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A lightweight Markdown open publishing tool, based on the Docsify Open Publishing Starter Kit.


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Instantly Turn Online Markdown Files into Web Pages

This open-source web app, built with magical documentation site generator Docsify, lets you publish online Markdown files as web pages without setting up your own website.


Figure 1. Web Page Builder.

All About Docsify-This

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1. Introduction and Overview

What Problem Does Docsify-This Solve?

Docsify-This provides a quick way to transform and style Markdown content into visually appealing web pages without requiring a website setup, build process, or in-depth technical knowledge.

With Docsify-This you can:

  • Instantly publish online Markdown files as standalone web pages or even complete websites — no complex configuration required
  • Maintain full control over your content by keeping files stored in their original locations, such as GitHub or Codeberg
  • Customize web pages with a point-and-click Web Page Builder, avoiding the need for technical expertise or custom development
  • Encourage collaboration with automatic ‘Edit this Page’ links for Markdown files hosted on GitHub or Codeberg, making it possible for collaborative authoring
  • Embed constraint-free Markdown/HTML seamlessly into other platforms (LMS, CMS, etc.), enabling flexible content presentation and cross-platform integration
  • Streamline content reuse by embedding Markdown files across platforms without duplication, reducing redundant workflows and boosting efficiency
  • Tailor the appearance of embedded content dynamically using URL parameters, adapting it to suit the look and feel of each destination platform

Docsify-This Core Design Principles

  • Frictionless Markdown publishing
  • Flexible content display handling
  • Your content, your control
  • Support the 5 Rs of OER
  • Authors helping other authors

How Docsify-This Works

Docsify-This is a customized Docsify Open Publishing Starter Kit site configured to render remote Markdown files via URL parameters in the following format:

The basePath Docsify parameter is the URL path containing the raw source Markdown file to render. If the file is named the expected default then no other parameter are required, otherwise the homepage Docsify parameter must also be included set to the name of the file to render. An example Docsify-This URL would be:

Docsify-This can render files from anywhere that the content of a Markdown file can be viewed within a web browser, including:

  • or repository
  • GitHub Gist (raw source URL required)
  • Personal or organizational webhost
  • Or just about anywhere a raw source Markdown file can be accessed!

To directly render a file stored in a public GitHub repository when not using the above Web Page Builder, you need to use the raw source URL of that file (i.e. by tapping the Raw button when viewing a file. It is also possible to render a file stored in a private GitHub repository by activating GitHub Pages within that repository and then using the GitHub Pages URL of that file (i.e.

The appearance of rendered Markdown files can be customized by optional URL parameters and a small set of available CSS Classes within source Markdown files. In addition to supporting standard Markdown,, H5P, Latex and Mermaid Diagrams are included. Optionally, page annotation with can be enabled.

Looking for an overall introduction to publishing with Docsify-This? Check out Markdown Publishing with Docsify-This.

Read What People are Saying about Docsify-This

I’m blown away just by the fact you put a (Markdown file) URL into Docsify-This and then you get a URL back for a web page… done! Take the URL and go. It is so seamless.
— J. Groom, Reclaim Today Episode 39 (Co-founder, Reclaim Hosting)

I've been using Docsify-This for my graduate publishing production course, partly to explore new models in markdown publishing, but partly also to tame Canvas, which I find awkward and cumbersome. Keeping all my course notes as plain text files and deploying them through Github and Docsify-this is easy and makes my course development a breeze. Plus, I keep all my materials locally, and can use re-use them without being reliant on Canvas.
— J. Maxwell (Director & Associate Professor in the Publishing Program at Simon Fraser University)

Best tool I’ve found in years - this is one of those creations that is just done right, all the way to the core.
— D. Malawey (Multidisciplinary Lab Coordinator, Texas A&M University)

Docsify-This has significantly improved my WordPress themes by being able to seamlessly embed into the interface the same documentation I use in the GitHub repository. This in turn has lead me to write better docs! I've barely scratched the surface of what Docsify-This can do as a simple-to-use web publishing tool.
— A. Levine aka CogDog (Independent Educational Technologist)

Docsify-This has been recognized as a finalist in the Open Infrastructure category for the 2024 Open Education Awards for Excellence — thank you to all maintainers and contributors, and to fellow open publishers, educators, and creators who share their open content with the rest of the world through Docsify-This.

2. Publishing with Docsify-This


The visual appearance of an online Markdown file displayed as a web page by Docsify-This can be altered in two ways:

  • Using the Web Page Builder — This point-and-click tool automatically generates the required Docsify-This URL with the necessary parameters
  • Manually adjusting URL parameters — You can also manually modify the appearance by changing or adding specific parameters to the Docsify-This URL

For example, to display the Markdown file located at with a Docsify sidebar including headings up to 3 levels, the Docsify-This URL is:

And here’s how displays the same URL:

Example Docsify-This URL displayed by Docsify-This The web page displayed by, showing the Markdown file with a sidebar that includes headings up to 3 levels, as specified by the Docsify-This URL.

Page Appearance URL Parameters (Basic)

Learn more about each of the basic Docsify-This URL parameters below, and discover what is possible when combining URL parameters and online Markdown files with a set of ready-to-use Docsify-This markdown templates.

Basic URL Parameters (included in the standard Web Page Builder)


Set a custom title on Browser tab for your web pages with the optional browser-tab-title parameter, for example: Please note to use titles with spaces they must be encoded, so "My Page" would be "My%20Page". Underscores may also be used to represent spaces.


Display a "Edit this Page" link (default location is bottom of page) with the optional edit-link parameter, for example:


Change the default text for a "Edit this Page" link with the optional edit-link-text parameter, for example: Please note to use text with spaces they must be encoded, so "View as Markdown" would be "View%20as%20Markdown". Underscores may also be used to represent spaces.


Change the location of the "Edit this Page" link from the bottom of pages to be the top of pages with the optional edit-link-top parameter, for example:


Set a custom font for your web pages with the optional font-family parameter, for example:,Arial,sans-serif. This parameter can be particularly valuable when trying to better match the visual presentation of embedded content with your destination platform. Please note to use fonts with spaces in their names they must be encoded, so "Courier New" would be "Courier%20New". Underscores may also be used to represent spaces.


Set a custom font size for your web pages with the optional font-size parameter, for example: This parameter can be particularly valuable when trying to better match the visual presentation of embedded content with your destination platform.


Set a custom header font weight (default is 400 - regular) for your web pages with the optional header-weight parameter, for example:


Hide the credits usually shown at the bottom of every displayed Docsify-This page with the optional hide-credits parameter, for example:


Enable page annotation with with the optional hypothesis parameter, for example:


Turn alt text into image captions (using the semantic HTML <figure> and <figcaption> structure) with the optional image-captions parameter, for example:


Set a custom line height for your web pages with the optional line-height parameter, for example:


Set a custom color for all links, defined using the standard hexadecimal format without the '#' symbol with the optional link-color parameter, for example:


Set the maximum header level of the Docsify sidebar with the optional maxLevel Docsify parameter, for example:


Display a Docsify sidebar with the optional sidebar parameter, for example:


Display a page table of contents with the optional toc parameter, for example:


Set the page heading levels (i.e. h1, h2, etc.) to be included in the Page Table of Contents with the optional toc-headings parameter, for example:,h2,h3.


Use a less wide Page Table of Contents with the optional toc-narrow parameter, for example: This parameter can be particularly valuable when embedding content where a smaller screen area is likely.


Enable image zoom (tapping on page images to enlarge them) with the optional zoom-images Docsify parameter, for example: To exclude images, use ![](image.png ":no-zoom").

Page Appearance URL Parameters (Supplemental)

The following additional URL parameters are available for use in Docsify-This URLs, and are included in the Advanced Web Page Builder unless otherwise indicated.

Supplemental URL Parameters (included in the Advanced Web Page Builder)


Display a Docsify custom coverpage with the optional coverpage parameter, for example:


Set a custom color for the coverpage with the optional coverpage-color parameter, for example:


Set a custom color for the coverpage in dark mode with the optional coverpage-color-dark-mode parameter, for example:


Enable dark theme or automatically switch light/dark theme based on system OS-level preference with the optional dark-mode parameter, for example:


Change the default emoji for a "Edit this Page" link with the optional edit-link-emoji parameter (not included in the Advanced Web Page Builder), for example:


Set the font style of image captions with the optional image-captions-font-style parameter (not included in the Advanced Web Page Builder), for example:


Align image caption images with the optional image-captions-image-align parameter (not included in the Advanced Web Page Builder), for example:


Align image caption text with the optional image-captions-text-align parameter (not included in the Advanced Web Page Builder), for example:


Enable the lazy loading of images by Browsers with the optional lazy-load-images parameter (not included in the Advanced Web Page Builder), for example: Please note that enabling lazy loading of images may affect page scroll accuracy, for example by the Docsify Sidebar etc.


Set a custom color for all links in dark mode, defined using the standard hexadecimal format without the '#' symbol with the optional link-color-dark-mode parameter, for example:


Set a custom hover color for all links, defined using the standard hexadecimal format without the '#' symbol with the optional link-color-color parameter, for example:


Set a custom hover color for all links in dark mode, defined using the standard hexadecimal format without the '#' symbol with the optional link-color-color-dark-mode parameter, for example:


Set a custom text decoration for all links, with the optional link-text-decoration parameter, for example:


Set a custom hover text decoration for all links, with the optional link-text-decoration-hover parameter, for example:


You can set a custom Favicon from the image file passed from the optional loadFavicon parameter, for example:


Load a Docsify footer from the Markdown file in the current directory passed with the optional loadFooter Docsify parameter, for example:


Load a Docsify custom navbar from the Markdown file passed with the optional loadNavbar Docsify parameter, for example:


Load a Docsify custom sidebar from the Markdown file passed with the optional loadSidebar Docsify parameter, for example:


Display a logo image for the website in a Docsify custom Sidebar (i.e. file 'logo.png) with the optional logo Docsify parameter, for example: The full folder path and filename must be provided. A website name must also be provided, and will be used as the alt text for the logo.


Merge the Navbar items to the top of the sidebar on smaller screens with the optional mergeNavbar Docsify parameter, for example:


Display the name for the website in a Docsify custom Sidebar (i.e. file ' with the optional name Docsify parameter, for example: When this parameter is provided it will be automatically used as the Browser tab title as well. Please note to use names with spaces they must be encoded, so "My Site" would be "My%20Site". Underscores may also be used to represent spaces.


Set a custom page title at the top of your web pages with the optional page-title parameter, for example: Please note to use titles with spaces they must be encoded, so "My Page" would be "My%20Page". Underscores may also be used to represent spaces.


Display Pagination buttons in page content area (Docsify custom Sidebar required) with the optional pagination parameter, for example:


Enable the Docsify Search plugin (which currently includes matches for text and markup) on multiple page sites including a custom Sidebar with the optional searchbox Docsify parameter, for example:


Set the maximum automatic table of contents header levels in Docsify custom Sidebar (i.e. file ' with the optional subMaxLevel Docsify parameter, for example:


Use the SVG version of Font Awesome icons instead of Web Fonts with the optional svg-icons parameter (not included in the Advanced Web Page Builder), for example:

Embedding Docsify-This Pages into Other Platforms

Canvas LMS

Embed content in Canvas
iFrame code example, including URL parameters to seamlessly match Docsify-This content to Canvas:

    style="overflow: hidden; border: 0px #ffffff none; background: #ffffff;"

If a scroll bar is present, you may want to re-edit your iFrame code and adjust the "height" value.

How do I add an external URL as a module item?
Module external link example, with Page Table of Contents:,Lato,Helvetica%20Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif&font-size=16px&hide-credits=true

Creating a custom link in your course navigation using the Redirect Tool
Redirect URL field example:,Lato,Helvetica%20Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif&font-size=16px&hide-credits=true
Moodle LMS

iFrame (for embedding content within pages)

External tool (for adding a link to course navigation or elements)

Ready-to-Use Docsify-This Markdown Templates

While all you need to get going with Docsify-This is a basic Markdown file, below are some templates you can use that show what is possible with Markdown, images, URL parameters, and even a few HTML snippets!

To use these templates you would generally do the following (template specific instructions are included with each template):

  1. Sign in to GitHub, or create an account if you don’t already have one.

  2. Tap Use this template in the chosen template repository (upper-right green button) and then choose Create a new repository

  3. Choose the name for your new repository to contain the files and then tap Create repository to copy the template files to your own GitHub account

  4. View an included Markdown file, for example, and copy its URL.

  5. Go to and paste the copied URL into the Markdown File URL field

  6. Select the page options you want (e.g. Docsify Sidebar) and tap the Publish as a Web Page button to view your Markdown file as a web page for sharing or embedding

To edit a file in GitHub, tap the Pencil icon (Edit file) in the upper-right when viewing the file, make your changes, and then tap the Commit changes... button to save those changes.

Docsify-This One Page Article Template

One Page Article file displayed by Docsify-This as a:

Docsify-This One Page Course Template

One Page Course file displayed by Docsify-This as a:

Docsify-This Multiple Page Site

Multiple Page Site file, including the use of the Markdown CSS class header-image-full-width, displayed by Docsify-This as:

Docsify-This Open Publishing Site Site Template

Multiple Page Open Publishing Site file, including the use of a Docsify custom Sidebar file, displayed by Docsify-This as:

Docsify-This Course Site Template

Multiple Page Course Site file, including the use of a Docsify custom Sidebar file and Docsify custom Navbar file, displayed by Docsify-This as:

Docsify-This LMS Content Pages Template

Example pages, including the use of the font-family, font-size and hide-credits URL parameters for seamless content embedding within the Canvas LMS, as displayed by Docsify-This:

View an example Canvas LMS site using Docsify-This content at

Example Content Workflows open and collaborative workflow using GitHub Markdown files open and collaborative workflow using GitHub Markdown files. workflow using Webserver Markdown files workflow using Webserver Markdown files.

Editing Docsify-This Markdown Files on your Desktop

When using Docsify-This to display Markdown files located on Git-based services such as GitHub or Codeberg you can download (clone) files to your desktop for local editing and then upload (push) changes back to the online files.

For example, to edit GitHub Markdown files on your desktop you would do the following:

  1. Tap Code on your GitHub Markdown files repository (upper-right green button)
  2. Choose Open Desktop and follow the prompts, installing GitHub Desktop if not already present
  3. You will now be able to edit the Docsify-This Markdown files using the desktop text editor of your choice such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Pulsar (was, Typora etc.
  4. Use GitHub Desktop to push any changes to your repository.

Learn more about getting started with GitHub Desktop.

3. Customization and Advanced Usage

Supported Markdown CSS Classes

The following CSS classes are available when authoring your own Markdown content.

<div class="accordion">
    <summary>Topic One</summary>

    Topic one details here.

    <summary>Topic Two</summary>

    Topic two details here.
<span class="badge"> Tue Jun 12th 11:59pm PDT</span>
<span class="badge" style="--badge-bg-color: #0164db;">
  Tue Jun 12th 11:59pm PDT</span>
  style="--badge-bg-color: #e7c500; --badge-text-color: #000;">
  Tue Jun 12th 11:59pm PDT</span>
<span class="badge">
  [Tue May 16 2:30pm

Cropped to height of 250px on large screens, 125px on small screens.

![UX - User Experience](images/12650723674_d5c85af332_k.jpg ":class=banner-image")

Cropped to height of 350px on large screens, 175px on small screens.

![UX - User Experience](images/12650723674_d5c85af332_k.jpg ":class=banner-tall-image")
[Required Reading Quiz due Jun 4th]( ":class=button")
[:fa fa-download fa-fw:Download]( ":class=button")
  ><i class="fa fa-download fa-fw"></i>Download</a
[Required Reading Quiz due Jun 4th]( ":class=button-rounded")
[:fa fa-download fa-fw:Download]( ":class=button-rounded")
  ><i class="fa fa-download fa-fw"></i>Download</a
[Required Reading Quiz due Jun 4th]( ":class=button-secondary")
[:fa fa-download fa-fw:Download]( ":class=button")
  ><i class="fa fa-download fa-fw"></i>Download</a
[Required Reading Quiz due Jun 4th]( ":class=button-secondary-rounded")
[:fa fa-download fa-fw:Download]( ":class=button-secondary-rounded")
  ><i class="fa fa-download fa-fw"></i>Download</a

For linked article previews, embedded slides/videos, etc.

  >Defining usability</a

Suggested width of 1200px to 2000px.

![Photo of Mountain](images/mountain.jpg ":class=header-image-fade")

Suggested width of 1200px to 2000px, and display of Table of Contents is not available.

![Photo of Mountain](images/mountain.jpg ":class=header-image-fade-full-width")

Suggested size of 1200px to 2000px width and 400px to 600px height, and display of Table of Contents is not available.

![Photo of Mountain](images/mountain.jpg ":class=header-image")

Scale images to %.

![Photo of Mountain](images/mountain.jpg ":class=image-75")

Scale images with border to %.

![Photo of Mountain](images/mountain.jpg ":class=image-75-border")
![Photo of Mountain](images/mountain.jpg ":class=image-border")
![Photo of Mountain](images/mountain.jpg ":class=image-border-rounded")
[GitHub]( ":class=navpill")
[:fab fa-github fa-fw:GitHub]( ":class=navpill")
<a class="navpill" href="" target="_blank"
  ><i class="fab fa-github fa-fw"></i>GitHub</a

Make raw HTML images that include size dimensions responsive.

  class="responsive image-border"
  alt="Docsify-This Web Page Builder" />
<div class="row">
  <div class="column">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  <div class="column">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
row/column with reversed column order
<div class="row reverse-columns">
  <div class="column">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  <div class="column">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
row/column with right-aligned second column
<div class="row">
  <div class="column">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  <div class="column-right">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
<div class="video-container-4by3">
  <div class="video-container-16by9">

Automatically added to all iFrames with the source domains '' or ''.

<div class="video-container-16by9">

Custom Markdown CSS Classes

In addition to the Markdown CSS classes supported by Docsify-This, you can also define your own custom classes within your displayed Markdown files, for example:

CSS in Markdown file:

.markdown-section .mybutton, .markdown-section .mybutton:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
  color: #CC0000;
  height: auto;
  display: inline-block;
  border: 2px solid #CC0000;
  border-radius: 4rem;
  margin: 2px 0px 2px 0px;
  padding: 8px 18px 8px 18px;
  line-height: 1.2rem;
  background-color: white;
  font-family: -apple-system, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-decoration: none;


[Required Reading Quiz due Jun 4th]( ":class=mybutton")

Looking for Even More Customization and Control?

Docsify-This was designed to quickly and easily display one or more remotely hosted Markdown files. For greater customization of file rendering and to ensure consistent availability, even if the public instance was no longer available, you can host your own instance of Docsify-This.

GitHub Instance

To host your own instance on GitHub Pages, which also supports the option of a custom domain, fork or clone the Docsify-This repository to your GitHub account. Then, enable GitHub Pages using the /docs folder.

Codeberg Instance

You can also have an instance of Docsify-This run on Codeberg such as by creating a new repository called pages, then choosing paulhibbitts/docsify-this-app in the template dropdown menu, choosing the Git Content (Default Branch) option and then tapping the Create Repository button.

Alternatively, you can upload the files in the Docsify-This /docs folder into a newly created Codeberg repository and then manually enable Codeberg Pages. An example Docsify-This instance running on Codeberg is available at, which uses a Branch renamed to pages.

Webserver Instance

If you want to run Docsify-This on your own Websever, create a destination folder on your server and then copy the files within the Docsify-This folder /docs to your newly created server folder. You could also use this docs folder as a custom domain root.

A more future-friendly setup would be to fork the Docsify-This repository (to support getting upstream updates) and use a GitHub Action such as FTP-Deploy to deploy all changed repository files to a webserver.

Limiting File Domains

You can limit the domains which remote files can be rendered from by locating the line var allowedDomains = ''; within the index.html file and include your list of allowed domains separated by commas, for example var allowedDomains = ',,';.

Advanced Customization

If you want to further customize and control the presentation of your Markdown content, especially when rendering multiple page sites, you can install your own Docsify Open Publishing Starter Kit (that this hosted web app is based on) and store all Markdown files within that site. You can learn more about the capabilities of Docsify itself at

Looking for some help with getting a Docsify custom-This instance up and running for your organization? Paul provides a range of professional services related to Docsify-This - contact him to learn more.

4. Resources and Additional Templates

Markdown Syntax References

Font Awesome Icons

The display of Font Awesome Free icons within Markdown content is supported with the following format:

:fas fa-home fa-fw:

The above Markdown is equivalent to the HTML markup <i class="fas fa-home fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>.

When using the above shortcode for Font Awesome icons, it is assumed to be for decorative purposes, and so for improved accessibility an aria-hidden="true" attribute is automatically added to the icon. For semantic purposes, it is recommended you refer to the Font Awesome Icons and Accessibility guidelines.

The following style prefixes are available with Docsify-This:

Additional Docsify-This Markdown Files


GitHub Training Manual Working Locally with Git Markdown file, displayed by Docsify-This as a:

Easy Markdown to Github Pages linked set of Markdown files, displayed by Docsify-This as:

A Collection of GitHub Markdown files used as course content within an SFU CMPT-363 Canvas LMS site.

A Collection of GitHub Markdown files with inline CSS used as a multiple page SFU CMPT-363 course site with SFU visual branding and the Docsify Search plugin enabled, multiple page SFU CMPT-363 course site with SFU visual branding and website logo, and an example single Markdown file with default visual styling for embeddeding.

GitHub Markdown Content Demo file, displayed by Docsify-This as a Web Page with 'Edit this Page' link using the new web editor (currently in Beta).

GitHub Markdown Content Demo file, displayed by Docsify-This as a Web Page with 'View raw Markdown' link.

Codeberg Markdown Content Demo file, displayed by Docsify-This as a Web Page with 'View raw Markdown' link.

GitHub's LaTeX Support Examples Markdown file, displayed by Docsify-This as a Web Page with an 'Edit this Page' link.

Mermaid-Docsify Example GitHub Markdown file, displayed by Docsify-This as a Web Page with an 'Edit this Page' link.


Docsify-This Multi-language Site Template, displayed by Docsify-This as a:

Docsify-This Simple Visual Portfolio Template (based on Notion Portfolio Template), displayed by Docsify-This as a:

Docsify-This Visual Portfolio Template (based on Notion Portfolio Template), displayed by Docsify-This as a:

A simple Markdown Student Portfolio Starter Template (based on Markdown Portfolio Template by Justin Thoreson) which is viewable on both GitHub and with, displayed by Docsify-This as a:

Additional Docsify-This Learning Materials


Introduction to Docsify⁠–⁠This
Introductory, beginner to intermediate.
An introduction of Markdown publishing using the open source project Docsify⁠–⁠This.

Self-Publishing with Docsify⁠–⁠This
Intermediate, with a mix of basic and advanced aspects.
An overview to self-publishing with Markdown using the open source project Docsify⁠–⁠This, with a focus on digital literacy.


5. Tips, Techniques, and Troubleshooting

Content Display Tips and Techniques

Matching Fonts with Your Destination Platform Content

Use a page inspector to identify the font family and font size used in the platform you are embedding Docsify-This content in, and then pass that font family using the font-family (encoded, where spaces are replaced with '%20') and font-size URL parameters to Docsify-This. For example, to match fonts with the Canvas LMS:,Lato,Helvetica%20Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif&font-size=1

Providing a Page Table of Contents within a Smaller Area

If you want to include a Page Table of Contents with embedded Docsify-This content, but the destination platform screen area is not very wide, you might want to try the optional toc-narrow display option. For example, to use a narrower Table of Contents area that includes a smaller screen breakpoint:

Including Code Blocks

Using Prismjs code blocks with syntax highlighting is supported for the languages included with Docsify and as well Bash, Go, Java, Kotlin, PHP, Python and Swift. To embed a code block use the Markdown standard of triple backticks and start the block with the name of the language, for example to embed a block of Javascript code with syntax highlight the following would be used:

function test() {
  console.log("Hello world!");

Which would then appear as:

function test() {
  console.log("Hello world!");
Displaying Images in a Grid

3 or more images can be transformed into a responsive grid gallery by including them in lists. For example:

- ![image1](path/to/image1.jpg)
- ![image2](path/to/image2.jpg)
- ![image3](path/to/image3.jpg)

If the source images are of different sizes, whitespace (padding) will be added to the sides or top/bottom to fill the space rather than cropping images.

Change the number of columns (default is 3) with the optional image-grid-columns parameter, for example:

To accomodate a larger number of columns, the optional image-grid-minWidth parameter (default is 200px) can be adjusted, for example:

Use with the optional zoom-images parameter for the ability to view unlinked images at a larger size, for example:

Use the optional image-captions parameter to display alt text below images, for example:

Embedding a Responsive Docsify-This Page in HTML

A fully responsive Docsify-This page can be embedded into an HTML page, using the following as a working example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Demo Embedded Docsify-This Page</title>
    html, body {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      height: 100%;
      overflow: hidden;

    iframe {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      border: none;

  <iframe src=""></iframe>

Including External Markdown Content

The content of external Markdown files can be embedded into Docisfy-This web pages with the following:

[included Markdown from same source location]( ":include")
[included Markdown from URL]( ":include")

For additional examples of including external content, view Docsify Embeded Files.

Use of WikiLinks

WikiLinks format for links and images are supported, as also found in the desktop editor Obsidian and other platforms.

Display of AsciiDoc Files (file extension .adoc)

The display of AsciiDoc files ('.adoc' extension) via DownDoc is possible by manually passing the relevant filenames within a Docsify-This URL (not available in the Web Page Builder), for example:

You can support the display of AsciiDoc files in the Web Page Builder of your own instance of Docsify-This by locating the function getAllowedFileExtensions() within the index.html file and add the file extension '.adoc' to the return statement, for example return ".md,.adoc";.

Display of HedgeDocs Files

The display of HedgeDoc files containing basic Markdown (as well as Mermaid and MathJax elements) is possible by manually using 'download' for the homepage URL parameter within a Docsify-This URL (not available in the Web Page Builder), for example:

Here is an additional example, using the HedgeDoc file (seen in split-screen view) and and rendered as a web page by Docsify-This

You can support HedgeDoc URLs (e.g. in the Web Page Builder of your own instance of Docsify-This by locating the line var hedgedocInstances = ''; within the index.html file and include your HedgeDoc instances separated by commas, for example var hedgedocInstances = '';. Try out a demo instance of Docsify-This with support for files at

Use of Camel Case (e.g. camelCase) Format for URL Parameters

You can use camel case instead of hyphens for the names of Docsify-This URL parameters if prefered. For example,,h3&edit-link= and,h3&editLink= are equilivent.

Use of New Web Editor

To use the new web editor (currently in Beta) for 'Edit this Page' links, change to for files entered into the Web Page Builder Markdown File URL field.

Making a Markdown File Available Online

There are multiple ways to get a raw Markdown file available online, here are three options to help you get started:

GitHub or Codeberg:

  1. Signup for a GitHub or Codeberg account
  2. Create a new repository and upload your Markdown file
  3. View the uploaded file, and copy/paste that URL into the Docsify-This Markdown File URL field

Gist (GitHub Gists):

  1. Signup for a GitHub account
  2. Create a gist with your Markdown file at
  3. Enter a filename ending with .md (e.g.
  4. Choose Create public gist and tap on that button
  5. Tap on Raw button in the upper right of your Gist field and copy/paste that URL into the Docsify-This Markdown File URL field

Personal or Organizational Website:

  1. Obtain login information for your server
  2. Upload the Markdown file to your server
  3. Navigate to the location of that file, view the contents in your Browser, and copy/paste that URL into the Docsify-This Markdown File URL field

Improving Markdown Previews in Text Editors

Some text editors, such as Microsoft Visual Studio (including the online web editor), have the ability to link your own CSS so Markdown previews are more visually accurate. If your editor supports this ability, the below CSS files can be used.

Docsify-This (based on the Docsify Open Publishing Starter Kit) CSS:

FontAwesome CSS:

Enhanced Previews with Microsoft Visual Studio

For an even closer visual representation of your Docsify-This pages in Microsoft Visual Studio, do the following:

  1. Install and enable the docsify-Preview VSCode Extension
  2. Download and unzip the Docsify-This GitHub repository
  3. Place the folder of Markdown files to be rendered by Docsify-This inside of the unzipped repository docs folder
  4. When viewing a Markdown file, right-click in the content area and select a docsify Preview option

TIP: If you change the VSCode setting for Workbench › Editor: Show Tabs to single then the docsify preview area will remain in place as you edit multiple Markdown files.

Loading Web Page Builder Custom Settings

You can load custom default settings in the Docsify-This Web Page Builder by also using URL parameters. This ability can be helpful in a range of situations, including:

  • Producing multiple web pages/sites with consistent styling
  • Conducting online sessions or workshops where specific configurations are to be explored
  • Facilitating support and collaboration among Docsify-This users

Along with the standard Docsify-This URL parameters, the Web Page Builder also offers the following specific parameters:


You can even just type in front of an online Markdown file URL that you are viewing (such as files hosted on GitHub, Codeberg, or raw source files) to instantly set up the Docsify-This Web Page Builder with that file. Once the Web Page Builder loads, press the Return key — no need to leave the keyboard — to see Docsify-This display the Markdown file as a web page! For example,


For example, the following URL will display the Advanced Web Page Builder, with the Markdown file URL set to, the site name 'CPT-363' along with a Docsify custom Sidebar and Navbar to be included:

The quickest way to create such a shareable URL is to use the Docsify-This Web Page Builder to generate a Docisfy-This web page URL, and then replace the URL parameter basepath with url-field using the full path of the source Markdown file URL. For example, the URL would be changed to

Pre-configured Settings for Embedding Docsify-This Content


A '404' File not Found message is Displayed

The provided basePath parameter and/or optional homepage parameter may not be correct, verify that these items lead to accessible content. This error message may also result from a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy, which restricts resources on a web page to be requested from another domain. If possible, relocate files to a domain that supports cross-origin requests or alternatively if the domain in question is under your control explore re-configuring CORS related settings. You can confirm the cause of the 404 message by viewing the errors displayed in the Browser Javascript Console.

When displaying GitHub Markdown files, the branch name is assumed to be main, and other paths will likely cause a 404 file not found message. When displaying Codeberg Markdown files, the path is assumed to contain /src/branch/main and other paths will likely cause a 404 file not found message.

The 'Edit this Page' Links are not Working

Due to not being able to update Navbar or custom Sidebar links before page rendering, 'Edit this Page' links cannot be automatically updated to their correct target pages. Manually pass a URL pointing to the Git Repository using the URL parameter edit-link as a workaround, for example and

Updated Markdown file not Displayed in the Browser

Docsify is likely displaying the last cached version. To ensure the most recent version of a file is loaded, do a hard refresh of your Browser cache.

Embedded Image not Displayed

The most likely cause for embedded images in Markdown not being displayed as expected is the use of relative paths (i.e. ![Alt Text](images/filename.jpg)) - review image paths and ensure the full path to each image is used (i.e. ![Alt Text](/folder/images/filename.jpg)). Likewise, if images in HTML are not being displayed as expected the likely cause is again the use of relative paths (i.e. <img src="images/filename.jpg" alt="Alt Text">) - use absolute URLs for HTML image sources (i.e. <img src="" alt="Alt Text">).

Embedded iFrame not Displayed

Due to iframe cross-domain issues embedded content may not be able to be displayed. Use the included rich media embed service as a workaround.

For example, the following iFrame HTML:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width=780" height="585" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Would be changed to:

  >Grav and Docsify Slides Placeholder</a
Docsify Sidebar is not Displaying Header Levels

When displaying a Docsify Sidebar or custom Sidebar, it is expected that page header levels start with a H1 level header.

Search Results do not Return all Expected Matches

When the search field is enabled in a Docsify custom Sidebar, only pages listed and linked in the Sidebar will be indexed for the search. Any pages linked in an optional Navbar will not be included in searches.

Search Results include Duplicate Matches

The most likely cause for this issue is using a page name as the homepage link in a custom Docsify Sidebar. Try to change the homepage link to the default value /, assuming the homepage filename is already being passed as a URL parameter.

Multiple Embedded Scripts are not Working as Expected

Docsify-This (as with Docsify itself) will only execute the first script included in a Markdown page, as described in the Docsify documentation.

6. Support and Policies

Privacy Policy Summary

  • This website is hosted by GitHub Pages, which is GDPR compliant
  • Only this web page (containing the Web Page Builder) uses Google Analytics in a GDPR manner
  • Web pages generated by remote Markdown files are not tracked in any manner by Google Analytics
  • The web service H5P is automatically loaded when displaying remote Markdown files
  • The open source JavaScript tools Mermaid and MathJax are automatically loaded via jsDelivr when displaying remote Markdown files
  • The web service is only loaded if chosen when displaying remote Markdown files
  • The web service is only loaded if Embedly Card elements are present in remote Markdown files

Contact and Support

Have you tried out Docsify-This? Share your feedback about Docsify-This

By leveraging his extensive UX design expertise and systems-oriented approach, Paul helps teams and individuals utilize open content in a range of education and publication settings, especially in connection with his Markdown-based Docsify and Grav CMS open-source projects. Professional services include user experience and workflow consulting, premium support subscriptions, workshops, and custom development. Sound of interest? Send a note to [email protected].

This open source project is by Paul Hibbitts of

🙇🏻‍♂️Special Thanks
Beau Shaw for his Remote Docsify example.
Alan Levine for the inspiration of a consolidated ReadMe collection.


A lightweight Markdown open publishing tool, based on the Docsify Open Publishing Starter Kit.



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