A cross platform SMF and SMT compiler for SpringRTS http://www.springrts.com
Tclap 1.2.1
OpenImageIO 1.2
NVTT 2.0
tileconv [options] image1 ... imageN Options -v --verbose, display extra output -q --quiet, supress standard output -e --extract, extract tiles from loaded smt --slow_dxt1, compress slowly but more accurately --cnum , n = -1 no comparison, n = 0 hashtable comparison, n > 0 = tiles to compare to --cpet , pixel error threshold 0.0f-1.0f --cnet , number of errors threshold -i --input , smt to load -o --output , prefix for output -t --tilemap , -s --stride , number of images horizontally -w --width -l --length -d --decals <.csv>, Decal file with format "filename,x,z"
mapconv [options] Options -l --load , smf file to load -s --save , prefix for output -v --verbose, Display extra output -q --quiet, Supress standard output -d --decompile, Decompile loaded map -c --slowcomp, better quality but slower -x --width , Width in spring map units -z --length , Length in spring map units -y --floor , Height of the map in spring map units -Y --ceiling , Depth of the map in spring map units -a --add-smt -i --tileindex-e --heightmap
--lowpass, whether to filter the heightmap with a lowpass filter --invert, whether to invert the heightmap values -t --typemap
-m --minimap
-r --metalmap
-g --grassmap
-f --features