- mqclient contains a sample dockerfile for adding the MQ client into the image.
First build the ACE image or obtain one of the shipped images.
Determine the link for the version of the MQ client to be used, using FixCentral or the standard redistributable client download site. An example URL would be https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/websphere/messaging/mqdev/redist/ for the client.
In this folder, run the docker command as follows (replacing the product version and MQ link as appropriate):
docker build -t aceappmqclient --build-arg FROMIMAGE=cp.icr.io/cp/appc/ace: --build-arg MQ_URL=https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/websphere/messaging/mqdev/redist/ --file Dockerfile .
To run the container, launch the pod using a command such as:
docker run -d -p 7600:7600 -p 7800:7800 -e LICENSE=accept aceappmqclient
This wll then start an IntegrationServer with the MQ Client installed.