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Optional Questions 1 ~ 17

1) What is Optional and How to declare an Optional?


  • Optional is a variable which is capable of holding a value or absence of a value(i.e. nil)
var aOptional: Int?
aOptional = nil
var bOptional: Int!

// Compile Error
var geneal: Int = nil

2) What is Optional Unwrapping and What are the different ways to unwrap optionals?


  • Extracting the underlying value of an Optional Variable is called Optional Unwrapping.
  • Force Unwrapping(!)
  • Optional Binding
  • Guard Statement
  • Nil Coalescing Operator (??)

3) What is Implicit Unwrapping and how to declare implicit unwrapped Optional? When do you declare an implicit optional variable?


  • Process of conveying to compiler that the variable must contain a value before it is used.
var aOptional: Int?
var bOptional: Int! // Implicit Optional
bOptional = 10

// Force Unwrapping
let sum: Int = aOptional! + bOptional

4) What is Optional Binding?


  • Optional Binding is one of the optional unwrapping techniques.
var aOptional: Int?
var bOptional: Int! // Implicit Optional
aOptional = 10
bOptional = 20

// aOptional is unwrapped with Optional Binding
if let unwrappedAOptional = aOptional {
	print(aOptional + bOptional) // 30
} else {
	print("Optional has no value")

5) What is ?? in Swift?


  • ?? is nil-coalescing operator, which helps to provide a default value if optional variable has no value when unwrapping
  • let value = optional ?? DefaultValue
var aOptional: Int?

// if aOptional has no value, its default value is set to 0
print(aOptional ?? 0) // 0

6) What is guard statement?


  • Make sure some condition should be met
  • You can use guard statement to unwrap optional variable
var aOptional: Int?
aOptional = 15

guard let unwrappedAOptional: Int = aOptional else {
	print("optional has no value!")
	// if aOptional has no value, execution code stops here

print(unwrappedAOptional) // 15

7) What is Force unwrapping in Swift?


  • Force unwrapping is one of the optional unwrapping technique. Use force unwrapping when you are sure the optional variable contains a value.
  • Fore unwrapping is not good practice which may lead to crashes.
var aOptional: Int?

// Crashes occur because aOptional doesn't have any value

8) What is the difference between Optional Binding and Guard statement?


  • The variable you declares in if let statement is accessible within that block of code.
  • The variable you declares in guard let is accessible in the rest of the method.
var aOptional: Int?
var bOptional: Int! // Implicit Optional
aOptional = 10
bOptional = 20

if let unwrappedAOptional = aOptional {
  // only within this block, you can access unwrappedAOptional
	let sum: Int = unwrappedAOptional + bOptional
	print(sum) // 30

// The rest of programs can access unwrappedAOptional.
guard let unwrappedAOptional = aOptinoal else { fatalError("aOptional is nil") }
let sum: Int = unwrappedAOptional + bOptional
print(sum) // 30

9) Can we access guard statement variable inside the else block?


  • NO
var aOptional: Int?
guard let unwrappedAOptional = aOptinoal else {
  // Compile Error, You can't access variable declared in 'guard' condition
	print(unwrappedAOptional) //Not Possible
	fatalError("aOptional is nil")

10) Is optional Enum Type or Struct Type?


  • Optional is an enum. It contains following cases.
    • none
    • some

11) Can we use var in optional binding or guard statement instead of let?


  • Yes, you can use var instead of let.
var aOptional: Int?

if var value = aOptional {


guard var value = aOptional else { return }

12) What is fast enumeration?


  • Process of iterating through all elements of a collection in an efficient way. It is faster than general for loop.
let data: [Int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
for value in data {

13) What is Optional Chaining?


  • The process accessing Optional variables’ sub properties or sub sub properties which are again optionals.
  • let value = optionalProperty?.subOptionalProperty?.subSubOptionalProperty
  • If any of the property is optional, the complete result will be nil.
struct Store {
	var name: String?
	var brand: Brand?

struct Brand {
	var title: String?
	var founded: String?

let store: Store? = Store()
// Optional Chaining

14) What is the difference between nil and .none?


  • Both are same
struct Store {
	var name: String?
	var brand: Brand?

struct brand {
	var title: String?
	var founded: String? = .none

let store: Store? = Store()

print(store?.brand?.found == nil) // true

15) What happens when you call a method over optional whose value is nil?


  • Application will crash
struct Store {
	var name: String?
	var brand: Brand!

struct brand {
	var title: String?
	var founded: String? = .none

  func displayTitle() {
		  print(title ?? "no title")


let store: Store? = Store()
// Error

16) What is Type Checking Operator in Swift?


  • “is” is a Type checking operator
var someVar: Any = "Hello I am a String"

if someVar is String {
		print(someVar) // Hello I am a String
} else if someVar is Double {
		print("Some value is double") // This won't be printed

17) What is as?, as! in Swift?


  • as? is Optional Consideration
  • as! is Forceful Consideration
var someVar: Double = 20.0
var aVar: Int = 10

// Forceful Consideration
let forcefulConsiderationResult: Int = aValue + (someVar as! Int)
print(forcefulConsiderationResult) // 30

// Optional Consideration
if let unwrappedSomeVar = someVar as? Int {
	let optionalConsiderationResult: Int = aVar + unwrappedSomeVar
	print(optionalConsiderationResult) // 30

Table Of Contents

Section 1, Data Type

Section 2, Operator

Section 3, Conditional Statement

Section 4, Enum

Section 5, functions

Section 6, struct

Section 7, initializers

Section 8, closures

Section 9, OOP

Section 10, static type vs dynamic type

Section 11, optional

Section 12, generic

Section 13, subscript

Section 14, access specifier

Section 15, higher order function

Section 16, delegate

Section 17, extension

Section 18, Memory Management

Section 19, protocols

Section 20, collections

Section 21, KVO and KVC

Section 22, Exception Handling

Section 23, Framework

Section 24, Objective-C