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Example usage of the Kafka Messaging End-To-End-Encryption library

Initialize local environment

Start services as Docker containers

## start the docker containers
cd /repos/kafka-messaging-e2ee/examples
./gradlew composeUp

Build the libraries locally

## (optional) clean old versions of this libraries
rm -rfv $HOME/.m2/repository/de/otto/kafka-messaging-e2ee

## update the libraries in local maven repository
cd /repos/kafka-messaging-e2ee
./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal -x signMavenJavaPublication --info

Start one of the SpringBoot services

cd /repos/kafka-messaging-e2ee/examples

## start the "springboot-fullmessage-multiple" example
./gradlew clean :springboot-fullmessage-multiple:bootRun

## start the "springboot-fullmessage-single" example
./gradlew clean :springboot-fullmessage-single:bootRun

## or start the "springboot-fieldlevel-multiple" example
./gradlew clean :springboot-fieldlevel-multiple:bootRun


  • springboot-fullmessage-multiple .. Example which uses SpringBoot and full-message encryption and decryption. It has multiple encrypted Kafka Topics configured.
  • springboot-fullmessage-single .. Example which uses SpringBoot and full-message encryption and decryption. It has one encrypted Kafka Topic configured.
  • springboot-fieldlevel-multiple .. Example which uses SpringBoot and field-level encryption and decryption. It uses the Multi-Topic-Configuration.