A digital tool for election monitoring. It has three main parts:
- a public platform where anyone can read the voting rules and report if they notice anything that goes against the voting rules
- native apps for both Android and iOS allowing observers to send real-time reports from the field
- admin platform for NGOs that register election observers
We are currently working on:
- enhancements on API, merge the datamodel on NGO API and Mobile API as we want to be able to push data from the NGO API to the Mobile API and for that we need to reuse the datamodel
- enhancements on NGO platform for May 2019 European Parlamentery elections release
- a new admin dashboard for the public platform that will allow admins to easily update the website info (voting rules, report form) and approve or reject reports sent by users
- setting up some manual and automated tests for the apps and APIs
- small fixes and improvements for the Android app
Tech stack:
- public platform: PHP (Laravel 5) for the API, React on frontend
- mobile apps: Java (Android), Swift; backed by a .NET Core API
- NGO admin platform: .NET Core API and Angular 2 frontend
❓ Contact person: @radu.stefanescu , @aniri on slack
Catalog Politic - Asset declarations is a crowd sourcing and volunteer aid app for digitizing asset declarations of Romania's public figures. This tool aims to provide an easy and simple way to transform asset declarations from a pdf format to a consistent data model that can be analyzed and interpreted, while opening this information to a larger audience.
Tech stack: Python 3
❓ Contact person: @catileptic @radu.stefanescu on Slack
ANABI - Portalul bunurilor confiscate Dezvoltăm pentru Agenția Națională pentru Administrarea Bunurilor Indisponibilizate (ANABI) o platformă despre ce, cât și de unde se confiscă în România, din infracțiuni. Punem totul pe hartă, pentru ca tu să știi ce se petrece. ANABI va folosi platforma pentru a gestiona aceste bunuri la nivel național, inclusiv re-directionarea acestor resurse. Astfel, platforma va transparentiza procesul de utilizare a bunurilor confiscate.
Tech stack: Angular, .NET Core
❓ Contact person: @vlad.dinulescu @Bogdan Constantinescu on Slack
Data Portal will be a CKAN-based user-friendly web application meant to showcase curated data sets in simple and intuitive visual designs. It will also put forward standards and guidelines for cleaning and organizing data. The portal will be open to any NGO and institution that works with public data and our team will be there to help them validate and bring the information up to standards.
Last but not least. The app will serve as a base for developing Romania’s open data community: we will make our infrastructure and know-how available to volunteers interested in opening up and cleaning Romanian public data.
We are currently working on:
- implementing platform UI
- a github extension to bring the latest issues into DataPortal
- a Medium extension to bring all Medium posts into DataPortal
Tech stack:
- (backend) CKAN 2.8 Platform: Python 2.7
- (frontend) CKAN 2.8 Templating engine: HTML, Javascript and CSS
❓ Contact person: @costi (Costin Bleotu) on Slack
Helping NGOs collect the 230 tax form
Tech stack: Python
❓ Contact person: @onel on Slack
The project aims to turn into the public library of Romanian civic tech.
We are currently working on some fixes and small improvements for the first version of the app. And also looking for ideas to start developing version 2. We have some UX, UI and Research tasks and also some small front end & API development issues. We would also like to set up some automated tests for the API so we have some open testing tasks as well.
Tech stack: Express.js, Angular 7
❓ Contact person: @radu.stefanescu , @aniri on slack