Set the contrast for each of your games and see more. 👀
Flash is an application that allows you to set the gamma and brightness values depending on the application you are using. Its main purpose is to aid vision in FPS games.
No Flash is not a cheat. It should not be detected by programs like VAC, EAC etc. It works in the same way as Redshift works.
You must have these programs to run Flash.
NOTE: These dependencies are not provided in the AppImage version
- pwdx
- xdotool
- xprop
- xrandr
sudo apt-get install procps xdotool x11-utils x11-xserver-utils
sudo pacman -S procps-ng xdotool xorg-xprop xorg-xrandr
sudo dnf install procps-ng xdotool xorg-x11-utils xorg-x11-server-utils
Unfortunately, Flash only supports X11. In the future, I plan to add Wayland's support.