nishino Kana - motto... (S h i a) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/115509)
- - [Itou Kanako - Skyclad no Kansokusha -Remix- (Takos) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/110626)
- - [xi - Parousia (HelloSCV) \[-kevincela-'s Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/283992)
- - [Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows Dai San Maku (O.A. version) (DJPop) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/77308)
+ - [Alipio Martins - Piranha (Maffalda Reloaded Trap Mix) (Tarrasky) \[Spec's Gangsta Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/287873#fruits/710996)
+ - [BOSSFIGHT - Dr. Wily's Castle: Stage 1 (WildOne94) \[Wilderness\]](/beatmapsets/356147#fruits/783874)
+ - [8284 vs wa. - Adularescence (alienflybot) \[toybot's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/245851#fruits/653661)
+ - [Pegboard Nerds x MisterWives - Coffins (Timorisu) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/144771#fruits/359411)
- DoubleTime
- - [Bangbros - Yeah Yeah Yeah! (Nightcore Mix) (ztrot) \[Yeah Yeah Yeah!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/93964)
- - [Tamaz-P - Hirari, Hirari (DragonSlayer96) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/491827)
- - [Sakaue Nachi - Light travel distance RAYTO MIX (Frostmourne) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/133852)
- - [RADWIMPS - Jugemu (Amir) \[Ursa's Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/502367)
+ - [Kalafina - believe (CLSW) \[Bless\]](/beatmapsets/316647#fruits/705527)
+ - [Martynas - Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G minor (Sieg) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/199998#fruits/485631)
+ - [Mutsuhiko Izumi - Green Green Dance (Long Version) (spboxer3) \[Collab\]](/beatmapsets/34896#fruits/122566)
+ - [seiya-murai feat.ALT - Sumidagawa Karenka (m i z u k i) \[EXTREME\]](/beatmapsets/32523#fruits/106361)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Halozy - Paranoid Lost (Kyuare) \[Lost Grapes\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/688531)
+ - **[Igorrr - Pavor Nocturnus \[2015\] (Kyptoric) \[Despair\]](/beatmapsets/442876#fruits/952291)**
### Quarterfinals
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/qi1qfls8fi7p10d/CWC_2016_Quarterfinals.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (124 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/qi1qfls8fi7p10d/CWC_2016_Quarterfinals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Seiryu - Ultramarine (ZiRoX) \[Spec's Abyss\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/635701)
- - [Ryu\* - Sakura Mirage (Priti) \[ULTRA\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/484036)
- - [ONE OK ROCK - Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer (CLSW) \[Nemesis\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/462771)
- - [Yasuda Mizuho - Yoake no Bell ga Naru (wairin) \[Furely's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/830620)
- - [ETIA. - Claiomh Solais (Zare) \[Eternal\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/403039)
- - [Memme - Avalanche (Spectator) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/785892)
+ - [Seiryu - Ultramarine (ZiRoX) \[Spec's Abyss\]](/beatmapsets/275991#fruits/635701)
+ - [Ryu\* - Sakura Mirage (Priti) \[ULTRA\]](/beatmapsets/205022#fruits/484036)
+ - ONE OK ROCK - Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer (CLSW) \[Nemesis\]
+ - [Yasuda Mizuho - Yoake no Bell ga Naru (wairin) \[Furely's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/379459#fruits/830620)
+ - [ETIA. - Claiomh Solais (Zare) \[Eternal\]](/beatmapsets/165664#fruits/403039)
+ - [Memme - Avalanche (Spectator) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/357244#fruits/785892)
- Hidden
- - [senya - Utakata, Ai no Mahoroba (Razor Sharp) \[Grief\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/707042)
- - [M2U & NICODE feat. Guriri & Lucy - Myosotis (Deif) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/986067)
- - [yuikonnu - Souzou Forest (FlandreScarlet-) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/444654)
- - [Scott Brown - Go Berzerk (yeahyeahyeahhh) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/55474)
+ - [senya - Utakata, Ai no Mahoroba (Razor Sharp) \[Grief\]](/beatmapsets/317372#fruits/707042)
+ - [M2U & NICODE feat. Guriri & Lucy - Myosotis (Deif) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/460422#fruits/986067)
+ - [yuikonnu - Souzou Forest (FlandreScarlet-) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/186074#fruits/444654)
+ - [Scott Brown - Go Berzerk (yeahyeahyeahhh) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/15298#fruits/55474)
- HardRock
- - [SON OF KICK - Hours ft. Lady Leshurr & Paigey Cakey (Irreversible) \[sauci's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/635125)
- - [Kawada Mami - Wings of Courage -Sora o Koete- (examination) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/654678)
- - [cranky - Libera me (wmfchris) \[Alarmable\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/86531)
- - [REDALiCE - Acceleration (JBHyperion) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/854263)
+ - [SON OF KICK - Hours ft. Lady Leshurr & Paigey Cakey (Irreversible) \[sauci's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/274111#fruits/635125)
+ - [Kawada Mami - Wings of Courage -Sora o Koete- (examination) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/245160#fruits/654678)
+ - [cranky - Libera me (wmfchris) \[Alarmable\]](/beatmapsets/21178#fruits/86531)
+ - [REDALiCE - Acceleration (JBHyperion) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/392304#fruits/854263)
- DoubleTime
- - [Hylian Lemon - Foresight Is for Losers (ZiRoX) \[Collab Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/757539)
- - [Patrick Burns - Rare Respite (eldnl) \[Jib Jig\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/294823)
- - [fripSide - Assemble\*LOVEsemble (Natteke) \[Natteke\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/95653)
- - [ichigo - YU-MU (Louis Cyphre) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/128074)
+ - [Hylian Lemon - Foresight Is for Losers (ZiRoX) \[Collab Rain\]](/beatmapsets/342751#fruits/757539)
+ - [Patrick Burns - Rare Respite (eldnl) \[Jib Jig\]](/beatmapsets/113705#fruits/294823)
+ - [fripSide - Assemble\*LOVEsemble (Natteke) \[Natteke\]](/beatmapsets/24627#fruits/95653)
+ - [ichigo - YU-MU (Louis Cyphre) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/40348#fruits/128074)
- Tiebreaker
- - [marina - Towa yori Towa ni (CLSW) \[Eternity\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/541677)
+ - **[marina - Towa yori Towa ni (CLSW) \[Eternity\]](/beatmapsets/233376#fruits/541677)**
-### Semifinals
+### Round of 16
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/keom45knuegmccd/CWC_2016_Semifinals.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (137 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/hl78p11alped115/CWC_2016_Round_of_16.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Yooh - LegenD. (Flask) \[Len's OverdosE.\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/867745)
- - [Nekomata Master - Avalon no oka (Intensity) \[oveRdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/512401)
- - [ginkiha - eastward (Deif) \[Oriental\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/801911)
- - [Suzumu - Kakumeisei : Ousama densenbyo (Spectator) \[Kingdom\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/734255)
- - [Project Grimoire - Caliburne ~Story of the Legendary sword~ (Kyuare) \[Excalibur\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/808225)
- - [Hige Driver join. SELEN - Dadadadadadadadadada (CLSW) \[EX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/771879)
+ - [M2U - Gravity (WildOne94) \[Rain collab\]](/beatmapsets/310966#fruits/721170)
+ - [U2 Akiyama - Did You See That Shadow? (ZHSteven) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/87411#fruits/256312)
+ - [Sawai Miku - Colorful. (Anime Ver.) (Zoe) \[Mawaru~\]](/beatmapsets/403287#fruits/877065)
+ - [IOSYS - Endless Tewi-ma Park (Kurosanyan) \[Drafura's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/48874#fruits/181233)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Astral Dogma (Ashasaki) \[Hyperion's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/379698#fruits/848022)
+ - xi vs sakuzyo - STORIA (Cut Ver.) (CLSW) \[SHD\]
- Hidden
- - [S-C-U - milky ice bear (MMzz) \[Deif's CTB\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/172985)
- - [Gentle Stick X M2U - Ineffabilis (buhei) \[Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/753968)
- - [W.T. Orchestra - William Tell Overture (Louis Cyphre) \[Champion\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/97397)
- - [Shounen Radio - neu (v2b) \[EX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/93893)
+ - [sakuzyo - Altale (toybot) \[AFB's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/228815#fruits/724582)
+ - [Akiko Shikata - Katayoku no Tori (Deif) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/317968#fruits/708226)
+ - [Comedian Harmonists - Perpetuum Mobile (Bonsai) \[Pluvium Hyperionis\]](/beatmapsets/316390#fruits/900134)
+ - [Mili - A Turtle's Heart (Krah) \[Coeur\]](/beatmapsets/300937#fruits/674854)
- HardRock
- - [Alipio Martins - Piranha (Maffalda Reloaded Trap Mix) (Tarrasky) \[Spec's Gangsta Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/710996)
- - [BOSSFIGHT - Dr. Wily's Castle: Stage 1 (WildOne94) \[Wilderness\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/783874)
- - [8284 vs wa. - Adularescence (alienflybot) \[toybot's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/653661)
- - [Pegboard Nerds x MisterWives - Coffins (Timorisu) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/359411)
+ - [Nishino Kana - motto... (S h i a) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/30654#fruits/115509)
+ - [Itou Kanako - Skyclad no Kansokusha -Remix- (Takos) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/33323#fruits/110626)
+ - [xi - Parousia (HelloSCV) \[-kevincela-'s Another\]](/beatmapsets/108470#fruits/283992)
+ - [Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows Dai San Maku (O.A. version) (DJPop) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/22196#fruits/77308)
- DoubleTime
- - [Kalafina - believe (CLSW) \[Bless\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/705527)
- - [Martynas - Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G minor (Sieg) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/485631)
- - [Mutsuhiko Izumi - Green Green Dance (Long Version) (spboxer3) \[Collab\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/122566)
- - [seiya-murai feat.ALT - Sumidagawa Karenka (m i z u k i) \[EXTREME\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/106361)
+ - [Bangbros - Yeah Yeah Yeah! (Nightcore Mix) (ztrot) \[Yeah Yeah Yeah!\]](/beatmapsets/28147#fruits/93964)
+ - Tamaz-P - Hirari, Hirari (DragonSlayer96) \[Platter\]
+ - [Sakaue Nachi - Light travel distance RAYTO MIX (Frostmourne) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/42575#fruits/133852)
+ - [RADWIMPS - Jugemu (Amir) \[Ursa's Platter\]](/beatmapsets/213732#fruits/502367)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Igorrr - Pavor Nocturnus \[2015\] (Kyptoric) \[Despair\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/952291)
+ - **[Halozy - Paranoid Lost (Kyuare) \[Lost Grapes\]](/beatmapsets/307818#fruits/688531)**
-### Finals
-**This mappool will be used in Finals - Week 1 and Finals - Week 2**
+### Group Stage
-**[Download the mappack here!](https://www.mediafire.com/download/g5lof1srmoxf81x/CWC_2016_Finals.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (140 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/download/zj5ayqd22x9cq30/CWC_2106_Group_Stage.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Hitori Tori - perthed again (yambabom remix) (CLSW) \[Nervous Breakdown\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/766249)
- - [DJ Totoriott - Chronoxia (Kyuare) \[Chronos\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/926084)
- - [ZUN remixed by LeaF - Resurrection Spell (osu\_gangster) \[Hourai Doll\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/696566)
- - [O2i3 - Ooi \[Game Edit\] (xi-False) \[MQ (Deluge EX)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/968033)
- - [Konuko - Toumei Elegy (Kyptoric) \[Forever Since\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/805840)
- - [KOTOKO - Wing my way (ZHSteven) \[Hell-Jumping\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/328412)
+ - [supercell - Hoshi ga Matataku Konna Yoru ni (\[Teichan\]) \[exam's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/294042#fruits/668102)
+ - [Nakagawa Shoko - Sorairo Days (Zak) \[kjw's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/147991#fruits/366195)
+ - [Silent Spica - Anhedonia (alienflybot) \[Equim's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/379524#fruits/935536)
+ - [GARNiDELiA - grilletto (TV Size Ver.) (Karia) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/208165#fruits/505574)
+ - [TwoThirds & Feint feat. Veela - Epiphany (Spectator) \[Collab Rain\]](/beatmapsets/340418#fruits/753021)
+ - [Plasmagica - Have a nice MUSIC](/beatmapsets/308064#fruits/700067)
- Hidden
- - [Susumu Hirasawa - Yume no Shima Shinen Kouen (Real1) \[KIRBY Mix\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/31651)
- - [XL Project - THE DAMNED STALKERS (hy1hy1hy) \[Steven's ctb\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/77930)
- - [Rabpit - Sacred (ursa) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/344415)
- - [DJ Sharpnel - IVALTEK (happy30) \[HappyMiX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/154988)
+ - [Team "Hanayamata" - Yorokobi Synchronicity (Xinely) \[Cherry Blossom\]](/beatmapsets/368312#fruits/872349)
+ - [MiddleIsland - Piano Concerto No.1 "Scream" (ZiRoX) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/242913#fruits/560536)
+ - [Masahiro Aoki - The Winter Campaign on Osaka (ursa) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/235871#fruits/548689)
+ - [Goose house - Sedan Girl (mingmichael) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/294874#fruits/662784)
- HardRock
- - [Morimori Atsushi - PUPA (Cherry Blossom) \[Butterfly\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/523376)
- - [xi - Garyou Tensei (BoberOfDarkness) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/769051)
- - [IOSYS - Midnight Lightning Bolt (pieguy1372) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/58701)
- - [LiSA - EGOiSTiC SHOOTER (Spectator) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/705339)
+ - [remixed celas vs 44teru-k - CONNECT r (Muya) \[Hyper\]](/beatmapsets/53574#fruits/163254)
+ - [Kemmei Adachi - Patapon theme (Aleks719) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/64808#fruits/190393)
+ - [Zircon - Dirt Devil (OC ReMix) (Mukku) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/14205#fruits/55760)
+ - [NAOKI feat. SMiLE.dk - A Geisha's Dream (yongtw123) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/28766#fruits/95782)
- DoubleTime
- - [senya - Yukitoke Realism (wring) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/579751)
- - [ikumi - Watashi no 71% \ (Equim) \[Unfettered\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/878649)
- - [T.M.Revolution x Mizuki Nana - Preserved Roses (Xinely) \[Collab Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/528310)
- - [Nelly ft. Fergie - Party People (YGOkid8) \[KIRBY'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/53493)
+ - [Lon - Sweet Magic (Suzully) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/36702#fruits/120374)
+ - [Hai Nan - Ai La La (moonlightleaf) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/118459#fruits/374835)
+ - [SMiLE.dk - Golden Sky (meiikyuu) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/50587#fruits/155404)
+ - [T-ara - Sexy Love (Pink Agate) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/63233#fruits/206157)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Tatsh - IMAGE -MATERIAL- (CLSW) \[Envision\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/933017)
+ - **[ginkiha - EOS (kamome sano rmx) (Broccoly) \[Spec's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/404360#fruits/893683)**
-Match Results
-**[Find detailed statistics here](://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wl_-ovoojuvTLDeMRkFPqBdBdX0AAFZR60ysbNkk-S8/pubhtml)**
+## Match Results
### Grand Finals
-**Sunday, 26\. June 2016**
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | 1 - **7** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25901098) |
-| ![][flag_CN] **China** | **7** - 3 | Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25902982) |
+| Sunday, 2016-06-26 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 1 | **7** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/25901098) |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **7** | 3 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](/community/matches/25902982) |
-### Finals - Week 1
-**Saturday, 18\. June 2016**
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_DE] Germany | 3 - **6** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25701298) |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **6** - 1 | United States ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25703145) |
-| ![][flag_CN] **China** | **6** - 1 | Argentina ![][flag_AR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25705167) |
+### Finals
-**Sunday, 19\. June 2016**
+| Saturday, 2016-06-18 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/25701298) |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](/community/matches/25703145) |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | [#1](/community/matches/25705167) |
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_KR] South Korea | 2 - **6** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25729938) |
-| ![][flag_CN] **China** | **6** - 4 | Germany ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25731784) |
+| Sunday, 2016-06-19 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 2 | **6** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/25729938) |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **6** | 4 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](/community/matches/25731784) |
### Semifinals
-**Saturday, 11\. June 2016**
+| Saturday, 2016-06-11 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](/community/matches/25527622) |
+| **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](/community/matches/25528861) |
+| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/25530698) |
+| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/25532367) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 5 | **6** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/25534617) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **6** | 4 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](/community/matches/25537230) |
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **6** - 1 | Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25527622) |
-| ![][flag_SG] **Singapore** | **6** - 1 | Japan ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25528861) |
-| ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | 1 - **6** | **France** ![][flag_FR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25530698) |
-| ![][flag_PL] Poland | 1 - **6** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25532367) |
-| ![][flag_AR] Argentina | 5 - **6** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25534617) |
-| ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | **6** - 4 | United States ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25537230) |
-** Sunday, 12. June 2016**
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | **6** - 1 | Singapore ![][flag_SG] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25559066) |
-| ![][flag_FR] France | 1 - **6** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25560625) |
+| Sunday, 2016-06-12 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_SG] Singapore | [#1](/community/matches/25559066) |
+| France ![][flag_FR] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/25560625) |
### Quarterfinals
-**Saturday, 5\. June 2016**
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_SG] **Singapore** | **5** - 0 | Canada ![][flag_CA] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25351351) |
-| ![][flag_MX] Mexico | 2 - **5** | **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25352347) |
-| ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | 1 - **5** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25353369) |
-| ![][flag_SE] Sweden | 0 - **5** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25360224) |
-| ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | **5** - 3 | Japan ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25361723) |
-| ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | 0 - **5** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25363509) |
-| ![][flag_PL] Poland | 1 - **5** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25364799) |
-| ![][flag_FR] France | 2 - **5** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25366621) |
+| Saturday, 2016-06-05 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_CA] Canada | [#1](/community/matches/25351351) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/25352347) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/25353369) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/25360224) |
+| **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](/community/matches/25361723) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/25363509) |
+| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/25364799) |
+| France ![][flag_FR] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/25366621) |
### Round of 16
-**Saturday, 28\. May 2016**
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_KR] South Korea | 4 - **5** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25185568) |
-| ![][flag_SG] Singapore | 2 - **5** | **France** ![][flag_FR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25186841) |
-| ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | 1 - **5** | **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25188116) |
-| ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | 2 - **5** | **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25189628) |
-| ![][flag_CN] China | 2 - **5** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25191186) |
-| ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | **5** - 2 | Sweden ![][flag_SE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25198282) |
-| ![][flag_MX] Mexico | 0 - **5** | **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25200513) |
-| ![][flag_CA] Canada | 0 - **5** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25202284) |
+| Saturday, 2016-05-28 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/25185568) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/25186841) |
+| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/25188116) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/25189628) |
+| China ![][flag_CN] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/25191186) |
+| **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | [#1](/community/matches/25198282) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | [#1](/community/matches/25200513) |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/25202284) |
### Group Stage
-**Saturday, 21\. May 2016**
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_NZ] New Zealand | 0 - **4** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | 0 - **4** | **Russian Federation** ![][flag_RU] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25018104) |
-| ![][flag_NO] Norway | 0 - **4** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25018102) |
-| ![][flag_IT] Italy | 0 - **4** | **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_FI] Finland | 0 - **4** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_DK] **Denmark** | **4** - 0 | Philippines ![][flag_PH] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | 3 - **4** | **France** ![][flag_FR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25020154) |
-| ![][flag_BE] Belgium | 0 - **4** | **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_FI] Finland | 0 - **4** | **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_VE] Venezuela | 0 - **4** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25025285) |
-| ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | 0 - **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25025297) |
-| ![][flag_FI] Finland | 1 - **4** | **Brazil** ![][flag_BR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25026662) |
-| ![][flag_PE] Peru | 0 - **4** | **Norway** ![][flag_NO] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_IT] Italy | 1 - **4** | **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25028108) |
-| ![][flag_DK] Denmark | 0 - **4** | France ![][flag_FR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25028109) |
-| ![][flag_HU] Hungary | 1 - **4** | **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25030123) |
-| ![][flag_VE] **Venezuela** | **4** - 1 | Belgium ![][flag_BE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25030124) |
-| ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | 3 - **4** | **Mexico** ![][flag_MX] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25030125) |
-| ![][flag_PE] **Peru** | **4** - 2 | Sweden ![][flag_SE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25030362) |
-| ![][flag_MX] Mexico | 3 - **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25031395) |
-| ![][flag_HU] Hungary | 2 - **4** | **Canada** ![][flag_CA] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25031396) |
-**Sunday, 22\. May 2016**
-| Team A | Score | Team B | History |
-| ![][flag_CA] Canada | 0 - **4** | **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25039064) |
-| ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | **4** - 3 | Chile ![][flag_CL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25039065) |
-| ![][flag_AU] Australia | 1 - **4** | **United States** ![][flag_US] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25039066) |
-| ![][flag_BR] Brazil | 1 - **4** | **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25039067) |
-| ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | 2 - **4** | **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25040198) |
-| ![][flag_PE] Peru | 0 - **4** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_AU] Australia | 1 - **4** | **Mexico** ![][flag_MX] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25041116) |
-| ![][flag_SG] Singapore | 2 - **4** | **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25041117) |
-| ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | 0 - **4** | **Canada** ![][flag_CA] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25041118) |
-| ![][flag_NZ] New Zealand | 0 - **4** | **Russian Federation** ![][flag_RU] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25046476) |
-| ![][flag_HU] Hungary | 1 - **4** | **Malaysia** ![][flag_MY] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25046477) |
-| ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | **4** - 3 | South Korea ![][flag_KR] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25047279) |
-| ![][flag_DK] Denmark | 0 - **4** | **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25047287) |
-| ![][flag_SE] Sweden | 1 - **4** | **China** ![][flag_CN] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25047290) |
-| ![][flag_PH] Philippines | 0 - **4** | **France** ![][flag_FR] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_IT] Italy | 0 - **4** | **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_NZ] New Zealand | 1 - **4** | **United Kingdom** ![][flag_GB] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25048393) |
-| ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | 1 - **4** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25048394) |
-| ![][flag_AU] Australia | 2 - **4** | **Netherlands** ![][flag_NL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25049601) |
-| ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | **4** - 0 | Philippines ![][flag_PH] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | 1 - **4** | **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25049603) |
-| ![][flag_BR] Brazil | 0 - **4** | **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25052194) |
-| ![][flag_BE] Belgium | 0 - **4** | **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_SG] **Singapore** | **4** - 2 | Chile ![][flag_CL] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25052196) |
-| ![][flag_VE] Venezuela | 0 - **4** | **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | -- Win by default -- |
-| ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | 0 - **4** | **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25053697) |
-| ![][flag_NO] Norway | 0 - **4** | **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/25053698) |
+| Saturday, 2016-05-21 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | - win by default -|
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](/community/matches/25018104) |
+| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/25018102) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_SG] **Singapore** | - win by default -|
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | - win by default -|
+| **Denmark** ![][flag_DK] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | - win by default -|
+| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/25020154) |
+| Belgium ![][flag_BE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | - win by default -|
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | - win by default -|
+| Venezuela ![][flag_VE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/25025285) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/25025297) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_BR] **Brazil** | [#1](/community/matches/25026662) |
+| Peru ![][flag_PE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_NO] **Norway** | - win by default -|
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/25028108) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] France | [#1](/community/matches/25028109) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | [#1](/community/matches/25030123) |
+| **Venezuela** ![][flag_VE] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_BE] Belgium | [#1](/community/matches/25030124) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | [#1](/community/matches/25030125) |
+| **Peru** ![][flag_PE] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | [#1](/community/matches/25030362) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/25031395) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | [#1](/community/matches/25031396) |
+| Sunday, 2016-05-22 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | [#1](/community/matches/25039064) |
+| **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](/community/matches/25039065) |
+| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/25039066) |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/25039067) |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | [#1](/community/matches/25040198) |
+| Peru ![][flag_PE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | - win by default -|
+| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | [#1](/community/matches/25041116) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/25041117) |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | [#1](/community/matches/25041118) |
+| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](/community/matches/25046476) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_MY] **Malaysia** | [#1](/community/matches/25046477) |
+| **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](/community/matches/25047279) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/25047287) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/25047290) |
+| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | - win by default -|
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | - win by default -|
+| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] **United Kingdom** | [#1](/community/matches/25048393) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/25048394) |
+| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/25049601) |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | - win by default -|
+| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/25049603) |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/25052194) |
+| Belgium ![][flag_BE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | - win by default -|
+| **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](/community/matches/25052196) |
+| Venezuela ![][flag_VE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | - win by default -|
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/25053697) |
+| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_SE] **Sweden** | [#1](/community/matches/25053698) |
+## Ruleset
### Tournament Rules
-1. The osu!catch World Cup is a country-based team tournament.
-2. **Map scoring is based on a new metric, called Score V2, but unlike in osu! without the accuracy score portion.**
-3. The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
- - One map will be given as a tiebreaker map. This map will only be played in case of a tie.
- - There will also be a [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) bracket.
-4. Match schedule will be settled by the Tournament Management (see below).
-5. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
-6. Failed players' scores do not get added to the team score.
- - Reviving and surviving during a map gets considered as passing it.
-7. Use of the [Visual Settings](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) options are allowed.
-8. If the beatmap ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
-9. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map.
- 1. Disconnects within 30 seconds after map begin can be rematched. This is up to the referee's discretion.
+1. The osu!catch World Cup is a country-based team tournament.
+2. **Map scoring is based on a new metric, called Score V2, but unlike in osu! without the accuracy score portion.**
+3. The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
+ - One map will be given as a Tiebreaker map. This map will only be played in case of a tie.
+ - There will also be a [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) bracket.
+4. Match schedule will be settled by the Tournament Management (see below).
+5. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
+6. Failed players' scores do not get added to the team score.
+ - Reviving and surviving during a map gets considered as passing it.
+7. Use of the [Visual Settings](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) options are allowed.
+8. If the beatmap ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
+9. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map.
+ - Disconnects within 30 seconds after map begin can be rematched. This is up to the referee's discretion.
10. Beatmaps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.
11. If less than the minimum required players attend, the maximum time the match can be postponed is 10 minutes.
12. Exchanging players during a match is allowed.
@@ -453,118 +404,102 @@ Ruleset
16. All players and referees must to be treated with respect. Instructions of the referees and tournament management is to be followed. Decisions labeled as final are not to be objected.
17. Disrupting the match by foul play, picking inappropriate warmup maps (see below), insulting and provoking other players or referees, delaying the match or other deliberate inappropriate misbehavior is strictly prohibited.
18. The multiplayer chatrooms underlie the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules). All chat rules apply to the multiplayer chatrooms, too.
- 1. Breaking the chat rules results in a silence. Silenced players can not participate at multiplayer matches and must be exchanged for the time being.
+ - Breaking the chat rules results in a silence. Silenced players can not participate at multiplayer matches and must be exchanged for the time being.
19. In Group stage, 'Win by default' will be considered as win by 4:0, +1.0 score difference ratio.
20. Unexpected incidences are handled by the tournament management. Referees may allow higher tolerance depending on the given circumstances. This is up to their discretion.
21. Penalties for violating the tournament rules can be:
- - Exclusion of specific players for one map
- - Exclusion of specific players for an entire match
- - Declaring the match as Lost by Default
- - Disqualification from the entire tournament
- - Disqualification from the current and future official tournaments until appealed
+ - Exclusion of specific players for one map
+ - Exclusion of specific players for an entire match
+ - Declaring the match as Lost by Default
+ - Disqualification from the entire tournament
+ - Disqualification from the current and future official tournaments until appealed
22. Any modification of these rules will be announced.
### Tournament Registration
-1. Every user interested in joining their country's team signs up individually **on the specifically created sign-up webpage**.
- 1. Tournament Management will create a list of potential candidates for a country's team.
- 2. Tournament Management declares one candidate to the captain of the country's team, albeit temporarily.
- 3. The declared captain can form their team from the candidate list of their country.
-2. To ensure valid and serious registrations, every registered user will be checked by the Tournament Management.
- 1. Every registered user will be assigned to their respective country's candidate list.
- 2. To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that your global osu!catch performace ranking is above \#5000.
- 3. To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that you did not violate the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) within the last 12 months.
-3. All successfully formed teams will be published after the Registration Phase.
-4. Only the 32 potentially strongest countries will pariticipate. The potential strength of a country is determined by the online statistics of all valid candidates.
- 1. If the amount of registered countries is below 32, the number might be reduced to 24, 20 or 16. The aim is always to let as many countries participate as possible!
-5. Mapset selectors may not participate as a player in this tournament.
+1. Every user interested in joining their country's team signs up individually **on the specifically created sign-up webpage**.
+ - Tournament Management will create a list of potential candidates for a country's team.
+ - Tournament Management declares one candidate to the captain of the country's team, albeit temporarily.
+ - The declared captain can form their team from the candidate list of their country.
+2. To ensure valid and serious registrations, every registered user will be checked by the Tournament Management.
+ - Every registered user will be assigned to their respective country's candidate list.
+ - To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that your global osu!catch performace ranking is above \#5000.
+ - To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that you did not violate the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) within the last 12 months.
+2. All successfully formed teams will be published after the Registration Phase.
+3. Only the 32 potentially strongest countries will pariticipate. The potential strength of a country is determined by the online statistics of all valid candidates.
+ - If the amount of registered countries is below 32, the number might be reduced to 24, 20 or 16. The aim is always to let as many countries participate as possible!
+4. Mapset selectors may not participate as a player in this tournament.
### Stage Instructions
-1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
- 1. This may change according to the final amount of formed teams.
-2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
-3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
- 1. Most matches won.
- 2. Have higher `{(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}`.
- 3. Most maps won.
- 4. Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
- 5. Winner of the rematch.
-4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
- 1. This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
-5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this graphic](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
-| Stage | Match ID |
-| Round of 16 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
-| Quarter-finals | I, J, K, L & R, S, T, U |
-| Semi-finals | M, N & V, W, X, Y, Z,AA |
-| Finals - Week 1 | O & AB, AC, AD, AE |
-| Finals - Week 2 | P, Q |
-1. **Winning conditions:**
- - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
- - In the Round of 16 and the Quarter-finals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
- - In Semi-finals and Finals: Week 1, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
- - In Finals: Week 2, you need to win 7 maps to win the match. (Best-of-13)
+1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
+ - This may change according to the final amount of formed teams.
+2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
+3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
+ - Most matches won.
+ - Have higher `{(the number of maps won) - (the number of maps defeated)}`.
+ - Most maps won.
+ - Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
+ - Winner of the rematch.
+4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
+ - This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
+5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+| Stage | Match ID |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Round of 16 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
+| Quarter-finals | I, J, K, L & R, S, T, U |
+| Semi-finals | M, N & V, W, X, Y, Z,AA |
+| Finals | O & AB, AC, AD, AE |
+| Grand Finals | P, Q |
+**Winning conditions:**
+ - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
+ - In the Round of 16 and the Quarterfinals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
+ - In Semifinals and Finals, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
+ - In Grand Finals, you need to win 7 maps to win the match. (Best-of-13)
### Match Instructions
-1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 15 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
- 1. Room settings are osu!catch, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'Score'. Room name must be "CWC 2016: TeamBlue vs TeamRed".
- 2. The team mentioned first in the room name must be the blue team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the red team.
-2. Players are free to select up to two warm-up maps. Using beatmaps with questionable content is prohibited.
-3. Each captain can ban two beatmaps to be selected from the pool. These beatmaps are not allowed to be picked by any team in the entire match.
- 1. Both vetos must always be used.
-4. Beatmap selection will alternate between each captain selecting a beatmap out of the map pool.
-5. Each captain must use "!roll" once in \#multiplayer.
- 1. The winner of the !roll starts picking the first beatmap of the match.
- 2. The loser of the !roll starts banning two beatmaps.
-6. Captains may pick freely from any bracket.
- 1. In case of a tie, the tiebreaker map must be played.
-7. Results of all stages will be published via a Statistics sheet.
+1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 15 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
+ - Room settings are osu!catch, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'Score'. Room name must be "CWC 2016: TeamBlue vs TeamRed".
+ - The team mentioned first in the room name must be the blue team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the red team.
+2. Players are free to select up to two warm-up maps. Using beatmaps with questionable content is prohibited.
+3. Each captain can ban two beatmaps to be selected from the pool. These beatmaps are not allowed to be picked by any team in the entire match.
+ - Both vetos must always be used.
+4. Beatmap selection will alternate between each captain selecting a beatmap out of the map pool.
+5. Each captain must use `!roll` once in \#multiplayer.
+ - The winner of the `!roll` starts picking the first beatmap of the match.
+ - The loser of the `!roll` starts banning two beatmaps.
+6. Captains may pick freely from any bracket.
+ - In case of a tie, the Tiebreaker map must be played.
+7. Results of all stages will be published via a Statistics sheet.
### Mappool Instructions
-1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for Round 16, 1 mappool for the Quarter-finals, 1 mappool for the Semi-finals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
- 1. Finals Week 1 & Finals Week 2 use the same mappool.
-2. Each mappool consists of 4 brackets: NoMod, [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
-3. Each mappool consists of 19 maps in total.
-4. Each mappool has one tiebreaker.
-5. The NoMod bracket will be played with no modes activated.
-6. The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective modes activated.
- 1. Optionally, you can enable Hidden on the HardRock or DoubleTime beatmaps.
-7. The tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.
- 1. Optionally, you can enable HardRock, Hidden or both on the tiebreaker beatmap.
-8. The size of the NoMod bracket will be 6 in all stages.
-9. The size of the mod-specific brackets will be 4 in all stages.
+1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for Round 16, 1 mappool for the Quarterfinals, 1 mappool for the Semifinals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
+ - Finals & Grand Finals use the same mappool.
+2. Each mappool consists of 4 brackets: NoMod, [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers)
+3. Each mappool consists of 19 maps in total.
+4. Each mappool has one Tiebreaker.
+5. The NoMod bracket will be played with no modes activated.
+6. The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective modes activated.
+ - Optionally, you can enable Hidden on the HardRock or DoubleTime beatmaps.
+7. The Tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.
+ - Optionally, you can enable HardRock, Hidden or both on the Tiebreaker beatmap.
+8. The size of the NoMod bracket will be 6 in all stages.
+9. The size of the mod-specific brackets will be 4 in all stages.
### Scheduling Instructions
-1. Each stage will be held on **a single weekend**.
-2. Matches in Group Stage may overlap.
-3. All matches will be held on either Saturday or Sunday.
-4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage. Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
- 1. In the stages Quarter-finals and higher: Please inform tournament management before Sunday, if you expect a specific time slot to be unavailable in the following week. Wishes are tried to be followed, alas no promises can be made.
-5. Rescheduling after the release of the Schedule on the wiki can not be done in any circumstance.
-6. Captains are responsible for their team's availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match. If teams can not provide three players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
+1. Each stage will be held on **a single weekend**.
+2. Matches in Group Stage may overlap.
+3. All matches will be held on either Saturday or Sunday.
+4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage. Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
+ - In the stages Quarter-finals and higher: Please inform tournament management before Sunday, if you expect a specific time slot to be unavailable in the following week. Wishes are tried to be followed, alas no promises can be made.
+5. Rescheduling after the release of the Schedule on the wiki can not be done in any circumstance.
+6. Captains are responsible for their team's availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match. If teams can not provide three players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
[flag_AR]: /wiki/shared/flag/AR.gif
[flag_AU]: /wiki/shared/flag/AU.gif
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/brackets.jpg b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/img/bracket.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/brackets.jpg
rename to wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/img/bracket.jpg
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/logo.png b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/img/logo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/logo.png
rename to wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/img/logo.png
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/podium.jpg b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/img/podium.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/podium.jpg
rename to wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016/img/podium.jpg
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/en.md
index 93cdd09dea2c..8fc472135542 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/en.md
@@ -3,237 +3,232 @@ tags:
- CWC 2017
- CWC2017
-osu!catch World Cup 2017
+# osu!catch World Cup 2017
-The **osu!catch World Cup 2017** (**_CWC 2017_**) is a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It is the 6th installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
+The **osu!catch World Cup 2017** (***CWC 2017***) was a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It was the 6th installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
## Tournament Schedule
| Event | Timestamp |
-| ---: | :--- |
-| Registration Phase | 03-14 May 2017 |
-| Drawings | 28 May 2017 (14:00 UTC+0) |
-| Group Stage | 03-04 Jun 2017 |
-| Round of 16 | 10-11 Jun 2017 |
-| Quarterfinals | 17-18 Jun 2017 |
-| Semifinals | 24-25 Jun 2017 |
-| Finals - Week 1 | 01-02 Jul 2017 |
-| Finals - Week 2 | 08-09 Jul 2017 |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2017-05-03/2017-05-14 |
+| Live Drawings | 2017-05-28 (14:00 UTC) |
+| Group Stage | 2017-06-03/2017-06-04 |
+| Round of 16 | 2017-06-10/2017-06-11 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2017-06-17/2017-06-18 |
+| Semifinals | 2017-06-24/2017-06-25 |
+| Finals | 2017-07-01/2017-07-02 |
+| Grand Finals | 2017-07-08/2017-07-09 |
## Prizes
-In every world cup, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
| Placing | Prize(s) |
-| --- | :--- |
-|  | $300 per team member, exclusive osu! tumbler and pins, profile badge, "osu!catch Champion" user title for one year |
-|  | $160 per team member, exclusive osu! tumbler and pins , profile badge |
-|  | $80 per team member, exclusive osu! tumbler and pins, profile badge |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | $300 per team member, exclusive osu! tumbler and pins, unique profile badge, "osu!catch Champion" user title for one year |
+|  | $160 per team member, exclusive osu! tumbler and pins, unique profile badge |
+|  | $80 per team member, exclusive osu! tumbler and pins, unique profile badge |
-## Organization
+## Organisation
-The osu!catch World Cup 2017 is run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+The osu!catch World Cup 2017 was run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
-| Position | Member |
-| ------------ | -------------- |
-| Management | [![][flag_DE] Loctav](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/71366), [![][flag_DE] p3n](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/123703), [![][flag_ES] Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565), [![][flag_FR] shARPII](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/776257) |
-| Map Selectors | [![][flag_ES] Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565), [![][flag_CL] ZiRoX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/200768) |
-| Commentators | [![][flag_BD] Arf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3716999), [![][flag_GB] JBHyperion](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4879508), [![][flag_FR] Slainv](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4823843), [![][flag_SE] Setomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2205929), [![][flag_NL] Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941), [![][flag_US] ztrot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6347) |
-| Statisticians | [![][flag_NZ] deadbeat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/128370), [![][flag_DE] Nwolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1910766) |
+| Position | Members |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | [![][flag_DE] Loctav](/users/71366), [![][flag_DE] p3n](/users/123703), [![][flag_ES] Deif](/users/318565), [![][flag_FR] shARPII](/users/776257) |
+| Map Selectors | [![][flag_ES] Deif](/users/318565), [![][flag_CL] ZiRoX](/users/200768) |
+| Commentators | [![][flag_BD] Arf](/users/3716999), [![][flag_GB] JBHyperion](/users/4879508), [![][flag_FR] Slainv](/users/4823843), [![][flag_SE] Setomi](/users/2205929), [![][flag_NL] Sartan](/users/4100941), [![][flag_US] ztrot](/users/6347) |
+| Statisticians | [![][flag_NZ] deadbeat](/users/128370), [![][flag_DE] Nwolf](/users/1910766) |
## Links
-- [Discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/589552)
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/589552)
- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive)
-- **[Overall statistics, groups and more!](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ukKQD-q9mOaEX0gWhhKdma9o-HlI_n9Bz5g6l88j3lc/pubhtml)**
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ukKQD-q9mOaEX0gWhhKdma9o-HlI_n9Bz5g6l88j3lc/pubhtml)**
## Participants
-### Confirmed Rosters
-| | Country | Member |
-| ---: | :---: | :--- |
-| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[[Force]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1617217)**, [em1R-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1915210), [Rin-nya](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3664478), [Ealstrom](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3628521), [jerem1as](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6117864), [Alex-kun 7u7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6925410) |
-| ![][flag_AU] | **Australia** | **[chickennando](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5818665)**, [Zeverage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/237550), [Telstra3G](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6063149), [Zoe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/894101), [Beerus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5529199), [PewFanGirl](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4639460) |
-| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **[- Nippa -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7180810)**, [Daletto](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7592136), [[-ZeRo-]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4140062), [-FrozenCookie-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7429166), [[ K a z u ]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1902480), [Kuzumi-kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3575682) |
-| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[Hanik](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4533507)**, [Mikudesu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4120228), [Predominador](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4568537), [Luciano Yoshiharu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2054788), [ThanaR](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3834323), [O l i v e r](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9610569) |
-| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[-wwwww](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922569)**, [wwwww_](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6437591), [FastYoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4820793), [Yoshi_green](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1035891), [melonsigh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8623922), [[-Yuno-]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/459886) |
-| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[lineqtxz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/989542)**, [[Nico]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1011240), [Quit user](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2389481), [Snow-s-m](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3673417), [lechuguin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2872000), [-Kurx](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3204086) |
-| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[Dusk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/533210)**, [Callionet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3072921), [Sakurano Kurimu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1338103), [- N a g i -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2956936), [Crystal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646397), [Kasumi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2331531) |
-| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[Wermii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2424947)**, [Only1Magma](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922957), [TheRustShark](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7839059), [DragonsDungeon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4134819), [kaare12356](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4434640), [SharpN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4382076) |
-| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[forgottentaco](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6109660)**, [AwsumiFanGrill](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4222176), [KurtsiFanGrill](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4174308), [Nikolai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5302804), [Rinzee](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4188814), [Noitakuningas](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4022685) |
-| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[CelegaS](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1552429)**, [Orinoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3047355), [Haarashi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2876784), [Tsukiyama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5375171), [Fuka Pura](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2326688), [RemSuckMyDuck](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1698323) |
-| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[NoteKuroi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/186642)**, [MgnTby](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4839807), [Derunax](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6414332), [-Rico](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2392087), [Mezmerizer-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/864047), [Vinci007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5030297) |
-| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114)**, [Latifah-sama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1226238), [insaneplayer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3240418), [Alice Cartelet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1784164), [liuzicheng4732](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6645501), [HineX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/13854) |
-| ![][flag_HU] | **Hungary** | **[gaaraati](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3320300)**, [tomaszto](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2373553), [mardebra](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5419149), [Shigaisen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6635772), [kisbee](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1505264), [-Sikk-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6904049) |
-| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[noraRcat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/883939)**, [Furely](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/853694), [sekirei](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1643335), [sennkouhanabi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1700008), [Molqus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1927193), [ekr](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4497706) |
-| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[Deceitful](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1396447)**, [Cera-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1974131), [dika312](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/741613), [Galaxi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2552435), [MizzoKing-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3285320), [Yukaa-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5876959) |
-| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[Pizza Kun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/768609)**, [- Resh -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8494477), [ArMa79](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4982799), [Trollingor](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4144266), [KuroGX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6581584), [Karym](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5220794) |
-| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia** | **[Shadow Fear](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/635485)**, [Kagari](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3366264), [murutattack](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4480237), [Future_miku95](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2351567), [Lute](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4011799), [Gilochan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/598204) |
-| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[Ponchiwi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1089040)**, [daxeroz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1170156), [Astrea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3845678), [Jusenkyo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1237535), [Cxlucha](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5063961), [Kashou](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4046640) |
-| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[Sartan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941)**, [Wesley](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2407265), [AniCore](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3212806), [Enchant](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4744367), [b-a-d-s123](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3656717), [CakeAndBanana](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1981424) |
-| ![][flag_NZ] | **New Zealand** | **[Sakurano](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2730486)**, [TheBeany](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8146397), [CoolEVT](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3252653), [Karma](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3768185), [Trumpet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5405204), [Kiwi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3167450) |
-| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Cameragod](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4974088)**, [Groex](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3970664), [Divine Cake](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3636998), [Mile](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2760954), [Benny-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4023183), [Lanki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2535200) |
-| ![][flag_PH] | **Philippines** | **[-Nicotine](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4818935)**, [- Kielzu -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6221114), [Chloebe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4577865), [Lobsterr](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6575915), [Crowley](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6341006), [Roido](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6829103) |
-| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[Kosmit](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1749173)**, [BoberOfDarkness](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3427748), [Hirikoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2114149), [wampir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/261497), [LechuCzechu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5251714), [-Filow-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3157472) |
-| ![][flag_RO] | **Romania** | **[Crystallize](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4997316)**, [Attenox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6976867), [PakaChan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3080727), [iRevi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3880553) |
-| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[VagaNNN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1260040)**, [OneLoveOneLife](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6856387), [Nelly](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4741164), [aoe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6094216), [spider_yoba](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1912659), [LuckyDesuManiac](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2535016) |
-| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[He Ang Erika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2451381)**, [Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057), [[Eun]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3788536), [Setsuen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2673742), [KyousukeRentaro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4971343), [Accel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1169796) |
-| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Spectator](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/702598)**, [Berea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3657951), [[224]Hyperw7](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4158549), [_Asriel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/566276), [ExGon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/214187), [mjj741](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1459769) |
-| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[Setomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2205929)**, [Yukiteru Amano](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1894511), [DamnEasy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4452911), [Negri_sk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2231396), [Osten](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4417929), [Toggeni](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3555166) |
-| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | **[e0486](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1840467)**, [Megpoid](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/158240), [Hinashi Koyuki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7451713), [ZX123456](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/489271), [473147315371](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1952803), [ItsLingers](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1449322) |
-| ![][flag_GB] | **United Kingdom** | **[Sorcerer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1913190)**, [DarnedUrchin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4928846), [Olib](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4044289), [FABninja](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5257769), [- Magic Bomb -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3071175), [Martin22](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4209402) |
-| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)**, [Sponge](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4365562), [Del](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2996241), [chickenbible](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2306637), [qebrus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3438241), [Dahcreeper](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6926006) |
-| ![][flag_VE] | **Venezuela** | **[AizW](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6672736)**, [Yudara](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3564018), [Hisashi Shimoro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6736420), [_Tsugumi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8746368), [F4spross](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6485050) |
+| | Country | Members |
+| --: | :-: | :-- |
+| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[\[Force\]](/users/1617217)**, [em1R-](/users/1915210), [Rin-nya](/users/3664478), [Ealstrom](/users/3628521), [jerem1as](/users/6117864), [Alex-kun 7u7](/users/6925410) |
+| ![][flag_AU] | **Australia** | **[chickennando](/users/5818665)**, [Zeverage](/users/237550), [Telstra3G](/users/6063149), [Zoe](/users/894101), [Beerus](/users/5529199), [PewFanGirl](/users/4639460) |
+| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **[- Nippa -](/users/7180810)**, [Daletto](/users/7592136), [\[-ZeRo-\]](/users/4140062), [-FrozenCookie-](/users/7429166), [\[ K a z u \]](/users/1902480), [Kuzumi-kun](/users/3575682) |
+| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[Hanik](/users/4533507)**, [Mikudesu](/users/4120228), [Predominador](/users/4568537), [Luciano Yoshiharu](/users/2054788), [ThanaR](/users/3834323), [O l i v e r](/users/9610569) |
+| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[-wwwww](/users/3922569)**, [wwwww\_](/users/6437591), [FastYoshi](/users/4820793), [Yoshi\_green](/users/1035891), [melonsigh](/users/8623922), [\[-Yuno-\]](/users/459886) |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[lineqtxz](/users/989542)**, [\[Nico\]](/users/1011240), [Quit user](/users/2389481), [Snow-s-m](/users/3673417), [lechuguin](/users/2872000), [-Kurx](/users/3204086) |
+| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[Dusk](/users/533210)**, [Callionet](/users/3072921), [Sakurano Kurimu](/users/1338103), [- N a g i -](/users/2956936), [Crystal](/users/1646397), [Kasumi](/users/2331531) |
+| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[Wermii](/users/2424947)**, [Only1Magma](/users/3922957), [TheRustShark](/users/7839059), [DragonsDungeon](/users/4134819), [kaare12356](/users/4434640), [SharpN](/users/4382076) |
+| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[forgottentaco](/users/6109660)**, [AwsumiFanGrill](/users/4222176), [KurtsiFanGrill](/users/4174308), [Nikolai](/users/5302804), [Rinzee](/users/4188814), [Noitakuningas](/users/4022685) |
+| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[CelegaS](/users/1552429)**, [Orinoshi](/users/3047355), [Haarashi](/users/2876784), [Tsukiyama](/users/5375171), [Fuka Pura](/users/2326688), [RemSuckMyDuck](/users/1698323) |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[NoteKuroi](/users/186642)**, [MgnTby](/users/4839807), [Derunax](/users/6414332), [-Rico](/users/2392087), [Mezmerizer-](/users/864047), [Vinci007](/users/5030297) |
+| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[alienflybot](/users/636114)**, [Latifah-sama](/users/1226238), [insaneplayer](/users/3240418), [Alice Cartelet](/users/1784164), [liuzicheng4732](/users/6645501), [HineX](/users/13854) |
+| ![][flag_HU] | **Hungary** | **[gaaraati](/users/3320300)**, [tomaszto](/users/2373553), [mardebra](/users/5419149), [Shigaisen](/users/6635772), [kisbee](/users/1505264), [-Sikk-](/users/6904049) |
+| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[noraRcat](/users/883939)**, [Furely](/users/853694), [sekirei](/users/1643335), [sennkouhanabi](/users/1700008), [Molqus](/users/1927193), [ekr](/users/4497706) |
+| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[Deceitful](/users/1396447)**, [Cera-](/users/1974131), [dika312](/users/741613), [Galaxi](/users/2552435), [MizzoKing-](/users/3285320), [Yukaa-](/users/5876959) |
+| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[Pizza Kun](/users/768609)**, [- Resh -](/users/8494477), [ArMa79](/users/4982799), [Trollingor](/users/4144266), [KuroGX](/users/6581584), [Karym](/users/5220794) |
+| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia** | **[Shadow Fear](/users/635485)**, [Kagari](/users/3366264), [murutattack](/users/4480237), [Future\_miku95](/users/2351567), [Lute](/users/4011799), [Gilochan](/users/598204) |
+| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[Ponchiwi](/users/1089040)**, [daxeroz](/users/1170156), [Astrea](/users/3845678), [Jusenkyo](/users/1237535), [Cxlucha](/users/5063961), [Kashou](/users/4046640) |
+| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[Sartan](/users/4100941)**, [Wesley](/users/2407265), [AniCore](/users/3212806), [Enchant](/users/4744367), [b-a-d-s123](/users/3656717), [CakeAndBanana](/users/1981424) |
+| ![][flag_NZ] | **New Zealand** | **[Sakurano](/users/2730486)**, [TheBeany](/users/8146397), [CoolEVT](/users/3252653), [Karma](/users/3768185), [Trumpet](/users/5405204), [Kiwi](/users/3167450) |
+| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Cameragod](/users/4974088)**, [Groex](/users/3970664), [Divine Cake](/users/3636998), [Mile](/users/2760954), [Benny-](/users/4023183), [Lanki](/users/2535200) |
+| ![][flag_PH] | **Philippines** | **[-Nicotine](/users/4818935)**, [- Kielzu -](/users/6221114), [Chloebe](/users/4577865), [Lobsterr](/users/6575915), [Crowley](/users/6341006), [Roido](/users/6829103) |
+| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[Kosmit](/users/1749173)**, [BoberOfDarkness](/users/3427748), [Hirikoshi](/users/2114149), [wampir](/users/261497), [LechuCzechu](/users/5251714), [-Filow-](/users/3157472) |
+| ![][flag_RO] | **Romania** | **[Crystallize](/users/4997316)**, [Attenox](/users/6976867), [PakaChan](/users/3080727), [iRevi](/users/3880553) |
+| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[VagaNNN](/users/1260040)**, [OneLoveOneLife](/users/6856387), [Nelly](/users/4741164), [aoe](/users/6094216), [spider\_yoba](/users/1912659), [LuckyDesuManiac](/users/2535016) |
+| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[He Ang Erika](/users/2451381)**, [Sinnoh](/users/4236057), [\[Eun\]](/users/3788536), [Setsuen](/users/2673742), [KyousukeRentaro](/users/4971343), [Accel](/users/1169796) |
+| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Spectator](/users/702598)**, [Berea](/users/3657951), [\[224\]Hyperw7](/users/4158549), [\_Asriel](/users/566276), [ExGon](/users/214187), [mjj741](/users/1459769) |
+| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[Setomi](/users/2205929)**, [Yukiteru Amano](/users/1894511), [DamnEasy](/users/4452911), [Negri\_sk](/users/2231396), [Osten](/users/4417929), [Toggeni](/users/3555166) |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | **[e0486](/users/1840467)**, [Megpoid](/users/158240), [Hinashi Koyuki](/users/7451713), [ZX123456](/users/489271), [473147315371](/users/1952803), [ItsLingers](/users/1449322) |
+| ![][flag_GB] | **United Kingdom** | **[Sorcerer](/users/1913190)**, [DarnedUrchin](/users/4928846), [Olib](/users/4044289), [FABninja](/users/5257769), [- Magic Bomb -](/users/3071175), [Martin22](/users/4209402) |
+| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Zak](/users/1375955)**, [Sponge](/users/4365562), [Del](/users/2996241), [chickenbible](/users/2306637), [qebrus](/users/3438241), [Dahcreeper](/users/6926006) |
+| ![][flag_VE] | **Venezuela** | **[AizW](/users/6672736)**, [Yudara](/users/3564018), [Hisashi Shimoro](/users/6736420), [\_Tsugumi](/users/8746368), [F4spross](/users/6485050) |
## Mappools
-### Group Stage
+### Finals
-**[Download the mappack here! (120 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/4vdwqn61cwk1vb1/CWC_2017_Group_Stage.rar)**
+**This mappool was played in Finals and Grand Finals.**
+**[Download the mappack here! (115 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/file/1u6j67z6qsvuu7e/CWC_2017_Finals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [ensou ft GUMI - COMA (Nelly) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1299618&m=2)
- - [Obsidia - Crazy (Drafura) \[Etoile\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/241869&m=2)
- - [m.o.v.e - DOGFIGHT (CLSW) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1251462&m=2)
- - [wa. vs celas - Vajuranda (alienflybot) \[Deif's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/684820&m=2)
- - [Dark PHOENiX - The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw (sjoy) \[Flower's Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/311898&m=2)
- - [Rise Against - The Good Left Undone (pishifat) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/795712&m=2)
+ - [Camellia - Bangin' Burst (CLSW) \[INFINITE\]](/beatmapsets/524515#fruits/1113287)
+ - [xi - Aragami (F D Flourite) \[Storm\]](/beatmapsets/609324#fruits/1286742)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Hades:The end (Shurelia) \[Razor Sharp, Chthonic God of the Underworld\]](/beatmapsets/549164#fruits/1307510)
+ - Excision & Pegboard Nerds - Bring The Madness (Noisestorm Nightcore Remix) (Nelly) \[Vanquished\]
+ - [dj TAKA - quaver (Monstrata) \[Crescendo\]](/beatmapsets/423527#fruits/915210)
+ - [gmtn vs. kozato - squartatrice (soulfear) \[Sayaka\]](/beatmapsets/40499#fruits/499713)
- Hidden
- - [Oskar Schuster - Fjarlaegur (Cypix Remix) (Jusenkyo) \[Hyperion's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1023582&m=2)
- - [Kaneko Chiharu - iLLness LiLin (Fresh Chicken) \[tasuke's C.EXHAUST\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1279951&m=2)
- - [Mikami Shiori & Ookubo Rumi - Onna to Onna no Yuri-Game (eg91022a71w) \[YuruYuri\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/153418&m=2)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Nightmare Party Night (Kuzino) \[4Q\]](/beatmapsets/37802#fruits/121339)
+ - [Grand Thaw - Aventyr (Kyuare) \[Fiore\]](/beatmapsets/495910#fruits/1055601)
+ - [Susumu Hirasawa - The Secret of The Flowers of Phenomenon (jesus1412) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/70247#fruits/201974)
- HardRock
- - [Eiko Shimamiya - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (TV size) (Betsuto) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/292827&m=2)
- - [Camellia - Chirality (RLC) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/531216&m=2)
- - [Tsubaki - Kyun Kyun Tamaran Inaba tan! (Aenna) \[Apricotan!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/114651&m=2)
+ - [Yooh - snow storm -euphoria- (Spectator) \[GRAVITY\]](/beatmapsets/467816#fruits/1000764)
+ - nao - Towa naru Kizuna to Omoi no Kiseki (rew0825) \[Miracle\]
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Mythologia's End (val0108) \[Myth0108ia\]](/beatmapsets/48979#fruits/151229)
- DoubleTime
- - [Goose house - Hikaru nara (Ascendance) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1246823&m=2)
- - [Tokyo Machine - OKAY (WildOne94) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1080445&m=2)
- - [07th Expansion - the executioner (Natteke) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/91198&m=2)
+ - [ChouCho - Yasashisa no Riyuu (Time Capsule) \[Fii's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/473056#fruits/1144716)
+ - [NeLiME - CODE NAME : ZERO (ursa) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/148238#fruits/374235)
+ - [3L - Endless night (sjoy) \[Eternal\]](/beatmapsets/178968#fruits/430371&m=2)
- Tiebreaker
- - [MISATO - Necro Fantasia (Chromoxx) \[Curse of Dreams and Reality\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1119421&m=2)
+ - **Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Yomi yori Kikoyu, Koukoku no Tou to Honoo no Shoujo. (Last Bubble) \[Chaos\]**
-### Round of 16
+## Semifinals
-**[Download the mappack here! (124 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/l7kgoz9hx967mnz/CWC_2017_Round_of_16.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (97 MB)](www.mediafire.com/file/ikgcpwt5p719p0c/CWC_2017_Semifinals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Reol - No title (Spectator) \[Collab Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/536479&m=2)
- - [Kurubukko vs yukitani - Minamichita EVOLVED (alienflybot) \[REINCARNATION\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1100300&m=2)
- - [Muzzy - Crescendo (feat. MYLK) (WildOne94) \[Soltar\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1116331&m=2)
- - [CLIFF EDGE feat. Nakamura Maiko - The Distance (Ascendance) \[Smile\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1053163&m=2)
- - [Eoin O' Broin - Oblivion (DoKoLP) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/119853&m=2)
- - [UPLIFT SPICE - Omega Rhythm (Jemmmmy) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/366140&m=2)
+ - [Function Phantom - Algebra (Spectator) \[Crystal Spec's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/468281#fruits/1001619)
+ - [Expander - Move That Body (Kyptoric) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/420614#fruits/909889)
+ - [a\_hisa - Dysthymia (Kyuare) \[Eternal\]](/beatmapsets/616346#fruits/1299872)
+ - [Morimori Atsushi - Tits or get the fuck out!! (rew0825) \[F\*ck out!!\]](/beatmapsets/590547#fruits/1249831)
+ - [An - Saigo (Rumia-) \[Final\]](/beatmapsets/517783#fruits/1100091)
+ - [Nanahoshi Kangengakudan - Meikaruza (pkk) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/302756#fruits/701033)
- Hidden
- - [M2U - A Bella ! (ZiRoX) \[Deif's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1147348&m=2)
- - [Hecq - Dstrukt (JBHyperion) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1087385&m=2)
- - [Red Velvet - Russian Roulette (Natsu) \[Heart b-b-beat\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1085554&m=2)
+ - [M2U - Marigold (Hareimu) \[Deif's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/596327#fruits/1270304)
+ - [Kanako Ito - Densho no Uta -Verum- (F D Flourite) \[Aeviternus\]](/beatmapsets/526803#fruits/1117822)
+ - [S.S.H. - Intersect Thunderbolt-Remix (7odoa) \[Exceed\]](/beatmapsets/38316#fruits/122693)
- HardRock
- - [Helblinde - Above the Clouds (P i k u) \[In the Sky\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1068302&m=2)
- - [senya - Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru o(OPver.) (- Magic Girl -) \[Chemistry of Emotions\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/909953&m=2)
- - [Loos - Koi Yomi Zakura (Full Ver.) (S i R i R u) \[Hanahubuki\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/46587&m=2)
+ - [Akiyama Uni - Odoru Mizushibuki (Hareimu) \[Splash Dance\]](/beatmapsets/524599#fruits/1113464)
+ - [Happy Clover - PUNCH\*MIND\*HAPPINESS (examination) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/479164#fruits/1023226)
+ - [Natsume Chiaki - Hanairo Biyori (rinsukir) \[Awaken's Challenge\]](/beatmapsets/143397#fruits/509510)
- DoubleTime
- - [Memme - Cherry Blossom (Spectator) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1047736&m=2)
- - [Nagito Komaeda (CV.Megumi Ogata) - Zettai Kibou Birthday (Myle) \[Roseus' Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1062454&m=2)
- - [Cyua - Blumenkranz (Shinxyn) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/380475&m=2)
+ - [\*namirin - Daidai Genome (Ascendance) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/570604#fruits/1209453)
+ - [Mili - Utopiosphere -Platonism- (Benny-) \[Tyrell's Utopia\]](/beatmapsets/522132#fruits/1111110)
+ - [Yuuhei Satellite (Arranged: Iceon) feat. senya - Yuudachi, Kimi to Kakurega (Dailycare) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/455092#fruits/1007169)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Nekomata Master feat. Shimotsuki Haruka - Element of SPADA (Tenshichan) \[Stellar\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1035785&m=2)
+ - **[orangentle / Yu\_Asahina - HAELEQUIN (Extended ver.) (CLSW) \[Witchcraft\]](/beatmapsets/567261#fruits/1201544)**
## Quarterfinals
**[Download the mappack here! (102 MB)](www.mediafire.com/file/91ve9g5dpkg24up/CWC_2017_Quarterfinals.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [dj MAX STEROID - Arabian Rave Night (Ascendance) \[Black Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1254591&m=2)
- - [An - Catanoph (Lavender) \[exam's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1175369&m=2)
- - [Kawada Mami - Break a spell (wairo) \[Furely's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1179665&m=2)
- - [a_hisa - inertia (Kyuare) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1255531&m=2)
- - [Delain - Go Away (pishifat) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1016263&m=2)
- - [AKI AKANE - Kando*Reduction (Milan-) \[Pho's Elimination\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/598867&m=2)
+ - [dj MAX STEROID - Arabian Rave Night (Ascendance) \[Black Another\]](/beatmapsets/592980#fruits/1254591)
+ - [An - Catanoph (Lavender) \[exam's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/527069#fruits/1175369)
+ - [Kawada Mami - Break a spell (wairo) \[Furely's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/548852#fruits/1179665)
+ - [a\_hisa - inertia (Kyuare) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/593457#fruits/1255531)
+ - [Delain - Go Away (pishifat) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/475676#fruits/1016263)
+ - [AKI AKANE - Kando*Reduction (Milan-) \[Pho's Elimination\]](/beatmapsets/262403#fruits/598867)
- Hidden
- - [IOSYS - RE:Usatei (Spectator) \[Spec's CTB\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1037258&m=2)
- - [Hardwell & Joey Dale feat. Luciana - Arcadia (JBHyperion) \[Radiance\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1009520&m=2)
- - [SHK - Holic (ktgster) \[SHD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/827223&m=2)
+ - [IOSYS - RE:Usatei (Spectator) \[Spec's CTB\]](/beatmapsets/486436#fruits/1037258)
+ - [Hardwell & Joey Dale feat. Luciana - Arcadia (JBHyperion) \[Radiance\]](/beatmapsets/472434#fruits/1009520)
+ - [SHK - Holic (ktgster) \[SHD\]](/beatmapsets/377869#fruits/827223)
- HardRock
- - [Miyano Mamoru - Canon (F D Flourite) \[AscenDFlourite's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1071405&m=2)
- - [penoreri - Preserved Valkyria (rew0825) \[Equality\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1261626&m=2)
- - [Kotoge Mai - Mangekyou (Oracle) \[cRyo's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/535334&m=2)
+ - [Miyano Mamoru - Canon (F D Flourite) \[AscenDFlourite's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/452107#fruits/1071405)
+ - [penoreri - Preserved Valkyria (rew0825) \[Equality\]](/beatmapsets/596674#fruits/1261626)
+ - [Kotoge Mai - Mangekyou (Oracle) \[cRyo's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/230094#fruits/535334)
- DoubleTime
- - [Mili - Rosetta (P i k u) \[Rose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/893353&m=2)
- - [nmk - sola (-Sh1n1-) \[MBomb's Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1274343&m=2)
- - [Nishino Kana - Darling (Giralda) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/493755&m=2)
+ - [Mili - Rosetta (P i k u) \[Rose\]](/beatmapsets/380247#fruits/893353)
+ - [nmk - sola (-Sh1n1-) \[MBomb's Platter\]](/beatmapsets/595972#fruits/1274343)
+ - [Nishino Kana - Darling (Giralda) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/209810#fruits/493755)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere (Yumeno Himiko) \[Vision\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1213636&m=2)
+ - **[Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere (Yumeno Himiko) \[Vision\]](/beatmapsets/572820#fruits/1213636)**
-## Semifinals
+### Round of 16
-**[Download the mappack here! (97 MB)](www.mediafire.com/file/ikgcpwt5p719p0c/CWC_2017_Semifinals.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (124 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/l7kgoz9hx967mnz/CWC_2017_Round_of_16.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Function Phantom - Algebra (Spectator) \[Crystal Spec's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1001619&m=2)
- - [Expander - Move That Body (Kyptoric) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/909889&m=2)
- - [a_hisa - Dysthymia (Kyuare) \[Eternal\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1299872&m=2)
- - [Morimori Atsushi - Tits or get the fuck out!! (rew0825) \[F*ck out!!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1249831&m=2)
- - [An - Saigo (Rumia-) \[Final\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1100091&m=2)
- - [Nanahoshi Kangengakudan - Meikaruza (pkk) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/701033&m=2)
+ - [Reol - No title (Spectator) \[Collab Rain\]](/beatmapsets/230741#fruits/536479)
+ - [Kurubukko vs yukitani - Minamichita EVOLVED (alienflybot) \[REINCARNATION\]](/beatmapsets/517871#fruits/1100300)
+ - [Muzzy - Crescendo (feat. MYLK) (WildOne94) \[Soltar\]](/beatmapsets/526032#fruits/1116331)
+ - [CLIFF EDGE feat. Nakamura Maiko - The Distance (Ascendance) \[Smile\]](/beatmapsets/494625#fruits/1053163)
+ - [Eoin O' Broin - Oblivion (DoKoLP) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/37222#fruits/119853)
+ - [UPLIFT SPICE - Omega Rhythm (Jemmmmy) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/147962#fruits/366140)
- Hidden
- - [M2U - Marigold (Hareimu) \[Deif's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1270304&m=2)
- - [Kanako Ito - Densho no Uta -Verum- (F D Flourite) \[Aeviternus\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1117822&m=2)
- - [S.S.H. - Intersect Thunderbolt-Remix (7odoa) \[Exceed\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/122693&m=2)
+ - [M2U - A Bella ! (ZiRoX) \[Deif's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/541101#fruits/1147348)
+ - [Hecq - Dstrukt (JBHyperion) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/511538#fruits/1087385)
+ - [Red Velvet - Russian Roulette (Natsu) \[Heart b-b-beat\]](/beatmapsets/510568#fruits/1085554)
- HardRock
- - [Akiyama Uni - Odoru Mizushibuki (Hareimu) \[Splash Dance\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1113464&m=2)
- - [Happy Clover - PUNCH\*MIND\*HAPPINESS (examination) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1023226&m=2)
- - [Natsume Chiaki - Hanairo Biyori (rinsukir) \[Awaken's Challenge\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/509510&m=2)
+ - Helblinde - Above the Clouds (P i k u) \[In the Sky\]
+ - [senya - Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru o(OPver.) (- Magic Girl -) \[Chemistry of Emotions\]](/beatmapsets/420659#fruits/909953)
+ - [Loos - Koi Yomi Zakura (Full Ver.) (S i R i R u) \[Hanahubuki\]](/beatmapsets/12416#fruits/46587)
- DoubleTime
- - [\*namirin - Daidai Genome (Ascendance) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1209453&m=2)
- - [Mili - Utopiosphere -Platonism- (Benny-) \[Tyrell's Utopia\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1111110&m=2)
- - [Yuuhei Satellite (Arranged: Iceon) feat. senya - Yuudachi, Kimi to Kakurega (Dailycare) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1007169&m=2)
+ - [Memme - Cherry Blossom (Spectator) \[Platter\]](/beatmapsets/486424#fruits/1047736)
+ - Nagito Komaeda (CV.Megumi Ogata) - Zettai Kibou Birthday (Myle) \[Roseus' Platter\]
+ - [Cyua - Blumenkranz (Shinxyn) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/155034#fruits/380475)
- Tiebreaker
- - [orangentle / Yu_Asahina - HAELEQUIN (Extended ver.) (CLSW) \[Witchcraft\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1201544&m=2)
+ - **[Nekomata Master feat. Shimotsuki Haruka - Element of SPADA (Tenshichan) \[Stellar\]](/beatmapsets/485733#fruits/1035785)**
-### Finals
-**This mappool is played in Week 1 and Week 2 of the Finals.**
+### Group Stage
-**[Download the mappack here! (115 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/file/1u6j67z6qsvuu7e/CWC_2017_Finals.rar)**
+**[Download the mappack here! (120 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/4vdwqn61cwk1vb1/CWC_2017_Group_Stage.rar)**
- NoMod
- - [Camellia - Bangin' Burst (CLSW) \[INFINITE\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1113287&m=2)
- - [xi - Aragami (F D Flourite) \[Storm\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1286742&m=2)
- - [Yousei Teikoku - Hades:The end (Shurelia) \[Razor Sharp, Chthonic God of the Underworld\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1307510&m=2)
- - [Excision & Pegboard Nerds - Bring The Madness (Noisestorm Nightcore Remix) (Nelly) \[Vanquished\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1158651&m=2)
- - [dj TAKA - quaver (Monstrata) \[Crescendo\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/915210&m=2)
- - [gmtn vs. kozato - squartatrice (soulfear) \[Sayaka\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/499713&m=2)
+ - [ensou ft GUMI - COMA (Nelly) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/589530#fruits/1299618)
+ - [Obsidia - Crazy (Drafura) \[Etoile\]](/beatmapsets/88841#fruits/241869)
+ - [m.o.v.e - DOGFIGHT (CLSW) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/591353#fruits/1251462)
+ - [wa. vs celas - Vajuranda (alienflybot) \[Deif's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/221687#fruits/684820)
+ - [Dark PHOENiX - The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw (sjoy) \[Flower's Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/121635#fruits/311898)
+ - [Rise Against - The Good Left Undone (pishifat) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/351431#fruits/795712)
- Hidden
- - [Hatsune Miku - Nightmare Party Night (Kuzino) \[4Q\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/121339&m=2)
- - [Grand Thaw - Aventyr (Kyuare) \[Fiore\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1055601&m=2)
- - [Susumu Hirasawa - The Secret of The Flowers of Phenomenon (jesus1412) \[Insane\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/201974&m=2)
+ - [Oskar Schuster - Fjarlaegur (Cypix Remix) (Jusenkyo) \[Hyperion's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/477718#fruits/1023582)
+ - Kaneko Chiharu - iLLness LiLin (Fresh Chicken) \[tasuke's C.EXHAUST\]
+ - [Mikami Shiori & Ookubo Rumi - Onna to Onna no Yuri-Game (eg91022a71w) \[YuruYuri\]](/beatmapsets/45316#fruits/153418)
- HardRock
- - [Yooh - snow storm -euphoria- (Spectator) \[GRAVITY\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1000764&m=2)
- - [nao - Towa naru Kizuna to Omoi no Kiseki (rew0825) \[Miracle\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1270487&m=2)
- - [Hatsune Miku - Mythologia's End (val0108) \[Myth0108ia\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/151229&m=2)
+ - [Eiko Shimamiya - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (TV size) (Betsuto) \[Platter\]](/beatmapsets/112770#fruits/292827)
+ - [Camellia - Chirality (RLC) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/227598#fruits/531216)
+ - [Tsubaki - Kyun Kyun Tamaran Inaba tan! (Aenna) \[Apricotan!\]](/beatmapsets/35219#fruits/114651)
- DoubleTime
- - [ChouCho - Yasashisa no Riyuu (Time Capsule) \[Fii's Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1144716&m=2)
- - [NeLiME - CODE NAME : ZERO (ursa) \[Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/374235&m=2)
- - [3L - Endless night (sjoy) \[Eternal\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/430371&m=2)
+ - [Goose house - Hikaru nara (Ascendance) \[Platter\]](/beatmapsets/519023#fruits/1246823)
+ - [Tokyo Machine - OKAY (WildOne94) \[Platter\]](/beatmapsets/506237#fruits/1080445)
+ - [07th Expansion - the executioner (Natteke) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/27146#fruits/91198)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Yomi yori Kikoyu, Koukoku no Tou to Honoo no Shoujo. (Last Bubble) \[Chaos\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1243752&m=2)
+ - **[MISATO - Necro Fantasia (Chromoxx) \[Curse of Dreams and Reality\]](/beatmapsets/516494#fruits/1119421)**
@@ -241,147 +236,143 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2017 is run by various community members by distributing
### Grand Finals
-| Sunday, 9. July 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 7 | 3 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34406838) |
+| Sunday, 2017-07-09 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **7** | 3 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](/community/matches/34406838) |
-### Finals - Week 1
+### Finals
-| Saturday, 1. July 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 1 | 6 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34219570) |
-| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 1 | 6 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34220488) |
-| China ![][flag_CN] | 3 | 6 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34228936) |
-| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 6 | 1 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34230945) |
+| Saturday, 2017-07-01 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/34219570) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/34220488) |
+| China ![][flag_CN] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/34228936) |
+| **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](/community/matches/34230945) |
-| Sunday, 2. July 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| China ![][flag_CN] | 6 | 5 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34251811) |
+| Sunday, 2017-07-02 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **6** | 5 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](/community/matches/34251811) |
### Semifinals
-| Saturday, 25. June 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 3 | 6 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34074171) |
-| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 6 | 2 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34075521) |
-| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 6 | 0 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34076967) |
-| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 6 | 1 | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34078783) |
-| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 2 | 6 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34080904) |
+| Saturday, 2017-06-25 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/34074171) |
+| **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | **6** | 2 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](/community/matches/34075521) |
+| **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | **6** | 0 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](/community/matches/34076967) |
+| **Mexico** ![][flag_MX] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | [#1](/community/matches/34078783) |
+| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 2 | **6** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/34080904) |
-| Sunday, 26. June 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 6 | 3 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34089533) [#2](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34090626) |
-| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 6 | 2 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34090862) |
-| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 6 | 3 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/34099102) |
+| Sunday, 2017-06-26 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | **6** | 3 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](/community/matches/34089533), [#2](/community/matches/34090626) |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **6** | 2 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](/community/matches/34090862) |
+| **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | **6** | 3 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](/community/matches/34099102) |
### Quarterfinals
-| Sunday, 18. June 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 2 | 5 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33939916) |
-| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | 5 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33940848) |
-| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 2 | 5 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33941722) |
-| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 5 | 1 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33943065) |
-| United States ![][flag_US] | 5 | 3 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33944186) |
-| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 5 | 0 | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | -WIN BY DEFAULT- |
-| Romania ![][flag_RO] | 0 | 5 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33950518) |
-| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 5 | 1 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33951822) |
+| Sunday, 2017-06-18 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/33939916) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/33940848) |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/33941722) |
+| **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](/community/matches/33943065) |
+| **United States** ![][flag_US] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](/community/matches/33944186) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | -win by default- |
+| Romania ![][flag_RO] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/33950518) |
+| **Mexico** ![][flag_MX] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](/community/matches/33951822) |
### Round of 16
-| Sunday, 11. June 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 0 | 5 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33780827) |
-| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 1 | 5 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33781746) |
-| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 5 | 0 | ![][flag_RO] Romania | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33782639) |
-| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 5 | 0 | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33783706) |
-| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 5 | 0 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33785035) |
-| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 4 | 5 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33788679) |
-| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 5 | 2 | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33790093) |
-| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 1 | 5 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33791464) |
+| Sunday, 2017-06-11 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/33780827) |
+| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/33781746) |
+| **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_RO] Romania | [#1](/community/matches/33782639) |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | [#1](/community/matches/33783706) |
+| **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](/community/matches/33785035) |
+| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/33788679) |
+| **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | [#1](/community/matches/33790093) |
+| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/33791464) |
### Group Stage
-| Saturday, 03. June 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33594444) |
-| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_AU] Australia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33594453) |
-| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33594458) |
-| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33595359) |
-| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33595349) |
-| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33595356) |
-| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 4 | 2 | ![][flag_IT] Italy | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33596235) |
-| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_FI] Finland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33596240) |
-| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33596244) |
-| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33597388) |
-| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 3 | 4 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33597392) |
-| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33597393) |
-| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | -WIN BY DEFAULT- |
-| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33598432) |
-| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_RO] Romania | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33598437) |
-| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_BR] Brazil | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33606293) |
-| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33606294) |
-| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33606305) |
-| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_GB] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33607880) |
-| Venezuela ![][flag_VE] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_NO] Norway | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33607886) |
-| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 4 | 3 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33607891) |
-| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33609509) |
-| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_CA] Canada | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33609513) |
-| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 4 | 0 | ![][flag_FR] France | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33609523) |
-| Venezuela ![][flag_VE] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33610689) |
-| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33610690) |
-| Sunday, 04. June 2017 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33616648) |
-| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33616607) |
-| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33617566) |
-| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33617553) |
-| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33622086) |
-| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33622027) |
-| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33622032) |
-| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 3 | 4 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33622978) |
-| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33622971) |
-| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33622973) |
-| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33624107) |
-| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 4 | 2 | ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33624268) |
-| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33624109) |
-| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 4 | 0 | ![][flag_CN] China | -WIN BY DEFAULT- |
-| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_FR] France | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33625333) |
-| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_RO] Romania | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33625335) |
-| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33626860) |
-| Romania ![][flag_RO] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_FR] France | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33626858) |
-| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 4 | 3 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33626849) |
-| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33628443) |
-| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/33628484) |
-| Venezuela ![][flag_VE] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | -WIN BY DEFAULT- |
+| Saturday, 2017-06-03 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](/community/matches/33594444) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_AU] **Australia** | [#1](/community/matches/33594453) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/33594458) |
+| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/33595359) |
+| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_SE] **Sweden** | [#1](/community/matches/33595349) |
+| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/33595356) |
+| **Malaysia** ![][flag_MY] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_IT] Italy | [#1](/community/matches/33596235) |
+| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_FI] **Finland** | [#1](/community/matches/33596240) |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/33596244) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/33597388) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/33597392) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/33597393) |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | -win by default- |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/33598432) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_RO] **Romania** | [#1](/community/matches/33598437) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_BR] **Brazil** | [#1](/community/matches/33606293) |
+| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/33606294) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | [#1](/community/matches/33606305) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/33607880) |
+| Venezuela ![][flag_VE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_NO] **Norway** | [#1](/community/matches/33607886) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](/community/matches/33607891) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/33609509) |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | [#1](/community/matches/33609513) |
+| **Argentina** ![][flag_AR] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_FR] France | [#1](/community/matches/33609523) |
+| Venezuela ![][flag_VE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/33610689) |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] **United Kingdom** | [#1](/community/matches/33610690) |
+| Sunday, 2017-06-04 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/33616648) |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/33616607) |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/33617566) |
+| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | [#1](/community/matches/33617553) |
+| New Zealand ![][flag_NZ] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/33622086) |
+| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/33622027) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/33622032) |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/33622978) |
+| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/33622971) |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] **United Kingdom** | [#1](/community/matches/33622973) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/33624107) |
+| **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | [#1](/community/matches/33624268) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/33624109) |
+| **Austria** ![][flag_AT] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_CN] China | -win by default- |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/33625333) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_RO] **Romania** | [#1](/community/matches/33625335) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/33626860) |
+| Romania ![][flag_RO] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/33626858) |
+| **Norway** ![][flag_NO] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](/community/matches/33626849) |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/33628443) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | [#1](/community/matches/33628484) |
+| Venezuela ![][flag_VE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | -win by default- |
## Ruleset
### Tournament Rules
1. The osu!catch World Cup is a country-based team tournament, played on the osu!catch game mode.
- While this competition is planned as a 3 versus 3 setup, this might change depending on the amount of incoming registrations.
2. Map scoring is based on Score V2.
- Changes to the Score V2 algorithm were proposed by the Tournament Management to the developers already and are yet under review.
3. The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
- One map will be given as a tiebreaker map. This map will only be played in case of a tie.
- There will also be a [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and a [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) bracket.
4. Match schedule will be settled by the Tournament Management (see below).
5. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
6. Failed players' scores do not get added to the team score.
- Reviving and surviving during a map gets considered as passing it.
7. Use of the Visual Settings to alter background dim or disable map elements like storyboards and skins are allowed.
8. If the beatmap ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
9. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map.
- Disconnects within 30 seconds after map begin can be rematched. This is up to the referee's discretion. The played beatmap might be aborted for this.
10. Beatmaps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.
11. If less than the minimum required players attend, the maximum time the match can be postponed is 10 minutes.
12. Exchanging players during a match is allowed without limitations.
@@ -392,7 +383,6 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2017 is run by various community members by distributing
17. Disrupting the match by foul play, picking inappropriate warmup maps (see below), insulting and provoking other players or referees, delaying the match or other deliberate inappropriate misbehavior is strictly prohibited.
18. The multiplayer chatrooms underlie the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules). All chat rules apply to the multiplayer chatrooms, too.
- Breaking the chat rules results in a silence. Silenced players can not participate at multiplayer matches and must be exchanged for the time being.
19. In Group stage, 'Win by default' will be considered as win by 4:0, +1.0 score difference ratio.
20. Unexpected incidences are handled by the tournament management. Referees may allow higher tolerance depending on the given circumstances. This is up to their discretion.
21. Penalties for violating the tournament rules can be:
@@ -409,23 +399,19 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2017 is run by various community members by distributing
- Tournament Management will create a list of potential candidates for a country's team.
- Tournament Management declares one candidate to the captain of the country's team, albeit temporarily.
- The declared captain can form their team from the candidate list of their country.
2. To ensure valid and serious registrations, every registered user will be checked by the Tournament Management.
- Every registered user will be assigned to their respective country's candidate list.
- To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that your global osu!catch performance ranking is above 5000.
- To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that you did not violate the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) within the last 12 months.
3. All successfully formed teams will be published after the Registration Phase.
4. Only the 32 potentially strongest countries will participate. The potential strength of a country is determined by the online statistics of all valid candidates.
- If the amount of registered countries is below 32, the number might be reduced to 24, 20 or 16. The aim is always to let as many countries participate as possible!
5. Mapset selectors may not participate as a player in this tournament.
### Stage Instructions
1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
- This may change depending on how many teams are accepted into the competition at the end.
2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
- Most matches won.
@@ -433,57 +419,50 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2017 is run by various community members by distributing
- Most maps won.
- Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
- Winner of the rematch.
4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
- This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this image](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
-| -----: | -------- |
-| Round of 16 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Round of 16 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
| Quarterfinals | I, J, K, L & R, S, T, U |
| Semifinals | M, N & V, W, X, Y, Z, AA |
-| Finals - Week 1 | O & AB, AC, AD, AE |
-| Finals - Week 2 | P, Q |
+| Finals | O & AB, AC, AD, AE |
+| Grand Finals | P, Q |
**Winning conditions:**
- In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
- In the Round of 16 and the Quarterfinals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
- - In Semifinals and Finals: Week 1, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
- - In Finals: Week 2, you need to win 7 maps to win the match. (Best-of-13)
+ - In Semifinals and Finals, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
+ - In Grand Finals, you need to win 7 maps to win the match. (Best-of-13)
### Match Instructions
1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 15 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
- Room settings are osu!catch, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'ScoreV2'. Room name must be "CWC 2017: (TeamBlue) vs (TeamRed)".
- The team mentioned first in the room name must be the blue team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the red team.
2. Players are free to select up to two warm-up maps. Using beatmaps with questionable content is prohibited. All maps must be osu!catch specific maps.
3. Each captain can ban **one beatmap** to be selected from the pool. These beatmaps are not allowed to be picked by any team in the entire match.
4. Beatmap selection will alternate between each captain selecting a beatmap out of the map pool.
5. Each captain must use "!roll" once in #multiplayer.
- The winner of the !roll starts picking the first beatmap of the match.
- The loser of the !roll starts banning.
6. Captains may pick freely from any bracket.
- In case of a tie, the tiebreaker map must be played.
7. Results of the Group Stage will be published via a Statistics sheet.
### Mappool Instructions
1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for the Round of 16, 1 mappool for the Quarterfinals, 1 mappool for the Semifinals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
- - Finals Week 1 & Finals Week 2 use the same mappool.
+ - Finals & Grand Finals use the same mappool.
2. Each mappool consists of 4 brackets: NoMod, [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers).
3. Each mappool consists of 16 maps in total.
4. Each mappool has one tiebreaker.
5. The NoMod bracket will be played with no modes activated.
6. The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective modes activated.
- When playing a map from the HardRock or DoubleTime pool, Hidden can be used optionally by any player.
7. The tiebreaker will be played under NoMod conditions.
8. The size of the NoMod bracket will be 6 in all stages.
9. The size of the [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) brackets will be 3 in all stages.
@@ -495,7 +474,6 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2017 is run by various community members by distributing
3. All Double Elimination Stages will be held on either Saturday or Sunday, UTC+0.
4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage. Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
- In the stages Quarterfinals and higher: Please inform tournament management before Sunday, if you expect a specific time slot to be unavailable in the following week. Wishes are tried to be followed, alas no promises can be made.
5. Rescheduling after the release of the Schedule on the wiki can not be done in any circumstance.
6. Captains are responsible for their teams availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match. If teams can not provide three players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/bracket.jpg b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/img/bracket.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/bracket.jpg
rename to wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/img/bracket.jpg
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/logo.png b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/img/logo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/logo.png
rename to wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/img/logo.png
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/podium.jpg b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/img/podium.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/podium.jpg
rename to wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2017/img/podium.jpg
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2018/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2018/en.md
index 8fee54b8722a..e77a3be809a8 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2018/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2018/en.md
@@ -3,19 +3,18 @@ tags:
- CWC 2018
- CWC2018
-osu!catch World Cup 2018
+# osu!catch World Cup 2018
-The **osu!catch World Cup 2018** (**_CWC 2018_**) is a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It is the 7th installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
+The **osu!catch World Cup 2018** (***CWC 2018***) was a country-based osu!catch tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It was the 7th installment of the osu!catch World Cup.
## Tournament Schedule
| Event | Timestamp |
-| ---: | :--- |
+| --: | :-- |
| Registration Phase | 2018-05-02/2018-05-16 |
-| Drawings | 2018-06-02 (14:00 UTC) |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-06-02 (14:00 UTC) |
| Group Stage | 2018-06-09/2018-06-10 |
| Round of 16 | 2018-06-16/2018-06-17 |
| Quarterfinals | 2018-06-23/2018-06-24 |
@@ -25,81 +24,76 @@ The **osu!catch World Cup 2018** (**_CWC 2018_**) is a country-based osu!catch t
## Prizes
-In every world cup, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
| Placing | Prize(s) |
-| --- | :--- |
-|  | $150 per team member, profile badge, "osu!catch Champion" user title for one year |
-|  | $80 per team member, Profile badge |
-|  | $40 per team member, Profile badge |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | $150 per team member, unique profile badge, "osu!catch Champion" user title for one year |
+|  | $80 per team member, unique profile badge |
+|  | $40 per team member, unique profile badge |
-## Organization
+## Organisation
-The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+The osu!catch World Cup 2018 was run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
| Position | Members |
-| ------------ | -------------- |
-| Management | ![][flag_AR] [juankristal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/443656), ![][flag_US] [HappyStick](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/256802), ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/128370) |
-| Map Selectors | ![][flag_ES] [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565), ![][flag_CN] [F D Flourite](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2459589), ![][flag_CL] [ZiRoX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/200768) |
-| Commentators | ![][flag_US] [chickenbible](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2306637), ![][flag_NO] [Divine Cake](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3636998), ![][flag_US] [Dohland](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5220511), ![][flag_GB] [JBHyperion](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4879508), ![][flag_GR] [Nokashi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5431196), ![][flag_NL] [SartNYAN OwO xD](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941), ![][flag_US] [vkells](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/632048), ![][flag_US] [Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955) |
-| Referees | ![][flag_DE] [p3n](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/123703), ![][flag_HK] [mangomizer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1893718), ![][flag_CL] [WalterToro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5281416), ![][flag_ES] [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) |
-| Statisticians | ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/128370), ![][flag_DE] [Nwolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1910766) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_AR] [juankristal](/users/443656), ![][flag_US] [HappyStick](/users/256802), ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](/users/128370) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565), ![][flag_CN] [F D Flourite](/users/2459589), ![][flag_CL] [ZiRoX](/users/200768) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_US] [chickenbible](/users/2306637), ![][flag_NO] [Divine Cake](/users/3636998), ![][flag_US] [Dohland](/users/5220511), ![][flag_GB] [JBHyperion](/users/4879508), ![][flag_GR] [Nokashi](/users/5431196), ![][flag_NL] [SartNYAN OwO xD](/users/4100941), ![][flag_US] [vkells](/users/632048), ![][flag_US] [Zak](/users/1375955) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_DE] [p3n](/users/123703), ![][flag_HK] [mangomizer](/users/1893718), ![][flag_CL] [WalterToro](/users/5281416), ![][flag_ES] [Deif](/users/318565) |
+| Statisticians | ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](/users/128370), ![][flag_DE] [Nwolf](/users/1910766) |
## Links
-- [Discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/739799)
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/739799)
- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive)
-- [Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR5x7_6IHe-c0J8ktzA7fW3MKh8iZFuZhwYmiYPlvmkjOivZK20SpxGUeVwNgXDdI_Udhc3v9hpl4jG/pubhtml)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR5x7_6IHe-c0J8ktzA7fW3MKh8iZFuZhwYmiYPlvmkjOivZK20SpxGUeVwNgXDdI_Udhc3v9hpl4jG/pubhtml)**
## Participants
-### Confirmed Rosters
-| | Country | Members |
-| ---: | :---: | :--- |
-| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[\[Force\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1617217)**, [Danti](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4785841), [Rimura-sama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4890687), [jerem1as](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6117864), [Ambition-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6960376), [SOSALUCIOSOSA](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5169874) |
-| ![][flag_AU] | **Australia** | **[chickennando](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5818665)**, [die Eisdiele](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7155262), [Grayswandir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/440107), [Paralysis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6811767), [jakincses](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3981222), [KWYJIBO](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7178386) |
-| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **[Scrollum](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10415976)**, [-FrozenCookie-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7429166), [My Love Emilia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4140062), [animexamera](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7511357), [Pandadesu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2167069), [birdfire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2383482) |
-| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[Michael Jordan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4099041)**, [Super Choke](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2054788), [Kqrth](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4115718), [-Overdose-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7749445), [ExNando](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5960935), [Predominador](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4568537) |
-| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[Fii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922569)**, [Yoshi_green](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1035891), [1111](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2747940), [\_wwwww](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4820793), [melonsigh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8623922), [wwwww-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3616480) |
-| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[OwO NYANQT x33](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/989542)**, [\[Nico\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1011240), [lechuguin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2872000), [Shinji Wings](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5071280), [eldnl](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/285756), [Quit User](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2389481) |
-| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[Dusk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/533210)**, [Crystal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646397), [KagamineRin02](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/518503), [Sakurano Kurimu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1338103), [- N a g i -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2956936), [Kasumi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2331531) |
-| ![][flag_CO] | **Colombia** | **[Deley-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8291465)**, [\[ Azu- \]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8290364), [FeaRHuMaN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8579779), [archiwes](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10434582), [Titan-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7855767) |
-| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[SharpN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4382076)**, [TheRustShark](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7839059), [Captain](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2563435), [Wermii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2424947), [Only1Magma](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922957) |
-| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[forgottentaco](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6109660)**, [YERTI](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1490757), [NoitaKuningas](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4022685), [Nikolai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5302804), [noksu15](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10161144), [Kurtsi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4222176) |
-| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[bastoo0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4864877)**, [Noulayfe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4316542), [Orinoshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3047355), [Sounny](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7326109), [FulgurentKille](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4096322), [Le grand casque](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5490623) |
-| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[NoteKuroi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/186642)**, [Vinci007](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5030297), [Sousaki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1599349), [Tenshichan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1101600), [namirin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6414332), [Inryoku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6562920) |
-| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[alienflybot](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/636114)**, [Dynamix braver](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6362865), [Latifah-sama](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1226238), [CheungB](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/788406), [Alice Cartelet](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1784164), [neozerone](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6461445) |
-| ![][flag_HU] | **Hungary** | **[gaaraati](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3320300)**, [Shigaisen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6635772), [mardebra](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5419149) |
-| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[Deceitful](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1396447)**, [dika312](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/741613), [Shurelia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3807986), [LeWind](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9718235), [Minalinsky-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2823883), [Galaxi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2552435) |
-| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[ArMa79](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4982799)**, [119410501](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/803484), [Trollingor](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4144266), [NyaRym x33 OwO](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5220794) |
-| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[noraRcat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/883939)**, [tasuke912](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2774767), [Molqus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1927193), [ekr](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4497706), [gfbgd1](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6061811), [kusakabe001](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/129806) |
-| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[SartNYAN OwO xD](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4100941)**, [UwUsley x33 OwO](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2407265), [AnimUwU cOwOre](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3212806), [b-a-d-s123](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3656717), [KevKjef](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9114235), [BlueSparklez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6051155) |
-| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Cameragod](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4974088)**, [Groex](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3970664), [Razor Sharp](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3414261), [Divine Cake](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3636998), [Vanilla-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3400701), [Mile](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2760954) |
-| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia** | **[Future_miku95](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2351567)**, [Gilochan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/598204), [Kagari](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3366264), [murutattack](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4480237), [Lute](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4011799) |
-| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[Ponchiwi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1089040)**, [JuanCiudades](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8061081), [Astrea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3845678), [Cxlucha](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5063961), [Fensalir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9953661), [Kashou](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4046640) |
-| ![][flag_PH] | **Philippines** | **[-Plus-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/829284)**, [-Nicotine](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4818935), [-MomoX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2150415), [Crowley](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6341006), [Roido](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6829103), [- Kielzu -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6221114) |
-| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[Kosmit](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1749173)**, [BoberOfDarkness](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3427748), [-Filow-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3157472), [wampir](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/261497), [Uygrzybrzywszy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4446007), [Skyleia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2958293) |
-| ![][flag_PT] | **Portugal** | **[Buffow](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4427038)**, [uwu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2788013), [PTrollYO](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6502093), [DemiGod Yoxide](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6205809), [123tris](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3821475) |
-| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[Myle](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4915649)**, [aoe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6094216), [Xetopia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6689101), [OneLoveOneLife](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6856387), [Nelly](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4741164), [CirnoBaka](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2535016) |
-| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[Sinnoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4236057)**, [He Ang CTB](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2451381). [Setsuen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2673742), [\[Eun\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3788536), [KyousukeRentaro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4971343), [Tenchu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5163623) |
-| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Berea](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3657951)**, [DreStar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1808057), [mjj741](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1459769), [Katch](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2195716), [Ryoko](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2660111), [qwhj1027](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7547506) |
-| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[Setomi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2205929)**, [DamnEasy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4452911), [CocoSunshine](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6471909), [Yukiteru Amano](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1894511), [Osten](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4417929), [\[ M e a k u \]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2747072) |
-| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | **[Megpoid](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/158240)**, [XXXZ](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2111624), [\[-naniwa-\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4958376), [-Scarlet Rose-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2322189), [Majiyabakune](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/605088), [Sanami](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1629471) |
-| ![][flag_TH] | **Thailand** | **[-Luminate](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4778689)**, [rew0825](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2488026), [- AodEito -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10043310), [\[\_-Kukkai-\_\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7811952), [bank78952](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1443297), [-\[elsee25\]-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7036796) |
-| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Zak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1375955)**, [Playboy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2165558), [-Electro-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3251373), [Guillotine](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4365562), [Dahcreeper](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6926006), [chickenbible](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2306637) |
-| ![][flag_VN] | **Vietnam** | **[Regu-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4948274)**, [YamiSora](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8042500), [-\[SLs\]-Horikita](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8738261), [Hana Yukiko](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4964095), [motherofsuper](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6403418), [Kouseki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4744615) |
+| | Country | Members |
+| --: | :-: | :-- |
+| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[\[Force\]](/users/1617217)**, [Danti](/users/4785841), [Rimura-sama](/users/4890687), [jerem1as](/users/6117864), [Ambition-](/users/6960376), [SOSALUCIOSOSA](/users/5169874) |
+| ![][flag_AU] | **Australia** | **[chickennando](/users/5818665)**, [die Eisdiele](/users/7155262), [Grayswandir](/users/440107), [Paralysis](/users/6811767), [jakincses](/users/3981222), [KWYJIBO](/users/7178386) |
+| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **[Scrollum](/users/10415976)**, [-FrozenCookie-](/users/7429166), [My Love Emilia](/users/4140062), [animexamera](/users/7511357), [Pandadesu](/users/2167069), [birdfire](/users/2383482) |
+| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[Michael Jordan](/users/4099041)**, [Super Choke](/users/2054788), [Kqrth](/users/4115718), [-Overdose-](/users/7749445), [ExNando](/users/5960935), [Predominador](/users/4568537) |
+| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[Fii](/users/3922569)**, [Yoshi_green](/users/1035891), [1111](/users/2747940), [\_wwwww](/users/4820793), [melonsigh](/users/8623922), [wwwww-](/users/3616480) |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[OwO NYANQT x33](/users/989542)**, [\[Nico\]](/users/1011240), [lechuguin](/users/2872000), [Shinji Wings](/users/5071280), [eldnl](/users/285756), [Quit User](/users/2389481) |
+| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[Dusk](/users/533210)**, [Crystal](/users/1646397), [KagamineRin02](/users/518503), [Sakurano Kurimu](/users/1338103), [- N a g i -](/users/2956936), [Kasumi](/users/2331531) |
+| ![][flag_CO] | **Colombia** | **[Deley-](/users/8291465)**, [\[ Azu- \]](/users/8290364), [FeaRHuMaN](/users/8579779), [archiwes](/users/10434582), [Titan-](/users/7855767) |
+| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[SharpN](/users/4382076)**, [TheRustShark](/users/7839059), [Captain](/users/2563435), [Wermii](/users/2424947), [Only1Magma](/users/3922957) |
+| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[forgottentaco](/users/6109660)**, [YERTI](/users/1490757), [NoitaKuningas](/users/4022685), [Nikolai](/users/5302804), [noksu15](/users/10161144), [Kurtsi](/users/4222176) |
+| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[bastoo0](/users/4864877)**, [Noulayfe](/users/4316542), [Orinoshi](/users/3047355), [Sounny](/users/7326109), [FulgurentKille](/users/4096322), [Le grand casque](/users/5490623) |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[NoteKuroi](/users/186642)**, [Vinci007](/users/5030297), [Sousaki](/users/1599349), [Tenshichan](/users/1101600), [namirin](/users/6414332), [Inryoku](/users/6562920) |
+| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[alienflybot](/users/636114)**, [Dynamix braver](/users/6362865), [Latifah-sama](/users/1226238), [CheungB](/users/788406), [Alice Cartelet](/users/1784164), [neozerone](/users/6461445) |
+| ![][flag_HU] | **Hungary** | **[gaaraati](/users/3320300)**, [Shigaisen](/users/6635772), [mardebra](/users/5419149) |
+| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[Deceitful](/users/1396447)**, [dika312](/users/741613), [Shurelia](/users/3807986), [LeWind](/users/9718235), [Minalinsky-](/users/2823883), [Galaxi](/users/2552435) |
+| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[ArMa79](/users/4982799)**, [119410501](/users/803484), [Trollingor](/users/4144266), [NyaRym x33 OwO](/users/5220794) |
+| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[noraRcat](/users/883939)**, [tasuke912](/users/2774767), [Molqus](/users/1927193), [ekr](/users/4497706), [gfbgd1](/users/6061811), [kusakabe001](/users/129806) |
+| ![][flag_MY] | **Malaysia** | **[Future\_miku95](/users/2351567)**, [Gilochan](/users/598204), [Kagari](/users/3366264), [murutattack](/users/4480237), [Lute](/users/4011799) |
+| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[Ponchiwi](/users/1089040)**, [JuanCiudades](/users/8061081), [Astrea](/users/3845678), [Cxlucha](/users/5063961), [Fensalir](/users/9953661), [Kashou](/users/4046640) |
+| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[SartNYAN OwO xD](/users/4100941)**, [UwUsley x33 OwO](/users/2407265), [AnimUwU cOwOre](/users/3212806), [b-a-d-s123](/users/3656717), [KevKjef](/users/9114235), [BlueSparklez](/users/6051155) |
+| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Cameragod](/users/4974088)**, [Groex](/users/3970664), [Razor Sharp](/users/3414261), [Divine Cake](/users/3636998), [Vanilla-](/users/3400701), [Mile](/users/2760954) |
+| ![][flag_PH] | **Philippines** | **[-Plus-](/users/829284)**, [-Nicotine](/users/4818935), [-MomoX](/users/2150415), [Crowley](/users/6341006), [Roido](/users/6829103), [- Kielzu -](/users/6221114) |
+| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[Kosmit](/users/1749173)**, [BoberOfDarkness](/users/3427748), [-Filow-](/users/3157472), [wampir](/users/261497), [Uygrzybrzywszy](/users/4446007), [Skyleia](/users/2958293) |
+| ![][flag_PT] | **Portugal** | **[Buffow](/users/4427038)**, [uwu](/users/2788013), [PTrollYO](/users/6502093), [DemiGod Yoxide](/users/6205809), [123tris](/users/3821475) |
+| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[Myle](/users/4915649)**, [aoe](/users/6094216), [Xetopia](/users/6689101), [OneLoveOneLife](/users/6856387), [Nelly](/users/4741164), [CirnoBaka](/users/2535016) |
+| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[Sinnoh](/users/4236057)**, [He Ang CTB](/users/2451381). [Setsuen](/users/2673742), [\[Eun\]](/users/3788536), [KyousukeRentaro](/users/4971343), [Tenchu](/users/5163623) |
+| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Berea](/users/3657951)**, [DreStar](/users/1808057), [mjj741](/users/1459769), [Katch](/users/2195716), [Ryoko](/users/2660111), [qwhj1027](/users/7547506) |
+| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[Setomi](/users/2205929)**, [DamnEasy](/users/4452911), [CocoSunshine](/users/6471909), [Yukiteru Amano](/users/1894511), [Osten](/users/4417929), [\[ M e a k u \]](/users/2747072) |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | **[Megpoid](/users/158240)**, [XXXZ](/users/2111624), [\[-naniwa-\]](/users/4958376), [-Scarlet Rose-](/users/2322189), [Majiyabakune](/users/605088), [Sanami](/users/1629471) |
+| ![][flag_TH] | **Thailand** | **[-Luminate](/users/4778689)**, [rew0825](/users/2488026), [- AodEito -](/users/10043310), [\[\_-Kukkai-\_\]](/users/7811952), [bank78952](/users/1443297), [-\[elsee25\]-](/users/7036796) |
+| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Zak](/users/1375955)**, [Playboy](/users/2165558), [-Electro-](/users/3251373), [Guillotine](/users/4365562), [Dahcreeper](/users/6926006), [chickenbible](/users/2306637) |
+| ![][flag_VN] | **Vietnam** | **[Regu-](/users/4948274)**, [YamiSora](/users/8042500), [-\[SLs\]-Horikita](/users/8738261), [Hana Yukiko](/users/4964095), [motherofsuper](/users/6403418), [Kouseki](/users/4744615) |
@@ -108,130 +102,130 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
### Finals
- NoMod
- - [USAO - Boss Rush \(Minato Yukina\) \[MAXIMUM\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1272534&m=2)
- - [Morimori Atsushi - Paradigm Shift \(Emiru\) \[Quantum Fluctuation\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1536733&m=2)
- - [xi - Akasha \(Yumeno Himiko\) \[Deluge\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1627017&m=2)
- - [YuFu - Holy Moon \(Kuzino\) \[4Q\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/112852&m=2)
- - [DJ TOTTO feat. Sunao Yoshikawa - Arousing \(fanzhen0019\) \[HW's Extra\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/368845&m=2)
- - [Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore \(Fort\) \[Game Over\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/736215&m=2)
+ - [USAO - Boss Rush \(Minato Yukina\) \[MAXIMUM\]](/beatmapsets/602460#fruits/1272534)
+ - [Morimori Atsushi - Paradigm Shift \(Emiru\) \[Quantum Fluctuation\]](/beatmapsets/727816#fruits/1536733)
+ - [xi - Akasha \(Yumeno Himiko\) \[Deluge\]](/beatmapsets/774083#fruits/1627017)
+ - [YuFu - Holy Moon \(Kuzino\) \[4Q\]](/beatmapsets/34729#fruits/112852)
+ - [DJ TOTTO feat. Sunao Yoshikawa - Arousing \(fanzhen0019\) \[HW's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/148092#fruits/368845)
+ - [Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore \(Fort\) \[Game Over\]](/beatmapsets/332532#fruits/736215)
- Hidden
- - [Memme - Goat Fantasia \(Spectator\) \[Overdose\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1346273&m=2)
- - [kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem \(F D Flourite\) \[Lycoris Radiata\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1371644&m=2)
- - [Mitsuki - climactic cry \(Mythol\) \[RLQuillab2013\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/362297&m=2)
+ - [Memme - Goat Fantasia \(Spectator\) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/634496#fruits/1346273)
+ - [kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem \(F D Flourite\) \[Lycoris Radiata\]](/beatmapsets/647485#fruits/1371644)
+ - [Mitsuki - climactic cry \(Mythol\) \[RLQuillab2013\]](/beatmapsets/146166#fruits/362297)
- HardRock
- - [Camellia feat. Nanahira - PAPAYAPA BASS \(Nwolf\) \[Deif's Papaya\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1335618&m=2)
- - [KASAI HARCORES - Cycle Hit \(Spectator\) \[Grand Slam\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1465042&m=2)
- - [Megpoid GUMI - Cosmos \(val0108\) \[Cosmos\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/123374&m=2)
+ - [Camellia feat. Nanahira - PAPAYAPA BASS \(Nwolf\) \[Deif's Papaya\]](/beatmapsets/584714#fruits/1335618)
+ - [KASAI HARCORES - Cycle Hit \(Spectator\) \[Grand Slam\]](/beatmapsets/692367#fruits/1465042)
+ - [Megpoid GUMI - Cosmos \(val0108\) \[Cosmos\]](/beatmapsets/37054#fruits/123374)
- DoubleTime
- - [Sayaka Sasaki - Zzz \(Spectator\) \[Lullaby\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/446794&m=2)
- - [nanobii - HYPERDRIVE \(Ascendance\) \[Overdose\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1357221&m=2)
- - [WALKUERE - Ikenai Borderline \(Rizia\) \[Insane\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/975036&m=2)
+ - [Sayaka Sasaki - Zzz \(Spectator\) \[Lullaby\]](/beatmapsets/184710#fruits/446794)
+ - [nanobii - HYPERDRIVE \(Ascendance\) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/639991#fruits/1357221)
+ - [WALKUERE - Ikenai Borderline \(Rizia\) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/454835#fruits/975036)
- Tiebreaker
- - [BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? \(Minato Yukina\) \[Final Showdown\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1324298&m=2)
+ - **[BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? \(Minato Yukina\) \[Final Showdown\]](/beatmapsets/628101#fruits/1324298)**
### Semifinals
**[Download the mappack here! (92 MB)](https://zirox.s-ul.eu/1AdCcIdv)**
- NoMod
- - [+a / Alfakyun. x Camellia - calling \(alienflybot\) \[Sync\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1556545&m=2)
- - [LeaF - Alice in Misanthrope -Ensei Alice- \(Deif\) \[Wonderland\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1674302&m=2)
- - [Cres - End Time \(Intensity\) \[Steven\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/883356&m=2)
- - [AKI AKANE - Hankyou no Barrier Seed \(Spectator\) \[Alone\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1594657&m=2)
- - [Getty vs. DJ DiA - Grayed Out -Antifront- \(Realazy\) \[Achromatic\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1477241&m=2)
- - [GARNiDELiA - Gokuraku Jodo \(Vert\) \[Zweib's Expert\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1043223&m=2)
+ - [+a / Alfakyun. x Camellia - calling \(alienflybot\) \[Sync\]](/beatmapsets/649285#fruits/1556545)
+ - [LeaF - Alice in Misanthrope -Ensei Alice- \(Deif\) \[Wonderland\]](/beatmapsets/797236#fruits/1674302)
+ - [Cres - End Time \(Intensity\) \[Steven\]](/beatmapsets/406487#fruits/883356)
+ - [AKI AKANE - Hankyou no Barrier Seed \(Spectator\) \[Alone\]](/beatmapsets/758066#fruits/1594657)
+ - [Getty vs. DJ DiA - Grayed Out -Antifront- \(Realazy\) \[Achromatic\]](/beatmapsets/578755#fruits/1477241)
+ - [GARNiDELiA - Gokuraku Jodo \(Vert\) \[Zweib's Expert\]](/beatmapsets/489039#fruits/1043223)
- Hidden
- - [Nekomata Gekidan - AsiaN distractive \(Yumeno Himiko\) \[Overdose\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1390877&m=2)
- - [YUI - again \(Crowley\) \[brotherhood\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1552359&m=2)
- - [monet - Noborenai Sakamichi \(Mirash\) \[Delis' Insane\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1419974&m=2)
+ - [Nekomata Gekidan - AsiaN distractive \(Yumeno Himiko\) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/656489#fruits/1390877)
+ - [YUI - again \(Crowley\) \[brotherhood\]](/beatmapsets/735357#fruits/1552359)
+ - [monet - Noborenai Sakamichi \(Mirash\) \[Delis' Insane\]](/beatmapsets/671607#fruits/1419974)
- HardRock
- - [sak respect for Arata Iiyoshi - Reason of being \(rew0825\) \[Reason\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1573224&m=2)
- - [Roselia - LOUDER \(scanter\) \[Crystal's Captivation\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1270272&m=2)
- - [P\*Light - YELLOW SPLASH!! \(Minakami Yuki\) \[wkyik's Extra\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/799724&m=2)
+ - [sak respect for Arata Iiyoshi - Reason of being \(rew0825\) \[Reason\]](/beatmapsets/746440#fruits/1573224)
+ - [Roselia - LOUDER \(scanter\) \[Crystal's Captivation\]](/beatmapsets/595580#fruits/1270272)
+ - [P\*Light - YELLOW SPLASH!! \(Minakami Yuki\) \[wkyik's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/363882#fruits/799724)
- DoubleTime
- - [Nitro Fun & Hyper Potions - Checkpoint \(WildOne94\) \[Rain Collab\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1036560&m=2)
- - [Italobrothers - Stamp On The Ground \(Natsume\) \[hichman's CTB\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/160002&m=2)
- - [Shawn Mendes - Stitches \(VINXIS\) \[Needle and the Thread\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1049378&m=2)
+ - [Nitro Fun & Hyper Potions - Checkpoint \(WildOne94\) \[Rain Collab\]](/beatmapsets/474216#fruits/1036560)
+ - [Italobrothers - Stamp On The Ground \(Natsume\) \[hichman's CTB\]](/beatmapsets/51977#fruits/160002)
+ - Shawn Mendes - Stitches \(VINXIS\) \[Needle and the Thread\]
- Tiebreaker
- - [Mizuki Nana - VIRGIN CODE \(-wwwww\) \[HELiOS\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1570019&m=2)
+ - **[Mizuki Nana - VIRGIN CODE \(-wwwww\) \[HELiOS\]](/beatmapsets/744654#fruits/1570019)**
### Quarterfinals
**[Download the mappack here! (102 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/file/8zg9b3gf7kwq4nr/CWC2018%20-%20QF%20Mappack.zip)**
- NoMod
- - [Function Phantom - Euclid \(Ascendance\) \[Axiom\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1539487&m=2)
- - [REOL - Yoiyoi Kokon \(Yumeno Himiko\) \[Overdose\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1432753&m=2)
- - [xi - .357 Magnum \(Crowley\) \[Filibusterismo.\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1545661&m=2)
- - [Aimer with chelly \(EGOIST\) - ninelie \(REDSHiFT x Vesuvia Remix\) \(-Luminate\) \[Daybreak\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1391955&m=2)
- - [DECO\*27 - Reversible Campaign \(tutuhaha\) \[Extra\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1300151&m=2)
- - [himmeltengoku - Whisper of Rose \(Tsukuyomi\) \[Maximum\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/419487&m=2)
+ - [Function Phantom - Euclid \(Ascendance\) \[Axiom\]](/beatmapsets/729321#fruits/1539487)
+ - [REOL - Yoiyoi Kokon \(Yumeno Himiko\) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/677464#fruits/1432753)
+ - [xi - .357 Magnum \(Crowley\) \[Filibusterismo.\]](/beatmapsets/732584#fruits/1545661)
+ - [Aimer with chelly \(EGOIST\) - ninelie \(REDSHiFT x Vesuvia Remix\) \(-Luminate\) \[Daybreak\]](/beatmapsets/657095#fruits/1391955)
+ - [DECO\*27 - Reversible Campaign \(tutuhaha\) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/616482#fruits/1300151)
+ - [himmeltengoku - Whisper of Rose \(Tsukuyomi\) \[Maximum\]](/beatmapsets/173614#fruits/419487)
- Hidden
- - [Hatsuki Yura - Saramandora no Odoriko \(F D Flourite\) \[Flamenco Dance\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1524083&m=2)
- - [M2U - Stellar \(Spectator\) \[Alice\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1481269&m=2)
- - [\*namirin - Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko \(sahuang\) \[Curi's Extra\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1353404&m=2)
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - Saramandora no Odoriko \(F D Flourite\) \[Flamenco Dance\]](/beatmapsets/721795#fruits/1524083)
+ - [M2U - Stellar \(Spectator\) \[Alice\]](/beatmapsets/699509#fruits/1481269)
+ - [\*namirin - Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko \(sahuang\) \[Curi's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/613083#fruits/1353404)
- HardRock
- - [Zektbach - Turii \~Panta rhei\~ \(Kyuare\) \[Turii\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1450886&m=2)
- - [MAZARE - Mazare Party \(incandescence\) \[Tenshichan's Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1624766&m=2)
- - [Renard - Da Nu Nuttah \(GamerX4life\) \[Nogard\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/205282&m=2)
+ - [Zektbach - Turii \~Panta rhei\~ \(Kyuare\) \[Turii\]](/beatmapsets/685428#fruits/1450886)
+ - [MAZARE - Mazare Party \(incandescence\) \[Tenshichan's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/754402#fruits/1624766)
+ - [Renard - Da Nu Nuttah \(GamerX4life\) \[Nogard\]](/beatmapsets/62665#fruits/205282)
- DoubleTime
- - [u's - Snow halation \(Hinsvar\) \[Vhy's Platter\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/515242&m=2)
- - [Toraboruta - Soleil \(Noffy\) \[Wild's Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/992848&m=2)
- - [SHISHAMO - Egao no Tonari \(Zero\_\_wind\) \[Smile\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/938481&m=2)
+ - [u's - Snow halation \(Hinsvar\) \[Vhy's Platter\]](/beatmapsets/209390#fruits/515242)
+ - [Toraboruta - Soleil \(Noffy\) \[Wild's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/308633#fruits/992848)
+ - [SHISHAMO - Egao no Tonari \(Zero\_\_wind\) \[Smile\]](/beatmapsets/435617#fruits/938481)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Camellia - d:for the DELTA \(Minato Yukina\) \[Dereliction\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1221505&m=2)
+ - **[Camellia - d:for the DELTA \(Minato Yukina\) \[Dereliction\]](/beatmapsets/577060#fruits/1221505)**
### Round of 16
**[Download the mappack here! (99 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/file/8adzvcvqjxydxw9/CWC2018%20-%20RO16%20Mappack.zip)**
- NoMod
- - [Hiroyuki Sawano feat. Mika Kobayashi - Bios \(wairo\) \[Furely's Overdose\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1599347&m=2)
- - [Mili - Vulnerability \(Benny-\) \[Frail\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1494074&m=2)
- - [sana - Packet Hero \(celerih\) \[Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1469957&m=2)
- - [EYE XY feat. Yoneko - Knight of Firmament \(The Chevalier\) \(Spectator\) \[Overdose\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1498888&m=2)
- - [Fractal Dreamers - Paradigm Shift \(appleeaterx\) \[Expert\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1513623&m=2)
- - [Nakashinoda Mugi - Senjou no Aria \(Okorin\) \[Extra Stage\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/859696&m=2)
+ - [Hiroyuki Sawano feat. Mika Kobayashi - Bios \(wairo\) \[Furely's Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/728912#fruits/1599347)
+ - [Mili - Vulnerability \(Benny-\) \[Frail\]](/beatmapsets/706599#fruits/1494074)
+ - [sana - Packet Hero \(celerih\) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/694901#fruits/1469957)
+ - [EYE XY feat. Yoneko - Knight of Firmament \(The Chevalier\) \(Spectator\) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/709012#fruits/1498888)
+ - [Fractal Dreamers - Paradigm Shift \(appleeaterx\) \[Expert\]](/beatmapsets/716441#fruits/1513623)
+ - [Nakashinoda Mugi - Senjou no Aria \(Okorin\) \[Extra Stage\]](/beatmapsets/395046#fruits/859696)
- Hidden
- - [Akiyama Uni - Kaoru Juyouka \(murutattack\) \[Evanent's Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1119599&m=2)
- - [Warak - REANIMATE \(- Magic Bomb -\) \[Hyperion's Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1042701&m=2)
- - [96Neko x KurousaP - Kagen no Tsuki \(jonathanlfj\) \[Insane\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/940295&m=2)
+ - [Akiyama Uni - Kaoru Juyouka \(murutattack\) \[Evanent's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/508690#fruits/1119599)
+ - [Warak - REANIMATE \(- Magic Bomb -\) \[Hyperion's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/489190#fruits/1042701)
+ - [96Neko x KurousaP - Kagen no Tsuki \(jonathanlfj\) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/393343#fruits/940295)
- HardRock
- - [Eisyo-kobu - Oriental Blossom \(Spectator\) \[Himiko's Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1588595&m=2)
- - [Suzuki Konomi - Redo \(Neoskylove\) \[tasuke's Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1185455&m=2)
- - [Hanatan - Shiwa \(Ami\) \[Insane\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/329967&m=2)
+ - [Eisyo-kobu - Oriental Blossom \(Spectator\) \[Himiko's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/747823#fruits/1588595)
+ - [Suzuki Konomi - Redo \(Neoskylove\) \[tasuke's Rain\]](/beatmapsets/545351#fruits/1185455)
+ - [Hanatan - Shiwa \(Ami\) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/130704#fruits/329967)
- DoubleTime
- - [Kikuo - And Then You Became The Moon \(ZiRoX\) \[Platter\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/777823&m=2)
- - [Memme - Force of Ra \(Deif\) \[Platter\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1214850&m=2)
- - [EastNewSound - Yuune Zekka, Ryouran no Sai \(goodbye\) \[Insane\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/128163&m=2)
+ - [Kikuo - And Then You Became The Moon \(ZiRoX\) \[Platter\]](/beatmapsets/353010#fruits/777823)
+ - [Memme - Force of Ra \(Deif\) \[Platter\]](/beatmapsets/573479#fruits/1214850)
+ - [EastNewSound - Yuune Zekka, Ryouran no Sai \(goodbye\) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/40386#fruits/128163)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Rita - Bookmark Memories \(F D Flourite\) \[Love\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1645428&m=2)
+ - **[Rita - Bookmark Memories \(F D Flourite\) \[Love\]](/beatmapsets/783602#fruits/1645428)**
### Group Stage
**[Download the mappack here! (77 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!09kkXCAR!J4oF2QmrLA1RoLgErpqUHBaCul5SFNXAJKnIoo812jc)**
- NoMod
- - [Black Hole - Pluto \(Ascendance\) \[Reimu's Another\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1439325&m=2)
- - [Ito Kanako - Uncontrollable \(Yumeno Himiko\) \[Rain\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1183490&m=2)
- - [Tama - Saigetsu \(Midnight Moon Walker Remix\) \(Spectator\) \[Overdose\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1530447&m=2)
- - [Hige Driver join. SELEN - Dadadadadadadadadada \(CLSW\) \[SHD\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/771881&m=2)
- - [Nekomata Master - Far east nightbird \(tsuka\) \[Extreme\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/111302&m=2)
- - [Shawn Wasabi - Marble Soda \(Len\) \[Crier's Extra\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/846259&m=2)
+ - [Black Hole - Pluto \(Ascendance\) \[Reimu's Another\]](/beatmapsets/680437#fruits/1439325)
+ - [Ito Kanako - Uncontrollable \(Yumeno Himiko\) \[Rain\]](/beatmapsets/559539#fruits/1183490)
+ - [Tama - Saigetsu \(Midnight Moon Walker Remix\) \(Spectator\) \[Overdose\]](/beatmapsets/724793#fruits/1530447)
+ - [Hige Driver join. SELEN - Dadadadadadadadadada \(CLSW\) \[SHD\]](/beatmapsets/350076#fruits/771881)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Far east nightbird \(tsuka\) \[Extreme\]](/beatmapsets/34203#fruits/111302)
+ - [Shawn Wasabi - Marble Soda \(Len\) \[Crier's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/387784#fruits/846259)
- Hidden
- - [Mili - Bathtub Mermaid \(JeirYagtama\) \[Anatomy\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1448086&m=2)
- - [Bitter Sweet Entertainment - Kanashimi no Mukougawa \(Piano Version\) \(JBHyperion\) \[Eternal\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/937653&m=2)
- - [Porter Robinson - Flicker \(Static Noise Bird\) \[Worlds\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/495543&m=2)
+ - [Mili - Bathtub Mermaid \(JeirYagtama\) \[Anatomy\]](/beatmapsets/684250#fruits/1448086)
+ - [Bitter Sweet Entertainment - Kanashimi no Mukougawa \(Piano Version\) \(JBHyperion\) \[Eternal\]](/beatmapsets/435287#fruits/937653)
+ - [Porter Robinson - Flicker \(Static Noise Bird\) \[Worlds\]](/beatmapsets/210682#fruits/495543)
- HardRock
- - [OLDCODEX - Dried Up Youthful Fame \(TV Size\) \(RoseusJaeger\) \[Collab Platter\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1154583&m=2)
- - [Horie Yui - Asymmetry \(Ascendance\) \[Collab Platter\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/899608&m=2)
- - [MinusP - Shura no Niwa \(wantuole\) \[Hard\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/264701&m=2)
+ - [OLDCODEX - Dried Up Youthful Fame \(TV Size\) \(RoseusJaeger\) \[Collab Platter\]](/beatmapsets/544889#fruits/1154583)
+ - [Horie Yui - Asymmetry \(Ascendance\) \[Collab Platter\]](/beatmapsets/414949#fruits/899608)
+ - [MinusP - Shura no Niwa \(wantuole\) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/98233#fruits/264701)
- DoubleTime
- - [senya - Kachou Fuugetsu \(- Magic Girl -\) \[Benny's Platter\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1533955&m=2)
- - [Nightwish - Last Of The Wilds \(BoberOfDarkness\) \[Platter\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/717056&m=2)
- - [Zac Efron - Scream \(pishifat\) \[ahh\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/713932&m=2)
+ - [senya - Kachou Fuugetsu \(- Magic Girl -\) \[Benny's Platter\]](/beatmapsets/726596#fruits/1533955)
+ - [Nightwish - Last Of The Wilds \(BoberOfDarkness\) \[Platter\]](/beatmapsets/321999#fruits/717056)
+ - [Zac Efron - Scream \(pishifat\) \[ahh\]](/beatmapsets/320894#fruits/713932)
- Tiebreaker
- - [Oh, Be Clever - Next To You \(Elephante Remix\) \(JBHyperion\) \[Envy\]](http://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1216211&m=2)
+ - **[Oh, Be Clever - Next To You \(Elephante Remix\) \(JBHyperion\) \[Envy\]](/beatmapsets/574216#fruits/1216211)**
@@ -239,127 +233,127 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
### Grand Finals
-| Saturday, 2018-07-14 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| China ![][flag_CN] | 7 | 2 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/44166710) |
+| Saturday, 2018-07-14 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **7** | 2 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](/community/matches/44166710) |
-| Sunday, 2018-07-15 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| China ![][flag_CN] | 7 | 3 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/44189744) |
-| United States ![][flag_US] | 2 | 7 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/44192102) |
+| Sunday, 2018-07-15 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **7** | 3 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](/community/matches/44189744) |
+| United States ![][flag_US] | 2 | **7** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/44192102) |
### Finals
-| Saturday, 2018-07-07 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| China ![][flag_CN] | 7 | 3 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43963281) |
-| France ![][flag_FR] | 0 | 7 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43964720) |
+| Saturday, 2018-07-07 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **7** | 3 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](/community/matches/43963281) |
+| France ![][flag_FR] | 0 | **7** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/43964720) |
-| Sunday, 2018-07-08 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| China ![][flag_CN] | 7 | 1 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43991586) |
-| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 4 | 7 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/44001259) |
+| Sunday, 2018-07-08 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **7** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](/community/matches/43991586) |
+| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 4 | **7** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/44001259) |
### SemiFinals
-| Saturday, 2018-06-30 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 3 | 6 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43767078) |
-| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 2 | 6 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43768481) |
-| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 1 | 6 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43779290) |
-| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 3 | 6 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43781683) |
+| Saturday, 2018-06-30 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/43767078) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 2 | **6** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/43768481) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/43779290) |
+| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/43781683) |
-| Saturday, 2018-07-01 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| France ![][flag_FR] | 6 | 3 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43801047) |
-| China ![][flag_CN] | 6 | 1 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43804340) |
-| France ![][flag_FR] | 6 | 3 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43806191) |
-| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 5 | 6 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43808202) |
+| Saturday, 2018-07-01 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **France** ![][flag_FR] | **6** | 3 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](/community/matches/43801047) |
+| **China** ![][flag_CN] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](/community/matches/43804340) |
+| **France** ![][flag_FR] | **6** | 3 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](/community/matches/43806191) |
+| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 5 | **6** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/43808202) |
### QuarterFinals
-| Saturday, 2018-06-23 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 3 | 5 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43586102) |
-| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 5 | 2 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43587773) |
-| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 5 | 0 | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | -Win by default- |
-| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 5 | 0 | ![][flag_FI] Finland | -Win by default- |
+| Saturday, 2018-06-23 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/43586102) |
+| **Indonesia** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](/community/matches/43587773) |
+| **Poland** ![][flag_PL] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | -win by default- |
+| **Mexico** ![][flag_MX] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_FI] Finland | -win by default- |
-| Sunday, 2018-06-24 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 5 | 1 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43616653) |
-| China ![][flag_CN] | 4 | 5 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43617828) |
-| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 5 | 1 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43619288) |
-| France ![][flag_FR] | 5 | 1 | ![][flag_NO] Norway | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43620718) |
+| Sunday, 2018-06-24 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Netherlands** ![][flag_NL] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](/community/matches/43616653) |
+| China ![][flag_CN] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/43617828) |
+| **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](/community/matches/43619288) |
+| **France** ![][flag_FR] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_NO] Norway | [#1](/community/matches/43620718) |
### Round of 16
-| Sunday, 2018-06-17 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 5 | 1 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43409482) |
-| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 5 | 2 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43410578) |
-| France ![][flag_FR] | 3 | 5 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43417766) |
-| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 2 | 5 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43419190) |
-| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 5 | 3 | ![][flag_FI] Finland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43420479) |
-| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 1 | 5 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43421992) |
-| Germany ![][flag_DE] | 5 | 0 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43429726) |
-| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | 5 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43431438) |
+| Sunday, 2018-06-17 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Chile** ![][flag_CL] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](/community/matches/43409482) |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](/community/matches/43410578) |
+| France ![][flag_FR] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/43417766) |
+| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/43419190) |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_FI] Finland | [#1](/community/matches/43420479) |
+| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/43421992) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](/community/matches/43429726) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/43431438) |
### Group Stage
-| Saturday, 2018-06-09 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43191122) |
-| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 4 | 3 | ![][flag_TH] Thailand | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43191124) |
-| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43191119) |
-| France ![][flag_FR] | 3 | 4 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43192690) |
-| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43192708) |
-| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_IT] Italy | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43192715) |
-| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43192737) |
-| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43194294) |
-| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 4 | 3 | ![][flag_VN] Vietnam | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43194398) |
-| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43194365) |
-| Thailand ![][flag_TH] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_FI] Finland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43194376) |
-| Vietnam ![][flag_VN] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43196372) |
-| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 3 | 4 | ![][flag_NO] Norway | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43196368) |
-| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_FR] France | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43199750) |
-| Colombia ![][flag_CO] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_RU] Russian Federation | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43199790) |
-| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43199854) |
-| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_FR] France | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43201876) |
-| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43201717) |
-| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_FI] Finland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43201686) |
-| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_CA] Canada | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43203691) |
-| Colombia ![][flag_CO] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43203741) |
-| Sunday, 2018-06-10 | | | | |
-| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
-| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_AU] Australia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43214536) |
-| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_HK] Hong Kong | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43214539) |
-| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 3 | 4 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43215581) |
-| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43215587) |
-| Vietnam ![][flag_VN] | 3 | 4 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43216775) |
-| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 4 | 1 | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43222511) |
-| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43222518) |
-| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43224495) |
-| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43223776) |
-| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43223822) |
-| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 4 | 3 | ![][flag_AU] Australia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43225043) |
-| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43225064) |
-| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43225072) |
-| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43226599) |
-| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43226609) |
-| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43226765) |
-| Portugal ![][flag_PT] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43228029) |
-| Thailand ![][flag_TH] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43228008) |
-| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 3 | 4 | ![][flag_SE] Sweden | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43233285) |
-| Portugal ![][flag_PT] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43233278) |
-| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43233291) |
-| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | -Win by default- |
-| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43235107) |
-| Colombia ![][flag_CO] | 0 | 4 | ![][flag_NO] Norway | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43235120) |
-| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 3 | 4 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43236583) |
-| Portugal ![][flag_PT] | 1 | 4 | ![][flag_AR] Argentina | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43236588) |
-| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 2 | 4 | ![][flag_US] United States | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/43236591) |
+| Saturday, 2018-06-09 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](/community/matches/43191122) |
+| **Denmark** ![][flag_DK] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_TH] Thailand | [#1](/community/matches/43191124) |
+| Philippines ![][flag_PH] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/43191119) |
+| France ![][flag_FR] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/43192690) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/43192708) |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_IT] **Italy** | [#1](/community/matches/43192715) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/43192737) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/43194294) |
+| **Singapore** ![][flag_SG] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_VN] Vietnam | [#1](/community/matches/43194398) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/43194365) |
+| Thailand ![][flag_TH] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_FI] **Finland** | [#1](/community/matches/43194376) |
+| Vietnam ![][flag_VN] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/43196372) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_NO] **Norway** | [#1](/community/matches/43196368) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/43199750) |
+| Colombia ![][flag_CO] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](/community/matches/43199790) |
+| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/43199854) |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](/community/matches/43201876) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/43201717) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_FI] **Finland** | [#1](/community/matches/43201686) |
+| Hungary ![][flag_HU] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | [#1](/community/matches/43203691) |
+| Colombia ![][flag_CO] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](/community/matches/43203741) |
+| Sunday, 2018-06-10 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_AU] **Australia** | [#1](/community/matches/43214536) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](/community/matches/43214539) |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](/community/matches/43215581) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | [#1](/community/matches/43215587) |
+| Vietnam ![][flag_VN] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_MX] **Mexico** | [#1](/community/matches/43216775) |
+| **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_PH] Philippines | [#1](/community/matches/43222511) |
+| Poland ![][flag_PL] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/43222518) |
+| Australia ![][flag_AU] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/43224495) |
+| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/43223776) |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_PH] **Philippines** | [#1](/community/matches/43223822) |
+| **Sweden** ![][flag_SE] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_AU] Australia | [#1](/community/matches/43225043) |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/43225064) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/43225072) |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](/community/matches/43226599) |
+| Malaysia ![][flag_MY] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/43226609) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](/community/matches/43226765) |
+| Portugal ![][flag_PT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/43228029) |
+| Thailand ![][flag_TH] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](/community/matches/43228008) |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_SE] **Sweden** | [#1](/community/matches/43233285) |
+| Portugal ![][flag_PT] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/43233278) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](/community/matches/43233291) |
+| Brazil ![][flag_BR] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | -win by default- |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](/community/matches/43235107) |
+| Colombia ![][flag_CO] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_NO] **Norway** | [#1](/community/matches/43235120) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](/community/matches/43236583) |
+| Portugal ![][flag_PT] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | [#1](/community/matches/43236588) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](/community/matches/43236591) |
@@ -369,23 +363,18 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
1. The osu!catch World Cup is a country-based team tournament, played on the osu!catch game mode.
- While this competition is planned as a 3 versus 3 setup, this might change depending on the amount of incoming registrations.
2. Map scoring will use Score V2.
3. The maps for each round will be announced by the mapset selectors in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
- There will be a [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and a [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) bracket.
- One map will be given as a tiebreaker map. This map will only be played in case of a tie.
4. Match schedule will be settled by the Tournament Management (see below).
5. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
6. Failed players' scores do not get added to the team score.
- Reviving and surviving during a map is considered as passing it.
7. Use of the Visual Settings to alter background dim or disable map elements like storyboards and skins are allowed.
8. If the beatmap ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
9. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map.
- Disconnects within 30 seconds after map begin can be rematched. This is up to the referee's discretion. The played beatmap might be aborted for this.
10. Beatmaps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.
11. If less than the minimum required players attend, the maximum time the match can be postponed is 10 minutes. A 'Win by default' will be declared if there isn't enough players after this deadline.
12. Exchanging players during a match is allowed without limitations.
@@ -396,7 +385,6 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
17. Disrupting the match by foul play, picking inappropriate warmup maps (see below), insulting and provoking other players or referees, delaying the match or other deliberate inappropriate misbehavior is strictly prohibited.
18. The multiplayer chatrooms underlie the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules). All chat rules apply to the multiplayer chatrooms.
- Breaking the chat rules results in a silence. Silenced players can not participate at multiplayer matches and must be exchanged for the time being.
19. In Group stage, 'Win by default' will be considered as win by 4:0, +1.0 score difference ratio.
20. Unexpected incidences are handled by the tournament management. Referees may allow higher tolerance depending on the given circumstances. This is up to their discretion.
21. Penalties for violating the tournament rules can be:
@@ -413,23 +401,19 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
- Tournament Management will create a list of potential candidates for a country's team.
- Tournament Management declares one candidate to the captain of the country's team, albeit temporarily.
- The declared captain can form their team from the candidate list of their country.
2. To ensure valid and serious registrations, every registered user will be checked by the Tournament Management.
- Every registered user will be assigned to their respective country's candidate list.
- To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that your global osu!catch performance ranking is above 5000.
- To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that you did not violate the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) within the last 12 months.
3. All successfully formed teams will be published after the Registration Phase.
4. Only the 32 potentially strongest countries will participate. The potential strength of a country is determined by the online statistics of all valid candidates.
- If the amount of registered countries is below 32, the number might be reduced to 24, 20 or 16. The aim is always to let as many countries participate as possible!
5. Mapset selectors may not participate as a player in this tournament.
### Stage Instructions
1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
- This may change depending on how many teams are accepted into the competition at the end.
2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
- Most matches won.
@@ -439,57 +423,50 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
- In the event of a triple tie:
- Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
- Winner of the rematch.
4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
- This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this image](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
-| -----: | -------- |
+| --: | :-- |
| Round of 16 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
| Quarterfinals | I, J, K, L & R, S, T, U |
| Semifinals | M, N & V, W, X, Y, Z, AA |
-| Finals - Week 1 | O & AB, AC, AD |
-| Finals - Week 2 | AE, P, Q |
+| Finals | O & AB, AC, AD |
+| Grand Finals | AE, P, Q |
**Winning conditions:**
- - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
- - In the Round of 16 and the Quarterfinals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
- - In Semifinals, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
- - In the **Finals and Grand Finals**, you need to win 7 maps to win the match. (Best-of-13)
+ - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 maps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
+ - In the Round of 16 and the Quarterfinals, you need to win 5 maps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
+ - In Semifinals, you need to win 6 maps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
+ - In the **Finals and Grand Finals**, you need to win 7 maps to win the match. (Best-of-13)
### Match Instructions
1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 15 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
- Room settings are osu!catch, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'ScoreV2'. Room name must be "CWC 2018: (TeamRed) vs (TeamBlue)".
- The team mentioned first in the room name must be the red team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the blue team.
2. Each team is free to select up to one warm-up map. Using beatmaps with questionable content is prohibited. All maps must be osu!catch specific maps.
3. Each captain can ban **one beatmap** to be selected from the pool. These beatmaps are not allowed to be picked by any team in the entire match.
4. Beatmap selection will alternate between each captain selecting a beatmap out of the map pool.
5. Each captain must use "!roll" once in #multiplayer.
- The loser of the !roll starts banning.
- The winner of the !roll starts picking the first beatmap of the match.
6. Captains may pick freely from any bracket.
- In case of a tie, the tiebreaker map must be played.
7. Results of the Group Stage will be published via a Statistics sheet.
### Mappool Instructions
1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for the Round of 16, 1 mappool for the Quarterfinals, 1 mappool for the Semifinals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
- Finals and Grand Finals use the same mappool.
2. Each mappool consists of 4 brackets: NoMod, [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers).
3. Each mappool consists of 16 maps in total.
4. Each mappool has one tiebreaker.
5. The NoMod bracket will be played with no mods activated.
6. The Hidden, HardRock and DoubleTime bracket will be played with the respective modes activated.
- When playing a map from the HardRock or DoubleTime pool, Hidden can be used optionally by any player.
7. The tiebreaker will be played under NoMod conditions.
8. There will be 6 maps in the NoMod bracket for all stages.
9. The size of the [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [HardRock](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [DoubleTime](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) brackets will be 3 in all stages.
@@ -501,7 +478,6 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
3. All Double Elimination Stages will be held on either Saturday or Sunday, UTC+0.
4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage. Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
- In the stages Quarterfinals and higher: Please inform tournament management before Sunday, if you expect a specific time slot to be unavailable in the following week. Wishes are tried to be followed, alas no promises can be made.
5. Rescheduling after the release of the Schedule on the wiki can not be done in any circumstance.
6. Captains are responsible for their teams availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least three players for each match. If teams can not provide three players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
@@ -518,7 +494,10 @@ The osu!catch World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
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+# osu!catch World Cup
+Index page for all of the osu!catch World Cup series.
+- [1](./1 "Catch the Beat World Cup")
+- [2013](./2013 "osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2013")
+- [2014](./2014 "osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014")
+- [2015](./2015 "osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2015")
+- [2016](./2016 "osu!catch World Cup 2016")
+- [2017](./2017 "osu!catch World Cup 2017")
+- [2018](./2018 "osu!catch World Cup 2018")
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+- DeltaMax's Mania Key Smasher
+- DMX 3
+- DMX3
+# DeltaMax's Mania Key Smasher
+The **DeltaMax's Mania Key Smasher** (***DMX 3***) is a double elimination one-on-one osu!mania tournament hosted by ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263). It is the 3rd installment of the DeltaMax's Tournaments.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-09-30/2018-10-21 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-10-21 (12:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifiers Stage | 2018-11-03/2018-11-11 |
+| Group Stage | 2018-11-15/2018-11-25 |
+| Round of 16 | 2018-12-01/2018-11-02 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2018-12-07/2018-12-09 |
+| Semifinals | 2018-12-15/2018-12-16 |
+| Finals | 2019-01-05/2018-12-06 |
+| Grand Finals | 2019-01-12 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for DeltaMax's Mania Key Smasher winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the DeltaMax's Tournaments.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | Unique profile badge |
+|  | *to be decided* |
+|  | *to be decided* |
+## Organisation
+The DeltaMax's Mania Key Smasher is run by various community members.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_SG] [Raveille](/users/1388767), ![][flag_US] [\_untitld](/users/10465260), ![][flag_US] [qqqant](/users/8976576) |
+| Designer | ![][flag_DE] [Celektus](/users/4294993) |
+| Streamers | ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_MY] [Bedwyr Aorta](/users/10875855), ![][flag_US] [ITotallyGetThat](/users/8770622), ![][flag_BE] [NightNarumi](/users/4381142) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_HK] [Akali393394](/users/9686628), ![][flag_JP] [Briesmas](/users/2865172), ![][flag_AU] [Cactie](/users/5592409), ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002), ![][flag_BR] [Foxerus](/users/7479684), ![][flag_US] [ITotallyGetThat](/users/8770622), ![][flag_NL] [Jinkela](/users/5347374), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_DE] [lukili846](/users/6278008), ![][flag_US] [Raoul](/users/9924405), ![][flag_NL] [SpectreSan](/users/11310442), ![][flag_FR] [Spartan Plume](/users/2553166) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_US] [Edgar\_Figaro](/users/6508754) |
+| Statistician | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Wiki | ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/810289)
+- [DMX Discord server](https://discord.gg/CzqMnN5)
+- [Challonge brackets](https://dmx.challonge.com/DMXM)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/deltamax_tournaments)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTaYwnjoRil9gwnnlX8oPqoGNrFaiqjGe2IqgvKsDkCeTUYGOgGZIlyVH-GFRhZCkfIQ46hnGdDUy10/pubhtml)**
+## Participants
+| Seed | Members |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Top | ![][flag_MY] [cheewee10](/users/4477497), ![][flag_PL] [SitekX](/users/3840946), ![][flag_TH] [MyZterioN-](/users/8521723), ![][flag_MY] [\[MY\]xRay](/users/8287005), ![][flag_GB] [xSnaggles](/users/3799946), ![][flag_AU] [Spartan-](/users/2145124), ![][flag_TH] [-\[DaNieL\_TH\]-](/users/6456531), ![][flag_US] [HeZeuS](/users/7387788) |
+| High | ![][flag_FI] [Camopoltergeist](/users/8132964), ![][flag_FR] [DemonWaves](/users/3909293), ![][flag_TH] [BossMadWolf](/users/2772110), ![][flag_CL] [WalterToro](/users/5281416), ![][flag_PL] [Kamikaze](/users/2124783), ![][flag_TH] [HowToPlayLN](/users/10879600), ![][flag_BE] [NightNarumi](/users/4381142), ![][flag_MY] [Kibitz](/users/7418493) |
+| Low | ![][flag_VE] [Edvo](/users/8301758), ![][flag_TH] [SharpKunG1412](/users/6535376), ![][flag_PL] [Arkitev](/users/6905790), ![][flag_CA] [Freeflow](/users/2777647), ![][flag_PL] [Hlimak](/users/1340272), ![][flag_US] [Laure](/users/4565218), ![][flag_IT] [CribobFangirl](/users/2727928), ![][flag_NL] [2fast4you98](/users/5183940) |
+| Unseeded | ![][flag_SE] [Craty](/users/3918056), ![][flag_IT] [-extradoge-](/users/9135468), ![][flag_FI] [princesswell](/users/4789005), ![][flag_IT] [Kiraz](/users/3807675), ![][flag_PH] [Shiyui-](/users/9374607), ![][flag_HK] [SamsonNote7](/users/10353103), ![][flag_DE] [Orange127](/users/10244236), ![][flag_FR] [ZayyKen](/users/8624433) |
+## Groups
+| Group | Top Seed | High Seed | Low Seed | Unseeded |
+| :-: | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| **A** | ![][flag_TH] [-\[DaNieL\_TH\]-](/users/6456531) | ![][flag_FI] [Camopoltergeist](/users/8132964) | ![][flag_TH] [SharpKunG1412](/users/6535376) | ![][flag_SE] [Craty](/users/3918056) |
+| **B** | ![][flag_TH] [MyZterioN-](/users/8521723) | ![][flag_MY] [Kibitz](/users/7418493) | ![][flag_US] [Laure](/users/4565218) | ![][flag_IT] [-extradoge-](/users/9135468) |
+| **C** | ![][flag_US] [HeZeuS](/users/7387788) | ![][flag_TH] [BossMadWolf](/users/2772110) | ![][flag_CA] [Freeflow](/users/2777647) | ![][flag_FI] [princesswell](/users/4789005) |
+| **D** | ![][flag_GB] [xSnaggles](/users/3799946) | ![][flag_PL] [Kamikaze](/users/2124783) | ![][flag_PL] [Hlimak](/users/1340272) | ![][flag_DE] [Orange127](/users/10244236) |
+| **E** | ![][flag_AU] [Spartan-](/users/2145124) | ![][flag_FR] [DemonWaves](/users/3909293) | ![][flag_NL] [2fast4you98](/users/5183940) | ![][flag_FR] [ZayyKen](/users/8624433) |
+| **F** | ![][flag_PL] [SitekX](/users/3840946) | ![][flag_CL] [WalterToro](/users/5281416) | ![][flag_PL] [Arkitev](/users/6905790) | ![][flag_PH] [Shiyui-](/users/9374607) |
+| **G** | ![][flag_MY] [cheewee10](/users/4477497) | ![][flag_TH] [HowToPlayLN](/users/10879600) | ![][flag_IT] [CribobFangirl](/users/2727928) | ![][flag_IT] [Kiraz](/users/3807675) |
+| **H** | ![][flag_MY] [\[MY\]xRay](/users/8287005) | ![][flag_BE] [NightNarumi](/users/4381142) | ![][flag_VE] [Edvo](/users/8301758) | ![][flag_HK] [SamsonNote7](/users/10353103) |
+## Match Schedules: Semifinals
+### Saturday, 15 December 2018
+| Match ID | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| #1 | BossMadWolf | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_MY] | cheewee10 | **10:00 UTC** |
+| #2 | xSnaggles | ![][flag_GB] | ![][flag_PL] | SitekX | **14:00 UTC** |
+| #3 | -\[DaNieL\_TH\]- | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_FI] | Camopoltergeist | **12:00 UTC** |
+| #4 | MyZterioN- | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_MY] | \[MY\]Kibitz | **08:00 UTC** |
+### Sunday, 16 December 2018
+| Match ID | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: |
+| #5a | BossMadWolf | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_TH] | -\[DaNieL\_TH\]- | **11:00 UTC** | ¹ |
+| #5b | cheewee10 | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_TH] | -\[DaNieL\_TH\]- | **11:00 UTC** | ¹ |
+| #5c | BossMadWolf | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_FI] | Camopoltergeist | **11:00 UTC** | ¹ |
+| #5d | cheewee10 | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_FI] | Camopoltergeist | **11:00 UTC** | ¹ |
+| #6a | MyZterioN- | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_GB] | xSnaggles | **13:00 UTC** | ² |
+| #6b | \[MY\]Kibitz | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_GB] | xSnaggles | **13:00 UTC** | ² |
+| #6c | MyZterioN- | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_PL] | SitekX | **13:00 UTC** | ² |
+| #6d | \[MY\]Kibitz | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_PL] | SitekX | **13:00 UTC** | ² |
+¹ Encounter dependent on winner of Match #1 and Match #3
+² Encounter dependent on winner of Match #2 and Match #4
+## Mappools
+### Semifinals
+**[Download the mappack here! (57 MB)](https://puu.sh/CfI26/fdfcbe51c4.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [II-L - SPUTNIK-3 (Vortex-) \[SV = true;\]](/beatmapsets/849521/#mania/1776410)
+ - [LeaF - Lyrith (Vortex-) \[Amnesia\]](/beatmapsets/687280/#mania/1463532)
+ - [Zekk - Re:Construct (bumpinho) \[Extreme\]](/beatmapsets/469029/#mania/1003027)
+ - [xenothium remixed by gmtn. - Be Happy Melody -the solitary melody- (JvRyu) \[Gothic\]](/beatmapsets/440054/#mania/946943)
+ - [EBIMAYO - GOODTEK (LeiN-) \[4K Another\]](/beatmapsets/369069/#mania/808998)
+ - [C-Show - On the FM (Raspberriel) \[107.1 MHz\]](/beatmapsets/696787/#mania/1475857)
+ - [Asaka - Eternal Star (Raveille) \[Yakusoku No Eien\]](/beatmapsets/841478/#mania/1760973)
+ - [lapix - Pixel Fighter (PiraTom) \[LoNg VACATION\]](/beatmapsets/672385/#mania/1421364)
+ - [Virtual Riot - Preset Junkies VIP (Gekido-) \[Challenge\]](/beatmapsets/886857/#mania/1854039)
+ - [TheBoxX - Footsekz (Guilhermeziat) \[Handsekz\]](/beatmapsets/781053/#mania/1640495)
+ - [USAO - Dynamite (Extended Mix) (bumpinho) \[Twerk\]](/beatmapsets/589727/#mania/1248193)
+ - [SHK.o2SE - Death Moon (Guilhermeziat) \[Dawn of The Final Day\]](/beatmapsets/667301/#mania/1412004)
+ - [Keigo Hoashi & Kakeru Ishihama (MONACA) - Emil - Despair (riktoi) \[Impending Doom\]](/beatmapsets/711366/#mania/1503827)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Kaneko Chiharu - Lunar EclipsE (bumpinho) \[Bloody Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/614864/#mania/1297014)**
+### Quarterfinals
+**[Download the mappack here! (47 MB)](https://puu.sh/Cbf2V/070a9d85b1.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [Chito (CV: Minase Inori), Yuuri (CV: Kubo Yurika) - More One Night ( Assertive Hardcore Bootleg ) \[Long ver.\] (remixes00000) \[Let's Dance!!\]](/beatmapsets/815105/#mania/1709538)
+ - [Culprate - Yin (Captain) \[Shade of reality (SV)\]](/beatmapsets/684816/#mania/1449286)
+ - [Mili - Rightfully (TV Size) (TheNewBungping) \[Slayer\]](/beatmapsets/865039/#mania/1808892)
+ - [Masayoshi Minoshima - Struggle (NekoPoiLTE) \[EXHAUST\]](/beatmapsets/719448/#mania/1519285)
+ - [Hideki Naganuma "Sonic Rush" - Back 2 Back (Raveille) \[Spinnin' On\]](/beatmapsets/825064/#mania/1728923)
+ - [M2U - Mare Maris (Raveille) \[For The Brave\]](/beatmapsets/786297/#mania/1650609)
+ - [ETIA. vs. DJ DALER MEHNDI - TUNAK TUNAKSTORM (qqqant) \[DA DA DA\]](/beatmapsets/799414/#mania/1678448)
+ - [Camellia - Routing (MrAntagonizer) \[Freeway\]](/beatmapsets/725200/#mania/1531265)
+ - [goreshit - when the cicadas cry (Civilization) \[tranquility\]](/beatmapsets/789122/#mania/1656192)
+ - [Dragonforce - Fallen World (Cut ver.) (Adri) \[Power\]](/beatmapsets/888061/#mania/1856366)
+ - [Kobaryo feat. you - Aozora Gradation (2xThunder) \[Azur Lv. 16\]](/beatmapsets/444922/#mania/957195)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Rayark Sound Team - CHAOS (BossMadWolf) \[System Denied (NSV)\]](/beatmapsets/857606/#mania/1793209)**
+### Round of 16
+**[Download the mappack here! (62 MB)](https://puu.sh/C7zHS/3724d5d2fd.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [lapix - Monkey Business (lapix Remix) (ecafree2) \[test sv\]](/beatmapsets/225106/#mania/525460)
+ - [Silentroom - NULCTRL (IceDynamix) \[silent (sv) (wip)\]](/beatmapsets/880035/#mania/1840312)
+ - [yuki. - Nadeshiko Sensation (puxtu) \[HD\]](/beatmapsets/553791/#mania/1172605)
+ - [Another Infinity feat. Mayumi Morinaga - Yumeutsutsu (ExNeko) \[sample\]](/beatmapsets/703499/#mania/1489245)
+ - [naotyu- feat. Eri Sasaki - Candy Tall Woman (Raveille) \[Syrup\]](/beatmapsets/772698/#mania/1624238)
+ - [Mind Vortex - Arc (juankristal) \[Coordination\]](/beatmapsets/619512/#mania/1305835)
+ - [uma - keep on running (souzirou1000) \[LN\]](/beatmapsets/671592/#mania/1419942)
+ - [Culprate & Dicade - Pencilina (\_RamiWins\_) \[4k melody\]](/beatmapsets/840279/#mania/1758906)
+ - [succducc - me & u (qqqant) \[i love u\]](/beatmapsets/775977/#mania/1630494)
+ - [Thaehan - Doki-Doki (Adri) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/739088/#mania/1559674)
+ - [Adust Rain - Dawn (laughingcomet) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/657204/#mania/1392149)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Camellia - In Black & White (qqqant) \[Colorless\]](/beatmapsets/752413/#mania/1583976)**
+### Group Stage
+**[Download the mappack here! (45 MB)](https://puu.sh/C0fSs/c473dc366f.rar)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [Zekk - Calling (Couil) \[MX\]](/beatmapsets/855193/#mania/1787006)
+ - [a-ha - Take on me (Lada cover) (Tantei B) \[Surprising Vehicle\]](/beatmapsets/851041/#mania/1779124)
+ - [Nishikino Maki (CV:Pile) & Yazawa Nico (CV:Tokui Sora) - Zurui yo Magnetic today (Muu-chan) \[Muu's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/290598/#mania/723135)
+ - [Daisuke Ohnuma - HONG KONG KUNG-FU HURRICANE (PiraTom) \[EXHAUST\]](/beatmapsets/164899/#mania/401291)
+ - [Between August and December - Sayonara Cruel World (Reworked) (tailsdk) \[LN\]](/beatmapsets/747111/#mania/1574382)
+ - [Silent Siren - BANG!BANG!BANG! (short Ver.) (ALEFY) \[MX (no SV)\]](/beatmapsets/348778/#mania/769335)
+ - [Aphex Twin - Cock-Ver10 (Valor) \[Hard 10\]](https://osudaily.net/dl/DMAX-Groups-Tech.osz)
+ - [a crowd of rebellion - M1917 (Fontes) \[Fontes' Insane\]](/beatmapsets/552868/#mania/1288460)
+ - [Inspector K - Disconnected Hardkore (CanBlaster Remix) (Wh1teh) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/403450/#mania/878056)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Evil Scarecrow - End Level Boss (Pope Gadget) \[Robototron's Revenge\]](/beatmapsets/609536/#mania/1287224)**
+## Match Results
+### Quarterfinals
+| Friday, 2018-12-07 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **SitekX** ![][flag_PL] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MY] \[MY\]xRay | [#1](/community/matches/47934372) |
+| Camopoltergeist ![][flag_FI] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_GB] **xSnaggles** | [#1](/community/matches/47936485) |
+| **Camopoltergeist** ![][flag_FI] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_PL] Arkitev | [#1](/community/matches/47937650) |
+| Saturday, 2018-12-08 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| \[MY\]Kibitz ![][flag_MY] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **BossMadWolf** | -win by default- |
+| DemonWaves ![][flag_FR] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_MY] **cheewee10** | [#1](/community/matches/47957899) |
+| DemonWaves ![][flag_FR] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **MyZterioN-** | [#1](/community/matches/47958955) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-09 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| \[MY\]xRay ![][flag_MY] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **-\[DaNieL\_TH\]-** | -win by default- |
+| **\[MY\]Kibitz** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_IT] CribobFanGirl | -win by default- |
+### Round of 16
+| Saturday, 2018-12-01 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| -\[DaNieL\_TH\]- ![][flag_TH] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_MY] **\[MY\]Kibitz** | [#1](/community/matches/47793754) |
+| **BossMadWolf** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_DE] Orange127 | [#1](/community/matches/47798392) |
+| **DemonWaves** ![][flag_FR] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_PL] Arkitev | [#1](/community/matches/47801370) |
+| **Camopoltergeist** ![][flag_FI] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_TH] MyZterion- | [#1](/community/matches/47799649) |
+| Freeflow ![][flag_CA] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_GB] **xSnaggles** | [#1](/community/matches/47812551) |
+| Spartan- ![][flag_AU] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_PL] **SitekX** | [#1](/community/matches/47795284) |
+| CribobFanGirl ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_MY] **\[MY\]xRay** | -win by default- |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-02 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **cheewee10** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_BE] NightNarumi | [#1](/community/matches/47828128) |
+| **-\[DaNieL\_TH\]-** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_DE] Orange127 | -win by default- |
+| **Arkitev** ![][flag_PL] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_BE] NightNarumi | [#1](/community/matches/47833836) |
+| **MyZtreioN-** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_CA] Freeflow | [#1](/community/matches/47824072) |
+| Spartan- ![][flag_AU] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_IT] **CribobFanGirl** | [#1](/community/matches/47828162) |
+### Group Stage
+| Group | Thursday, 2018-11-15 | | | | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| D5 | **Orange127** ![][flag_DE] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_PL] Kamikaze | [#1](/community/matches/47442005) |
+| Group | Friday, 2018-11-16 | | | | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| D3 | **xSnaggles** ![][flag_GB] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_PL] Kamikaze | [#1](/community/matches/47462318) |
+| D1 | Kamikaze ![][flag_PL] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Hlimak** | [#1](/community/matches/47463523) |
+| F6 | Arkitev ![][flag_PL] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **SitekX** | [#1](/community/matches/47466804) |
+| Group | Saturday, 2018-11-17 | | | | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| C1 | **BossMadWolf** ![][flag_TH] | **4** | 1 | ![][flag_CA] Freeflow | [#1](/community/matches/47476674) |
+| C3 | HeZeuS ![][flag_US] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_TH] **BossMadWolf** | [#1](/community/matches/47665983) |
+| B1 | **\[MY\]Kibitz** ![][flag_MY] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_US] Laure | -win by default- |
+| B3 | **MyZterioN-** ![][flag_TH] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_MY] \[MY\]Kibitz | [#1](/community/matches/47481738) |
+| A3 | **-\[DaNieL\_TH\]-** ![][flag_TH] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_FI] Camopoltergeist | [#1](/community/matches/47484043) |
+| H6 | Edvo ![][flag_VE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MY] **\[MY\]xRay** | [#1](/community/matches/47484066) |
+| B2 | -extradoge- ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_TH] **MyZterioN-** | -win by default- |
+| A1 | **Camopoltergeist** ![][flag_FI] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] SharpKunG1412 | [#1](/community/matches/47486596) |
+| A2 | Craty ![][flag_SE] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_TH] **-\[DaNieL\_TH\]-** | [#1](/community/matches/47487102) |
+| D2 | Orange127 ![][flag_DE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] **xSnaggles** | [#1](/community/matches/47644196) |
+| C2 | princesswell ![][flag_FI] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_US] **HeZeuS** | [#1](/community/matches/47491958) |
+| F4 | **Arkitev** ![][flag_PL] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_PH] Shiyui- | [#1](/community/matches/47493314) |
+| F1 | WalterToro ![][flag_CL] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **Arkitev** | [#1](/community/matches/47496935) |
+| Group | Sunday, 2018-11-18 | | | | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| B6 | Laure ![][flag_US] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_TH] **MyZterioN-** | -win by default- |
+| A6 | SharpKunG1412 ![][flag_TH] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_TH] **-\[DaNieL\_TH\]-** | [#1](/community/matches/47512665) |
+| A4 | **SharpKunG1412** ![][flag_TH] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_SE] Craty | [#1](/community/matches/47514081) |
+| H3 | **\[MY\]xRay** ![][flag_MY] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_BE] NightNarumi | [#1](/community/matches/47514084) |
+| A5 | Craty ![][flag_SE] | 3 | **4** | ![][flag_FI] **Camopoltergeist** | [#1](/community/matches/47516414) |
+| B5 | -extradoge- ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MY] **\[MY\]Kibitz** | [#1](/community/matches/47516561) |
+| C5 | princesswell ![][flag_FI] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_TH] **BossMadWolf** | [#1](/community/matches/47516566) |
+| D4 | Hlimak ![][flag_PL] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **Orange127** | [#1](/community/matches/47675182) |
+| D6 | Hlimak ![][flag_PL] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] **xSnaggles** | [#1](/community/matches/47519272) |
+| C4 | **Freeflow** ![][flag_CA] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_FI] princesswell | [#1](/community/matches/47523469) |
+| B4 | Laure ![][flag_US] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_IT] **-extradoge-** | -win by default- |
+| C6 | **Freeflow** ![][flag_CA] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_US] HeZeuS | -win by default- |
+| Group | Saturday, 2018-11-24 | | | | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| F5 | **Shiyui-** ![][flag_PH] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_CL] WalterToro | [#1](/community/matches/47637510) |
+| H2 | SamsonNote7 ![][flag_HK] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MY] **\[MY\]xRay** | -win by default- |
+| E2 | ZayyKen ![][flag_FR] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_AU] **Spartan-** | [#1](/community/matches/47640936) |
+| E3 | Spartan- ![][flag_AU] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **DemonWaves** | [#1](/community/matches/47641823) |
+| G3 | **cheewee10** ![][flag_MY] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] HowToPlayLN | [#1](/community/matches/47641837) |
+| G2 | Kiraz ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MY] **cheewee10** | -win by default- |
+| E1 | **DemonWaves** ![][flag_FR] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_NL] 2fast4you98 | [#1](/community/matches/47644315) |
+| F2 | Shiyui- ![][flag_PH] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_PL] **SitekX** | [#1](/community/matches/47644341) |
+| G1 | HowToPlayLN ![][flag_TH] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_IT] **CribobFanGirl** | [#1](/community/matches/47645683) |
+| F3 | **SitekX** ![][flag_PL] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_CL] WalterToro | [#1](/community/matches/47651566) |
+| H1 | **NightNarumi** ![][flag_BE] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_VE] Edvo | -win by default- |
+| Group | Sunday, 2018-11-25 | | | | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| G5 | Kiraz ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_TH] **HowToPlayLN** | -win by default- |
+| G6 | CribobFanGirl ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_MY] **cheewee10** | [#1](/community/matches/47670695) |
+| H5 | SamsonNote7 ![][flag_HK] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_BE] NightNarumi | -win by default- |
+| E6 | 2fast4you98 ![][flag_NL] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_AU] **Spartan-** | -win by default- |
+| H4 | **Edvo** ![][flag_VE] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_HK] SamsonNote7 | -win by default- |
+| E4 | 2fast4you98 ![][flag_NL] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **ZayyKen** | -win by default- |
+| G4 | **CribobFanGirl** ![][flag_IT] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_IT] Kiraz | [#1](/community/matches/47676716) |
+## Ruleset
+### Tournament Scheduling
+1. The tournament begins on the 3rd of November, and its runtime will be until 12th of January.
+2. Rescheduling may be done as long as the player asking for it can provide proof that both players agreed to it to the tournaments management.
+3. If a player refuses to communicate with a reschedule, the staff may issue the reschedule without the consent of said player.
+4. Matches will be played on weekends, unless rescheduled otherwise.
+5. Reschedules can be made to weekdays, subject to referee availability.
+### Tournament Bracket
+1. The tournament begins with a Qualifiers Stage, for which the top 32 will go through, to go to a Group Stage, which decide the matches for the double-elimination bracket.
+2. Group Stage will be played as BO7.
+3. Round of 16 will be played as BO9.
+4. Quarterfinals will be played as BO9.
+5. Semifinals will be played as BO11.
+6. Finals and Grand Finals will be played as BO13.
+### Mappool And Map Rules
+1. Mappools will consist of:
+ - 4 FreeMod for Qualifiers Stage.
+ - *to be decided* for Knockout Stage.
+2. Players will have 2 bans for each match.
+3. In the Tiebreaker beatmap players may choose between all mods available in the multiplayer lobby besides DoubleTime/Nightcore, HalfTime, NoFail and Easy.
+### Match Rules And Instructions
+1. The referee of the match will create a lobby and invite the players of the matchup into a multiplayer lobby 10 minutes before the scheduled match time.
+2. Win condition will be set to **ScoreV2**, and the lobby type will be **Head to Head**.
+3. Once both players are in the lobby, the match begins. A player will be automatically given a loss if 10 minutes without said player showing up for the match. The player may apply for more time beforehand with the referee’s approval.
+4. If neither player shows up to the match in time, both players will be given a loss.
+5. The winner of a map is decided by score as per the mp-link of the match. Failed scores will be treated as lower than not-failed scores.
+6. For the beginning of the match, both players may at will select a warmup map before the actual match begins. Order of warmups will be decided by the highest roller. Warmups are not allowed during Group Stage.
+7. Warmup maps must be less than 5 minutes of length.
+8. The highest roller will have the first pick, and the lowest roller will have the first ban.
+9. Ban alternation will be used. Here is how it works:
+ - Lowest roller -> Highest roller -> Lowest roller -> Highest roller.
+10. Bans and picks will always be after the warmup, and we’ll always start with the bans.
+11. In the case of a tie, the Tiebreaker will be played.
+### Situational Match Rules
+1. If a player were to disconnect in a non-warmup beatmap within the first 30 seconds, the beatmap will be replayed. However, this may only happen once in a match per player. Any repeated disconnects will count as a map forfeit.
+2. In the case of a tie, the beatmap will not be scored and may be picked again in the future, the picking order will remain the same. In the case of a Tiebreaker tie, the Tiebreaker will be replayed.
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+[flag_PL]: /wiki/shared/flag/PL.gif
+[flag_SE]: /wiki/shared/flag/SE.gif
+[flag_SG]: /wiki/shared/flag/SG.gif
+[flag_TH]: /wiki/shared/flag/TH.gif
+[flag_US]: /wiki/shared/flag/US.gif
+[flag_VE]: /wiki/shared/flag/VE.gif
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+# DeltaMax
+Index page for all of the DeltaMax series.
+- [Taiko Oni Overlord](./2 "DeltaMax's Taiko Oni Overlord")
+- [Mania Key Smasher](./3 "DeltaMax's Mania Key Smasher")
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+- European Taiko Tournament 2018
+- EUTT 2018
+- EUTT2018
+# European Taiko Tournament 2018
+The **European Taiko Tournament 2018** (***EUTT 2018***) was a European double elimination one-on-one osu!taiko tournament hosted by ![][flag_US] [Backfire](/users/263110). It was the 1st installment of the European Taiko Tournament.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-10-08/2018-10-27 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-10-28 (13:00 UTC) |
+| Round of 32 | 2018-11-03/2018-11-04 |
+| Round of 16 | 2018-11-10/2018-11-11 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2018-11-17/2018-11-18 |
+| Semifinals | 2018-11-24/2018-11-25 |
+| Finals | 2018-12-01/2018-12-02 |
+| Grand Finals | 2018-12-07/2018-12-09 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for European Taiko Tournament 2018 winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the European Taiko Tournament.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 15€, unique profile badge |
+|  | 10€ |
+|  | 5€ |
+## Organisation
+The European Taiko Tournament 2018 was run by various osu!taiko community members.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_US] [Backfire](/users/263110), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_DE] [Nepuri](/users/6637817), ![][flag_SE] [Raphalge](/users/3918650), ![][flag_US] [Backfire](/users/263110) |
+| Streamer | ![][flag_DE] [Heamburger](/users/4705120) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_SE] [Raphalge](/users/3918650), ![][flag_GB] [Faithful](/users/8283935), ![][flag_US] [Das](/users/3165416), ![][flag_NZ] [sparxe](/users/5750235), ![][flag_US] [Backfire](/users/263110) |
+| Designers | ![][flag_US] [Backfire](/users/263110), ![][flag_FI] [Micro](/users/4801080) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_AU] [Cactie](/users/5592409), ![][flag_JP] [Briesmas](/users/2865172), ![][flag_US] [Backfire](/users/263110), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Statistician | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Wiki | ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/813769)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osutaikolive)
+- [EUTT Discord server](https://discord.gg/5jb2eun)
+- [Challonge brackets](https://challonge.com/4lhs6ms)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ70QVoohFSUWL_InYhTzJ-I7kG56EnIcXRfgAGw9ciHVkQSp3JJfDcQHwi8xnbKWnKCWZlbuxsvzaW/pubhtml)**
+## Participants
+| Seed | Members |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Top | ![][flag_GB] [goheegy](/users/8057655), ![][flag_IT] [Ikkun](/users/1059945), ![][flag_ES] [AlvaroYL](/users/6333166), ![][flag_IT] [D3kuu](/users/7807444), ![][flag_TR] [frukoyurdakul](/users/7612550), ![][flag_FR] [Yona la loutre](/users/7930622), ![][flag_GB] [Horiiizon](/users/8071438), ![][flag_PT] [BabySnakes](/users/4669728) |
+| High | ![][flag_DE] [Zetera](/users/587737), ![][flag_UA] [Don Omar](/users/689414), ![][flag_PL] [Acrith](/users/389880), ![][flag_CH] [Oui](/users/5538419), ![][flag_RU] [Naninub](/users/8188876), ![][flag_DE] [-Leafeon](/users/6956922), ![][flag_DE] [lukili846](/users/6278008), ![][flag_DE] [jleste](/users/8275687) |
+| Low | ![][flag_RU] [DayzeekFeed](/users/5009970), ![][flag_GB] [Teezel](/users/7528639), ![][flag_GB] [Lno](/users/1900787), ![][flag_RU] [night\_flower](/users/11574707), ![][flag_GB] [Grimbow](/users/1387762), ![][flag_AT] [animexamera](/users/7511357), ![][flag_FR] [Chernobog](/users/3317042), ![][flag_FR] [maximaxiU](/users/4069690) |
+| Bottom | ![][flag_PL] [\_SC0RP10N](/users/9511518), ![][flag_EE] [Kizma](/users/8325847), ![][flag_GB] [Ali161102](/users/7582420), ![][flag_PL] [Agresywny Arbuz](/users/7056658), ![][flag_SV] [\[Carl S\]](/users/6230047), ![][flag_DE] [Capu](/users/2474015), ![][flag_GB] [ControlPro](/users/10633982), ![][flag_ES] [alexinet232](/users/5250153) |
+## Podium
+This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:
+| Placing | Team(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | ![][flag_GB] [goheegy](/users/8057655) |
+|  | ![][flag_IT] [Ikkun](/users/1059945) |
+|  | ![][flag_ES] [AlvaroYL](/users/6333166) |
+## Mappools
+### Grand Finals
+**[Download the mappack here! (102 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!wkdSAQpZ!j7J6phL3sZnuhBOjhWeS9yoVMpfpCA8TiZSP11McLsg)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Yuzuki Yukari MAYU - Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain (cagalin, seiichiz) \[Collab pain\]](/beatmapsets/308407/#taiko/689693)
+ - [DJ Myosuke - Behemoth (agu) \[Nightmare Oni\]](/beatmapsets/879183/#taiko/1838648)
+ - [katagiri - Meshimase!! Nyan-Nyan Nightmare (Shallty) \[Nyan Nyan\]](/beatmapsets/881574/#taiko/1843187)
+- NoMod EX
+ - [150P - Nisemono Chuuihou (Zetera) \[Majin Oni\]](/beatmapsets/747785#taiko/1575566)
+ - [Cranky - Ran (tasuke912) \[TAIKO-HOLIC\]](/beatmapsets/789553/#taiko/1656937)
+- Hidden
+ - [Rotteen - VEC LEGGENDARIA (TKS) \[Hell Oni\]](/beatmapsets/472627/#taiko/1009830)
+ - [kamome sano - Prepared Improvisation (tasuke912) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/556358/#taiko/1177487)
+- HardRock
+ - [BLUE ENCOUNT - HOPE(Speed Up ver.) (Shallty) \[Hope Oni\]](/beatmapsets/747842/#taiko/1575675)
+ - [Zekk - Sugary Daydream (TKS) \[Hell Oni\]](/beatmapsets/578489/#taiko/1224835)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [darkbluecat - Recordar (z411 remix) ft. Hatsune Miku (-Kazu-) \[Dysthemia\]](/beatmapsets/611904/#taiko/1733313)
+ - [Camellia feat. Nanahira - Amor De Verao (Tofu1222) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/746316/#taiko/1573005)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu -Gekijouban- (oiu850714) \[Taiko Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/56778/#taiko/171528)
+ - [Reizoko Cj - Dark Side (\_Rise) \[Rising Hatred\]](/beatmapsets/503140/#taiko/1070638)
+ - [TAROLIN - world.\[NOT\].excuse(nxc); (applerss) \[world.execute(me);\]](/beatmapsets/724063/#taiko/1528895)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[RYUWAVE - RECOMPENSE NOIR (applerss) \[Darkness\]](/beatmapsets/700876/#taiko/1483626)**
+### Finals
+**[Download the mappack here! (67 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!dkEAHKIS!2CVFumwsaLgc9xcL6qCjFe2LC_zaTCUBbpnYTM9HHHI)**
+- NoMod
+ - [The Flashbulb - Lawn Wake IX (yassu-) \[Chaos Oni\]](/beatmapsets/662638/#taiko/1402653)
+ - [Ennnn - Weyheyhey !! Darling! (rezi888, KitajimaYN) \[Rezi & Yuni's Taiko\]](/beatmapsets/814524/#taiko/1708066)
+ - [Rainbowdragoneyes - Gods Of War 2007 - 2010 (Nofool) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/831241/#taiko/1741497)
+- NoMod EX
+ - [Katagiri - Katagiri (7\_7) \[Katagiri\]](/beatmapsets/734434/#taiko/1549622)
+ - [Zekk - Swampgator (yyyyyyyyyyypetu) \[Pe'z Extra\]](/beatmapsets/760492/#taiko/1599424)
+- Hidden
+ - [hanacco - Uchiage Hanabi, Doko kara Mirunen w (KitajimaYN) \[KTYN'S LATE FIRE\]](/beatmapsets/815747/#taiko/1759646)
+ - [Power of Nature - Oriental Mesia (goheegy) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/760370/#taiko/1599190)
+- HardRock
+ - [t+pazolite - Muzik Overload (vzk) \[OVERLOAD\]](/beatmapsets/703640/#taiko/1488655)
+ - [Rotteen - UR Way (Coryn) \[Inner Owoni\]](/beatmapsets/819308/#taiko/1717773)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [sasakure.UK - Atropos (tasuke912) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/371179/#taiko/813293)
+ - [Touno Sakura - PRIZM/CIRCUiT (yassu-) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/581045/#taiko/1230038)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Warak - Cosmic Invaders (strickluke, Astolfo) \[Collab Invasion\]](/beatmapsets/753366/#taiko/1586086)
+ - [Tina Cousins - Hymn (Nightcore Mix) (Aloda) \[Difficulty\]](/beatmapsets/696467/#taiko/1475287)
+ - [t+pazolite - Electric Butterfly (MetalStream) \[Level 01: A Natural Butterfly\]](/beatmapsets/744469/#taiko/1569679)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Xenon - ?63HiiraossHuikgoeH53? (-Kazu-, -\[ ix Ishida xi \]-) \[?InnerrOnI?\]](/beatmapsets/816062/#taiko/1711365)**
+### Semifinals
+**[Download the mappack here! (57 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!E4NDUSjQ!LWW10DnDnIPKeADOaeiQpBs9cA32N8fEfrZgfHa2i_8)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Cardboard Box - ++ (Grimbow) \[Grim's N+\]](/beatmapsets/572069/#taiko/1213129)
+ - [Jin Senbonmatsu - Rock to Infinity (agu) \[Ura Oni\]](/beatmapsets/744693/#taiko/1570080)
+ - [t+pazolite - Kahatare doki no y waku (Best\_lolicon) \[BLc Oni\]](/beatmapsets/815677/#taiko/1710664)
+- NoMod EX
+ - [Nightmare - Boulafacet (Skull Kid) \[Madness\]](/beatmapsets/758439/#taiko/1595346)
+ - [Lulickma - Vacuum Cleaner (7\_7) \[Souziki\]](/beatmapsets/685280/#taiko/1450263)
+- Hidden
+ - [Kokomochi - Dainsleif (Osamix) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/707964/#taiko/1496859)
+ - [DOUBLE HELIX - Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix) (ztrike) \[zt's Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/592748/#taiko/1254160)
+- HardRock
+ - [Nato - Yog-Sototh (guro) \[Outer God\]](/beatmapsets/704640/#taiko/1490596)
+ - [katagiri - Lu\*nya\*cy Act 2017 (HEKUSODASU) \[KUSOni\]](/beatmapsets/835131/#taiko/1749181)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Eve - Outsider (Raphalge) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/802114/#taiko/1683531)
+ - [Shiron - Lunartic Dial (eterpay) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/556533/#taiko/1178428)
+- FreeMod
+ - [AAAA Chazuke - Hop Step Adventure\* (TKS) \[Special\*\]](/beatmapsets/466471/#taiko/998269)
+ - [Kaneko Chiharu - Yuki Onna (sing216) \[Frozen Oni\]](/beatmapsets/650949/#taiko/1379236)
+ - [4nzu - Super Jackie (7\_7) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/757347/#taiko/1593257)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Kobaryo - Galaxy Friends (tpz Overheat Remix) (7\_7) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/817306/#taiko/1713881)**
+### Quarterfinals
+**[Download the mappack here! (91 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!448hnILB!CBkDuC8rPC1ZMboTt0eydpzyPZ2R4i-0cEwGl6OhAjo)**
+- NoMod
+ - [The Black Dahlia Murder - What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse (xEchoAlertx) \[Simon's Quest\]](/beatmapsets/637265/#taiko/1352024)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Despair of ELFERIA (Arrival) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/624568/#taiko/1316346)
+ - [Soleily - Silent Rush (MTDex) \[Silence\]](/beatmapsets/814550/#taiko/1708108)
+- NoMod EX
+ - [yadorigi - PoppinCats!! (ztrike) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/847810/#taiko/1772999)
+ - [you - Hold Angel (Nishizumi) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/381103/#taiko/1193146)
+- Hidden
+ - [Remo Prototype \[CV: Hanamori Yumiri\] - Sendan Life (newyams99) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/452098#taiko/969783)
+ - [Chito (CV: Minase Inori), Yuuri (CV: Kubo Yurika) - More One Night (Assertive Hardcore Bootleg) \[long ver.\] (yyyyyyyyyyypetu) \[pet pok Night\]](/beatmapsets/738394/#taiko/1558347)
+- HardRock
+ - [t+pazolite - Sneak Snake (R e i R i, R i n g o) \[Reiri & Ringo's Taiko\]](/beatmapsets/304570/#taiko/682323)
+ - [MASAKI - Scarlet Lance (ll-oscar) \[ll-taiko\]](/beatmapsets/725296/#taiko/1531405)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [LeaF - Chronostasis (DakeDekaane) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/193469/#taiko/459654)
+ - [Miku Sawai - Colorful.(Asterisk DnB Remix) (Charlotte) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/672223/#taiko/1421041)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Rainbowdragoneyes - Thrashbaath (Nofool) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/660882/#taiko/1399261)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Good-Bye Chalon (Saturnalize) \[Kindred\]](/beatmapsets/801994/#taiko/1683339)
+ - [DJ Shimamura - Blaze it UP! (scumjunk) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/594809/#taiko/1257995)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[sanj - last minute (sakuraburst remix) (\[Zeth\]) \[the withering existance\]](/beatmapsets/835011/#taiko/1748990)**
+### Round of 16
+**[Download the mappack here! (71 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!F90mjIgD!u2mYXJ5oyEWcwnzEYyXOHg0s5y7sfp69AKYYf_2_IOs)**
+- NoMod
+ - [ILA - Devil In Wonderland (ZethZ161) \[Adventure!\]](/beatmapsets/691057/#taiko/1462461)
+ - [Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Scream Hard as You Can (SKSalt) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/435096/#taiko/937321)
+ - [nmk - sola (Ak1o) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/740805/#taiko/1562772)
+- NoMod EX
+ - [Croove - BRAIN STORM (Trapmaniac) \[Ura Oni\]](/beatmapsets/807990/#taiko/1695649)
+ - [C-Show - Invitation from Mr.C (myckoll) \[MyckOni\]](/beatmapsets/543554/#taiko/1152078)
+- Hidden
+ - [BlackY - JEHANNEDARC (komasy) \[INNER ONI\]](/beatmapsets/633361/#taiko/1344250)
+ - [Chouchou P - White Prism (zkane2) \[Rainbow \[EUTT\]\]](http://puu.sh/BW9eQ/9b094f23bc.osz)
+- HardRock
+ - [CyoucyoP feat.Hatsune Miku - End of the World (TKS) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/215476/#taiko/506018)
+ - [USAO - Miracle 5ympho X (Gezoda) \[Gezo's Giga Oni\]](/beatmapsets/137394/#taiko/486191)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [mafumafu - Yume no Mata Yume (newyams99) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/507212/#taiko/1078887)
+ - [ClariS - Connect (Nardoxyribonucleic) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/539122/#taiko/1142412)
+- FreeMod
+ - [ginkiha - eastward (yuzu\_\_rinrin) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/630364/#taiko/1332295)
+ - [yumemidoll - Lyrith -Meikyuu Lyrith- (Rhytoly) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/704195/#taiko/1489676)
+ - [Ryu\* - Sakura Mirage (TKS) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/296406/#taiko/665527)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[SANY-ON - BREAK RAIKORE (Backfire) \[Taikocalypse\]](/beatmapsets/307533/#taiko/687999)**
+### Round of 32
+- NoMod
+ - [Kola Kid - Spaceman (Kokatsu) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/67703/#taiko/282927)
+ - [t+pazolite - MEGAMEGA CUTiE BREAKiN'!!!!!!!!z (R i n g o) \[Ringo's Taiko\]](/beatmapsets/138797/#taiko/346597)
+ - [Jun.A - Shoujo Kisou Kyoku \~ Dream Battle (Consified) \[Elysium\]](/beatmapsets/826788/#taiko/1732686)
+- NoMod EX
+ - [S.S.H - BassTest (Ak1o) \[TEST\]](/beatmapsets/666764/#taiko/1411059)
+ - [RoughSketch ft. Aikapin & Chiyoko - Hansel and Gretel (Taka030) \[Another Story\]](/beatmapsets/758796/#taiko/1595992)
+- Hidden
+ - [Chito(CV:Minase Inori), Yuuri(CV:Kubo Yurika) - Ugoku Ugoku(YUKIYANAGI Remix) (rezi888) \[Taiko\]](/beatmapsets/703805/#taiko/1488954)
+ - [Himeringo - Yotsuya-san ni Yoroshiku (OnosakiHito) \[Ono's Taiko Oni\]](/beatmapsets/100049/#taiko/351995)
+- HardRock
+ - [Nekomata Gekidan - AsiaN distractive (TKS) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/672802/#taiko/1422127)
+ - [44teru-k - F.I (lepidopodus) \[lepido! - Taiko Oni\]](/beatmapsets/25828/#taiko/125530)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [senya - Glass-like Psychology (spboxer3) \[Sp3's Taiko\]](/beatmapsets/47713/#taiko/149128)
+ - [fripSide - black bullet (Nardoxyribonucleic) \[Nardo's Oni\]](/beatmapsets/80747/#taiko/404232)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Sariyajin - Ao no Senritsu (qoot8123) \[qoot8123's Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/124500/#taiko/361867)
+ - [L.E.D.-G - EXUSIA (XK2238) \[XK's Taiko Oni\]](/beatmapsets/55040/#taiko/196546)
+ - [LindaAI-CUE - Norudon2000 (OnosakiHito) \[Ura Oni\]](/beatmapsets/335229/#taiko/744297)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[umio - one leaf (eiri-) \[photosynthesis\]](/beatmapsets/825983#taiko/1731215)**
+## Match Results
+### Grand Finals
+| Friday, 2018-02-07 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Ikkun** ![][flag_IT] | **6** | 3 | ![][flag_ES] AlvaroYL | [#1](/community/matches/47942813) |
+| Sunday, 2018-02-09 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **goheegy** ![][flag_GB] | **6** | 0 | ![][flag_IT] Ikkun | [#1](/community/matches/47995456) |
+### Finals
+| Saturday, 2018-12-01 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **goheegy** ![][flag_GB] | **6** | 2 | ![][flag_IT] Ikkun | [#1](/community/matches/47806853) |
+| **AlvaroYL** ![][flag_ES] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_FR] Yona la loutre | [#1](/community/matches/47804859) |
+| **BabySnakes** ![][flag_PT] | **6** | 1 | ![][flag_TR] frukoyurdakul | [#1](/community/matches/47812555) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-02 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **AlvaroYL** ![][flag_ES] | **6** | 2 | ![][flag_PT] BabySnakes | [#1](/community/matches/47838607) |
+### Semifinals
+| Saturday, 2018-11-24 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Yona la loutre** ![][flag_FR] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_PL] Acrith | [#1](/community/matches/47643110) |
+| D3kuu ![][flag_IT] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_RU] **DayzeekFeed** | -win by default- |
+| **BabySnakes** ![][flag_PT] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_DE] Zetera | [#1](/community/matches/47647975) |
+| **Horiiizon** ![][flag_GB] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_GB] Lno | -win by default- |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-25 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Yona la loutre** ![][flag_FR] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_RU] DayzeekFeed | [#1](/community/matches/47673741) |
+| frukoyurdakul ![][flag_TR] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_GB] **goheegy** | [#1](/community/matches/47676655) |
+| **Ikkun** ![][flag_IT] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_ES] AlvaroYL | [#1](/community/matches/47678634) |
+| BabySnakes ![][flag_PT] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_GB] Horiiizon | [#1](/community/matches/47682738) |
+### Quarterfinals
+| Saturday, 2018-11-17 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Yona la loutre ![][flag_FR] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_GB] **goheegy** | -win by default- |
+| Horiiizon ![][flag_GB] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_IT] **Ikkun** | [#1](/community/matches/47489874) |
+| **lukili846** ![][flag_DE] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_AT] animexamera | [#1](/community/matches/47496896) |
+| **Acrith** ![][flag_PL] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_RU] Naninub | [#1](/community/matches/47492274) |
+| Oui ![][flag_CH] | 0 | 0 | ![][flag_GB] Teezel | -nullified- |
+| **DayzeekFeed** ![][flag_RU] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_FR] Chernobog | [#1](/community/matches/47497153) |
+| Don Omar ![][flag_UA] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_PL] **\_SC0RP10N** | -win by default- |
+| **Lno** ![][flag_GB] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_GB] Grimbow | [#1](/community/matches/47493556) |
+| **-Leafeon** ![][flag_DE] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_RU] night\_flower | [#1](/community/matches/47493638) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-18 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| D3kuu ![][flag_IT] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_TR] **frukoyurdakul** | [#1](/community/matches/47520607) |
+| BabySnakes ![][flag_PT] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_ES] **AlvaroYL** | [#1](/community/matches/47521716) |
+| **Zetera** ![][flag_DE] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_FR] maximaxiU | [#1](/community/matches/47517887) |
+| **lukili846** ![][flag_DE] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_PL] Acrith | [#1](/community/matches/47525243) |
+| Oui ![][flag_CH] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_RU] **DayzeekFeed** | -win by default- |
+| \_SC0RP10N ![][flag_PL] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_DE] **Zetera** | [#1](/community/matches/47519362) |
+| **Lno** ![][flag_GB] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_DE] -Leafeon | [#1](/community/matches/47520619) |
+### Round of 16
+| Saturday, 2018-11-10 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **D3kuu** ![][flag_IT] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_DE] -Leafeon | [#1](/community/matches/47332883) |
+| **frukoyurdakul** ![][flag_TR] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_GB] Lno | -win by default- |
+| **Yona la loutre** ![][flag_FR] | **4** | 3 | ![][flag_DE] Zetera | [#1](/community/matches/47327934) |
+| **goheegy** ![][flag_GB] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_UA] Don Omar | -win by default- |
+| **Horiiizon** ![][flag_GB] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_RU] DayzeekFeed | [#1](/community/matches/47334956) |
+| **Ikkun** ![][flag_IT] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_CH] Oui | [#1](/community/matches/47336823) |
+| **BabySnakes** ![][flag_PT] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_PL] Acrith | [#1](/community/matches/47329721) |
+| Agresywny Arbuz ![][flag_PL] | 2 | **4** | ![][flag_AT] **animexamera** | [#1](/community/matches/47331263) |
+| \[Carl S\] ![][flag_SV] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_RU] **Naninub** | -win by default- |
+| Kizma ![][flag_EE] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] **Teezel** | [#1](/community/matches/47325581) |
+| Ali161102 ![][flag_GB] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **Chernobog** | [#1](/community/matches/47336910) |
+| **\_SC0RP10N** ![][flag_PL] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_DE] jleste | -win by default- |
+| Capu ![][flag_DE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_FR] **maximaxiU** | [#1](/community/matches/47329509) |
+| alexinet232 ![][flag_ES] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_GB] Grimbow | [#1](/community/matches/47331393) |
+| ControlPro ![][flag_GB] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_RU] night\_flower | [#1](/community/matches/47332907) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-11 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **AlvaroYL** ![][flag_ES] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_DE] lukili846 | [#1](/community/matches/47356264) |
+### Round of 32
+| Saturday, 2018-11-03 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **D3kuu** ![][flag_IT] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_PL] Agresywny Arbuz | [#1](/community/matches/47173837) |
+| animexamera ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_DE] **-Leafeon** | [#1](/community/matches/47183611) |
+| frukoyurdakul ![][flag_TR] | 0 | 0 | ![][flag_SV] \[Carl S\] | -nullified- |
+| **Lno** ![][flag_GB] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_RU] Naninub | [#1](/community/matches/47176732) |
+| **Yona la loutre** ![][flag_FR] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_EE] Kizma | [#1](/community/matches/47178332) |
+| **Zetera** ![][flag_DE] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_GB] Teezel | [#1](/community/matches/47182397) |
+| **goheegy** ![][flag_GB] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_GB] Ali161102 | [#1](/community/matches/47173854) |
+| **Don Omar** ![][flag_UA] | **4** | 2 | ![][flag_FR] Chernobog | [#1](/community/matches/47175042) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-04 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Horiiizon** ![][flag_GB] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_PL] \_SC0RP10N | [#1](/community/matches/47204200) |
+| jleste ![][flag_DE] | 1 | **4** | ![][flag_RU] **DayzeekFeed** | [#1](/community/matches/47205657) |
+| Capu ![][flag_DE] | 0 | **4** | ![][flag_IT] **Ikkun** | [#1](/community/matches/47206847) |
+| **Oui** ![][flag_CH] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_FR] maximaxiU | [#1](/community/matches/47208185) |
+| **BabySnakes** ![][flag_PT] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_ES] alexinet232 | [#1](/community/matches/47209702) |
+| **Acrith** ![][flag_PL] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_GB] Grimbow | -win by default- |
+| **AlvaroYL** ![][flag_ES] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_GB] ControlPro | [#1](/community/matches/47213001) |
+| **lukili846** ![][flag_DE] | **4** | 0 | ![][flag_RU] night\_flower | [#1](/community/matches/47214217) |
+## Ruleset
+1. Only Players with a **European** or **Eurasian** flag on their account are allowed to register in this tournament.
+2. Group Stage matches are seeded based on global rank at time of registration submission.
+3. EUTT will have a double elimination structure with a loser bracket.
+4. EUTT matches will be 1v1 Taiko in team style format with a point given to the highest score achieved in the **Score V2** system.
+5. The win conditions for each stage are as follows.
+ - In Round of 32 and Round of 16, it is Bo7: First to win 4 maps wins.
+ - In Quarterfinals and Semifinals, it is Bo9: First to win 5 maps wins.
+ - In Finals and Grand Finals, it is Bo11: First to win 6 maps wins.
+6. **Score V2** will be used.
+7. Map pools will contain 5 NoMod (3+2 EX), 2 HD, 2 HR, 2 DT, 3 FM, and 1 Tiebreaker.
+8. Players must have at least 1 mod activated during the FreeMod pool.
+9. You are allowed 1 map ban per match, this does not include the Tiebreaker.
+10. Each player can choose to play up to 1 warm-up map. A warm-up must be shorter than 4 minutes. If both players agree to one warm-up, the duration must be shorter than 6 minutes.
+11. `!roll` is used to determine who will get the first pick and the first ban. The winner of `!roll` will select the first map, whereas the loser will ban the first map.
+12. Tiebreaker will be played if both players are 1 point away from winning. It will not be FreeMod.
+13. In cases where a map results in a tie, the map is nullified and the Player who picked said map will pick another. (If the tiebreaker ends in a draw, the tiebreaker will be replayed under FM condition.)
+14. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
+15. Players will have up to 15 minutes after the scheduled time to show up. Failure to show up without prior notice will result in a win by default.
+16. Any modification of these rules will be announced.
+[flag_AT]: /wiki/shared/flag/AT.gif
+[flag_AU]: /wiki/shared/flag/AU.gif
+[flag_CH]: /wiki/shared/flag/CH.gif
+[flag_DE]: /wiki/shared/flag/DE.gif
+[flag_EE]: /wiki/shared/flag/EE.gif
+[flag_ES]: /wiki/shared/flag/ES.gif
+[flag_FI]: /wiki/shared/flag/FI.gif
+[flag_FR]: /wiki/shared/flag/FR.gif
+[flag_GB]: /wiki/shared/flag/GB.gif
+[flag_ID]: /wiki/shared/flag/ID.gif
+[flag_IT]: /wiki/shared/flag/IT.gif
+[flag_JP]: /wiki/shared/flag/JP.gif
+[flag_NZ]: /wiki/shared/flag/NZ.gif
+[flag_PL]: /wiki/shared/flag/PL.gif
+[flag_PT]: /wiki/shared/flag/PT.gif
+[flag_RU]: /wiki/shared/flag/RU.gif
+[flag_SE]: /wiki/shared/flag/SE.gif
+[flag_SV]: /wiki/shared/flag/SV.gif
+[flag_TR]: /wiki/shared/flag/TR.gif
+[flag_UA]: /wiki/shared/flag/UA.gif
+[flag_US]: /wiki/shared/flag/US.gif
\ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000000..aab6bac6f25f
Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki/Tournaments/EUTT/2018/img/logo.png differ
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+# European Taiko Tournament
+Index page for all of the European Taiko Tournament series.
+- [2018](./2018 "European Taiko Tournament 2018")
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+# Intermediate Global Taiko Showdown
+Index page for all of the Intermediate Global Taiko Showdown series.
+- [2018](./2018 "Intermediate Global Taiko Showdown 2018")
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similarity index 100%
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+# Taiko LMS
+Index page for all of the Taiko LMS series.
+- [Shift Cup](./Shift_1 "Taiko LMS: Shift Cup")
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index 2447ae281d32..fdcc5888b38d 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2015/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2015/en.md
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ The osu!mania 4K World Cup 2015 is run by various community members by distribut
## Links
+- [Discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/345431)
- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive)
-- **[Group Stage statistics](https://owc.nicarim.pw/results/view/6)**
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+- MWC 2019
+- MWC 7K 2019
+- MWC2019
+- MWC7K 2019
+# osu!mania 7K World Cup 2019
+The **osu!mania 7K World Cup 2019** (***MWC 7K 2019***) is a country-based osu!mania tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It is the 5th installment of the osu!mania 7K World Cup.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2019-01-07/2019-01-19 |
+| Live Drawings | 2019-02-02 14:00:00 UTC |
+| Group Stage | 2019-02-09/2019-02-10 |
+| Round of 16 | 2019-02-16/2019-02-17 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2019-02-23/2019-02-24 |
+| Semifinals | 2019-03-02/2019-03-03 |
+| Finals | 2019-03-09/2019-03-10 |
+| Grand Finals | 2019-03-16/2019-03-17 |
+## Prizes
+In every world cup, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for World Cup winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the World Cups.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | $150 per team member, profile badge, "osu!mania Champion" user title for one year |
+|  | $80 per team member, profile badge |
+|  | $40 per team member, profile badge |
+## Organisation
+The osu!mania 7K World Cup 2019 is run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_AR] [juankristal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/443656), ![][flag_US] [HappyStick](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/256802), ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/128370) |
+| Map Selectors | _to be decided_ |
+| Commentators | _to be decided_ |
+| Referees | ![][flag_DE] [p3n](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/123703), ![][flag_HK] [mangomizer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1893718), ![][flag_CL] [WalterToro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5281416), ![][flag_ES] [Deif](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/318565) |
+| Statisticians | ![][flag_NZ] [deadbeat](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/128370), ![][flag_DE] [Nwolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1910766) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/851928)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive)
+- **[Sign up now!](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/tournaments/18)**
+## Mappools
+_The mappools will be revealed one week before each stage takes place_
+## Ruleset
+### Tournament Rules
+1. The osu!mania 7K World Cup is a country-based team tournament, played on the osu!mania game mode.
+ - **While this competition is planned as a 2 versus 2 setup, this might change depending on the amount of incoming registrations.**
+2. Beatmap scoring is based on Score V2.
+3. The beatmaps for each round will be announced by the Map Selector in advance on the Sunday before the actual matches take place. Only these will be used during the respective matches.
+ - The Group Stage mappool will be announced after the drawings.
+ - One beatmap will be given as a tiebreaker beatmap. This beatmap will only be played in case of a tie.
+4. Match schedule will be settled by the Tournament Management (see below).
+5. If no staff or referee is available, the match will be postponed.
+6. Failed players' scores do not get added to the team score.
+ - Reviving and surviving during a beatmap is considered as passing it.
+7. Use of the Visual Settings to alter background dim or disable beatmap elements like storyboards and skins are allowed.
+8. If the beatmap ends in a draw, the game will be nullified.
+ - If a game is nullified the beatmap will be replayed.
+9. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the beatmap.
+ - Disconnects within 30 seconds after beatmap begin can be rematched. This is up to the referee's discretion. The played beatmap might be aborted for this.
+ - **If a rematch happens, the roster for each team during that particular beatmap must remain the same. If that is not possible (the player who got disconnected can't get back in time) then both teams are allowed to swap rosters.**
+10. Beatmaps cannot be reused in the same match unless the game was nullified.
+11. **The size of each team is restricted to a maximum of 4 players and a minimum of 2.**
+ - This might change depending on the amount of registrations.
+12. If less than the minimum required players attend, the maximum time the match can be postponed is 10 minutes.
+13. Exchanging players during a match is allowed without limitations.
+14. Lag is not a valid reason to nullify a beatmap.
+15. All players are supposed to keep the match running fluent and without delays. Excessive match delays coming from the player's side can be issued with penalties.
+16. If a player disconnects between the beatmaps and the team can not provide an exchange, the match can be delayed 10 minutes at maximum.
+17. All players and referees must to be treated with respect. Instructions of the referees and tournament management is to be followed. Decisions labeled as final are not to be objected.
+18. Disrupting the match by foul play, picking inappropriate warmup beatmaps (see below), insulting and provoking other players or referees, delaying the match or other deliberate inappropriate misbehavior is strictly prohibited.
+19. The multiplayer chatrooms underlie the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules). All chat rules apply to the multiplayer chatrooms, too.
+ - Breaking the chat rules results in a silence. Silenced players can not participate at multiplayer matches and must be exchanged for the time being.
+20. In the Group stage, a 'Win by default' will be considered as a win by 4:0, +1.0 score difference ratio.
+21. Unexpected incidences are handled by the tournament management. Referees may allow higher tolerance depending on the given circumstances. This is up to their discretion.
+22. Penalties for violating the tournament rules can be:
+ - Exclusion of specific players for one beatmap.
+ - Exclusion of specific players for an entire match.
+ - Declaring the match as "Lost by Default".
+ - Disqualification from the entire tournament.
+ - Disqualification from the current and future official tournaments until appealed.
+ - Any modification of these rules will be announced.
+### Tournament Registration
+1. Every user interested in joining their country's team signs up individually.
+ - Tournament Management will create a list of potential candidates for a country's team.
+ - Tournament Management declares one candidate to the captain of the country's team, albeit temporarily.
+ - The declared captain can form their team from the candidate list of their country.
+2. To ensure valid and serious registrations, every registered user will be checked by the Tournament Management.
+ - Every registered user will be assigned to their respective country's candidate list.
+ - To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that your global osu!mania performance ranking is above 5000.
+ - To be successfully accepted on the list, you have to ensure that you did not violate the [osu! community rules](/wiki/Rules) within the last 12 months.
+3. All successfully formed teams will be published after the Registration Phase.
+4. Only the 32 potentially strongest countries will participate. The potential strength of a country is determined by the online statistics of all valid candidates.
+ - If the amount of registered countries is below 32, the number might be reduced to 24, 20 or 16. The aim is always to let as many countries participate as possible!
+5. Mapset selectors must not participate as a player in this tournament.
+### Stage Instructions
+1. In the first stage (Group Stage), the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams.
+ - This may change depending on how many teams are accepted into the competition at the end.
+2. All the teams from each group will face each other.
+3. Rankings of each group are determined by sorting the results of each team's performance in the following priority:
+ - Most matches won.
+ - Have higher `{(the number of beatmaps won) - (the number of beatmaps defeated)}`.
+ - Most beatmaps won.
+ - Winner of the match played previously between the tied teams.
+ - In the event of a triple tie:
+ - Have higher `∑{(total score difference) / (maximum score)}`.
+ - Winner of the rematch.
+4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
+ - This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
+5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves on to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Losers' bracket.
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+| Stage | Match ID |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Round of 16 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
+| Quarterfinals | I, J, K, L & R, S, T, U |
+| Semifinals | M, N & V, W, X, Y, Z, AA |
+| Finals | O & AB, AC, AD |
+| Grand Finals | AE, P, Q |
+*Note: The Grand Finals weekend will also include the 3rd place match of the tournament.*
+7. The **Winning conditions** for each stage will be:
+ - In Group Stage, you need to win 4 beatmaps to win a match. (Best-of-7)
+ - In the Round of 16 and the Quarterfinals, you need to win 5 beatmaps to win a match. (Best-of-9)
+ - In Semifinals, you need to win 6 beatmaps to win a match. (Best-of-11)
+ - In the Finals and Grand Finals, you need to win 7 beatmaps to win a match. (Best-of-13)
+### Match Instructions
+1. A referee will create a multiplayer room 15 minutes in advance. Players must gather during this period.
+ - Room settings are osu!mania, Team-Vs., Win Condition: 'ScoreV2'. Room name must be "MWC7K 2019: (TeamRed) vs (TeamBlue)".
+ - The team mentioned first in the room name must be the red team, the team mentioned second in the room name must be the blue team.
+2. Each team is free to select up to one warm-up beatmap. Using beatmaps with questionable content is prohibited. All beatmaps must be osu!mania 7K specific beatmaps.
+3. Each captain can ban **one beatmap** to be selected from the pool. These beatmaps are not allowed to be picked by any team in the entire match.
+4. Beatmap selection will alternate between each captain selecting a beatmap out of the mappool.
+5. Each captain must use "!roll" once in #multiplayer.
+ - The winner of the !roll starts picking the first beatmap of the match.
+ - The loser of the !roll starts banning one beatmap, followed by the winner of the !roll to ban a beatmap.
+6. Results of the Group Stage will be published via a Statistics sheet.
+### Mappool Instructions
+1. There will be 1 mappool for the Group Stage, 1 mappool for Round of 16, 1 mappool for the Quarterfinals, 1 mappool for the Semifinals and 1 mappool for the Finals.
+ - The mappool for the Grand Finals will be the same one as the one used on the Finals.
+2. Each mappool consists of a fixed amount of maps each stage (see bellow) which will all be played under FreeMod conditions. This means that there is a unique FreeMod bracket.
+3. The Group Stage mappool will consist of 10 maps, Round of 16 and Quarterfinals will consist of 12 maps, SemiFinals will consist of 14 maps and the Finals mappool will consist of 16 maps.
+4. Each mappool has one tiebreaker.
+5. Possible mod choices for all maps are [Hidden](/wiki/Game_Modifiers), [FadeIn](/wiki/Game_Modifiers) and [Flashlight](/wiki/Game_Modifiers).
+6. The tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.
+### Scheduling Instructions
+1. Each stage will be held on **a single weekend**.
+2. Matches in Group Stage may overlap.
+3. All Double Elimination Stages will be held on either Saturday or Sunday, UTC+0.
+4. Scheduling will be handled by the Tournament Management. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first matches of the actual stage. Tournament Management will try to create the schedule to respect the participant's time zone.
+ - In the stages Quarterfinals and higher: Please inform tournament management before Sunday, if you expect a specific time slot to be unavailable in the following week. Wishes are tried to be followed, alas no promises can be made.
+5. **Reschedules will only be considered if both teams agree to a time at least 48 hours before the first match in that particular stage.**
+6. **Reschedules may only be requested by a team captain.**
+ - **Do not ask for a reschedule unless it is absolutely needed. The tournament staff still has the right to decline the request.**
+7. Captains are responsible for their teams availability. The greater team size exists to ensure every team can provide at least two players for each match. If teams can not provide two players for a match, the match will be considered forfeited.
+[flag_AR]: /wiki/shared/flag/AR.gif
+[flag_AU]: /wiki/shared/flag/AU.gif
+[flag_DE]: /wiki/shared/flag/DE.gif
+[flag_CL]: /wiki/shared/flag/CL.gif
+[flag_ES]: /wiki/shared/flag/ES.gif
+[flag_FR]: /wiki/shared/flag/FR.gif
+[flag_NZ]: /wiki/shared/flag/NZ.gif
+[flag_HK]: /wiki/shared/flag/HK.gif
+[flag_US]: /wiki/shared/flag/US.gif
+[flag_BR]: /wiki/shared/flag/BR.gif
+[flag_SE]: /wiki/shared/flag/SE.gif
+[flag_IT]: /wiki/shared/flag/IT.gif
+[flag_NO]: /wiki/shared/flag/NO.gif
+[flag_PH]: /wiki/shared/flag/PH.gif
+[flag_CA]: /wiki/shared/flag/CA.gif
+[flag_CH]: /wiki/shared/flag/CH.gif
+[flag_MY]: /wiki/shared/flag/MY.gif
+[flag_RU]: /wiki/shared/flag/RU.gif
+[flag_SG]: /wiki/shared/flag/SG.gif
+[flag_KR]: /wiki/shared/flag/KR.gif
+[flag_PL]: /wiki/shared/flag/PL.gif
+[flag_MO]: /wiki/shared/flag/MO.gif
+[flag_CN]: /wiki/shared/flag/CN.gif
+[flag_ID]: /wiki/shared/flag/ID.gif
+[flag_JP]: /wiki/shared/flag/JP.gif
+[flag_TH]: /wiki/shared/flag/TH.gif
+[flag_GB]: /wiki/shared/flag/GB.gif
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2019_7K/img/logo.png b/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2019_7K/img/logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9113c38c3a83
Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2019_7K/img/logo.png differ
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/en.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ee28e485bcc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# osu!mania World Cup
+Index page for all of the osu!mania World Cup series.
+- [2014](./2014 "osu!mania World Cup 2014")
+- [2015](./2015 "osu!mania World Cup 2015")
+- [2016 4K](./2016_4K "osu!mania 4K World Cup 2016")
+- [2016 7K](./2016_7K "osu!mania 7K World Cup 2016")
+- [2017 4K](./2017_4K "osu!mania 4K World Cup 2017")
+- [2017 7K](./2017_7K "osu!mania 7K World Cup 2017")
+- [2018 4K](./2018_4K "osu!mania 4K World Cup 2018")
+- [2018 7K](./2018_7K "osu!mania 7K World Cup 2018")
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2/en.md
index 6a2b642fde3c..573951165e10 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2/en.md
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The osu! World Cup #2 was run by various community members by distributing the m
## Links
-- [Tournament schedule](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aYgninqJ6OolEvkynUsirJMpt8ZcV4Eksb7p4xuU2Jg/edit)
+- [Discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/65535)
- [Pre-tournament interviews](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xgR7cfCf1yZD1j90_ObGKccS_9OMA6rDHhYJy8uRxNE/edit)
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2014/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2014/en.md
index 44f67dfeb292..527bd0a4e7c5 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2014/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2014/en.md
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ The osu! World Cup 2014 was run by various community members by distributing the
8. Winner of the rematch.
9. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Double Elimination Stages.
10. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-11. Based on [this graphic](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are splitted up the following:
+11. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are splitted up the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2015/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2015/en.md
index 40d41765b72e..044dc2499cfe 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2015/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2015/en.md
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ The osu! World Cup 2015 was run by various community members by distributing the
- Winner of the rematch.
4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Double Elimination Stages.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this graphic](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are splitted up the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are splitted up the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2016/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2016/en.md
index 409822cebe11..721153b041f1 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2016/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2016/en.md
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ The osu! World Cup 2016 was run by various community members by distributing the
4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
- This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this graphic](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2017/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2017/en.md
index 71635d5b5533..6e1fa54b25b8 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2017/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2017/en.md
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ The osu! World Cup 2017 was run by various community members by distributing the
4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
- This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this image](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
| -----: | -------- |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018/en.md
index aa6f43f78308..758e0c170290 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018/en.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ tags:

-The **osu! World Cup 2018** (***OWC 2018***) is a country-based osu! tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It is the 9th installment of the osu! World Cup.
+The **osu! World Cup 2018** (***OWC 2018***) was a country-based osu! tournament hosted by the [osu! team](/wiki/People/The_Team). It was the 9th installment of the osu! World Cup.
## Tournament Schedule
@@ -48,55 +48,356 @@ The osu! World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing the
- [Discussion thread](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/815745)
- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osulive)
+- [Statistics sheet](https://goo.gl/sKzcd7)
## Participants
-_Pending Rosters_
| | Country | Members |
-| ---: | :---: | :--- |
-| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[Pein](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2212941)** |
-| ![][flag_AU] | **Australia** | **[GranDSenpai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3997580)** |
-| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **[goosefedora](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2323131)** |
-| ![][flag_BE] | **Belgium** | **[Yentis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/345516)** |
-| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[MouseEasy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1558603)** |
-| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[Azer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2155578)** |
-| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[Mathi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5339515)** |
-| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[MatsumotoRise](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/672726)** |
-| ![][flag_CZ] | **Czech Republic** | **[Electrovoid](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3853840)** |
-| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[Spork Lover](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3417469)** |
-| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[Nyanaro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4157611)** |
-| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[ThePooN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/718454)** |
-| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[Dustice](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/754565)** |
-| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[- G I D Z -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2286528)** |
-| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[Fuma](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1501956)** |
-| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[Koba](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4448118)** |
-| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[Delis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1603923)** |
-| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[Atsuro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2279351)** |
-| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[n0ah](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3086393)** |
-| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[-GN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/895581)** |
-| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[Rafis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2558286)** |
-| ![][flag_RO] | **Romania** | **[badeu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1473890)** |
-| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[follon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3973474)** |
-| ![][flag_SK] | **Slovakia** | **[AtHeoN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1770367)** |
-| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[GSBlank](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2312106)** |
-| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Gomo Pslvarh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1206417)** |
-| ![][flag_ES] | **Spain** | **[kazamabc](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6937470)** |
-| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[-Kupo-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4343103)** |
-| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | **[Flask](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/959763)** |
-| ![][flag_TH] | **Thailand** | **[Trigonoculus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7627013)** |
-| ![][flag_GB] | **United Kingdom** | **[Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)** |
-| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4919398)** |
+| --: | :-: | :-- |
+| ![][flag_AR] | **Argentina** | **[Pein](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2212941)**, [Lexalia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1887616), [FastoFreezu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3608846), [Serena](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/756068), [Ceja](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4185921), [Rimi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5194834), [LuBren](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6573651), [Cata](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5958063) |
+| ![][flag_AU] | **Australia** | **[GranDSenpai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3997580)**, [TheOmyNomy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4241054), [Jordan The Bear](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7477458), [Lunirs](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2118945), [-Machine-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5459981), [Dumii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3068044), [Blobby3000](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6916774), [uyghti](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3641404) |
+| ![][flag_AT] | **Austria** | **[goosefedora](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2323131)**, [Spark-desu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4601608), [Micca](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8179335), [Kizan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3074197), [Tomadoi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5712451), [Eta Carinae](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5841333), [Teppi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1371974), [Elscar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2253511) |
+| ![][flag_BE] | **Belgium** | **[Hanori](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7078544)**, [Yentis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/345516), [\[Sven\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3695504), [Fblade](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3168085), [Bastia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3355362), [5joshi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4279650), [TheKoala](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3906405), [Badewanne3](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2211396) |
+| ![][flag_BR] | **Brazil** | **[MouseEasy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1558603)**, [My Angelsim](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3149577), [Polaco](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1057782), [Mystia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4277702), [Niii-san](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5403374), [Akane Hime](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6772887), [Yuuzinho](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6267851), [Sickoh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5411474) |
+| ![][flag_CA] | **Canada** | **[Azer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2155578)**, [\_RyuK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6304246), [Squapple](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6826036), [VINXIS](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4323406), [Stoof](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4916057), [Eddie-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3898396), [trevrasher](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3893420), [Yuuki-chan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7031287) |
+| ![][flag_CL] | **Chile** | **[Danidesu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2748187)**, [Mathi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5339515), [xaxreid](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4227431), [\[-Neon-\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6064382), [Criss](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3188017), [TheDaqox](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7701428), [Hellbeak](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2367495), [Yumbtah](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2784663) |
+| ![][flag_CN] | **China** | **[MatsumotoRise](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/672726)**, [DomenCherry](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/665367), [Dsan](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1266166), [Crystal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646397), [Start](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2190156), [EmertxE](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/954557), [GGBY](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/629717), [MyAngelMiku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7025429) |
+| ![][flag_CZ] | **Czech Republic** | **[Swatty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1028683)**, [Electrovoid](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3853840), [VilaZ](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5155680), [Avenito](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7415910), [Reegi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3396496), [BLooDBuRSTiNG](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3925167), [- Daichi -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6602580), [kolgar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3123488) |
+| ![][flag_DK] | **Denmark** | **[Spork Lover](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3417469)**, [raser1234](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2527887), [waefwerf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3868653), [My Aim Zogs](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3722715), [Telomere](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6295380), [Vandabe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7050754), [Cerkie](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2533400), [Katachi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5778925) |
+| ![][flag_FI] | **Finland** | **[Nyanaro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4157611)**, [Wucki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5287410), [Dragonmob](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4990193), [Sonoda-Umi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2197711), [Muuki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2482261), [Bolek\_gamer\_05](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7786382), [Jup3KW](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5424170), [Jantsi](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1644225) |
+| ![][flag_FR] | **France** | **[ThePooN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/718454)**, [mrzomb](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1694887), [NerO](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1545031), [Musty](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/251683), [Oxia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1825928), [Mooha](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2705430), [ElektroFire](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2467220), [-raizen-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3872987) |
+| ![][flag_DE] | **Germany** | **[Dustice](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/754565)**, [hallowatcher](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1874761), [imagaK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2022445), [Risiing](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2282047), [Knalli](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8147403), [okinamo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3765989), [Umbre](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2766034), [BlueSky-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6410154) |
+| ![][flag_HK] | **Hong Kong** | **[- G I D Z -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2286528)**, [Saku-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4720411), [Chaoslitz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3621552), [mcy3012](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4787843), [SkyzWai-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2353581), [Hicool](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1639250), [-N a n a k o-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1407516) |
+| ![][flag_ID] | **Indonesia** | **[smh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1629553)**, [Fuma](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1501956), [dika312](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/741613), [Agouka](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9606647), [Rexeez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1987591), [Reyuza](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2454767), [Skydiver](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4750008), [LoidKun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6437601) |
+| ![][flag_IT] | **Italy** | **[Koba](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4448118)**, [Paski](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9849712), [Spazza17](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3516241), [Kayne](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1474421), [NekoFunfo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646427), [SIMONETRAPANI](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7329177), [Daren](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4704608), [Kiirochii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6387149) |
+| ![][flag_JP] | **Japan** | **[Shirasaka Koume](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3062998)**, [gasanww](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/487985), [benki](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1021944), [Delis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1603923), [Vento](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4796794), [a\_Blue](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5645667), [Varvalian](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3345902), [Angel Arrow](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1970239) |
+| ![][flag_MX] | **Mexico** | **[Atsuro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2279351)**, [LopezzPro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2553519), [Lynx-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7301672), [KevstracK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5325213), [[Riot]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4256461), [-Hebel-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6169483), [-Wolfy-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4497582), [Flameshock](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8349047) |
+| ![][flag_NL] | **Netherlands** | **[Viveliam](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3506793)**, [n0ah](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3086393), [phalanx](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4696315), [GladiOpa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/23326), [taku](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/684433), [jackylam5](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1540807), [Damnjelly](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1666355), [Ahmnesia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2715937) |
+| ![][flag_NO] | **Norway** | **[Hundur](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3145033)**, [-GN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/895581), [Sebu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3990173), [YokesPai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6399568), [ItsKevZii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5201225), [Afrodafro](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3551255), [CXu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/84841), [ZeCryptic](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3381441) |
+| ![][flag_PL] | **Poland** | **[MrBooM](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1837989)**, [Rafis](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2558286), [WubWoofWolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/39828), [Piggey](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4163860), [Alien](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4743869), [Astar](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/27055), [Wakson](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3048222), [Bartek22830](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6404027) |
+| ![][flag_RO] | **Romania** | **[badeu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1473890)**, [vuru](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7432712), [\_thicke](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8334445), [Chiu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3148900), [KromaRO](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7543723), [eternum](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4581069), [roliy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9578404), [Rohulk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3219026) |
+| ![][flag_RU] | **Russian Federation** | **[follon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3973474)**, [AxewB](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4928776), [Alumetri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5371497), [Red\_Pixel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4170932), [Aden](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4342841), [neko ds](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4688735), [Okinotori](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4346274), [talala](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1389663) |
+| ![][flag_SG] | **Singapore** | **[M4-K1](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5210595)**, [GSBlank](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2312106), [Cleveland](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5104320), [Rtyzen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2439822), [Emilia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2003326), [Loslite](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6398160), [\[-Lockon-\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6726331), [Raindrop](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1155871) |
+| ![][flag_SK] | **Slovakia** | **[Hranolka](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6149947)**, [AtHeoN](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1770367), [andrejus77](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2463937), [SneakY NickY](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8847379), [Tikef](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9149213), [PemiX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6974470), [PeteX](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1285945), [Nikolas](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7759641) |
+| ![][flag_KR] | **South Korea** | **[Gomo Pslvarh](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1206417)**, [Karuna](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8775024), [FlyingTuna](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9224078), [Cellina](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2490770), [[KOR]Rem](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5538115), [eoehd1ek](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3938876), [Qu1z](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/526851), [AvA Pacifica](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7058132) |
+| ![][flag_ES] | **Spain** | **[ByYoshi14](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4470553)**, [kazamabc](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6937470), [Betwin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1968481), [insomnyawolf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5337801), [Moewagon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5764169), [Mortal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4759050), [Frosiito](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6462387), [Rekens](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1073575) |
+| ![][flag_SE] | **Sweden** | **[fcuk](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4844909)**, [Nitroz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5256529), [Chronomarly](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4991464), [N0vy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4003726), [Sonix](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4029000), [- Carl -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2140681), [Asoreand](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6374167), [Reedkatt](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8335950) |
+| ![][flag_TW] | **Taiwan** | **[Shiina Noriko](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1285637)**, [Flask](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/959763), [\_Shield](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1860489), [\[ Zane \]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3517706), [CrtReXn](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1810239), [Rizer](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5155973), [DazzLE_Wind](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2537924), [GfMRT](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3163649) |
+| ![][flag_TH] | **Thailand** | **[- Phantasma -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1427407)**, [Applause](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1832711), [NonxE](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/319312), [Deppyforce](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5286213), [Mikkuri](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/317494), [Chorus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3504692), [redcrosssix](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2554965), [i hate myself](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5332553) |
+| ![][flag_GB] | **United Kingdom** | **[Bubbleman](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5182050)**, [Doomsday](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/18983), [OPJames](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4117142), [Spare](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2204373), [MoeYandere](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2565902), [SoraRoxas01](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1986262), [Karthy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4196808), [Jameslike](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2415743)|
+| ![][flag_US] | **United States** | **[Apraxia](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4194445)**, [Toy](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2757689), [Monko2k](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4852013), [fieryrage](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3533958), [DigitalHypno](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4384207), [Vaxei](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4787150), [he rack](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2644828), [idke](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4650315) |
## Mappools
-_The mappools will be revealed one week before each particular stage_
+### Grand Finals
+**[Download the map pack here! (140 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/s791z5me6w6b0sx/OWC-GF-Mappack.zip/file)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Camellia feat. Nanahira - Bassdrop Freaks (2018 ''Redrop'' ver.) \(Mir\) \[Beisu Doroppu\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/806859#osu/1693575)
+ - [xi - Bad Elixir \(Cherry Blossom\) \[Idealism\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/878944#osu/1838165)
+ - [Luschka - unravel \(Mirash\) \[Collab Expert\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/731933#osu/1544460)
+ - [Suzuki Konomi - My Days \(Meg\) \[Down\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/861113#osu/1801586)
+ - [Taiko no Tatsujin - Haya Saitama2000 \(Zekira\) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/9917#osu/39076)
+- Hidden
+ - [FUJIN CLUB - Tabi to Ferry \(dsco\) \[Seaside\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/704541#osu/1490377)
+ - [BLOOD STAIN CHILD - MOON LIGHT WAVE \(Snepif\) \[Effulgence\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/296543#osu/665787)
+ - [uma vs. Morimori Atsushi - Re:End of a Dream \(Battle\) \[Re:Vival\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/557039#osu/1178810)
+- HardRock
+ - [Nekomata Master - Izanami's wail \(Uberzolik\) \[Xilver's extrA!!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/792367#osu/1746993)
+ - [Nanaki feat.GUMI - Mousou Kajitsu \(Natsu\) \[Climax\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/524966#osu/1114132)
+ - [succducc - me & u \(Nathan\) \[together\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/699749#osu/1481624)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [ZAQ - Serendipity \(Mir\) \[Lasse's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/578619#osu/1227137)
+ - [senya - Arehateta Chijou no Uta \(Satellite\) \[Collab\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/434397#osu/936035)
+ - [HTT - NO, Thank You! \(DNR\) \[Collab\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/19532#osu/68624)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Luschka - Kami no Kotoba \(byfar\) \[Voice of God\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/817667#osu/1714637)
+ - [Camellia - Towards The Horizon \(Pho\) \[White Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/636393#osu/1350353)
+ - [S.S.H. - Intersect Thunderbolt-Remix \(Snow Note\) \[Exceed\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/38316#osu/122693)
+- TieBreaker
+ - **[Falcom Sound Team jdk - The Azure Arbitrator \(jonathanlfj\) \[Chrono Collapse\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/427166#osu/922172)**
+### Finals
+**[Download the map pack here! (116 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!xolFEKQA!g-4E-q-mVCaKWa3XdpefZ67UhOncE3vnWVz6D_LX4PY)**
+- NoMod
+ - [jioyi - Platinum \(09kami\) \[tyui's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/449225#osu/1093629)
+ - [Mitsuki Nakae - Ouka Enbu \(Lasse\) \[Petal\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/688552#osu/1457104)
+ - [Toromaru - Enigma \(Avena\) \[Ultra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/460380#osu/986939)
+ - [yuikonnu - Kakushigoto \(AtHeoN\) \[Distant Memory\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/436177#osu/939618)
+ - [sakuraburst - SHA \(handsome\) \[Master\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/716390#osu/1513541)
+- Hidden
+ - [paranoid void - Utsukushii Kodoku \(dsco\) \[Escapism\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/777597#osu/1633534)
+ - [toby fox - Spider Dance \(Fatfan Kolek\) \[Snow Note's Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/750458#osu/1584604)
+ - [Akiyama Uni - Broken Moon \(sahuang\) \[Regou's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/643391#osu/1389956)
+- HardRock
+ - [Team.NEKOKAN - Airman ga Taosenai \(Sotarks\) \[Mir's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/732994#osu/1563445)
+ - [Renard - Terminal \(nold\_1702\) \[EXTRA\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/102282#osu/270490)
+ - [Jun Kuroda & AAAA - Cygnus \(Rohit6\) \[BLACK ANOTHER\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/358056#osu/888465)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Atoguru - Itoshi Kimi wo Mitsuke ni \(bakabaka\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/29044#osu/96523)
+ - [senya - Zouka de Arou to Shita Mono \(Satellite\) \[Ancients\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/495283#osu/1054400)
+ - [Mei Ayakura - Romantic Fall \(felys\) \[Longing thoughts dyed in crimson\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/637934#osu/1353352)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Camellia as "Reverse of Riot" - Completeness Under Incompleteness \(Regou\) \[RLC's INFINITE\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/514750#osu/1094551)
+ - [A.SAKA - Nanatsu Koyoto \(xLolicore-\) \[Kawa's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/768281#osu/1618445)
+ - [UNDEAD CORPORATION - Everything will freeze \(Ekoro\) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/158023#osu/552068)
+- TieBreaker
+ - **[Unlucky Morpheus - Angreifer \(IsomirDiAngelo\) \[Das Gemetzel der rotblutfressenden Bestien\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/868543#osu/1815397)**
+### Semifinals
+**[Download the map pack here! (120 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!GP4UmKAB!H4qmc4z9GawNni2wV0Ykmq1BtPPN6ctQ_btQ4RJE-nM)**
+- NoMod
+ - [USAO - Boss Rush \(Lavender\) \[Moecho's Blitz Surge Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/619807#osu/1306399)
+ - [LeaF - Paraclete \(Kroytz\) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/455109#osu/977875)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Nekozamurai no Gyakushu \(moph\) \[Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/518743#osu/1426926)
+ - [ABSOLUTE CASTAWAY - Shinsou Shintouron \(Lasse\) \[Petal\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/827743#osu/1734403)
+ - [Y&Co. - Daisuke \(kwk\) \[moph's Expert\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/697087#osu/1481149)
+- Hidden
+ - [Hommarju - Rock It \(toybot\) \[Blast Off\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/700421#osu/1484308)
+ - [Makai Toshi Niigata - Ukiyo-e Yokochou \(Suzuki\_1112\) \[Brew\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/713506#osu/1508083)
+ - [Seeed - Ding \(IceKalt\) \[Deramok's Hidden Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/727333#osu/1570419)
+- HardRock
+ - [Dreamcatcher - Full Moon \(Natsu\) \[Moonlight\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/721842#osu/1524183)
+ - [onoken - K8107 \(MaridiuS\) \[DeviousPanda's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/807396#osu/1704553)
+ - [DJ Totoriott - Arcanos \(Holoaz\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/136333#osu/341217)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [zts - miragecoordinator \(Mirash\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/652668#osu/1383875)
+ - [FELT - Story \(Yohanes\) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/297409#osu/944709)
+ - [DystopiaGround - True Theory of Inheritance \(Ignacio\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/24477#osu/83215)
+- FreeMod
+ - [antiPLUR - Speed of Link \(ktgster\) \[100 000 000m/s\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/359173#osu/794779)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Mischievous of Alice \(Delis\) \[Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/623960#osu/1315116)
+ - [forestpireo - Kanojo Ga Ichiban Shoujo Nanoka? \(Teara\) \[KIRBY Mix\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/11773#osu/50845)
+- TieBreaker
+ - **[Team Grimoire - C18H27NO3\(extend\) \(Kloyd\) \[Volcanic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/375706#osu/822765)**
+### Quarterfinals
+**[Download the map pack here! (109 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!qbQ1hKpZ!2_emp6STvj3yDjkp40PMR_uqBMizPx3F3f1mTZsHAbc)**
+- NoMod
+ - [xi - Aragami \(Sayaka-\) \[Death\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/225377#osu/526757)
+ - [TrySail - High Free Spirits \(Vert\) \[Haifuri\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/455011#osu/975385)
+ - [YURRY CANON - Nadeshiko color Heart \(kwk\) \[Saturnalize's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/682996#osu/1463294)
+ - [Memme - Pandemonium \(sdafsf\) \[Neil's Extra: #6\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/734190#osu/1575929)
+- Hidden
+ - [MYTH & ROID - Paradisus-Paradoxum \(Cellina\) \[Curi's Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/510183#osu/1113057)
+ - [Camellia - Introduction - ENTRANS OF DA JUNGLE \(-PC\) \[Welcome to the Jungle\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/700968#osu/1483766)
+ - [SHK - Identity Part III \(ktgster\) \[SHD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/280329#osu/634351)
+- HardRock
+ - [Eiko Shimamiya - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni \(Okorin\) \[Onikakushi\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/333543#osu/764014)
+ - [TOTTO - Wadatsumi \(Desperate-kun\) \[Snaggle's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/351828#osu/775365)
+ - [dj TAKA - Hollywood Galaxy \(Megurine Luka\) \[Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/48196#osu/150116)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful \(neonat\) \[Shiro's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/133884#osu/372326)
+ - [senya - Saihate no Kotoba \(Satellite\) \[Ghostly\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/174417#osu/905424)
+ - [REDALiCE - Selfish \(happy30\) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/28060#osu/105531)
+- FreeMod
+ - [JUNNA - Here \(Mirash\) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/737103#osu/1555562)
+ - [Renard - TU4AR \(Mercurius\) \[Nogard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/28997#osu/97934)
+ - [Ito Kashitaro x Lon - Soushi Sou Ai \(Anishina Kodoku\) \[Tatemae\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/669776#osu/1647044)
+- TieBreaker
+ - **[TRakker - Countdown to the Blue \(Lasse\) \[Dusk\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/614248#osu/1295837)**
+### Round of 16
+**[Download the map pack here! (114 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!SHBSACzI!gdAciJN3WfN_iCpkOqLC5sL5OGzkhCX1j0k-zafgyy4)**
+- NoMod
+ - [nowisee - confusion \(hot anime girl\) \[Fearful Star Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/720882#osu/1522329)
+ - [BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? \(BluOxy\) \[MASTER\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/248876#osu/635679)
+ - [Street - Maritime Police \(Mir\) \[Marigold\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/681410#osu/1440743)
+ - [YUC'e - Sengoku HOP \(Nathan\) \[Gamu's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/564329#osu/1475812)
+- Hidden
+ - [Manasora Akiha, Tokika - Toukasa Funtouki!~ Rakutoferin no Hate e ~ \(fanzhen0019\) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/43170#osu/137303)
+ - [Demetori - U.N. Owen wa Kanojo nanoka? \(Louis Cyphre\) \[Unknown\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/42247#osu/844718)
+ - [Sharlo - Eisou Youga \~Meikyou Shisui\~ \(Sharlo\) \[Skystar's Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/380740#osu/931853)
+- HardRock
+ - [Rise Against - Whereabouts Unknown \(Milan-\) \[pishi's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/327188#osu/729829)
+ - [Foreground Eclipse - To The Terminus \(Giralda\) \[RLC's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/277481#osu/628753)
+ - [solfa feat. Shimotsuki Haruka - leap in your mind \(Lasse\) \[Expert\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/818672#osu/1718542)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [zts - the executioner \(-kevincela-\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/342360#osu/756752)
+ - [petit milady - Ma Cherie \(Andrea\) \[Lovers\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/255481#osu/585605)
+ - [Zeng Zhihao - Fu Yun Ben Lang \(jonathanlfj\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/89673#osu/243644)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Manami Numakura - Climber's High! \(Zero\_\_wind\) \[Wind\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/574214#osu/1216208)
+ - [Inspector K - Disconnected Hardkore \(CanBlaster Remix\) \(7odoa\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/30485#osu/100627)
+ - [Umeboshi Chazuke - Owari to Hajimari no Oto \(Azzedd\) \[Batt's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/739551#osu/1570760)
+- TieBreaker
+ - **[Dark PHOENiX - Ryokugan no Jealousy \(EvilElvis\) \[Monster with Green Eyes\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/382455#osu/836339)**
+### Group Stage
+**[Download the map pack here! (91 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!qLphFAoZ!eXLEe01i9mnPHqi5ebqGcSVQkK6nCqha8krm3MdhlXA)**
+- NoMod
+ - [nano - DREAMCATCHER \(Vert\) \[Depths' Starlight Future Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/695957#osu/1532896)
+ - [P\*Light - YELLOW SPLASH!! \(Minakami Yuki\) \[Guy's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/363882#osu/800947)
+ - [Duoscience - Indifferences \(Mir\) \[Senseless\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/722662#osu/1538480)
+ - [Zips - Reiwai Terrorism \(Broccoly\) \[Distortion\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/101953#osu/269773)
+- Hidden
+ - [nmk - sola \(Morinaga\) \[Down's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/723024#osu/1528254)
+ - [Pendulum - Crush \(Radio Edit\) \(JauiPlaY\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/58329#osu/175397)
+- HardRock
+ - [ONE OK ROCK - Clock Strikes \(Saut\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/249624#osu/633373)
+ - [orangentle - HAELEQUIN \(Gamu\) \[toybot's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/291495#osu/757386)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Younha - Houkiboshi \(Seto Kousuke\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/779541#osu/1636976)
+ - [Marie & Shimotsuki Haruka - Hane no Naki Chou \(KanbeKotori\) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/35666#osu/115457)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Morimori Atsushi - Tits or get the fuck out!! \(Regou\) \[Frey's Insane!!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/455022#osu/992223)
+ - [DevilishP feat.GUMI - Yume Maboroshi \(Natsu\) \[Fantasy\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/325340#osu/722674)
+- TieBreaker
+ - **[SawanoHiroyuki\[nZk\]:Gemie - x.U. \(ETIA. Hardcore Bootleg Remix\) \(captin1\) \[Shinoa\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/331872#osu/735021)**
+## Match Results
+### Grand Finals
+| Saturday, 2018-12-15 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| **United Kingdom** ![][flag_GB] | **7** | 4 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/48120274) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-16 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| United States ![][flag_US] | 6 | **7** | ![][flag_GB] **United Kingdom** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/48146823) |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 4 | **7** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/48149847) |
+### Finals
+| Saturday, 2018-12-08 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| **Russian Federation** ![][flag_RU] | **7** | 5 | ![][flag_CA] Canada | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47967031) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-09 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **7** | 1 | ![][flag_JP] Japan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47985556) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 4 | **7** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47989805) |
+| United Kingdom ![][flag_GB] | 5 | **7** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47998102) |
+### Semifinals
+| Saturday, 2018-12-01 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 3 | **7** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47795151) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **7** | 4 | ![][flag_AU] Australia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47796992) |
+| South Korea ![][flag_KR] | 4 | **7** | ![][flag_BR] **Brazil** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47799551) |
+| **Russian Federation** ![][flag_RU] | **7** | 4 | ![][flag_NO] Norway | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47802651) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-02 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 2 | **7** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47822484) |
+| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 2 | **7** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47830929) |
+| **Germany** ![][flag_DE] | **7** | 0 | ![][flag_BR] Brazil | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47836633) |
+| **United Kingdom** ![][flag_GB] | **7** | 1 | ![][flag_CA] Canada | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47839526) |
+### Quarterfinals
+| Saturday, 2018-11-24 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 1 | **6** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47644041) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 4 | **6** | ![][flag_HK] **Hong Kong** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47646337) |
+| **Canada** ![][flag_CA] | **6** | 5 | ![][flag_AU] Australia | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47648923) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-25 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| Taiwan ![][flag_TW] | 0 | **6** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47665462) |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **6** | 3 | ![][flag_CN] China | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47666758) |
+| **Russian Federation** ![][flag_RU] | **6** | 2 | ![][flag_RO] Romania | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47675513) |
+| Denmark ![][flag_DK] | 2 | **6** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47677802) |
+| **United Kingdom** ![][flag_GB] | **6** | 0 | ![][flag_BR] Brazil | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47679899) |
+### Round of 16
+| Saturday, 2018-11-17 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| **Japan** ![][flag_JP] | **6** | 3 | ![][flag_DE] Germany | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47484224) |
+| **Taiwan** ![][flag_TW] | **6** | 4 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47486476) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_BR] **Brazil** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47489590) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-18 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| China ![][flag_CN] | 0 | **6** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47507818) |
+| **Australia** ![][flag_AU] | **6** | 3 | ![][flag_RO] Romania | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47514469) |
+| **Norway** ![][flag_NO] | **6** | 5 | ![][flag_DK] Denmark | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47516309) |
+| **United Kingdom** ![][flag_GB] | **6** | 4 | ![][flag_NL] Netherlands | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47518299) |
+| Russian Federation ![][flag_RU] | 3 | **6** | ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47521221) |
+### Group Stage
+| Saturday, 2018-11-10 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| Norway ![][flag_NO] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_AU] **Australia** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47325334) |
+| Belgium ![][flag_BE] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47326358) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Indonesia** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47326352) |
+| Slovakia ![][flag_SK] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47327826) |
+| **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_FR] France | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47327676) |
+| **South Korea** ![][flag_KR] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_BR] Brazil | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47327716) |
+| Czech Republic ![][flag_CZ] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_GB] **United Kingdom** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47329128) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_BR] **Brazil** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47329030) |
+| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47329311) |
+| Spain ![][flag_ES] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47329125) |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_NO] **Norway** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47330931) |
+| Thailand ![][flag_TH] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_NL] **Netherlands** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47330965) |
+| Slovakia ![][flag_SK] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_CZ] **Czech Republic** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47330995) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47332636) |
+| Indonesia ![][flag_ID] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47332889) |
+| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47332995) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_PL] **Poland** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47334843) |
+| Romania ![][flag_RO] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_DK] **Denmark** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47336601) |
+| Belgium ![][flag_BE] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_BR] **Brazil** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47338704) |
+| Canada ![][flag_CA] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47338564) |
+| Austria ![][flag_AT] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47338576) |
+| Netherlands ![][flag_NL] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47341108) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-11 | | | | |
+| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- | :---: |
+| Argentina ![][flag_AR] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_AU] **Australia** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47348571) |
+| Thailand ![][flag_TH] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_US] **United States** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47349547) |
+| **Hong Kong** ![][flag_HK] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_MX] Mexico | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47350506) |
+| Singapore ![][flag_SG] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_KR] **South Korea** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47355374) |
+| Hong Kong ![][flag_HK] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_TW] **Taiwan** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47355238) |
+| Japan ![][flag_JP] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47355237) |
+| China ![][flag_CN] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_GB] **United Kingdom** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47356197) |
+| Belgium ![][flag_BE] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **Singapore** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47356362) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_AU] **Australia** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47356162) |
+| **France** ![][flag_FR] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47358754) |
+| Thailand ![][flag_TH] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_AT] **Austria** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47358804) |
+| Spain ![][flag_ES] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_JP] **Japan** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47358878) |
+| Czech Republic ![][flag_CZ] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_CN] **China** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47360296) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_RO] **Romania** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47360323) |
+| **Netherlands** ![][flag_NL] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_AT] Austria | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47360970) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_NO] **Norway** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47361665) |
+| **Denmark** ![][flag_DK] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47361668) |
+| Slovakia ![][flag_SK] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_GB] **United Kingdom** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47364696) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_DE] **Germany** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47364655) |
+| Chile ![][flag_CL] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_RU] **Russian Federation** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47364638) |
+| Italy ![][flag_IT] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_DK] **Denmark** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47364672) |
+| Finland ![][flag_FI] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_AR] **Argentina** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47366345) |
+| Mexico ![][flag_MX] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_FR] **France** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47366414) |
+| **Romania** ![][flag_RO] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47366393) |
+| Sweden ![][flag_SE] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_CA] **Canada** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47367915) |
+| Spain ![][flag_ES] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_CL] **Chile** | [#1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/47367761) |
@@ -169,7 +470,7 @@ _The mappools will be revealed one week before each particular stage_
4. The top 2 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
- This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this image](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
| -----: | -------- |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018/img/bracket_grandfinal.png b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018/img/bracket_grandfinal.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34d423fd9d0e
Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018/img/bracket_grandfinal.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..55f38c8a1c35
Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018/img/podium.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..93c4776561e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# osu! World Cup
+Index page for all of the osu! World Cup series.
+- [#1](./1 "osu! World Cup #1")
+- [#2](./2 "osu! World Cup #2")
+- [#3](./3 "osu! World Cup #3")
+- [2013](./2013 "osu! World Cup 2013")
+- [2014](./2014 "osu! World Cup 2014")
+- [2015](./2015 "osu! World Cup 2015")
+- [2016](./2016 "osu! World Cup 2016")
+- [2017](./2017 "osu! World Cup 2017")
+- [2018](./2018 "osu! World Cup 2018")
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/OZT/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/OZT/en.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ff63c400c713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/OZT/en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# osu! Z-Tournament
+Index page for all of the osu! Z-Tournament series.
+- [2018](./2018 "osu! Z-Tournament 2018")
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/README.md b/wiki/Tournaments/README.md
index d60c2357a68d..f6f48c2d4e5f 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/README.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/README.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ This is the place where tournament hosts can add a wiki page for their tournamen
## Contributing
-We urge you to look at the [template for official tournaments](TEMPLATE.md) as a reference for how an acceptable tournament wiki page should look.
+We urge you to look at the [template for official tournaments](./Template) as a reference for how an acceptable tournament wiki page should look.
Please make sure to read the README on the [front page of this repository](https://github.com/ppy/osu-wiki) for other contributing guidelines.
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+# Rapid Monthly osu! Tournament Invitational
+Index page for all of the Rapid Monthly osu! Tournament Invitational series.
+- [2](./2 "Rapid Monthly osu! Tournament Invitational 2")
+- [5](./5 "Rapid Monthly osu! Tournament Invitational 5")
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+# Springtime Osu!mania Free-for-all Tournament
+Index page for all of the Springtime Osu!mania Free-for-all Tournament series.
+- [3](./3 "Springtime Osu!mania Free-for-all Tournament 3")
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+# SS Tournament
+Index page for all of the SS Tournament series.
+- [2018](./2018 "SS Tournament 2018")
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+# The Heptakey osu!mania Cup
+Index page for all of The Heptakey osu!mania Cup series.
+- [#1](./1 "The Heptakey osu!mania Cup #1")
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+- 2v2 thonking Mania Tournament
+- 2TMT
+# 2v2 :thonking: Mania Tournament
+The **2v2 :thonking: Mania Tournament** (***2TMT***) was a two-on-two team based osu!mania tournament hosted by ![][flag_MY] [Stupid Idiot](/users/8355574). It was the 2nd installment of the :thonking: Mania Tournament.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-10-11/2018-11-03 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-11-03 (13:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifiers | 2018-11-10/2018-11-11 |
+| Round of 32 | 2018-11-17/2018-11-18 |
+| Round of 16 | 2018-11-24/2018-11-25 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2018-12-01/2018-12-02 |
+| Semifinals | 2018-12-08/2018-12-09 |
+| Finals | 2018-12-15/2018-12-16 |
+| Grand Finals | 2018-12-22/2018-12-23 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for 2v2 :thonking: Mania Tournament winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the :thonking: Mania Tournament.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 1 month of osu!supporter tag |
+## Organisation
+The 2v2 :thonking: Mania Tournament was run by various osu! community members.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_MY] [Stupid Idiot](/users/8355574) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_MY] [cheewee10](/users/4477497), ![][flag_SG] [Raveille](/users/1388767), ![][flag_ID] [RemFanGirl](/users/5767941) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_MY] [cheewee10](/users/4477497), ![][flag_SG] [Raveille](/users/1388767), ![][flag_ID] [RemFanGirl](/users/5767941), ![][flag_PH] [vincent4399](/users/9764388), ![][flag_ID] [\[Crz\]Crysarlene](/users/5492871), ![][flag_AR] [juankristal](/users/443656), ![][flag_AU] [PotassiumF](/users/4247722), ![][flag_PH] [LohaWarpe](/users/8560810), ![][flag_SG] [Polytetral](/users/8612061) |
+| Streamers | ![][flag_MY] [Bedwyr Aorta](/users/10875855), ![][flag_PH] [LohaWarpe](/users/8560810), ![][flag_CA] [Sinaeb](/users/1576095) |
+| Designer | ![][flag_MY] [Xeious](/users/5357146) |
+| Statistician | ![][flag_VN] [steve\_04\_](/users/10852911) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_MY] [Bedwyr Aorta](/users/10875855), ![][flag_VN] [steve\_04\_](/users/10852911), ![][flag_PL] [Kondi](/users/7382321), ![][flag_PL] [Baziu](/users/7192659), ![][flag_US] [R-2E-054](/users/3625265), ![][flag_ID] [chouyaa](/users/8404646), ![][flag_HK] [zero2snow](/users/7751516) |
+| Wiki | ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/814983)
+- [TMT Discord server](https://discord.gg/CPRBtBR)
+- [TMT Challonge brackets](https://challonge.com/2tmt)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/thonkingtourney)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTQ0UHEZ55LqAnlE6TEZJyYWzttoeh4hour4weugiQu6aO06kdk3N6rQMZi-ksvi7ZDOF4dEFypizp8/pubhtml)**
+## Participants
+| Team | Members |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| **PolytETral** | ![][flag_CA] **[Sinaeb](/users/1576095)**, ![][flag_BE] [NightNarumi](/users/4381142), ![][flag_DK] [tailsdk](/users/6751666), ![][flag_RU] [YaLTeR](/users/3910006) |
+| **KABITE BOIZ and baltz** | ![][flag_PH] **[zgaj](/users/6908508)**, ![][flag_PH] [GTXCZE](/users/9209185), ![][flag_PH] [nathan10](/users/6152404), ![][flag_PH] [Baltz](/users/6083463) |
+| **SUOMI PERKELE** | ![][flag_FI] **[Camopoltergeist](/users/8132964)**, ![][flag_FI] [princesswell](/users/4789005), ![][flag_FI] [CunuTriggeredMe](/users/3386886) |
+| **La pancit bois** | ![][flag_SG] **[Polytetral](/users/8612061)**, ![][flag_PH] [SurfChu85](/users/4469895), ![][flag_PH] [arge-](/users/9919550), ![][flag_SG] [Cute Doggo](/users/7288030) |
+| **Henmenumai** | ![][flag_TH] **[gandam080](/users/6332756)**, ![][flag_TH] [Trillerspec](/users/8324386) |
+| **3 argentos y medio** | ![][flag_AR] **[juankristal](/users/443656)**, ![][flag_AR] [bubshish](/users/7110363), ![][flag_CL] [WalterToro](/users/5281416), ![][flag_AR] [jLuyalb](/users/7093698) |
+| **fucking weebs** | ![][flag_AU] **[PotassiumF](/users/4247722)**, ![][flag_AU] [ryuzah](/users/2289344), ![][flag_AU] [-Xenovia-](/users/5259743), ![][flag_AU] [No-Fail](/users/7207775) |
+| **we don't know** | ![][flag_US] **[Poke\_player](/users/6502279)**, ![][flag_CA] [XxStability98Xx](/users/6701738) |
+| **Team Loli** | ![][flag_MY] **[\[MY\]Kibitz](/users/7418493)**, ![][flag_ID] [\_Riku1602](/users/6918271), ![][flag_MY] [Kiriyalow](/users/6363947), ![][flag_MY] [KosukeSaitooo](/users/6966879) |
+| **nmsl** | ![][flag_CN] **[hans1999](/users/6679329)**, ![][flag_CN] [yin xiaosong](/users/10226286), ![][flag_CN] [Crystal](/users/1646397), ![][flag_CN] [Tofu1222](/users/6089608) |
+| **Lamp memes aren't funny** | ![][flag_ID] **[Fyl](/users/10069307)**, ![][flag_ID] [liykun](/users/9500057), ![][flag_ID] [2ndlegend](/users/7621604) |
+| **Eternal Meme** | ![][flag_ID] **[Vikry](/users/7123812)**, ![][flag_ID] [Nero-](/users/13094324) |
+| **7k Masterrace** | ![][flag_ID] **[Halsy](/users/6551704)**, ![][flag_ID] [-ExRazor](/users/6807769) |
+| **Queue** | ![][flag_ID] **[Eternal\_Stream](/users/10259156)**, ![][flag_ID] [dhimas arya](/users/7108145) |
+| **Sleepy Doggo OwO** | ![][flag_ID] **[SayoriFanGirl](/users/4569035)**, ![][flag_ID] [AnGga881](/users/7810042) |
+| **PepeHands** | ![][flag_PH] **[windrush123](/users/9087181)**, ![][flag_PH] [Arccat](/users/4848294), ![][flag_PH] [Mk3605](/users/8416824) |
+| **Fanklub Mariusza Pudzianowskiego** | ![][flag_PL] **[Kamikaze](/users/2124783)**, ![][flag_PL] [Miq](/users/2424440), ![][flag_PL] [Nick Wilde](/users/8550320), ![][flag_PL] [Triksu](/users/7233032) |
+| **Pizza Time** | ![][flag_IT] **[-extradoge-](/users/9135468)**, ![][flag_IT] [BadIsTheNewGod](/users/5245132), ![][flag_PH] [Shiyui-](/users/9374607), ![][flag_IT] [Tantuz](/users/7794657) |
+| **NOOBinACC** | ![][flag_TH] **[- K U M A -](/users/11622143)**, ![][flag_TH] [IceLnwKung](/users/4213753), ![][flag_TH] [Rinne Sama](/users/10078676) |
+| **Tojas Team** | ![][flag_MX] **[\[OSC\]Amagai](/users/9658070)**, ![][flag_MX] [- Astaroth -](/users/10629411), ![][flag_CO] [Juanfer1](/users/9708368) |
+| **La secta de Stratos** | ![][flag_VE] **[Edvo](/users/8301758)**, ![][flag_VE] [\[\_Chichinya\_\]](/users/2140739) |
+| **TBD 2.0** | ![][flag_NL] **[2fast4you98](/users/5183940)**, ![][flag_NL] [Boots](/users/2827823), ![][flag_NL] [Freek](/users/9630674), ![][flag_NL] [Redenor](/users/6964358) |
+| **Crawling in my skin** | ![][flag_CO] **[LoliXn-](/users/5597043)**, ![][flag_CO] [Temoote](/users/10326318), ![][flag_CO] [KyolyXn-](/users/6864656), ![][flag_CO] [DarkGunner](/users/9828143) |
+| **Couil #1** | ![][flag_SE] **[Craty](/users/3918056)**, ![][flag_SE] [\[- Koliwan -\]](/users/7746055) |
+| **Accu Rassie** | ![][flag_FR] **[Adri](/users/4579132)**, ![][flag_FR] [Kyzoid](/users/4089441), ![][flag_FR] [Tantei B](/users/6063108), ![][flag_FR] [polo2000](/users/10169467) |
+| **The EH Team** | ![][flag_CA] **[Trainer Red](/users/3151220)**, ![][flag_CA] [Chieftots](/users/4992345), ![][flag_CA] [Xala](/users/7508113), ![][flag_CA] [Kengy](/users/8864630) |
+| **UKhile** | ![][flag_GB] **[Bubblefan](/users/8946085)**, ![][flag_GB] [Insp1r3](/users/7131254), ![][flag_CL] [Makis3\_Kurisu](/users/6376358) |
+| **RIL** | ![][flag_PE] **[DaZeRo5](/users/6114633)**, ![][flag_EC] [MG8](/users/8324458), ![][flag_AR] [DUELODER](/users/8224116) |
+| **Bongos** | ![][flag_US] **[Dragolord](/users/7439226)**, ![][flag_US] [Eryyy](/users/9872668), ![][flag_US] [Ecal](/users/8384260), ![][flag_US] [NejiDragneel](/users/9013523) |
+| **Chamelfornikowo** | ![][flag_CL] **[Chamelforito](/users/6288548)**, ![][flag_CL] [-Nikoskidrow-](/users/2808224) |
+| **Late Night Afro Bakers** | ![][flag_US] **[afrono](/users/1320102)**, ![][flag_US] [DarthSkrill](/users/8051422) |
+| **rip la prostata** | ![][flag_PE] **[Kien io](/users/10055648)**, ![][flag_PE] [zcristhianlx](/users/9744385) |
+| **Piki's zone** | ![][flag_CO] **[Cansta](/users/9303412)**, ![][flag_TW] [murorachi](/users/8682905) |
+## Podium
+This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:
+| Placing | Team(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | La pancit bois |
+|  | 3 argentos y medio |
+|  | PolytETral |
+## Mappools
+### Grand Finals
+**[Download the mappack here! (94 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/file/2adgf33nba2x39b/2TMT+GF.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [Omoi - Snow Drive (frolica) \[Felicity \[11\]\]](/beatmapsets/480013#mania/1024856)
+ - [The Flashbulb - Maybe All This Time I Was Wrong (riktoi) \[Regret\]](/beatmapsets/808778#mania/1697205)
+ - [MAX COVERI - RUNNING IN THE 90'S (-Kamikaze-) \[MULTI-LANE STREAMING 0.9x\]](/beatmapsets/614240#mania/1295826)
+ - [-45 - Total Eclipse of the Sun (RemFanGirl) \[Rem's Apocalyptic sign\]](/beatmapsets/753100#mania/1653024)
+ - [VerseQuence - Wilt (Guilhermeziat) \[Unweave\]](/beatmapsets/592501#mania/1253611)
+ - [Se-U-Ra - LOSHAXI (Elekton) \[alonewithi\]](/beatmapsets/790524#mania/1658712)
+ - [xi - Valhalla (cheewee10) \[Eternal\]](/beatmapsets/894479#mania/1869150)
+ - [Memme - Uranium (tailsdk) \[Radioactive Noodles\]](/beatmapsets/872940#mania/1824765)
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - Dancer of Saramandora (Raveille) \[Sprites\]](/beatmapsets/836808#mania/1752295)
+ - [Umeboshi Chazuke - Owari to Hajimari no Oto (K a b i -) \[Turrim's Dongjin Again\]](/beatmapsets/893829#mania/1867926)
+ - [xi - Zephyros (TheToaphster) \[Typhoon\]](/beatmapsets/612409#mania/1292405)
+ - [Lime - 8bit Adventurer (Daikyi) \[Blast Off!\]](/beatmapsets/575327#mania/1218334)
+ - [Camellia - {albus} (eyes) \[{redo}\]](/beatmapsets/767146#mania/1853992)
+ - [sakuzyo - Black Lair (RemFangirl) \[Depths\]](/beatmapsets/892746#mania/1866053)
+ - [Puru - Grimheart (zero2snow) \[unstable\]](/beatmapsets/706388#mania/1493706)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Camellia - Introduction / Quicksand (Curiossity) \[Confined\]](/beatmapsets/794638#mania/1669050)**
+### Finals
+**[Download the mappack here! (131 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/ol2o368x5dzz47t/2TMT+Finals.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [JINDOU. - Kaisei Joshou Hallelujah (Shoegazer) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/710997#mania/1503114)
+ - [Megurine Luka - Of Amnesia (Vortex-) \[Of Loss\]](/beatmapsets/729251#mania/1539362)
+ - [Betwixt & Between - So Sweet Bitter Days (Lynessa) \[x1.2\]](/beatmapsets/845652#mania/1768706)
+ - [Gekikara Mania - Deublithick (RemFangirl) \[Thicc Jack 1.1x\]](/beatmapsets/781026#mania/1640455)
+ - [wa. - Immortal Singularity (Elekton) \[deus\]](/beatmapsets/739563#mania/1560453)
+ - [The Ghost of 3.13 - Empty Days Of Summer (Phil) \[Dismal\]](/beatmapsets/499834#mania/1063666)
+ - [DJ Sharpnel - Gate Openerz (\[Crz\]Crysarlene, RemFanGirl) \[Serene Observation\]](/beatmapsets/889239#mania/1858614)
+ - [C-Show - On the FM (Raspberriel) \[107.1 MHz\]](/beatmapsets/696787#mania/1475857)
+ - [IOSYS - Ringo's Tea Party (TheToaphster) \[Spooked\]](/beatmapsets/638838#mania/1355027)
+ - [void - Anguished Unmaking (LovelySerenade) \[Vindication\]](/beatmapsets/728509#mania/1538044)
+ - [Sakuzyo - Toy's 3 minutes war (Halogen-) \[Speedy Trinket\]](/beatmapsets/846442#mania/1770280)
+ - [Frums - theyaremanycolors (Vortex-) \[emotions\]](/beatmapsets/829383#mania/1737654)
+ - [Kyou1110 vs Takuya Namba - 'Alice in Wonderland' crazy apple could not live in real life (Kamikaze) \[Distressed\]](/beatmapsets/745471#mania/1643708)
+ - [Silentroom - NULCTRL (Janko) \[SILENT\]](/beatmapsets/874723#mania/1828104)
+ - [Daisuke Tanabe - Ghost (PotassiumF) \[disorienting\]](/beatmapsets/780635#mania/1639702)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[AAAA - Hoshi o Kakeru Adventure - we are forever friends! \[Long ver.\] (Eclipse-) \[generic diffname\]](/beatmapsets/759341#mania/1596986)**
+### Semifinals
+**[Download the mappack here! (79 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/file/un3z1e1y8levdr1/2TMT+SF.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [Remo Prototype\[CV: Hanamori Yumiri\] - Sendan Life (Hestiaaa) \[Hard-\[Short\]\]](/beatmapsets/429911#mania/927549)
+ - [Dragonforce - Storming The Burning Fields (IcyWorld) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/661719#mania/1400798)
+ - [LeaF - Wizdomiot (AutotelicBrown) \[Hard(dance-single)\]](/beatmapsets/393713#mania/856829)
+ - [Joji - SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK (Shoegazer) \[ballads\]](/beatmapsets/869760#mania/1817675)
+ - [Drop - HAMELN (XeoStyle) \[magikxD\]](/beatmapsets/562347#mania/1188966)
+ - [Memme - Hellfire (scissorsf) \[La Inferno\]](/beatmapsets/635334#mania/1348132)
+ - [Pastel\*Palettes - Yura-Yura Ring-Dong-Dance (Razzy) \[My Confidante\]](/beatmapsets/870166#mania/1818485)
+ - [PROTODOME - Greatest Hat (Gekido-) \[chalLeNge\]](/beatmapsets/840500#mania/1759313)
+ - [Mayumi Morinaga - dreamin' feat. Ryu\* (+VOX Mix) (\_underjoy) \[UJCHAN!!\]](/beatmapsets/885179#mania/1850115)
+ - [kanone feat. Sennzai - Flower, snow and Drum'n'bass. (Raveille) \[So Energetic\]](/beatmapsets/884566#mania/1848891)
+ - [taiyo - Skyflare!!!! (PiraTom) \[VERMILLION\]](/beatmapsets/628432#mania/1324925)
+ - [C418 - Sweden (Couil) \[sphere\]](/beatmapsets/815908#mania/1711121)
+ - [Lockyn - Lockout (IceDynamix) \[sv\]](/beatmapsets/843730#mania/1765165)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Camellia feat. Nanahira - EDM Jumpers ({E+H}DM Reboot) (Gekido-) \[{L+E}MON Reboot\]](/beatmapsets/805341#mania/1690577)**
+### Quarterfinals
+**[Download the mappack here! (58 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/zw687w6ph5thdw2/2TMT+QF.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - FLOWER (Raveille) \[Air Blossom\]](/beatmapsets/869803#mania/1817772)
+ - [naotyu- feat. Eri Sasaki - Candy Tall Woman (Raveille) \[Syrup\]](/beatmapsets/772698#mania/1624238)
+ - [ELISA - ebullient future (souzirou1000) \[LN\]](/beatmapsets/601088#mania/1269921)
+ - [Camellia - Towards the Horizon (Couil) \[incandescence\]](/beatmapsets/719100#mania/1518610)
+ - [Yooh - Knock The Gate (short Ver.) (ALEFY) \[Extra \[Fantastic SV\]\]](/beatmapsets/797589#mania/1675081)
+ - [E-Type - Here I Go Again (Jole) \[where u going though\]](/beatmapsets/433032#mania/933589)
+ - [Drumcorps - Down (Civilization) \[Arrest\]](/beatmapsets/837338#mania/1753264)
+ - [KOTOKO - Wing my Way (arpia97) \[Jack my Way\]](/beatmapsets/794615#mania/1669001)
+ - [Billx & Ostralopitek - ORACLE (Wh1teh) \[Marathon\]](/beatmapsets/427758#mania/923394)
+ - [AAAA Chazuke - Hop Step Adventure\* (Dreamwalker) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/574576#mania/1216879)
+ - [SickStrophe - Pop Up Tha Bass (Cokiiplay) \[Jump\]](/beatmapsets/615707#mania/1298710)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Camellia - Primitive Pump (Dragolord) \[Ancient\]](/beatmapsets/853247#mania/1827280)**
+### Round of 16
+**[Download the mappack here! (84 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/file/biq1sxy1oiu2cdx/2TMT+RO16.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [carryYellow Claw & Flux Pavilion - Catch Me (andreymc) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/700716#mania/1483360)
+ - [ZYTOKINE - DESIRE DREAM feat, itori - FELT Remix (\_underjoy) \[Insane Side B\]](/beatmapsets/836634#mania/1761189)
+ - [Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo (RemFangirl) \[lndifference\]](/beatmapsets/767418#mania/1613146)
+ - [Gems Pack 14 - LN Master 6th (gemboyong) \[\[12\] S.I.D Sound - Pink Gold\]](/beatmapsets/597080#mania/1263203)
+ - [succducc - me & u (Shoegazer) \[yume\]](/beatmapsets/781107#mania/1640584)
+ - [OutPhase - Quasar (RemFangirl) \[HSMP 5 (217bpm)\]](/beatmapsets/879970/#mania/1840170)
+ - [stereoberry - ametsuchi (Civilization) \[petrichor\]](/beatmapsets/671311#mania/1419426)
+ - [sirokuma - Apollo11 (Elekton) \[lunarian stream\]](/beatmapsets/769539#mania/1618073)
+ - [Chroma - Pon-Pon Pompoko Dai-Sen-Saw! (PiraTom) \[Pira's EXHAUST\]](/beatmapsets/351531#mania/775625)
+ - [Vospi - roboposition!! (arviejhay) \[4K HD\]](/beatmapsets/164310#mania/400180)
+ - [brothel. - timmy. (Nick Wilde) \[notitle.\]](/beatmapsets/697911#mania/1478256)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Chroma - Hoshi ga Furanai Machi (Guilhermeziat) \[Shooting Stars\]](/beatmapsets/749408#mania/1578514)**
+### Round of 32
+**[Download the mappack here! (131 MB)](https://www.mediafire.com/file/ol2o368x5dzz47t/2TMT+Finals.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [senya - Koborezu no Negaigoto (souzirou1000) \[LN\]](/beatmapsets/713607#mania/1513326)
+ - [Hideki Sakamoto - Lifelight (Raveille) \[Compass\]](/beatmapsets/873914#mania/1826667)
+ - [Yuzuki - Dear You (Vocal Version) (RemFangirl) \[Distant\]](/beatmapsets/763326#mania/1605032)
+ - [chunbaiP - Akari (RemFangirl) \[Gleam\]](/beatmapsets/876330#mania/1831518)
+ - [subplaid - Jeg onskerikke a skade deg (Hydria) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/516286#mania/1097159)
+ - [Tennyson - L'oiseau qui danse (Valedict) \[Parakeet\]](/beatmapsets/481501#mania/1027614)
+ - [Kuroneko Dungeon - Ryoushi no Umi no Lindwurm (Hydria) \[Hydria's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/453900#mania/973289)
+ - [Oskar Schuster - Fjarlaegur (Cypix Remix) (TheToaphster) \[Isolation\]](/beatmapsets/824249#mania/1727090)
+ - [Redemptive - Adrenaline (Nick Wilde) \[insane\]](/beatmapsets/837456#mania/1772478)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[PrototypeRaptor - Color Galaxy (Parachor) \[Andromeda\]](/beatmapsets/490702#mania/1045834)**
+### Qualifiers
+**[Download the mappack here! (29 MB)](http://www.mediafire.com/file/2tqt35qnr3ouru6/2TMT+Qualifiers.zip)**
+- FreeMod
+ - [Woodkid - Run Boy Run (RemFangirl) \[Stage 1 : Getaway\]](/beatmapsets/873415#mania/1825724)
+ - [Dido - White Flag (RemFangirl) \[Stage 2 : Patience\]](/beatmapsets/873417#mania/1825728)
+ - [Mr. Fantastic - Usual Groove (Raveille) \[Stage 3 : Rhythm\]](/beatmapsets/873411#mania/1825720)
+ - [Fractal Dreamers - Celestial Horizon (cheewee10) \[Stage 4 : Illusion\]](/beatmapsets/873409#mania/1825718)
+ - [A4paper - Ultranova (Raveille) \[Stage 5: Nimble\]](/beatmapsets/873412#mania/1825721)
+## Match Results
+### Grand Finals
+| Friday, 2018-12-21 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| PolytETral | 1 | **7** | **La pancit bois** | [#1](/community/matches/48251480) |
+| Saturday, 2018-12-22 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| 3 argentos y medio | 1 | **7** | **La pancit bois** | [#1](/community/matches/48280054) |
+| **La pancit bois** | **7** | 4 | 3 argentos y medio | [#1](/community/matches/48282582) |
+### Finals
+| Saturday, 2018-12-15 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **3 argentos y medio** | **6** | 0 | Team Loli | -win by default- |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-16 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **nmsl** | **6** | 5 | fucking weebs | [#1](/community/matches/48134025) |
+| KABITE BOIZ and baltz | 0 | **6** | **Fanklub Mariusza Pudzianowskiego** | -win by default- |
+| **La pancit bois** | **6** | 1 | Fanklub Mariusza Pudzianowskiego | [#1](/community/matches/48140066) |
+| **PolytETral** | **6** | 0 | nmsl | [#1](/community/matches/48142893) |
+### Semifinals
+| Friday, 2018-12-07 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **3 Argentos y Medio** | **6** | 4 | La pancit bois | [#1](/community/matches/47938858) |
+| Saturday, 2018-12-08 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **Team Loli** | **6** | 0 | PolytETral | [#1](/community/matches/47962270) |
+| **SUOMI PERKELE** | **6** | 3 | La secta de Stratos | [#1](/community/matches/47968602) |
+| **Accu Rassie** | **6** | 1 | TBD 2.0 | [#1](/community/matches/47970344) |
+| **we don't know** | **6** | 5 | Late Night Afro Bakers | [#1](/community/matches/47971830) |
+| Bongos | 0 | **6** | **RIL** | [#1](/community/matches/47976639) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-09 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **fucking weebs** | **6** | 1 | Bongos | [#1](/community/matches/47981472) |
+| **nmsl** | **6** | 1 | we don't know | [#1](/community/matches/47981964) |
+| **KABITE BOIZ and baltz** | **6** | 1 | SUOMI PERKELE | [#1](/community/matches/47987510) |
+| **Fanklub Mariusza Pudzianowskiego** | **6** | 2 | Accu Rassie | [#1](/community/matches/47996734) |
+### Quarterfinals
+| Saturday, 2018-12-01 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **Team Loli** | **5** | 0 | Fanklub Mariusza Pudzianowskiego | [#1](/community/matches/47801175) |
+| **PolytETral** | **5** | 2 | KABITE BOIZ and baltz | [#1](/community/matches/47803037) |
+| **La secta de Stratos** | **5** | 1 | Lamp memes aren't funny | [#1](/community/matches/47804724), [#2](/community/matches/47806487) |
+| Crawling in my skin | 2 | **5** | **SUOMI PERKELE** | [#1](/community/matches/47812496) |
+| **we don't know** | **5** | 1 | Couil #1 | [#1](/community/matches/47812498) |
+| **RIL** | **5** | 0 | The EH Team | [#1](/community/matches/47816331) |
+| **Bongos** | **5** | 0 | Trip la prostata | [#1](/community/matches/47817949) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-02 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **3 argentos y medio** | **5** | 3 | fucking weebs | [#1](/community/matches/47821527), [#2](/community/matches/47822286) |
+| **Late Night Afro Bakers** | **5** | 3 | Queue | [#1](/community/matches/47826149) |
+| **La pancit bois** | **5** | 3 | nmsl | [#1](/community/matches/47826319) |
+| **Accu Rassie** | **5** | 3 | Pizza Time | [#1](/community/matches/47833825) |
+| **TBD 2.0** | **5** | 0 | UKhile | -win by default- |
+### Round of 16
+| Saturday, 2018-11-24 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| Henmenumai | 0 | **5** | **The EH Team** | -win by default- |
+| 7k Masterrace | 0 | **5** | **Lamp memes aren't funny** | -win by default- |
+| **Queue** | **5** | 0 | NOOBinACC | -win by default- |
+| **La pancit bois** | **5** | 1 | La secta de Stratos | [#1](/community/matches/47645695) |
+| Eternal Meme | 0 | **5** | **Pizza Time** | [#1](/community/matches/47647884) |
+| **UKhile** | **5** | 0 | Chamelfornikowo | -win by default- |
+| Tojas Team | 0 | **5** | **rip la prostata** | -win by default- |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-25 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **nmsl** | **5** | 0 | Crawling in my skin | [#1](/community/matches/47664183) |
+| **Team Loli** | **5** | 4 | RIL | [#1](/community/matches/47665948) |
+| **KABITE BOIZ and baltz** | **5** | 1 | we don't know | [#1](/community/matches/47667776) |
+| Accu Rassie | 4 | **5** | **fucking weebs** | [#1](/community/matches/47670741) |
+| **PolytETral** | **5** | 0 | Late Night Afro Bakers | [#1](/community/matches/47678130) |
+| **Fanklub Mariusza Pudzianowskiego** | **5** | 0 | Bongos | [#1](/community/matches/47682206) |
+| **3 argentos y medio** | **5** | 0 | TBD 2.0 | [#1](/community/matches/47682380) |
+### Round of 32
+| Saturday, 2018-11-17 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **La pancit bois** | **4** | 0 | Tojas Team | -win by default- |
+| **nmsl** | **4** | 0 | Henmenumai | -win by default- |
+| **fucking weebs** | **4** | 0 | NOOBinACC | -win by default- |
+| **Fanklub Mariusza Pudzianowskiego** | **4** | 0 | 7k Masterrace | -win by default- |
+| **TBD 2.0** | **4** | 1 | Couli #1 | [#1](/community/matches/47488316) |
+| Pizza Time | 3 | **4** | **Late Night Afro Bakers** | [#1](/community/matches/47490127) |
+| **Bongos** | **4** | 0 | Lamp memes aren't funny | [#1](/community/matches/47491636) |
+| **Crawling in my skin** | **4** | 3 | The EH team | [#1](/community/matches/47498279) |
+| **La secta de Stratos** | **4** | 0 | rip la prostata | -win by default- |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-18 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-- |
+| **KABITE BOIZ and Baltz** | **4** | 0 | UKhile | -win by default- |
+| **Accu Rassie** | **4** | 2 | Queue | [#1](/community/matches/47517673) |
+| **PolytETral** | **4** | 1 | Eternal Meme | [#1](/community/matches/47519437) |
+| **RIL** | **4** | 2 | SUOMI PERKELE | [#1](/community/matches/47521803) |
+| **we don't know** | **4** | 0 | Chamelfornikowo | -win by default- |
+### Qualifiers
+Detailed results for this round can be found via this [link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTQ0UHEZ55LqAnlE6TEZJyYWzttoeh4hour4weugiQu6aO06kdk3N6rQMZi-ksvi7ZDOF4dEFypizp8/pubhtml#).
+## Ruleset
+### General Rules
+- Round of 32 will be played as BO7.
+- Round of 16 and Quarterfinals will be played as BO9.
+- Semifinals will be played as BO11.
+- Finals and Grand Finals will be played as BO13.
+- Players and Staff members must respect each other.
+- Players and Staff members that misbehave will be warned, if the misbehaving continues they will be removed from the tournaments.
+- Teams that fail to respect the rules will be placed on a blacklist blocking them from participating in other tournaments hosted by :thonking: and affiliates.
+### Qualification Stage
+- The qualification stage will be used to seed teams into 4 categories, Top seed, High seed, Low seed, and No seed.
+- The mappool consist of 5 maps that are going to be played twice.
+- Only two team members are allowed to play a map at a time, and members can swap in and out between maps.
+- The **best team** attempt of each map will be used to calculate the Total Score of teams.
+- Teams ranked 33rd and below will be eliminated.
+- If there is less than 32 teams, the tournament will continue with defaults, where the highest ranked teams get priority for this privilege (e.g. #1 and #2 will get a default to RO16 if there are only 30 teams).
+- Teams will be organized into lobbies based on the timezones they put on the Form. The players inside the lobby are not facing each other, as their Total Score is what is used for the seeding.
+### Double Elimination stage
+The Double Elimination stages will proceed as follow:
+- The referee will create the room 15 minutes prior to the match time and invite the teams.
+- When both teams are in the room, the match will start on the scheduled time.
+- If a player/team is missing, a 10 minutes timer will be created, and the incomplete team will lose by default if the timer runs out.
+- If both teams are incomplete after the timer, the team with more members will win by default (e.g. 1v0). Should there be no players online for either team, both teams are to reschedule to a time within the week to play, else eliminated.
+- When the match starts, both team representatives will do a !roll to determine the match order, the team with the highest roll will get first warmup, second ban and first pick.
+- The warmup must be downloadable with osu!direct, 4 keys and be no longer than 5 minutes.
+- After the warmups, teams will have 1 ban of any map (excluding Tiebreaker).
+- After bans, teams will pick maps alternating with each other until on player reach the required amount of points to win the match.
+- If both teams are at match point, the Tiebreaker will be played.
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+# :thonking: Mania Tournament
+Index page for all of the :thonking: Mania Tournament series.
+- [2TMT](./2TMT "2v2 :thonking: Mania Tournament")
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+# Taiko Suiji Cup
+Index page for all of the Taiko Suiji Cup series.
+- [1](./1 "Taiko Suiji Cup")
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+- osu! Taiko Wars
+- Taiko Wars
+- TW
+# Taiko Wars
+The **Taiko Wars** (***TW***) was an interactive strategy double-elimination two-on-two osu!taiko tournament hosted by ![][flag_CA] [rubies87](/users/4949934), ![][flag_CA] [FlamingRok](/users/2015353), and ![][flag_US] [incandescence](/users/6256027). It was the 1st installment of the Taiko Wars.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-10-07/2018-10-26 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-10-27 (12:00 UTC) |
+| Round 1 | 2018-10-29/2018-11-04 |
+| Round 2 | 2018-11-05/2018-11-11 |
+| Round 3 | 2018-11-12/2018-11-18 |
+| Round 4 | 2018-11-19/2018-11-25 |
+| Round 5 | 2018-11-26/2018-12-02 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for Taiko Wars winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the Taiko Wars.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 6 months of osu!supporter tag |
+|  | 3 months of osu!supporter tag |
+|  | 1 month of osu!supporter tag |
+## Organisation
+The Taiko Wars was run by various osu!taiko community members.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_CA] [rubies87](/users/4949934), ![][flag_CA] [FlamingRok](/users/2015353), ![][flag_US] [incandescence](/users/6256027) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_CA] [FlamingRok](/users/2015353), ![][flag_US] [incandescence](/users/6256027), ![][flag_US] [JDrago14](/users/7690078) |
+| Streamer | ![][flag_US] [ITotallyGetThat](/users/8770622) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_CA] [janitoreihil](/users/3307897), ![][flag_CA] [FlamingRok](/users/2015353), ![][flag_US] [incandescence](/users/6256027), ![][flag_US] [Das](/users/3165416), ![][flag_AU] [Beat43210](/users/5664171), ![][flag_US] [CaptainEChan](/users/9536977), ![][flag_EC] [Gamelan4](/users/9856910), ![][flag_CA] [DuckyDoom](/users/3153062) |
+| Designer | ![][flag_US] [Backfire](/users/263110) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_US] [incandescence](/users/6256027), ![][flag_JP] [Briesmas](/users/2865172), ![][flag_US] [CaptainEChan](/users/9536977), ![][flag_FR] [TLQ\_Yoshii](/users/7157133), ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002), ![][flag_RU] [-dragon67](/users/4328734) |
+| Statisticians | ![][flag_CA] [rubies87](/users/4949934), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Wiki | ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/813794)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osutaikowars)
+- [oTW Discord server](https://discord.gg/7bWjmq2)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS1OEnywzQlI4425prcLcfxFoWCaSDGnfDpOXJZ5jRq-CP6E3OTSz0m8SVW4cMKF2i6c_dyrh4yZF3O/pubhtml)**
+## Participants
+| Team | Members |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| **Bolsonaros Unidos** | **![][flag_BR] [Ppus](/users/5918857)**, ![][flag_BR] [Kyoumo](/users/8145223), ![][flag_BR] [-Shikamaru](/users/8655327) |
+| **cu** | **![][flag_CL] [Ulqui](/users/1263669)**, ![][flag_CL] [-F1-](/users/5810867), ![][flag_BR] [Kbludoh](/users/2543764) |
+| **Gib Sinep** | **![][flag_BR] [Skull Kid](/users/3044264)**, ![][flag_VE] [Colorojo12](/users/5136821), ![][flag_US] [Bauregaurd](/users/2598555) |
+| **Iceland** | **![][flag_CA] [janitoreihil](/users/3307897)**, ![][flag_BR] [Kqrth](/users/4115718), ![][flag_US] [closed](/users/5116922) |
+| **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | **![][flag_BR] [HiroK](/users/4050738)**, ![][flag_BR] [Foxerus](/users/7479684), ![][flag_CA] [beary605](/users/2198070) |
+| **Laundry Ca𝔹oclo Warriors** | **![][flag_BR] [Brasil](/users/3949268)**, ![][flag_BR] [Berg](/users/8097465), ![][flag_BR] [Coryn](/users/2828556) |
+| **Paragay** | **![][flag_CA] [Nyanners-](/users/459886)**, ![][flag_US] [Protonori](/users/6049990), ![][flag_CL] [Maniaco1](/users/1158576) |
+| **Republic of Froot Loop Salad** | **![][flag_US] [Loopy542](/users/5468461)**, ![][flag_US] [cheese salad](/users/6349821), ![][flag_CA] [Spooky Mango](/users/3582786) |
+| **Team II Empire** | **![][flag_CA] [vladyushko](/users/4908773)**, ![][flag_US] [Garpo](/users/4097035), ![][flag_CA] [Player-](/users/3724819) |
+| **Ununited States of Namepiking Gamers** | **![][flag_US] [\_knots](/users/4407678)**, ![][flag_US] [jyake\_ou](/users/9099822), ![][flag_EC] [Gamelan4](/users/9856910) |
+| **Urugay** | **![][flag_US] [Das](/users/3165416)**, ![][flag_VE] [\[\_Chichinya\_\]](/users/2140739), ![][flag_US] [Backfire](/users/263110) |
+## Podium
+This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:
+| Placing | Team(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo |
+|  | cu |
+|  | Iceland |
+## Mappools
+### Round 5
+**[Download the mappack here! (132 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!GnhFwIiJ!6TMyxm-mKf7Q_EEdYdA44s1VQ0Qs5kXdR1HLrzswnYs)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Zekk - Sugary Daydream (TKS) \[Hell Oni\]](/beatmapsets/578489#taiko/1224835)
+ - [LeaF - Monkey Business -Satire mix- (taiko\_maniac1811) \[Maniac Oni\]](/beatmapsets/694382#taiko/1469095)
+ - [Rainbowdragoneyes - Quid Quaeritis (Nofool) \[Hard Oni\]](/beatmapsets/588771#taiko/1246408)
+ - [kaitendaentai - Hizai ni Negu (maziari1105) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/653870/#taiko/1574488)
+ - [Cybermiso - oppIrish (tasuke912) \[Muzukashii Oni\]](/beatmapsets/847877/#taiko/1773121)
+ - [Daddy Yankee - El Ritmo no Perdona (Myckoll) \[Tula Oni\]](/beatmapsets/706309#taiko/1493576)
+- Hidden
+ - [Cyte - Upside Done (7\_7) \[Inversion\]](/beatmapsets/780145#taiko/1638948)
+ - [uki3/ewe - lili. (tasuke912) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/877103#taiko/1834014)
+- HardRock
+ - [flicknote - 422 (maziari1105) \[Virtuoso\]](/beatmapsets/672943#taiko/1422972)
+ - [wa. vs ETIA. - Akasagarbha (\_DUSK\_) \[Perpetual\]](/beatmapsets/709333#taiko/1499439)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [BPM15Q(Rinahamu&Nicamoq) - Good Luck (hoku) \[Goodbye T\_T\]](/beatmapsets/864069#taiko/1807258)
+ - [Ayaka Ohashi - Wagamama MIRROR HEART (Y O U T A) \[YOUTA's Revenge\]](/beatmapsets/561188#taiko/1190792)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Lapix - Carry Me Away (Extended Mix) (HEKUSODASU) \[KUSOni\]](/beatmapsets/866664#taiko/1811867)
+ - [Rhapsody - Emerald Sword (Nofool) \[S T R E A M W O R L D220BPM\]](/beatmapsets/562881#taiko/1284558)
+- Extra
+ - [Chroma - I (rubies87) \[Inner OnI\]](/beatmapsets/883570/#taiko/1847007)
+ - [Memme - Avalanche (Nofool) \[Blizzardly Oni\]](/beatmapsets/710898#taiko/1502771)
+- Extra++
+ - [BLUE ENCOUNT - HOPE(Speed Up ver.) (Shallty) \[Hope Oni\]](/beatmapsets/747842#taiko/1575675)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Xenoglossy - Kaihai no Northbridge (tasuke912) \[Broken\]](/beatmapsets/868552/#taiko/1815417)**
+### Round 4
+**[Download the mappack here! (65 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!a2IHjQTJ!isJzTngQGr6mxJPGpctb3jQzLcGUrMadI_vvDHPtDnQ)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Hino Isuka - Bloody Scarlet Nightmare (nananass) \[Blood\]](/beatmapsets/691110#taiko/1462572)
+ - [Sasara Yuuna - The decadent of human evolutionism (Firce777) \[Firce Force\]](/beatmapsets/684869/#taiko/1449385)
+ - [Camellia feat.Nanahira - Chou\*Chou\*Kou\*Soku\*De\*Mae\*Sai\*Soku!!! Speed\*Star\*Karade (Vulkin) \[Definition of Insanity\]](/beatmapsets/605276#taiko/1278848)
+ - [Prospect & Pinnacle - Zombie Nightclub (7\_7) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/615245#taiko/1297763)
+- Hidden
+ - [Frums - memoryfactory.lzh (Nifty) \[inneroni.rar\]](/beatmapsets/761900#taiko/1601977)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - White Prism (Thousand) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/396772#taiko/863094)
+- HardRock
+ - [Umeboshi Chazuke - Dutch Courage! (goheegy) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/679277/#taiko/1436194)
+ - [Kobaryo - Royal Judgement (nananass) \[Judgement\]](/beatmapsets/777940#taiko/1634106)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Warak - REANIMATE (Raiden) \[Raiden's Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/411866/#taiko/1043373)
+ - [you feat. nayuta - HELLO! (KitajimaYN, Y O U T A) \[Yuni&YOUTA's Morning Call!\]](/beatmapsets/632974#taiko/1343526)
+- FreeMod
+ - [t+pazolite - Ka wa Taredoki no Yuuwaku (ekumea1123) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/749335/#taiko/1578366)
+ - [M2U x NICODE - LUNE(Chiptune Arrange Ver.) (uone) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/607963#taiko/1284065)
+- Extra
+ - [2mg - Crimson Phantom [LSDj] (7\_7) \[wwwwww\]](/beatmapsets/732282#taiko/1545080)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Ice - L (Lost, Loneliness, & Liberation) (Midnaait, tasuke912, bbj0920) \[Oni\]](/beatmapsets/364029#taiko/799221)**
+### Round 3
+**[Download the mappack here! (59 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!2vwGCSCY!v7DWcVkE0WERJfqmRwY5At_RctlZM9duhxA_4HyIFAM)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Hiro - VERTeX (Nwolf) \[Apex\]](/beatmapsets/856990/#taiko/1790210)
+ - [253215 - 2112410403927243233368 (7\_7) \[15149\]](/beatmapsets/728597#taiko/1538203)
+ - [Nekomata Master+ - POINT ZERO (Nyan) \[NONSTOP\]](/beatmapsets/303883/#taiko/680907)
+ - [Dirty Androids - Egret and WIllow (MMzz) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/667377/#taiko/1412162)
+- Hidden
+ - [MMQX - Spell No. 213 (incandescence) \[Blackmagic\]](/beatmapsets/803652/#taiko/1686776)
+ - [The Doors - Riders on the Storm (Infected Mushroom Remix) (Grimbow) \[Grim's Ura Oni\]](/beatmapsets/641775/#taiko/1360769)
+- HardRock
+ - [YUC'e - Magical Mixer (KinomiCandy) \[Magical Oni\]](/beatmapsets/673504#taiko/1425374)
+ - [YUC'e - n'pa pa BBQ (\[Distant\]) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/853749/#taiko/1784207)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [toby fox - Chaos King (duski) \[Never better.\]](/beatmapsets/874293#taiko/1827343)
+- FreeMod
+ - [S-C-U vs L.E.D. - DIAMOND CROSSING (butter0414) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/710606/#taiko/1502082)
+- Extra
+ - [Tobyfox - THE WORLD REVOLVING (luva65alice) \[luva65alice's Game\]](/beatmapsets/872228#taiko/1822812)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Billain & Kodin - Feed For Speed (Remus) \[Hunger\]](/beatmapsets/826432/#taiko/1731980)**
+### Round 2
+**[Download the mappack here! (49 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!zyJVHICL!OoNBJWGGqW4I18SINy5RrqDkmhY6l6X4zahaBj7etuA)**
+- NoMod
+ - [DJ Mass MAD Izm - shakunetsu Beach Side Bunny (Kagami Yuki) \[Kagami's Taiko\]](/beatmapsets/196311#taiko/465665)
+ - [Camellia - Fastest Crash (Nepuri) \[Crash\]](/beatmapsets/394025/#taiko/1000101)
+ - [t+pazolite - Pee-Kan Breaks (Ulqui) \[Overlapse Oni\]](/beatmapsets/529539/#taiko/1122796)
+- Hidden
+ - [Inspector K - Disconnected Hardkore (CanBlaster Remix) (Verdisphena) \[Verdi's Taiko Oni\]](/beatmapsets/30485/#taiko/103052)
+ - [Natsume Chiaki - Hanairo Biyori (DarkVortex) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/280663#taiko/635003)
+- HardRock
+ - [Silentroom - Nhelv (namaniku) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/684795/#taiko/1449249)
+ - [MAZARE - Mazare Party (incandescence) \[Party!!\]](/beatmapsets/754402#taiko/1588295)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [DJ Fresh (feat. Rita Ora) - Hot Right Now (Radio Edit) (gaston\_2199) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/575072#taiko/1217847)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Ami with Iyo, Kenta, Issa - Tondemo Nothing \~DokiDoki Animal Yokocho no Uta no Maki\~ (Cantabil Amen EDIT) (rezi888) \[Taiko\]](/beatmapsets/802278/#taiko/1683825)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[FALCHiON - Gigaton dB (applerss) \[Giga oNI\]](/beatmapsets/698055/#taiko/1478489)**
+### Round 1
+- NoMod
+ - [Renard - TU4AR (OnosakiHito) \[Ono's Taiko Oni\]](/beatmapsets/28997/#taiko/117847)
+ - [WAiKURO - Alexandrite (Lundlerol) \[Future 9\]](/beatmapsets/858524/#taiko/1794210)
+ - [Krewella - Come & Get It (Nightcore Mix) (S a n d) \[Sand's Taiko Oni\]](/beatmapsets/193318/#taiko/459368)
+- Hidden
+ - [Hinoisuka - Delightness Brightness (Kurosanyan) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/247512#taiko/569856)
+ - [Soleily - Silent Rush (MTDex) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/814550/#taiko/1709713)
+- HardRock
+ - [lapix - Outer Space (Miseracy) \[Inner Oni\]](/beatmapsets/798533/#taiko/1684140)
+ - [cillia - Rolling Girl (mintong89) \[Ura Oni Lv.29\]](/beatmapsets/434536/#taiko/936283)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [ELISA - Wonder Wind (Mikkuri, KinomiCandy) \[Taiko Collab\]](/beatmapsets/25168/#taiko/140857)
+- FreeMod
+ - [SEVENTH SISTERS - SEVENTH HAVEN(Mtell Remix)(Short ver.) (Shallty) \[1st Sister Shallty\]](/beatmapsets/829545/#taiko/1737946)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[gmtn. (witch's slave) - furioso melodia (incandescence) \[melOnia\]](/beatmapsets/855174/#taiko/1786971)**
+## Match Results
+### Round 5
+| Saturday, 2018-12-01 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **cu** | **7** | 0 | Iceland | [#1](/community/matches/47786566) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-02 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | **7** | 1 | Iceland | [#1](/community/matches/47821563) |
+| Iceland | 0 | **7** | **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | [#1](/community/matches/47846905) |
+### Round 4
+| Saturday, 2018-11-24 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Iceland** | **5** | 0 | Urugay | -win by default- |
+| Republic of Froot Loop Salad | 2 | **5** | **cu** | [#1](/community/matches/47659978) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-25 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Urugay | 0 | **5** | **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | [#1](/community/matches/47665096) |
+| **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | **5** | 1 | Republic of Froot Loop Salad | [#1](/community/matches/47687431) |
+### Round 3
+| Saturday, 2018-11-17 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **cu** | **4** | 0 | Urugay | [#1](/community/matches/47476742) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-18 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Republic of Froot Loop Salad | 1 | **4** | **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | [#1](/community/matches/47523510) |
+| **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | **4** | 0 | Team II Empire | [#1](/community/matches/47527025) |
+| Iceland | 3 | **4** | **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | [#1](/community/matches/47530451) |
+### Round 2
+| Saturday, 2018-11-10 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Team II Empire | 1 | **3** | **Urugay** | [#1](/community/matches/47314007) |
+| Laundry Ca𝔹oclo Warriors | 0 | **3** | **Republic of Froot Loop Salad** | [#1](/community/matches/47340496) |
+| **cu** | **3** | 0 | Laundry Ca𝔹oclo Warriors | -win by default- |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-11 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Ununited States of Namepiking Gamers | 1 | **3** | **Iceland** | [#1](/community/matches/47365021) |
+| **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | **3** | 0 | Ununited States of Namepiking Gamers | [#1](/community/matches/47373419) |
+### Round 1
+| Friday, 2018-11-02 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Urugay | 0 | **3** | **cu** | -win by default- |
+| Saturday, 2018-11-03 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Ununited States of Namepicking Gamers** | **3** | 2 | Bolsonaros Unidos | [#1](/community/matches/47180959) |
+| **Team II Empire** | **3** | 1 | Ununited States of Namepiking Gamers | [#1](/community/matches/47185545) |
+| Sunday, 2018-11-04 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Republic of Froot Loop Salad | 1 | **3** | **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | [#1](/community/matches/47191404) |
+| Laundry Ca𝔹oclo Warriors | 0 | **3** | **Republic of Froot Loop Salad** | [#1](/community/matches/47213957) |
+| **Iceland** | **3** | 1 | Gib Sinep | [#1](/community/matches/47213176) |
+| **Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo** | **3** | 1 | Paragay | [#1](/community/matches/47217767) |
+## Ruleset
+### Game Rules
+1. At the start of the tournament (October 27, UTC 20:00), the **top 11** consenting players will become team captains, and will draft two other players to join their team.
+2. The tournament will be played in **Score V2**.
+3. **Undrafted** players may choose to be on standby in the case of any team needing a substitute at any point during the tournament.
+4. Each team will be randomly assigned a starting area (province) on the map and choose a name for their nation.
+5. Each round will take place over 2 phases: **Attack** and **Resolve**.
+ - The Attack phase consists of all remaining teams choosing an enemy province they wish to invade.
+ - The Resolve phase consists of every attacker playing a taiko match against the team they attacked. If the defender wins they get to keep their land, otherwise the attacker steals it.
+6. Any team who controls 0 provinces after the Resolve phase is immediately eliminated.
+7. The first team to control **7 provinces** wins the tournament. After the end of the 10th Resolve phase, if there is no team who controls 7 provinces, the team with the most provinces wins.
+8. If there is a tie for most provinces controlled, a grand finals match will be played between tied teams as a Bo13 with the respectively sized mappool.
+9. The mappool will contain 3 NM, 2 HR, 2 HD, 1 FM, 1 DT, and 1 TB at the start of the tournament. As the number of teams remaining shrinks, the size of the pool will increase.
+10. Free Mod will use HardRock, Hidden, or Hidden + HardRock. Each team must have both players with a mod selected.
+11. Tiebreaker is No Mod.
+12. All match times are in **UTC**.
+13. **No staff members are allowed to play** other than streamers, commentators, and graphic designers.
+### Match Rules
+1. Matches are played as a 2v2, teams may swap out players at any time between maps, failed scores count.
+2. A referee will create the match and invite both team captains (or another team member in the case that the captain is not online), who will then be expected to invite the rest of their team
+3. There is a **15 minute** grace period for both teams to have at least 2 players present in the lobby. If, at the end of the grace period, a team is unable to have 2 players present, the other team wins by default.
+4. At any time before a WBD is declared, either team with only 1 player present may declare that they are using a willing substitute player, who must confirm this in the Discord server.
+5. Once all players are present, the defending team must state their choice between first warmup/ban/pick or second warmup/ban/pick. Teams may pick warmup maps with a length of 5:00 or less, in the decided order.
+6. Each team may ban **one map** from the mappool, in the decided order.
+7. Teams will continue to take turns picking maps, until one team wins.
+8. Every pick, the referee will start a !mp timer 240 command, by the end of which the currently picking team must have stated their map choice. If the picking team fails to pick a map at any time before the timer ends, one will be randomly selected for them using a `!roll` command.
+9. Teams will then ready up, after which the referee will enter !mp start 15 to begin the match.
+10. Failed scores are counted, the team with the highest score wins.
+11. The Matches will be BO5 and grow bigger as teams are eliminated.
+[flag_AU]: /wiki/shared/flag/AU.gif
+[flag_BR]: /wiki/shared/flag/BR.gif
+[flag_CA]: /wiki/shared/flag/CA.gif
+[flag_CL]: /wiki/shared/flag/CL.gif
+[flag_EC]: /wiki/shared/flag/EC.gif
+[flag_FR]: /wiki/shared/flag/FR.gif
+[flag_JP]: /wiki/shared/flag/JP.gif
+[flag_ID]: /wiki/shared/flag/ID.gif
+[flag_RU]: /wiki/shared/flag/RU.gif
+[flag_US]: /wiki/shared/flag/US.gif
+[flag_VE]: /wiki/shared/flag/VE.gif
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki/Tournaments/TW/1/img/logo.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56524981dcfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/TW/en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Taiko Wars
+Index page for all of the Taiko Wars series.
+- [#1](./1 "Taiko Wars")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2015/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2015/en.md
index 2d7f77a383a2..af88092c6f6f 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2015/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2015/en.md
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ Ruleset
4. The top 4 teams of each group will move on to the Knock-Out Stages.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this graphic](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2016/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2016/en.md
index 84b067c15f09..735e330c8960 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2016/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2016/en.md
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ Ruleset
1. This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this graphic](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2017/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2017/en.md
index bcc8f29ed46e..b53d78492f2f 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2017/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2017/en.md
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ Groups and Seeds can be found in the **[statistics sheet!](https://docs.google.c
- This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this image](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
| -----: | -------- |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2018/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2018/en.md
index 48d858ab1ee6..7cd16aebad57 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2018/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/2018/en.md
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ The osu!taiko World Cup 2018 is run by various community members by distributing
- This may change with the actual Group Stage setup.
5. Following stages are Double Elimination Stages. This means that the winner moves to the next stage and the losing team gets moved to the Loser bracket.
-6. Based on [this image](https://puu.sh/bUq5V/f1066103b0.png), the stages are split up into the following:
+6. Based on [this image](/wiki/shared/stages-visual.png), the stages are split up into the following:
| Stage | Match ID |
| -----: | -------- |
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/en.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae9109c5ef6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/TWC/en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# osu!taiko World Cup
+Index page for all of the osu!taiko World Cup series.
+- [#3](./3 "Taiko World Cup #3")
+- [2011](./2011 "osu!taiko World Cup 2011")
+- [2014](./2014 "osu!taiko World Cup 2014")
+- [2015](./2015 "osu!taiko World Cup 2015")
+- [2016](./2016 "osu!taiko World Cup 2016")
+- [2017](./2017 "osu!taiko World Cup 2017")
+- [2018](./2018 "osu!taiko World Cup 2018")
diff --git a/wiki/Tournaments/en.md b/wiki/Tournaments/en.md
index 806579ccbc75..64d5f6b362f6 100644
--- a/wiki/Tournaments/en.md
+++ b/wiki/Tournaments/en.md
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ The osu! World Cup is a country-based 4v4 Team VS tournament following double-el
| [osu! World Cup 2015](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2015) | 2015-10-01 | 2015-12-13 | ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_CN] China | ![][flag_PL] Poland |
| [osu! World Cup 2016](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2016) | 2016-10-02 | 2016-12-18 | ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_CN] China | ![][flag_KR] South Korea |
| [osu! World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2017) | 2017-10-13 | 2017-12-17 | ![][flag_PL] Poland | ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom |
+| [osu! World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018) | 2018-11-10 | 2018-12-16 | ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_GB] United Kingdom | ![][flag_DE] Germany |
###  osu!taiko World Cup
@@ -40,8 +41,8 @@ The osu! World Cup is a country-based 4v4 Team VS tournament following double-el
| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Catch the Beat World Cup | 2011-11-05 | 2012-05-02 | ![][flag_CN] China | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_CL] Chile |
-| Catch the Beat World Cup 2013 | 2013-01-15 | 2013-03-10 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_AR] Argentina/Colombia |
+| [Catch the Beat World Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/1) | 2011-11-05 | 2012-05-02 | ![][flag_CN] China | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_CL] Chile |
+| [Catch the Beat World Cup 2013](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2013) | 2013-01-15 | 2013-03-10 | ![][flag_CL] Chile | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_AR] Argentina/Colombia |
| [osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2014) | 2014-04-11 | 2014-06-15 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_DE] Germany | ![][flag_SE] Sweden |
| [osu!ctb World Cup 2015](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2015) | 2015-04-02 | 2015-06-14 | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_CN] China | ![][flag_DE] Germany |
| [osu!catch World Cup 2016](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016) | 2016-04-12 | 2016-06-26 | ![][flag_CN] China | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | ![][flag_DE] Germany |
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ The osu! World Cup is a country-based 4v4 Team VS tournament following double-el
| [osu!mania 7K World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2017_7K) | 2016-12-12 | 2017-02-12 | 7K | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_CN] China | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia |
| [osu!mania 4K World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2017_4K) | 2017-07-10 | 2017-09-17 | 4K | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_BR] Brazil |
| [osu!mania 7K World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2018_7K) | 2018-02-10 | 2018-03-18 | 7K | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | ![][flag_CN] China |
+| [osu!mania 4K World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2018_4K) | 2018-09-01 | 2018-10-07 | 4K | ![][flag_KR] South Korea | ![][flag_US] United States | ![][flag_BR] Brazil |
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ Unofficial tournaments/competitions hosted by the communities.
| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| osu! TV Size Tournament 2017 | 2017-03-04 | 2017-04-15 | European Dream | MudHorse | !^ |
-| [osu! TV Size Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/otst/2018) | 2018-02-17 | 2018-04-15 | Rubber Conquest | Floating up | black dogleg |
+| [osu! TV Size Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/otst!/2018) | 2018-02-17 | 2018-04-15 | Rubber Conquest | Floating up | black dogleg |
###  Asian Taiko Showdown
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ Unofficial tournaments/competitions hosted by the communities.
| Taiko World Cup: Last Man Standing 3 | 2016-06-11 | 2016-07-24 | ![][flag_JP] Japan A | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan A | ![][flag_JP] Japan D |
| Taiko: Last Man Standing - Single Player Edition 2 | 2017-01-07 | 2017-02-12 | ![][flag_JP] [_yu68](/users/6170507) | ![][flag_KR] [applerss](/users/983349) | ![][flag_CA] [janitoreihil](/users/3307897) |
| Taiko: Last Man Standing 4 | 2017-09-23 | 2017-10-28 | Tarako Spa | Can We Go Back | easy to giveup |
-| [Taiko Last Man Standing: Shift Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/LMS/Shift/1) | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | V E R Y S T R O N G T E A M | あ | Fast & Chill 早く |
+| [Taiko Last Man Standing: Shift Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/LMS/Shift_1) | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | V E R Y S T R O N G T E A M | あ | Fast & Chill 早く |
###  Intermediate Global Taiko Showdown
@@ -128,6 +130,18 @@ Unofficial tournaments/competitions hosted by the communities.
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [Taiko Suiji Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/TSC/1) | 2018-09-01 | 2018-10-07 | jakpat | i like grosses baguettes | BabySnakes is Dumb |
+###  Taiko Wars
+| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [Taiko Wars](/wiki/Tournaments/TW/1) | 2018-10-29 | 2018-12-02 | Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo | cu | Iceland |
+###  European Taiko Tournament
+| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [European Taiko Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/EUTT/2018) | 2018-11-03 | 2018-12-09 | ![][flag_GB] [goheegy](/users/8057655) | ![][flag_IT] [Ikkun](/users/1059945) | ![][flag_ES] [AlvaroYL](/users/6333166) |
###  Catch French Cup
| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
@@ -171,15 +185,22 @@ Unofficial tournaments/competitions hosted by the communities.
| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| [The 4th CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/CJB/2018/4K) | 2018-07-02 | 2018-08-14 | ![][flag_CN] [Crystal](/users/1646397) | ![][flag_CN] [Toki 0w0](/users/10392201) | ![][flag_CN] [Skyshifter](/users/10572577) |
+| [The 4th CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/CJB_4K/2018) | 2018-07-02 | 2018-08-14 | ![][flag_CN] [Crystal](/users/1646397) | ![][flag_CN] [Toki 0w0](/users/10392201) | ![][flag_CN] [Skyshifter](/users/10572577) |
+###  :thonking: Mania Tournament
+| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| :thonking: Mania Tournament | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | YaLTeR | narip | Keishii |
+| [2v2 :thonking: Mania Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/TMT/2TMT) | 2018-11-10 | 2018-12-23 | La pancit bois | 3 argentos y medio | PolytETral |
###    osu!Philippines Summer Tournament
| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| osu!mania Philippines 4K Summer Tournament 2016 | 2016-04-23 | 2016-05-28 | ![][flag_PH] [Tokiiwa](/users/4029511) | ![][flag_PH] [Muttsulinii](/users/4345491) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](/users/6378800) |
-| osu!mania Philippines Summer Tournament 2017 | 2017-05-06 | 2017-06-25 | ![][flag_PH] [Niro-](/users/6443899)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [Dadots](/users/3525251)(7K) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](/users/6378800)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [JztCallMeRon](/users/2471512)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Jsee](/users/6573652)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [SanniSanni](/users/3036686)(7K) |
-| [osu!Philippines Summer Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHST/2018) | 2018-04-14 | 2018-06-17 | ![][flag_CA] [Dunois](/users/4581715)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [Roido](/users/6829103)(Catch), ![][flag_PH] [joseee-](/users/10083439)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [cieloday05](/users/2722489)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [-Marika](/users/2199427)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [-Nicotine](/users/4818935)[Catch], ![][flag_PH] [exodia3000](/users/10500797)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](/users/9793187)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Varsagus](/users/3885723)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](/users/4530738)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](/users/1626093)(Catch), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](/users/9793187)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](/users/1192936)(7K) |
+| osu!mania Philippines Summer Tournament 2017 | 2017-05-06 | 2017-06-25 | ![][flag_PH] [Niro-](/users/6443899)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Dadots](/users/3525251)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](/users/6378800)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [JztCallMeRon](/users/2471512)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Jsee](/users/6573652)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [SanniSanni](/users/3036686)(osu!mania 7K) |
+| [osu!Philippines Summer Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHST/2018) | 2018-04-14 | 2018-06-17 | ![][flag_CA] [Dunois](/users/4581715)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Roido](/users/6829103)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [joseee-](/users/10083439)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [cieloday05](/users/2722489)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [-Marika](/users/2199427)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [-Nicotine](/users/4818935)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [exodia3000](/users/10500797)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](/users/9793187)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Varsagus](/users/3885723)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](/users/4530738)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](/users/1626093)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](/users/9793187)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](/users/1192936)(osu!mania 7K) |
###   DeltaMax's Tournaments
@@ -188,6 +209,12 @@ Unofficial tournaments/competitions hosted by the communities.
| DeltaMax's Champ Division 2018 | 2018-04-07 | 2018-05-12 | ![][flag_PL] [Bartek22830](/users/6404027) | ![][flag_CA] [peng](/users/6043452) | ![][flag_JP] [katatakatata](/users/3540294) |
| [DeltaMax's Taiko Oni Overlord](/wiki/Tournaments/DMX/2) | 2018-07-14 | 2018-08-25 | ![][flag_BR] [Foxerus](/users/7479684) | ![][flag_MY] [cdhsausageboy](/users/2403621) | ![][flag_MX] [Ammy](/users/4183406) |
+###     osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies 2018
+| Name | Start | End |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHF/2018) | 2018-11-03 | 2018-12-16 | ![][flag_KR] [Stereo](/users/1499137)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Pochacco](/users/2927742)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [- Kielzu -](/users/6221114)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [arge-](/users/9919550)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Nikana](/users/4345491)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](/users/4530738)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Rimazii](/users/3831514)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](/users/1626093)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Baltz](/users/6083463)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [fer789](/users/8901267)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [ededed028](/users/3932796)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [zonelouise](/users/1492995)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [yuki\_momoiro722](/users/7186791)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [Crowley](/users/6341006)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Shiyui-](/users/9374607)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Cielo Day](/users/2722489)(osu!mania 7K) |
See also
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@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ La coupe du monde de osu! est un tournoi à double élimination par équipe de 4
| [osu! World Cup 2015](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2015) | 2015-10-01 | 2015-12-13 | ![][flag_US] États-Unis d'Amérique | ![][flag_CN] Chine | ![][flag_PL] Pologne |
| [osu! World Cup 2016](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2016) | 2016-10-02 | 2016-12-18 | ![][flag_US] États-Unis d'Amérique | ![][flag_CN] Chine | ![][flag_KR] Corée du Sud |
| [osu! World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2017) | 2017-10-13 | 2017-12-17 | ![][flag_PL] Pologne | ![][flag_US] États-Unis d'Amérique | ![][flag_GB] Royaume-Uni |
+| [osu! World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018) | 2018-11-10 | 2018-12-16 | ![][flag_US] États-Unis d'Amérique | ![][flag_GB] Royaume-Uni | ![][flag_DE] Allemagne |
###  osu!taiko World Cup
@@ -40,8 +41,8 @@ La coupe du monde de osu! est un tournoi à double élimination par équipe de 4
| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Catch the Beat World Cup | 2011-11-05 | 2012-05-02 | ![][flag_CN] Chine | ![][flag_TW] Taïwan | ![][flag_CL] Chili |
-| Catch the Beat World Cup 2013 | 2013-01-15 | 2013-03-10 | ![][flag_CL] Chili | ![][flag_TW] Taïwan | ![][flag_AR] Argentine/Colombie |
+| [Catch the Beat World Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/1) | 2011-11-05 | 2012-05-02 | ![][flag_CN] Chine | ![][flag_TW] Taïwan | ![][flag_CL] Chili |
+| [Catch the Beat World Cup 2013](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2013) | 2013-01-15 | 2013-03-10 | ![][flag_CL] Chili | ![][flag_TW] Taïwan | ![][flag_AR] Argentine/Colombie |
| [osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2014) | 2014-04-11 | 2014-06-15 | ![][flag_KR] Corée du Sud | ![][flag_DE] Allemagne | ![][flag_SE] Suède |
| [osu!ctb World Cup 2015](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2015) | 2015-04-02 | 2015-06-14 | ![][flag_KR] Corée du Sud | ![][flag_CN] Chine | ![][flag_DE] Allemagne |
| [osu!catch World Cup 2016](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016) | 2016-04-12 | 2016-06-26 | ![][flag_CN] Chine | ![][flag_ID] Indonésie | ![][flag_DE] Allemagne |
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ La coupe du monde de osu! est un tournoi à double élimination par équipe de 4
| [osu!mania 7K World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2017_7K) | 2016-12-12 | 2017-02-12 | 7K | ![][flag_KR] Corée du Sud | ![][flag_CN] Chine | ![][flag_ID] Indonésie |
| [osu!mania 4K World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2017_4K) | 2017-07-10 | 2017-09-17 | 4K | ![][flag_KR] Corée du Sud | ![][flag_US] États-Unis d'Amérique | ![][flag_BR] Brésil |
| [osu!mania 7K World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2018_7K) | 2018-02-10 | 2018-03-18 | 7K | ![][flag_KR] Corée du Sud | ![][flag_MY] Malaisie | ![][flag_CN] Chine |
+| [osu!mania 4K World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2018_4K) | 2018-09-01 | 2018-10-07 | 4K | ![][flag_KR] Corée du Sud | ![][flag_US] États-Unis d'Amérique | ![][flag_BR] Brésil |
Tournois communautaires
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ Tournois/Compétitions non officiels organisés par la communauté.
| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| osu! TV Size Tournament 2017 | 2017-03-04 | 2017-04-15 | European Dream | MudHorse | !^ |
-| [osu! TV Size Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/otst/2018) | 2018-02-17 | 2018-04-15 | Rubber Conquest | Floating up | black dogleg |
+| [osu! TV Size Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/otst!/2018) | 2018-02-17 | 2018-04-15 | Rubber Conquest | Floating up | black dogleg |
###  Asian Taiko Showdown
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ Tournois/Compétitions non officiels organisés par la communauté.
| Taiko World Cup: Last Man Standing 3 | 2016-06-11 | 2016-07-24 | ![][flag_JP] Japon A | ![][flag_TW] Taïwan A | ![][flag_JP] Japon D |
| Taiko: Last Man Standing - Single Player Edition 2 | 2017-01-07 | 2017-02-12 | ![][flag_JP] [_yu68](/users/6170507) | ![][flag_KR] [applerss](/users/983349) | ![][flag_CA] [janitoreihil](/users/3307897) |
| Taiko: Last Man Standing 4 | 2017-09-23 | 2017-10-28 | Tarako Spa | Can We Go Back | easy to giveup |
-| [Taiko Last Man Standing: Shift Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/LMS/Shift/1) | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | V E R Y S T R O N G T E A M | あ | Fast & Chill 早く |
+| [Taiko Last Man Standing: Shift Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/LMS/Shift_1) | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | V E R Y S T R O N G T E A M | あ | Fast & Chill 早く |
###  Intermediate Global Taiko Showdown
@@ -128,6 +130,18 @@ Tournois/Compétitions non officiels organisés par la communauté.
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [Taiko Suiji Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/TSC/1) | 2018-09-01 | 2018-10-07 | jakpat | i like grosses baguettes | BabySnakes is Dumb |
+###  Taiko Wars
+| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [Taiko Wars](/wiki/Tournaments/TW/1) | 2018-10-29 | 2018-12-02 | Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo | cu | Iceland |
+###  European Taiko Tournament
+| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [European Taiko Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/EUTT/2018) | 2018-11-03 | 2018-12-09 | ![][flag_GB] [goheegy](/users/8057655) | ![][flag_IT] [Ikkun](/users/1059945) | ![][flag_ES] [AlvaroYL](/users/6333166) |
###  Catch French Cup
| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
@@ -171,15 +185,22 @@ Tournois/Compétitions non officiels organisés par la communauté.
| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| [The 4th CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/CJB/2018/4K) | 2018-07-02 | 2018-08-14 | ![][flag_CN] [Crystal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646397) | ![][flag_CN] [Toki 0w0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10392201) | ![][flag_CN] [Skyshifter](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10572577) |
+| [The 4th CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/CJB_4K/2018) | 2018-07-02 | 2018-08-14 | ![][flag_CN] [Crystal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646397) | ![][flag_CN] [Toki 0w0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10392201) | ![][flag_CN] [Skyshifter](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10572577) |
+###  :thonking: Mania Tournament
+| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| :thonking: Mania Tournament | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | YaLTeR | narip | Keishii |
+| [2v2 :thonking: Mania Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/TMT/2TMT) | 2018-11-10 | 2018-12-23 | La pancit bois | 3 argentos y medio | PolytETral |
###    osu!Philippines Summer Tournament
| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| osu!mania Philippines 4K Summer Tournament 2016 | 2016-04-23 | 2016-05-28 | ![][flag_PH] [Tokiiwa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4029511) | ![][flag_PH] [Muttsulinii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4345491) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6378800) |
-| osu!mania Philippines Summer Tournament 2017 | 2017-05-06 | 2017-06-25 | ![][flag_PH] [Niro-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6443899)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [Dadots](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3525251)(7K) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6378800)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [JztCallMeRon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2471512)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Jsee](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6573652)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [SanniSanni](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3036686)(7K) |
-| [osu!Philippines Summer Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHST/2018) | 2018-04-14 | 2018-06-17 | ![][flag_CA] [Dunois](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4581715)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [Roido](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6829103)(Catch), ![][flag_PH] [joseee-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10083439)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [cieloday05](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2722489)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [-Marika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2199427)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [-Nicotine](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4818935)[Catch], ![][flag_PH] [exodia3000](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10500797)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9793187)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Varsagus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3885723)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4530738)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1626093)(Catch), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9793187)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1192936)(7K) |
+| osu!mania Philippines Summer Tournament 2017 | 2017-05-06 | 2017-06-25 | ![][flag_PH] [Niro-](/users/6443899)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Dadots](/users/3525251)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](/users/6378800)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [JztCallMeRon](/users/2471512)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Jsee](/users/6573652)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [SanniSanni](/users/3036686)(osu!mania 7K) |
+| [osu!Philippines Summer Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHST/2018) | 2018-04-14 | 2018-06-17 | ![][flag_CA] [Dunois](/users/4581715)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Roido](/users/6829103)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [joseee-](/users/10083439)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [cieloday05](/users/2722489)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [-Marika](/users/2199427)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [-Nicotine](/users/4818935)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [exodia3000](/users/10500797)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](/users/9793187)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Varsagus](/users/3885723)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](/users/4530738)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](/users/1626093)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](/users/9793187)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](/users/1192936)(osu!mania 7K) |
###   DeltaMax's Tournaments
@@ -188,6 +209,12 @@ Tournois/Compétitions non officiels organisés par la communauté.
| DeltaMax's Champ Division 2018 | 2018-04-07 | 2018-05-12 | ![][flag_PL] [Bartek22830](/users/6404027) | ![][flag_CA] [peng](/users/6043452) | ![][flag_JP] [katatakatata](/users/3540294) |
| [DeltaMax's Taiko Oni Overlord](/wiki/Tournaments/DMX/2) | 2018-07-14 | 2018-08-25 | ![][flag_BR] [Foxerus](/users/7479684) | ![][flag_MY] [cdhsausageboy](/users/2403621) | ![][flag_MX] [Ammy](/users/4183406) |
+###     osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies 2018
+| Nom | Début | Fin |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHF/2018) | 2018-11-03 | 2018-12-16 | ![][flag_KR] [Stereo](/users/1499137)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Pochacco](/users/2927742)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [- Kielzu -](/users/6221114)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [arge-](/users/9919550)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Nikana](/users/4345491)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](/users/4530738)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Rimazii](/users/3831514)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](/users/1626093)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Baltz](/users/6083463)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [fer789](/users/8901267)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [ededed028](/users/3932796)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [zonelouise](/users/1492995)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [yuki\_momoiro722](/users/7186791)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [Crowley](/users/6341006)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Shiyui-](/users/9374607)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Cielo Day](/users/2722489)(osu!mania 7K) |
Voir aussi
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@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ osu! World Cup (Turnamen osu! Tingkat Dunia) adalah sebuah turnamen berbasis neg
| [osu! World Cup 2015](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2015) | 2015-10-01 | 2015-12-13 | ![][flag_US] Amerika Serikat | ![][flag_CN] Cina | ![][flag_PL] Polandia |
| [osu! World Cup 2016](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2016) | 2016-10-02 | 2016-12-18 | ![][flag_US] Amerika Serikat | ![][flag_CN] Cina | ![][flag_KR] Korea Selatan |
| [osu! World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2017) | 2017-10-13 | 2017-12-17 | ![][flag_PL] Polandia | ![][flag_US] Amerika Serikat | ![][flag_GB] Britania Raya |
+| [osu! World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2018) | 2018-11-10 | 2018-12-16 | ![][flag_US] Amerika Serikat | ![][flag_GB] Britania Raya | ![][flag_DE] Jerman |
###  osu!taiko World Cup
@@ -40,8 +41,8 @@ osu! World Cup (Turnamen osu! Tingkat Dunia) adalah sebuah turnamen berbasis neg
| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Catch the Beat World Cup | 2011-11-05 | 2012-05-02 | ![][flag_CN] Cina | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_CL] Chili |
-| Catch the Beat World Cup 2013 | 2013-01-15 | 2013-03-10 | ![][flag_CL] Chili | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_AR] Argentina/Kolombia |
+| [Catch the Beat World Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/1) | 2011-11-05 | 2012-05-02 | ![][flag_CN] Cina | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_CL] Chili |
+| [Catch the Beat World Cup 2013](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2013) | 2013-01-15 | 2013-03-10 | ![][flag_CL] Chili | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan | ![][flag_AR] Argentina/Kolombia |
| [osu! Catch the Beat World Cup 2014](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2014) | 2014-04-11 | 2014-06-15 | ![][flag_KR] Korea Selatan | ![][flag_DE] Jerman | ![][flag_SE] Swedia |
| [osu!ctb World Cup 2015](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2015) | 2015-04-02 | 2015-06-14 | ![][flag_KR] Korea Selatan | ![][flag_CN] Cina | ![][flag_DE] Jerman |
| [osu!catch World Cup 2016](/wiki/Tournaments/CWC/2016) | 2016-04-12 | 2016-06-26 | ![][flag_CN] Cina | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia | ![][flag_DE] Jerman |
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ osu! World Cup (Turnamen osu! Tingkat Dunia) adalah sebuah turnamen berbasis neg
| [osu!mania 7K World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2017_7K) | 2016-12-12 | 2017-02-12 | 7K | ![][flag_KR] Korea Selatan | ![][flag_CN] Cina | ![][flag_ID] Indonesia |
| [osu!mania 4K World Cup 2017](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2017_4K) | 2017-07-10 | 2017-09-17 | 4K | ![][flag_KR] Korea Selatan | ![][flag_US] Amerika Serikat | ![][flag_BR] Brasil |
| [osu!mania 7K World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2018_7K) | 2018-02-10 | 2018-03-18 | 7K | ![][flag_KR] Korea Selatan | ![][flag_MY] Malaysia | ![][flag_CN] Cina |
+| [osu!mania 4K World Cup 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/MWC/2018_4K) | 2018-09-01 | 2018-10-07 | 4K | ![][flag_KR] Korea Selatan | ![][flag_US] Amerika Serikat | ![][flag_BR] Brasil |
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ Turnamen/Kompetisi tidak resmi yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas.
| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| osu! TV Size Tournament 2017 | 2017-03-04 | 2017-04-15 | European Dream | MudHorse | !^ |
-| [osu! TV Size Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/otst/2018) | 2018-02-17 | 2018-04-15 | Rubber Conquest | Floating up | black dogleg |
+| [osu! TV Size Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/otst!/2018) | 2018-02-17 | 2018-04-15 | Rubber Conquest | Floating up | black dogleg |
###  Asian Taiko Showdown
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ Turnamen/Kompetisi tidak resmi yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas.
| Taiko World Cup: Last Man Standing 3 | 2016-06-11 | 2016-07-24 | ![][flag_JP] Jepang A | ![][flag_TW] Taiwan A | ![][flag_JP] Jepang D |
| Taiko: Last Man Standing - Single Player Edition 2 | 2017-01-07 | 2017-02-12 | ![][flag_JP] [_yu68](/users/6170507) | ![][flag_KR] [applerss](/users/983349) | ![][flag_CA] [janitoreihil](/users/3307897) |
| Taiko: Last Man Standing 4 | 2017-09-23 | 2017-10-28 | Tarako Spa | Can We Go Back | easy to giveup |
-| [Taiko Last Man Standing: Shift Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/LMS/Shift/1) | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | V E R Y S T R O N G T E A M | あ | Fast & Chill 早く |
+| [Taiko Last Man Standing: Shift Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/LMS/Shift_1) | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | V E R Y S T R O N G T E A M | あ | Fast & Chill 早く |
###  Intermediate Global Taiko Showdown
@@ -128,6 +130,18 @@ Turnamen/Kompetisi tidak resmi yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas.
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [Taiko Suiji Cup](/wiki/Tournaments/TSC/1) | 2018-09-01 | 2018-10-07 | jakpat | i like grosses baguettes | BabySnakes is Dumb |
+###  Taiko Wars
+| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [Taiko Wars](/wiki/Tournaments/TW/1) | 2018-10-29 | 2018-12-02 | Land of Foda-se 2: Electric Boogaloo | cu | Iceland |
+###  European Taiko Tournament
+| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [European Taiko Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/EUTT/2018) | 2018-11-03 | 2018-12-09 | ![][flag_GB] [goheegy](/users/8057655) | ![][flag_IT] [Ikkun](/users/1059945) | ![][flag_ES] [AlvaroYL](/users/6333166) |
###  Catch French Cup
| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
@@ -171,15 +185,22 @@ Turnamen/Kompetisi tidak resmi yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas.
| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| [The 4th CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/CJB/2018/4K) | 2018-07-02 | 2018-08-14 | ![][flag_CN] [Crystal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646397) | ![][flag_CN] [Toki 0w0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10392201) | ![][flag_CN] [Skyshifter](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10572577) |
+| [The 4th CJB osu!mania 4K Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/CJB_4K/2018) | 2018-07-02 | 2018-08-14 | ![][flag_CN] [Crystal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1646397) | ![][flag_CN] [Toki 0w0](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10392201) | ![][flag_CN] [Skyshifter](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10572577) |
+###  :thonking: Mania Tournament
+| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| :thonking: Mania Tournament | 2018-06-09 | 2018-07-15 | YaLTeR | narip | Keishii |
+| [2v2 :thonking: Mania Tournament](/wiki/Tournaments/TMT/2TMT) | 2018-11-10 | 2018-12-23 | La pancit bois | 3 argentos y medio | PolytETral |
###    osu!Philippines Summer Tournament
| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| osu!mania Philippines 4K Summer Tournament 2016 | 2016-04-23 | 2016-05-28 | ![][flag_PH] [Tokiiwa](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4029511) | ![][flag_PH] [Muttsulinii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4345491) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6378800) |
-| osu!mania Philippines Summer Tournament 2017 | 2017-05-06 | 2017-06-25 | ![][flag_PH] [Niro-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6443899)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [Dadots](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3525251)(7K) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6378800)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [JztCallMeRon](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2471512)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Jsee](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6573652)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [SanniSanni](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3036686)(7K) |
-| [osu!Philippines Summer Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHST/2018) | 2018-04-14 | 2018-06-17 | ![][flag_CA] [Dunois](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4581715)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [Roido](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6829103)(Catch), ![][flag_PH] [joseee-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10083439)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [cieloday05](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2722489)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [-Marika](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2199427)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [-Nicotine](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4818935)[Catch], ![][flag_PH] [exodia3000](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10500797)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9793187)(7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Varsagus](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3885723)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4530738)(Standard), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1626093)(Catch), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9793187)(4K), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1192936)(7K) |
+| osu!mania Philippines Summer Tournament 2017 | 2017-05-06 | 2017-06-25 | ![][flag_PH] [Niro-](/users/6443899)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Dadots](/users/3525251)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_AU] [scissorsf](/users/6378800)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [JztCallMeRon](/users/2471512)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Jsee](/users/6573652)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [SanniSanni](/users/3036686)(osu!mania 7K) |
+| [osu!Philippines Summer Tournament 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHST/2018) | 2018-04-14 | 2018-06-17 | ![][flag_CA] [Dunois](/users/4581715)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Roido](/users/6829103)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [joseee-](/users/10083439)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [cieloday05](/users/2722489)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [-Marika](/users/2199427)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [-Nicotine](/users/4818935)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [exodia3000](/users/10500797)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](/users/9793187)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Varsagus](/users/3885723)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](/users/4530738)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](/users/1626093)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Vigne Tsukinose](/users/9793187)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](/users/1192936)(osu!mania 7K) |
###   DeltaMax's Tournaments
@@ -188,6 +209,12 @@ Turnamen/Kompetisi tidak resmi yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas.
| DeltaMax's Champ Division 2018 | 2018-04-07 | 2018-05-12 | ![][flag_PL] [Bartek22830](/users/6404027) | ![][flag_CA] [peng](/users/6043452) | ![][flag_JP] [katatakatata](/users/3540294) |
| [DeltaMax's Taiko Oni Overlord](/wiki/Tournaments/DMX/2) | 2018-07-14 | 2018-08-25 | ![][flag_BR] [Foxerus](/users/7479684) | ![][flag_MY] [cdhsausageboy](/users/2403621) | ![][flag_MX] [Ammy](/users/4183406) |
+###     osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies 2018
+| Nama | Mulai | Selesai |  |  |  |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies 2018](/wiki/Tournaments/oPHF/2018) | 2018-11-03 | 2018-12-16 | ![][flag_KR] [Stereo](/users/1499137)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Pochacco](/users/2927742)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [- Kielzu -](/users/6221114)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [arge-](/users/9919550)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Nikana](/users/4345491)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [TyrantsEye2014](/users/4530738)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [Rimazii](/users/3831514)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [KaganimeRin](/users/1626093)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Baltz](/users/6083463)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [fer789](/users/8901267)(osu!mania 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [ededed028](/users/3932796)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [zonelouise](/users/1492995)(osu!), ![][flag_PH] [yuki\_momoiro722](/users/7186791)(osu!taiko), ![][flag_PH] [Crowley](/users/6341006)(osu!catch), ![][flag_PH] [Shiyui-](/users/9374607)(osu!mania 4K), ![][flag_PH] [Cielo Day](/users/2722489)(osu!mania 7K) |
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+- osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta
+- oMMFF
+# osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta
+The **osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta** (***oMMFF***) is a French double elimination one-on-one tournament hosted by ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) for the osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch, and the osu!mania game modes. It is the 1st installment of the osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta.
+## Tournament Schedule
+### osu!
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-11-04/2018-12-02 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-12-02 (17:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifiers | 2018-12-15/2018-12-16 |
+| Round of 32 | 2019-01-05/2019-01-06 |
+| Round of 16 | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| Semifinals | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+| Finals | 2019-02-02/2019-02-03 |
+| Grand Finals | 2019-02-09 |
+### osu!taiko
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-11-10/2018-12-09 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-12-09 (17:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifiers | 2019-01-05/2019-01-06 |
+| Round of 32 | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| Round of 16 | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+| Semifinals | 2019-02-02/2019-02-03 |
+| Finals | 2019-02-09/2019-02-10 |
+| Grand Finals | 2019-02-16 |
+### osu!catch
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-11-14/2018-12-16 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-12-16 (17:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifiers | 2019-01-05/2019-01-06 |
+| Round of 32 | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| Round of 16 | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+| Semifinals | 2019-02-02/2019-02-03 |
+| Finals | 2019-02-09/2019-02-10 |
+| Grand Finals | 2019-02-16 |
+### osu!mania
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-11-04/2018-12-23 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-12-23 (17:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifiers | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| Round of 32 | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| Round of 16 | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2019-02-02/2019-02-03 |
+| Semifinals | 2019-02-09/2019-02-10 |
+| Finals | 2019-02-16/2019-02-17 |
+| Grand Finals | 2019-02-23 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | Unique profile badge, 4 months of osu!supporter tag, [AUKEY KM-G9](https://www.aukey.com/products/87-key-mechanical-keyboard-km-g9/) keyboard, 10€ PayPal/Amazon balance, physical trophy |
+|  | 2 months of osu!supporter tag, 10€ PayPal/Amazon balance |
+|  | 1 month of osu!supporter tag, 10€ PayPal/Amazon balance |
+- For osu! division, all winners will get tablet cover sponsored by [Foxbox](https://foxbox.io/)
+- Physical trophy is custom made special for the tournament courtesy of ![][flag_FR] [Enygmatique](/users/5146531)
+## Organisation
+The osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta is run by various community members by distributing the multitude of tasks into various fields of responsibility.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Head Referee | ![][flag_FR] [Purettsu Eru](/users/1542565) |
+| Map Selectors (osu!) | ![][flag_FR] [Barbex](/users/4904410), ![][flag_FR] [Nozhomi](/users/2716981) |
+| Map Selectors (osu!taiko) | ![][flag_FR] [Nofool](/users/672430) |
+| Map Selectors (osu!catch) | ![][flag_FR] [Emiru](/users/3306180) |
+| Map Selectors (osu!mania) | ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_FR] [AntoAa](/users/3897919) |
+| Streamers | ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_FR] [FulgurentKille](/users/4096322), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Purettsu Eru](/users/1542565), ![][flag_CA] [Sinaeb](/users/1576095) |
+| Commentators (osu!) | ![][flag_FR] [\[Haku\]](/users/2329184), ![][flag_FR] [Barbex](/users/4904410), ![][flag_FR] [Battquif](/users/2389333), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [Musty](/users/251683), ![][flag_FR] [Purettsu Eru](/users/1542565), ![][flag_FR] [SiYes](/users/8868144), ![][flag_FR] [ThePooN](/users/718454), ![][flag_FR] [Zonthem](/users/7193908), ![][flag_FR] [-raizen-](/users/3872987) |
+| Commentators (osu!taiko) | ![][flag_FR] [\[Haku\]](/users/2329184), ![][flag_FR] [Chernobog](/users/3317042), ![][flag_FR] [Nofool](/users/672430), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [TimmyAkmed](/users/1799973) |
+| Commentators (osu!catch) | ![][flag_FR] [\[Haku\]](/users/2329184), ![][flag_FR] [Bloodenay](/users/7303988), ![][flag_FR] [Chernobog](/users/3317042), ![][flag_FR] [FulgurentKille](/users/4096322), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [Libegon](/users/9922381), ![][flag_FR] [\_Manyura](/users/8335913), ![][flag_FR] [redjiii](/users/1378728), ![][flag_FR] [Rougoku](/users/6900166) |
+| Commentators (osu!mania) | ![][flag_FR] [\[Haku\]](/users/2329184), ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_FR] [Chernobog](/users/3317042), ![][flag_FR] [DemonWaves](/users/3909293), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [Musty](/users/251683), ![][flag_FR] [Ominy](/users/9299077), ![][flag_FR] [On a PetaMaMeuf](/users/5815785), ![][flag_FR] [AntoAa](/users/3897919) |
+| Designers | ![][flag_DE] [Celektus](/users/4294993), ![][flag_FR] [Lotchidych](/users/8375240) |
+| Statistician | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_FR] [Amezurys](/users/5207167), ![][flag_JP] [Briesmas](/users/2865172), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [Kebab De Poche](/users/6467693), ![][flag_FR] [\[ Mimir \]](/users/7382734), ![][flag_FR] [Purettsu Eru](/users/1542565), ![][flag_FR] [Ryumi](/users/6596270), ![][flag_CA] [Sinaeb](/users/1576095), ![][flag_FR] [Spartan Plume](/users/2553166), ![][flag_FR] [TLQ\_Yoshii](/users/7157133), ![][flag_GB] [Weavile](/users/9665028), ![][flag_FR][Tigzick](/users/6745742) |
+| Wiki | ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/825579)
+- [Livestream](https://twitch.tv/osufrlive)
+- [oMMFF Discord server](https://discord.gg/bWKUsHd)
+- Challonge brackets
+ - [osu!](https://o2mf.challonge.com/o2mf_osu)
+ - [osu!taiko](https://o2mf.challonge.com/o2mf_taiko)
+ - [osu!catch](https://o2mf.challonge.com/o2mf_catch)
+ - [osu!mania](https://o2mf.challonge.com/o2mf_mania)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSE0LEyHOBW8P5F37719J2oZMhtba9b7Z-WaT5otksz7lSf4fvIq3giYXHNpT4xl1bOrIhJCPN6xlxO/pubhtml)**
+## Participants
+### osu! Division Participants
+| Seed | Members |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Top | ![][flag_FR] [ThePooN](/users/718454), ![][flag_FR] [Flaven](/users/3213239), ![][flag_FR] [-raizen-](/users/3872987), ![][flag_FR] [NerO](/users/1545031), ![][flag_FR] [BAKKALO](/users/7948627), ![][flag_FR] [Mooha](/users/2705430), ![][flag_FR] [\[ UMU \]](/users/5879559), ![][flag_FR] [Sjizu](/users/4798100) |
+| High | ![][flag_FR] [Besta](/users/5189431), ![][flag_FR] [JustMan](/users/7657831), ![][flag_FR] [RyuuBei](/users/2222447), ![][flag_FR] [VROUM CV VITE](/users/7630971), ![][flag_FR] [FayeurS](/users/3105416), ![][flag_FR] [FayeurS 2](/users/4141918), ![][flag_FR] [SiYes](/users/8868144), ![][flag_FR] [Ice Tea citron](/users/7298776) |
+| Low | ![][flag_FR] [Raiiden](/users/6277316), ![][flag_FR] [VicoTeen](/users/4339470), ![][flag_FR] [cleminiti](/users/5949547), ![][flag_FR] [Wrys](/users/3093139), ![][flag_FR] [\_Aquatic\_](/users/4604369), ![][flag_FR] [volor](/users/4898550), ![][flag_FR] [Funta668](/users/6608227), ![][flag_BE] [steen](/users/9441958) |
+| Unseeded | ![][flag_FR] [Nadji](/users/10308411), ![][flag_FR] [-Unknow](/users/3723612), ![][flag_FR] [SanaeFrost](/users/4303161), ![][flag_FR] [Amatsuka Kou](/users/8568223), ![][flag_FR] [Mirthille](/users/7548517), ![][flag_IE] [S E K A I](/users/8726490), ![][flag_FR] [TLQ\_Yoshii](/users/7157133), ![][flag_FR] [CreeDi](/users/9790881), ![][flag_FR] [Kammthaar](/users/8802523), ![][flag_FR] [Realmas](/users/6567640), ![][flag_FR] [KumaUrsa](/users/8284033), ![][flag_FR] [GuiboxFR](/users/11261739), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Xtr3mSoldi3r](/users/11717152), ![][flag_BF] [linkfire](/users/11719870), ![][flag_FR] [TrislotOsu](/users/10524079), ![][flag_BE] [Xawaii](/users/10609299), ![][flag_FR] [KamiKame](/users/9099310), ![][flag_FR] [Blacky Design](/users/11540165), ![][flag_FR] [Zayyyyy](/users/8218676), ![][flag_FR] [Amphinobi1](/users/9005342), ![][flag_FR] [Leeo97one](/users/9932262), ![][flag_FR] [Izuumii](/users/12654685), ![][flag_FR] [MaximeRaptor](/users/12278998) |
+## Match Schedules
+### osu! Division: Round of 32
+#### Saturday, 5 January 2019
+| Match ID | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time (UTC) |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| #1 | -raizen- | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_BE] | Xawaii | **13:00** |
+| #2 | Wrys | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Funta668 | **13:00** |
+| #3 | Besta | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Mirthille | **13:00** |
+| #4 | Raiiden | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | -Unknow | **14:00** |
+| #5 | SiYes | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Xtr3mSoldi3r | **14:00** |
+| #6 | TLQ\_Yoshii | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | volor | **14:00** |
+| #7 | Mooha | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_IE] | S E K A I | **15:00** |
+| #8 | FayeurS 2 | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_BE] | steen | **15:00** |
+| #9 | ThePooN | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_BF] | linkfire | **15:00** |
+| #10 | cleminiti | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Ice Tea citron | **16:00** |
+| #11 | JustMan | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Kaeldori | **16:00** |
+| #12 | VicoTeen | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Kammthaar | **16:00** |
+| #13 | Flaven | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | GuiboxFR | **17:00** |
+| #14 | BAKKALO | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | RyuuBei | **17:00** |
+| #15 | NerO | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | CreeDi | **17:00** |
+| #16 | \_Aquatic\_ | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | SanaeFrost | **18:00** |
+### Sunday, 6 January 2019
+| Match ID | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time (UTC) | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: |
+| #17a | -raizen- | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Wrys | **13:00** | ¹ |
+| #17b | -raizen- | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Funta668 | **13:00** | ¹ |
+| #17c | Xawaii | ![][flag_BE] | ![][flag_FR] | Wrys | **13:00** | ¹ |
+| #17d | Xawaii | ![][flag_BE] | ![][flag_FR] | Funta668 | **13:00** | ¹ |
+| #18a | Besta | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Raiiden | **14:00** | ² |
+| #18b | Besta | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | -Unknow | **14:00** | ² |
+| #18c | Mirthille | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Raiiden | **14:00** | ² |
+| #18d | Mirthille | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | -Unknow | **14:00** | ² |
+| #19a | SiYes | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | TLQ\_Yoshii | **15:00** | ³ |
+| #19b | SiYes | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | volor | **15:00** | ³ |
+| #19c | Xtr3mSoldi3r | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | TLQ\_Yoshii | **15:00** | ³ |
+| #19d | Xtr3mSoldi3r | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | volor | **15:00** | ³ |
+| #20a | Mooha | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | FayeurS 2 | **16:00** | ⁴ |
+| #20b | Mooha | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_BE] | steen | **16:00** | ⁴ |
+| #20c | S E K A I | ![][flag_IE] | ![][flag_FR] | FayeurS 2 | **16:00** | ⁴ |
+| #20d | S E K A I | ![][flag_IE] | ![][flag_BE] | steen | **16:00** | ⁴ |
+| #21a | ThePooN | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | cleminiti | **17:00** | ⁵ |
+| #21b | ThePooN | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Ice Tea citron | **17:00** | ⁵ |
+| #21c | linkfire | ![][flag_BF] | ![][flag_FR] | cleminiti | **17:00** | ⁵ |
+| #21d | linkfire | ![][flag_BF] | ![][flag_FR] | Ice Tea citron | **17:00** | ⁵ |
+| #22a | JustMan | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | VicoTeen | **18:00** | ⁶ |
+| #22b | JustMan | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Kammthaar | **18:00** | ⁶ |
+| #22c | Kaeldori | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | VicoTeen | **18:00** | ⁶ |
+| #22d | Kaeldori | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Kammthaar | **18:00** | ⁶ |
+| #23a | Flaven | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | BAKKALO | **13:00** | ⁷ |
+| #23b | Flaven | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | RyuuBei | **13:00** | ⁷ |
+| #23c | GuiboxFR | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | BAKKALO | **13:00** | ⁷ |
+| #23d | GuiboxFR | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Ryuubei | **13:00** | ⁷ |
+| #24a | NerO | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | CreeDi | **14:00** | ⁸ |
+| #24b | NerO | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | SanaeFrost | **14:00** | ⁸ |
+| #24c | \_Aquatic\_ | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | CreeDi | **14:00** | ⁸ |
+| #24d | \_Aquatic\_ | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | SanaeFrost | **14:00** | ⁸ |
+¹ Encounter dependent on winner of Match #1 and Match #2
+² Encounter dependent on winner of Match #3 and Match #4
+³ Encounter dependent on winner of Match #5 and Match #6
+⁴ Encounter dependent on winner of Match #7 and Match #8
+⁵ Encounter dependent on Winner of Match #9 and Match #10
+⁶ Encounter dependent on Winner of Match #11 and Match #12
+⁷ Encounter dependent on Winner of Match #13 and Match #14
+⁸ Encounter dependent on Winner of Match #15 and Match #16
+## Mappools
+### osu! Division Mappools
+#### Round of 32
+**[Download the mappack here! (127 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!QkFAQAQb!ALJeXk7vPRR1h6it6pqZROrpnaNL60kb8s6QqcBDSHA)**
+- NoMod
+ - [iconoclasm - perditus+paradisus (kiddly) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/72790#osu/218548)
+ - [Akiakane - Rolling Girl (Foreverends) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/66228#osu/193464)
+ - [Getty vs. DJ DiA - Fox4-Raize- (Doormat, Kaifin) \[Doorfin's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/482552#osu/1097509)
+ - [Swan Lake Orchestra - Hakuchou no Mizuumi (AngelHoney) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/25922#osu/87728)
+ - [THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Kyouran Hey Kids!! (monstrata) \[God of Speed\]](/beatmapsets/372510#osu/815857)
+ - [Yunomi - Oedo Controller(feat. TORIENA)\[Batsu Remix\] (Left) \[UFO\]](/beatmapsets/469434#osu/1003866)
+- Hidden
+ - [Jinnosuke Okibayashi - So Far Gone (Mir) \[Distance\]](/beatmapsets/698308#osu/1479006)
+ - [KOAN Sound & Asa - Starlite (Aiceo) \[Incandescent\]](/beatmapsets/294496#osu/662054)
+ - [Dark PHOENiX - Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird (sjoy) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/126354#osu/321559)
+- HardRock
+ - [yuikonnu - Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o (Fycho) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/208765#osu/494798)
+ - [Mitchie M - Ageage Again (captin1) \[captin's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/220694#osu/516452)
+ - [An - Xhroria (Cherry Blossom) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/82258#osu/227772)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Vicetone feat. Collin McLoughlin - Heartbeat (Come\[Back\]Home) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/295388#osu/663656)
+ - [Larval Stage Planning - Hanabira to Ribbon (Umi) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/220694#osu/516452)
+ - [Miyazono Kaori(CV.Taneda Risa) - My Truth\~Rondo Capriccioso (Setz) \[April\]](/beatmapsets/274337#osu/634245)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Traktion - Mission ASCII (galvenize) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/53249#osu/162405)
+ - [GARNiDELiA - ambiguous (captin1) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/303867#osu/680886)
+ - [LiSA - EGOiSTiC SHOOTER (Kyshiro) \[Kyshiro's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/253313#osu/613671)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Teminite & PsoGnar - Surface Tension (Yamicchi) \[Pressure\]](/beatmapsets/686998#osu/1453846)**
+## Ruleset
+### Gamemodes and scoring system
+- This tournament will be hosted for the following gamemodes: osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch, and osu!mania 4K. In addition, the tournament will use **Score V2** as the scoring system. This requires players to play on the following osu! versions: Stable **(Latest)**, Beta, and Cutting Edge.
+### Tournament Formats
+- **Every** tournament will have a **double-elimination** bracket format, with **32 players** maximum. Seedings of each tournament will be based on the results of the qualifiers stage.
+### Mods used in the Tournament
+#### Mod Usage for osu!
+- The rules for mod usage are noted down below. The mod will be used only if the beatmap chosen is included in a specific category of the mappool.
+ - **NoMod** - No mod will be used for this beatmap.
+ - **Hidden** - The Hidden mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the Hidden category of the mappool.
+ - **HardRock** - The HardRock mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the HardRock category of the mappool.
+ - **DoubleTime** - The DoubleTime mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the DoubleTime category of the mappool.
+ - **ForceMod** - Each player must use at least **one** mod between Hidden, HardRock or Flashlight if the chosen beatmap is in the FreeMod category of the mappool.
+ - **FreeMod** - Each player may use the mod they want if the chosen beatmap is in the Tiebreaker category of the mappool.
+#### Mod Usage for osu!taiko
+- The rules for mod usage are noted down below. The mod will be used only if the beatmap chosen is included in a specific category of the mappool.
+ - **NoMod** - No mod will be used for this beatmap.
+ - **Hidden** - The Hidden mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the Hidden category of the mappool.
+ - **HardRock** - The HardRock mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the HardRock category of the mappool.
+ - **DoubleTime** - The DoubleTime mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the DoubleTime category of the mappool.
+ - **ForceMod** - Each player must use at least **one** mod between Hidden, HardRock or Flashlight if the chosen beatmap is in the FreeMod category of the mappool.
+ - **FreeMod** - Each player may use the mod they want if the chosen beatmap is in the Tiebreaker category of the mappool.
+#### Mod Usage for osu!catch
+- The rules for mod usage are noted down below. The mod will be used only if the beatmap chosen is included in a specific category of the mappool.
+ - **NoMod** - No mod will be used for this beatmap.
+ - **Hidden** - The Hidden mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the Hidden category of the mappool.
+ - **HardRock** - The HardRock mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the HardRock category of the mappool. They may also add HD if they wish to.
+ - **DoubleTime** - The DoubleTime mod will be used by both players if the chosen beatmap is in the DoubleTime category of the mappool. They may also add HD if they wish to.
+ - **FreeMod** - Each player may use the mod they want if the chosen beatmap is in the Tiebreaker category of the mappool.
+#### Mod Usage for osu!mania
+- For osu!mania, the tournament will use the **FreeMod** rule on all picks. This allows **Hidden**, **Fade In** or **Flashlight** to be used during a pick.
+### Eligibility and Registration
+- Any player who has a flag of a country that is part of the [Francophonie](http://www.world-territories.com/ttfr/dossiers.php?dossier=francophonie) or part of the [Overseas France](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/France_d%27outre-mer) is allowed to play in this tournament.
+- Any staff member except **map selectors and referees** are allowed to play in this tournament.
+- 32 slots will be open for each division. In the case a division does not get 32 players, then only the top 16 of this division will be allowed to play in this tournament. If a division has less than 16 players, the tournament for it will be **cancelled**. More slots will not be open. Players can join **any** of the 4 tournaments.
+- This tournament's staff has any right to decline the registration of a player if osu! staff declines them.
+### Match Progression
+#### Preparation
+- Referees must make the room 10 minutes prior to the scheduled match time. The referee must contact the players on Discord to remind them their match is beginning soon.
+- The room's name's format for every tournament is: o!2MF: (Player 1) vs (Player 2)
+- The match is considered a forfeit exactly 10 minutes after the scheduled match time. The player who has not come into the room after these 10 minutes will be considered the loser, whereas the player who was in the lobby will win the match by forfeit. If both players do not come, the winner will be the higher seed between both players.
+#### Warmup phase
+- Every player is allowed one warmup map each per match. **They must be available on osu! servers and be less than 5 mins of drain time**. Warmups having [questionable content](https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Rules) will not be allowed.
+#### Bans and Picks
+- Following the warmup phase, players will have to use the !roll command in the multiplayer chat. The player with the lowest roll will have the first ban and second pick, whereas the player with the highest roll will have the first pick and second ban. There will be **two bans** per player for each round.
+#### Match Format
+- Players must alternate map picks until a winner is determined. Matches will be played in a Best-Of-X format depending on the rounds, noted down here:
+ - Round Of 32 and Round Of 16: Best-Of-7 (First to 4 points)
+ - Quarterfinals: Best-Of-9 (First to 5 points)
+ - Semifinals: Best-Of-11 (First to 6 points)
+ - Finals and Grand Final: Best-Of-13 (First to 7 points)
+- A player will not be allowed to ban **two maps** from the same mod. (Example: Player 1 bans a HD map, so he must ban another mod afterwards. Player 2 is allowed to ban a HD map as well though.)
+- If scores on a map end as a tie, the map will be nullified, and the player who picked it will be allowed to choose either another map, or replay this same map.
+- In the case player are tied on match point, the mappool's Tiebreaker will be played.
+### Rescheduling
+- Players will be allowed to reschedule their match if needed, if they can show proof that their opponent is okay with it, and if it's done **before the Thursday of each week at 23:59UTC**. This is to ensure that staff can adjust their planning to the reschedules. No reschedule after this date will be allowed, unless if the player asking for a reschedule has a valid reason.
+### Disconnections
+- Disconnections are a thing that can happen at any time for anyone in this tournament. To manage this, we've made some rules which are the following:
+ - If the player disconnects within the first 10 seconds of the map being played, the game will be aborted, and the map replayed.
+ - If the player disconnects within the first 30 seconds of the map being played, the game will still go on, but both players will have to decide if they want to replay the map, or if the map will count towards the match's points.
+ - If the player disconnects after the first 30 seconds of the map being played, the game will go on, and will count towards the match's points.
+ - To avoid an abuse of this system, each player will be allowed up to one disconnection per match. Any disconnection after this first disconnection will be a point for the opponent. (Applies only to disconnections during maps)
+ - Players will have 10 minutes maximum to come back in the room following a disconnection. If the player does not come back, the match's score will be frozen and considered the official result. **If the player winning the match is the one disconnected, the match will continue, as long as the opponent is still here to play. If after 30 minutes, the player has not come back, he will be disqualified from the match.**
+### Players and staff behaviour
+- This is very simple. Players and staff must have read this ruleset in its entirety. Any person participating in this tournament must be respectful of everyone. People will be banned and blacklisted if that is not respected. This counts for players as much as it counts for staff.
+[flag_BE]: /wiki/shared/flag/BE.gif
+[flag_BF]: /wiki/shared/flag/BF.gif
+[flag_CA]: /wiki/shared/flag/CA.gif
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+[flag_FR]: /wiki/shared/flag/FR.gif
+[flag_GB]: /wiki/shared/flag/GB.gif
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+[flag_JP]: /wiki/shared/flag/JP.gif
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+- osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta
+- oMMFF
+# osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta
+L'**osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta** ***(oMMFF)*** est un tournoi 1v1 français en double élimination organisé par ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), pour les modes de jeu osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch et osu!mania. Ceci est la première édition de l'osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta.
+## Dates du tournoi
+### osu!
+| Évènement | Dates |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Phase d'inscription | 2018-11-04/2018-12-02 |
+| Tirage au sort en direct | 2018-12-02 (17:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifications | 2018-12-15/2018-12-16 |
+| 16èmes de finale | 2019-01-05/2019-01-06 |
+| 8èmes de finale | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| Quarts-de-finale | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| Demi-finales | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+| Finales | 2019-02-02/2019-02-03 |
+| Grandes Finales | 2019-02-09 |
+### osu!taiko
+| Évènement | Dates |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Phase d'inscription | 2018-11-10/2018-12-09 |
+| Tirage au sort en direct | 2018-12-09 (17:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifications | 2019-01-05/2019-01-06 |
+| 16èmes de finale | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| 8èmes de finale | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| Quarts-de-finale | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+| Demi-finales | 2019-02-02/2019-02-03 |
+| Finales | 2019-02-09/2019-02-10 |
+| Grandes Finales | 2019-02-16 |
+### osu!catch
+| Évènement | Dates |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Phase d'inscription | 2018-11-14/2018-12-16 |
+| Tirage au sort en direct | 2018-12-16 (17:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifications | 2019-01-05/2019-01-06 |
+| 16èmes de finale | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| 8èmes de finale | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| Quarts-de-finale | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+| Demi-finales | 2019-02-02/2019-02-03 |
+| Finales | 2019-02-09/2019-02-10 |
+| Grandes Finales | 2019-02-16 |
+### osu!mania
+| Évènement | Dates |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Phase d'inscription | 2018-11-04/2018-12-23 |
+| Tirage au sort en direct | 2018-12-23 (17:00 UTC) |
+| Qualifications | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| 16èmes de finale | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| 8èmes de finale | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+| Quarts-de-finale | 2019-02-02/2019-02-03 |
+| Demi-finales | 2019-02-09/2019-02-10 |
+| Finales | 2019-02-16/2019-02-17 |
+| Grandes Finales | 2019-02-23 |
+## Récompenses
+Dans chaque tournoi, les joueurs qui remportent une place sur le podium sont éligibles à recevoir des prix uniques crées spécialement pour les gagnants de la osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta. Il est possible que ces prix changent avec chaque édition de la osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta.
+| Classement | Récompenses |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | Badge sur le profil, 4 mois de supporter, un clavier [AUKEY KM-G9](https://www.aukey.com/products/87-key-mechanical-keyboard-km-g9/), 10€ sur Amazon/PayPal, trophée physique |
+|  | 2 mois de supporter, 10€ PayPal/Amazon balance |
+|  | 1 mois de supporter, 10€ PayPal/Amazon balance |
+- Pour la division osu!, chaque gagnant gagnera une tablet cover sponsorisée par [Foxbox](https://foxbox.io/).
+- Le trophée physique est fait spécialement pour le tournoi par ![][flag_FR] [Enygmatique](/users/5146531).
+## Staff du tournoi
+La osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta est gérée par différents membres de la communauté, en distribuant le nombre de tâches dans différents départements de responsibilité.
+| Poste | Membre(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Organisateur | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Head Referee | ![][flag_FR] [Purettsu Eru](/users/1542565) |
+| Sélectionneur de map (osu!) | ![][flag_FR] [Barbex](/users/4904410), ![][flag_FR] [Nozhomi](/users/2716981) |
+| Sélectionneur de map (osu!taiko) | ![][flag_FR] [Nofool](/users/672430) |
+| Sélectionneur de map (osu!catch) | ![][flag_FR] [Emiru](/users/3306180) |
+| Sélectionneur de map (osu!mania) | ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_FR] [AntoAa](/users/3897919) |
+| Streamers | ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_FR] [FulgurentKille](/users/4096322), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Purettsu Eru](/users/1542565), ![][flag_CA] [Sinaeb](/users/1576095) |
+| Commentateurs (osu!) | ![][flag_FR] [\[Haku\]](/users/2329184), ![][flag_FR] [Barbex](/users/4904410), ![][flag_FR] [Battquif](/users/2389333), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [Musty](/users/251683), ![][flag_FR] [Purettsu Eru](/users/1542565), ![][flag_FR] [SiYes](/users/8868144), ![][flag_FR] [ThePooN](/users/718454), ![][flag_FR] [Zonthem](/users/7193908), ![][flag_FR] [-raizen-](/users/3872987) |
+| Commentateurs (osu!taiko) | ![][flag_FR] [\[Haku\]](/users/2329184), ![][flag_FR] [Chernobog](/users/3317042), ![][flag_FR] [Nofool](/users/672430), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [TimmyAkmed](/users/1799973) |
+| Commentateurs (osu!catch) | ![][flag_FR] [\[Haku\]](/users/2329184), ![][flag_FR] [Bloodenay](/users/7303988), ![][flag_FR] [Chernobog](/users/3317042), ![][flag_FR] [FulgurentKille](/users/4096322), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [Libegon](/users/9922381), ![][flag_FR] [\_Manyura](/users/8335913), ![][flag_FR] [redjiii](/users/1378728), ![][flag_FR] [Rougoku](/users/6900166) |
+| Commentateurs (osu!mania) | ![][flag_FR] [\[Haku\]](/users/2329184), ![][flag_FR] [Adri](/users/4579132), ![][flag_FR] [Chernobog](/users/3317042), ![][flag_FR] [DemonWaves](/users/3909293), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [Musty](/users/251683), ![][flag_FR] [Ominy](/users/9299077), ![][flag_FR] [On a PetaMaMeuf](/users/5815785), ![][flag_FR] [AntoAa](/users/3897919) |
+| Designers | ![][flag_DE] [Celektus](/users/4294993), ![][flag_FR] [Lotchidych](/users/8375240) |
+| Statisticien | ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Arbitres | ![][flag_FR] [Amezurys](/users/5207167), ![][flag_JP] [Briesmas](/users/2865172), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263), ![][flag_FR] [Kebab De Poche](/users/6467693), ![][flag_FR] [\[ Mimir \]](/users/7382734), ![][flag_FR] [Purettsu Eru](/users/1542565), ![][flag_FR] [Ryumi](/users/6596270), ![][flag_CA] [Sinaeb](/users/1576095), ![][flag_FR] [Spartan Plume](/users/2553166), ![][flag_FR] [TLQ\_Yoshii](/users/7157133), ![][flag_GB] [Weavile](/users/9665028), ![][flag_FR][Tigzick](/users/6745742) |
+| Wiki | ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002) |
+## Liens
+- [Fil de discussion](/community/forums/topics/825579)
+- [Livestream](https://twitch.tv/osufrlive)
+- [Discord officiel du oMMFF](https://discord.gg/bWKUsHd)
+- Tableaux Challonge
+ - [osu!](https://o2mf.challonge.com/o2mf_osu)
+ - [osu!taiko](https://o2mf.challonge.com/o2mf_taiko)
+ - [osu!catch](https://o2mf.challonge.com/o2mf_catch)
+ - [osu!mania](https://o2mf.challonge.com/o2mf_mania)
+- **[Feuille de statistiques](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSE0LEyHOBW8P5F37719J2oZMhtba9b7Z-WaT5otksz7lSf4fvIq3giYXHNpT4xl1bOrIhJCPN6xlxO/pubhtml)**
+## Participants
+### Participants de la division osu!
+| Seed | Membres |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Top | ![][flag_FR] [ThePooN](/users/718454), ![][flag_FR] [Flaven](/users/3213239), ![][flag_FR] [-raizen-](/users/3872987), ![][flag_FR] [NerO](/users/1545031), ![][flag_FR] [BAKKALO](/users/7948627), ![][flag_FR] [Mooha](/users/2705430), ![][flag_FR] [\[ UMU \]](/users/5879559), ![][flag_FR] [Sjizu](/users/4798100) |
+| High | ![][flag_FR] [Besta](/users/5189431), ![][flag_FR] [JustMan](/users/7657831), ![][flag_FR] [RyuuBei](/users/2222447), ![][flag_FR] [VROUM CV VITE](/users/7630971), ![][flag_FR] [FayeurS](/users/3105416), ![][flag_FR] [FayeurS 2](/users/4141918), ![][flag_FR] [SiYes](/users/8868144), ![][flag_FR] [Ice Tea citron](/users/7298776) |
+| Low | ![][flag_FR] [Raiiden](/users/6277316), ![][flag_FR] [VicoTeen](/users/4339470), ![][flag_FR] [cleminiti](/users/5949547), ![][flag_FR] [Wrys](/users/3093139), ![][flag_FR] [\_Aquatic\_](/users/4604369), ![][flag_FR] [volor](/users/4898550), ![][flag_FR] [Funta668](/users/6608227), ![][flag_BE] [steen](/users/9441958) |
+| Unseeded | ![][flag_FR] [Nadji](/users/10308411), ![][flag_FR] [-Unknow](/users/3723612), ![][flag_FR] [SanaeFrost](/users/4303161), ![][flag_FR] [Amatsuka Kou](/users/8568223), ![][flag_FR] [Mirthille](/users/7548517), ![][flag_IE] [S E K A I](/users/8726490), ![][flag_FR] [TLQ\_Yoshii](/users/7157133), ![][flag_FR] [CreeDi](/users/9790881), ![][flag_FR] [Kammthaar](/users/8802523), ![][flag_FR] [Realmas](/users/6567640), ![][flag_FR] [KumaUrsa](/users/8284033), ![][flag_FR] [GuiboxFR](/users/11261739), ![][flag_FR] [Kaeldori](/users/962519), ![][flag_FR] [Xtr3mSoldi3r](/users/11717152), ![][flag_BF] [linkfire](/users/11719870), ![][flag_FR] [TrislotOsu](/users/10524079), ![][flag_BE] [Xawaii](/users/10609299), ![][flag_FR] [KamiKame](/users/9099310), ![][flag_FR] [Blacky Design](/users/11540165), ![][flag_FR] [Zayyyyy](/users/8218676), ![][flag_FR] [Amphinobi1](/users/9005342), ![][flag_FR] [Leeo97one](/users/9932262), ![][flag_FR] [Izuumii](/users/12654685), ![][flag_FR] [MaximeRaptor](/users/12278998) |
+## Planning des matches
+### Division osu!: 16èmes de finale
+#### Samedi, 5 Janvier 2019
+| Match ID | Équipe A | | | Équipe B | Horaire du match (UTC) |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| #1 | -raizen- | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_BE] | Xawaii | **13:00** |
+| #2 | Wrys | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Funta668 | **13:00** |
+| #3 | Besta | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Mirthille | **13:00** |
+| #4 | Raiiden | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | -Unknow | **14:00** |
+| #5 | SiYes | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Xtr3mSoldi3r | **14:00** |
+| #6 | TLQ\_Yoshii | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | volor | **14:00** |
+| #7 | Mooha | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_IE] | S E K A I | **15:00** |
+| #8 | FayeurS 2 | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_BE] | steen | **15:00** |
+| #9 | ThePooN | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_BF] | linkfire | **15:00** |
+| #10 | cleminiti | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Ice Tea citron | **16:00** |
+| #11 | JustMan | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Kaeldori | **16:00** |
+| #12 | VicoTeen | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Kammthaar | **16:00** |
+| #13 | Flaven | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | GuiboxFR | **17:00** |
+| #14 | BAKKALO | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | RyuuBei | **17:00** |
+| #15 | NerO | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | CreeDi | **17:00** |
+| #16 | \_Aquatic\_ | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | SanaeFrost | **18:00** |
+### Dimanche, 6 Janvier 2019
+| Match ID | Équipe A | | | Équipe B | Horaire du match (UTC) |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: |
+| #17a | -raizen- | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Wrys | **13:00** | ¹ |
+| #17b | -raizen- | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Funta668 | **13:00** | ¹ |
+| #17c | Xawaii | ![][flag_BE] | ![][flag_FR] | Wrys | **13:00** | ¹ |
+| #17d | Xawaii | ![][flag_BE] | ![][flag_FR] | Funta668 | **13:00** | ¹ |
+| #18a | Besta | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Raiiden | **14:00** | ² |
+| #18b | Besta | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | -Unknow | **14:00** | ² |
+| #18c | Mirthille | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Raiiden | **14:00** | ² |
+| #18d | Mirthille | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | -Unknow | **14:00** | ² |
+| #19a | SiYes | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | TLQ\_Yoshii | **15:00** | ³ |
+| #19b | SiYes | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | volor | **15:00** | ³ |
+| #19c | Xtr3mSoldi3r | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | TLQ\_Yoshii | **15:00** | ³ |
+| #19d | Xtr3mSoldi3r | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | volor | **15:00** | ³ |
+| #20a | Mooha | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | FayeurS 2 | **16:00** | ⁴ |
+| #20b | Mooha | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_BE] | steen | **16:00** | ⁴ |
+| #20c | S E K A I | ![][flag_IE] | ![][flag_FR] | FayeurS 2 | **16:00** | ⁴ |
+| #20d | S E K A I | ![][flag_IE] | ![][flag_BE] | steen | **16:00** | ⁴ |
+| #21a | ThePooN | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | cleminiti | **17:00** | ⁵ |
+| #21b | ThePooN | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Ice Tea citron | **17:00** | ⁵ |
+| #21c | linkfire | ![][flag_BF] | ![][flag_FR] | cleminiti | **17:00** | ⁵ |
+| #21d | linkfire | ![][flag_BF] | ![][flag_FR] | Ice Tea citron | **17:00** | ⁵ |
+| #22a | JustMan | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | VicoTeen | **18:00** | ⁶ |
+| #22b | JustMan | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Kammthaar | **18:00** | ⁶ |
+| #22c | Kaeldori | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | VicoTeen | **18:00** | ⁶ |
+| #22d | Kaeldori | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Kammthaar | **18:00** | ⁶ |
+| #23a | Flaven | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | BAKKALO | **13:00** | ⁷ |
+| #23b | Flaven | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | RyuuBei | **13:00** | ⁷ |
+| #23c | GuiboxFR | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | BAKKALO | **13:00** | ⁷ |
+| #23d | GuiboxFR | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | Ryuubei | **13:00** | ⁷ |
+| #24a | NerO | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | CreeDi | **14:00** | ⁸ |
+| #24b | NerO | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | SanaeFrost | **14:00** | ⁸ |
+| #24c | \_Aquatic\_ | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | CreeDi | **14:00** | ⁸ |
+| #24d | \_Aquatic\_ | ![][flag_FR] | ![][flag_FR] | SanaeFrost | **14:00** | ⁸ |
+¹ Confrontation dépendant du gagnant du Match #1 et du Match #2
+² Confrontation dépendant du gagnant du Match #3 et du Match #4
+³ Confrontation dépendant du gagnant du Match #5 et du Match #6
+⁴ Confrontation dépendant du gagnant du Match #7 et du Match #8
+⁵ Confrontation dépendant du gagnant du Match #9 et du Match #10
+⁶ Confrontation dépendant du gagnant du Match #11 et du Match #12
+⁷ Confrontation dépendant du gagnant du Match #13 et du Match #14
+⁸ Confrontation dépendant du gagnant du Match #15 et du Match #16
+## Liste des maps
+### Mappools de la division osu!
+#### 16èmes de finale
+**[Télécharge le mappack ici! (127 MB)](https://mega.nz/#!QkFAQAQb!ALJeXk7vPRR1h6it6pqZROrpnaNL60kb8s6QqcBDSHA)**
+- NoMod
+ - [iconoclasm - perditus+paradisus (kiddly) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/72790#osu/218548)
+ - [Akiakane - Rolling Girl (Foreverends) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/66228#osu/193464)
+ - [Getty vs. DJ DiA - Fox4-Raize- (Doormat, Kaifin) \[Doorfin's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/482552#osu/1097509)
+ - [Swan Lake Orchestra - Hakuchou no Mizuumi (AngelHoney) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/25922#osu/87728)
+ - [THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Kyouran Hey Kids!! (monstrata) \[God of Speed\]](/beatmapsets/372510#osu/815857)
+ - [Yunomi - Oedo Controller(feat. TORIENA)\[Batsu Remix\] (Left) \[UFO\]](/beatmapsets/469434#osu/1003866)
+- Hidden
+ - [Jinnosuke Okibayashi - So Far Gone (Mir) \[Distance\]](/beatmapsets/698308#osu/1479006)
+ - [KOAN Sound & Asa - Starlite (Aiceo) \[Incandescent\]](/beatmapsets/294496#osu/662054)
+ - [Dark PHOENiX - Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird (sjoy) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/126354#osu/321559)
+- HardRock
+ - [yuikonnu - Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o (Fycho) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/208765#osu/494798)
+ - [Mitchie M - Ageage Again (captin1) \[captin's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/220694#osu/516452)
+ - [An - Xhroria (Cherry Blossom) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/82258#osu/227772)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Vicetone feat. Collin McLoughlin - Heartbeat (Come\[Back\]Home) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/295388#osu/663656)
+ - [Larval Stage Planning - Hanabira to Ribbon (Umi) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/220694#osu/516452)
+ - [Miyazono Kaori(CV.Taneda Risa) - My Truth\~Rondo Capriccioso (Setz) \[April\]](/beatmapsets/274337#osu/634245)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Traktion - Mission ASCII (galvenize) \[Another\]](/beatmapsets/53249#osu/162405)
+ - [GARNiDELiA - ambiguous (captin1) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/303867#osu/680886)
+ - [LiSA - EGOiSTiC SHOOTER (Kyshiro) \[Kyshiro's Extra\]](/beatmapsets/253313#osu/613671)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - **[Teminite & PsoGnar - Surface Tension (Yamicchi) \[Pressure\]](/beatmapsets/686998#osu/1453846)**
+## Règlement
+### Modes de jeu et système de score
+- Ce tournoi sera organisé pour les modes de jeux ci-contre: osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch, et osu!mania 4K. En plus de cela, le tournoi utilisera le **Score V2** comme système de score. Ceci fait que les joueurs doivent jouer sur les versions d'osu! suivantes: Stable **(Latest)**, Beta, et Cutting Edge.
+### Format des tournois
+- **Tous** les tournois seront en un format de bracket **double-élimination** à **32 joueurs** maximum. Les seedings de chaque tournoi seront basés sur les pp à la fin de chaque phase d'inscription.
+### Mods utilisés dans le tournoi
+#### Utilisation des mods pour osu!
+- Les règles pour l'utilisation des mods sont notées ci-dessous. Le mod sera utilisé uniquement si la beatmap choisie est inclue dans une catégorie spécifique du mappool.
+ - **NoMod** - Aucun mod ne sera utilisé pour cette beatmap.
+ - **Hidden** - Le mod Hidden sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie Hidden du mappool.
+ - **HardRock** - Le mod HardRock sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie HardRock du mappool.
+ - **DoubleTime** - Le mod DoubleTime sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie DoubleTime du mappool.
+ - **ForceMod** - Chaque joueur doit utiliser au moins **UN** mod entre Hidden, HardRock, ou Flashlight si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie - - FreeMod du mappool.
+ - **FreeMod** - Chaque joueur peuvent choisir le mod qu'ils veulent si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie TieBreaker du mappool.
+#### Utilisation des mods pour osu!taiko
+- Les règles pour l'utilisation des mods sont notées ci-dessous. Le mod sera utilisé uniquement si la beatmap choisie est inclue dans une catégorie spécifique du mappool.
+ - **NoMod** - Aucun mod ne sera utilisé pour cette beatmap.
+ - **Hidden** - Le mod Hidden sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie Hidden du mappool.
+ - **HardRock** - Le mod HardRock sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie HardRock du mappool.
+ - **DoubleTime** - Le mod DoubleTime sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie DoubleTime du mappool.
+ - **ForceMod** - Chaque joueur doit utiliser au moins **UN** mod entre Hidden, HardRock, ou Flashlight si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie FreeMod du mappool.
+ - **FreeMod** - Chaque joueur peuvent choisir le mod qu'ils veulent si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie TieBreaker du mappool.
+#### Utilisation des mods pour osu!catch
+- Les règles pour l'utilisation des mods sont notées ci-dessous. Le mod sera utilisé uniquement si la beatmap choisie est inclue dans une catégorie spécifique du mappool.
+ - **NoMod** - Aucun mod ne sera utilisé pour cette beatmap.
+ - **Hidden** - Le mod Hidden sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie Hidden du mappool.
+ - **HardRock** - Le mod HardRock sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie HardRock du mappool. Les joueurs peuvent aussi choisir HD en addition du HardRock si ils le souhaitent.
+ - **DoubleTime** - Le mod DoubleTime sera utilisé par les deux participants si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie DoubleTime du mappool. Les joueurs peuvent aussi choisir HD en addition du DoubleTime si ils le souhaitent.
+ - **FreeMod** - Chaque joueur peuvent choisir le mod qu'ils veulent si la beatmap choisie est dans la catégorie TieBreaker du mappool.
+#### Utilisation des mods pour osu!mania
+- Pour osu!mania, le tournoi utilisera la règle du **FreeMod** sur toutes les maps. Ceci permet l'utilisation du **Hidden**, **Fade In**, ou **Flashlight** durant un pick.
+### Éligibilité et Inscription
+- N'importe quelle joueur ayant un drapeau faisant partie de la Francophonie [(Liste des pays francophones ici)](http://www.world-territories.com/ttfr/dossiers.php?dossier=francophonie) ou faisant partie de la France d'outre-mer [(Liste des îles françaises d'outre-mer ici)](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/France_d%27outre-mer) sont autorisés à participer à ce tournoi.
+- Tout membre du staff **à part les mapsetters et les arbitres** peut participer au tournoi.
+- 32 places seront ouvertes pour chaque division. Dans le cas où une division n'atteint pas les 32 joueurs, alors uniquement le top 16 de cette division jouera dans le tournoi. Si une division à en dessous de 16 joueurs, le tournoi pour celle-ci sera **annulé**. Des places en plus ne seront **PAS** ouvertes. Uniquement le top 32 de chaque division pourra jouer. Les joueurs peuvent rejoindre **n'importe** lequel des 4 tournois.
+- Le staff du tournoi à tous les droits de refuser l'inscription d'un joueur si le staff d'osu refuse ce joueur.
+### Déroulement du match
+#### Préparation
+- Les arbitres doivent préparer la salle 10 minutes avant l'horaire prévu pour le match. L'arbitre doit absolument contacter les joueurs sur Discord pour leur rappeler que le match commence, suite au fait que Bancho n'envoie pas les invitations très souvent.
+- Le format de nom de la salle pour les 4 tournois est: o!2MF: (Joueur 1) vs (Joueur 2)
+- Le match est considéré un forfeit 10 minutes exactement après l'horaire prévu pour le match. Le joueur qui ne sera pas arrivé dans la salle après ces 10 minutes sera considéré comme le perdant, tandis que le joueur qui était dans la salle gagnera ce match par forfeit. Si les deux joueurs ne viennent pas, le gagnant sera le joueur ayant le plus haut seed.
+#### Phase de warmup
+- Chaque joueur est autorisé à une map de warmup chacun par match. Elles doivent **être disponibles sur les serveurs d'osu et avoir moins de 5 mins de drain time**. Les warmups ayant un contenu discutable (défini ici par les [règles de communauté d'osu!](https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Rules)) ne seront pas autorisé.
+#### Bans et Picks
+- Suivant la phase de warmup, les joueurs devront utiliser la commande de !roll sur le chat du multijoueur. Le joueur avec le plus bas roll aura le premier ban et deuxième pick, tandis que le joueur avec le plus haut roll aura le premier pick et deuxième ban. Il y aura **deux bans** par joueur pour chaque round.
+#### Format du Match
+- Les joueurs doivent pick les maps en alternance jusqu'à ce qu'un gagnant soit déterminé. Les matchs seront joués en Best-Of-X dépendant des rounds, marqués juste ici:
+ - 16èmes de finale et 8èmes de finale: Best-of-7 (Premier à 4 points)
+ - Quarts de finale: Best-of-9 (Premier à 5 points)
+ - Demi-finales: Best-of-11 (Premier à 6 points)
+ - Finales et Grandes Finales: Best-of-13 (Premier à 7 points)
+- Un joueur n'aura pas le droit de ban **deux maps** d'un même mod. (Example: Joueur 1 ban une map HD, alors il doit ban un autre mod après. Mais le joueur 2 est autorisé à ban une map HD aussi.)
+- Si les scores sur une map finissent en égalité, la map sera nullifiée, et le joueur qui la pick pourra choisir une autre map, ou rejouer cette même map.
+- Dans le cas où les joueurs arrivent en égalité au point de match, par exemple, 6-6 sur un match en Best-of-13, alors les joueurs devront jouer le Tiebreaker du mappool.
+### Rescheduling
+- Les joueurs seront autorisés à reschedule leur match si besoin, si ils peuvent montrer une preuve que leur adversaire est d'accord avec eux, et si c'est fait avant le **Jeudi de chaque semaine à 23h59**. Ceci est pour faire en sorte que le staff arrive à ajuster leur planning. Aucun reschedule fait après cette date sera autorisé, sauf si le joueur demandant un reschedule à une raison valide.
+### Déconnexions
+- Les déconnexions sont quelque chose qui peuvent arriver à n'importe quel moment pour n'importe qui dans ce tournoi. Pour gérer tout ça, nous avons mis en place certaines règles:
+ - Si le joueur se déconnecte durant les 10 premières secondes de jeu dans le pick, la partie sera annulée, et la map sera rejouée.
+ - Si le joueur se déconnecte durant les 30 premières secondes de jeu dans le pick, la partie continuera, mais les deux joueurs devront décider si ils veulent rejouer la map, ou la map comptera dans les points.
+ - Si le joueur se déconnecte après les 30 premières secondes de jeu dans le pick, la partie continuera, et sera comptée dans les points.
+ - Pour éviter un abus de ce système, chaque joueur à droit à une déconnexion par match. N'importe quelle déconnexion après cette première déconnexion sera un point pour l'adversaire du joueur. (Applicable uniquement pour les déconnexions en cours de partie)
+ - Les joueurs auront 10 minutes maximum pour revenir dans la salle suite à une déconnexion. Si le joueur ne revient pas, le score du match sera bloqué et sera considéré comme le résultat officiel. **Si le joueur qui gagne le match est celui déconnecté, le match continuera, tant que l'adversaire sera toujours là pour jouer. Après 30 minutes, si le joueur n'est pas revenu, il sera disqualifié du match.**
+### Comportement des joueurs et du staff
+- Ceci est très simple. Les joueurs et le staff doivent tout d'abord, avoir lu ce règlement en entier. Toute personne participant dans ce tournoi est attendu d'être respectueux de chacun. Sous peine de ban et blacklist si cela n'est pas respecté. Ceci compte autant pour les joueurs que pour le staff.
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+# osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta
+Index page for all of the osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta series.
+- [1](./1 "osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta")
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+# osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta
+Page d'index pour toute la série osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta.
+- [1](./1 "osu! Multi Mode French Fiesta")
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--- a/wiki/Tournaments/oPHF/2018/en.md
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@@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ The **osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies 2018** (***oPHF2018***) is a semi-restr
## Prizes
-Winners of their respective game mode will get a Profile badge.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :---: | :--- |
+|  | Profile badge and 2 months of osu!supporter |
+|  | 1 month of osu!supporter |
-*The rest of the prizes are to be determined by the staff.*
## Organisation
| Position | Member(s) |
@@ -42,9 +43,9 @@ Winners of their respective game mode will get a Profile badge.
| Map Selectors (osu!taiko) | ![][flag_PH] [Deneb](/users/2604212) |
| Map Selectors (osu!catch) | ![][flag_PH] [Roido](/users/6829103), ![][flag_PH] [Chloebe](/users/4577865), ![][flag_PH] [JeirYagtama](/users/7483452), ![][flag_PH] [-Nicotine](/users/4818935) |
| Map Selectors (osu!mania 4K and 7K) | ![][flag_PH] [Lenfried-](/users/5314573), ![][flag_PH] [JztCallMeRon](/users/2471512), ![][flag_PH] [SurfChu85](/users/4469895), ![][flag_PH] [Ainyan](/users/3770641), ![][flag_SG] [Raveille](/users/1388767). ![][flag_MY] [Cryolien](/users/1626983), ![][flag_MY] [cheewee10](/users/4477497) |
-| Referees | ![][flag_PH] [Zaphirox](/users/2478675), ![][flag_PH] [SurfChu85](/users/4469895), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](/users/1192936), ![][flag_PH] [samosita](/users/6090289), ![][flag_PH] [ggnakacarlz](/users/4075421), ![][flag_PH] [-MomoX](/users/2150415), ![][flag_PH] [Roido](/users/6829103), ![][flag_PH] [Nezol](/users/7509103), ![][flag_PH] [Afireee](/users/7919913), ![][flag_SG] [Raveille](/users/1388767), ![][flag_AU] [nonamegohst](/users/4384859), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
-| Streamers | ![][flag_PH] [aEverr](/users/6027084), ![][flag_PH] [Ainyan](/users/3770641), ![][flag_PH] [Deadpulse](/users/8575527) |
-| Commentators | ![][flag_PH] [Zaphirox](/users/2478675), ![][flag_PH] [Deneb](/users/2604212), ![][flag_PH] [SurfChu85](/users/4469895), ![][flag_PH] [Awishi](/users/4290020), ![][flag_PH] [-MomoX](/users/2150415), ![][flag_AU] [PotassiumF](/users/4247722) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_PH] [Zaphirox](/users/2478675), ![][flag_PH] [SurfChu85](/users/4469895), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](/users/1192936), ![][flag_PH] [samosita](/users/6090289), ![][flag_PH] [ggnakacarlz](/users/4075421), ![][flag_PH] [-MomoX](/users/2150415), ![][flag_PH] [Roido](/users/6829103), ![][flag_PH] [Nezol](/users/7509103), ![][flag_PH] [Afireee](/users/7919913), ![][flag_PH] [Hues](/users/2367206), ![][flag_SG] [Raveille](/users/1388767), ![][flag_AU] [nonamegohst](/users/4384859), ![][flag_FR] [Kasumii-sama](/users/6177263) |
+| Streamers | ![][flag_PH] [aEverr](/users/6027084), ![][flag_PH] [Ainyan](/users/3770641), ![][flag_PH] [LohaWarpe](/users/8560810) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_PH] [Zaphirox](/users/2478675), ![][flag_PH] [Deneb](/users/2604212), ![][flag_PH] [SurfChu85](/users/4469895), ![][flag_PH] [Awishi](/users/4290020), ![][flag_PH] [Toyohime-](/users/9770359), ![][flag_AU] [PotassiumF](/users/4247722) |
| Graphic Designer | ![][flag_PH] [Mira-san](/users/4469895) |
| Statisticians | ![][flag_PH] [SurfChu85](/users/4469895), ![][flag_PH] [MapleSyrup-](/users/1192936) |
@@ -53,57 +54,1125 @@ Winners of their respective game mode will get a Profile badge.
- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/801475)
- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/osuliveph)
- [YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV4V1OVO6gOGxtH51glH0Q)
-- [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/9ZUMmwS)
- [osu!PH Facebook Group](https://web.facebook.com/groups/OSU.Philippines/)
-- [Match Schedules](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dykRLOH3gmFfoUHViTrFgBYgq6yMc_6WVyKUunuGmQ8/edit?usp=sharing)
+- Challonge
+ - [osu!standard](https://challonge.com/oPHF2018_std)
+ - [osu!taiko](https://challonge.com/oPHF2018_taiko)
+ - [osu!catch](https://challonge.com/oPHF2018_ctb)
+ - [osu!mania 4K](https://challonge.com/oPHF2018_4K)
+ - [osu!mania 7K](https://challonge.com/oPHF2018_7K)
+## Qualified Participants
+### osu!standard
+| Seed | Player |
+| 1 | [ededed028](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3932796) |
+| 2 | [zonelouise](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1492995) |
+| 3 | [TyrantsEye2014](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4530738) |
+| 4 | [Stereo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1499137) |
+| 5 | [Rammu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10652837) |
+| 6 | [Pikhael](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9597208) |
+| 7 | [Fzechen](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8248762) |
+| 8 | [Caernarvon725](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8208317) |
+| 9 | [-Onoya An](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2725984) |
+| 10 | [Nyahrumanyah](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4645185) |
+| 11 | [Gilthunder](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4514716) |
+| 12 | [Umuuu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10688529) |
+| 13 | [-PJ-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9347900) |
+| 14 | [IcedCha](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11054021) |
+| 15 | [Akiraie](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11766556) |
+| 16 | [Xidorn](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7904667) |
+| 17 | [Aharu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5039816) |
+| 18 | [\[Vik\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5428448) |
+| 19 | [Dunn](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7241691) |
+| 20 | [- CrossX -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5375302) |
+| 21 | [ArtillerySenpai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8329656) |
+| 22 | [Zythics](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6604492) |
+| 23 | [JasonEspiritu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8387179) |
+| 24 | [Liquicidize](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7066405) |
+| 25 | [Aestheticbrick](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8249051) |
+| 26 | [KasperBK](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8223881) |
+| 27 | [Nomis126](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10852654) |
+| 28 | [Nyanntai](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6449091) |
+| 29 | [IsseiKun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10597843) |
+| 30 | [Tornikel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10940000) |
+| 31 | [Aoi_Shimoto](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9809833) |
+| 32 | [Karma Jun](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6796612) |
+### osu!taiko
+| Seed | Player |
+| 1 | [Pochacco](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2927742) |
+| 2 | [Rimazii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3831514) |
+| 3 | [yuki\_momoiro722](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7186791) |
+| 4 | [Silhoueska Elze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11517895) |
+| 5 | [\[\_\_\_\_\_\_\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4764062) |
+| 6 | [Keishii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8381177) |
+### osu!catch
+| Seed | Player |
+| 1 | [Crowley](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6341006) |
+| 2 | [KaganimeRin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1626093) |
+| 3 | [Aishiii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4382259) |
+| 4 | [AJamez](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7890134) |
+| 5 | [Kuya Frex](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8868701) |
+| 6 | [Laqure](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1642435) |
+| 7 | [Lobsterr](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6575915) |
+| 8 | [Loreal](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9362231) |
+| 9 | [- Kielzu -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6221114) |
+| 10 | [AJ1703](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10509387) |
+| 11 | [johnneijzen1](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2627194) |
+| 12 | [Keishii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8381177) |
+### osu!mania 4K
+| Seed | Player |
+| 1 | [arge-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9919550) |
+| 2 | [Baltz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6083463) |
+| 3 | [Silhoueska Elze](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11517895) |
+| 4 | [Ikisouu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/12020287) |
+| 5 | [Shiyui-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9374607) |
+| 6 | [kei101895](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3032245) |
+| 7 | [Batujitsu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6402552) |
+| 8 | [Edison](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1325159) |
+| 9 | [Andrei--](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7222840) |
+| 10 | [Inoariusu](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8586656) |
+| 11 | [vincent4399](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9764388) |
+| 12 | [Suravur](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10160304) |
+| 13 | [Izayoi-san-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11871956) |
+| 14 | [LohaWarpe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8560810) |
+| 15 | [hikaruXD19](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/5417259) |
+| 16 | [Partycarft30](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8046460) |
+### osu!mania 7K
+| Seed | Player |
+| 1 | [Nikana](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4345491) |
+| 2 | [Cielo Day](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2722489) |
+| 3 | [FeveredNickel](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7331952) |
+| 4 | [fer789](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8901267) |
+| 5 | [Andrei--](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7222840) |
+| 6 | [LohaWarpe](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8560810) |
+| 7 | [LackPoints](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8748664) |
+| 8 | [kei101895](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3032245) |
+| 9 | [Keishii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8381177) |
+| 10 | [Shawntell](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7384938) |
-## Participants
+## Tournament Winners
+The following players are the people who managed to pull through the whole competition
+### osu!standard Division
+| Placing | User |
+|  | [Stereo](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1499137) |
+|  | [TyrantsEye2014](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4530738) |
+|  | [ededed028](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3932796), [zonelouise](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1492995) |
-An initial list of cleared registrants are listed on [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W-XLpa_DzLZW0DMb1jy3uEo9VYHHB-jHieU-61owWQs/edit?usp=sharing).
+### osu!taiko Division
-*Qualified participants will be added in this section.*
+| Placing | User |
+|  | [Pochacco](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2927742) |
+|  | [Rimazii](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3831514) |
+|  | [yuki\_momoiro722](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/7186791) |
+### osu!catch Division
+| Placing | User |
+|  | [- Kielzu -](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6221114) |
+|  | [KaganimeRin](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1626093) |
+|  | [Crowley](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6341006) |
+### osu!mania 4K Division
+| Placing | User |
+|  | [arge-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9919550) |
+|  | [Baltz](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6083463) |
+|  | [Shiyui-](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9374607) |
+### osu!mania 7K Division
+| Placing | User |
+|  | [Nikana](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4345491) |
+|  | [fer789](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/8901267) |
+|  | [Cielo Day](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2722489) |
## Mappools
-*Mappools will be revealed one week in advance of each stage.*
+### osu!standard
+#### Finals
+[**Download the mappack here! (120.8 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vI1HdWM6Gl7GNlhARbtC5ALaBHMD0Lu6)
+- NoMod
+ - [MAZARE - Mazare Party (IntellectualBoy) \[Walao's Party\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1419801)
+ - [Kuroneko Dungeon - Lilieze to Enryuu Laevateinn (mithew) \[Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1353908)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Avalon no Oka (Reol) \[utopia\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/907341)
+ - [Gekidan Hitotose - Curtain Call!!!!! (Hey lululu) \[Akitoshi's Expert\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1618374)
+ - [Riz vs. Shiron - veRtrageS (EvilElvis) \[Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1011030)
+ - [TAG - SABER WING (ouranhshc) \[Challenge\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/82920)
+- Hidden
+ - [Zekk - Feelsleftout (J1\_) \[Nokris' Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1722775)
+ - [SHK - Identity Part II (ktgster) \[SHD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/692495)
+- HardRock
+ - [Nagito Komaeda (CV.Megumi Ogata) - Zettai Kibou Birthday (Anxient) \[Hope blooms\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1049114)
+ - [Yuki Hayashi - You Say Run (Zare) \[Plus Ultra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1040115)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Mr. Saturn - Saturn (Saturnalize) \[Expert\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/356182)
+ - [EastNewSound - Lucid Dream (Natteke) \[Lunakuren\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/73074)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Suzumu feat.GUMI - Mankind five minutes before hypothesis (val0108) \[0108 style\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/656915)
+ - [Demetori - U.N. Owen wa Kanojo nanoka? (Louis Cyphre) \[Unknown\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/844718)
+ - [beatMARIO - Night of Knights (DJPop) \[SOLO\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/58063)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Nanahira - Bassdrop Freaks (Long Ver.) (yf\_bmp) \[BASSDROP!!\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/992437)
+#### Semifinals
+[**Download the mappack here! (91.1 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1otv9whXNMNBbw5sCOT1zyom8etsp58Ox)
+- NoMod
+ - [Shikata Akiko - EXEC\_PAJA/.\#Misya extracting. (Mir) \[Purification\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1461042)
+ - [Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Just Awake (-Laura-) \[Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1466000)
+ - [Hate vs Brilliance - Qubism (Regraz) \[Oxy's INFINITE\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1115462)
+ - [Rita - Dorchadas (09kami) \[09's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1642968)
+ - [SLAM & NATO - PARADOXX (AJIekceu) \[Eiji's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1373031)
+ - [Memme - Geurida (NeilPerry) \[Mellifluous Miracle\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1456417)
+- Hidden
+ - [maxXx65535 - Cynthia (Apricot) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/134394)
+ - [Daisy x Daisy - Towa no Kizuna feat. Another Infinity (Tsukasa) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/155409)
+- HardRock
+ - [SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi - Wakusei\*Lollipop (moonlightleaf) \[Happy!!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1395603)
+ - [Jun.A - Ghost Lead (Scorpiour) \[Lunatic\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/147370)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [MOMOLAND - BBoom BBoom (Lilyanna) \[Habi's INSANE!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1649961)
+ - [May'n - Chase the world (goodbye) \[Acceration\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/156915)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Dark PHOENiX - Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird (sjoy) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/321559)
+ - [nmk - sola (sjoy) \[Imouto's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/439824)
+ - [ALI PROJECT - ALICE Douzai Innocent (-Light-) \[Innocence\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1373594)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**DJ Noriken - #The\_Relentless\_(Modified) (captin1) \[Unstoppable\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/734927)
+#### Quarterfinals
-## osu!standard
+[**Download the mappack here! (97.1 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bwlllSAmVHeW3ckTRnTaKn01d8kvTPrO)
-### Qualifiers
+- NoMod
+ - [CLIFF EDGE - The Distance feat. Nakamura Maiko (Rakuen) \[Insane Collab\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/557944)
+ - [AAAA Chazuke - Fatality Saga (Battle) \[NiNo's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1442673)
+ - [ZUN remixed by LeaF - Resurrection Spell (Muya) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/662064)
+ - [ensou ft. GUMI - COMA (-Laura-) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1686106)
+ - [otetsu feat.Megurine Luka - Ame to Kusari (Anishina Kodoku) \[Prinsep's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1569488)
+ - [Kotera Kanako - Aoi Kiseki -Opening size- (jonathanlfj) \[Nightmare\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/188339)
+- Hidden
+ - [Shirahamazaka Koukou Gasshou-Bu - Triple Smiley (Loneight) \[Smile\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1097162)
+ - [Keiichi Okabe - The Lost Forest (galvenize) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/157989)
+- HardRock
+ - [Seiryu - Critical Crystal (Priti) \[Yuki's Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/484890)
+ - [Naoki Miki(CV.Takahashi Rie) & Ebisuzawa Kurumi(CV.Ozawa Ari) - Unhappy End World (Yasaija 714) \[Collab Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1725345)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Infected Mushroom - Pink Nightmares (RLC) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/281977)
+ - [Hanatan - Kokoronashi (Modem) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1208115)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Rin Ginsuke - Tritely (Krimek) \[Trivial\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1048441)
+ - [Big Giant Circles feat. some1namedjeff - Thunderstruck (Charles445) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/208776)
+ - [Delain - Go Away (pishifat) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1017900)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**kors k feat.RIRE - Nirvana(Camellia's BinaryHeaven Remix) (Down) \[Unbroken\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1482404)
+#### Round of 16
+[**Download the mappack here! (131.3 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1V5_ajukhhvRANY1wQh7HdShJxYJnPbTb)
+- NoMod
+ - [Nekomata Master feat. Hayashi Momoko - Rainbow after snow (Yohanes) \[Indo-Russia Bilateral\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1777144)
+ - [RADWIMPS - Bouningen (Monstrata) \[Hollow\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1749734)
+ - [Ayatsugu\_Otowa - Goldelius (Rokkea) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1413981)
+ - [OSTER project - Devilz Sacrifice -Shokuzai no Hitsuji- (apaffy) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/387158)
+ - [syrela - Pulsation (Lasse) \[Expert\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1433497)
+ - [DJ TOTTO - Crystalia (6th) \[Left's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1047137)
+- Hidden
+ - [Sengoku Nadeko (CV: Hanazawa Kana) - Mousou Express (Net0) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1506690)
+ - [SynthWulf - Passacaglia (Down) \[SCV's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1596178)
+- HardRock
+ - [An - Catanoph (Ryuusei Aika) \[Crystar's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1691692)
+ - [uma vs. Morimori Atsushi - Re:End of a Dream (Battle) \[Hobbes2's Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1319345)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Monkey Majik + Yoshida Brothers - Change (Breeze) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/201846)
+ - [AYA - OVER NIGHT (IceBeam) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/131252)
+- FreeMod
+ - [capitaro - Koihagara no Kassen (Zero\_\_wind) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1148492)
+ - [Kanou Mari - Hakuchou no Mizuumi \~still a duckling\~ (banvi) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/96138)
+ - [Tatsh - HEAVENLY MOON (Jenny) \[Hyper v2\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/778231)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Hatsuki Yura - Drivi'n greedy - Nhato Remix - (Kamio Misuzu) \[Moon\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/532958)
+#### Round of 32
+[**Download the mappack here! (92.9 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NM21bzcwRJkT1GYg7H9oHEDnwqxGpCSl)
+- NoMod
+ - [Function Phantom - Euclid (byfar) \[toybot's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/971086)
+ - [Marika - Soul Release (El SolarBeam) \[Liberation\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/570140)
+ - [Qrispy Joybox feat.Chata - Yuuki no Pendant (MrSergio) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1386196)
+ - [sky_delta - Cryonix (captin1) \[Meg's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1078442)
+ - [unatra - Fabula Nova (rui) \[Usamin's EXHAUST\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1178822)
+ - [40mp feat.yuikonnu - Ame to Asphalt (Nevo) \[Mir's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1765853)
+- Hidden
+ - [senya - Zetsubou no Fuchi (-Mo-) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1352167)
+ - [Kajiura Yuki - Newday's News (Ikaros_F) \[Banana's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/343897)
+- HardRock
+ - [yuikonnu - Ai no Scenario (Guy) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/648072)
+ - [Cres - End Time (Kyshiro) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/432841)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Senritsu & Xinely - Nagi-nagi- (Xinely) \[Mochi's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/625221)
+ - [Leona Lewis - My Hands (Suissie) \[Normie music\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1614403)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Ryu\* - Sakura Reflection (MYTK Remix) (Leader) \[Gamu's Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/651937)
+ - [Aiobahn & Yunomi - Ginga Tetsudou no Penguin ft. nicamoq (Stripe.P Remix) (deetz) \[Kaifin's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1055343)
+ - [sakuzyo - Imprinting (Squigly) \[lfj's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/623835)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Rita - Dream Walker (Vert) \[Zweib's Insane\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/778244)
+#### Qualifiers
[**Download the mappack here! (35.7 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1J318VAbDMZwGm_0GWy0Eygny1OMWvTH1)
- NoMod
- - [Culprate & Skorpion - Jester (NeilPerry) [LCFC's Insane]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1773874)
- - [96neko - Aimai Elegy (Lasse) [Absence]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1261914)
+ - [Culprate & Skorpion - Jester (NeilPerry) \[LCFC's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1773874)
+ - [96neko - Aimai Elegy (Lasse) \[Absence\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1261914)
+- Hidden
+ - [Shawn Wasabi + YDG - Burnt Rice (feat. YUNG GEMMY) (Alphabet) \[Spork Lover's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1502635)
+- HardRock
+ - [Eleharmonica remixed by kors k - Der Wald (kors k Remix) (Cheesecake) \[Jace's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1477261)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Kana Nishino - Still love you (Modem) \[Goodbye\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1482857)
+### osu!taiko
+#### Finals Week 2
+[**Download the mappack here! (101.4 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N2v4hJu8FWC2QYQiB6xn1rv_axhTAAvr)
+- NoMod
+ - [Himeringo - Yotsuya-san ni Yoroshiku (RLC) \[Ono's Taiko Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/351995)
+ - [Memme - Chinese Restaurant (Love) \[Inner Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/562332)
+ - [Demetori - Emotional Skyscraper \~ World's End (happy30) \[mekadon's Taiko\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/54203)
+ - [LeaF - Paraclete (Kroytz) \[Nwolf's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1023469)
+ - [yuikonnu & ayaponzu\* - Super Nuko World (AllStar12) \[Yia & D.N.Angel's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/435822)
+ - [LIQU@. - Yotogibanashi no Kamikakushi (Kyubey) \[Dain's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/661516)
- Hidden
- - [Shawn Wasabi + YDG - Burnt Rice (feat. YUNG GEMMY) (Alphabet) [Spork Lover's Insane]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1502635)
-- Hard Rock
- - [Eleharmonica remixed by kors k - Der Wald (kors k Remix) (Cheesecake) [Jace's Insane]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1477261)
+ - [LeaF - Calamity Fortune (Flower) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/263682)
+ - [MYTH & ROID - STYX HELIX (Chromoxx) \[Rebirth\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1067687)
+- HardRock
+ - [Sasaki Sayaka - Kiss no Hitotsu de (Volta) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1212728)
+ - [Rise Against - Savior (pishifat) \[Raiden's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1132153)
- DoubleTime
- - [Kana Nishino - Still love you (Modem) [Goodbye]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1482857)
+ - [nano.RIPE - Nanairo Biyori (TV Ver.) (Charlotte) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/561959)
+ - [Haruna Luna - Stella Breeze (TV Size) (Rizia) \[Nardo's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1265249)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Sasaki Sayaka - Kiss no Hitotsu de (Volta) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1212728)
+ - [t+pazolite - Intro - the other Side (Taikocracy) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1154653)
+ - [you - Hold Angel (Nishizumi) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1194879)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**xi - FREEDOM DIVE (Nakagawa-Kanon) \[Ono's Taiko Oni\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/161275)
+#### Finals Week 1
+[**Download the mappack here! (89.3 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wguHouQylFoJeRuwnn7tJ9IecuheGK6z)
-## osu!mania 4K
+- NoMod
+ - [wowaka - World's End Dancehall (ROCKETMAN Remix) (Mira-san) \[Stefan's Taiko Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/417032)
+ - [NU-KO - Pochiko no Shiawase na Nichijou (Long Version) (tasuke912) \[LTL's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/799060)
+ - [Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Rave-Up Tonight (qoot8123) \[Inner Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/563660)
+ - [Project Grimoire - Caliburne \~Story of the Legendary sword\~ (Nofool) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1124531)
+ - [ClariS - Connect (Nardoxyribonucleic) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1142412)
+ - [xi - Breakthrough Atmosphere (Nishizumi) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/952389)
+- Hidden
+ - [goreshit - o'er the flood (grumd) \[Wmf's Taiko Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/178026)
+ - [LeaF - Paraclete (Kroytz) \[Nwolf's Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1023468)
+- HardRock
+ - [KOAN Sound & Asa - fuego (sakuraburst remix) (Nifty) \[oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1465472)
+ - [D(ABE3) - MANIERA (\_yu68) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/933191)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Onodera Kosaki (Hanazawa Kana) - Recover Decoration (tasuke912) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/684127)
+ - [Hello, Happy World! - Sugar Song and Bitter Step (toara\_fict) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1280930)
+- FreeMod
+ - [nora2r - Memory Of Sunrise (\_yu68) \[KomasY's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1229351)
+ - [P\*Light - Gekkou Ranbu (Nanatsu) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/886670)
+ - [xi - Wish upon Twin Stars (Ascendance) \[Kazu's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/805880)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**marina - Towa yori Towa ni (Nardoxyribonucleic) \[m1ng's Oni\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1170445)
+#### Round 2
+[**Download the mappack here! (77.1 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=130Wn7qKmlpPhVPbAcO0MQ76q5qPx1YYT)
+- NoMod
+ - [TAG underground - POSSESSION (Apricot) \[Taiko\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/150649)
+ - [ARM (IOSYS) feat. Nicole Curry - Come to Life (Nofool) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1363511)
+ - [KOTOKO - Oboetete Ii yo (cRyo\[iceeicee\]) \[aabc's Taiko\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/177822)
+ - [Sakamoto Maaya - Okaerinasai (tomatomerde Remix) (hikikochan) \[Memories\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1153788)
+ - [Utagumi Setsugetsuka - Maware! Setsugetsuka (you Remix) (komasy) \[EM's Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1477486)
+ - [9mm Parabellum Bullet - Inferno (Nofool) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1028485)
+- Hidden
+ - [Mili - world.execute(me); (Volta) \[volta.taiko(oni);\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1078866)
+ - [DJ TOTTO - chaplet (Nwolf) \[MUZUKASHII\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/593837)
+- HardRock
+ - [Wotamin - Gigantic O.T.N (Star Stream) \[Lundle's Muzu\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/250578)
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - FLOWER (Lost The Lights) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/750226)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Yasuda Rei - Mirror -TV edit- (Lasse) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1438604)
+ - [ClariS - Hitorigoto -TV MIX- (Chocola\_2287) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1266756)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Ryu\* feat.Mayumi Morinaga - Din Don Dan (\[R\]) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/870741)
+ - [Niko - Night of Fire (Gabi) \[lepidon! - Taiko Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/77710)
+ - [Memme - Chinese Restaurant (Love) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/563863)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Fatal Force & Crusher P - Wildfire (Kin) \[PyrOni\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/992595)
+#### Round 1
+[**Download the mappack here! (70.6 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-fuc_xa9UchSMksyppyMGrv6SmaxBlxR)
+- NoMod
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - FLOWER (Lost The Lights) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/750225)
+ - [Nekomata Gekidan - AsiaN distractive (TKS) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1422144)
+ - [t+pazolite - Tomorrow Perfume (tpz Despair Remix) (Ayyri) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/961332)
+ - [Mitsuki Kotono - Fuyu ni Saku Hana (Nardoxyribonucleic) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/873934)
+ - [Cardboard Box - The Limit Does Not Exist (Grimbow) \[Nwolf's Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1028148)
+ - [Souei Academy Light Music Club starring i.o - Sekai de Hitotsu no Takaramono (cRyo\[iceeicee\]) \[Taiko Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/160615)
+- Hidden
+ - [Frederic Chopin - Etude Op. 10-4 (lepidopodus) \[Taiko Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/77233)
+ - [Maffalda - pensamento tipico de esquerda caviar (Blue Dragon) \[Oni\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/468992)
+- HardRock
+ - [Camellia - Routing (MMzz) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/821900)
+ - [KOTOKO - Koi Kou Enishi (JUDYDANNY) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1034839)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Marika - knowing (Naotoshi) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1433486)
+ - [3L - Three Magic (cRyo[iceeicee]) \[Taiko Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/194913)
+- FreeMod
+ - [yuki. - Nadeshiko Sensation (hikikochan) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1181526)
+ - [KurousaP - Senbonzakura (Firce777) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/222209)
+ - [Yunomi with Momobako&miko - Soumatou Labyrinth (komasy) \[Muzukashii\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1319575)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Felt - Day after (Senritsu) \[Oni\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/718430)
+### osu!catch
+#### Finals Week 2
+[**Download the mappack here! (121.8 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1S3oazDqe6yaoKzcHy4ALGl9s2spC5-mr)
+- NoMod
+ - [BlackY vs. Yooh - HAVOX (Callionet) \[GRAVITY\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1013796)
+ - [toby fox vs Ferdk - Battle Against a True Hero (Hobbes2) \[Genocide\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1457925)
+ - [IAHN - Transform (Original Mix) (Badis) \[Yuri\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1038231)
+ - [Pierce The Veil - Texas Is Forever (puxtu) \[pishi's Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1009097)
+ - [Kaneko Chiharu - Lachryma\ (Crowley) \[\<\\>\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1491211)
+ - [Camellia feat.Nanahira - Energy Drinko Fein-chan! (RLC) \[RLC's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/596595)
+- Hidden
+ - [Kurokotei - Valkyrie Attack (alienflybot) \[Havoc\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1667152)
+ - [Hanatan - Orange (Rocma) \[Easy\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/489741)
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - Eclipse Parade (Zero\_\_wind) \[Zero's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/929453)
+- HardRock
+ - [dj TAKA - quaver (Ascendance) \[Ultimate\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1838438)
+ - [8284 vs wa - Adularescence (toybot) \[toybot's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/653661)
+ - [Mili - Space Colony (MechaYagyu) \[Usernametwo's Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1809916)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [MY FIRST STORY - Fukagyaku Replace (Koliron) \[Koli's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/777991)
+ - [Mami Kawada - Wings of Courage -Sora o Koete- (examination) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/654678)
+ - [School Food Punishment - in bloom (Irie Miyuki) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/531640)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Nekomata Master remixed by Camellia - chrono diver -fragment- (Camellia's "crossroads of chrono" remix) (-Plus-) \[memory defragmentation\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1110508)
+#### Finals Week 1
+[**Download the mappack here! (76.3 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NuGS3wATjWgxee1DzSYwLc4pqH_XwOfJ)
+- NoMod
+ - [Nekomata Master - far east nightbird (Razor Sharp) \[Far east overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1510847)
+ - [Omoi - Teo (Kroytz) \[Yales' Expert\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1524104)
+ - [a\_hisa - Snow Prism (noraRcat) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/773495)
+ - [Nogizaka46 - Yubi Bouenkyou \~Anime-ban\~ (Ascendance) \[\~Adventure\~\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1507179)
+ - [NU-KO - Pochiko no Shiawase na Nichijou (Long Version) (SnowNiNo\_) \[Pochiko\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1154766)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Funny shuffle (Spectator) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/654687)
+- Hidden
+ - [LeaF - Alice in Misanthrope -Ensei Alice- (Deif) \[Wonderland\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1674302)
+ - [KOTOKO - unfinished (-Plus-) \[Burst\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1018953)
+ - [seiya-murai feat.ALT - Sumidagawa Karenka (kiddly) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/96095)
+- HardRock
+ - [cosMo@Bousou-P - Sadistic.Music Factory (JeirYagtama) \[Sadistic Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1719035)
+ - [ClariS - Colorful -Movie MIX- (ecdonald) \[STAC's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/340605)
+ - [Yousei Teikoku - Zetsubou plantation (Saten) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/235879)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [M2U - Magnolia (feat. Guriri) (Deif) \[Deif's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/452166)
+ - [M2U - Stellar (Spectator) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1482810)
+ - [supercell - My Dearest (TV Edit) (monstrata) \[Guilt\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/812590)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere (Yumeno Himiko) \[Vision\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1213636)
+#### Round 3
+[**Download the mappack here! (84.4 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EZZPnPYI1F8I-vp_vYyGqsf9wu-m4c5K)
+- NoMod
+ - [Hyadain - Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (Deif) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/506964)
+ - [MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - MERII KURISUMASU (Ajamez) \[MERII KURISUMASU\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1501237)
+ - [ITO KASHITARO - Yuudachi no Ribbon (Crowley ) \[Downpour\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1647460)
+ - [Omoi - Snow Drive (Yales) \[Freeze\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/719051)
+ - [Foreground Eclipse - I Bet You'll Forget That Even If You Noticed That (Seni) \[Each And Every Word Leaves Me Here Alone\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1270000)
+ - [Zhou Li Ming - Pi Li Pa La (bakabaka) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/363010)
+- Hidden
+ - [Twin-Tails - Twintail Dreamer! (Minorsonek ) \[Nyukai's Extreme\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1624963)
+ - [ITO KASHITARO - Hyakka Ryouran (F D Flourite) \[Sparks\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1813016)
+ - [Go Ichinose - Champion Daigo (MBomb) \[MBomb's Heavy Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/740055)
+- HardRock
+ - [BoA - MASAYUME CHASING (MazuNatsu) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/567771)
+ - [Kanawo - Kohaku no Yume (Surono) \[Volta's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/905753)
+ - [paraoka - petal-go-round (Irreversible) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/315907)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [dark cat - BUBBLE TEA (feat. juu & cinders) (Ascendance) \[Ascendance's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1628559)
+ - [ARM (IOSYS) - Koisuru\*Uchuu Sensou!! Abababa Mix (Frobe) \[Frobe's Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/446982)
+ - [Neru - Lost One no Goukoku (goodbye) \[Kotone\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/231475)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**AAAA - Bokutachi no Tabi to Epilouge (Ascendance) \[Epilogue\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1372995)
+#### Round 2
+[**Download the mappack here! (99.9 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nfKYaCaCMDHOkcx45aD7Zbfq5Kuht0Y3)
+- NoMod
+ - [\*namirin - closing eyes (pishifat) \[Expert\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1415946)
+ - [BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? (Kuzino) \[Kuzino's EXHAUST\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1082172)
+ - [CINDERELLA PROJECT - M@GIC\* (Spectator) \[MASTER\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/856816)
+ - [cYsmix - Moonlight Sonata (Okorin) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1037478)
+ - [Lindsey Stirling - Senbonzakura (Benita) \[Nana's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1699426)
+ - [CLIFF EDGE - The Distance feat. Nakamura Maiko (Ascendance) \[Smile\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1053163)
+- Hidden
+ - [Tomohito Nishiura - Moonlight Tango (JBHyperion) \[Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1135246)
+ - [\*namirin - Daidai Genome (Ascendance) \[Ascendance's Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1486940)
+ - [Memme - Acid Burst (Tess) \[Tess' Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/689804)
+- HardRock
+ - [M2U - Myosotis (Ascendance) \[Ascendance's Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1000293)
+ - [EZFG - Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain (tutuhaha) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/204672)
+ - [Memme - Chinese Restaurant (Kloyd) \[Kloyd's Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/593441)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [bj.HaLo - Ende (ZiRoX) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/744230)
+ - [Sayaka Sasaki - Zzz (Minato Yukina) \[Crystal's Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/442072)
+ - [Eri Sasaki - Ring of Fortune (Cherry Blossom) \[Memories\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/792303)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Taishi feat. Aoki Lapis - A Sugar Business (examination) \[Rain\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/976631)
+#### Round 1
+[**Download the mappack here! (71.3 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cAF4v5ol0xxoRzEWMZPOi07HpBgGoreD)
+- NoMod
+ - [ChouCho - Yasashisa no Riyuu (Celerih) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1450474)
+ - [Murasaki Hotaru - Re:TrymenT (AJamez) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1667975)
+ - [JUN. K - love letter remix (Ollapeu) \[Rain\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1300822)
+ - [Camellia - Fatest Crash (sukiNathan) \[Collab Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/742728)
+ - [nameless - Milk Crown on Sonnetica (Milan-) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1306748)
+ - [MomoKuro-tei Ichimon - Nippon Egao Hyakkei (TV Size) (Cxu) \[Egao\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/211154)
+- Hidden
+ - [Warak - Christmas Memories (Spectator) \[Memory\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/558986)
+ - [Akiyama Uni - Kanpan Tasogare Shinbun (JBHyperion) \[Hyperion's Overdose\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1486886)
+ - [Ray - Hajimete Girls! (Pho) \[Pho's Very Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/756285)
+- HardRock
+ - [Annabel - syncretism animesize ver (RoseusJaeger) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1092279)
+ - [Komine Lisa - Resuscitated Hope -TVsize- (Ascendance) \[Fiance's Golden Sun\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1252238)
+ - [07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation (AngelHoney) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/109644)
+- Hidden
+ - [Naruke Michiko - Bramble Blast (Sinnoh) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1642777)
+ - [IOSYS - Marisa Tanked My Score With an Incredible Hand (ouranhshc) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/81781)
+ - [Linkin Park, Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes (pw384) \[HOS' Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1379541)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Minase Mashiro - runaway (Halozy Mix) (JBHyperion) \[Hyperion's Lunatic\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1649785)
+#### Qualifiers
+[**Download the mappack here! (23.2 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1baJYf1td7P7OInF8EXzl70yrAmDqOgTI)
+- NoMod
+ - [Y&Co. - Sweet Rain feat. Karin (alienflybot) \[Craving\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1273038)
+ - [a\*ru - Kizuato (Benita) \[Scar\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1414782)
+- Hidden
+ - [Hitomi Sato - Hakutai Forest (Spectator) \[Cheryl\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/746560)
+- HardRock
+ - [Akiko Shikata - Katayoku no Tori (Deif) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/708225)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Camellia - Towards The Horizon (Sinnoh) \[Platter\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1383647)
-### Qualifiers
+### osu!mania 4K
+#### Finals Week 2
+[**Download the mappack here! (99.0 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1khq39Z_Nr9rmklsCJ4LY5CtUpqYmKiuL)
+- FreeMod
+ - [DJ Sharpnel - Future Dominators (- Bad Apple -) \[Dead End\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/731732)
+ - [Snail's House - DANBO (James May) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/793463)
+ - [lapix - Foolish Hero (dionzz99) \[Fooled\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1040762)
+ - [Kraus - Pitch Fucker (Abraxos) \[Folie a deux\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1273951)
+ - [Umeboshi Chazuke - Owari to Hajimari no Oto (snexe) \[scissorsnexe\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1369791)
+ - [Polymath9 - Etude -Storm- (Wadu) \[Rage\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1461057)
+ - [Printemps - Love Marginal (Thumb J-Core Remix) (arcwinolivirus) \[4K 'LONG NOTES Marginal' Arc\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1587668)
+ - [DJ TOTTO x mitsu feat.BisCo - Maybe\~hatsukoi!? Biscuit daisakusen (Mentholzzz) \[LNove\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1671759)
+ - [Camellia feat. Nanahira - EDM Jumpers ({E+H}DM Reboot) (Gekido-) \[{L+E}MON Reboot\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1690577)
+ - [SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi - Wakusei\*Lollipop (Unknown\_player) \[qqq's LNoli Pop\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1723938)
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - Dancer of Saramandora (Raveille) \[Sprites\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1752295)
+ - [P4koo - Enka - flameflower (\_underjoy) \[akiha \[0,95x Rate\]\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1804210)
+ - [Pate ja Ryka - Takas Pelikentil (Wh1teh) \[1v1 me in source m8\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1051747)
+ - [Rephaim - Lament Configuration (LovelySerenade) \[ex.press(ion)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1513593)
+ - [SHIKI - Angelic Layer (FelipeLink) \[SHD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1278246)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**orangentle - HAELEQUIN -the faith of truth- (\_underjoy) \[Shattered Personality\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1512722)
+#### Finals Week 1
+[**Download the mappack here! (95.0 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YlKCS62i527vhPOwZHsxrlaedm9AAJkC)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Asaka - Eternal Star (Raveille) \[Yakusoku No Eien\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1760973)
+ - [Moe Shop - <3 (Todestrieb) \[I need your love\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1068787)
+ - [Terminal 11 - Just Don't Know Where I Begin (\_RamiWins\_) \[Endless Loop\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1643635)
+ - [HHHxMMxST - Follow Tomorrow (STARLiGHT Mix) (\_underjoy) \[UJCHAN!!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1826057)
+ - [Lapix - Silvia (Azubeur) \[Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1690565)
+ - [Dschinghis Khan - Moskau (XeoStyle) \[dumpskau\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1049473)
+ - [Pastel\*Palettes - Yura-Yura Ring-Dong-Dance (Razzy) \[My Confidante\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1818485)
+ - [Cardboard Box - ++ (Xonica) \[Advanced\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1745906)
+ - [Yunomi feat. Roller Girl - Jellyfish (scissorsf) \[Kurage\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1690024)
+ - [U-F SEQUENCER - -273.15 FREEZING MAELSTROM -Rei- (Elekton) \[cryo\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1572067)
+ - [ODESZA - A Moment Apart (Dreamwalker) \[For people who do not agree with the first 16 seconds of \[Omniscient\] diff\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1571420)
+ - [Chipzel - Courtesy (Hydria) \[Learning And Perfecting : Melody Focus\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1686925)
+ - [DJ Noriken - Stargazer feat. YUC'e (PSYQUI Remix) (JztCallMeRon) \[Altair\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1051747)
+ - [II-L - SPUTNIK-3 (Vortex-) \[SV = false;\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1776409)
+ - [SHK - Log-in (AutotelicBrown) \[Ayumu's gimmick\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/978439)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Ruby My Dear - Dreaming Tree (Chrubble) \[Lucid\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1564113)
+#### Semifinals
+[**Download the mappack here! (85.4 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wBTETYOJqH5Ptje_vL8QCfSoLfdvvk7_)
+- FreeMod
+ - [M2U - Mare Maris (Raveille) \[For The Brave\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1650609)
+ - [Yunomi - Mentai Cosmic (Hydria) \[Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1252001)
+ - [Camellia feat. Coco & Nanahira - We are Pollen Fairy \* Pollinosis! (PiraTom) \[POLLINOSIS\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1467903)
+ - [DJ Noriken - \#MAGiCVLGiRL\_TRVP\_B3VTZ (Zyph) \[ZVPH'Z\_ACC\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1565516)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Beyond The Earth (Kamikaze) \[Spiritual\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1764098)
+ - [Reizoko Cj - Micro (\_RamiWins\_) \[/cosm/\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1676930)
+ - [nanobii - Go The Distance (feat. Lindsey Marie) (SurfChu85) \[Hercules\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1515359)
+ - [Cardboard Box ft. Koji Kondo - Mario-chi Survivor (N1k0) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1712249)
+ - [nao - Symmetric generation (Raediaufar) \[NEPGEAR\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/902070)
+ - [Ryo Arue - Forza (AlisceaSparku) \[Elegance\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1487224)
+ - [\_\_ (Underbar) - Okochama Sensou (ALEFY) \[Master\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1360643)
+ - [LeaF - mopemope (snexe) \[Jigoku\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1454274)
+ - [Frums - Wavetapper (qqqant) \[Stage 1: Memory Factory\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1811863)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**False Noise - Skyshards (Abraxos) \[Odyssey through time\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1419120)
+#### Quarterfinals
+[**Download the mappack here! (73.0 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=17EbLVZTSSltEb5YXfFjL40jWNOCBPn1l)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Kannamix - Pandora feat. NoneLikeJoshua + Roniit (Halogen-) \[Demise\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/901155)
+ - [\*namirin - Uchiage Hanabi (JztCallMeRon) \[Symphony of Colors\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1481899)
+ - [M2U - Gypsy Tronic (Raveille) \[By The Hand\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1780158)
+ - [EastNewSound - Haitoku Suuretsu Kumikyoku(x=y) (ecafree2) \[4K HD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/746212)
+ - [Kotoge Mai - Mangekyou (juankristal) \[Stage 2: Illusion\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1212517)
+ - [Shiki - Endless Dream (Shoegazer) \[Hyper\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/867245)
+ - [Nekomata Master - Avalon no oka (tailsdk) \[Adventure\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1678769)
+ - [Dev/Null - Rave 7 (hi19hi19) \[Normal\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/480468)
+ - [M4SONIC - Weapon (Live Launchpad Mashup) (ecafree2) \[4K HD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/319705)
+ - [Montee - Omni (Elekton) \[Everything\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1019688)
+ - [Gavin G - Reach Out (SurfChu85) \[to me\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1780130)
+ - [cYsmix - Breeze (Tidek) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1357114)
+ - [PSY - DADDY (feat. CL of 2NE1) short Ver. (ALEFY) \[4K MX (Dancing Hard SV)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/947524)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**IOSYS Feat. Takatsuki Sakura - Seiya no Special Shooting Star (TheToaphster) \[Wish\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1322162)
+#### Round of 16
+[**Download the mappack here! (57.4 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VqjJbqUJmnq4eS7vlHVQ0y36kMC77v5v)
+- FreeMod
+ - [NISH - Space Time (\_underjoy) \[4K Hyper\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/916523)
+ - [Krewella - Come & Get It (Nightcore Mix) (juankristal) \[Get it?\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1460977)
+ - [mimimemeMIMI - Mr. Darling (ArcherLove) \[4K HD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1185979)
+ - [DJKurara - Japanese Transformation (XeoStyle) \[Medium\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1115522)
+ - [Mafumafu feat. IA - Yuugure Semi Nikki (Adtw_) \[HD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/732775)
+ - [Capcom Sound Team - Opening Stage (HaloSSB) \[4K LN\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1821180)
+ - [TwoSetViolin - Pachelbel's Chicken (SurfChu85) \[bokbok\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1711815)
+ - [P\*Light feat. mow\*2 - OVERDRIVERS (inteliser) \[HARD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1224998)
+ - [Atik - Itz Mr. Grim (Schrodinger) \[Commando's Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1007135)
+ - [Hommarju - Warriors (short Ver.) (ALEFY) \[4K MX (Hard SV EDM Edition.)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/824916)
+ - [Vospi - roboposition!! (arviejhay) \[4K HD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/400180)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Camellia - crystallized (Oh pie) \[Citrine\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/933381)
+#### Qualifiers
[**Download the mappack here! (12.7 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nUiNLqxaw1CO8N_wKHdqGdn8ewzm9QKM)
- FreeMod
- - [DKVPZ - Focus (Lenfried-) [Blur]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1817703)
- - [Proc Fiskal - MONK Clip (Lenfried-) [Jank]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1817705)
- - [DJ YOSHITAKA - FLOWER (Raveille) [Air Blossom]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1817772)
- - [M2U remixed celas - Legend of Seeker (Kamikaze) [Despair]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1817750)
+ - [DKVPZ - Focus (Lenfried-) \[Blur\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1817703)
+ - [Proc Fiskal - MONK Clip (Lenfried-) \[Jank\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1817705)
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - FLOWER (Raveille) \[Air Blossom\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1817772)
+ - [M2U remixed celas - Legend of Seeker (Kamikaze) [Despair]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1817750)
+### osu!mania 7K
+#### Finals Week 2
+[**Download the mappack here! (84.9 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dTJq_cLFUFupR_PksJmOe8GO8rzKfID8)
+- FreeMod
+ - [kors k - Ground Shake (Aqo) \[Aqother\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/487111)
+ - [you - Shiawase Transmission (Nysrogh) \[Blocko's 7K INFINITE\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1261028)
+ - [The Algorithm - Isometry (\_underjoy) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1670208)
+ - [BRZion - Game Brain (Agka) \[Ghost\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/449240)
+ - [Hommarju - Sounds of Summer (MapleSyrup-) \[Lv. 16\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1538101)
+ - [Yura Hatsuki - The Clockwork Rose -Tokei Shikake no Bara Shoujo- (Kawawa) \[BMS LV.18 wawather \[Jack dump\]\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1630381)
+ - [SP-\# - Corneal (Blasticide) \[OVER THE LIMIT\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1490900)
+ - [P\*Light - TRIGGER\*HAPPY (Hommarju Remix) (\_underjoy) [MAXIMUM]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1498431)
+ - [Suguro - Sun Valley (K2 Remix) (Kamikaze) \[ur mom\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1696187)
+ - [Sakamiya ft. Komiya Mao - Luna Express 2032 (EnforcerXV) \[SHD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1554261)
+ - [daniwellP - \[16\]Nyan Cat (FcFun) \[Cirno.C's 7k normal lvl 44\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/725973)
+ - [Arihara Nanami (CV: Kusuhara Yui) - Sympathy (KenZ) \[Tokubetsu\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1783422)
+ - [First Aid - D2 (JztCallMeRon) \[Hi-Speed\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1862626)
+ - [Alon Mor - Epollo (Couil) \[feel the beat\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1567624)
+ - [USAO - Boss Rush (Kim\_GodSSI) \[BOSS\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1391441)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [Halozy - Genryuu Kaiko (ShikiNoHollow) \[7K Z3nith\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/684928)
+#### Finals Week 1
+[**Download the mappack here! (114.5 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kJJlPbRyuX8WnS6rhW224jopZAsXrBPy)
+- FreeMod
+ - [xi - Fiat Lux (Shinora-) \[Extra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1200902)
+ - [Orikasa Naomi - Appeal\*Love (SurfChu85) \[Master Rank\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1733435)
+ - [Kaneko Chiharu - AciculignosA (Dreamwalker) \[7K Scent (No SV)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1601829)
+ - [Lite Show Magic - TRICKL4SH 220 (eyes) \[7K MAXIMUM\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1359026)
+ - [3R2 & DJ MASHIRO - Sweetness Overload!!! (-BlueFire-) \[Type 2 Diabetes\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1245502)
+ - [S3RL - Douglas - FM200 S3RL Remix (FelipeLink) \[Arcwin's 7K Marathon\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/786882)
+ - [Nene Agenasaki - ZENITHALIZE (bms edit) (Jingshenbing) \[Rilene's Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/748580)
+ - [nao - Taiyou Paradise (Cute Schoolgirl) \[nekopanother\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1449646)
+ - [Cranky vs. MASAKI - ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- (DoNotMess) \[7K Arzenvald's Insanity\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1771457)
+ - [Thaehan - Ohayou ! (silentch) \[7K Ultra\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1701894)
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - Unicorn tail (Shinzo-) \[Blocko's 7K MX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/485925)
+ - [The Flashbulb - Please Don't Remember (Agka) \[finality\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1680780)
+ - [Gentle Stick x M2U - Ineffabilis (Wilben\_Chan) \[Nightmare\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1620760)
+ - [ETIA. - Claiomh Solais (Arzenvald) \[LumiNous\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/689600)
+ - [Gothpheus - Rosen Vampir (Alumetorz) \[Pew's World\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/323389)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**aaaa - Bokutachi no Tabi to Epilogue.\[Long ver.\] (ArcherLove) \[Caramel\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1041584)
+#### Round 3
+[**Download the mappack here! (78.6 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TEyK54w4J3PFOTixsE_L7cY-WXsQOeoC)
+- FreeMod
+ - [aaaa - Machi (Kim\_GodSSI) \[Piano\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1429789)
+ - [MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - SANTA SAN (PP\_Aika) \[X-MAS\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1552450)
+ - [Tamura Yukari - MERRY MERRY MERRY MENU... Ne! (redfire099) \[7K MX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/527536)
+ - [Suan - Cherry Blossom Wind (Steins) \[Elementaires\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1305521)
+ - [Kaneko Chiharu - iLLness LiLin (Blasticide) \[EXHAUST\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1377812)
+ - [Darude - Sandstorm (DraciuZ) \[DarudeRE Sandstorm\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/804251)
+ - [xi - Grand Chariot (Arzenvald) \[7K // Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1253005)
+ - [xi - Teni Muhou (XxRAIKAxX) \[zukimura's 7K Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/578035)
+ - [nano.RIPE - Azalea (keziah) \[7k kezzy x Ibrahim's Sisterly Love\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1686548)
+ - [Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Harajuku Iyahoi (short Ver.) (anti\_) \[PARTY!\[SV\]\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1331413)
+ - [D\_VOR - dEKA (Tidek) \[Sitek's 7K Edit\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1677143)
+ - [void - Valedict (AILK) \[ALEFY's 7K Another\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/507104)
+ - [Camellia - EDM Jumpers (feat. Nanahira) (arvinkent098) \[LET ME DROP THE F\*CKIN' BASS!!!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/905221)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**SixteenInMono - Your Best Nightmare (SitekX) \[7K\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/901847)
+#### Round 2
+[**Download the mappack here! (95.9 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oVLOvLWxkuumoDepBimA1qR8afNyNSnE)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Alan Walker - All Falls Down (feat. Noah Cyrus with Digital Farm Animals) (Nysrogh) \[7K Insane\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1479742)
+ - [\*namirin - Ciel etoile (SurfChu85) \[Starry Sky\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1809269)
+ - [Nekomimi Mahou Tsukai - LittlE HearTs (PROGUY) \[Hyper\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/257542)
+ - [xi - Glorious Crown (Kuo Kyoka) \[richard's 7K Hyper\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1014642)
+ - [Avicii ft. Salem Al Fakir - You Make Me (NaxelCL) \[RC's 7K MX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/342339)
+ - [Renka - if Hitori Omou (HexaG67) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1267734)
+ - [Nomizu Iori - \* \* \* Passionate (Remillion Cross) \[7K Hard Collab\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/411844)
+ - [movies (moimoi×Xceon×Dai.) - Realize Maze (arcwinolivirus) \[7K EXTREME (Non-LN)\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1102302)
+ - [mami - Jousou Dystopia (Chocoliti) \[EX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/546057)
+ - [Qrispy Joybox feat.sana - Twinkle Wonderland (IrisKit) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/847807)
+ - [yaseta - Our Faith (yaseta Remix) (XxRAIKAxX) \[Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/481412)
+ - [SHK - Halloween Party (-BlueFire-) \[7K Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/822640)
+ - [Haruna Luna - Startear -TV size ver.- (NaxelCL) \[7K MX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/459416)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Sakamoto Maaya - Okaerinasai (tomatomerde Remix) (ChuChuez) \[Insane\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/795203)
+#### Round 1
+[**Download the mappack here! (55.0 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ssqlFGFTVeh3pZ3ww7_E4qM1EGMZwXyX)
+- FreeMod
+ - [cosMo@BousouP - For UltraPlayers (AncuL) \[NOVICE\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1547802)
+ - [Gloc 9 ft. JP Cuison Of Kiko Machine - Torpedo (arcwinolivirus) \[7K MX\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/345309)
+ - [Tatsumi Megumi featured by Sano Hiroaki - Itazura na tenshi to Christmas Eve (eyes) \[7K Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1451568)
+ - [PinocchioP - Mushroom Mother (redfire099) \[HD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/682646)
+ - [Nanamori-chu\*Gorakubu - Acchu~ma Seishun! (Mage) \[silentch's Hard\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1482558)
+ - [D.J.Nero - Joker (qodtjr) \[Hyper\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/965568)
+ - [Laurie Johnson - Happy Go Lively (kloi34) \[Normal\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1795470)
+ - [Moe Shop - <3 (TheToaphster) \[Soul\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1640374)
+ - [Tommy heavenly6 - PAPERMOON (Noxus) \[Kivi's 7K HD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1514239)
+ - [Avicii vs. Nicky Romero - I Could Be The One (Radio Edit) (LostGender) \[7K HD\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/472154)
+ - [Dan Salvato - Your Reality (SurfChu85) \[serendipity\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1522921)
+- Tiebreaker
+ - [**Dimrain47 - Infernoplex (ExPew) \[HD\]**](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/443844)
+#### Qualifiers
+[**Download the mappack here! (11.1 MB)**](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jDLmUEL5J1A7fdSAH3dxBE6Ob2su_oWW)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Hyadain - Enemy Apperance! (MapleSyrup-) \[Anticipation!\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1825670)
+ - [chromonicci - Power. (Lenfried-) \[money.\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1825644)
+ - [EX Industry - Memory (Cryolien) \[Fragments\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1825737)
+ - [OG Mako - yusa??o?"?yusa?seyoku$B%i!\<\;%a%s(B" (Lenfried-) \[in memoriam\]](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/1825680)
## Match Results
-*All match results will be added in this section.*
+### osu!standard
+#### Finals
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQk5tpFYFoxFamLzjIhVZ8gz7REE42YYDblA_UimpKMuxHTsPvJjf8WYXPjntaUjGuVU8BWNxsEq0sv/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 4 | **Stereo** | **7** | 5 | TyrantsEye2014 | 3 | |
+#### Semifinals
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRz4KlpijwtlXCdCkqZQYMq6TEC_D5sw0TRbboLFjaJOkcYREp83HyG08LvBm_IthBZEXUlOtrRuX4a/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 1 | ededed028 | 2 | **7** | **Stereo** | 4 | |
+| 2 | zonelouise | 4 | **7** | **TyrantsEye2014** | 3 | |
+#### Quarterfinals
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRRpeRHl4cWvdAZukgiiKnzb83JxRWDpaaVREavvNAH7X5s9UoGRf-scs-5COoktEcrTLZmIoLPKXrb/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 1 | **ededed028** | **6** | 0 | Caernarvon725 | 8 | |
+| 4 | **Stereo** | **6** | 0 | ArtillerySenpai | 21 | |
+| 2 | **zonelouise** | **6** | 2 | Fzechen | 7 | |
+| 3 | **TyrantsEye2014** | **6** | 0 | Gilthunder | 11 | |
+#### Round of 16
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQCPj4eVRM3TlrIhl0LA74n6ghTG8rnQuhRCPor9JQS_kKrcUv0kmYzcVIofjyN2m2iRpX-Q3N7nzAX/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 1 | **ededed028** | **6** | 1 | Xidorn | 16 | |
+| 8 | **Caernarvon725** | **6** | 0 | -Onoya An | 9 | -win by default- |
+| 4 | **Stereo** | **6** | 0 | - CrossX - | 20 | -win by default- |
+| 28 | Nyanntai | 3 | **6** | **ArtillerySenpai** | 21 | |
+| 2 | **zonelouise** | **6** | 0 | \[Vik\] | 18 | -win by default- |
+| 7 | **Fzechen** | **6** | 2 | JasonEspiritu | 23 | |
+| 3 | **TyrantsEye2014** | **6** | 0 | IcedCha | 14 | |
+| 6 | Pikhael | 4 | **6** | **Gilthunder** | 11 | |
+#### Round of 32
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSxQBHVfiVOXY9-vZgGyK0zEvtI20r0Ur1E_rPZBFvi9kcmiWG178l0-bosMDtxAZuusMBzfNgCYDUq/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 1 | **ededed028** | **5** | 0 | Karma Jun | 32 | |
+| 16 | **Xidorn** | **5** | 1 | Aharu | 17 | |
+| 8 | **Caernarvon725** | **5** | 0 | AestheticBrick | 25 | |
+| 9 | **-Onoya An** | **5** | 3 | Liquicidize | 24 | |
+| 4 | **Stereo** | **5** | 0 | IsseiKun | 29 | |
+| 13 | -PJ- | 0 | **5** | **- CrossX -** | 20 | -win by default- |
+| 5 | Rammu | 0 | **5** | **Nyanntai** | 28 | -win by default- |
+| 12 | Umuuu | 0 | **5** | **ArtillerySenpai** | 21 | |
+| 2 | **zonelouise** | **5** | 0 | Aoi_Shimoto | 31 | |
+| 15 | Kaneko Akiraie | 2 | **5** | **[Vik]** | 18 | |
+| 7 | **Fzechen** | **5** | 4 | KasperBK | 26 | |
+| 10 | Nyahrumanyah | 3 | **5** | **JasonEspiritu** | 23 | |
+| 3 | **TyrantsEye2014** | **5** | 0 | Tornikel | 30 | |
+| 14 | **IcedCha** | **5** | 2 | Dunn | 19 | |
+| 6 | **Pikhael** | **5** | 2 | Nomis126 | 27 | |
+| 11 | **Gilthunder** | **5** | 0 | Zythics | 22 | |
+#### Qualifiers
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BzjHX5LnGZmYiwUdYCm21ifzKdaQrxqHkXTTHQUbWXo/edit?usp=sharing)
+### osu!taiko
+#### Finals Week 2
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSo8t3GYXw5MCg5nfDomp8A6lGO9HnStGYaYtCYYprDsrGeEwvMjVdUGNgH347sGTpG4OVg3vWp267r/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 2 | **Rimazii** | **7** | 0 | yuki\_momoiro722 | 3 | |
+| 1 | **Pochacco** | **7** | 3 | Rimazii | 2 | |
+#### Finals Week 1
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRX7gnA_Z8FOPcMt66Ryim5GCYAj4BM-UfCP3xXsHKD4RagE0h-IdbrCqjbQgE56ZDVVQ7PCEOLHVsI/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 4 | Silhoueska Elze | 0 | **7** | **yuki\_momoiro722** | 3 | |
+| 1 | **Pochacco** | **7** | 3 | Rimazii | 2 | |
+#### Round 2
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR6uQvu-wIDerH4e3Dizyt3np1DGNWnvzzncnznqY5jl32DcoXO9pOCSK049i9neNjp_XDfA4EBw86S/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 1 | **Pochacco** | **6** | 0 | Silhoueska Elze | 4 | |
+| 2 | **Rimazii** | **6** | 0 | yuki_momoiro722 | 3 | |
+| 3 | **yuki\_momoiro722** | **6** | 0 | \[\_\_\_\_\_\_\] | 5 | -win by default- |
+| 4 | **Silhoueska Elze** | **6** | 0 | Keishii | 6 | -win by default- |
+#### Round 1
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ6ne_1IxAq-Va7oDzjiheKRA4yR_VrqZwoELsxDwjfmX-rbWmicuQ5d4QbcEe815vfiiqLarUixW4y/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 4 | **Silhoueska Elze** | **6** | 1 | \[\_\_\_\_\_\_\] | 5 | |
+| 3 | **yuki_momoiro722** | **6** | 0 | Keishii | 6 | -win by default- |
+### osu!catch
+#### Finals Week 2
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSfnWy12VK1RBz5bwtfPOTMEFST_2ldF1sGfdVwcz5vMKHLDkUlR1t4Aey671J3yz7TWkNPpJ_4qwv1/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 9 | **- Kielzu -** | **7** | 3 | Crowley | 4 | |
+| 2 | KaganimeRin | 2 | **7** | **- Kielzu -** | 9 | |
+| 9 | **- Kielzu -** | **7** | 3 | KaganimeRin | 2 | |
+#### Finals Week 1
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRSH8dVYca-voNGPONyEBXl3Kn3T162qWwQlTD2uzzicW5B5DjJfgplR9bpsoqZZE9fqpCWV5CXxFH7/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 4 | AJamez | 3 | **7** | **Lobsterr** | 7 | |
+| 3 | Aishiii | 4 | **7** | **Crowley** | 1 | |
+| 7 | Lobsterr | 5 | **7** | **Crowley** | 4 | |
+| 9 | - Kielzu - | 5 | **7** | **KaganimeRin** | 2 | |
+#### Round 3
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTcVBW1bxisVPHulxDbBGFSJmOIjd_wN6NXyID7I_jtEK1bZ0kbWQpgNVkDFV9h0QtwbtKQBkQSJ2ri/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 5 | Kuya Frex | 0 | **6** | **Crowley** | 1 | |
+| 8 | Loreal | 0 | **6** | **Lobsterr** | 7 | |
+| 9 | **- Kielzu -** | **6** | 0 | AJamez | 4 | -win by default- |
+| 2 | **KaganimeRin** | **6** | 1 | Aishiii | 3 | |
+#### Round 2
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSl8Mup54g4h0tTJH-hfS-UOV0ctVr0rnOW7C5Gd-mBNRYL2Gi1OD2tomiUvTqn_d1n5Bi_v7sn3OJF/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 1 | Crowley | 2 | **6** | **- Kielzu -** | 9 | |
+| 4 | **AJamez** | **6** | 0 | Kuya Frex | 5 | |
+| 2 | **KaganimeRin** | **6** | 3 | Lobsterr | 7 | |
+| 3 | **Aishiii** | **6** | 1 | johnneijzen1 | 11 | |
+| 1 | **Crowley** | **6** | 0 | Laqure | 8 | |
+| 5 | **Kuya Frex** | **6** | 0 | AJ1703 | 10 | -win by default- |
+| 7 | **Lobsterr** | **6** | 0 | Keishii | 12 | -win by default- |
+| 11 | johnneijzen1 | 0 | **6** | **Loreal** | 8 | |
+#### Round 1
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRz61aUu8gQI6SkbeygetWFWAkrSZABgbD70Da6tLPbW_Sx0rmBAOcNNt6afjyLEJ9QgCp0nfvVneu3/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 8 | **Loreal** | 4 | **5** | **- Kielzu -** | 9 | |
+| 5 | **Kuya Frex** | **5** | 0 | Keishii | 12 | -win by default- |
+| 7 | **Lobsterr** | **5** | 1 | AJ1703 | 10 | |
+| 6 | Laqure | 0 | **5** | **johnneijzen1** | 11 | -win by default- |
+#### Qualifiers
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h1V8x2U586Tm0WHoAgbVC5bPF1DJpmLBtA91agj9jHk/edit?usp=sharing)
+### osu!mania 4K
+#### Finals Week 2
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQrQ_M5fyMamxXZZJMmhSaahdBhCrwOUR764futo2GM_Sj4q0kb0xRfwtSokr0-pJAqrqZaxETYXV0A/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 1 | **arge-** | **7** | 1 | Shiyui- | 5 | |
+| 2 | Baltz | 2 | **7** | **arge-** | 1 | |
+| 1 | **arge-** | **7** | 2 | Baltz | 2 | -forfeited- |
+#### Finals Week 1
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSDXtOV-mc56JfL_iO7mmC9Q-fnLlmfugSQ14ITW_MNw17DWTKNKn9MDVpNKiE3S-Qx-dSnFH5zeh5x/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 5 | **Shiyui-** | **7** | 0 | Batujitsu | 7 | -win by default- |
+| 4 | **Silhoueska Elze** | **7** | 1 | Inoariusu | 10 | |
+| 5 | **Shiyui-** | **7** | 3 | Silhoueska Elze | 4 | |
+| 1 | arge- | 3 | **7** | **Baltz** | 2 | |
+#### Semifinals
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTrzTtkUyb4Ta5eC5MZSYgDWobizNJrQ_QXFQ5V6YYkaSPZ-tSOxowtwqx4TiJL5EtzBkMBTMBSTgjY/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 9 | **Andrei--** | **6** | 2 | vincent4399 | 11 | |
+| 4 | Ikisouu | 0 | **6** | **Inoariusu** | 10 | -win by default- |
+| 7 | **Batujitsu** | **6** | 1 | Suravur | 12 | |
+| 6 | **kei101895** | **6** | 0 | partycarft30 | 16 | |
+| 10 | **Inoariusu** | **6** | 0 | Andrei-- | 9 | -win by default- |
+| 6 | kei101895 | 1 | **6** | **Batujitsu** | 7 | |
+| 1 | **arge-** | **6** | 1 | Shiyui- | 5 | |
+| 2 | **Baltz** | **6** | 0 | Silhoueska Elze | 3 | |
+#### Quarterfinals
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSpGAVkE3_hxeX5WwCtK2VDLcL86A2WgchfiKzY5YYcJoyM53XLcOwNZKBxV8WjTY9ZFFFKDEWnGUqe/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 16 | **partycarft30** | **6** | 0 | Edison | 8 | -win by default- |
+| 13 | Izayoi-san | 0 | **6** | **Suravur** | 12 | -win by default- |
+| 15 | hikaruXD19 | 4 | **6** | **Inoariusu** | 10 | |
+| 14 | LohaWarpe | 0 | **6** | **vincent4399** | 11 | |
+| 1 | **arge-** | **6** | 0 | Andrei-- | 9 | -win by default- |
+| 4 | Ikisouu | 5 | **6** | **Shiyui-** | 5 | |
+| 2 | **Baltz** | **6** | 0 | Batujitsu | 7 | -win by default- |
+| 3 | **Silhoueska Elze** | **6** | 0 | kei101895 | 6 | -win by default- |
+#### Round of 16
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSaId6g7d0Rr6UaAkteob2zggYO8tTgjuRJq0xHRCOPpQo_gOTTSs3m2YPscsbawlNhxv3fUVFQxomU/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 1 | **arge-** | **5** | 0 | partycarft30 | 16 | |
+| 8 | Edison | 0 | **5** | **Andrei--** | 9 | -win by default- |
+| 4 | **Ikisouu** | **5** | 0 | Izayoi-san- | 13 | -win by default- |
+| 5 | **Shiyui-** | **5** | 0 | Suravur | 12 | |
+| 2 | **Baltz** | **5** | 0 | hikaruXD19 | 15 | |
+| 7 | Batujitsu | **5** | 1 | Inoariusu | 10 | |
+| 3 | **Silhoueska Elze** | **5** | 0 | LohaWarpe | 14 | |
+| 6 | **kei101895** | **5** | 1 | vincent4399 | 11 | |
+#### Qualifiers
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12eTXD8Jm4kNTzzhJ0WFB8aNnDQc1ENvEAfsG5XiExYk/edit?usp=sharing)
+### osu!mania 7K
+#### Finals Week 2
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRU-FRNZQkxl8hAc_qSTV4Xer90XlzStTdJ51n3wldcw6ArtmMNXJX5O_jzfnqTYzFsCdSu8tNBYZL8/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 2 | Cielo Day | 0 | **7** | **fer789** | 4 | -win by default- |
+| 1 | **Nikana** | **7** | 2 | fer789 | 4 | |
+#### Finals Week 1
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT_JfWTcj1zCEK5-i7wMXqHAAYVKOWd0l78S_x4I0TcsjyY54eZdMWMVOxNV22ZmRGWIABT11Qhb8Nc/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 3 | FeveredNickel | 0 | **7** | **kei101895** | 8 | -win by default- |
+| 4 | **fer789** | **7** | 0 | LohaWarpe | 6 | |
+| 8 | kei101895 | 0 | **7** | **fer789** | 4 | -win by default- |
+| 1 | **Nikana** | **7** | 0 | Cielo Day | 2 | -win by default- |
+#### Round 3
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRfjIu95cYDKCUjKebQMQkknWpXC4TOoGOhuwJUVqd1Jsi_PnPrNlxSQU4ZmlZg572FGBaYeDgbWJ0F/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 8 | **kei101895** | **6** | 0 | Andrei-- | 5 | -win by default- |
+| 10 | Shawntell | 0 | **6** | **LohaWarpe** | 6 | -win by default- |
+| 1 | **Nikana** | **6** | 0 | fer789 | 4 | |
+| 2 | **Cielo Day** | **6** | 0 | FeveredNickel | 3 | -win by default- |
+#### Round 2
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTBRTEeEZzthj89QUjFI4Qu_TgwZEkL83gk3cKLw11JQttR4v3jo0lWyI4kGMds1T3rXFYqgcTVsNIf/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 4 | **fer789** | **6** | 0 | Andrei-- | 5 | |
+| 3 | **FeveredNickel** | **6** | 0 | LohaWarpe | 6 | |
+| 1 | **Nikana** | **6** | 0 | kei101895 | 8 | -win by default- |
+| 2 | **Cielo Day** | **6** | 0 | Shawntell | 10 | -win by default- |
+| 5 | **Andrei--** | **6** | 0 | LackPoints | 7 | -win by default- |
+| 6 | **LohaWarpe** | **6** | 0 | Keishii | 8 | -win by default- |
+#### Round 1
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQkhVuw3v01xpEBje5ThPQ96jlvGU-1XY7eO2g57GRd9lr_LNwNsGahh6T46u4uvnD5Tm6WmUymKkzK/pubhtml)
+| Seed | Player 1 | | | Player 2 | Seed | |
+| :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: | --: | :-: | :-: |
+| 8 | **kei101895** | **5** | 0 | Keishii | 9 | -win by default- |
+| 7 | LackPoints | 0 | **5** | **Shawntell** | 10 | -win by default- |
+#### Qualifiers
+Detailed results for this round are found via [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dxo-VvuNF7YIl759bPsT7ImwKDDSyot3w1-d_8JUNWw/edit?usp=sharing)
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+# osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies
+Index page for all of the osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies series.
+- [2018](./2018 "osu!Philippines Holiday Friendlies 2018")
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+# osu!Philippines Summer Tournament
+Index page for all of the osu!Philippines Summer Tournament series.
+- [2018](./2018 "osu!Philippines Summer Tournament 2018")
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+- osu! South East Asia Tournament 2
+- oSEAT 2
+- SEAT 2
+# osu! South East Asia Tournament 2
+The **osu! South East Asia Tournament 2** (***oSEAT 2***) is a double elimination one-on-one osu! tournament hosted by ![][flag_SG] [phox](/users/772295), ![][flag_ID] [nya10](/users/1372608), and ![][flag_TH] [Trigonoculus](/users/7627013). It is the 2nd installment of the osu! South East Asia Tournament.
+## Tournament Schedule
+| Event | Timestamp |
+| --: | :-- |
+| Registration Phase | 2018-10-26/2018-11-25 |
+| Live Drawings | 2018-11-26 (20:00 UTC+8) |
+| Qualifiers Stage | 2018-12-01/2018-12-02 |
+| Group Stage | 2018-12-08/2018-12-16 |
+| Round of 32 | 2018-12-22/2018-12-23 |
+| Round of 16 | 2018-12-29/2018-12-30 |
+| Quarterfinals | 2019-01-05/2019-01-06 |
+| Semifinals | 2019-01-12/2019-01-13 |
+| Finals | 2019-01-19/2019-01-20 |
+| Grand Finals | 2019-01-26/2019-01-27 |
+## Prizes
+In every tournament, people conquering a place on the podium are eligible to receive unique prizes created specifically for osu! South East Asia Tournament 2 winners. It is possible that these items change with every installment of the osu! South East Asia Tournament.
+| Placing | Prize(s) |
+| :-: | :-- |
+|  | 6 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge |
+|  | 4 months of osu!supporter tag |
+|  | 2 months of osu!supporter tag |
+| *4th place* | 1 month of osu!supporter tag |
+| *5th place* | 1 month of osu!supporter tag |
+*Note: 5th place will be determined by a playoff.*
+## Organisation
+The osu! South East Tournament 2 is run by various community members.
+| Position | Member(s) |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Management | ![][flag_SG] [phox](/users/772295), ![][flag_ID] [nya10](/users/1372608), ![][flag_TH] [Trigonoculus](/users/7627013) |
+| Map Selectors | ![][flag_SG] [phox](/users/772295), ![][flag_ID] [nya10](/users/1372608) |
+| Designer | ![][flag_TH] [Trigonoculus](/users/7627013) |
+| Streamer | ![][flag_VN] [Hoaq](/users/7696512) |
+| Referees | ![][flag_SG] [phox](/users/772295), ![][flag_SG] [sinn](/users/4262229), ![][flag_ID] [Praza](/users/3184115), ![][flag_ID] [smh](/users/1629553), ![][flag_MY] [Aasheda\_](/users/7614055), ![][flag_MY] [TheSomething](/users/4025232), ![][flag_MY] [Vexine](/users/4042706), ![][flag_MY] [Stupid Idiot](/users/8355574), ![][flag_MY] [Bedwyr Aorta](/users/10875855), ![][flag_MY] [Kumaxione](/users/2582531), ![][flag_TH] [\[Minoriko\]](/users/4958650), ![][flag_VN] [steve\_04\_](/users/10852911), ![][flag_FR] [\[ Mimir \]](/users/7382734), ![][flag_PL] [Houtarou Oreki](/users/4185566) |
+| Commentators | ![][flag_SG] [woahsia](/users/195946), ![][flag_MY] [Jeffrey](/users/4777134), ![][flag_VN] [Hoaq](/users/7696512) |
+| Web Developers | ![][flag_TH] [Trigonoculus](/users/7627013), ![][flag_DE] [Borengar](/users/3312177) |
+| Statistician | ![][flag_VN] [steve\_04\_](/users/10852911) |
+| Wiki | ![][flag_ID] [fajar13k](/users/7100002) |
+## Links
+- [Discussion thread](/community/forums/topics/819383)
+- [oSEAT Discord server](https://discord.gg/UbwzpG6)
+- [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/oseatournament)
+- **[Statistics sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQYmGObPs8N2QaAlJ7K9mrp0EcFJqcEMYXq8ThHX77iGJh2AOhvE6PZsDIuC318gss-Advnd1eFnMbU/pubhtml)**
+## Participants
+| Seed | Members |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| Top | ![][flag_ID] [LoidKun](/users/6437601), ![][flag_MY] [wuhua](/users/2932510), ![][flag_SG] [GSBlank](/users/2312106), ![][flag_CA] [dunois](/users/4581715), ![][flag_SG] [M4-K1](/users/5210595), ![][flag_MY] [ShaneLiang](/users/6716499), ![][flag_ID] [Skydiver](/users/4750008), ![][flag_SG] [Raindrop](/users/1155871), ![][flag_ID] [tjangjoet](/users/9293331), ![][flag_PH] [MioMilo](/users/2199427), ![][flag_TH] [san-lotso](/users/5296112), ![][flag_SG] [k\_1tty](/users/5407620), ![][flag_TH] [- Phantasma -](/users/1427407), ![][flag_MY] [Tzero](/users/6088976), ![][flag_MY] [Jeffrey](/users/4777134), ![][flag_MY] [TequilaWolf](/users/3633477) |
+| High | ![][flag_SG] [Demonical](/users/5447609), ![][flag_SG] [SeeL](/users/5104320), ![][flag_VN] [Tuon](/users/6673790), ![][flag_SG] [woahsia](/users/195946), ![][flag_ID] [Rexeez](/users/1987591), ![][flag_MY] [haruchi](/users/4845266), ![][flag_TH] [UltimaticCatz](/users/6068543), ![][flag_SG] [moosepi](/users/1868745), ![][flag_MY] [yumesaki-hikari](/users/3871121), ![][flag_ID] [dika312](/users/741613), ![][flag_ID] [Somay 287](/users/4314559), ![][flag_VN] [Shironi](/users/8660120), ![][flag_PH] [zonelouise](/users/1492995), ![][flag_ID] [-Reuto-](/users/10717635), ![][flag_SG] [feces](/users/9347706), ![][flag_VN] [LMT](/users/7262798), ![][flag_MY] [Yuu-Chi](/users/404448) |
+| Middle | ![][flag_SG] [Rtzero](/users/9262462), ![][flag_SG] [Lunarsol](/users/6622650), ![][flag_PH] [fixedbyglue](/users/8296269), ![][flag_ID] [121Brian121](/users/6192975), ![][flag_ID] [Rayhan Hamil](/users/4085825), ![][flag_TH] [Applause](/users/1832711), ![][flag_ID] [\[-Kazumine-\]](/users/6372345), ![][flag_TH] [Dcyte](/users/2659707), ![][flag_ID] [Crezz](/users/7108275), ![][flag_ID] [Kurosaki](/users/5937545), ![][flag_MY] [Agagak](/users/3645490), ![][flag_ID] [hyoketsujuukyu](/users/7082407), ![][flag_SG] [youi](/users/7537133), ![][flag_ID] [Felter](/users/5865319), ![][flag_TH] [Vignette-](/users/4506883), ![][flag_MY] [Zygody](/users/3677251) |
+| Low | ![][flag_ID] [ELNabhan](/users/6075822), ![][flag_TH] [IamIkaros](/users/9332745), ![][flag_MY] [Computer Badger](/users/6893361), ![][flag_TH] [Seaweed](/users/5151214), ![][flag_ID] [Evanescent-](/users/4259366), ![][flag_MY] [alphaplay](/users/9304966), ![][flag_MY] [squidstain](/users/11073207), ![][flag_MY] [Desumond](/users/7399262), ![][flag_ID] [CRITICALfingers](/users/8974560), ![][flag_ID] [farel12345](/users/3670870), ![][flag_PH] [Xidorn](/users/7904667), ![][flag_VN] [Hoaq](/users/7696512), ![][flag_MY] [\[Winter\]](/users/7373182), ![][flag_ID] [Shiv](/users/5718575), ![][flag_VN] [UnitedNovel](/users/7439043), ![][flag_VN] [Portador0409](/users/9334448), ![][flag_SG] [Loslite](/users/6398160) |
+| Bottom | ![][flag_ID] [-Dokko Imaguri-](/users/12074988), ![][flag_SG] [Snipey](/users/9322030), ![][flag_PH] [Texo](/users/9229502), ![][flag_SG] [CryingWaff](/users/9768060), ![][flag_SG] [finneyneo](/users/291512), ![][flag_ID] [DifSec-](/users/9768112), ![][flag_ID] [phizh](/users/4569302), ![][flag_SG] [babypliggy](/users/4475099), ![][flag_ID] [GtaDestroyer](/users/3773461), ![][flag_ID] [praguzz](/users/5014039), ![][flag_MY] [Civie](/users/6408049), ![][flag_VN] [Mayukaki](/users/1487263), ![][flag_ID] [Galaxi](/users/2552435), ![][flag_TH] [Yukkuri](/users/7332068), ![][flag_TH] [Koiyo](/users/11373528), ![][flag_BN] [Fused1376](/users/9501318), ![][flag_VN] [kaphat123](/users/10004804) |
+## Groups
+| Group | Top Seed | High Seed | Middle Seed | Low Seed | Bottom Seed |
+| :-: | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| **A** | ![][flag_ID] [LoidKun](/users/6437601) | ![][flag_MY] [yumesaki-hikari](/users/3871121) | ![][flag_SG] [Lunarsol](/users/6622650) | ![][flag_VN] [kaphat123](/users/10004804) | ![][flag_TH] [Yukkuri](/users/7332068) |
+| **B** | ![][flag_TH] [san-lotso](/users/5296112) | ![][flag_SG] [moosepi](/users/1868745) | ![][flag_ID] [Kurosaki](/users/5937545) | ![][flag_PH] [Xidorn](/users/7904667) | ![][flag_ID] [phizh](/users/4569302) |
+| **C** | ![][flag_SG] [k\_1tty](/users/5407620) | ![][flag_ID] [dika312](/users/741613) | ![][flag_MY] [Agagak](/users/3645490) | ![][flag_MY] [squidstain](/users/11073207) | ![][flag_MY] [Civie](/users/6408049) |
+| **D** | ![][flag_MY] [ShaneLiang](/users/6716499) | ![][flag_SG] [SeeL](/users/5104320) | ![][flag_ID] [Felter](/users/5865319) | ![][flag_VN] [Hoaq](/users/7696512) | ![][flag_ID] [GtaDestroyer](/users/3773461) |
+| **E** | ![][flag_SG] [Raindrop](/users/1155871) | ![][flag_SG] [Demonical](/users/5447609) | ![][flag_SG] [Rtzero](/users/9262462) | ![][flag_ID] [farel12345](/users/3670870) | ![][flag_TH] [Koiyo](/users/11373528) |
+| **F** | ![][flag_ID] [tjangjoet](/users/9293331) | ![][flag_VN] [LMT](/users/7262798) | ![][flag_ID] [Crezz](/users/7108275) | ![][flag_SG] [Loslite](/users/6398160) | ![][flag_SG] [Snipey](/users/9322030) |
+| **G** | ![][flag_MY] [Tzero](/users/6088976) | ![][flag_ID] [-Reuto-](/users/10717635) | ![][flag_TH] [Applause](/users/1832711) | ![][flag_ID] [ELNabhan](/users/6075822) | ![][flag_VN] [Mayukaki](/users/1487263) |
+| **H** | ![][flag_SG] [GSBlank](/users/2312106) | ![][flag_VN] [Tuon](/users/6673790) | ![][flag_SG] [youi](/users/7537133) | ![][flag_VN] [Portador0409](/users/9334448) | ![][flag_ID] [DifSec-](/users/9768112) |
+| **I** | ![][flag_SG] [M4-K1](/users/5210595) | ![][flag_MY] [Yuu-Chi](/users/404448) | ![][flag_ID] [121Brian121](/users/6192975) | ![][flag_VN] [UnitedNovel](/users/7439043) | ![][flag_ID] [-Dokko Imaguri-](/users/12074988) |
+| **J** | ![][flag_MY] [Jeffrey](/users/4777134) | ![][flag_TH] [UltimaticCatz](/users/6068543) | ![][flag_TH] [Vignette-](/users/4506883) | ![][flag_MY] [Computer Badger](/users/6893361) | ![][flag_PH] [Texo](/users/9229502) |
+| **K** | ![][flag_TH] [- Phantasma -](/users/1427407) | ![][flag_SG] [woahsia](/users/195946) | ![][flag_PH] [fixedbyglue](/users/8296269) | ![][flag_ID] [Evanescent-](/users/4259366) | ![][flag_SG] [babypliggy](/users/4475099) |
+| **L** | ![][flag_ID] [Skydiver](/users/4750008) | ![][flag_ID] [Rexeez](/users/1987591) | ![][flag_ID] [hyoketsujuukyu](/users/7082407) | ![][flag_MY] [\[Winter\]](/users/7373182) | ![][flag_BN] [Fused1376](/users/9501318) |
+| **M** | ![][flag_CA] [dunois](/users/4581715) | ![][flag_MY] [haruchi](/users/4845266) | ![][flag_ID] [Rayhan Hamil](/users/4085825) | ![][flag_MY] [Desumond](/users/7399262) | ![][flag_SG] [finneyneo](/users/291512) |
+| **N** | ![][flag_MY] [TequilaWolf](/users/3633477) | ![][flag_VN] [Shironi](/users/8660120) | ![][flag_ID] [\[-Kazumine-\]](/users/6372345) | ![][flag_TH] [IamIkaros](/users/9332745) | ![][flag_ID] [Galaxi](/users/2552435) |
+| **O** | ![][flag_PH] [MioMilo](/users/2199427) | ![][flag_ID] [Somay 287](/users/4314559) | ![][flag_MY] [Zygody](/users/3677251) | ![][flag_TH] [Seaweed](/users/5151214) | ![][flag_SG] [CryingWaff](/users/9768060) |
+| **P** | ![][flag_MY] [wuhua](/users/2932510) | ![][flag_SG] [feces](/users/9347706) | ![][flag_TH] [Dcyte](/users/2659707) | ![][flag_MY] [alphaplay](/users/9304966) | ![][flag_ID] [praguzz](/users/5014039)
+## Match Schedules: Round of 32
+### Wednesday, 19 December 2018
+| Match Code | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| AC | Raindrop | ![][flag_SG] | ![][flag_SG] | Loslite | **20:00 UTC+8** |
+| AA | yumesaki-hikari | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_TH] | san-lotso | **23:59 UTC+8** |
+### Tuesday, 20 December 2018
+| Match Code | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: |
+| BJ | Agagak | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_ID] | GtaDestroyer | **20:00 UTC+8** |
+| AL | GSBlank | ![][flag_SG] | ![][flag_TH] | Applause | **22:00 UTC+8** |
+| AP | wuhua | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_MY] | Zygody | **23:59 UTC+8** |
+### Friday, 21 December 2018
+| Match Code | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| AM | Jeffrey | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_VN] | UnitedNovel | **11:00 UTC+8** |
+| AN | Skydiver | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_SG] | woahsia | **18:00 UTC+8** |
+| BE | Computer Badger | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_MY] | Yuu-Chii | **20:00 UTC+8** |
+| AH | MioMilo | ![][flag_PH] | ![][flag_TH] | Dcyte | **21:00 UTC+8** |
+| BN | fixedbyglue | ![][flag_PH] | ![][flag_ID] | hyoketsujuukyuu | **22:00 UTC+8** |
+| BG | Galaxi | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_MY] | Desumond | **23:00 UTC+8** |
+| BP | Somay 287 | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_SG] | feces | **23:59 UTC+8** |
+### Saturday, 22 December 2018
+| Match Code | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: |
+| AI | moosepi | ![][flag_SG] | ![][flag_SG] | Lunarsol | **11:00 UTC+8** | |
+| BA | Xidorn | ![][flag_PH] | | | **15:00 UTC+8** | ¹ |
+| AG | dunois | ![][flag_CA] | ![][flag_VN] | Shironi | **17:00 UTC+8** | |
+| BL | -Reuto- | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_VN] | Portador0409 | **18:00 UTC+8** | |
+| BC | LMT | ![][flag_VN] | ![][flag_TH] | Koiyo | **20:00 UTC+8** | |
+| AF | - Phantasma - | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_ID] | Rexeez | **21:00 UTC+8** | |
+| BD | Tuon | ![][flag_VN] | ![][flag_VN] | Mayukaki | **21:00 UTC+8** | |
+| BF | \[Winter\] | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_ID] | Evanescent- | **23:59 UTC+8** | |
+| AE | M4-K1 | ![][flag_SG] | ![][flag_TH] | UltimaticCatz | **23:59 UTC+8** | |
+### Sunday, 23 December 2018
+| Match Code | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| BK | Demonical | ![][flag_SG] | ![][flag_SG] | Snipey | **14:00 UTC+8** |
+| AJ | SeeL | ![][flag_SG] | ![][flag_ID] | dika312 | **15:00 UTC+8** |
+| AK | Crezz | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_SG] | Rtzero | **17:00 UTC+8** |
+| BM | 121Brian121 | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_TH] | Vignette- | **18:00 UTC+8** |
+| AB | k\_1tty | ![][flag_SG] | ![][flag_MY] | ShaneLiang | **20:00 UTC+8** |
+| BB | Felter | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_MY] | squidstain | **21:00 UTC+8** |
+| BI | Yukkuri | ![][flag_TH] | ![][flag_ID] | phizh | **21:00 UTC+8** |
+| BO | Rayhan Hamil | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_ID] | \[-Kazumine-\] | **23:00 UTC+8** |
+| BH | praguzz | ![][flag_ID] | ![][flag_SG] | CryingWaff | **23:59 UTC+8** |
+### Monday, 24 December 2018
+| Match Code | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: |
+| AD | Tzero | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_SG] | youi | **22:00 UTC+8** |
+### Tuesday, 25 December 2018
+| Match Code | Player A | | | Player B | Match Time | |
+| :-: | --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: | :-: |
+| AO | TequilaWolf | ![][flag_MY] | ![][flag_MY] | haruchi | **21:00 UTC+8** |
+¹ Encounter dependent on winner of Match "the playoff"
+## Mappools
+### Round of 32
+**[Download the mappack here! (124 MB)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VVrnZDno9VWKp4Sa20fyl4K8D0U8e3gW/view?usp=sharing)**
+- NoMod
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - Diabolikha (Aeril) \[Aeril's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/731724#osu/1573533)
+ - [Wakeshima Kanon - World's End, Girl's Rondo(Asterisk DnB Remix) (Logic Agent) \[Tangled Fate\]](/beatmapsets/545119#osu/1154987)
+ - [Yooh - snow storm -euphoria- (-Chata-) \[INFINITE\]](/beatmapsets/156235#osu/574187)
+ - [earthmind - Kaleidoscope (cRyo\[iceeicee\]) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/63725#osu/188061)
+ - [Feryquitous - Lividi (Dynamix) \[Dynamix's EXPERT\]](/beatmapsets/599735#osu/1678113)
+- Hidden
+ - [Myrath - Endure The Silence (LMT) \[Another)\]](/beatmapsets/555454#osu/1213261)
+ - [Franchouchou - Adabana Necromancy (Starfy) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/879615#osu/1853756)
+ - [Tamura Yukari - MERRY MERRY MERRY MENU...Ne! (Asphyxia) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/191524#osu/509913)
+- HardRock
+ - [Kotera Kanako - Ashita e no Kodou (Spring Roll) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/223000#osu/521110)
+ - [Sakuzyo - FAFNIR (KKipalt) \[KKip's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/777255#osu/1637690)
+ - [Camellia - Fastest Crash (toybot, Mikii) \[Collab Insane\]](/beatmapsets/331025#osu/742728)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [T-ara - Why Are You Being Like This (kazumikos) \[Hard\]](/beatmapsets/118661#osu/304972)
+ - [ZUN - The Youkai Mountain \~ Mysterious Mountain (BCI, Leyko) \[Collab\]](/beatmapsets/76048#osu/214547)
+ - [smileY inc. - Hanayuki (CelsiusLK) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/400239#osu/877515)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Suzaku - Anisakis -somatic mutation type''Forza''- (ouranhshc) \[Ultra\]](/beatmapsets/60521#osu/199593)
+ - [Camellia - K.Y.A.F.A. (SnowNiNo\_) \[NiNo's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/414034#osu/1171254)
+ - [IOSYS - Midnight Lightning Bolt (pieguy1372) \[Lunatic\]](/beatmapsets/16371#osu/58701)
+### Group Stage
+**[Download the mappack here! (73 MB)](https://puu.sh/CbFC6/f50b2f04c6.rar)**
+- NoMod
+ - [DJ YOSHITAKA - FLOWER (REDALiCE Remix) (Yauxo) \[Extra\]](/beatmapsets/520036#osu/1733764)
+ - [Hatsune Miku - Netoge Haijin Sprechchor (Lalarun) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/25802#osu/87369)
+ - [Avenged Sevenfold - Blinded in Chains (Kyshiro) \[Kshro\]](/beatmapsets/184412#osu/441472)
+ - [Hatsuki Yura - vanish out of one's sight -LAZ Remix- (DeRandom Otaku) \[Ren's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/687513#osu/1467662)
+ - [TrySail - adrenaline!!! (RLC) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/610231#osu/1288480)
+- Hidden
+ - [Nanahira - Sleep! (Snowy Dream) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/517772#osu/1100074)
+ - [Mili - Vulnerability (Alphabet) \[Mell\]](/beatmapsets/590709#osu/1266318)
+- HardRock
+ - [Rita - Princess Blood (Zweib) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/94112#osu/253528)
+ - [Umeri - paranoia (captin1) \[Insane\]](/beatmapsets/150914#osu/372170)
+- DoubleTime
+ - [Suzuki Konomi - THERE IS A REASON (Kalibe) \[KALIBE'S INSANE\]](/beatmapsets/641718#osu/1385091)
+ - [ZUN - Shoutoku Legend \~ True Administrator (BCI, Leyko) \[Collab\]](/beatmapsets/66118#osu/193083)
+- FreeMod
+ - [Tanya Degurechaff (CV: Aoi Yuki) - Los! Los! Los! (Sotarks, Linada) \[Sotarks' Insane ft. Linada\]](/beatmapsets/577598#osu/1256899)
+ - [Morimori Atsushi - MilK (Xenon) \[Xenon's Insane\]](/beatmapsets/848309#osu/1777490)
+## Match Results
+### Group Stage
+| Friday, 2018-12-07 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Tuon** ![][flag_VN] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] DifSec- | [#1](/community/matches/47934326) |
+| **Tzero** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] ELNabhan | [#1](/community/matches/47935317) |
+| **Computer Badger** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_PH] Texo | [#1](/community/matches/47935219) |
+| **Skydiver** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_ID] Rexeez | [#1](/community/matches/47935222) |
+| **SeeL** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] GtaDestroyer | [#1](/community/matches/47936208) |
+| **Skydiver** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] \[Winter\] | [#1](/community/matches/47936329) |
+| **UltimaticCatz** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MY] Computer Badger | [#1](/community/matches/47937705) |
+| **haruchi** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_SG] finneyneo | [#1](/community/matches/47937597) |
+| **fixedbyglue** ![][flag_PH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_SG] babypliggy | [#1](/community/matches/47939178) |
+| Saturday, 2018-12-08 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **dunois** ![][flag_CA] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] haruchi | [#1](/community/matches/47951939) |
+| **hyoketsujuukyu** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_BN] Fused1376 | [#1](/community/matches/47953689) |
+| LoidKun ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **Yukkuri** | -win by default- |
+| **Crezz** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_SG] Snipey | [#1](/community/matches/47953689) |
+| **ShaneLiang** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] Felter | [#1](/community/matches/47956225) |
+| **Lunarsol** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Yukkuri | [#1](/community/matches/47956565) |
+| tjangjoet ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **Snipey** | -win by default- |
+| **121Brian121** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_ID] -Dokko Imaguri- | [#1](/community/matches/47957225) |
+| **UltimaticCatz** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_PH] Texo | [#1](/community/matches/47957923) |
+| **Jeffrey** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MY] Computer Badger | [#1](/community/matches/47958871) |
+| **TequilaWolf** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] Galaxi | [#1](/community/matches/47958835) |
+| **Skydiver** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_BN] Fused1376 | [#1](/community/matches/47959356) |
+| **k\_1tty** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] Civie | [#1](/community/matches/47959930) |
+| **Demonical** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Koiyo | [#1](/community/matches/47959826) |
+| **M4-K1** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] 121Brian121 | -win by default- |
+| **TequilaWolf** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_VN] Shironi | [#1](/community/matches/47959900) |
+| **san-lotso** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] Kurosaki | [#1](/community/matches/47960989) |
+| **Demonical** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] farel12345 | [#1](/community/matches/47961004) |
+| **LMT** ![][flag_VN] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_SG] Snipey | [#1](/community/matches/47961005) |
+| **Tuon** ![][flag_VN] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_VN] Portador0409 | [#1](/community/matches/47960996) |
+| **Skydiver** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] hyoketsujuukyu | [#1](/community/matches/47961032) |
+| **Shironi** ![][flag_VN] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] IamIkaros | [#1](/community/matches/47961047) |
+| feces ![][flag_SG] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **Dcyte** | [#1](/community/matches/47961018) |
+| **san-lotso** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_PH] Xidorn | [#1](/community/matches/47962411) |
+| **squidstain** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MY] Civie | [#1](/community/matches/47962465) |
+| **Rtzero** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] farel12345 | [#1](/community/matches/47962426) |
+| LMT ![][flag_VN] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Crezz** | [#1](/community/matches/47962554) |
+| **GSBlank** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_VN] Tuon | [#1](/community/matches/47962435) |
+| **- Phantasma -** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] Evanescent- | [#1](/community/matches/47962415) |
+| **MioMilo** ![][flag_PH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Seaweed | -win by default- |
+| san-lotso ![][flag_TH] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **moosepi** | [#1](/community/matches/47963894) |
+| **Crezz** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_SG] Loslite | [#1](/community/matches/47965226) |
+| **Shironi** ![][flag_VN] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] \[-Kazumine-\] | [#1](/community/matches/47964021) |
+| **Somay 287** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Seaweed | -win by default- |
+| **Shironi** ![][flag_VN] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] Galaxi | [#1](/community/matches/47965381) |
+| **- Phantasma -** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_SG] babypliggy | [#1](/community/matches/47965508) |
+| **woahsia** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_PH] fixedbyglue | [#1](/community/matches/47965625) |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-09 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **moosepi** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] phizh | [#1](/community/matches/47967054) |
+| **Rexeez** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] hyoketsujuukyu | [#1](/community/matches/47981276) |
+| **LoidKun** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_VN] kaphat123 | -win by default- |
+| **Raindrop** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_ID] Demonical | [#1](/community/matches/47982937) |
+| **\[Winter\]** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_BN] Fused1376 | [#1](/community/matches/47982967) |
+| **Raindrop** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Koiyo | [#1](/community/matches/47983627) |
+| **Felter** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_VN] Hoaq | [#1](/community/matches/47984270) |
+| **Rtzero** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_TH] Koiyo | [#1](/community/matches/47984305) |
+| **Agagak** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_MY] squidstain | [#1](/community/matches/47985011) |
+| **Raindrop** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_SG] Rtzero | [#1](/community/matches/47984952) |
+| farel12345 ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **Koiyo** | -win by default- |
+| **san-lotso** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] phizh | [#1](/community/matches/47985745) |
+| Vignette- ![][flag_TH] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_MY] **Computer Badger** | [#1](/community/matches/47986632) |
+| kaphat123 ![][flag_VN] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **Yukkuri** | [#1](/community/matches/47987636) |
+| **M4-K1** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_VN] UnitedNovel | [#1](/community/matches/47987620) |
+| **feces** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MY] alphaplay | [#1](/community/matches/47987514) |
+| **Rayhan Hamil** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_SG] finneyneo | [#1](/community/matches/47987776) |
+| **yumesaki-hikari** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Yukkuri | [#1](/community/matches/47988700) |
+| **k\_1tty** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] squidstain | [#1](/community/matches/47988697) |
+| **dika312** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] Civie | -win by default- |
+| **SeeL** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_VN] Hoaq | -win by default- |
+| **GSBlank** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] DifSec- | [#1](/community/matches/47988682) |
+| **Dcyte** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_MY] alphaplay | [#1](/community/matches/47989474) |
+| **yumesaki-hikari** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_VN] kaphat123 | [#1](/community/matches/47990053) |
+| **ShaneLiang** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] Hoaq | -win by default- |
+| Demonical ![][flag_ID] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **Rtzero** | [#1](/community/matches/47989974) |
+| **Applause** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] ELNabhan | -win by default- |
+| **- Phantasma -** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_PH] fixedbyglue | [#1](/community/matches/47990017) |
+| **woahsia** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] Evanescent- | -win bydefault- |
+| **dika312** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] squidstain | [#1](/community/matches/47991316) |
+| tjangjoet ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **Loslite** | -win by default- |
+| **GSBlank** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_VN] Portador0409 | [#1](/community/matches/47991196) |
+| Tuon ![][flag_VN] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **youi** | [#1](/community/matches/47991203) |
+| dunois ![][flag_CA] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **finneyneo** | -win by default- |
+| **wuhua** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] alphaplay | [#1](/community/matches/47992597) |
+| Monday, 2018-12-10 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **dika312** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MY] Agagak | [#1](/community/matches/48007098) |
+| **Tzero** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_VN] Mayukaki | [#1](/community/matches/48010210) |
+| Tuesday, 2018-12-11 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Applause** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_VN] Mayukaki | [#1](/community/matches/48028246), [#2](/community/matches/48028805) |
+| Thursday, 2018-12-13 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **haruchi** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_ID] Rayhan Hamil | [#1](/community/matches/48063619) |
+| Friday, 2018-12-14 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **Jeffrey** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Ultimatic Catz | [#1](/community/matches/48082361) |
+| **MioMilo** ![][flag_PH] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_MY] Zygody | [#1](/community/matches/48082525) |
+| **Kurosaki** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_PH] Xidorn | [#1](/community/matches/48082917) |
+| **Felter** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] GtaDestroyer | [#1](/community/matches/48083334) |
+| **-Reuto-** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] ELNabhan | -win by default- |
+| Somay 287 ![][flag_ID] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_MY] **Zygody** | [#1](/community/matches/48083427) |
+| **Xidorn** ![][flag_PH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] phizh | [#1](/community/matches/48084457) |
+| **k\_1tty** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_ID] dika312 | [#1](/community/matches/48084524) |
+| **-Reuto-** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_VN] Mayukaki | [#1](/community/matches/48084526) |
+| **Jeffrey** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_PH] Texo | [#1](/community/matches/48084448) |
+| hyoketsujuukyu ![][flag_ID] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_MY] **\[Winter\]** | [#1](/community/matches/48084568) |
+| **Rayhan Hamil** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_MY] Desumond | [#1](/community/matches/48084428) |
+| **MioMilo** ![][flag_PH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_SG] CryingWaff | [#1](/community/matches/48084659) |
+| tjangjoet ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Crezz** | -win by default- |
+| **Somay 287** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_SG] CryingWaff | [#1](/community/matches/48085821) |
+| **wuhua** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Dcyte | -win by default- |
+| feces ![][flag_SG] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **praguzz** | -win by default- |
+| **moosepi** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] Kurosaki | -win by default- |
+| **Evanescent-** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_SG] babypliggy | -win by default- |
+| Saturday, 2018-12-15 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **ShaneLiang** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] GtaDestroyer | [#1](/community/matches/48100943) |
+| **Portador0409** ![][flag_VN] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] DifSec- | -win by default- |
+| **youi** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] DifSec- | -win by default- |
+| **Vignette-** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_PH] Texo | [#1](/community/matches/48106725) |
+| **dunois** ![][flag_CA] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] Rayhan Hamil | [#1](/community/matches/48106650) |
+| **TequilaWolf** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] \[-Kazumine-\] | -win by default- |
+| **Ultimatic Catz** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_TH] Vignette- | [#1](/community/matches/48108467) |
+| **Desumond** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_SG] finneyneo | [#1](/community/matches/48108469) |
+| **Agagak** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] Civie | -win by default- |
+| **Yuu-Chii** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] -Dokko Imaguri- | -win by default- |
+| **Raindrop** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] farel12345 | -win by default- |
+| **Rexeez** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MY] \[Winter\] | [#1](/community/matches/48110732) |
+| \[-Kazumine-\] ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **Galaxi** | -win by default- |
+| **MioMilo** ![][flag_PH] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_ID] Somay 287 | [#1](/community/matches/48110965) |
+| **moosepi** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_PH] Xidorn | [#1](/community/matches/48112145) |
+| **Loslite** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_SG] Snipey | [#1](/community/matches/48112171) |
+| Yuu-Chii ![][flag_My] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **121Brian121** | [#1](/community/matches/48112154) |
+| **fixedbyglue** ![][flag_PH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_ID] Evanescent- | [#1](/community/matches/48112166) |
+| **Zygody** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_SG] CryingWaff | [#1](/community/matches/48112213) |
+| LMT ![][flag_VN] | 1 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **Loslite** | [#1](/community/matches/48113560) |
+| **IamIkaros** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_ID] Galaxi | [#1](/community/matches/48113816) |
+| **wuhua** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] praguzz | [#1](/community/matches/48113836) |
+| Yuu-Chii ![][flag_MY] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_VN] **UnitedNovel** | [#1](/community/matches/48115147) |
+| **Zygody** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] Seaweed | -win by default- |
+| Sunday, 2018-12-16 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| Seaweed ![][flag_TH] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **Seaweed** | -win by default- |
+| **wuhua** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_SG] feces | [#1](/community/matches/48117021) |
+| Hoaq ![][flag_MY] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **GtaDestroyer** | -win by default- |
+| LoidKun ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **Lunarsol** | -win by default- |
+| **youi** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_VN] Portador0409 | [#1](/community/matches/48133848) |
+| **SeeL** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_ID] Felter | [#1](/community/matches/48134536) |
+| **TequilaWolf** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] IamIkaros | -win by default- |
+| **Tzero** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_ID] -Reuto- | [#1](/community/matches/48135372) |
+| -Reuto- ![][flag_ID] | 4 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **Applause** | [#1](/community/matches/48135833) |
+| Jeffrey ![][flag_MY] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_TH] **Vignette-** | [#1](/community/matches/48136072) |
+| **\[-Kazumine-\]** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_TH] IamIkaros | -win by default- |
+| **dunois** ![][flag_CA] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_MY] Desumond | [#1](/community/matches/48136583) |
+| **Rexeez** ![][flag_ID] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_BN] Fused1376 | [#1](/community/matches/48136786) |
+| **UnitedNovel** ![][flag_VN] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] -Dokko Imaguri- | -win by default- |
+| **yumesaki-hikari** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_SG] Lunarsol | [#1](/community/matches/48138941) |
+| **M4-K1** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_ID] -Dokko Imaguri- | -win by default- |
+| **Dcyte** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_ID] praguzz | [#1](/community/matches/48138935) |
+| LoidKun ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_MY] **yumesaki-hikari** | -win by default- |
+| tjangjoet ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_VN] **LMT** | -win by default- |
+| **Tzero** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_TH] Applause | [#1](/community/matches/48140031) |
+| 121Brian121 ![][flag_ID] | 3 | **5** | ![][flag_VN] **UnitedNovel** | [#1](/community/matches/48140044) |
+| **haruchi** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 4 | ![][flag_MY] Desumond | [#1](/community/matches/48140059) |
+| Kurosaki ![][flag_ID] | 2 | **5** | ![][flag_ID] **phizh** | [#1](/community/matches/48141163) |
+| **k\_1tty** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] Agagak | [#1](/community/matches/48141429) |
+| ELNabhan ![][flag_ID] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_VN] **Mayukaki** | -win by default- |
+| **M4-K1** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_MY] Yuu-Chii | -win by default- |
+| ShaneLiang ![][flag_MY] | 0 | **5** | ![][flag_SG] **SeeL** | [#1](/community/matches/4814278) |
+| **GSBlank** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 2 | ![][flag_SG] youi | [#1](/community/matches/48142840) |
+| **alphaplay** ![][flag_MY] | **5** | 3 | ![][flag_ID] praguzz | [#1](/community/matches/48142584) |
+| Monday, 2018-12-17 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **- Phantasma -** ![][flag_TH] | **5** | 1 | ![][flag_SG] woahsia | [#1](/community/matches/48145272) |
+| Tuesday, 2018-12-18 | | | | |
+| --: | :-: | :-: | :-- | :-: |
+| **woahsia** ![][flag_SG] | **5** | 0 | ![][flag_SG] babypliggy | -win by default- |
+## Ruleset
+### Registration
+1. Only players that meet these requirements may sign up:
+ - Have at least **3500pp** at time of signing up.
+ - Have a country flag from one of these following countries.
+ - ![][flag_BN] Brunei
+ - ![][flag_KH] Cambodia
+ - ![][flag_ID] Indonesia
+ - ![][flag_LA] Laos
+ - ![][flag_MY] Malaysia
+ - ![][flag_MM] Myanmar
+ - ![][flag_PH] The Philippines
+ - ![][flag_SG] Singapore
+ - ![][flag_TH] Thailand
+ - ![][flag_VN] Vietnam
+2. To sign up, you must do the following **(All steps must be done for signup to count)**:
+ - Fill up the Google Form on the front page.
+ - Join the Discord server.
+ - Change your Discord nickname to match your osu! in-game username.
+3. You must stay in the Discord server for the duration of your run in the tournament. Failure to do so will result in your slot in the tournament being forfeited.
+4. Everyone who signs up will be eligible to play the Qualifiers, with the exception of the following players who have forfeited at least 2 matches in SEAT 1 without prior notice.
+### Rescheduling
+1. The scheduler will schedule a time for each match. This time will either be on a weekend or a Friday night, depending on the provided availabilities of the 2 players.
+2. If you cannot make it for the scheduled time, please contact your opponent and agree on a new timing before notifying the Scheduler at least **24 hours (one day)** before both the originally scheduled time and the new time. A screenshot of your conversation with your opponent regarding the change in time will need to be provided as proof.
+3. Late reschedules may not be honored
+4. if your opponent does not respond to your reschedule request within 48 hours, notify a scheduler. You will be allowed to choose a new timing of your choice for the match.
+ - You will have to attempt to make contact via both Discord and Forum PM
+### Match Proceedings
+1. Before each match (except in group stages), both players are allowed to choose and play an osu! standard warmup with song length (not drain time) shorter than 5 minutes.
+2. After warmups, both players will `!roll`. Low roll bans maps first, high roll picks maps first.
+3. Each player will be given a maximum of 2 minutes for every action (ban/choosing maps). Failure to decide before the time limit may result in the opposing player making the decision.
+4. Players have 1 round of bans before the first round of picks. In addition, for the bracket stage matches, players will have an additional round of bans before the third round of picks.
+5. After a beatmap has been selected, players will have a maximum time of 2 minutes to ready up. Otherwise, a force-start may be done by the referee.
+ - More time may be given under the referee's discretion.
+6. Higher score wins the map
+ - Failed scores do not count unless both players fail.
+ - If a player fails, his score can still count if he has revived before the end of the map.
+7. In the case of a draw, the player that did not pick the map wins the point.
+8. For FreeMod maps, both players have to take at least 1 mod out of the following combination only: Easy, Hidden, HardRock, or Flashlight.
+### Tiebreaking
+1. The mappool is designed such that when both players reach match point (4-4 for a best of 9, 5-5 for a best of 11, ...), there will be 3 maps left.
+2. Both players have to *Private Message (PM)* the referee which map they would like to pick out of the 3 maps within 2 minutes. **#multiplayer chat is strongly discouraged during this time**.
+ - If both players pick the same map, that map is played.
+ - If both players pick different maps, the 3rd map is played.
+ - If one player does not pick a map within the time limit or says anything in #multiplayer that can be deemed as an attempt to mindgame, the other player is free to choose his choice of maps within the 3 maps.
+ - If neither player picks a map within the time limit, the choice of map is randomised.
+3. If the Tiebreaker map ends in a draw, high roll gets to choose another Tiebreaker within the remaining 2 maps.
+### Priority
+1. The following players have achieved either a top 8 placing in SEAT 1 or SEA RRT, or a top 3 placing in a country-based tournament. As such, they will have higher priority in joining SEAT 2:
+| Priority Rank | Player Name | Achievements |
+| :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| 1 | smh | SEAT 1 1st, osu! Indonesia Tournament 2018 1st |
+| 2 | LoidKun | SEA RRT 1st, osu! Indonesia Tournament 2018 2nd |
+| 3 | wuhua | SEAT 1 2nd, osu! Malaysia Tournament 2018 1st |
+| 4 | Landegre- | SEA RRT 2nd |
+| 5 | GSBlank | SEA RRT 3rd, SEAT 1 4th |
+| 6 | Elegant Loli | SEAT 1 3rd |
+| | Dunois | osu! Philippines Summer Tournament 1st |
+| 8 | M4-K1 | SEA RRT 4th |
+| 9 | ShaneLiang | osu! Malaysia Tournament 2018 2nd, SEA RRT 7th-8th |
+| 10 | Skydiver | SEAT 1 5th-6th |
+| | Rtyzen | SEAT 1 5th-6th |
+| | - Phantasma - | SEA RRT 5th-6th |
+| | Cleveland | SEA RRT 5th-6th |
+| | -Marika | osu! Philippines Summer Tournament 2nd |
+| 15 | Tzero | SEAT 1 7th-8th, osu! Malaysia Tournament 3rd |
+| 16 | SkyArrow | SEAT 1 7th-8th |
+| | NazzzF | SEA RRT 7th-8th |
+| | Rexeez | osu! Indonesia Tournament 2018 3rd |
+- This list is sorted by highest achievement, followed by 2nd highest achievement (if any). Country-based tournaments are treated as equivalent to a 3rd place regional finish for 1st, 5th-6th place regional finish for 2nd, and 7th-8th regional finish for 3rd (if applicable).
+2. The top 8 priority players that sign up will not play qualifiers. They will be guaranteed places in Group Stage as top seeds. In addition, to ensure that the top priority players do not meet each other until as late as possible, they will be placed in the following groups (in order, starting from highest seed): A, P, H, M, I, D, L, E.
+ - If there is a tie between the 8th and 9th (or more) priority players, none of them will get top seeded status.
+3. The remaining priority players will have to play qualifiers. However, all priority players will be guaranteed a top 40 placing in qualifiers (i.e. they will be guaranteed at least a mid seed for groups), provided they submit at least 1 score.
+ - If a priority player would place outside the top 40 qualifiers, they will instead be removed from the rankings and be promoted to top 40 instead.
+ - If the process of removing a priority player from rankings would knock another priority player out of top 40, that priority player is also removed. Rankings will be continuously recalculated until no new priority players are knocked out of top 40.
+### Round Specific Rules
+*Note: These rounds are assumed to be for at least 80 players. They will be scaled down if we get less players.*
+#### Qualifiers
+1. Map pool will contain 3 NM, 2 HD, 2 HR, and 2 DT maps.
+2. There are no warm ups for Qualifiers. Please warm up on your own beforehand.
+3. Each player will play through the 9 maps in the pool once, in a specified order.
+4. For each map, players will score 1 point for each score they beat (among all other players playing qualifiers), 0.5 points for each score they tie, and 0 points for each score they lose to.
+5. For this stage only, failed scores do count.
+6. Top 72 points earners (including ties) qualify for Group Stage.
+7. For administrative purposes, if a player submits a score on at least 1 map and does not submit a score on at least 1 map, they will have a score of 0 for maps they did not submit a score on. If a player does not submit a score for any map, they will be disqualified.
+#### Group Stage
+1. Each group will consist of 1 top seed (top 8 priority players + top 8 qualifiers), 1 high seed (qualifiers 9-24), 1 mid seed (qualifiers 25-40), 1 low seed (qualifiers 41-56) and at least 1 bottom seed (all remaining qualifiers). Groups will be drawn randomly after all qualifiers are done.
+ - If there is a tie that would determine which seed grouping the respective tied players are in, the tie will be broken randomly.
+2. Matches will be best of 9 (first to 5 wins).
+3. Map pool will contain 5 NM, 2 HD, 2 HR, 2 DT and 2 FM maps.
+4. There are no warm ups in Group Stages. Please warm up on your own beforehand.
+5. Top 2 progress to winners bracket, 3rd and 4th progress to loser's bracket, all remaining players are eliminated.
+6. If multiple players are tied in win-loss record, ties are broken in the following order:
+ - head to head win loss,
+ - head to head maps won minus maps lost,
+ - maps won minus maps lost throughout the group,
+ - lower seed goes through.
+7. Walkovers count as a 5-0 win to the present side.
+8. If both sides don't turn up, both sides get a 0-5 loss.
+9. Starting from this stage, **if you forfeit 2 or more matches throughout the tournament without prior notice, you will be barred from joining SEAT 3 (if it occurs)**. Please schedule your matches conscientiously.
+#### Round of 32 / Round of 16 / Quarterfinals
+1. Matches will be best of 11 (first to 6 wins).
+2. Mappools for respective rounds will contain 5 NM, 3 HD, 3 HR, 3 DT, and 3 FM maps.
+#### Semifinals / Finals
+1. Matches will be best of 13 (first to 7 wins).
+2. Mappools for respective rounds will contain 5 NM, 4 HD, 4 HR, 4 DT and 2 FM maps.
+#### Grand Finals
+1. Match will be best of 15 (first to 8 wins).
+2. Mappool will be the same as the Finals map pool.
+3. There is no Bracket Reset match.
+4. Players do not roll for this match. Player from winners bracket picks first and bans second.
+5. Players will have 1 round of bans before the 1st round of picks. The winner’s bracket will also get another ban before the 3rd round of picks (losers bracket player does not get this ban).
+6. If the match is tied at 7-7, winners bracket player gets to choose out of the remaining 2 maps.
+### Late Penalties
+1. **Less than 5 minutes**: no penalty.
+2. **5-10 minutes**: If 1st match in group stages: slot is opened up for reserve players to substitute in.
+ - Otherwise: No warmup for that player, opposing player chooses whether to pick first or ban first.
+3. **10-15 minutes**: 1 point given to opposing player, opposing player gets a free ban.
+4. **15+ minutes**: walkover.
+### Disconnections
+#### Not within a map, if disconnecting player reconnects in...:
+1. **Less than 3 minutes**: No penalty.
+2. **3-5 minutes**: Opposing player gains control of pick if it was going to be disconnected player's pick, else no penalty.
+3. **5-10 minutes**: 1 point given to opposing player, opposing player gets a free ban.
+4. **More than 10 minutes**: walkover.
+#### Within a map:
+1. **If within the first minute, for the first 2 times this occurs**: automatic rematch.
+2. **Otherwise**: rematch only at the discretion of both referee and opponent.
+3. If disconnecting player takes a prolonged time to reconnect to the match, penalties for disconnecting outside a map also apply.
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+# osu! South East Asia Tournament
+Index page for all of the osu! South East Asia Tournament series.
+- [2](./2 "osu! South East Asia Tournament 2")
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+# osu! TV Size Tournament
+Index page for all of the osu! TV Size Tournament series.
+- [2018](./2018 "osu! TV Size Tournament 2018")
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--- a/wiki/Welcome/en.md
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@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ Welcome to osu!, a free-to-win rhythm game developed by peppy with four game mod
- [Registration](/wiki/Registration)
- [Rules](/wiki/Rules)
- [FAQ](/wiki/FAQ)
-- Game Modes
- -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania/#getting-started)
-- [Multi](/wiki/Multi/#getting-started)
+- [Game Modes](/wiki/Game_Modes)
+ -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
+ -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
+ -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
+ -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)
+- [Multi](/wiki/Multi)
- [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)
-  [osu!standard](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!standard)
-  [osu!taiko](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!taiko)
@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ Welcome to osu!, a free-to-win rhythm game developed by peppy with four game mod
## Beatmapping
-*Main page: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping/#getting-started).*
+*Main page: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping)*
-Beatmapping is the process of a creator creating a beatmap. This process includes: selecting music, timing and mapping the beatmap, and testing the beatmap. It might also include: adding a video, adding a [storyboard](/wiki/storyboarding/#getting-started), and/or adding a [custom skin](/wiki/skinning/#getting-started). All of those can be done by the creator alone or with other users, sometimes referred to as *storyboarders*, *skinners*, and/or *guest creators*, depending on what they do.
+Beatmapping is the process of a creator creating a beatmap. This process includes: selecting music, timing and mapping the beatmap, and testing the beatmap. It might also include: adding a video, adding a [storyboard](/wiki/Storyboarding), and/or adding a [custom skin](/wiki/Skinning). All of those can be done by the creator alone or with other users, sometimes referred to as *storyboarders*, *skinners*, and/or *guest creators*, depending on what they do.
## Modding
-*Main page: [Modding](/wiki/Modding/#getting-started).*
+*Main page: [Modding](/wiki/Modding)*
Modding is the process of users reviewing (or commonly called "modders") a creator's beatmap in the pending (or work in progress/help) stage. Modding plays a big role in quality control because this allows creators to fix issues with their beatmap.
## Skinning
-*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning).*
+*Main page: [Skinning](/wiki/Skinning)*
-*See also: [Skinning Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_Tutorial).*
+*See also: [Skinning Tutorial](/wiki/Skinning_Tutorial)*
Skinning allows anyone to change the way osu! looks and feels. This can be as small as changing the cursor or as big as redoing the appearances of all the game modes and interface.
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@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ Bienvenidos a osu!, un juego de ritmo gratis creado por peppy el cual tiene cuat
- [Registro](/wiki/Registration)
- [Reglas](/wiki/Rules)
- [FAQ](/wiki/FAQ)
-- Modos de juego
- -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania/#getting-started)
-- [Multi](/wiki/Multi/#getting-started)
+- [Modos de juego](/wiki/Game_Modes)
+ -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
+ -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
+ -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
+ -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)
+- [Multi](/wiki/Multi)
- [Criterios de Clasificación](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)
-  [osu!standard](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!standard)
-  [osu!taiko](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!taiko)
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Bienvenidos a osu!, un juego de ritmo gratis creado por peppy el cual tiene cuat
## Beatmapping
-*Pagina principal: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping/#getting-started).*
+*Pagina principal: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping).*
-El Beatmapping es el proceso donde un usuario crea un beatmap. Este proceso incluye: Seleccionar la música, ajustar el tiempo y agregar notas al beatmap, y probar el beatmap. Además de eso incluye: agregar un video, agregar un [storyboard](/wiki/storyboarding/#getting-started), y/o agregar una [skin personalizada](/wiki/skinning/#getting-started). Todos estos complementos pueden estar hechos por el usuario creador solo o con otros usuarios, algunas veces referidos como *storyboarders*, *skinners*, y/o *usuarios invitados*, dependiendo de lo que hayan hecho.
+El Beatmapping es el proceso donde un usuario crea un beatmap. Este proceso incluye: Seleccionar la música, ajustar el tiempo y agregar notas al beatmap, y probar el beatmap. Además de eso incluye: agregar un video, agregar un [storyboard](/wiki/Storyboarding), y/o agregar una [skin personalizada](/wiki/Skinning). Todos estos complementos pueden estar hechos por el usuario creador solo o con otros usuarios, algunas veces referidos como *storyboarders*, *skinners*, y/o *usuarios invitados*, dependiendo de lo que hayan hecho.
## Modding
-*Pagina principal: [Modding](/wiki/Modding/#getting-started).*
+*Pagina principal: [Modding](/wiki/Modding).*
El Modding es el proceso de revisión de los usuarios (o comúnmente llamado "modding") a los beatmaps creados en la sección Pendientes (o Trabajos en proceso/Ayuda). El Modding juega un gran rol en el control de calidad de los beatmaps por que eso permite al creador arreglar situaciones/problemas con sus beatmaps.
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ El Modding es el proceso de revisión de los usuarios (o comúnmente llamado "mo
Skinning permite que cualquier persona cambie la forma en la que osu! se ve y se siente. Esto puede ser tan pequeño como cambiar el cursor o tan grande como rehacer las apariencias de todos los modos de juego y la interfaz.
## osu! wiki - Como puedes ayudar!
Desde el 26 de agosto del año 2016, el osu! wiki ha sido movido al repositorio de GitHub. Después de este cambio, el flujo de trabajo ha sido cambiado drásticamente. Todas las contribuciones ahora van hacia el [Repositorio de la osu! wiki en GitHub](https://github.com/ppy/osu-wiki) y son revisados antes de ser aprobados y fusionados a la osu! wiki.
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--- a/wiki/Welcome/id.md
+++ b/wiki/Welcome/id.md
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ Selamat datang di osu!, game ritme free-to-win yang dikembangkan oleh peppy yang
- [Registrasi](/wiki/Registration)
- [Peraturan](/wiki/Rules)
- [Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan](/wiki/FAQ)
-- Mode Permainan
- -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania/#getting-started)
-- [Multi](/wiki/Multi/#getting-started)
+- [Mode Permainan](/wiki/Game_Modes)
+ -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
+ -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
+ -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
+ -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)
+- [Multi](/wiki/Multi)
- [Kriteria Ranking](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)
-  [osu!standard](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!standard)
-  [osu!taiko](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!taiko)
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ Selamat datang di osu!, game ritme free-to-win yang dikembangkan oleh peppy yang
## Beatmapping
-*Lihat juga: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping/#getting-started).*
+*Lihat juga: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping).*
-Beatmapping adalah proses pemain yang akan menciptakan beatmap. Proses ini meliputi: pemilihan musik, mengatur waktu dan memetakan beatmap, dan menguji beatmap. Mungkin juga termasuk: menambahkan video, menambahkan [storyboard](/wiki/storyboarding/#getting-started), dan/atau menambahkan [skin kustom](/wiki/skinning/#getting-started). Semua itu dapat dilakukan oleh pembuat beatmap itu sendiri atau dengan pemain lain, kadang-kadang disebut juga *storyboarders*, *skinners*, dan/atau *guest creators*, tergantung pada apa yang mereka lakukan.
+Beatmapping adalah proses pemain yang akan menciptakan beatmap. Proses ini meliputi: pemilihan musik, mengatur waktu dan memetakan beatmap, dan menguji beatmap. Mungkin juga termasuk: menambahkan video, menambahkan [storyboard](/wiki/Storyboarding), dan/atau menambahkan [skin kustom](/wiki/Skinning). Semua itu dapat dilakukan oleh pembuat beatmap itu sendiri atau dengan pemain lain, kadang-kadang disebut juga *storyboarders*, *skinners*, dan/atau *guest creators*, tergantung pada apa yang mereka lakukan.
## Modding
-*Lihat juga: [Modding](/wiki/Modding/#getting-started).*
+*Lihat juga: [Modding](/wiki/Modding).*
Modding adalah proses pengguna meninjau (atau biasa disebut "modders") beatmap pembuat dalam tahap pending (atau work in progress/help). Modding memainkan peran besar dalam pengontrolan kualitas, karena hal ini memungkinkan pembuat beatmap untuk memperbaiki masalah di beatmap yang mereka buat.
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--- a/wiki/Welcome/it.md
+++ b/wiki/Welcome/it.md
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ Benvenuto su osu!, un gioco musicale free-to-win sviluppato da peppy con 4 modal
- [Registrazione](/wiki/Registration)
- [Regole](/wiki/Rules)
- [FAQ](/wiki/FAQ)
-- Modalità di gioco
- -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania/#getting-started)
-- [Multigiocatore](/wiki/Multi/#getting-started)
+- [Modalità di gioco](/wiki/Game_Modes)
+ -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
+ -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
+ -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
+ -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)
+- [Multigiocatore](/wiki/Multi)
- [Criterio di Ranking](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)
-  [osu!standard](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!standard)
-  [osu!taiko](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!taiko)
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Benvenuto su osu!, un gioco musicale free-to-win sviluppato da peppy con 4 modal
## Beatmapping
-*Pagina principale: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping/#getting-started).*
+*Pagina principale: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping).*
-Beatmapping è il processo di un creatore di fare una beatmap. Questo processo include: selezionare la musica, sincronizzare, mappare la beatmap, e testare la beatmap. Può anche includere: aggiungere un video, aggiungere una [storyboard](/wiki/storyboarding/#getting-started), e/o aggiungere una [skin personalizzata](/wiki/skinning/#getting-started). Tutto ciò può essere fatto dal creatore da solo o con altri utenti, a volte riferiti a *storyboarders*, *skinners*, e/o *guest creators*, in base a cosa fanno.
+Beatmapping è il processo di un creatore di fare una beatmap. Questo processo include: selezionare la musica, sincronizzare, mappare la beatmap, e testare la beatmap. Può anche includere: aggiungere un video, aggiungere una [storyboard](/wiki/Storyboarding), e/o aggiungere una [skin personalizzata](/wiki/Skinning). Tutto ciò può essere fatto dal creatore da solo o con altri utenti, a volte riferiti a *storyboarders*, *skinners*, e/o *guest creators*, in base a cosa fanno.
## Modding
-*Pagina principale: [Modding](/wiki/Modding/#getting-started).*
+*Pagina principale: [Modding](/wiki/Modding).*
Modding è il processo di revisione degli utenti di (comunemente chiamati "modders") una beatmap di un creatore in fase di attesa (o in progresso/aiuto). Moddare gioca un ruolo importante nel controllo della qualità perché permette ai creatori di correggere problemi nelle loro beatmap.
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--- a/wiki/Welcome/ko.md
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@@ -11,21 +11,22 @@ osu! 에 오신 것을 환영합니다! osu! 는 peppy가 개발한 동그라미
- [설치](/wiki/Installation)
- [규칙](/wiki/Rules)
- [자주 묻는 질문들](/wiki/FAQ)
-- 게임 모드
- -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania/#getting-started)
-- [멀티플레이](/wiki/Multi/#getting-started)
+- [게임 모드](/wiki/Game_Modes)
+ -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
+ -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
+ -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
+ -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)
+- [멀티플레이](/wiki/Multi)
## 비트맵핑
-*같이 보기: [비트맵 제작](/wiki/Beatmapping/#getting-started).*
+*같이 보기: [비트맵 제작](/wiki/Beatmapping).*
+비트맵핑은 제작자가 비트맵을 만들 때의 과정입니다. 이 과정은 곡 선택, 박자 맞추기와 비트맵 제작, 그리고 비트맵 테스트를 포함합니다. 또한, 비디오 추가, 스토리 추가, 혹은 [커스텀 스킨](/wiki/Skinning)을 추가하는 것도 포함할 수 있습니다.이 모든 것은 비트맵 제작자 혼자 혹은 가끔 *스토리보더*, *스키너*, 혹은 *게스트 제작자* 라고 불리는 다른 유저들과 함께 할 수 있으며, 그들이 무언가를 하느냐에 따라 다릅니다.
-비트맵핑은 제작자가 비트맵을 만들 때의 과정입니다. 이 과정은 곡 선택, 박자 맞추기와 비트맵 제작, 그리고 비트맵 테스트를 포함합니다. 또한, 비디오 추가, 스토리 추가, 혹은 [커스텀 스킨](/wiki/skinning/#getting-started)을 추가하는 것도 포함할 수 있습니다.이 모든 것은 비트맵 제작자 혼자 혹은 가끔 *스토리보더*, *스키너*, 혹은 *게스트 제작자* 라고 불리는 다른 유저들과 함께 할 수 있으며, 그들이 무언가를 하느냐에 따라 다릅니다.
## 모딩
-*같이 보기: [모딩](/wiki/Modding/#getting-started).*
+*같이 보기: [모딩](/wiki/Modding).*
모딩은 펜딩 (혹은 제작중/도움이 필요함) 단계에 있는 제작자의 비트맵을 유저들이 검토 (혹은 일반적으로 모딩이라고 불리우는) 과정입니다. 모딩은 제작자에게 그들의 비트맵에 있는 문제점을 고치도록 해 주기 때문에 퀄리티 조절에 큰 역할을 합니다.
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Witaj w osu!, darmowej grze rytmicznej rozwijanej przez peppy'ego, która posiad
- [Instalacja](/wiki/Installation)
- [Zasady](/wiki/Rules)
- [Najczęściej zadawane pytania](/wiki/FAQ)
-- Tryby gry
+- [Tryby gry](/wiki/Game_Modes)
-  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
-  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
-  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
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@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@ Bem-vindo ao osu!, um jogo de ritmo free-to-win desenvolvido pelo peppy com quat
- [Instalação](/wiki/Installation)
- [Regras](/wiki/Rules)
- [FAQ](/wiki/FAQ)
-- Modalidades de Jogo
- -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania/#getting-started)
-- [Multi](/wiki/Multi/#getting-started)
+- [Modalidades de Jogo](/wiki/Game_Modes)
+ -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
+ -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
+ -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
+ -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)
+- [Multi](/wiki/Multi)
## Beatmapping
-*Veja também: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping/#getting-started).*
+*Veja também: [Beatmapping](/wiki/Beatmapping).*
-Beatmapping refere-se ao processo de criação de um beatmap. Este processo inclui: selecionar a música, definir um timing (para as notas), mapear o beatmap e testar o beatmap. Também pode incluir: adicionar um vídeo; adicionar um [storyboard](/wiki/storyboarding/#getting-started) e/ou [custom skin](/wiki/skinning/#getting-started). Todos esses passos podem ser feitos pelo criador sozinho ou com a ajuda de outros usuários, algumas vezes sendo chamados de *storyboarders*, *skinners* e/ou *criadores convidados*, dependendo de qual seja a tarefa deles.
+Beatmapping refere-se ao processo de criação de um beatmap. Este processo inclui: selecionar a música, definir um timing (para as notas), mapear o beatmap e testar o beatmap. Também pode incluir: adicionar um vídeo; adicionar um [storyboard](/wiki/Storyboarding) e/ou [custom skin](/wiki/Skinning). Todos esses passos podem ser feitos pelo criador sozinho ou com a ajuda de outros usuários, algumas vezes sendo chamados de *storyboarders*, *skinners* e/ou *criadores convidados*, dependendo de qual seja a tarefa deles.
## Modding
-*Veja também: [Modding](/wiki/Modding/#getting-started).*
+*Veja também: [Modding](/wiki/Modding).*
Modding é o processo no qual os usuários da comunidade revisam (ou, como é apelidado, "moddam") um beatmap no estágio de *Pendente* ou *Trabalho em Progresso/Precisando de Ajuda*. Modding é crucial para o controle de qualidade porque permite que os criadores identifiquem e consertem os problemas presentes nos seus beatmaps.
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- [Регистрация](/wiki/Registration)
- [Правила](/wiki/Rules)
- [ЧАВО](/wiki/FAQ)
-- Режимы игры
- -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania/#getting-started)
-- [Мультиплеер](/wiki/Multi/#getting-started)
+- [Режимы игры](/wiki/Game_Modes)
+ -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
+ -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
+ -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
+ -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)
+- [Мультиплеер](/wiki/Multi)
- [Критерии ранкинга карт](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)
-  [osu!standard](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!standard)
-  [osu!taiko](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!taiko)
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ outdated: true
## Маппинг
-*Подробнее: [Маппинг](/wiki/Beatmapping/#getting-started).*
+*Подробнее: [Маппинг](/wiki/Beatmapping).*
-Маппинг — это процесс создания карты. Он включает в себя выбор музыки, настройку тайминга, расстановку игровых элементов и тестирование карты. Также создатель карты может добавить видео, [сториборд](/wiki/storyboarding/#getting-started) или свой [скин](/wiki/skinning/#getting-started). Всё это может быть сделано им как самостоятельно, так и совместно с другими пользователями.
+Маппинг — это процесс создания карты. Он включает в себя выбор музыки, настройку тайминга, расстановку игровых элементов и тестирование карты. Также создатель карты может добавить видео, [сториборд](/wiki/Storyboarding) или свой [скин](/wiki/Skinning). Всё это может быть сделано им как самостоятельно, так и совместно с другими пользователями.
## Моддинг
-*Подробнее: [Моддинг](/wiki/Modding/#getting-started).*
+*Подробнее: [Моддинг](/wiki/Modding).*
Моддинг — это просмотр и улучшение новой карты другими участниками (которых обычно называют моддерами). Моддинг играет важную роль в создании качественных карт, поскольку он помогает найти и исправить ошибки.
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- [安装](/wiki/Installation)
- [规章制度](/wiki/Rules)
- [常见问题](/wiki/FAQ)
-- 游戏模式
- -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch/#getting-started)
- -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania/#getting-started)
-- [多人游戏](/wiki/Multi/#getting-started)
+- [游戏模式](/wiki/Game_Modes)
+ -  [osu!standard](/wiki/osu!standard)
+ -  [osu!taiko](/wiki/osu!taiko)
+ -  [osu!catch](/wiki/osu!catch)
+ -  [osu!mania](/wiki/osu!mania)
+- [多人游戏](/wiki/Multi)
- [Rank 标准](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria)
-  [osu!standard](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!standard)
-  [osu!taiko](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria/osu!taiko)
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
## 作图
-作图是艺术家们创造一张谱面的必经之路。通常包含以下步骤:选歌、调整节拍、放置游戏元素、测试。可选项:添加视频,添加[故事板](/wiki/storyboarding/#开始) , 添加[自定义皮肤](/wiki/skinning/#开始) 。这些步骤可以由艺术家独自完成,也可以与他人合作完成,由此衍生出了 *故事板作者(storyboarders)* 、 *皮肤制作者(skinners)* 和 *客串作者(guest creators)* 等职业,取决于他们在作图中扮演的角色。
+作图是艺术家们创造一张谱面的必经之路。通常包含以下步骤:选歌、调整节拍、放置游戏元素、测试。可选项:添加视频,添加[故事板](/wiki/Storyboarding) , 添加[自定义皮肤](/wiki/Skinning) 。这些步骤可以由艺术家独自完成,也可以与他人合作完成,由此衍生出了 *故事板作者(storyboarders)* 、 *皮肤制作者(skinners)* 和 *客串作者(guest creators)* 等职业,取决于他们在作图中扮演的角色。
## 改图
改图指玩家们复查(Review)处于 Pending 或者 WIP/help 状态的谱面。这些玩家在控制谱面质量方面扮演了很重要的角色,因为艺术家可以根据玩家们的意见解决谱面中的问题。
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@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ A **linear** slider has a start, specified in *x* and *y* from the common fields
A **perfect** circle slider is defined by three points. In that order: start, pass-through, and end. *x* and *y* define the start point, and *curvePoints* defines the pass-through and end point. For example `P|250:200|200:15`.
-A perfect circle slider could be represented as a center point, a radius, and two angles for convenience. See this source code for the conversion algorithm: [CircularArcApproximator.cs](https://github.com/ppy/osu/blob/master/osu.Game/Rulesets/Objects/CircularArcApproximator.cs).
+A perfect circle slider could be represented as a center point, a radius, and two angles for convenience. See this source code for the conversion algorithm: [PathApproximator.cs](https://github.com/ppy/osu-framework/blob/master/osu.Framework/MathUtils/PathApproximator.cs).
A **Bézier** slider is made of one or many Bézier curves, sharing common ends. The degree of each curve is arbitrary. The first control points is defined with *x* and *y*, and the other ones by *curvePoints*.
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# User Configuration File
-_Main page: [osu! Program Files](/wiki/osu!_Program_Files)_
This is a list of options in the `osu!{yourpcname}.cfg` file. A lot of these options are available through the in-game options and it is recommended that you change options there. Only edit these values manually if you really must. If the `Description` cell is empty, assume it is the same as the one above it.
| Code | Description |
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ This is a list of options in the `osu!{yourpcname}.cfg` file. A lot of these opt
| `YahooIntegration` | Toggles `Integrate with Yahoo! status display` in-game. |
| `HighlightWords` | Contains everything in `Chat highlight words` in-game. |
| `HitLighting` | Toggles `Hit Lighting` in-game. |
-| `ScreenshotFormat` | Whether osu! will save screenshots as `.png` or `.jpeg`. |
+| `ScreenshotFormat` | Whether osu! will save screenshots as `.png` or `.jpg`. |
| `LobbyShowPassworded` | Multiplayer lobby filter settings. |
| `LobbyShowExistingOnly` |
| `LobbyShowFriendsOnly` |
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-osu! Program Files
+osu! 目录文件
@@ -10,104 +10,118 @@ osu! Program Files
| 现版本默认路径 | 旧的安装程序路径 |
| ------------------------ | ---------------------- |
-| C:\Users\\AppData\Local\osu! | C:\Program Files\osu! / C:\Program Files(x86)\osu! (for 7 64-bit or 8) |
-> "C:" 你安装osu! 的硬盘.
+| `C:\Users\\AppData\Local\osu!` | `C:\Program Files\osu!` 或 `C:\Program Files(x86)\osu!` ( 64 位 Windows 7+ 系统) |
+> "`C:`" 即为你安装 osu! 的硬盘分区。
-### \_MACOSX
+### `_MACOSX`
-**osu! for Macintosh OS.** 对于windows用户,你可以删除这个文件夹。
+**只适用于 Mac 版 osu! 客户端。** 对于 Windows 用户,你可以删除这个文件夹。
-### Chat
+### `Chat`
-只有当你曾经在对话框中使用 */savelog* 指令或你启用了 *自动记录私人消息* 功能时才会出现.记录了你在osu! 内对话标签的内容.
+只有当你曾经在对话框中使用 `/savelog` 指令或你启用了 *自动记录私人消息* 功能时才会出现。它记录了你在 osu! 内对话标签的内容。
-文件以 `{Tab_name}-{YYYYMMDD}-{HHMMSS}.txt`的形式保存, 可以以任何文本编辑器打开(Notepad).
-**实例:** #multiplayer-20121115-040845 (/savelog at #multiplayer tab in 15th November 2012 at 0408hrs and 45secs).
+文件以 `{标签名称}-{YYYYMMDD}-{HHMMSS}.txt` 的形式保存,可以以任何文本编辑器打开(比如记事本)。
-### Downloads
+**示例:** `#multiplayer-20121115-040845.txt` (你于 2012 年 11 月 15 日 04:08:45 在 #multiplayer 标签页执行了 `/savelog` 命令所生成的文件。)
-当你使用 *osu!direct* 功能后会出现.**保存你通过 osu!direct 正在下载的.osz文件**,完成下载后会作为合法的beatmap被转移到osu! 下的Songs文件夹.
+### `Downloads`
-### Exports
+当你使用 *osu!direct* 功能后会出现。**它暂存 osu!direct 正在下载的 .osz 文件**,完成下载后会作为正确的 beatmap 被转移到 osu! 下的 Songs 文件夹。
-当你使用 [Skin Selector's "导出.osk"](/wiki/Options) or [Beatmap Editor's "导出包"后出现](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Menu).**保存你从osu! 导出的.osz(beatmap)/.osk(皮肤)文件.**[For how-to, click me](/wiki/osu!_File_Formats).
+### `Exports`
-### Localisation
+当你使用 [皮肤选择器下的 “ 导出 .osk ”](/wiki/Options) 或 [谱面编辑器的 “ 导出 .osz 文件 ” ](/wiki/Beatmap_Editor/Menu) 后出现。
+**它保存着你从 osu! 导出的 .osz(谱面)或 .osk (皮肤—)文件。** [点我以了解如何操作](/wiki/osu!_File_Formats).
-### Replays
+### `Localisation`
-保存**可执行的osu! replay文件(.osr)**.如果与rep对应的beatmap不存在,osr文件将无法工作.osr文件保存了游戏结果数据和光标移动轨迹.你可以在结果页面按下**F2**或在在线排名页面(只有在solo下出现,在结果页面下面)点击 **Save as .osr**来创建.osr文件.不保存多人游戏结果..osr的文件大小在100kb-1kb不等.[想要上传rep到youtube的玩家可以参考本页面](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/108092)
-格式为 `{Local player name} - {Artist} - {Title} {[Difficulty]}{(YYYY-MM-DD)} {Game Mode}`
-**Example:** dummytest1 - Loituma - Ievan Polkka [SPINNER-MADNESS] (2013-08-12) OsuMania
+### `Replays`
-### Screenshots
+这里保存着 **可回放的 osu! 回放文件( .osr )**。如果与回放对应的谱面不存在,osr 文件将无法工作。
+osr 文件保存了游戏结果数据和光标移动轨迹。你可以在结果页面按下 **F2** 或在在线排名页面(只有在单人游戏下出现,在结果页面下面)点击 **存放回放到回放文件夹** 来创建 .osr 文件,但不保存多人游戏结果。
+.osr 的文件大小在 100kb-1kb 不等。[想要上传回放到 YouTube 的玩家可以参考本页面。](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/108092)
-*保存osu! 的截图(默认为F12)*. 截图格式(.jpg/.png)取决于你在选项中设置的结果.
+文件名格式为 `{本地玩家名称} - {艺术家} - {标题} {[难度]}{(YYYY-MM-DD)} {游戏模式}` 。
+**示例:** dummytest1 - Loituma - Ievan Polkka [SPINNER-MADNESS] (2013-08-12) OsuMania.osz
-格式为 `screenshot###` *###* 表示你的截图数量.
+### `Screenshots`
-### Skins
+*保存 osu! 的截图(默认截图快捷键为 F12)*。 截图格式(JPG 或 PNG)取决于你在选项中的设置。
-保存了用户自定义的皮肤,这些皮肤可以改变osu!的视觉表现.你可以在皮肤标签下使用osume!.exe(osu! 升级器)来获取更多皮肤,你也可以登录[论坛](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/15)获取皮肤.从osume!.exe 获取的皮肤将被立即读取并可以使用.如果你是从论坛获取的皮肤,有两种情况.如果皮肤是.osk形式的,你可以直接打开该文件,osu!将被启动并导向皮肤选择页面,你的新皮肤将被添加进列表里.如果皮肤是文件夹形式的,你必须将新皮肤的文件夹手动拖入该目录.如果皮肤是.zip/.rar格式的,你必须先解压,再按照文件夹的形式操作.你可以在[Options menu under Skins tab (Skin Selector)中更改你的皮肤](/wiki/Options).请记住皮肤*只在你自己的osu! 程序中生效*.
+格式为 `screenshot###` *###* 表示你的截图数量。
-关于皮肤的更多信息,请参考[Skining页面](/wiki/Skinning).*osu! by peppy* 是惟一一个不在该目录下且不能被直接删除的皮肤.
+### `Skins`
-### Songs
+它存放着用户自定义的皮肤,这些皮肤可以改变 osu! 的外观。
+你可以在皮肤标签下使用 osume!.exe(osu! 升级器)来获取更多皮肤,你也可以登录[论坛](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/15) 获取皮肤。
+从 osume!.exe 获取的皮肤将被立即读取并可以使用;如果你是从论坛获取的皮肤,将会有以下情况:
+- 如果皮肤是 .osk 形式的,你可以直接打开该文件,osu! 将被启动并导向皮肤选择页面,你的新皮肤将被添加进列表里。
+- 如果皮肤是文件夹形式的,你必须将新皮肤的文件夹手动拖入该目录.
+- 如果皮肤是 ZIP 或 RAR 格式的,必须先解压再按照文件夹的形式操作。你可以在[设置中的皮肤页(皮肤选择器)](/wiki/Options)中更改你的皮肤。请记住皮肤*只在你自己的 osu! 程序中生效*。
-**保存osu! beatmaps实际文件的位置**. 通常包含 .osu (不同难度), .mp3/.ogg (音乐文件), .jpg/.png/.gif (背景文件), .osb (StoryBoard文件) 和 .mp4/.flv (视频文件). 可能包含 .wav/.ogg (打击音效文件) 和 目录 (SB spites 和/或 皮肤).
+关于皮肤的更多信息,请参考[Skinning 页面](/wiki/Skinning)。*osu! by peppy* 是惟一一个不在该目录下且不能被直接删除的皮肤。
-命名形式为 `{Beatmap 编号} {艺术家} - {标题}`.
-**Example:** [57950 SOUND HOLIC - Drive My Life](https://osu.ppy.sh/s/57950)
+### `Songs`
-请注意'在osu! 初期的'陈旧的*beatmap*不包含序号且不遵循以上命名规律.可以参考范例"[discoprince](http://osu.ppy.sh/s/1)" 或 "[avgn](http://osu.ppy.sh/s/66)".特别需要注意的是"[tutorial](http://osu.ppy.sh/s/3756)",因为每个通过osu! installer安装的玩家都会拥有该beatmap.并且,人工创建/废弃 的 .osz/.zip 歌曲目录同样会进行计数(?需要修改).
+**这是保存 osu! 谱面实际文件的位置**。
+它通常包含 .osu (不同难度的谱面)、.mp3 / .ogg (音乐文件)、.jpg / .png / .gif(背景文件)、.osb(StoryBoard 文件)和 .mp4 / .flv (视频文件)。
+它可能还包含 .wav/.ogg (打击音效文件) 和目录( StoryBoard 内容) 和/或皮肤相关文件。
-### 隐藏文件夹
+一般情况下它的命名形式为 `{Beatmap 编号} {艺术家} - {标题}`。
+**示例:** [57950 SOUND HOLIC - Drive My Life](https://osu.ppy.sh/s/57950)
+请注意,在 osu! 初期,旧的谱面**不包含序号**且**不遵循以上命名规则**。可以参考范例 [Disco★Prince](http://osu.ppy.sh/s/1) 或 [avgn](http://osu.ppy.sh/s/66) 。
+特别需要注意的是 [osu! Tutorial](http://osu.ppy.sh/s/3756) ,因为每个通过 osu! 安装程序安装的玩家都会拥有该谱面,并且人工创建或在坟场的谱面中 .osz / .zip 歌曲目录同样会被加入序号。
+### 隐藏的文件夹
#### Data
-**osu!data files.** 不要修改这个文件.
+**osu! 的数据文件夹。** 不要修改这个文件夹。
-Program files
-### .db (数据库文件)
+### .db (数据库文件)
+.db 文件保存了谱面信息,这些文件只能由 `osu!.exe` 或 `osu!test.exe` 使用。
-**osu! 数据库**
+**osu! 数据库文件:**
-- collection.db (你在游戏中的收藏夹.你可以把这个文件上传到论坛以便他人查看你的收藏.实际的beatmap不包含在内.)
-- osu!.db (osu! beatmap缓存.)
-- presence.db (在对话页面的玩家信息缓存.)
-- scores.db (保存本地历史成绩)
+- `collection.db` - 你在游戏中的收藏夹。你可以把这个文件上传到论坛以便他人查看你的收藏,实际的谱面文件并不包含在内。
+- `osu!.db` - osu! 谱面缓存。(你也许知道,就是在第一次看到歌曲选择页面之前的那个持续很长时间的加载屏幕)
+- `presence.db` - 在聊天页面的玩家信息缓存。
+- `scores.db` - 保存本地历史成绩。
-### .cfg (配置文件)
+### .cfg (配置文件)
-配置文件确认了osu! 的初始设定,这些文件可以通过Notepad打开.
+配置文件配置了 osu! 初始化时的设置,以保证 osu! 正常运行。这些文件可以通过记事本打开:
-- osu!.cfg (osu! 逻辑配置.)
-- osu!.{YOUR PC NAME}.cfg ("[Options](/wiki/Options) screen". Also contains [deprecated/interesting variables and sensitive information](/wiki/osu!_Program_Files/User_configuration_file))
- - {YOUR PC NAME}: 你的计算机用户名. 如果你将admin/user的用户名设置为 "HelloWorld", .cfg 文件将被命名为, osu!.HelloWorld.cfg .
+- `osu!.cfg` - osu! 基础设置。
+- `osu!.{YOUR PC NAME}.cfg` - [设置](/wiki/Options) 屏幕所包含的设置项。这里还有 [一些不再使用或有意思的变量,以及一些敏感信息](/wiki/osu!_Program_Files/User_configuration_file)。
+ - {YOUR PC NAME}: 你的计算机用户名。如果你将管理员或用户的名称设置为 "HelloWorld",.cfg 文件将被命名为 `osu!.HelloWorld.cfg` 。
### .exe (应用程序)
+它们是程序的主要组件,双击它们即可启动。如果你使用 osu!安装器安装 osu! ,那么这些 .exe文件就是安全的。
-- osu!.exe (启动osu!)
+- `osu!.exe` - 启动 osu! 。
### 隐藏文件
#### .dll (应用程序拓展)
+.dll 文件是 osu!.exe 程序的依赖或组成部件,请忽略该类文件。
-**基础部件** (For Microsoft .NET)
+**基础部件** (为 Microsoft .NET 所使用)
- avcodec-51.dll
- avformat-52.dll
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# Common Issues
-*Main page: [osu! wiki Contribution Guide](/wiki/owcg).*
## Someone told me to use meaningful commit messages!
This can also be phrased as, "All of my commits say `Update en.md`," or similar.
diff --git a/wiki/osu!_wiki_Contribution_Guide/GitHub_Desktop/en.md b/wiki/osu!_wiki_Contribution_Guide/GitHub_Desktop/en.md
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# GitHub Desktop
-*Main page: [osu! wiki Contribution Guide](/wiki/owcg).*
*This article continues from the main page* and assumes that you will be using [GitHub Desktop](https://desktop.github.com). **You may use other git clients on your own terms.** Even if you do work locally, you will still need to access GitHub to create pull requests to make your changes happen.
## Installing GitHub Desktop
diff --git a/wiki/osu!_wiki_Contribution_Guide/GitHub_Web_Interface/en.md b/wiki/osu!_wiki_Contribution_Guide/GitHub_Web_Interface/en.md
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# GitHub Web Interface
-*Main page: [osu! wiki Contribution Guide](/wiki/owcg).*
*This article continues from the main page.* If you are going to make changes to multiple articles (this includes uploading, deleting, and/or moving images or files), please see the other guide, [GitHub Desktop](/wiki/owcg/GitHub_Desktop).
## Editing
diff --git a/wiki/osu!stream/en.md b/wiki/osu!stream/en.md
index 5727c99469a6..06e903c1c20f 100644
--- a/wiki/osu!stream/en.md
+++ b/wiki/osu!stream/en.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
[NF wikilink]: /wiki/Game_Modifiers/ "more information can be found in Game Modifiers under No Fail"
-[osu!stream logo]: ./img/Os-Logo.jpeg "osu!stream logo"
+[osu!stream logo]: ./img/Os-Logo.jpg "osu!stream logo"
[Device]: ./img/Os-Devices.jpg "osu!stream in iDevice"
[Easy mode]: ./img/Os-ModeEasy.jpg "Easy mode"
[Stream mode]: ./img/Os-ModeStream.jpg "Stream mode"
diff --git a/wiki/osu!stream/img/Os-Logo.jpeg b/wiki/osu!stream/img/Os-Logo.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from wiki/osu!stream/img/Os-Logo.jpeg
rename to wiki/osu!stream/img/Os-Logo.jpg
diff --git a/wiki/osu!supporter/en.md b/wiki/osu!supporter/en.md
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--- a/wiki/osu!supporter/en.md
+++ b/wiki/osu!supporter/en.md
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
# osu!supporter
-*For the osu!supporter page from osu!web, see [support the game](/home/support).*
+*For the osu!supporter page from the website, see: [support the game](/home/support)*
## Benefits
-*For a list of goodies from having osu!supporter, see [support the game](/home/support).*
+*For a list of goodies from having osu!supporter, see: [support the game](/home/support)*
In general, by buying osu!supporter tag, you will be directly supporting the game's developement while obtaining some extra goodies. It must be noted that the extra features from osu!supporter will never affect gameplay, performance, or score to your advantage in anyway.
diff --git a/wiki/osu!supporter/id.md b/wiki/osu!supporter/id.md
index 05679382247c..800f93ee0e8e 100644
--- a/wiki/osu!supporter/id.md
+++ b/wiki/osu!supporter/id.md
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
*Untuk halaman osu!supporter dari situs web osu!, lihat [dukung permainan ini](/home/support).*
## Keuntungan
*Daftar keuntungan yang didapat dari memiliki osu!supporter, lihat [dukung permainan ini](/home/support).*
diff --git a/wiki/osu!supporter/img/signed-out-home.png b/wiki/osu!supporter/img/signed-out-home.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1ebbb24c51..000000000000
Binary files a/wiki/osu!supporter/img/signed-out-home.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/wiki/osu!supporter/img/store-product.jpg b/wiki/osu!supporter/img/store-product.jpg
index d1478432ec46..0406917b9bf7 100644
Binary files a/wiki/osu!supporter/img/store-product.jpg and b/wiki/osu!supporter/img/store-product.jpg differ
diff --git a/wiki/osu!tourney/Multiplayer_Usage/en.md b/wiki/osu!tourney/Multiplayer_Usage/en.md
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--- a/wiki/osu!tourney/Multiplayer_Usage/en.md
+++ b/wiki/osu!tourney/Multiplayer_Usage/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Multiplayer Usage
-_Main page: [osu!tourney](/wiki/osu!tourney)_
## Match creation
The multiplayer room must be named based on the template listed in the control panel of the osu!tourney client.
@@ -18,7 +16,7 @@ The team names (`Team Name 1` and `Team Name 2`) can be replaced with any team n
### Tournament Management Commands
-_See also: [Tournament Management Commands](/wiki/osu!tourney/Tournament_Management_Commands "Tournament Management Commands")_
+*Main page: [Tournament Management Commands](/wiki/osu!tourney/Tournament_Management_Commands "Tournament Management Commands")*
Make sure to assign the correct slots to the players joining the room using the `!mp move` and `!mp team` commands.
diff --git a/wiki/osu!tourney/Prizes/en.md b/wiki/osu!tourney/Prizes/en.md
index c4e0ac7c29e8..ad367996bc74 100644
--- a/wiki/osu!tourney/Prizes/en.md
+++ b/wiki/osu!tourney/Prizes/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Prizes
-_Main page: [osu!tourney](/wiki/osu!tourney)_
## Profile Badges
The osu!team may (at their discretion), provide a community-run tournament with a *profile badge*, a special reward that is visible on a player's profile.
diff --git a/wiki/osu!tourney/Setup/en.md b/wiki/osu!tourney/Setup/en.md
index 1b785c0b58c0..ff72f08dbbe1 100644
--- a/wiki/osu!tourney/Setup/en.md
+++ b/wiki/osu!tourney/Setup/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Setup
-_Main page: [osu!tourney](/wiki/osu!tourney)_
**Note:** An active supporter tag is currently required to use the osu!tourney client.
It is recommended that a **fresh osu! installation** is used. This is because the Songs database may become corrupted. You can have multiple osu! installations, just keep them in separated folders.
diff --git a/wiki/osu!tourney/Skinning/en.md b/wiki/osu!tourney/Skinning/en.md
index c2704fae909a..d89b4786a288 100644
--- a/wiki/osu!tourney/Skinning/en.md
+++ b/wiki/osu!tourney/Skinning/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Skinning
-_Main page: [osu!tourney](/wiki/osu!tourney)_

The client supports various modifications so you can customize it for the tournament. To do so, you will need to create the folder structure `/Skins/User/tournament` in the client's installation directory. The skin elements can be placed in this folder and support `.jpg` and `.png` file extensions.
diff --git a/wiki/osu!tourney/Spectator_Usage/en.md b/wiki/osu!tourney/Spectator_Usage/en.md
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--- a/wiki/osu!tourney/Spectator_Usage/en.md
+++ b/wiki/osu!tourney/Spectator_Usage/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Spectator Usage
-_Main page: [osu!tourney](/wiki/osu!tourney)_

This is the interface of the osu!tourney client. The top of the screen is divided in two halves, representing the two teams of the multiplayer room.
diff --git a/wiki/osu!tourney/Tournament_Management_Commands/en.md b/wiki/osu!tourney/Tournament_Management_Commands/en.md
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+++ b/wiki/osu!tourney/Tournament_Management_Commands/en.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Tournament Management Commands
-_Main page: [osu!tourney](/wiki/osu!tourney)_
The following chat commands are provided for remote management of multiplayer tournament rooms:
- `!mp make ` - Creates a tournament room with the specified name. A maximum of 4 such rooms may be created.
diff --git a/wiki/osu!tourney/Troubleshooting/en.md b/wiki/osu!tourney/Troubleshooting/en.md
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# Troubleshooting
-_Main page: [osu!tourney](/wiki/osu!tourney)_
## How do I create a fresh osu! installation without uninstalling the current game?
Copy `osu!.exe` into an empty folder and run it.
diff --git a/wiki/redirect.yaml b/wiki/redirect.yaml
index 8150db355dd8..74d336a4eeb9 100644
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-"ar": "Beatmap_Editor/Song_Setup/#approach-rate"
-"approach_rate": "Beatmap_Editor/Song_Setup/#approach-rate"
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-"circle_size": "Beatmap_Editor/Song_Setup/#circle-size-osu-osucatch-osutaiko-only"
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+"od": "Beatmap_Editor/Song_Setup#overall-difficulty"
+"overall_difficulty": "Beatmap_Editor/Song_Setup#overall-difficulty"
+"key_count": "Beatmap_Editor/Song_Setup#key-count-osumania-only"
"timelines": "Beatmap_Editor/Timelines"
"timeline": "Beatmap_Editor/Timelines"
"timing": "Beatmap_Editor/Timing"
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
"beatmap": "Beatmaps"
"map": "Beatmaps"
"maps": "Beatmaps"
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-"approved": "Beatmaps/#approved"
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+"graveyarded": "Beatmaps#graveyard"
"beatmap_packs": "Beatmaps/Packs"
"beatmap_pack": "Beatmaps/Packs"
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
"contest": "Contests"
-"extended_chat_console": "Chat_Console/#extended-chat-console"
-"extended_chat": "Chat_Console/#extended-chat-console"
+"extended_chat_console": "Chat_Console#extended-chat-console"
+"extended_chat": "Chat_Console#extended-chat-console"
"difficulty": "Difficulties"
"osu!/easy": "Difficulties/Easy"
@@ -128,281 +128,281 @@
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-"hardrock": "Game_Modifiers/#hard-rock"
-"hr": "Game_Modifiers/#hard-rock"
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-"fade-in": "Game_Modifiers/#fade-in"
-"fadein": "Game_Modifiers/#fade-in"
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-"sudden_death": "Game_Modifiers/#sudden-death"
-"suddendeath": "Game_Modifiers/#sudden-death"
-"sd": "Game_Modifiers/#sudden-death"
-"target_practice": "Game_Modifiers/#target-practice"
-"targetpractice": "Game_Modifiers/#target-practice"
-"tp": "Game_Modifiers/#target-practice"
-"1k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"2k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"3k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"4k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"5k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"6k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"7k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"8k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"9k": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"xk": "Game_Modifiers/#xk"
-"abandoned_wasteland": "Glossary/#abandoned-wasteland"
-"acc": "Glossary/#accuracy"
-"accuracy_glossary": "Glossary/#accuracy"
-"afk": "Glossary/#afk"
-"away_from_keyboard": "Glossary/#afk"
-"approach_circle": "Glossary/#approach-circle"
-"aspire": "Glossary/#aspire"
-"authentic": "Glossary/#authentic"
-"beat": "Glossary/#beat"
-"beat_spacing": "Glossary/#beat-spacing"
-"beatmapid": "Glossary/#beatmapid"
-"beatmap_id": "Glossary/#beatmapid"
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-"beatmap_nominator_glossary": "Glossary/#bn"
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-"beats_per_minute": "Glossary/#bpm"
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-"bss": "Glossary/#bss"
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-"combo_color": "Glossary/#combo-colour"
-"combo_fire": "Glossary/#combo-fire"
-"combofire": "Glossary/#combo-fire"
-"combo_milestone": "Glossary/#combo-milestone"
-"combo_multiplier_effect": "Glossary/#combo-multiplier-effect"
-"combobreak": "Glossary/#combobreak"
-"combo_break": "Glossary/#combobreak"
-"comboburst": "Glossary/#comboburst"
-"combobursts": "Glossary/#comboburst"
-"combo_burst": "Glossary/#comboburst"
-"combo_bursts": "Glossary/#comboburst"
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-"combo_set": "Glossary/#comboset"
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-"logo": "Glossary/#cookie"
-"osu!cookie": "Glossary/#cookie"
-"creator": "Glossary/#creator"
-"beatmapper": "Glossary/#creator"
-"mapper": "Glossary/#creator"
-"difficulty_stars": "Glossary/#difficulty-stars"
-"difficulty_star": "Glossary/#difficulty-stars"
-"downbeat": "Glossary/#downbeat"
-"drain_time": "Glossary/#drain-time"
-"drop_and_droplet": "Glossary/#drop-and-droplet"
-"drop": "Glossary/#drop-and-droplet"
-"droplet": "Glossary/#drop-and-droplet"
-"ds": "Glossary/#ds"
-"ds_games": "Glossary/#ds-games"
-"eba": "Glossary/#eba"
-"elite_beat_agents": "Glossary/#eba"
-"fail": "Glossary/#fail"
-"failed": "Glossary/#fail"
-"failing": "Glossary/#fail"
-"fc": "Glossary/#fc"
-"full_combo": "Glossary/#fc"
-"geki": "Glossary/#geki"
-"elite_beat!": "Glossary/#geki"
-"激": "Glossary/#geki"
-"grade": "Glossary/#grade"
-"grades": "Glossary/#grade"
-"grid_snapping": "Glossary/#grid-snapping"
-"grid_snap": "Glossary/#grid-snapping"
-"guest_difficulty": "Glossary/#guest-difficulty"
-"gd": "Glossary/#guest-difficulty"
-"hit_sound": "Glossary/#hit-sound"
-"hit_sounds": "Glossary/#hit-sound"
-"hitsound": "Glossary/#hit-sound"
-"hitsounds": "Glossary/#hit-sound"
-"ignore_list": "Glossary/#ignore-list"
-"ignore": "Glossary/#ignore-list"
-"katu": "Glossary/#katu"
-"katsu": "Glossary/#katu"
-"beat!": "Glossary/#katu"
-"喝": "Glossary/#katu"
-"keys": "Glossary/#keys"
-"key": "Glossary/#keys"
-"kiai": "Glossary/#kiai"
-"kudosu": "Glossary/#kudosu"
-"kudosu!": "Glossary/#kudosu"
-"lead-in": "Glossary/#lead-in"
-"lead_in": "Glossary/#lead-in"
-"lead-in_time": "Glossary/#lead-in"
-"lead_in_time": "Glossary/#lead-in"
-"life_bar": "Glossary/#life-bar"
-"health_bar": "Glossary/#life-bar"
-"hp_bar": "Glossary/#life-bar"
-"ki_bar": "Glossary/#life-bar"
-"kiai_bar": "Glossary/#life-bar"
-"spirit_bar": "Glossary/#life-bar"
-"local_song_offset": "Glossary/#local-song-offset"
-"loved_glossary": "Glossary/#loved"
-"looping": "Glossary/#looping"
-"loop": "Glossary/#looping"
-"m4m": "Glossary/#m4m"
-"m_4_m": "Glossary/#m4m"
-"mod_4_mod": "Glossary/#m4m"
-"mod_for_mod": "Glossary/#m4m"
-"marathon": "Glossary/#marathon"
-"mat": "Glossary/#mat"
-"modding_assistance_team": "Glossary/#mat"
-"mod_request": "Glossary/#mod-request"
-"modder": "Glossary/#modder"
-"modders": "Glossary/#modder"
-"nc_glossary": "Glossary/#nc"
-"glossary_nc": "Glossary/#nc"
-"nm": "Glossary/#nm"
-"nuke": "Glossary/#nuke"
-"offset": "Glossary/#offset"
-"online_song_offset": "Glossary/#online-song-offset"
-"osu!_glossary": "Glossary/#osu!"
-"osu!coin": "Glossary/#osu!coin"
-"osu!_coin": "Glossary/#osu!coin"
-"coin": "Glossary/#osu!coin"
-"osu!coins": "Glossary/#osu!coin"
-"osu!_coins": "Glossary/#osu!coin"
-"coins": "Glossary/#osu!coin"
-"osupixel": "Glossary/#osupixel"
-"osu!pixel": "Glossary/#osupixel"
-"osu!_pixel": "Glossary/#osupixel"
-"ouendan": "Glossary/#ouendan"
-"overmapping": "Glossary/#overmapping"
-"overmapped": "Glossary/#overmapping"
-"overmap": "Glossary/#overmapping"
-"pass": "Glossary/#pass"
-"passed": "Glossary/#pass"
-"passing": "Glossary/#pass"
-"peppy": "Glossary/#peppy"
-"play_time": "Glossary/#play-time"
-"puush": "Glossary/#puush"
-"rank": "Glossary/#rank"
-"ranks": "Glossary/#rank"
-"ranking": "Glossary/#ranking"
-"rankings": "Glossary/#ranking"
-"recalc": "Glossary/#recalc"
-"resnap": "Glossary/#resnap"
-"restricted_mode": "Glossary/#restricted-mode"
-"restricted": "Glossary/#restricted-mode"
-"rsi": "Glossary/#rsi"
-"repetitive_strain_injury": "Glossary/#rsi"
-"sample_set": "Glossary/#sample-set"
-"silence": "Glossary/#silence"
-"skin": "Glossary/#skin"
-"skins": "Glossary/#skin"
-"skinner": "Glossary/#skinner"
-"sliderbreak": "Glossary/#sliderbreak"
-"slider_break": "Glossary/#sliderbreak"
-"slider_tick": "Glossary/#slider-tick"
-"slider_ticks": "Glossary/#slider-tick"
-"slidertick": "Glossary/#slider-tick"
-"sliderticks": "Glossary/#slider-tick"
-"spec": "Glossary/#spectate"
-"spectate": "Glossary/#spectate"
-"spectator_aura": "Glossary/#spectator-aura"
-"stacked": "Glossary/#stacked"
-"stack": "Glossary/#stacked"
-"stacks": "Glossary/#stacked"
-"stacking": "Glossary/#stacked"
-"standard": "Glossary/#standard"
-"std": "Glossary/#standard"
-"star": "Glossary/#star"
-"stars": "Glossary/#star"
-"star_priority": "Glossary/#star-priority"
-"storyboarder": "Glossary/#storyboarder"
-"sv": "Glossary/#sv"
-"slider_velocity": "Glossary/#sv"
-"tablet": "Glossary/#tablet"
-"tag": "Glossary/#tag"
-"tag2": "Glossary/#tag"
-"tag3": "Glossary/#tag"
-"tag4": "Glossary/#tag"
-"tap": "Glossary/#tap"
-"test_mode": "Glossary/#test-mode"
-"time_signature": "Glossary/#time-signature"
-"timing_section": "Glossary/#timing-section"
-"touchpad": "Glossary/#touchpad"
-"touchscreen": "Glossary/#touchscreen"
-"touhosu!": "Glossary/#touhosu"
-"universal_offset": "Glossary/#universal-offset"
-"upppy": "Glossary/#upppy"
-"version": "Glossary/#version"
-"versions": "Glossary/#version"
-"wip": "Glossary/#wip"
-"work_in_progress": "Glossary/#wip"
-"z/x": "Glossary/#z/x"
+"10k": "Game_Modifiers#10k"
+"auto": "Game_Modifiers#auto"
+"autoplay": "Game_Modifiers#auto"
+"at": "Game_Modifiers#auto"
+"auto_pilot": "Game_Modifiers#auto-pilot"
+"auto-pilot": "Game_Modifiers#auto-pilot"
+"autopilot": "Game_Modifiers#auto-pilot"
+"ap": "Game_Modifiers#auto-pilot"
+"cinema": "Game_Modifiers#cinema"
+"cm": "Game_Modifiers#cinema"
+"co-op": "Game_Modifiers#co-op"
+"co_op": "Game_Modifiers#co-op"
+"coop": "Game_Modifiers#co-op"
+"easy_mod": "Game_Modifiers#easy"
+"easy_mode": "Game_Modifiers#easy"
+"double_time": "Game_Modifiers#double-time"
+"doubletime": "Game_Modifiers#double-time"
+"dt": "Game_Modifiers#double-time"
+"hard_rock": "Game_Modifiers#hard-rock"
+"hardrock": "Game_Modifiers#hard-rock"
+"hr": "Game_Modifiers#hard-rock"
+"fade_in": "Game_Modifiers#fade-in"
+"fade-in": "Game_Modifiers#fade-in"
+"fadein": "Game_Modifiers#fade-in"
+"fi": "Game_Modifiers#fade-in"
+"fade_out": "Game_Modifiers#fade-out"
+"fade-out": "Game_Modifiers#fade-out"
+"fadeout": "Game_Modifiers#fade-out"
+"fo": "Game_Modifiers#fade-out"
+"flashlight": "Game_Modifiers#flashlight"
+"fl": "Game_Modifiers#flashlight"
+"half_time": "Game_Modifiers#half-time"
+"half-time": "Game_Modifiers#half-time"
+"halftime": "Game_Modifiers#half-time"
+"ht": "Game_Modifiers#half-time"
+"hidden": "Game_Modifiers#hidden"
+"hd": "Game_Modifiers#hidden"
+"nightcore": "Game_Modifiers#nightcore"
+"nc": "Game_Modifiers#nightcore"
+"no_fail": "Game_Modifiers#no-fail"
+"nofail": "Game_Modifiers#no-fail"
+"nf": "Game_Modifiers#no-fail"
+"no_video": "Game_Modifiers#no-video"
+"novideo": "Game_Modifiers#no-video"
+"nv": "Game_Modifiers#no-video"
+"perfect": "Game_Modifiers#perfect"
+"pf": "Game_Modifiers#perfect"
+"random": "Game_Modifiers#random"
+"rd": "Game_Modifiers#random"
+"relax": "Game_Modifiers#relax"
+"rl": "Game_Modifiers#relax"
+"spun_out": "Game_Modifiers#spun-out"
+"spunout": "Game_Modifiers#spun-out"
+"so": "Game_Modifiers#spun-out"
+"sudden_death": "Game_Modifiers#sudden-death"
+"suddendeath": "Game_Modifiers#sudden-death"
+"sd": "Game_Modifiers#sudden-death"
+"target_practice": "Game_Modifiers#target-practice"
+"targetpractice": "Game_Modifiers#target-practice"
+"tp": "Game_Modifiers#target-practice"
+"1k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"2k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"3k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"4k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"5k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"6k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"7k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"8k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"9k": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"xk": "Game_Modifiers#xk"
+"abandoned_wasteland": "Glossary#abandoned-wasteland"
+"acc": "Glossary#accuracy"
+"accuracy_glossary": "Glossary#accuracy"
+"afk": "Glossary#afk"
+"away_from_keyboard": "Glossary#afk"
+"approach_circle": "Glossary#approach-circle"
+"aspire": "Glossary#aspire"
+"authentic": "Glossary#authentic"
+"beat": "Glossary#beat"
+"beat_spacing": "Glossary#beat-spacing"
+"beatmapid": "Glossary#beatmapid"
+"beatmap_id": "Glossary#beatmapid"
+"beatmapset": "Glossary#beatmapset"
+"mapset": "Glossary#beatmapset"
+"beatmapsetid": "Glossary#beatmapsetid"
+"beatmapset_id": "Glossary#beatmapsetid"
+"mapset_id": "Glossary#beatmapsetid"
+"mapsetid": "Glossary#beatmapsetid"
+"bit_rate": "Glossary#bit-rate"
+"bg": "Glossary#bg"
+"background": "Glossary#bg"
+"blanket": "Glossary#blanket"
+"bn_glossary": "Glossary#bn"
+"beatmap_nominator_glossary": "Glossary#bn"
+"bpm": "Glossary#bpm"
+"beat_per_minute": "Glossary#bpm"
+"beats_per_minute": "Glossary#bpm"
+"break": "Glossary#break"
+"breaks": "Glossary#break"
+"bss": "Glossary#bss"
+"beatmap_submission_system": "Glossary#bss"
+"changelog": "Glossary#changelog"
+"changelogs": "Glossary#changelog"
+"choke": "Glossary#choke"
+"reverse_choke": "Glossary#choke"
+"collab": "Glossary#collab"
+"collaboration": "Glossary#collab"
+"combo": "Glossary#combo"
+"combos": "Glossary#combo"
+"combo_colour": "Glossary#combo-colour"
+"combo_color": "Glossary#combo-colour"
+"combo_fire": "Glossary#combo-fire"
+"combofire": "Glossary#combo-fire"
+"combo_milestone": "Glossary#combo-milestone"
+"combo_multiplier_effect": "Glossary#combo-multiplier-effect"
+"combobreak": "Glossary#combobreak"
+"combo_break": "Glossary#combobreak"
+"comboburst": "Glossary#comboburst"
+"combobursts": "Glossary#comboburst"
+"combo_burst": "Glossary#comboburst"
+"combo_bursts": "Glossary#comboburst"
+"comboset": "Glossary#comboset"
+"combo_set": "Glossary#comboset"
+"cookie": "Glossary#cookie"
+"logo": "Glossary#cookie"
+"osu!cookie": "Glossary#cookie"
+"creator": "Glossary#creator"
+"beatmapper": "Glossary#creator"
+"mapper": "Glossary#creator"
+"difficulty_stars": "Glossary#difficulty-stars"
+"difficulty_star": "Glossary#difficulty-stars"
+"downbeat": "Glossary#downbeat"
+"drain_time": "Glossary#drain-time"
+"drop_and_droplet": "Glossary#drop-and-droplet"
+"drop": "Glossary#drop-and-droplet"
+"droplet": "Glossary#drop-and-droplet"
+"ds": "Glossary#ds"
+"ds_games": "Glossary#ds-games"
+"eba": "Glossary#eba"
+"elite_beat_agents": "Glossary#eba"
+"fail": "Glossary#fail"
+"failed": "Glossary#fail"
+"failing": "Glossary#fail"
+"fc": "Glossary#fc"
+"full_combo": "Glossary#fc"
+"geki": "Glossary#geki"
+"elite_beat!": "Glossary#geki"
+"激": "Glossary#geki"
+"grade": "Glossary#grade"
+"grades": "Glossary#grade"
+"grid_snapping": "Glossary#grid-snapping"
+"grid_snap": "Glossary#grid-snapping"
+"guest_difficulty": "Glossary#guest-difficulty"
+"gd": "Glossary#guest-difficulty"
+"hit_sound": "Glossary#hit-sound"
+"hit_sounds": "Glossary#hit-sound"
+"hitsound": "Glossary#hit-sound"
+"hitsounds": "Glossary#hit-sound"
+"ignore_list": "Glossary#ignore-list"
+"ignore": "Glossary#ignore-list"
+"katu": "Glossary#katu"
+"katsu": "Glossary#katu"
+"beat!": "Glossary#katu"
+"喝": "Glossary#katu"
+"keys": "Glossary#keys"
+"key": "Glossary#keys"
+"kiai": "Glossary#kiai"
+"kudosu": "Glossary#kudosu"
+"kudosu!": "Glossary#kudosu"
+"lead-in": "Glossary#lead-in"
+"lead_in": "Glossary#lead-in"
+"lead-in_time": "Glossary#lead-in"
+"lead_in_time": "Glossary#lead-in"
+"life_bar": "Glossary#life-bar"
+"health_bar": "Glossary#life-bar"
+"hp_bar": "Glossary#life-bar"
+"ki_bar": "Glossary#life-bar"
+"kiai_bar": "Glossary#life-bar"
+"spirit_bar": "Glossary#life-bar"
+"local_song_offset": "Glossary#local-song-offset"
+"loved_glossary": "Glossary#loved"
+"looping": "Glossary#looping"
+"loop": "Glossary#looping"
+"m4m": "Glossary#m4m"
+"m_4_m": "Glossary#m4m"
+"mod_4_mod": "Glossary#m4m"
+"mod_for_mod": "Glossary#m4m"
+"marathon": "Glossary#marathon"
+"mat": "Glossary#mat"
+"modding_assistance_team": "Glossary#mat"
+"mod_request": "Glossary#mod-request"
+"modder": "Glossary#modder"
+"modders": "Glossary#modder"
+"nc_glossary": "Glossary#nc"
+"glossary_nc": "Glossary#nc"
+"nm": "Glossary#nm"
+"nuke": "Glossary#nuke"
+"offset": "Glossary#offset"
+"online_song_offset": "Glossary#online-song-offset"
+"osu!_glossary": "Glossary#osu!"
+"osu!coin": "Glossary#osu!coin"
+"osu!_coin": "Glossary#osu!coin"
+"coin": "Glossary#osu!coin"
+"osu!coins": "Glossary#osu!coin"
+"osu!_coins": "Glossary#osu!coin"
+"coins": "Glossary#osu!coin"
+"osupixel": "Glossary#osupixel"
+"osu!pixel": "Glossary#osupixel"
+"osu!_pixel": "Glossary#osupixel"
+"ouendan": "Glossary#ouendan"
+"overmapping": "Glossary#overmapping"
+"overmapped": "Glossary#overmapping"
+"overmap": "Glossary#overmapping"
+"pass": "Glossary#pass"
+"passed": "Glossary#pass"
+"passing": "Glossary#pass"
+"peppy": "Glossary#peppy"
+"play_time": "Glossary#play-time"
+"puush": "Glossary#puush"
+"rank": "Glossary#rank"
+"ranks": "Glossary#rank"
+"ranking": "Glossary#ranking"
+"rankings": "Glossary#ranking"
+"recalc": "Glossary#recalc"
+"resnap": "Glossary#resnap"
+"restricted_mode": "Glossary#restricted-mode"
+"restricted": "Glossary#restricted-mode"
+"rsi": "Glossary#rsi"
+"repetitive_strain_injury": "Glossary#rsi"
+"sample_set": "Glossary#sample-set"
+"silence": "Glossary#silence"
+"skin": "Glossary#skin"
+"skins": "Glossary#skin"
+"skinner": "Glossary#skinner"
+"sliderbreak": "Glossary#sliderbreak"
+"slider_break": "Glossary#sliderbreak"
+"slider_tick": "Glossary#slider-tick"
+"slider_ticks": "Glossary#slider-tick"
+"slidertick": "Glossary#slider-tick"
+"sliderticks": "Glossary#slider-tick"
+"spec": "Glossary#spectate"
+"spectate": "Glossary#spectate"
+"spectator_aura": "Glossary#spectator-aura"
+"stacked": "Glossary#stacked"
+"stack": "Glossary#stacked"
+"stacks": "Glossary#stacked"
+"stacking": "Glossary#stacked"
+"standard": "Glossary#standard"
+"std": "Glossary#standard"
+"star": "Glossary#star"
+"stars": "Glossary#star"
+"star_priority": "Glossary#star-priority"
+"storyboarder": "Glossary#storyboarder"
+"sv": "Glossary#sv"
+"slider_velocity": "Glossary#sv"
+"tablet": "Glossary#tablet"
+"tag": "Glossary#tag"
+"tag2": "Glossary#tag"
+"tag3": "Glossary#tag"
+"tag4": "Glossary#tag"
+"tap": "Glossary#tap"
+"test_mode": "Glossary#test-mode"
+"time_signature": "Glossary#time-signature"
+"timing_section": "Glossary#timing-section"
+"touchpad": "Glossary#touchpad"
+"touchscreen": "Glossary#touchscreen"
+"touhosu!": "Glossary#touhosu"
+"universal_offset": "Glossary#universal-offset"
+"upppy": "Glossary#upppy"
+"version": "Glossary#version"
+"versions": "Glossary#version"
+"wip": "Glossary#wip"
+"work_in_progress": "Glossary#wip"
+"z/x": "Glossary#z/x"
"adding_custom_hit_sounds": "Guides/Adding_Custom_Hit_Sounds"
"audio_editing": "Guides/Audio_Editing"
@@ -472,14 +472,14 @@
"hitobjects": "Hit_Objects"
"objects": "Hit_Objects"
-"hit_circle": "Hit_Objects/#hit-circle"
-"hit_circles": "Hit_Objects/#hit-circle"
-"hitcircle": "Hit_Objects/#hit-circle"
-"hitcircles": "Hit_Objects/#hit-circle"
-"slider": "Hit_Objects/#slider"
-"sliders": "Hit_Objects/#slider"
-"spinner": "Hit_Objects/#spinner"
-"spinners": "Hit_Objects/#spinner"
+"hit_circle": "Hit_Objects#hit-circle"
+"hit_circles": "Hit_Objects#hit-circle"
+"hitcircle": "Hit_Objects#hit-circle"
+"hitcircles": "Hit_Objects#hit-circle"
+"slider": "Hit_Objects#slider"
+"sliders": "Hit_Objects#slider"
+"spinner": "Hit_Objects#spinner"
+"spinners": "Hit_Objects#spinner"
"how_you_can_help": "How_You_Can_Help!"
@@ -543,41 +543,41 @@
"maptechs_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations"
"map_tech_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations"
"map_techs_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations"
-"blanket_combos": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#blanket-combos"
-"blanket_combo": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#blanket-combos"
-"divebomb_combos": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#divebomb-combos"
-"divebomb_combo": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#divebomb-combos"
-"flower_combos": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#flower-combos"
-"flower_combo": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#flower-combos"
-"honeycomb_beats": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#honeycomb-beats"
-"honeycomb_beat": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#honeycomb-beats"
-"star_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#star-formations"
-"star_formation": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#star-formations"
-"the_kickstream": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#the-kickstream"
-"kickstream": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#the-kickstream"
-"tornado_combos": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#tornado-combos"
-"tornado_combo": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#tornado-combos"
-"ztrot_spacing": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#ztrot-spacing"
-"diamond_formation": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#diamond-formation"
-"diamond_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#diamond-formation"
-"double_stacks": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#double-stacks"
-"double_stack": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#double-stacks"
-"qq_diamonds": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#qq-diamonds"
-"qq_diamond": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#qq-diamonds"
-"reversed_zig-zag_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#reversed-zig-zag-sliders"
-"reversed_zig_zag_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#reversed-zig-zag-sliders"
-"reversed_zig-zag_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#reversed-zig-zag-sliders"
-"reversed_zig_zag_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#reversed-zig-zag-sliders"
-"square_formation": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#square-formation"
-"square_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#square-formation"
-"square_formation_v2": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#square-formation-v2"
-"square_formations_v2": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#square-formation-v2"
-"triangle_beats": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#triangle-beats"
-"triangle_beat": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#triangle-beats"
-"zig-zag_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#zig-zag-sliders"
-"zig-zag_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#zig-zag-sliders"
-"zig_zag_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#zig-zag-sliders"
-"zig_zag_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations/#zig-zag-sliders"
+"blanket_combos": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#blanket-combos"
+"blanket_combo": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#blanket-combos"
+"divebomb_combos": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#divebomb-combos"
+"divebomb_combo": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#divebomb-combos"
+"flower_combos": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#flower-combos"
+"flower_combo": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#flower-combos"
+"honeycomb_beats": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#honeycomb-beats"
+"honeycomb_beat": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#honeycomb-beats"
+"star_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#star-formations"
+"star_formation": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#star-formations"
+"the_kickstream": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#the-kickstream"
+"kickstream": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#the-kickstream"
+"tornado_combos": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#tornado-combos"
+"tornado_combo": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#tornado-combos"
+"ztrot_spacing": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#ztrot-spacing"
+"diamond_formation": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#diamond-formation"
+"diamond_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#diamond-formation"
+"double_stacks": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#double-stacks"
+"double_stack": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#double-stacks"
+"qq_diamonds": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#qq-diamonds"
+"qq_diamond": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#qq-diamonds"
+"reversed_zig-zag_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#reversed-zig-zag-sliders"
+"reversed_zig_zag_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#reversed-zig-zag-sliders"
+"reversed_zig-zag_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#reversed-zig-zag-sliders"
+"reversed_zig_zag_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#reversed-zig-zag-sliders"
+"square_formation": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#square-formation"
+"square_formations": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#square-formation"
+"square_formation_v2": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#square-formation-v2"
+"square_formations_v2": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#square-formation-v2"
+"triangle_beats": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#triangle-beats"
+"triangle_beat": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#triangle-beats"
+"zig-zag_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#zig-zag-sliders"
+"zig-zag_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#zig-zag-sliders"
+"zig_zag_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#zig-zag-sliders"
+"zig_zag_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Formations#zig-zag-sliders"
"mapping_techniques/jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps"
"jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps"
@@ -598,100 +598,100 @@
"maptechs_jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps"
"map_tech_jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps"
"map_techs_jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps"
-"anti-jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-jumps"
-"anti-jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-jumps"
-"anti_jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-jumps"
-"anti_jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-jumps"
-"anti-seibeistyle-jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-seibeiStyle-jumps"
-"anti-seibeistyle-jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-seibeiStyle-jumps"
-"anti-seibeistyle_jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-seibeiStyle-jumps"
-"anti-seibeistyle_jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-seibeiStyle-jumps"
-"anti_seibeistyle-jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-seibeiStyle-jumps"
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-"anti_seibeistyle_jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-seibeiStyle-jumps"
-"anti_seibeistyle_jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#anti-seibeiStyle-jumps"
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-"center-anti_jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#center-anti-jumps"
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-"center_anti-jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps/#center-anti-jumps"
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+"anti_jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps#anti-jumps"
+"anti_jump": "Mapping_Techniques/Jumps#anti-jumps"
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"making_good_sliders": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders"
"making_good_slider": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders"
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-"making_good_sliders_arcs": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders/#arcs"
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-"making_good_sliders_waves": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders/#waves"
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-"making_good_sliders_elbow": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders/#elbows"
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-"making_good_sliders_heart": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders/#hearts"
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+"making_good_sliders_arcs": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#arcs"
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+"waves": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#waves"
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+"making_good_slider_waves": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#waves"
+"making_good_sliders_waves": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#waves"
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+"making_good_slider_elbow": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#elbows"
+"making_good_sliders_elbow": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#elbows"
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+"making_good_sliders_heart": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#hearts"
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+"making_good_sliders_wiggles": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#wiggles"
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+"making_good_sliders_wiggle": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#wiggles"
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+"making_good_sliders_loops": "Mapping_Techniques/Making_Good_Sliders#loops"
"rhythm": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm"
"rhythms": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm"
@@ -711,51 +711,51 @@
"maptechs_rhythms": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm"
"map_tech_rhythms": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm"
"map_techs_rhythms": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm"
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-"15_degree_pattern": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#15-degree-patterns"
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-"back_and_forth_beat": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#back-and-forth-beats"
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-"half_backing": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#half-backing"
-"hub_and_spoke": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#hub-and-spoke"
-"linear_back_and_forth": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#linear-back-and-forth"
-"spacing_out": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#spacing-out"
-"step-too-fars": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#step-too-fars"
-"step-too-far": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#step-too-fars"
-"step_too_fars": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#step-too-fars"
-"step_too_far": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#step-too-fars"
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-"slider_slowdown": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#slider-slowdowns"
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-"zig-zag_streams": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#zig-zag-streams"
-"zig_zag_streams": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm/#zig-zag-streams"
+"15_degree_patterns": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#15-degree-patterns"
+"15_degree_pattern": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#15-degree-patterns"
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+"back_and_forth_beat": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#back-and-forth-beats"
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+"differential_stack": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#differential-stacks"
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+"drain_section": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#drain-sections"
+"half-backing": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#half-backing"
+"half_backing": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#half-backing"
+"hub_and_spoke": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#hub-and-spoke"
+"linear_back_and_forth": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#linear-back-and-forth"
+"spacing_out": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#spacing-out"
+"step-too-fars": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#step-too-fars"
+"step-too-far": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#step-too-fars"
+"step_too_fars": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#step-too-fars"
+"step_too_far": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#step-too-fars"
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+"slider_slowdown": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#slider-slowdowns"
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+"discontinuous_streams": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#discontinuous-streams"
+"deathstreams": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#deathstreams"
+"slider_stream_jumps": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#slider-stream-jumps"
+"triplet_streams": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#triplet-streams"
+"variable_spaced_streams": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#variable-spaced-streams"
+"zig-zag_streams": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#zig-zag-streams"
+"zig_zag_streams": "Mapping_Techniques/Rhythm#zig-zag-streams"
"mascot": "Mascots"
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-"yuzu": "Mascots/#-yuzu"
-"maria": "Mascots/#-maria"
-"mocha": "Mascots/#-mocha"
-"ryūta_ippongi": "Mascots/#ryūta-ippongi"
-"ryūta": "Mascots/#ryūta-ippongi"
-"ryuuta": "Mascots/#ryūta-ippongi"
-"agent_j": "Mascots/#agent-j"
-"don": "Mascots/#don"
-"aiko": "Mascots/#aiko"
-"alisa": "Mascots/#alisa"
-"tama": "Mascots/#tama"
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-"taikonator_3000": "Mascots/#taikonator"
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+"pippi": "Mascots#-pippi"
+"yuzu": "Mascots#-yuzu"
+"maria": "Mascots#-maria"
+"mocha": "Mascots#-mocha"
+"ryūta_ippongi": "Mascots#ryūta-ippongi"
+"ryūta": "Mascots#ryūta-ippongi"
+"ryuuta": "Mascots#ryūta-ippongi"
+"agent_j": "Mascots#agent-j"
+"don": "Mascots#don"
+"aiko": "Mascots#aiko"
+"alisa": "Mascots#alisa"
+"tama": "Mascots#tama"
+"taikonator": "Mascots#taikonator"
+"taikonator_3000": "Mascots#taikonator"
+"pyun": "Mascots#pyun"
"mascot/gallery": "Mascots/Gallery"
"nsc": "News_Styling_Criteria"
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"scorev1": "Score/ScoreV1"
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+"scorev2": "Score#scorev2"
"skr": "Shortcut_Key_Reference"
@@ -1291,11 +1291,6 @@
"storyboard_scripting_rules": "Storyboard_Scripting/General_Rules"
"sbs_rules": "Storyboard_Scripting/General_Rules"
-"storyboard_scripting_miscellaneous": "Storyboard_Scripting/Miscellaneous"
-"sbs_miscellaneous": "Storyboard_Scripting/Miscellaneous"
-"miscellaneous_storyboard_scripting": "Storyboard_Scripting/Miscellaneous"
-"miscellaneous_sbs": "Storyboard_Scripting/Miscellaneous"
"storyboard_scripting_objects": "Storyboard_Scripting/Objects"
"sbs_objects": "Storyboard_Scripting/Objects"
"objects_storyboard_scripting": "Storyboard_Scripting/Objects"
@@ -1344,8 +1339,7 @@
"cpot": "Tournaments/Countries_that_participated_in_osu!_tournaments"
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-"owc": "Tournaments/#-osu!-world-cup"
+"owc": "Tournaments#-osu!-world-cup"
"owc1": "Tournaments/OWC/1"
"owc_1": "Tournaments/OWC/1"
"owc/1": "Tournaments/OWC/1"
@@ -1374,8 +1368,7 @@
"owc_2018": "Tournaments/OWC/2018"
"owc/2018": "Tournaments/OWC/2018"
-"tournaments/twc": "Tournaments/#-taiko-world-cup"
-"twc": "Tournaments/#-taiko-world-cup"
+"twc": "Tournaments#-taiko-world-cup"
"twc2011": "Tournaments/TWC/2011"
"twc_2011": "Tournaments/TWC/2011"
"twc/2011": "Tournaments/TWC/2011"
@@ -1398,8 +1391,7 @@
"twc_2018": "Tournaments/TWC/2018"
"twc/2018": "Tournaments/TWC/2018"
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-"cwc": "Tournaments/#-catch-the-beat-world-cup"
+"cwc": "Tournaments#-catch-the-beat-world-cup"
"cwc2014": "Tournaments/CWC/2014"
"cwc_2014": "Tournaments/CWC/2014"
"cwc/2014": "Tournaments/CWC/2014"
@@ -1416,17 +1408,16 @@
"cwc_2018": "Tournaments/CWC/2018"
"cwc/2018": "Tournaments/CWC/2018"
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-"mwc": "Tournaments/#-osu!mania-world-cup"
+"mwc": "Tournaments#-osu!mania-world-cup"
"mwc2014": "Tournaments/MWC/2014"
"mwc_2014": "Tournaments/MWC/2014"
"mwc/2014": "Tournaments/MWC/2014"
"mwc2015": "Tournaments/MWC/2015"
"mwc_2015": "Tournaments/MWC/2015"
"mwc/2015": "Tournaments/MWC/2015"
-"mwc2016": "Tournaments/#-osu!mania-world-cup"
-"mwc_2016": "Tournaments/#-osu!mania-world-cup"
-"mwc/2016": "Tournaments/#-osu!mania-world-cup"
+"mwc2016": "Tournaments#-osu!mania-world-cup"
+"mwc_2016": "Tournaments#-osu!mania-world-cup"
+"mwc/2016": "Tournaments#-osu!mania-world-cup"
"mwc4k2016": "Tournaments/MWC/2016_4K"
"mwc_4k_2016": "Tournaments/MWC/2016_4K"
"mwc/4k_2016": "Tournaments/MWC/2016_4K"
@@ -1461,19 +1452,19 @@
"osu!_tag_team_multiplayer_tournament": "Tournaments/osu!_Tag_Team_Multiplayer_Tournament"
"ottmt": "Tournaments/osu!_Tag_Team_Multiplayer_Tournament"
-"anzt": "Tournaments/#-aus/nz-osu!standard-tournament"
+"anzt": "Tournaments#-aus/nz-osu!standard-tournament"
"anzt_5s": "Tournaments/ANZT/2018_Summer"
"anzt/5s": "Tournaments/ANZT/2018_Summer"
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+"ats": "Tournaments#-asian-taiko-showdown"
"ats_2018": "Tournaments/ATS/2018_Summer"
"ats/2018": "Tournaments/ATS/2018_Summer"
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+"cfc": "Tournaments/CFC#-catch-french-cup"
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