- Initializer is a method that constructs the object with proper default values.
struct SomeStruct {
init() {}
- Default
- Customized
- Convenience
- Failable
- Required
/*** Class & Struct Initializers ***/
// Default
struct SomeStruct {
// init() {}
// Customized
struct SomeStructWithCustomization {
let value1: String = "value"
let value2: String
init(value2: String) {
self.value2 = value2
init(value1: String, value2: String) {
self.value1 = value1
self.value2 = value2
// Convenience
struct SomeStructWithConvenience {
let value1: String
let value2: String
init(value1: String, value2: String) {
self.value1 = value1
self.value2 = value2
// Convenience init
// Convenience init should initialize `init(value1: String, value2: String)`
// Why doing this? Because it can be convenient
convenience init() {
self.init(value1: "value1", value2: "value2")
// Failable
// Required
protocol SomeStructProtocol {
init(value1: String)
struct SomeStructWithRequiredInitializer: SomeStructProtocol {
let value1: String
required init(value1: String) {
self.value1 = value1
- init is the default initializer in Swift.
struct SomeStruct {
// init() {}
class SomeCalss {
// init() {}
- init method with some input parameters to construct the object with custom values.
class Car {
var model: Int = 0
var speed: Int = 0
var color: String = ""
init() {
self.model = 2022
self.speed = 0
self.color = "Red"
init(model: Int, color: String) {
self.model = model
self.speed = 0
self.color = color
let car: Car = Car()
print(car.color) // Red
let purpleCar: Car = Car(model: 2022, color: "Purple")
print(purpleCar.color) // Purple
Default init method is the designated initializer
- Convenience Initializer is a kind of initializer which sets custom values for a few properties of an Object. Use convenience keyword to create convenience initializer.
- Designated initializer must be called before setting the custom values.
class Car {
let model: Int
let speed: Int
let color: String
init(model: Model, speed: Int, color: String) {
self.model = model
self.speed = speed
self.color = color
//Convenience init must call `**Designated initializer`** first!
convenience init(color: String) {
init(model: 2022, speed: 80, color: color)
let car: Car = Car(color: "Red")
print(car.model) // 2022
let newCar: Car = Car(model: 2024, speed: 120, color: "Blue")
print(car.model) // 2024
- An initializer which may fail to construct Object, User init?(params) to create failable initializers.
class Car {
var model: Int = 0
var color: String = ""
var numberOfGears: Int = 0
init(price: Int) {
if price < 0 {
return nil
self.model = 2019
self.color = "Blue"
self.numberOfGears = 5
- No
class Car {
let model: Int
let speed: Int
let color: String
// init(model: Int, speed: Int, color: String) {
// self.model = model
// self.speed = speed
// self.color = color
// }
convenience init(color: String) {
#warning("Compilation Error")
self.init() // Cannot invoke 'Car.init'
self.color = color
- deinit is a method which gets called automatically when the object is getting cleaned from memory. Additionally, you can dispose any resources in deinit method.
class Car {
let model: Int
let speed: Int
let color: String
init(model: Int, speed: Int, color: String) {
self.model = model
self.speed = speed
self.color = color
deinit {
print("Clear Car Object From Memory")
var car: Car? = Car(model: 2024, speed: 500, color: "Red")
car = nil // Clear Car Object From Memory
#warning("We cannot call deinit method")
car.deinit // not callable
- Designated initializer is common initializer which makes sure all properties of a class are assigned with proper values.
- Convenience initializer calls designated initializer and makes sure all properties are initialized. hen the custom values will be assigned for some properties.
Section 3, Conditional Statement
Section 7, initializers
Section 10, static type vs dynamic type
Section 15, higher order function