This folder contains all the infra needed to stand up a k8s cluster for prow
- init: Initialise the infra
- plan: Execute a plan for the infrastructure
- apply: Apply the infrastructure
- get-cluster-credentials: Get credentials (kubeconfig) to access the k8s cluster
- get-google-service-account: Get the service account used to interact with Google Cloud
The project in GCloud is setup manually.
Manual steps:
- the bucket for terraform
- the service account for terraform. The key of the service account must be in credstash AWS.
Terraform creates a subdomain - we manually link it to the root domain by creating an NS record.
Manually enable the:
- Google Cloud DNS API,
- Kubernetes API,
- Cloud Resource Manager API
$ echo -n my-secret-password | gcloud kms encrypt \
> --project var.gcloud_project \
> --location var.gcloud_region \
> --keyring test-infra \
> --key build \
> --plaintext-file - \
> --ciphertext-file - \
> | base64